Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 06, 1849, Image 4

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    [Prom the New York Evening Post.]
Tie only complete collection of this
celebrated almanac., of which we hove
any knowledge, and beyond a doubt the
only one now in existence is in the pos
session of Mr. John Dogget, Jr., of this
city ; a gentleman generally known to
our community as the editor of :he City
Directory, and to a more limited class
of friends, as a most diligent and cul
tivated antiquarian.
It was about four years since Mr.
Dogeet commenced his researches for
these memorable records of Franklin's
learning, wisdom and wit ; and in pros
ec..tine them, he has visited most of the
p , ,blic literary institutions of the coun
try, and conducted a very extensive cor
respondence besides. He has now nee
complete set, commencing with the
year 1733, and continuing until Frank
connection with it terminated in
1758, abort twenty.five years.
About eight years ago, Mr. Sparks,
in his life of Franklin, referring to this
almanac says: It is believe' that a
co it ,lete e lition of Poor Richard's .ill
munac is not now in existence. After
much research I have not been able to
find more than one third of the numbers
that were published." .
The maxims arid smtitnents of Poor
Richard, which, of course, constitute
the supreme attraction of his almanacs,
are printed in italics down the columns
of the calender, in the vacant spaces
not occupied by calender matter, some•
times one word and sometimes more on
a line, and not unfrequently a single
sentiment of six words running down a
whole •otumn.
The following is the first of these gol
den sentences, which we sought with
some curiosity in the first almanac of
" Never spare the parson's wine nor
she baker's pudding."
We have already alluded to the won
derful popularity of these thoughts of
Poor Richard, a popularity which will
be readily comprehended by those who
are familiar with the wonderful wisdom,
sagacity and wit, which the author has
compressed in his brief and simple sen
tences. So many years have elapsed
eny colleci;on of them has been
laid before the American people, that
we feel we shall oblige many of our
readers by selecting from among them
some which have been leai.t hackneyed
by tit ()Winn. The selections we offer
have been made from the entire series,
embracing a period of twenty-five years,
and one or more from the almanac of
each year:—
Take thie remark from Richard, poor and lame,
Whate'er's begun in anger ends in shame.
Som. men vow mad by studying much to know ;
But who grows mad by studying good to grow 1
An egg to-day is better than a hen to•
Law, like cobwebs, catch small flies,
Great ones break through before your eyes.
If pride leads the vaa, beggary brings
up the rear.
Keep thy shop and thy shop , will keep
God heals, and the doctor takes the
Mery‘s mouth cost her nothing, for she
never opens it but et other's expense.
fie tLat would live in peace and at ease,[sees
Muat not speak ail he knows, nor judge all he
He that can travel well afoot, keeps a
good horse.
The worst wheel of the cart makes
the most noise.
He that falls in love with himself will
have no rivals.
Aeainst diseases here, the strongest fence
Is the defensive virtue, Abstinence.
Tart words make no friends ; n spoon
ful of honey will catch more flies than
a gallon of vinegar.
Drive thy business or it will drive thee.
Beware of little expenses; a small
leak will sink a great ship.
An ounce of w , t that is bought,
Is worth a pound that is taught.
A ploughman on his legs is higher
than a gentleman on his Isnees.
Mad Kings and mad belle are not to
be held by treaties and pack thread.
What maintains one vice would bring
up two children.
A mob's a monster; head enough but
no brains.
Nothing humbler than ambition when
it is about to climb.
The discontented man finds no easy
When prosperity was well mounted,
she let go the bridle, and soon came
tumbling out of the saddle.
The Master's eye will do more work
than both his hands.
A change of fortune hurts a wise man
no more than a change in the moon.
He that has a trade has an office of
profit and honor.
A false friend and a shadow attend
only while the sun shines.
Plough deep while sluggards sleep,
And you shall have corn to sell and to keep.
If you would not be forgotten as soon
as you are dead and rotten, either writ,
things worth reading or do something
worth writing.
Nothing dries sooner than a tear.
Scarlet, silk and velvet have put ou.
the kitchen fire.
The first rrostelce in publie business
lathe going into it.
The idle man is the devil's hireling;
whose livery is rags, whose diet and
wages are famine and disease.
Kities and bears often worry their
He's a fool that makes his doctor his
Never take a wife till thou limit a
house (and fire) to put her in.
Love well, whip well.
Hunger never saw bad bread.
treat talkers, little doers.
A rich rogue is like a fat hog,
Who never does good till as dead as a log.
Fools make feasts and wise men eat
The roor have little—beggars none--
the rich too much•--enough not one.
Manlmid are very odd creatures. One
half censure what they practice, the
other half practice what they censure.
The rest always say and do as they
Old boys have their playthinffs as well
as young ones, the difference is only in
the price.
If man could have hall his wishes, he
would double his troubles.
Christianity commands us to pass by
injuries; policy to let them pass by us.
If you would keep your secret from
an enemy, tell it not to a friend.
The undersigned announces to the citizens o
Huntingdon County .that he has just opened in
the borough of LEW .STOWN, a new HAT
iMANUFACTORY, where he is pre
pared to make every variety of Hats in
use. out of the hest material. such as
WOOL,&c. The business of manufacturing is
conducted by and under his own personal super
vision, and his long experience in the business in
the beet establishmetar of the country warrants
hint in guaranteeing to all who may purchase
from him good anbatanlial and highly finished
Our Omish fri nds shall not be forgotten in the
Minna vu shalt put forth to meet the wants of the
commu. , ity in out line of tat... Mess, and he will
ire ready to answer their calls at prices that must
p ease.
and all others who may desire to purehase Hats,
his establishment affords superior inducements,
both as regards quality and price, which shall be
of such a character as to I. ave no room for grum
bling. "in the efore invite everybody. of every
distinction of party or sect. to call and examine
ourstock; which is the la pest nod best assorted one
that has ever been introduced here.
N. B. I late of my manufacture can he IPid
at retail at the store of WM. *TEWAHT, in
Huntingdon Borough.
Lewistown, 6 3 , Pt. 6. 11-18.
frHE undersigned offers for rent that valuable
I farm (being part of a tract of land purcha
sed from the heirs of Henry Swoope,) and ad
joing lands of the heirs of ElizaSwoope Wharton,
adjoining McConnellstown, lands of Frederick
Lissinger, Daniel Buchwalter, and others, con
205 Acres,
between 115 and 150 acres of which ar• cleared,
and between 45 and 50 acres meadow land—the
balance woodland. On said tract of land is sit
uated a
Grist Mill,
Saw Mill, Dwelling House and Bank Barn, and
is about 5 miles from the borough of Hunting
don and the Penn'a. Railroad and Canal. Per
sons wishing to rent, can obtain any information
by applying to the undersigned, residing in
Walker township, about 3 miles from the prop
D.c. 19, 1848
H. K. WZTF & BRO.,
Invite the attention of the citizens of Hunting
don and persons visiting tilts place during the
present Court to their immense stock of
Jewelry, and Fancy Articles
just received at their store in MARKET &WARE,
one door east of the Exchange Hotel. They
will sell
Full jewelled Gold Levers, 18 Carot, hunting
case, for $6O 00
" gold levers, 18 carot, single case, 30 00
Gold Lepine, finest quality, 25 00
Silver Levers, from $l2 to 40 00
" Lepines Btol3 00
" Verge Watches Itolo 00
Eight day brass Clocks 5 to 6 00
30 hour " 3to 400
Accordeons, 1 to 18 00
Gold Pencils, 1 50 to 6 00
" Pens,l 00 to 2 50
Gold Miniature Frames, 4 00 to 10 00
All kinds of Jewelry 20 per cent lower than
We are thankful for patronage heretofore re
ceived, and would solicit all persons desirous of
purchasing any thing in our line to give us a
N. B. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repair•
ed and warranted.
Huntingdon, Nov. 14, 1818,
$l. & J. n, ROWE,
Au. 63 • orth Third Nivea,
One door above Arch, cast aide,
- -
Manufacturers & Wholetialr Dealer,. in allkinds
of Brooms, Brushes. Buckets, Cedar Ware.—
Willow and French haskete, Shoe and W, elk
Brushes,Sc uhs,Dusters. Mats. Blacking. East
ern•made Wooden wore of ever) description,Bcc.
&c., at the oweat market prices.
JoHN M. Ri' E
March 7,'48
Dissolution of Partnership.
The partnership heretofore existing between
the subscribers in the butchering business, was
lissolved by mutual 'consent on Thursday 234
,f January, 1849. All persons having unsettled
tccounts are requested to call immediately and
settle the same.
Graysport, Jan. 30, IS 19--pd.
Of Huntingdon County, from the Bth day of
January, A. D. 1818, up to and including
the MI day of January, A• O. 184
Michael Bernd°llar, Clay, $ 3 72
John Zentmyer, Franklin, 111 00
Samuel R. Boggs, Henderson, 205 00
Jacob Kough, Porter, 161 65
Robert Massey, Barree, 363 66
Joseph L. King, Brady, 55 10
Daniel J. Logan, Cromwell, l7B 04
Lemuel Green, Cass, 52 90
Moses Greenland, Clay, 60 34
Thomas W. Neely, Dublin, 138 13
John H. Stonebraker, k ranklin, 167 37
Jacob Rm.!, Hopewell, 158 63
William B. Smith, Jackson, 312 92
John M. Tussey, Morris, 150 86
Andrew M Clare Porter, 193 30
John Anderson, Penn, 87 00
John Shaver, Shirley, 208 69
William Ramsey, Springfield, 77 51
George May, Tell, IP 61 82
i Adam Houck, Tod, 41 06
John Bumgardner,Union, 41 17
SamnerE.wing, Wst, 697 08
John Heffner, Walker, 255 40
John S. Miller, Barree, 300 00
Joseph L. King, Brady, 310 00
Daniel J. Logan, Cromwell, 100 00
Conrad Curfruan, Cass, 144 00
Archibald McNeal, Clay, , 69 38
William Harper, Dublin, 80 00
John Conrad, Franklin, 607 00
John Fleiiner, Henderson, 1072 70
Abraham Brumbaugh, Hopewell, 258 43
David S. Bell, Jackson, 190 00
Joseph Law, Morris, 320 00
John Brumbaugh, Penn, 404 51
George Wh ttaker, Porter, 971 26
William McGarvey, Shirley, 317 76
Robert Madden of H, Springfield, 20 00
Samuel Burdge, Tell, 126 00
Mordecai Chilcote, Tod, 70 43
Levi Smith, Union, 62 00
Vincent Stevens, Warriorsmark, 600 00
Samuel Ewing, West, 478 00
Peter Thompson, Walker, 403 00
Redemption money of unseated lands
paid since last settlement, 219 05
John Oswalt, balance of note, 5 14
John Harper, Esq., sale of an estray, 1 94
Henry Harker, on account of judgment, 20 00
Henry Myers, for hay on C. House lots, 600
Abraham L. Wilt, for coal, 1 00
County Tax on unseated lands, 348 62
School Tax, do. do. 61 92
Road Tax, do. do. 97 08
Balance in the Treasury at last set
Balance due Treasurer,
Attorney General, and others, on
criminal prosecutions, $ 233
Grand and traverse jurors, cryer, &c. 2,977
Constables making returns, advertis
ing springelection, serving notices, &c.
Judges. inspectors, & clerks of election,
Road and bridge viewers,
Inquisitions on dead bodies,
Sundry persons, premiums on wild
cats, foxes, and wolves,
Comm'rs—J. F. Miller, in full of 1817,
Daniel Teague, do.
Same, on acc't of 1848,
R. Cummins, in full of 18.17,
Same, on acc't of 1848,
J. Greenland, in full of 1847,
Same, on acc't of 1848,
Auditors—George Wilson,
L. G. Kessler,
James G Ilam,
A. K. Cornyn, counsel to Comm's,
W. S. Africa, in full as clerk to
Cornm'rs for 1817,
S. Smyth Read, on acct as clerk to
Corrinn'rs for 1818,
June washing forco. prisoners,
Mary Gibson, sweeping and scrubbing
the Court House,
County Printing—James Claik,
William Lewis,
\%'m. Dorrs, ag't for R. Pcnn Smith,
ground rent and interest on Court
House lots,
John Ker, on acc't of delivering fire
wood to C. House and Jail for 1847,
S. R. Stevens, for 20 tons of coal,
James Steel, proth'y and elk quarter
sessions, fees and furnishing sta
tionary for the Court, &c.,
A. Carmon, in full of bridge across
Crooked creek, in Walker township,
J. Entrekin, on acc'tof bridge across
Jun•ata river, at Vandevander's,
J. & 0. Coplin, on acc't of bridge across
Raystown branch, near J. Entriken's, 252
Same, on acct of bridge across Lit
tle Juniata river, at Gaysport,
A. Stains, on acc't of bridge across
Aughwick creek, in Cromwell twp, 100
John Robertson, on acc't of bridge
across Jun ata river, at Drake's
Ferry, and interest,
Wm. Taylor, in full of bridge across
Raystown branch, near C. Snare's,
Wm. Walker and J. kluyett, on acc't
of bridge at Alexandria,
A. Carmon and E. Harris, on acc't of
bridge near Barree forge, Porter tp, 377
D. Kgech, on acc't of bridge across
Little Juniata river, near Daniel
Brua's, in Frankstown twp, now
Blair county, and interest, 103
T. E. Orbison, repairing bridge across
Black Log creek, Cromwell twp,
Wm. Taylor, and John Robison, re
pairing lir dge across Raystown
branch, near Conrad Snare's,
Sundry persons, refunded taxes and
costs of lands sold at Treasurer's
Sundry supervisors, road tax on un
seated lands,
Sundry school treasurers, school tax
on same,
Sundry persons for blank books for
duplicates and assessments, land
ledger, &c. &c.,
John Crewmen, auditing the accounts
of the proth'y, register & recorder,
&c., for 1847,
H. K. Neff, for a sign for Treasurer's
Sundry persons, redemption money of
lands sold at Treasurer's sale,
R. Kinkead, Esq., going to Bedford
as Senatorial Return Judge,
Lewis Schneider, for making cases
for Register's and Comm'rs' offices,
A. L. Smith, painting cases,
F. B. Wallace, postage,
Henry Myers, cutting fire wood, &c.
Jacob Miller, Esq., recording Trea
surer's bond, &c.,
John Whittaker and John Marks,
boarding Jurors,
Sundry persons, for repairs to Court
House awl Jail, eandles,
David Snare, Esq., costs of suits
brought by the county before him, 5 62
Isaac Neff. Treasurer, advertising
lands, not sold by direction of
Comm'rs, 6 00
By Treasurer's commission, on
$23,991 87, at 1 per cent., 359 87
In testimony of the correctness of the above
account, we have hereunto set our hands the sth
day of January, A. 0. 18.49.
We, the undersigned Auditors of Huntingdon
County, do hereby certify, that we have exam
ined the orders of the Commissioners of said
county and the receipts of the same for the past
year, and find a balance due the Treasurer of
five hundred and seventy-four dollars and sixty
Given under our hands this sth day of January,
A. 1). 1849. JAMES GILLAM,
List of outstanding Balances due by the
following ollectors, viz
S. Robinson, Allegheny,
Charles Cowden,
John Zentmyer, Franklin,
Samuel R. Boggs, Henderson,
Jacob Rough, Porter,
James Hampson, Union,
Lemuel Green, Cass,
Thomas W. Neely, Dublin,
J. H. Stonebraber, Franklin,
Wm. B. Smith, Jackson,
John Anderson, Penn,
Wm. Ramsey, Springfield,
George May, Tell,
._ .
'Mobil S. Miller, Barree, 477 08
•Jose'ph L. King, Brady, 60 30
'l' David J. Logan, Cromwell, 275 76
fConrad Curfrnan, Cass, 41 39
fArehibald McNeal, Clay, 99 59
tWilliam Harper, Dublin, 217 35
fJohn Conrad, Frankl.n, 396 03
*John Flenner, Henderson, 2 50
fDavid S. Bell, Jackson, 478 66
ilogeph Law, Morris, 560 50
tWilliam 11. Garvey, Shirley, 626 38
(Robert Madden, (of H.) Springfield, 110 14
*Samuel Burdge, Tell, 85 82
fMordocai Chileote, Tod, 217 14
fLevi Smith, Union, 85 11
*Vincent Stevens, Warriorsmark, 228 50
fSamuel Ewing, West, 690 77
(Peter Thompson, Walker, 150 14
420 40
574 60
$12,403 17
•Since paid in full. }Since paid in part.
Feb. 6, IS-10.
342 04
281 00
640 32
152 00
4 00
232 63
10 00
40 00
70 00
38 00
20 00
25 50
75 00
9 00
6 00
9 00
50 00
Ifyou went to get the worth of your money then
buy from
where you will find the I tritest, best, and cheap.
est t , 4urtin..nt of Goods, th it the town can pro
duce; and that. too, at such low prices that all
who purchase are fully satisfied t at our motto
i. true. A quick Six-pence is bettor than a slow
dantingdon. Oct. 17, 1848.
100 00
125 00
20 00
20 00
90 50
34 00
& W. SAXTO:\,
Inform the public that they have received
splendid and extensive assent - nem of
all kinds of
105 83
which they are determined iu sell at prices to
suit ALL. They invite the public to call end ex
amine their Goods.
117 78 I Huntingdon, Nov. 21, 1848.
50 00
100 00
Great Redaction la Prices.
319 00
721 80
Have just received direct from the Enstern . Cities,
and are now opening n splrnoiti me 0111111.111 Of
490 00
consiatiog of every variety of
n 7-3 0 0 7.) ,
Suited to Ladies and Gentlemen's wear. including
Cloths. Casstmers, 6attinetta. Veto Inge. Silks,
Alpachas Uaehmeree.Ue. Lainen. Plaids Bom
bazines, Gingha abrupt, Checke..Shaw Is. are.
We have also a handsome assortment of
1,155 84
425 00
828 50
They wouid also inviteattention toth;irstock o
Sugars— 5, 6 and 8 cents per pound—
Molasses, from 37t. to 40 cents per
gallon; and every other article usually
hept in a Grocery Store, at equally
low prices.
193 00
441 00
Boots, Shoes, Bats and Caps,
Hardware and Cutlery, hina, Glass and Queens
ware.Drugs, Medicines. Dye :Stull's, &c.
Al. of which will be sold at very reduced prices.
The Ladies and Gentlemen are requeste d to call
and examine these Goods. as they cannot foil to
please all both as regards style and price.
In the Store room formerly occupied by Jacob
Miller, opposite the residence of Judge Gwin,
78 OS
10 50
E All kinds of Country Produce to
ken in exchange for goods. [Sept. 26.
128 78
10 00
Magnetic Telegraph Outdone!
Likenesses taken in a « leetle less than no time."
J 'HE undersigned begs leave most respectfully
to announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of
Huntingdon and vicinity, that he has procured
an improved Daguerreotype Apparatus, which
he has located at the Court House in this place,
where he can be found at all times prepared to
wait upon any of his friends who may favor
him with a call. W. T. WILSON.
Jan. 9, 1849.
71 71
8 00
9 94
27 80
MP en
&C., &e., Jtc
$12;463 17
SI hi' 1 ,o I OP!
MY DEAD MAN RE•11 Till if you have got
DYBP,PSIA or ASTHMA or suffer from general de
bility. or any complaint Crum derange
ment of the stomach. You could give a good
deal to get well, would nt you? Then just give
a LITTLE, and try tireen's Oxygenated Bitters.
Ito justtlie thing for you. The Doctor discover
ed this medicine only after long and careful study
—to cure a friend too—not to make money out of
it. Look at the evidence of its efficacy and you
will he satisfied.
Hon. MiIION LAwnrxcE cured of ASTHMA.
BELCHEHTOWN, %larch 16, 1848.
Dn. GIiRENE—I take great pleasure it , inform
ing you of the effects of the medicine called , x
ygenated Bitters you had the kii.dness to send
me. For -mite two my yearn I bad suffered se
verely from humored Asthma. I won compelled
to sit up one tilted of the night, without going to
bed at si ; and the rest of the time my sleep was
interrupted by violent tits of coughing and great
difficulty of breathing. In all my Attendance
upon our courts I never went to Led fu Notthamp
ton 111 twenty yenta but twice, and then was com
pelled to get up. Now I lie in bed without JlM
eulty, and sleep -.until. I took your medicine
accenting to directions. The violent symptoms
immediately abated, and pera•.verance in the use
or the remedy has removed all its troublesome
consequences. The value of ouch a remedy is
incalculable and I hope its virtues may he wide•
iy diffused and its benificent agency extensively
amp Dyed.
Respectful.y ydura
$466 33
316 07
281 71
12 59
352 08
14 47
17 46
20 00
251 39
24 58
90 79
4 46
100 94
DYSl'E•il:t CURED.
Pa. June 10, 1848,
Messrs. Collier Sr. Bro,
Gentleman-1n reply to your note as to the
effect of the Oxygenated Bitters in my cane I
would say, that I have been afflicted with Dyspep
sia about six years, and have tried many known
remedies, hut obtained no relief until n friend
recommended the Oxygenated Bitters. • • • •
I was finally induced to procure , wo bottle' of
you, and I had not taken half a bottle before I
felt its effects upo i my svnteni , and after the use
of the second bottle, I found myna' in a finite of
health as unexpected as it was gratifying. To
the afflicted I have no hesitation in recommend
ing the Bittern, es ruperior to soy medicine I
have ever heard of for the cureof Dyspepsia.
Very Respectfully yours,
The following Certificates have re
cent!)• been received :
ABIII.sTON. D.C., June ;0 1846.
Hosing .narle use of the •Oxygenated Bitters"
prepared by Dr. Geo. B. Green, of IA iridsor, Vt ,
nd from knowledge obtained of (heir efficacy in
teller cases. we cheerfully recommend them to the
public, believing that they will fully sustain the
recommendation of the Proprietor. II o hope
that this valuable remedy may be so generally dif
fused throughout the country that it may lie ac
cessible to all the cfilicted.
$6399 01
SAMUEL PHELPS, U. S Senators from
WM. UPHAM, Vermont.
JAMES F. Simmoxs, U. S. Senator from
Rhode Island.
J. T. MOREHEAD, U. S. Senator and for
merly Governor of Kentucky.
L. H. AnNan, Ofensher of Congress and
f ormerly Governor of R. I.
IN M. W ovovulDGE, U. S. &haw and
formerly Governor of Jklichigan.
M. L. NiARTIN, Delegate in Congress from
Wisconsin Territory.
From the lion. -.0t.0.t0y FOOT. Member of Con-
green from Vermont.
Gear, & FLETCHER. General Agents, No. 20,
South lath St. Philadelphia.
Bold wholesale mud retail by THOMAS READ &
&D. Huntingdon, Pa.
Price—sl.oo per bottic: six bottles
for $5.00.
August 15 18414
gulls P. polar 'louse has recently undergone a
I thorough repair, and been furnished with
entire new firnitare, of the best quality. Mem
bers of the Legislature and others, visiting the
Seat of Government, will find it a very desirable
stopping place.
O Charges moderate.
\ M. T. SANDERS, Agent.
FiJulyarrisburg. t 4 'B4B-6m.
Clething for Men and Boys.
Has received at his old Stand in Main Street,
Huntingdon, a new, and large assortment of
of all sizes to suit men and boys, consisting of
the most fashionable Dress Coats, Pantaloons
and Vests, made of the best and finest Cloths,
Cassimeres, and Cassinetts. And an equal as
sortment of plain and substantial materials,
suited for the every day business of all classes.
Ile has a FCLL ASSORTMENT of every size and
kind, and he will sell
as Cheap as the Cheapest.
He only wants a small living profit; and he in
vites all who wish to purchase to see his Goods,
before purchasing elsewhere.
Tayloring is his trade, and he knows wnat he
says when lie says he can and will accommodate
all who call, on terms to suit. Ile also continues
and has an extensi, e assortment of Md.., Cas
sitneres, Cassinetts and l'estings, which he will
sell and make up to suit any and every body,
cheap and well. He is determined to leave
No Room for Grumbling!
A SPLENDID assortment of Ameri
can Cottage, Cast Iron, Air Tiglq,
Parlor, Coal and wood Stoves, Rus s ia
Iron Stoves, Fancy 6 Plate, Parlor Radi
ators, &c., &c., for sale by
J. & Vr. SAXTON.
Sohn Scott,jr.,
ATTORNEY AT LA W, Huntinailon,Pa.
HBP r emnv Oil hiaotHee to the middle room of
Snare's Row. — ihreetly oppoaiti & M'Mur
trie'e +tore where he will attend with amnion..
and fidelity to all lapincas with which he may he
entrustenlin Huntingdon orate adjoininbaountia
" Encourage your Own"
Cabinet Ware Ilanntactory,
Main Street, Huntingdon, Pa
3. H. gig D. 'WX-1:X1'71.6.1L112.,
NITOULD avail themselves of this method of
11 , informing their friends end the public at
large that they continue to carry on the
business. at their old stand. one door east of the
dwelling hc.ise of J G. Miles. Esq. and directly
opposite the I tinting Office of the Hunting lon
Journal," where they will he pleased to furnish
those who may favor them will, their el.ll al pith
all articles in their line en the most reasonable
terms. Having supplied themse yes with a very
large and superior stock of stuff. they have no
hesitation in assuring the Public that they can
furnish work, which. for cheapness, beat ty and
durribility,cannot be surpassed by any other shop
in the county.
They wil keep constantly on hand, and make
to order.
Card Tables, Bedsteads, Centre Tables,
Cupboards, Stands, Dough Troughs,
Wash Stands, Wardrobes, Secretaries,
Breakfast Tabes, Pedestals, &c.
Old furniture repaired at the very ehorteet no•
Lice. Com,,a made and funerals attend. d, either
in town or country, at the shortest notiee. Th./
keep a Hoarse for the accommodotion of their cue.
Gram of all kinds will be taken in exchange
for furniture and work.
Thankfulfor the very liberal patronage heretofore
extended to them, they 'mute the public that no
efforts will be spared on their part to deserve a con.
tinuance and increase of public patronage.
may 2,
Vegelabie Phi 11 11:1‘,
The only known Medicine that at the same
time purges, purifies and strengthens
the system.
- LosnoN,July 7, 1846.
TAR. LE ROY'S Pillsare a new medicine which
hasyust appeared,and isfust Wong the places
of all others 01 the same class. These pills are
composed of many ingredients. but the two princi
. palm). are Sarsaparilla and Wild C herry , so uni
ted that they act together; the one through it
admix are with other substances. purifying and
purging, while the other is strengthening the sys
tem. Thus those pills are at the same time tonic
and °riling; a desideratum long and eagerly
sought for by medical men. but never before die
covered. In other words they du the work of two
medicines. and do it much better than any two we
know of; lot they remove nothing Irom tin system
but the impurities; so that whili they pu ge they
strengthen; and nonce they cause no debilitation,
and are follow, d by no re-action. Dr. Le Roy's
pills have a wonderfu [influence on the blood; they
not only purify without weakening it but they re
move all noxious particles from the chyle bet...telt
is converted into fluid, and thus make inq ore
Mend an utter i mpassibility. e ts nu d. bil-
Ration,. there is no nausea or sickness aliened. g
the operations of this most excellent of medic... •
which never +trains or tortures the digestivi fen,
tions,but causes theni to work in a perfect ;y natur
al manner; and hence persons taking thi al do not
become pale and emaciated, but the cm trury ; for
while it is the property of the Sarsaparilla. united
118 it is with other ingredients, to remove all that is
foreign and impure, it is equally the property of
the Wtld Cherry to retain all that is ntia.ral and
wand; and hence a robust state of health is the
certain . result of their united operations.
ccr Price 25 Ce"l. pe. BOX.
AGENTS.—T. Read & Son, tiwoope &
riro,tlnntintrdon; 11. W. Buchanan Milliki
and &wrier. reek ; tion.Juni
ata Iron Works; Porter & Bucher, Moore &
bwoone. H. Walker, Alexandi la; G. I t.Steiner
Wireratreec [Aug. 31,'47.
Washington .Gallery of Daguctrotypes,
No. 2J•5 North Second Street, N. Ir. ror nor of
Caller:chill Street,
THE Likenesses taken and beautifully colored
at this well known establishment for ON). COL
LAR, are universally conceded to be LucAL in ev
ery respect to ANT in the city. Picturr s taken
equally well in cloudy and clear weather. A
large assortment of NI xcALLtos s and LOCKIaII
on hand, front $2 to $5. including the picture.
The subscribers respectfully inviti the citizen.
of Huntingdon County. to call and examine ape
chains of the latest improvements in the art of
Dagnerreotyping, which will be exhibited cheer
fully and without cha ge.
sc. J. C. TCNNENT.
' 4; 1844.
Nos. 32 and 33 Arcade. and Si North Third St.,
COUNTRY Merchants can save from 10 to la
per cent by purchasing at the above stores
By importing my own goods paying but little
rent, and living economically, it is plain I can an.
demon those who purrhase their goods here, pay
high rents, and live like princes.
Constantly on hand, a large assortment of Fen
and Pocket Knives Scissors and Razors. Table
Knives and Forks, in Ivory, Slog, Buffalo, Bone
and Wood handles; Carvers and Freks, Steele,
4ze. Butcher Knives, Dirks, heckle Knives Res
eolving and Plain Houle, &c. just reedited, se
large stock of Rodgers' an I Wootenholm'e fine
Pen and Congress Knives.
Also. a large assortment of Accordeone,
&c. Also, Fine English Twist and German ,
ju .e 'O-Iy.
Cromeliasi & nI . 4IIIIIVP,
No. II Walnut Street, Philadelphia,
Wine, Liquor and General Commission
Brandies, Gin, and Champaieno of
V V different brandaimported direct, and sod on
arcommodatine term. to Country Dealers. Qual
ities and proof of Liquors wrrranted.
Philadelphia. June 20, 1848.
The subscriber is forced once more to call
upon his friends and patrons and ask them to
come and pay off their accounts Necessity
alone induces him to call upon them again at
present, and necessity alone does dictate him to
hand over to the proper officer all accounts, that
may remain unpaid or unsettled by the let day
of February 1849 for collection.
Oot. 28th 1848. J. B. UMW