Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 13, 1849, Image 2

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THE JO - URN ),L, ,' w.... M. Meredith. Oen. Taylor.
We catinot refrain from specially noticing NOW that Gen, Taylor has been inaugurated, e [From the North American.] 0110 Who truly levee ens country, I will zeulous
- THE INAUGURATION. ly unite with the ea:Ablate branches of the gov
erament. From the National Intelligencer.l
Extraordinary Leifer--General
Shields to Ilon. S. Breese.
ic,1,110915 , 7,41i 0' AWNINO• Ithe
' cumO ]invent paid to Pennsylvenia, by Gen. , and, in accordance with his promiee, selected a WASIIIWITON, March ri, IS ie. • In conclusion, I cengratulate you, my fellow
Taylor, in the appointment of WM. M. Aisne- Cabinet •• from among the best and purest
goodness of Divine Providence has has addresse'd to Judie Breese the following
At twelve o'clock, there assembled in the ,citizens, upon
, rhe high state of prosperity to Gen. Shields, since his arrival in Washington
MTH, to be Secretary of the Treasury. Be- Whigs of the country," we suppose the Cass Senate, in conformity with the areangements of which the good
!toying that the peculMr interests of Pemisyl- papers will cease their idle stories about Gen. the Committee of the Senate, proceeded to the conducted our common country. Let us invoke
a continuance of the metre protecting care
Ven:Norm+ Feb. 2n, lees?.
vania would be better offiseeeed by receiving I Taylor not being a Whig—that his election , most amazing letter . .
Eastern Portico of the Capitol, in the following which has led as from email beginnings to the . ' '
i ce , -
- '''''''• - '' ' l: • Department thanany other post i Was not a Whig victor that be would turn order : , Hon. Sidneyßreese
_ ~
.; . AL. the reasury a . eminence we this day occupy, ated let us seek to
be the Cabinet, we ventured th recommend lit tTYler on the hands a the Whig party, &c., The Mershal of the District of Clolumbia.• deserve that continuance by prkience and mod
leo—broken in constitution, feeble in heulth,
bir—On my return to this cduntly from Mex
coition ill our I'l • bywell dt tett at
- • • 7-- ' - o 'Z''''' -' '
r eminse • ' • i. ' " and still suffering under the effect of wounde
he Supreme Court of the United -States. tempts to assuage the bitterness walth too often . . . •
• our paper of January 23d, the appointment df All these stories have elready bees falsified, ./..
end we would advise their anthers to be moire The s , i ,
e geant-at-Arms of the Senate. you were the only man in the city of Washing
-- -
Mr. M. to this post. marks unavoidable difference of opinion; by
, Tide appointment, We ate pleased to observe, cautious in future about setting up for prophets. ,
rho Committee of Arrangements. the promulgation and practice of just and liber
al principles ; and by . enlarged patriotism ton who received nee with coldness and unkind
ness. When the city honored me Wi th a public
which was generously intended not only
* is hailed by the press of the State with the which shall acknowledge no limits but those of dinner , .' '
Every one who has bad au opportunity to see
htert The President elect and ex-President.
our own wide spread republic, as a compliment to me but. to my State, you
most cordial approbation. Even the opposition and converse with Gen. Taylor are delig
with the old Hero. He possesses in an eminent , The Vice President, ex-Vke President, and
Secretary of the Senate. ZACHARY TAYLOR. I were the onlyeman who declined to attend that
press are unable to say aught against, and some
---- ---- 1 dinner. • You went Thrther : you piopogated e
The Menfficrs of the Senate. Accident and Death. report here in
. Walliington, ned cireulnted :,t
- commend the appeintment. In point of ability, degree, the faculty of maaing all who call upon
TERMS: Mr. Meredith will rank with the first men of the him feel perfectly at ease in his company.
The Diplomatic Corps. We regret to learn from the Urbana Gneette, nfterwerde in tainoi,, that I WOR iIIC/IgiblO la
the o. , l::
d i
%en of Senator, and this too wit. i . had
The "Ileeneenox JonEIAL” is publieheelet : Nation. In Ids intercourse, heis kindatsochl— friend writes us from Washington that he pos-
The Mayors of Washington and Georgetown. that Mr. D 'MD Von., a highly esteemed citi-
N o 0 „ e , ( sasses this faculty M a greater extent than any
and the other persons admitted on the floor of zen of West Liberty, came to his death on the
the following rate, viz : .1.1 1 1,75 a Yeer , lf Paid ! in his retainers plait and unassuming. out my blood like water on the bailie
' Fields of my country.
in advance ; eft ,00 if paid during the year, and :
.. e . - led• , . _ public man he ever met. He says ais worth
Litt. Senate. I , lth of February last, by a melancholly acci- , you published an article in the St. I.onW Re
s 12,00 • if not until after the exptration of ,vi :en .y knowge of physiognomy, can ap . .
President Taylor smell aftet delivered his In- &ht. His srin was drivitig the team, when the publican chaeging me with inelegielliry—doing
the year. The above terms to be adhered to in i proach him without feeling that he is in t .
h e a visit to Washington M makrethe " old man's" " ' ' •
ell cases. A d
presence of a great master spirit. n .
acquaintance. And, indeed, from all the tutor-
augural Address which was listened to thtough- horses became frightened and thii off. In at- that which I thought no man in these United
States would have been mean enough to do in
No subscription taken fur less than six months, ' what makes the man peculiarly interesting, is melon we have received, we are fully convin- ' .
oat with the moo profound attention.
and no paper discontinued until all arrears es '
the fact that honesty and frankness are as un- cad that the hopes of the Whig party in elect- tempting to stop them, Mr. Y. caught the lead my case, even if. it had been true. You, how-
On the conclusion of the Address, the oath horse, and in doing so became entangled in the ever, did this, knowing it tole, untrue. On
are paid, melees at the option of the publishes, i ing Con. Taylor will be fully if not more than
mistakably portrayed on his Matures, as genius • of office was administered to the President of lines, and was thrown upon the ground—the this subject I have, simply to say, that had I
be. defeated by you on tha ground, I had
the United States by the Chief Justice ; after wagon passed ditectly over him, causing his
1MML"...47‘2347411-7C71745"72323a72.12' 1 l eis a Lawyer , 'Mr. Meredith stun& in the
in say heart that ott never should have
Death of Hon. Jolson Blanchard. I
which the members of the Senate, preceded by death in about an hour. Mr. . Yoder was about 7: fi r t u rrl in your Bnerei: and depend upon it, i
front rank of his profession in the United States. I Gen. Taylor--Applicants for Office.
The melancholy intelligence of the death of .
the Vice President, Secretary and Sergeant-at- 49 years of age, and has left a large famly to would have kept that vow regardless of eons,.
Be has not been much in public life. In earlier " Independent," writing from Washington to
our late much reepected representative in Con
yeare, he represented Philadelphia in the State the North American, says: "It is underrtood, Arms, returned to the Senate Chamber. mourn his untimely loss. •• lie came to this quences. That, however, is now passed, snit
grass, the. Hon. JOIIN BLANCHARD, was received ,
Legislature, and more recently was a member upon sufficient authority, that the. President •
Ile ceremony has been of the rnoet solemn ' country," says the Gazette, "about four years the
. vow is cancelled by your defeat. WI yl,
address you now is simply this :--In 1840 you
in this place on Saturday night last. He died '
I ago from It county, Pa., and has sustained
of the Convention to reform the Constitution— will not entertain personal appeals for office,
gave me something in the shape of a final cer
and imposing character.
at Colnmbia, Lancaster county, Pa., on Friday in which body he maintained an exalted rank. having established the rule, after a conference
the Character of an honest and industrious ctrl- tificate of Naturalization in Effingham Court.
morning last. Mr. B. has been in delicate In politics he has always been a moderate, but with his Cabinet , that all applications foroffice ze). His death is much regretted by all who You knew at the time that I was naturalized by
or ; law, and by the naturalization .of my father
'health for some years, but up to .within a few decided Whig- must be submitted through the department to knew him."
days of the close of the seesion be occupied his We congratulate our readers on this appoint- which they appropriately belong. This is not PRESIDENT TAYLOR.
Elected by thel while I was a minor. I told. you the circuit,
American People to the high- Secretary of the Treasury.
. , . . stances, and, as I then talked of going M Cana
eeat in the House, and hit name appeared on anent. Pennsylvania has been honored with only a wise, but it is a proper regulation, and
est office known to our laws, I appear here to . The Ilarrtshorgairnocretie Union [hue speaks da in case of war, you offered to. give me a car-.
every call of the yeas and nays. After the in- the most important station in Gen. Taylor's one that will relieve Gen. Taylor from disa- take the oath prescribed by the Constitution; of Mr. Meredith's appointment. The Union tificaM which would simplify the proof in caso
auguration, Mr. B. set out for his home in corn- Cabinet. And every Pennsylvanian must feel greeable impportunity, and establish the Calii• and, in compliance with a time-honored custom, . of difficulty.
is the acknowledged organ of the Democratic Now I wish you to give tine a letter acknowl
pany with Mrs. Blanchard, his son, and two a secret pride that thatstation is filled by a man net on that dignified and elevated footing by to address those who are now assembled.
' edging the farts. I write you a private letter
other friends, lit appears, however, that he 'of such commanding abilities and great purity , which every member may feel himself honored Tice confidence and respect shown . by my party of this State.
countrymen in calling me to be the Chief Meg- •• Mr. Meredith is a distinguished lawyer, El Mr the porpoee. I should have sent It friend at
wee unable to proceed further than Columbia, of character as Wm. lel. MEREDITH. lin occupying the station. Besideset is meat- i:t i r i a n te of u Republic holding a high rank among man of the most profound learning and reseal:di, once and imperatively demanded such a letter,
an his tray thither.
Millwood Academy. feetly right in itself, that applications 'should the nations of the earth, have inspired me with and whose private character is without blemish, but I felt that- in disgracing you I should dis
'tate that had made you and myself
Mr. Blanchard was about 50 years of age.— :be examined and considered in the Departments feelings of the most profound gratitude; but, so far as we have ever heard. Ile et possessed
re a n7to t r h e e rt s nil fats° with.' to give you in 'op
The advertisement of this Institution, recent-
Tor many years he was the leading Lawyer in
ly established at Shade Gap, in this county, by het. '" the appointing P ew " is caned upon tr) stu n ts ' t r h e e g i e r e t t sa t rTi l a t' lit i ; ra c s " be a s n tle t d,lnn e p c' o ffi s c e e s e l' h f ri s r ' • i r g e l l ' l i s e e n r l lliTi l e e s nt o ' f e S n e e c il r r e Y tis a r nd o i tt: t Te ' a: l P .
~ Portunit ' y to make this acknowledgement relit:
hie circuit ; and for the last four years repro- exercise his Executive functions. It affords se- the discharge of the most arduous duties, and with credit M himself, to his native State, at r ia i/e• If, however, you persist in your cOurse of
JAMES Y. & J. H. W. McGisses, will be found .
Mjuetice toward rue and refuse tide request, 1
sented this District in Congress, with great' curia M the public service .d prMection to the involves the weightiest obligations, I am con- the Union; is moderate and liberal in his viewe;
in another column. We are pleased to learn '
Isere give you fair warning. Let the conse
credit. He enjoyed the confidence and esteem . 1 p res id en t. More Until this, it destroys the &n- scions that the position which I have been call- has not been mixed up in the turmoil and strife
that it is already attracting attention, .d re
quencs fall on your own head. I shrill hold
ed to fill, though sufficient to satisfy the loftiest of party for many years past.
of all who knew him. Of him it can be said ' e . ' I stem which became so much in vogue
calving an encouraging share of public f avor ._ , emus sy
ambition, is surrounded by fearful responsibili- : i myself ['quitted, both before God and man, Mr
with truth, and is conceded by all, he Was an , under the deceased dynasty, of augmenting the ties. Happily, however, in the performance of Mr. Corwin and the Cabinet. !
the eon,. I shall feel bound to pursue towerii
The location is excellent, both us regards health ,
noexer MAN. Ills death will be deeply mourn- , i influence of the one man power." my new duties, I shall not be without able co- The Georgetown (Ky.) Herold publishes a ' You. Your obedient servant.
and the moral atmosphere which pervades the
ed by his relatives, and sincerely regretted by operation. The Legislative and Judicial bran- letter from Gen. FLOURNOY to Mr. Conwix, :la- , •
surrounding neighborhood. The gentlemen :. Foreign News. cites of the government present prominent ex- ITo this extraordinary epistle, Judge %geed
a urge circle of friend,
having charge a this Institution are possessed The Meamship America arrived at H red dJan'y,l2, inguring if he was going into Gen.
alifax amples of distinguished civil attainment, and lakes the. following reply.' '
el e give the moet
of fine literary attainments; the senior is an on the 9th inst., bringing le days later news matured experience ; and it shall be my endeavor Taylor's cabinet. Mr CORWIN'S reply was as . 11
important parts at length :
CT' A. K. Cornyn, Esq., will please accept
eloquent clergyman • fromT• to call to my assistance in the Executive De- follows :
of the Presbyterian faith, Europe.
our thanks Mr numerous favors during the past
, and the junior has for some years been devoted e grain an oue mar e is u t ou
and purity of character will furnish ample c. .. .
l The extraordinary character of
week. ' much change in prices. Cotton has advanced DEAR vI..NLRAI. .—I received your note •
Ito teaching. Several bop from this place have guaranties for the faithful and honorable per- above letter from General Shields, received
considerably. last eversion - If I were much mod-
GEN. TAYLOR% CABINET. , been sent to this Institution, and we recom- The political intelligence is of the most plea- formance of the trusts to be committed to their o• - • lessthrough the mail on the morning of the 211 b in
charm With such aids, and an honest purpose est than I rally am, I should blush Sllll slant, iMpOiCS upon me the necessity of givin e : ,
'in d it to the attention of all having eons or sin nature. Order is gradually being restored e •
In our last number we gave a list, which we ' en . . g to do whatever is right, I hope to execute dili-
cur the over estimate your partiality it publicity, with some c•initnents thereon. I
1 wards whom they desire giving a preparatory on. .
the continent and confidence as a g result is
then believed Mbe correct, of the members se- T 1 FrenchAssemblyh b di
s- reigning. le, as been is- gently, imparthdly, and for the best interests of ,• Il put on illy poor abilities and still have, therefore, 1o ask of you sufficient space
the country, the manifold duties devolved upon " ' • iii your columns Mr that 'air os .
!acted by General Taylor as members of his , " bur "' i solved. erhe popularity and power of Louis poorer efforts, For the friendship which , •• • • • I . P 7 e e
idatine. The effect of these me *
Cabinet, without vouching Mr its entire accu- Change in halding Elections.
! Napoleon
is s ee o ' l le s e t i nbilit 'in thegreat ent er In the discharge of these duties, my guide thus abuses your better judgment, I eat, Not the least of th e many remarkable pees,
racy. Since then we have received a correct i A bill has been passed both Houses of the '
is . soothe an Y d quiet .` re will be the Constitution which I this day swear not but feel grateful, nay proud ; I only gee of the, letter of General Shields is the rol
agitation over ,‘ a ,
list which we publish below, viz : ! Legislature and been signed by the Governor, the entire continent. The &sir:. of a rational, to othsorve, protect and defend." For the regret that I cannot fulfill the expecta- lowing:—" Oit this subject I have simply to
Interpretation of that instrument„ I shall look tart' that, had I been defeated by you on that
John M. Clayton, of Delaware, Secretary of changing the place of holding the township constitutional and practicable liberty is every - which such friends must indulge.
to the riecteems of the Judicial 1 ribuitals es- ;lions, ground, (the ground of ineli ibilit I br u t
Slate., elections in Henderson township from the for- where succeeding the wild visions of the social- ~„ . .
taulisneu . by its authority, and to the practice 1 have no more idea of going into siTsror 'in wit heart that you o g ees,. should 4,1
Wm. M. 'Meredith, of Pennsylvania, Secre- mar place to the Court House, in Huntingdon. fists. The
is Te e v a e t r t r tu sr e c o l; o i t t i u t s ltbrightening hor
of the Government under the earlier! resident, Gen. 'Tay lors' cabinet than of a trip to pr4ted by your ancress ; and depend up o n i,,
Lary of the Treasury. I Also, a bill changing the Mace of holding The Grand p e k e or Tuscany has &d from who had so large a sham in its Mrmation. To to 1
e moon. In the first place, if Getter- : /wood hare keys mY rou• reeardimt eireoa3 , -
the , example of those illustrious patriots shall of
Certainly it . is fortunate for the honor
George W. Crawford , a Georgia, Secretary : elctions in Tod township from the Mrmer place Vienna with his Mmily, and taken reeuge at of T. is the sagacious gentleman I hope
always defer with reverence; and especially to a the country that this rash "vote" has been
of War. Lo a the Green School House. • 1 Port San Stefano. A provisional government .to find him, he will not have me there ;
who was, by so many titles, •• the •• cancelled" by my defeat ! Gen. Shields sub
' has been declared y x p
red b the excited people of a his example
Wm. B. Preston, of Virginia, Secretary of ; These changes have been made in accordance , ' • • • Father of his Country." , and 2dly, were he to ask it, on his bend- mils his pretensions tea seat i
i part of Italy.n th e S enate to a
the Navy. , with the prayers of petitioners from those Rome has been declared a Republic. The To commaild the Arnw and Navy of the Uni- ed knees, I would not consent. . DeinomMic caucus of the Illinois Legislature,
I red States, with the advice and consent of the
Judge Collamer, of Vermont, Post Master Mwnships. °Bowing item we clip from the news : He will be attacked, by southern dean- "nd agrees e "P r " sl Y' " r b Y the clearest imPli-
Senate ; to make Treaties and appoint Ambits- cation, that he will abide their decision. and
The Legislature. " We have from Rome the important intern
. Bence of the deposition of . the Pope, and the es- sailors and other officers ; to give to Congress oerats especially, on Isis supposed post- , yet it appears that at this very moment '.. he
Reverdy Johnston, of Maryland, Attorney ! information of the state of the Union, and roc- lion on the Wilmot Proviso. A sent had sworn in his heart" to defeat the will of .
We are without our usual lh •
rrisburg lethr. mbliehment of a Republic. This event took
General. ommend such measures as he shall judee to be held by me in his Cabinet, would be the party if it had pronounced in fever of hi ,
Nothing of special interest to our readers has place at 1 o'clok on the morning of the 9th of necessary; •s my • I t takea. that the I. • shall
Thomas Ewing, of Ohio, Home Department. February. It has be - en voted that he shall en- he'Listheee'tsem executed—these care i,., the ','. n " n s siin proof positive against him, on that point.
' ~ most p i r i o s r i ii h n i e , nt competitor; and, in order to
transpired duringthe week. Several bank bills
It is apparent from a glance at these names,
areow before te Lei - slMure. In the House , joy all the guarantees necessary for the lade- portant fun'et e io ' ns entrusted to the President b; I would no more allow him to be assail- tr ` a c t 7„ l. , ) , a„as's;,Pialltr;lol7'foiregdieurrsti'eli:),Pw"po'L
p ence of his spiritual power." the Constitution; and it may be exPeeeed that ed through me,thon f would thrust a nuns import of his languaee. Such a design and such
imp a cotemporary, that the Cabinet is thor-
where the Locofocos ;awe the ma' • '1 - end
- -
majority at pros- Whig, and combines more talent and ' Col. Corn n. I shall, briefly, indicate the principles Which . between my head and a bullet. In the a deed are revolting to the .emeri,•an mind, and
, ent, the Individual liability principle has been , will control me in their execution.
all foretell to the American character• They
next place, fools and demagogues
practice' ability', than .y which has preceded ' I The Harrisburg correspondent of the Pitth
worth only or the meet ' f •g
repudiated. . . Chosen by the body of the people under the
over the Republic could talk, and with „hue?' If ' our political eirli'n=l;l6 •r of
it, since the first days of the Republic. The • bur. DailyDespatch thus speaks of the rep- assurance that the Government, so far as I could
Senate has passed a bill preventing con- e•
The • influence its administration, would be devoted effeet, of nty position on the Mexican
elevation of such men to the responsible posi- I - resentative from this county:glad with or Mllowed by personal violence. ILO:,
orMions of all kinds from issuing anything in , to the welfare of the whole country, and not to War :—All those shafts (if they fly at long- will our olden, system endure 1 Without
liana they now occupy, P
py, furnishes the highest
the nature of a paper currency, under very
shall strike my own bosom, and further comment, I submit this extraordinei y
evidence of the discernment and capacity of the half ofa gentleman that deserves well of our thesu i rdeo r r st of any
o,i r d rticular o, s , - c t t h it e en de o c r l, ,z i r o e: i y all)
heavy penalties. This is right. The same people, and from an especial notice. Mr. local none other :—C3en. Taylor should se- , P ,i;',7 i s s a i g i , e „.,, ° „, l .l pa c t ° , l „t er ",, t ,t , " r ""did men,
President. It gives . assurance of the ability I ave heretofore made, arri4roclaim declarations
fixed '
kind of ,a Law should he passed in relation to C'nr,e
,yv, m Huntingdon,) delivered a speech lect men to whom no such positive ob- love and respect
with which the affairs of the govornmeirt will 1 (on ti l l i e n' m ( e i tter a - first '
poken of in the rst part of my . .
deMrmination to maintain, to the extent of my the laws and institutions of our country. end
Individual Bankers.
ability, the government in its originel purity, jaction exists. Let me hear from you desire to guard and defend them against all vio.
be administered in all its departments, bat in , letter,) which Mr legal tact, sound argument, .
dto adopt as the basis of my public policy often. I 'Minn.
none more so than in that of the Treasury. It . Gen. Shields and Judge Breese. 1 and touching eloquence, I have rarely heard
'those "i great republican doctrines which consti- '
equalled; not in this ball at all events. Mr. C.Truly your friend, , Gen. Shields sap :•• In 1810 I gave him
must afford matter of exultation, that from : The letter of Gen. Shields, the newly elected totes the strength of our national existence. I sontethiag in the y sha ej'
's preposessing in his manners, of very hand- • THOS. CORWIN. 1 .- •,.' " •flaaj eere , :fleate of
among the number of distinguished name. pre- Senator from-Illinois, to Judge Breese the reti- some person, with a rich melodious voice, 'that In reference to the Army and Navy, lately „ ~., ; Mait,/,..,di0n, whteh was M " Simplify the
employed with so much distinction on active Lien. r LOURNOY.
seated to the Executive, that of Wele M. ring Senator from that State, together with the is heard ringing throughout the Hall. His gas- i proof'in case of difficulty." The naturalization
MEREDITH, one of the most distinguished of principal part of the reply of the IMMr, will be ture's are purely natural, with nothing of that
t service,
condition uare shallo of
o be i taken ene - . a ,
atURDER.—A e - htscking - rmorder was i la i ws do
.:;n the
e re s cognize " something" or aey
stitdied effort which makes a man awkward. , :leg e_i h 119,e of a final certificate" to
Pennsylvania's sons, should have been selected Mund in another part of this paper. Gen. of that object the militar y and navalfurtherance
committed in New York on Tuesday nf
schools, . I simplify proofin case of difficulty," or Mr
to preside over the Financial Department of Shields' letter is a most extraordinary docu- The Inaugural. sustained by the liberality of Congress shall re- tern•ion, upon the body of a woman ' any other purpose. How, then, could I, a Mr
the Government. His great ability for the st a . ' meat, such an one as should consign its author The Inaugural, as a whole, will of course be calve the special attention of the Executive• known as Mrs. Margaret E. Walker, ' cult judge, have given him any such paper [—
lion must be admitted by all parties, and his ft, infamy and obscurity, instead of a seat in the attentively read by every one ;—but there are wife of Thomas J. Mincer, a gentleman
thine in all efforts extend the blessing, °few- . . probability to support it. The truth is no such
appointment shows that General Taylor has not U• S. Senate. two paragraphs which more particularly Mre- i it and political liberty; but, M the came time, of fortune, well known in that city. Be- , " certificate , weaever given by me. is,
i •
been unobservant of the false position bo o The eligibility of Gen. Shields Lae been re- shadow the policy of the administration, and We are teamed by the admonitions of history tween 3 and 4 o'clock. an old lady occu- or may not, have procured a copy o r th e re n ee k r ‘ ,i
which Pennsylvania bag been forced by a re e k- ' tarred to a committee, headed by Messrs. Ben- these NVO here copy to bring them prominently and the voice of our own beloved Washington eying the upper part of the house heard of his naturalization under the seal of the court
to abstain from entangling alliances with foreign and thM is the only certificate I could havo MIT
tens and proscriptive dynasty, whose existence ,ton and Webster. . before our readers. If they do not proclaim a •. . .-• the report of I/ pistol proceeding from
nations. In all disputes between conflicting connexion with directly or ii cl . •t 1 • Th
has terminated. It shows, ne far as an act can ' thorough Whig policy we it not know what the lower front parlour, which was oc
governmeists, it is our interest not less than first and only knowledge I evei ' " 3'
Rioting on the Railroad.
• had of General
ahow, that he properly estimates the true inter- the words mean• our ditty to remain strictly neutral; ; while our copied by Mr. and Mrs. Walker, and Shields' father, either in connexion with his sit-
There has been • • '
considerable rioting among
este of the Keystone State, and gives assurance the hands employed• • Ai In all disputes between conflicting geographical position, the genius of our institii. rushino• into the room, she discovered izenship or in any other connexion, I derived
on the railroad above this ,
cheering for the future. : governments it is our interest not less
our people, the advaneing spirit of Mrs. Ak T alker lying on the floor bathed ' from. article published in the Sr. Lulli.,. Re
place for some time back. The cause of these • and, aboveall, the dictates of tali- tblican a short time subsequent to t
In another column we give the Inaugural Al- than our ditty to remain strictly neutral,in blood and gasping, for breath. DL. r
gion, direct us to the cultivation of peaceful and'lon of Senator . And I have yet he
riots ap ears to arise from an old sectional Mud
dress of the Hero of Buena Vista. It is ener- while our geographical position, the ge- I riently relations with all other Powers. It is , Walker hieing at the time in the room , of any man in Illinois or elsewhere see
t o Ol k • te c az
existing P between Irishmen, comine from differ- '
gotta, plain and direct in the principles it eon- ' rims of our institutions and our people, to be hoped that no international question can She was immediately, raised up, when . that his father was even a resident of this coun
ent arts of Ireland—the Connaueht men and
tains : serge no expressions of subterfuge to the P Far-Downs. The shanties of Messrs. Dull the advancing spirit of civilization, and now n a st r r is e e i,
, e .t v i l i n a c ii h d a. Government, c o o t n i tl t en i t t :l o l
,its, it was discovered that also had been shot try. Gen. Shields sap I knew that he (being
conceal hidden intentions , but like hint who ut., above all all the dictates of religion, di- •?_ through-the body, the ball having pass- , .
a minor at rite tins?) was naturalized by the
lust rights , may not settle by wise negotiation :
and Gaynor have each been stormed in their
because. , r
eoithe naturalization
his father, he told
tared it, is honest, frank and undisguised. ' r , rest us to the cultivation of peaceful just
it becomes a Government like our et' through the right breast corning . out
, turn, the men beaten , and other seta of violence Suppose he did tell
and friend ! with all
y relations a other own, founded on the morality and intelligence below the left shoulder. An alarm was me so (which
He repudiates the idea of constrain the con -I positively deny ) d that
, does
coinmitted. These acts a violence naturally powers, it is to be hoped that no nter
i . of its citizens .d upheld b their affections, to i •
, , given, and Mr. Walker was arrested by make . it so I Even though his assertion might
siltation as •• he understands it" but will look excited the passions of the defeated exhaust every ' resort of honorable diplomacy
national question can now arise which a ?the police as he was leaving the house,,, convince
TO matter
fact, a st bundle of c l ertificates
to the judicial tribunal,: established by its au- l+ l .lo had been taken by surprise by their one- before apttlinirto arms. In ' the conduct ,
government confident in its own strength our foreign relations I shall conform to these : He was taken to the station house and legal value. If it be true t r h e :t g iti:f e a u te c i l e b r e iv ° a C sin
thority, and to the practice of Government un- ' mies,) to the highest pitch. War was therefor% and resolved to protect its own just views as I believe them essential to the best : searched, and n six barreled Involving this country and naturalized is it possible that
tier tem earlier Presidents, and especially to the declared between the belligerent parties, and rights may not settle wise negott- interests and the true honor of the country. I found upon his person 111. •
, w al General Shields should know the fact. and nor
example of the •• Father of his Country," for t"f decisivet ' - ' • • Iby
- The appointingvested 'President pistol " ' --- ' k .
, prepare ions made or a engugemen . •
ation, and it eminent y becomes a gov- power in the Ice denies that the woman was his wife ' now the state and county where it occurred 1
instruction in this respect. imposes delicate and onerous duties. So far as • lThen authentic •
lc copms of those naturalization
I Each party had mustered a force numbering ernmentlike our own, founded on the
it is possible to be informed, stallmake hon.papers, it they exist, coeld be so easily procu-
Ile assures tie that his administration Meal' be ' about 300, armed with muskets, bludgeons, &c. •
morality and intelligence of its citizens esty, capacity and fidelity, indispensable , Walker died the next day from the ef- red, is it not strange that he '
should attempt to
devoted to the welfare of the whole countrl And on Thursday last the two armies were an- ' a
d upheld by - • •
their affections, to ex- .
Intsttes to the bestowal of office, and the ab- • facts of her wound. The Courier and extort from me -by m
and the maintananee of its purity : to the recto - ' proaching each other, under command a their , 1 and
sense a either of these qualities than be deem- ,
• ._ 0 . . . menace a statement which
ration of those great republican principles leaders, in the vicinity of Birmingham. The : ust every resort of honorable dint°-
. - id sufficient cause Mr removal. Inquirer says : ,if obtained, could have no legal bearing upow
i the subject 1
nacy before appealing to arms. " 'file unfortunate Female turns out to ! w -
which constitute the strength of its existence, Far Downs, it is said, were confident of victory, 1 It shall be my study to recommend such hat •the ••conse uences" arc • •
q e against which
, "It shall be my study to recommend . . . :be the wife of Mr. Charles Miller, of Gen. Welt •
and that the Jefkrsonian test of hoeesty, cap.- but on the other hand the Conmtught tnen 1 • • , constitutional measures to Congress as nosy be , . . Is givers me ••• fair warning," if I
such constitutionol measures to Con g. necessary an d prone ,. to ~,,,,,.e en ,.,,„„ geme „ t . this city, and whose abduction from. persist in what no sane man will call .. injus
ity and fidelity , jndispensible pre-requisites to ' showed no signs of apprehension, and appeared b
mess ns May e necessary and proper to and protoction to the great into gists of Agricul. Stanford, Conn., some years since by tice,". lam equally ignorant and indifkrent to.
the bestowal o i
I ofl ea, and the absence of either • equally willing to try the fortune of arms,— t
, secure encouragement en d p ro t ec ti on t o cure , comm e r ce and Manufactures ; to improve her own husband, created great excite- One thing is certain, be they what they may, I
of these mialities eufficient cause Mr removal. Fortutiately, however, the Rev. Mr. BRADLEY !
thegreat interests of a rictilt tire, cm _ our rivers and harbors ;to provide Mr the speedy ment in the community , leading to a have not given, nor shall r give him any • state-
The encouragement of commerce , agriculture appeared on the ground net as the onset was ' merc g e and manufactures ; to impr ve extinguishment of the public debts; to enforce meat,' of the character' required, either •• qui
very prolonged before the etly" or
° a strict accountability on the part of all officersupon •• imperative demand."
and manufactures • the '
. ..e Improvement of our about to be made, and succeeded in quelling ' our harbors ;to provide for the sp eelyof the Government, and the utmost economy in police court. Mrs. Miller at that time In conclusion, I wili state that I have neither
rivers and harbors : strict aecountapility M the war spirit of the parties, and induced thorn extinguishment of the public debt ; to all public expenditures. But it is for the wig- resolutely refused to live with her hus. provoked nor desired the necessity that has im
public office., and economy in public expendi- to adjust their difficultiee without any effusion , enforce a strict' accountability on the dom of Congress itself, in which all legislative , band, and accused him of having fo r ged palled me to make this communication. I re-
Ones will be leading features of the adminis- of blood. Thus peace has been restored Mr part of all the officers of the govern- pow .rs are vested by the Conetitution, to rag- .
theof her_ g 0 spectfully submit it under the full conviction
elate these and other matters of domestic poll- name uncle , Mr. Lemuel that it is called for by the circumstanffes.
:ration. Every one, however, will read it for the present, and we hope this may be the end or anent, and the utmost economy in all cy.—l shall look with confidence to the enlie ht- ' , Welts , a we al dsy gen tle man o f w est- '
himself, and any further remark,: of ours would this foolish strife between men hailing from the i public expenditures. But it is for the ened patriotism of that body to adopt such men- i chest's'. county, to a check for $20,000. , Specialr Election
be enperfluoue. . same country. • Wisdom of Congress itself, in which all i!iires of conciliation as may harmonize cora t- 1 Mrs. Miller who was a very beautiful '• A s ' • .
- ---------- I ing interests, and tend to perpetuate that Union I pecial election will be held in Adams
! LEGISLATURE.—Gov. Johnston has nominated legislative powers are vested by the woman has been living with Mr, Walk , county for a member of the Le •
Spring Election. ,. I which should be the paramount object of our ',filature to fill
o fConstitution, to regulate these and otn- ! eopea and affections• eln any action calculated er, as far as can be ascertained about . the unex ' g
Friday next is the day for elee'ine boreugh Frederick Wetts, Esq., us Preeident Judge
iced Amin of Hon. Jas, Coaper, re
, er mutters of domestic policy." i to promote an object en near the heart of every .six months, passing as his wife. . signed, on the 16th Met,
and to a - ri•liip oin, Er , the •• f ee , ' oe. .. een ty, the Ninth lieheiel Di-trier.
Hoover's Ink.
for sale at this office.