Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 06, 1849, Image 3

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/11R111VAI, OF Tni) EUROPA:
Two *eekg later from Europe.
The Royal Steamship Europa, Capt.
Lott, with two weeks later intelligence
from Europe, arrived at Hallifax on Wed
nesday evening at 6 o'clock.
In nearly every department of trade
end commerce increasing activity pre
vails, and greater buoyancy and hope
Cotton is still advancing slowly, but
all more surely. Sales to a large ex
.rent have been going steadily forward
(luring the last two weeks.
The grain trade has been more than
usually steady the last fortnight and
prices have been well supported.
From the manufacturing districts the
accounts are decidedly encouraging.
Owners of goods are firm in their op
erations and are sanguine as to a good
Spring trade.
The stock and money markets are un
usually buoyant. Public securities and
railway ?hdres are oh the advance. The
demand for U. S. 6 per cent still contin
ues at advancing rates.
Parliament was opened by the Queen
in person. The speech from the throne
is raker lengthy; and, for a wonder, ac
tually possesses a meaning, apart from
the jingle of words. But it does not
poisosi Much general interest. The
speech.placea the fact beyond a doubt
that the government has no' idea of stul
tifying their past free trade documents,
but are resolved steadily to carry out
their principles and their final consume
t ion. _ _ .
. .....
Lord John Russell said in debate that
he had formerly been in favor of a fixed
duty on corn, but the House not having
chosen to adopt that mode, but having
chosen to set corn entirely free, I hope
no attempt—above all, 1 hope no suc
cessful attempt—will be made at renew
ing any duty upon that main article of
sustenance. . .
This settles at once all speculation
upon the course of conduct likely to be
adopted by the present administration.
The excitement created in Europe by
the reports of the boundless riches found
in California had somewhat subsided,
when the news by the last packet once
more aroused the spirit of enterprise,
and the newspapers again teemed with
notices of all kinds of shipping adven
tures in connection with the nuriferious
region. It is no longer an El Dorado,
hut a veritable Terra Dora. The con
firmed statements of mineral wealth in
the California hills now leave no doubt
that an immense tide of emigration will
float towards that country.
The Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Lytton Bul
wer, R. B. C., recently English Ambas
dor in Spain, has been appointed to suc
ceed Sir R. Packenham as British Min
ister in the the United States.
The ravages of the cholera continue
about the same as when the Niagara
sailed. _ .
Later intelligence from India has been
received, but it is wholy devoid of gen
eral interest.
The Bank of England accounts do not
exhibit any particular feature worthy of
not ice.
Money continues plentiful and first
class bills have been readily discounted
as low as 2 per cent.
Money at call may be said to range at
about per cent.
The pacific tone of our government
--the improved condition of the public
revenue, and perhaps the increasing
prospects of large remittances of gold
from California have tended to this re
There is very little news from the con
tinent of importance or general interest,
except as it regards France. Immedi
ately after the sailing of the Niagara,
intelligence was received from England
that the breach between the Assembly
and the President had widened into a
fearful gulf. A real or a sham plot was
disclosed to the French Ministers, and
for a few days Paris again assumed the
appearance of a beleagued city.
The streets were occupied by not few
er than 80,000 men, and Gen. Changar
tiler plainly intimated that the first bar
ricade that was attempted to be raised
Would be the signal for n general slaugh
ter. Whether the Red Republicans
were surprised or unprepared to cope
with the extensive military arrange
ments concentrating, certain it is that
Paris for a few days trembled on the
verge of a new revolution, the issue of
Which can scarcely be doubted, as Mar
shal Bugeaud was despatched from Par
ts to bring up a strong division of the
army of the Alps, ostensibly to coin
mind Bourgies during the State trials,
but with no less object than that of over
awing the Red Republicans in Paris.
The difference between the Guard
Mobile and the army of the line only
added fuel to the flame, which hourly
grew in intensity.
The motion for getting rid of the
propositions of M. Reteau to dissolve
the National Assembly, was only de
feated by a narrow majority . of 416
over 406..
Since that vote a greater tranquility
has prevailed, and once more we have
to announce that the struggle passed
without mortal strife ; numerous arrests
were, however, made.—Pub. Ledger.
TRY is said that a bowl containing
two quarts of water, set in an oven, when bank
ing, will prevent pies, bread, etc. from being
'California Disorderi;
Those who think that the disorders in Califor
nia are magnified should tend the following re
port from a U. S. Surgeon in San Francisco, da
ted DQc. 25th
" I may as well give you in a word or
two a piiture of the state of society
arntmg the miners. Murder and high
way robbery are every day occurrences.
Many and many a poor fellow is way
laid, and his life taken without its ever
being known to the world. It is a com
mon thing to hear miners say, " we have
lost such a one ; we do not know what
has become of him;" and bodies are
frequently found in the mountains half
devoured by the wolves, and not recog
" Let me give you a specimen of yes
terday's work with me ; and it is a fair
average—probably I was a little more
busy than usual In the morning I vis 7
ited the fort, and afterwards my patients
in town : dined at 3P. M., loaned out
$4,190 payable in June next, and enter
ed into arrangements with Capt. Taylor
to open a trading establishmont with
the Indians, at a place called Stanislaus.
In the eveningi visited some other pa•
tictits, came home at 9 P. M. and went
to bed was woke up three times during
the night, to dress wounded men, in a
general row that took place in the hotel
where lam living. I have just return
ed from an inquest that was being held
on a body found dead on the road to the
fort. This is a common occurrence
here. It arely a day passes that some
one is not killed. A whole family, ten
in number, were murdered near here last
The people here are taking sfeps to'
organize a government: they ore ne
glected : there are no regular custom
house offices, and the receipts from cus
toms are $20,000 a day. There are no
post office arrangements, and more let- i
ters are carried from Sacramento to this
place and Monterey, than there are on
one-third the mail routes in the United
States. There are no courts, no laws,
no protection to citizens, and there are
thousands of citizens requiring protec
tion. There is no mint, and our gold
goes to Valparazo and Mazatlan for coin
age, and is sold for $l4 per ounce, and
6 per cent is paid to the Mexicans and
Chillenos for the privilege of coinage,
&c., &c. It is a fact as certain as any
thing can be, that if our wise acres at
Washinton delay furnishing us with a
government, and allow sectional preju
dices and such things as Wilmot provi
sos to interfere with their duties and
our rights, that the predictions so often
made in the United States, of a sepera
tion from the Union, will be realized.
7 Every man has something to do which he
neglects ; every man has faults to conquer
which he delays to cornbat.—Johntton.
Philadelphia, March 2, 1819.
The market is quiet, with but limited opera
tions' in consequence of the unfavorable weath
er. Further sales of Flour have been made at
$4 96 per bbl. for common brands and $5 for ;
good. Rye Flour and Corn Meal are inactive
and without change. Wheat is steady at 108 c.
per bu. for good red, end 115 c. for white. Sales
of yellow Corn at 57} a 58c. per 1)11., weight,
and Southern Oats at 30c. Whiskey is dull at
22ic. in hhds., and 21c, in bbls.
CATTLE MARKET.-The offerings of Reef Cat
tle this weeg were 1100 head, including 500
i driven to New York. There was a good de
mand, but at rather low rates ; 1000 head sold
at $6 50 a 7 50, and $8 per 100 lbs. 280 Cows
and Calves sold at $7 a 14 for dry, $l2 a 25 for
Springers, and $lB a 33 for fresh Cows. 1000
Hogs were offered, but the sales were dull at
$5 75 a 6 50 per 100 lbs. Sales of about 3000
, Sheep and Lambs at $1 73 a 3 50 for Sheep,
and $1 25 a 2 75 for Lambs. Hay is steady at
60 a 80c. per cwt., for Timothy, and Straw at
$4 a 5 50 per 100 bdls. •
On the Ist instant, by the Rev. H. Hecker
man, Mr. JOSEPH LOGAN, of Barree town
ship, to Miss. ELIZABETH WADDLE of
Mill Creek, Huntingdon County.
On Tuesday, Tith ultimo, by Rev. S. H.
Reid, Mr. JAMES ARMSTRONG, of Indiana
SON, of Shavers Creek, Huntingdon county.
In Hollidaysburg, of pneumonia, on Thurs
day, Feb. 1.5, 1819, ALICE LIZETTE, aged
4 years 7 months and 7 days—and on Tuesday
morning Feb. 20, ANNETTE ELIZA, aged
4 years 7 months and 11 days—twin daughters
of J. Penn and Elizabeth Taylor Jones.
Capt. David Hazzard,
WO . U nd ll
L c
u r s e t s o p m e e e r t s fu I l w fo
y tilhrimnenilluhdeisscalabohnitenthdes
entire population—that he has removed
Standing-Stone Head-Quarters
to the room next door to Prowell a Stole, directly
opposite Wallace's Washington Hotel, where ha
has fitted up an
Si&l (0 Vil't
above ground, which can't be beat on the Juniata.
The lovers of good Oysters can always be ac
commodated by giving him a call.
His new stand is fitted up , t on purpose" to ac
commodate Ladies and gei tlemen. The "old
Captain" therefore hopes that his friends of both
sexes will extend to him a liberal support.
NUTS, &c., &c., always on hand.
Mud; 6, 18.44,
The ulolersignoil conithitfee will receive propo
sals until and on the 13th invidni, fur the build
ing of a CHURCH near Wateratrevt. The plan
and specifications cnn be seen by applying to
L. G. My linger, to whom all cOnimunicationa
must be addressed, paid.
Waterstreet, March B. 1545.
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of
Quarter Sessions of the county of Hunting
The Petition of John Whittaker, of
the Borough of Huntingdon in said
county, respectfully sheweth : That
your Petitioner having for many years
kept an inn or tavern at his old stand on
the south western corner of Allegheny
and Montgomery streets in said borough
of Huntingdon, he has provided himself
with house room, stabling and other
conveniences necessary to accommodate
the public, and entertain strangers and
travellers, and is desirous of continning
to keep an inn at the same place. He
I therefore prays your Honors to grant
him a license to keep an inn or tavern
at said place. And he will pray, &c.
March 6, 1849.
We, the undersigned citizens of the
said orough of Huntingdon, do certify
that we are well acquainted with John
Whittaker, the above Petitioner, that the
inn or tavern proposed to be continued
and kept at the place mentioned in the
foregoing Petition, is necessary to ac
commodate the public and entertain
strangers and travellers, and that said
Petitioner is of good repute for honesty
and temperance, and is well provided
with house room, and conveniences for
the accommodation of strangers and
T. K. Simonton, C. S. Black, W. Snarei
John N. Prowel I, Thomas Paster, Isaac
Lininger, I , ‘ m. Stewart, Robert Mul
ler, Henry Bender ' ..•: . ;amuel Houck,
Alexander Osborn, Geo. A. Steel.
Do the Honorabl.• Judges of the Court of
Quarter Sessions of the Peace in end for the
county of Huntingdon, at April Term A. D.
The petition of Abraham Moyer of the Vii•::
loge of Waterstreet, in said county, respectfully
represents:—That your petitioner has leased that
large and commodious brick tavern house situate
in said Village of Waterstreet and immediately
ou the turnpike road leading from Philadelphia •
to Pittsburg and is well known as the \\ aterstreet
Hotel—that said House is well calculated for a
public hot se of entertainment, and from its
neighborhood and situation is suitable as well as
very necessary for the accommodation of the
public and the entertainment of strangers end
travellers—that there is good stabling for horses
attached to the same. And your petitioner has
provided all necessary convenience for the accom
modation of the public. Ile therefore prays the
Court to grant him a license to keep an inn or
tavern and public house of entertainment in Raid
house. And he will pray &c. A. MOYER.
March 6, 1849.
We, the subscribers, citizen!, of t'bd Village
: and Vicinity of Waterstreet. do hereby certify
that we are pet 'moony acquainted with Abr . :them
Moyer, the abase named petitioner, and know
him to be of good repute for honesty and tem•
perance. end is well provided with house room,
' &c., for the accommodation of strangers and
travellers, and that the said tavern is necessary
' for the accommodation of strangers and tray
Robert Kinkead, John Davie, lien, y B. My
linger, Michael Buyer, John Mytinger, John For,
Cisptr Weight, J. M,Young. Wil ism C. Bsyly,
John M. Dickson, John Renner, Job Plympton.
To Catharine McGrath, Margery McGrath,
Bernard A. McGrath, and Hugh McGrath, grand
children and heirs of Bernard 0 Friel, due'd.,
and to Francis McGrath, (who was appointed by
the Cotter Of Common Plea. of Huila gdon
county, to receive notice for said grand children
and heirs.)
Waereas, Jahn Dougherty, john Bennet, 'ea
win F. • hoenbergsr, John' H. Shoenberger, Geo.
K. Shoenberger, Peter Shoenberger, John M.
Davis, James M. Davie and John McFaden, now
or lately acting or trading tinder the firm of the
Reliance Transportation k ompany, heretofore, in
the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon
county, to wit, in the term of April 1842, recov
ered against Dr. I. harleaO'Friel and John Dough
erty, Executors of Bernard O'Friel, deed., e
certain debt of three thousand eight hundred and
eighty eight dollars and thirty two cent., lawful
money of Pennsylvania, as also fifty dollara and
sixty four cent., like money, which to the said •
plaintiffs were adjudged for their damages which
they sustained by occasion of the detention of
that debt, whereof the void John Dougherty and
Dr. Charles O'Friel. Executors of said deceased,
I are convict. And Whereas, Margery O'Friel is
now administratrix, de bonis non, with the will
annexed of said Bernard O'Friel, dee'd.; and
whereas. Executiou of the debt and damages as
aforesaid as yet remains to be done,
You, and each of you, are hereby notified and
required to appear before the Judges of the Court
of Common I'leas of Huntingdon county, at a
Court to be held in Huntingdon on the second
Monday in April next, to chew if anything for
youreelves you know, or have to say, why Ex
ecution should not be had against you for the
debt and damages aforesaid, end why the came
should not continue a lien against the real estate
afraid deceased, according to the form and effect
of acid recovery.
Witness the Honorable A. S. Wilson, Presi
dent of the said Court, at Huntingdon, the 25th
I day of January, A. D. 1549.
March 6, 1849-41.
THE subscribers to the capital stock of " the
I Spruce Creak and Water Street Turnpike
Road Company," who have neglected to comply
with the previous calla of said Company, for the
payment of the several instalment., are again no
tified ti at they are required to pay me at my res
idence, in Franklin township, Huntingdon coun
ty, for the use of said Company, on or before the
tenth day of April A. D. !HO. any and all mo
ney., now remaining due and unpaid. by reason
of or on account of their said a obiseription to said
Any subacribere who have subscribed lo raid
clock since July, A. D. 1847, are also notified
that they are required to pay at the same time and'
place, ten per cent of the stock subscribed, and
on or before the tenth day of each succeeding
month the like aunt of ten per cent until the
whole is paid.
Treasurer of W. B. & S.C. T. Co.
March 6, 1849-41.
Soots and Shoes.
TtLiE largest, finest and best assort
ment of Boots and Shoes, ever
brought to . town,' for sale by
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of
Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions of the
Peace for the county of Huntingdon, at April
Sessions A. D. 1849.
The petition of Michael,Sisler of the bor
ough of Alexand.ia in the county of Huntingdon,
eheweth t That he keep, a public [Omar Tavern
in the house he now occupies in the ssid borough
of Aleagndrls, and that the said Inn or Tavern
is neceaeary to riccommodate„the public, Prul to
entertain strangere and travellers. Your petition
er therefore, prays your tlonorri texrant him a
licenae for the continuance tit the same,and your
petitioner will ever prej &c. • •
1 1 March 8,1849.
We the undersigned citizen. of the borough
of Alexandri , hereby ce tify that the house now
kept by Michael Sieler, es an Inn or Tavern in
the borough of Alexandria, is neceasary to ec•
commodate the public end entertain strangers
and traveller., and that the said Michael Sic er
is of good repute for honesty and temperance,
and is well provided with house room and con
veniences for the accommodation of strangers and
John N. Swoope, Careus Patterson, Ja
cob Hoffman, George Walker, Alex
ander Stitt, Enoch Kline, William
Moore, John Coneley, John Bisbin,
l3enj. J. Williams, Michael Richison,
G. W. Jones, N. Cresswell, Sample
Fleming, Stephen ltinger, Samuel
Spyker, Andrew M'Clure, H. Fodder.
March 6, 1849.
To the Honorable the .Tudges of the Court of
Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions of the
Peace for the County of Huntingdon, at April
gessiOns A. D. 1819.
The petition or Sample Fleming, of
the borough, of Alexan'dria, in the coun
ty of Huntingdon, sheWetli i That he
keeps a public Inn or Tavern in the
house he how occupies in the said bor.:
ough of Alexandria and county afore . -
said, and that the said Inn' or Tavern is
necessary to accommodate trie public,
and to' entertain strangers and trivel
lers. Your petitioner therefore prays
your Honors to grant him a license for
the continuance of the Caine, and your
petitioner will pray &c.
March 6. 1849.
We, the undersigned, citizens of the
borough of Alexandria, hereby certify
that the house now kept by Sample
Fleming as an Inn or Tavern in the bor
ough of Alexandria, is necessary to ac
commodate the public and entertain
strangers and travellers, and that the
said Sample Fleming is of good repute
for honesty and temperance and is well
prepared with house room and conveni
ences for the accommodation of stran
gers and travellers.
John Sisler, B. J. Williams, Mickel
Richeson, illiam Kemp, Thomas
Mitchell, Philip Piper, Frederick
Sebriver, G. W. Jones, John Piper,
jr:; Michael Sisler, Jacob Baker,
Francis Conner, Abraham Piper, N.
Cress Well,. John N. Swoope, Careus
Patterson; John'Conoley,' W. Walker.
To the Honorable tie Judges of the Court of
Quarter Sessions of Huntingdon county
The petition of Zacarish Pheasant respectfully
sheweth : That your petitioner, residing in Union
township, in said county, is well provided with
house room and conveniences for the lodging
and accommodation of strangers and travellers.
Your petitioner, therefore, proyr the Honorable
Court to grant him a license to keep an Inn or
Tavern in said house. end your petitioner will
March 6, 1849.
We, the undersigned citizens of Union town
ship, in which the above Inn 'cir Tavern is" preyetri
for, do certify that such Inn or Tavern is nc.ciz
nary to accommodate the public and entertain'
strangers and travellers—and that Zacarish
Phesant, the above named petitioner, is of good
repute for honesty and temperance, and is well
provided with house room and conveniences for
the accommodation of strangers and travellers.
William Eastep, Henry Pheasant, Peter
Posten, Philip Curfman, jr., J. K.
Hampson, John MeCombe, Jacob
Miller, Wm. Smith, W. S. Hampson,
J. M. Hampson, Jacob H. Miller,
B. F. Glasgow.
To the Court of Quarter 8.370113 of flouting-
don county, nt April Term, A. D. re.l9 :
The Petition of Alexander Carmon of the bor-
ough and county of Huntingdon, respectfully
represents :—That he is desirous of keeping an
Inn or Tavern in the house now occupied by
him for the ensuing year—that said house is sit
uated in the borough and county of Huntingdon,
on the corner of the Diamond in Main Street,
and has been kept by him as a.public house for
many years past—that he is well provided with
everything necessary for the accommodation of
the public and the entertainment of strangers
I and travellers. He therefore prays the Honor
! able Court to grant him a license for said pur
pose, and he will ever pray, &c.
March 6, 1849.
We, the undersigned, citizens of the borough
of Hnntingdon, do certify that such Inn or Tay
ern as prayed for above, by Alexander Carmon,
in the house occupied by him as an Inn or Tav
ern for mhny years past, is necessary to accom
modate the public and entertain .trangers and
travelers—and.that the said applicant is a man
of good repute for honesty and temperance—
and is well provided with house room and con
veviences for the accommodation of strangers
and Travellers..
Jacob Snyder, C. S. Black, T. K. Simon
ton, William Rothrock,Lonis Schnei
der, Sam'l Steel, Jno. Armitage, Hen
ry Alexander, C. Cauts, Jacob. Dach
enbach, David Colestock,' William A.
Saxton, Jas. Clark.
Perfumes, Hair Oils, Soaps, Shaving Cream, &c.
A very large lot of Roussell's unrivalled
Shaving Cream, &c., &c., just opening at the
Huntingdon Jewelry Store. It is decidedly the
best assortment in town and will be sold very
11 SHAD,
Constantly on band
and for sale by
J. PALMER, & Co.
Market St. Wharf,
Feb. 27, 184.9.-3rit
estate of MICHAEL 11. DE ITR ICH, late
of Warrio,smo, k tolonship, deed.
NOTICE is hereby given that Leiters of Admin
istration on the estate of. M. 11. Deitrich,
late of Warriormarl: twp., Hunt. co.. deed. have
been granted to the undersigned. AS persons in
debted to said estate are repented to make imme
diate payment, and thoaa having claims or de
mands agoinst the cattle ho preeent them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
JAMES 11101111:;()N,
Feb. 27, 1899.
Great Economy in Kindling rires.
THE attention of ( ountry Merchants. Ped
lars, and Dealers generally, and (*unified are
respectfully invited to a composition called
an article much needed and in demand from all
quarters. Fin, CENT. will supply one fire ev
ery day for 6 months. It is neatly done up in
packages, each containing 24 cokes—each cake
t 0 inches square,—one of which instantaneously
taking fire from contact with a lighted match will
ignite Charcoal, Wood and Bituminous Coal,
end with one-fourth the ordinary quantity of
1 1 wood or charcoal will kindle the Anthracite.
For sale, Wholesale and Retail, at the KIND.
LING DEPOT, No. 149 loath 2nd street, Rhit
r adelphia. J. W. GRAY.
Felt. 13, 1844—1 a.
Auditor's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons inter
ested, that the undersigned wan appointed by the
Orphans' Court of 11 untingdon county, lit Janu
ary term last, auditor to apportion the, balance in
the hands of the administrators of :-arntiel My ton,
late of West torynship in acid county, deceased,
and that he vv . ifl attend to the duties of his said
appointment on Saturdl4 thi;,ititli day of March
next, at his 091ce in the horcugh of iltint:ingdon,
at ten o'elock . A. d ew s ' dav, ; vihen nod where
all persons interested are notified to attend.
JOHN REED, Auditor.
Feb t 3, 1899. .
Administrators' Notice.
Estate of .ILEX.INDER .410. NT.
GOMERY, late of West township,
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration on said Estate, hone been granted to
the undersigned, Persona indebted to the same,
are requested to make pa y mem and those haling
claim's .or tlein'ande agalnst the, same, to present
them duly authenticated' for settlement.
Feb. 20, 1849. [Adminietralurs.
Executors , Notice,
LETTERS testamentary having been
granted to the undersigned on the estate
of Matthew Garner, late of Penn town
ship, in the county of Huntingdon, de
ceased, all persons indebted to said es
tate are hereby notified to call and make
payment, and all persons having claims
against the same are requested to 'pre
sent them duly authenticated for settle
ment to the subscribers.
. _ .
(*; - tORGE GAIRNE4, Jr.,
Penn t np., feb27-
Executors' Notice,
Estate of JOHN .41cC.112TNEY, late
of Henderson township, dec'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters testatnen
tory have heen granted to the undersigned on the
estate of John Mc. artney, late of Henderson
township, deceased. Persons knowing themselves
indebted will come forwartland make payment;and
all those having rlnims will present them duly au
thenticated forsettlement.
Worsdell's Vegetable Restorative Pills
HAVE been gradually `hut surely coming into
favor, among the families of this Country for
some years past They have done this entirely
through their great worth as a FAMILY MI D
IME. Agencies have been appointed but no
puffing and humbug 'inch as is resorted to by
quacaa to sell their medicine has been done.
The pills are offered for sale and have and will
continue to be sold by all the p inciple store
keepers. The proprietors claim for their Medi
cine the following advantages over all others—
They' are PURELY V I...GETABLE.—
They are CERTAIN 'l'o OPERATE. Their
operation is FREE from all PAIN. They can
be used with EQUAL 14ENEFIT by theyonng
est INFAN 1 and the STRONGEST MAN—
Their efficiency in Fevers, Ague, Headaches,
Habitual Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Cholera Mor
bus. &c.. has been proven upon thousania.—
They area Cei loin Cure for Worms. The pro
prietors possess a certificate from a gentleman in
St. Louts who was cured of a TAPE W OR VI by
the uve of them. Try them they will not fail.
Travelling agent for the Stale of Pennsylva
nia—l HARLIS P. Amer. For sale, price 25
cents a box containing FIFTY PILLS, with full
directions by the following agents in Huntingdon
Thomas Read & Son. Huntingdon.
Thomas E. Orhison, Orbisonia.
J. M. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg, Blair Co.
A. WEEKS & Co.
Proprietors, Laboratory No. 141 Chesnut street,
January 23, 1849-1 y
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of J.ILIVE 8.3R12, late of Jack
son township, dec'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters. of Ad
mihrstration have been granted to the uhder
signed ore said estate. Persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate payment.
aitil those having claims or demands against the
airme to present them duly authenticated for set
tlement to JO IN PARK,
Feb. 13, :849—pd. Adminietralor.
Look out ,for Bargains !
More Watches, Jewelry, Silver Spoons,
A NOTHER superidr lot of GOLD and slr.,.
VER WATCHES of various descriptions,
will be received and opened this evening at the
• Huntingdon Jewelry Store." Also—Gold
Finger Rings, Gold Pens, Steel Reads, Pistols,
&c., &c. .T. T. SCOTT.
Huntingdon, Feb. 6. tßtfi,
rishir, 211 , Murtfie 84 Co.,
Hese just received a further addition to their
Fall and k% inter Hock of Guotts, consisting of
everything urieful and ornamental. Shawls of
all kinds arid all price.: Munnn ale j.ains at 10
ma per ya • d ; Calicoes at 3 and 4 cte ;
bleached and unbleached, at 3 eta, and yard wide
et 6 cts ; Cashmeres. Gingham, &c; Water
proof and other Boots for men and boys. Shoe.
of all kinds, Buffalo sock, gum shoe, Fiy Mo
ntan, Ready-made I. lothing. data and Ceps,
'Trunks. Valises, Blanket., &c., &e., cheaper
than ever!
Huntingdon. Dec. 5, 1848.
P.- M.•
FOLLoiv .CITIZITNS :---At the solicitation d
many friends, I offertmyselc as candidate for
at the ensuing election. I respectfully. solicit
your suffrages, and if elected, promise to dis
charge the duties of the office faithfully—and
trust to thesatisfaction of the Brigade.
Your Fellow Citizen, JAMES CLINGER.
Pine Grove Mills, I .
Centre county, Jan. 9, 180
1..(1) -- -e2'. Z=-I',_3
Of Partition and Valuation of the Real
Eestate of JOHN...THU/ER, late of
Union township, Huntingdon
County, deceased. . .
r ,
IHE heirs and legal representatives of the
•sltiJ John %liner, deceased, viz: Christian
!k l iller,John Mi ler, Matthew Miller, and Han
nan Den now interrit%rrlcd tvith Michael Dell,
are hereby,notified that by V:rlue of ¢,,Writ of
Partition o Valuation, issued to me out of tho
Orphsne Coort of Huntingdon County, I will
hold an Inquisition on the Real Estate I r %laid 11,
ceased, viz: a Tract of Land situate in Union
township, Huntingdon connty, , on'aining 339
acres and allowance, on TUESDA V, MARCH
• ..
13th, 194
9,0 n the premixes, whenend where all
I interested can attend if they think-prpper,
• •
Sftrptirp'n OFFICE, .i.
Jan. 31,1849-4 t
' -
Sheldrahe's Alleghany House,
. 280 .11 arket Street, above Eighth;
(South nine,)
TIIIS large and splendid Hotel has been fur
nished with entire nen. furniluie. The liar
Room is the largest in Philade Mits. Ihe Par
lors and aiding-Rooms are entirely separated
front the noise and bustle, consequent to the ar
rival and departure of cars. The Portico ex
tending the whole front of the house, affords a ,
cool, retreat in warm weather, and a splendid
view of the
. ktentes! thoroughfare in the C9y,
The Lodging Rooms are well furnished.
Table as well provided for al; at any other lictel.
with every attention of the mannpera to make it
the best liotel.for for. and Business Men.
during their stay in the City. The
be one dollar per day, (In the arrival of,
Cars from the West. a Porter will be in attend,
an , :e to convey bnr.gage,&c. to the Hotel, whiCh
is adjoining the depot.
1 Feb. 13, 1819-6:n.
Pennsylvania Railroad Company
Notice is hereby given that the SFS
LVIIS per share on the Capital stock of
this company is rco•uired to 11't 10i1 on
or before the rst day OfTann,ary ite2xt
he eighth inStrileitml of five dollars per
share on or before the 2d day of Alarch
—The ninth instalment of five dollars
per share on or before the Ist day of
May, and the tenth instalment of five
dollars per share on or before the Ist day,
of July next, at the office of Miles &
Payments will be received of one or
more instalments, or the Stock may be
paid in full, at the option of the Stock
holders, and infeies.e bo allowed
from date of payment.
Instalments not paid punctually will
be subject . to the penalty of one per
cent per .rnOnto, as required by law.
GEOliGli V. BACON, Treas.
Dec. 12, IS4S.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of JOSEPH MC KSON, (of
David) dee'd, late of Jackson township,
Huntingdon county.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad
ministration on said estate hive been grant
ed to the undersigned. All persons indebted to
said estate aro requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims or demands against
the same to present them duly authenticated for
settlement to GEORGE OLIVER,
Adm . , Oliver township, M iftiin count 7
Jan. 31, 1849-6t.-pil.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of C.15..1..VD R.l T,LEC H, late
of Union township, Hunti;ikdon county.
NT °TICE is hereby given that Letters oP :
ministration on said estate have been greet
ed to the undersigned. AU persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and thLs having claitns ordcma ids against
the same to present them duly authenticated for
settlement to MOSES SWOOPE,
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned, appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon
county, to appropriate the proceeds of
the Sheriff's Sale of the real estate of
Henry Dopp, hereby gives notice to all
persons interested in said apyfropriation,
fhai he will attend for that purpose, at
hiS ofACe, in Huntingdon, on Friday the
6th day of April next, at 1 o'clock,
Feb. 21. 1849. Auditor.
.6.dministratere' Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of admin
istration have been granted to the undersign
ed nn thd estate of Abraham Long, latit of
Shirley township, Huntingdon county. All pot
ions indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and dim!, basing claims or
demands against the same to present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
Dec. 1 9 , 1544,