Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 06, 1849, Image 2

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ter sale at this office.
The “Hunzinonox JOURNAL" is published at
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in advance ; 112,00 if paid during the year, and
V 2,50 if not paid until after the expiration of
the year. The above terms to be adhered to in
all cases.
No subscription taken for less than six months,
and no paper discontinued until all arrearages
are paid, unless at the option of the publisher.
We are continuing to send out bills to those
in arrears. We hope none will fail to remit
their dues. We make out the bills to the end of
the year, which, in most cases, is the first of
July next. Those we have trusted for three
years and eight months, will not of course, re
fuse to trust us for the four coming months for
which they are charged. Our terms, when two
dollars only is charged, require payment during
the year. If payment of the bills we are now
sending out is not received previous to the first
of Juno next, fifty cents additional for each year
will be added. We make this explanation now,
to avoid any difficulty in the future. Those,
therefore, who have been taking the Journal for
four years will save two dollars, by paying up
at once.
We have had during the past week, a " thou
sand and one" rumors as to the composition of
Gen. Taylor's Cabinet. The New York Tri
bune of the 2d and the Daily News of the 3d
inst. concur that the following gentlemen will
pretty certainly compose the new Cabinet:
Sec of State, .10(IN M. CLAYTON, of Del.
Sec. of Treasury, WM. M. MEREDITH, of Pa.
See. of War, GEO. %%CRAWFORD, of Ga.
See. of the Nary, ABBOTT LAWRENCE, Mass.
_Postmaster General, Tiros,. EWING, of Ohio.
Attorney General, WM. 13. Pacs.roN, of Va.
It will not be seriously denied, that this is a
thoroughly Whig Cabinet, or that the distin
guished statesmen who compose it, are all good
men and true. It will be seen that the North
is well represented, while the south can have
nothing to complain of in this arrangement.
The Washington correspondent of the Daily
News in his letter of the first seems to
think that a change will be made in the above
list, and that Mr. Lawrence will take the Treas
ury department, while the Navy department
will be given to either Mr. Randall, Mr. Mc-
Kennan or Judge thanks, of Pa. All these ru
mors and speculations will be set right in a day
or two by the official announcement. For the
present we incline to the belief that the above
list will prove to be correct. The gentlemen
composing it are all Whigs; and their high
characters for purity and talent, will command
the respect and confidence of the country.
The Inauguration.
Washington has been a perfect jam for same
time past. More than a week ago all rae lead
ing hotels were thronged and it was quite diffi
cult to obtain comfortable quarters. The price
of boarding has run up from $1.50 to $5 per
day. And matters would be growing worse
until after the inauguration. There is more
people at Washington than ever assembled there
on any similar occasion. Hundreds of politi
cians, as well as many strangers who have se
lected the present moment for a visit to Wash
ington, arc there. Many are looking for office,
and many more are there with the single pur
pose of visiting the Halls of Congress and par
ticipating in the joyous scenes attending the
Inauguration of the new President.
Spring Election ,
Friday, the 16th inst., is the day for electing
borough and township officers in Huntingdon
County. We hope our Whig friends throughout
the county will attend to this election. The el
ection of honest and competent election officers
is of the highest importance ; and the election
of the right kind of Assessors is no less impor
tant. The Locos always attend to these small
elections, while the Whigs too often neglect
them. Let this.not be the case at the approach
ing election.
Gen. Scott.
The correspondent of the Daily News says
(ion. Taylor has written a letter to Gen. Scott,
at New York, expressing an earnest desire that
he should come to Washington, and be present
at the Inauguration. Considering the peculiar
relation which so recently existed between
these two heroes, it does great credit to Gen.
Taylor, exhibiting as it does, in its true light,
the generous And magnanimous disposition
which he bears.
All who have had an opportunity to see and
converse with General Taylor are delighted
with the man. Gov. JminsTort, visited Gen.
Taylor at Washington, at his special invitation,
and returned tollarrisborg on Monday evening
last. We learn from the Pa. Telegraph that
he was much pleased with his interviews with
the General, whom he found to be quite a differ
ent mass from what he has been represented,
particularly by his enemies, and who express
ed himself unequivocally in lavor of those
measures of nelonal policy that Pennsylvania
has ever cherished. Governor Johnston enter
tains the highest confidence in the wisdom and
integrity of the President elect, and has no
doubt but his administration will cherish the
interests and redound to the honor of oar coon.
The old and the New.
Saturday last closed Mr. Polk's official career,
and on yesterday, Gen. ZACHARY TaYLoa was
inaugurated President of the United States.—
The retiring Administration had lost the confi
dence of the People I the new comes into pow
er wall an unsurpassed popularity, which is
strengthening as Gen. Taylor is becoming more
generally known. According to the declaration
of one of Mr. Polk's partizans the other day
; in the House, he was the President of the
' 4 Democratic Pal ty" exclusively. But this
declaration was not necessary to prove the fact.
Mr. Polk's Administration was the most exclu
sively partizan, of any that this country has
yet had. In his annual messages is to be found
embodied the most bitter partizan slang of the
day. But Mr. Polk's race is run. His good
and evil deeds are before the country. The
People have decided against his general policy,
and demanded a change. Gen. Taylor has pro
; mised that he will lend his aid to soften the
asperities of party—that the Will of the Peo
ple, as expressed through their representatives
shall prevail, and that in all things he shall
strive, in his official capacity, to patterh after
the early Presidents. Should these promises
be verified, as we confidently believe they will,
• the People will have the desired change, and
• every true Republican may bless the day that
elevated ZACHARY TAYLOR to the Presidential
Gen. Taylor's Cabinet.
Intimations having been spread abroad that
Gov. Johnston was likely to become a member
of Gen. Taylor's Cabinet, it is proper for us to
state that he has never entertained any such
idea—on the contrary, we know that he would
not leave his present position to accept of any
office in the gift of the President. Nor has he
at any time given any countenance to the rumor
that has been circulated. Gov. Johnston ap
preciates too highly the efforts of those who
placed him in power, to voluntarily abandon
the cherished interests of his native State to
the doubtful contingency of falling into the
Lands of political friends or enemies. He will
not desert the post he has been called to fill by
the voice of the people, while the interests of
the Commonwealth might be jeoparded thereby.
—Pa. Telegraph.
This is just what we expected from our wor
thy Governor. No one doubts that had Gov.
JOHNSTON been willing to accept, he could have
had a seat in Gen. Taylor's Cabinet. But no
post, however exalted, could tempt him to leave
the place which he now fills with so much abil
ity, and which he recOved direct from the peo
ple themselves. WAI. F. JOHNSTON will stand
by tl.e People who elected him, and he may
rest assured that the people will as faithfully
stand by him.
[From the Baltimore American.]
The New Administration.
The manifest disposition of the public mind
to regard the new Administration with favor, is
an auspicious sign indicative of good things.—
Men of all parties are inclined to trust to the
strong manly sense and sterling honesty which
they ascribe to General TAYLOR.
This confidence in advance gives to the new
President an extraordinary power for good,
without the danger of its doing any harm. It
is given in sincere faith, and it will remain
with abiding endurance so long as it is deserved.
Gen. TAYLOR is thus placed in a position the
most desirable that a patriotic President could
occupy—that of being free to act, in all his
official doings, with reference to justice and
the public good."
Thus far, in the whole demeanor of the Pres
ident elect since the decision in November,
there is seen an admirable propriety, quite in
keeping with a character which his countrymen
had learned to venerate, as exhibited in his pre
vious career. On every occasion of welcome
which greets him, as he advances toward the
Capital, the congratulations of his fellow citi
zens are received with a modesty that proves
its own genuineness, and he continually express
es his fears that in the new line of service to
which the people have called him he may not
he able to meet the expectations of the public.
There is no affectation in this ; nor could there
be a better indication of the true worth and
ability which he himself is the only one to din
With such characteristics as General TAYLOR
possesses, and with the strong hold which he
now has upon the popular confidence, his Ad
ministration, without the excesses which mark
ed General JACKSON'S, may have more than its
Constitutional vigor. That the new President
will be every inch a President let those doubt
who doubt that he fought at Buena Vista. But
his whole life shows that the energy and decis
ion of his character have ever been manifested
in upholding the laws, not in violating them ;
and we may with reason infer that the same
promptitude of obedience which has always
marked his course when serving under the or
ders of his military superiors in authority, will
continue to characterize his service under the
high control of the Constitution and its solemn
Canal Commissioner.
A correspondent of the Pa. Telegraph rec
ommends STEPHEN MILLER, of Dauphin county,
as a suitable candidate for the Whig party for
Canal Commissioner. Mr. MILLER is not an
office-seeker, but we venture to say that he
would make a good candidate and an admirable
officer. He is a Whig of the right sort.
W ilmot Proviso.
By reference to a letter underour Washing
ton head, it will be seen that the House has
passed the California Bill with the Wilmot Pro
viso. On the Senate now rests the responsibil
ty of giving to California a Territorial govern
Tax NEXT Ciosus.--It is estimated that our
population is increasing about three per cent. an
nually.—This will give us an increased popula
tion of 670,000, during the present year, and
the census of 1850 will doubtless exhibit an ag
gregate population throughout the Union, in
cluding our newly acquired territory, of at least
[Correspondence of the Huntingdon Journal.]
HARRISBURG, March 2, 1849
MY DIAR CoLoam. write this letter on I
about one of the most unpleasant days of the
season; rain, slop, snow and at length begin
ning to freeze. Town news is dull. Mrs.
Loomis, the mesmeric lecturer, has been giv
ing entertainments to good houses, and aston
ishing the solons with Miss Martha's extraor
dinary clairvoyant experiments. Last night.
Mr. De Witt, of the Presbyterian Church, was
one of the committee and expressed himself
satisfied that there was no collusion. A strange
feat was done by Miss Margaret a few days
ago,—no less than when magnetized, telling the
Ex-Secretary of the Commonwealth the exact
spot where to find a paper lost a long time ago 4
It was perfectly successful and staggered the
unbelievers in clairvoyance considerably.
The Supplement to the act incorporating the
Penn'a Railroad Company, which pasted the
House some weeks ago, has been discussed in
the Senate for the last three days; Messrs.
King, Johnson, Drum and Small speaking for
the bill, and Messrs. Matthias, Crabb and
Darsie against it. To-day it passed second
reading and it will go through. The Penn'a
R. R. Company object to and oppose it strongly
and your representative, Mr. Cornyn, fights
for it. He has paid more attention to the Sen
ate than the House for the last three days, and
would have lost the bill had he done otherwise ;
for it was in a tight plate, as the Senator from
Monroe says. He is now satisfied that it is all
right. The vote on second reading to day was
16 for and 11 against the bill. So much for
The North Branch Bill and the bill for avoid
ing the inclined plane at Philadelphia, are hung
up to dry, for the present ; the House being de
sirous to pass revenue measures before voting
new appropriations. One of these latter pas
sed the House to-day, making the licensing of
inns and taverns in Philadelphia general. It
will yield from $250,000 to $300,000 per an
num. A few more such acts will set the State
on her feet again.
An attempt was made a few days ago to pro
cure an adjournment for four days, so as to en
able those who desired to see the inauguration
of the new President ; but there were so many
who did not want to go, of both parties, that it
The bill revising the general school laws oc
cupied the House yesterday, morning and after
noon. The representatives from counties where
there are many non-accepting districts endeav
ored to get a bonus to come in, but the House
very properly refused to honor them. The bill
is a very good one and will probably pass.
The Governor and Mr. Cooper both went to
Washinr4ton to see old Zack, the other day—
The Governor is bark, well pleased with his
trip, and Mr. Cooper still remains.
I have no general news. HUNTINGDON.
Opinions of us Abroad.
At the time of the difficulty in the organiza
tion of the Ohio legislature, we mourned over
the light in which the affair would be regarded
abroad. Our fears have been verified. A prom
inent subject of exultation in the English news
papers, and one frequently referred to with cha
grin I.:y the French, is the anarchical move
ments, which characterized that unhappy and
disgraceful exhibition. In some of the Parisian
newspapers which are in the interest of the
monarchical party, the affair is referred to as
incipient revolution in one of the American
States ; and jeers, but partially concealed, are
flung at the stability of our institutions. It is
melancholy to Tart that any action of any
party of the Unittiff States, should be quoted tt
a period like this, as a proof of the weakness
of a Republican government. Already the re
action in favor of the privileged orders is suffi
ciently great in Europe. without having the
cause of Freedom smitten under the fifth rib
by our own folly. We trust that members of
both sides will remember- hereafter that the
eyes of all Europe are upon us. The destinies
of the human race depend upon us more than
any people that has yet lived. Ought we not
therefore to be mindful of our high vocation
and run the race set before us like men con
scious of a mighty mission.—Bulletin.
The President Elect.
The National Inteligencer of Wednesday last
says :
"Our readers will be glad to learn
that Gen. Taylor has been, by a day or
two of repose, quite restored from the
effects both of the accident which he
met with on his route hither, and of the
fatigue of his long journey ; so touch
so that, besides receiving, yesterday, a
large number of visiters of both sexes,
he paid a formal visit to President
Polk, by whom he was most courteous
ly received, and with whom he excharn.'
ged the respectful greetings due from
each to the other in their respective sit
uations. We have reason to believe
that the impression mada on the numer
ous persons, public and private, who
called on the General yesterday, scarce
ly one of whom had ever seen him be
fore, was highly favorable. The blend
ed urbanity and dignity of his demean
or, his kindness to all, and the evident
benevolence which pervades all his ac
tions, are well calculated to win general
esteem. We, ourselves, were pleased
to observe the alertneps and vigor which
mark his movements, after so many
years of hard, anxious, and wearing
OYSTER WAR.-A difficulty occurred in
the neighborhood of Drummondtown on
the Eastern shore of Virginia, between
the citizens of that neighborhood and a
party from Philadelphia.—A fleet of
twenty boats from the latter place, had
recently entered that quarter of the bay
and commenced dredging for oysters,
in violation of the laws of the State,
whereupon five small boats were mann
ed and armed with two pieces of can
non, and thus prepared, a conflict ensued
in which one oysterman was killed and
the most of their schooners shot away.
Ninety persons were subsequently cap
tured and lodged in jail, but released on
account of some informality. In the
skirmish that took place, one of the Vir
ginians was shot; the ball entering the
mouth, and coming out at the side of
the head, carrying away one of his ears.
From Panama.
A letter to the New York Tribune dated at i
Panama, January 22d, gives an account of a
meeting held at that place by a considerable
number of Americans, to protest against the
priority given to passengers from the Pacific
coasts by the agent of the U. S. mail steamer
California. The Americhs at Panama who
Who went across the Isthrtius, in the expects
ticin of obtaining passage in the steamer, con
tend that by an advertisement of the Pacific
Mail company they have the right of priority
over passengers from Callao and other Pacific
ports. The meeting also passed resolutions
approving the circular issued by Gen. Smith,
nottifying foreigners that they are prohibited
by the laws of the United States from trespass
ing on the public domain, and that it will be
his duty to enforce those laws against persons
not citizens of the United States, on his arrival
in California. The following is the circular
letter of Gen. Smith :
Wm. Nelson, U. S. Consul at Panama:
SIR :—The laws of the United States
inflict the penalty of fine and imprison.
ment on tresspassers on the public lands.
As nothing can be more unreasonable
or unjust, than the Conduct pursued by
persons not citizens or the United States,
who are flockieg from all parts to search
for and carry off gold belonging to the
United States in California , and as such
conduct is in direct violation of the law,
it will become my duty, immediately on
my arrival there, to put these laws in
force, to prevent their infraction in fu
ture, by punishing with the penalties
prescribed by law those who offend.
As these laws probably are not known to
many who are about starting to Califor
nia, it would be well to make it public
ly known that there are such laws in
existence, and they will be in future
enforced against all persons not citizens
of the United States, who shall commit
any, trespass on the lands of the Uni
ted States in California.—Your posi
tion as Consul here, being in communi
cation with the Consul on the coast of
South America, offords you the oppor
tunity of making this known most gen
erally, and 1 will be much obliged to you
if you will do it.
Brev. Major General U. S. A.,
Com'g. Pacific Division
There is considerable dissatisfaction among the
Americans detained at Panama, in consequence
of what they conceive to be the bad faith of the
Pacific agent of the mail company, but the letter
expresses the opinion that the order-loving and
law-abiding portion are so much in the ascend
ant, that all will pass otf without serious con
Authentic Accounts From Califor-
PORTS.—After the exaggerations of first
reports usually comes the truth. Capt.
Phelps, whose arrival recently from Cal
ifornia was telegraphed from the South
with the addition that his accounts con
firmed the most glowing descriptions of
the gold country which had been re
ceived, is now in Boston, and has com
municated his knowledge to the public.
From the Boston Traveller's version of
Mr. Phelps' experience in California,
many of the stories that have been pub
halted are pure coinages of the brain.
Capt. P. says letters have appeared in
the papers from persons who had no ex
istence in California, and vessels are
named loading with gold that have nev
er been there. The amount of gold that
he brought is much less than the lowest
reported quantity. He brings one lump
weighing one ounce and a half, and says
that the largest piece he had seen did
not exceed six ounces. In many instan.
ces where it was reported that lumps of
a pound and more weight had been found
investigation proved that the statement
was an exaggeration. Capt. P. worked
personally at the washings, and he says
the diggers do not make $l5O per day.
Those who have done the best have not
obtained more than $3OOO during the en
tire digging season.
Capt, P.'s opinions as to the success
of expeditions daily starting for the
country is, that it will depend upon the
manner of their organization. There
are considerable quantities of gold in
California, but the amount does not
equal the exaggerated reports. The in
habitants are anxious to maintain order
but are sbliged to resort to Lynch law
to do so, in the absence of regular author
ity. The reported disorders in the coun
try are also exaggerated. There was
but one case occurred before he left, a
negro, who was whipped for insulting a
Mormon woman. When Col. Mason's
companies deserted, a file of men were
sent after them ; they deserted also, and
he called upon the miners to assist him
in recovering the men if they wished
the protection of the United States.
They replied that they were willing to
assist him in arresting fugitives from
justice, but their time was too precious
to be running after deserters.
NEW YORK, Feb. 25.—Tom Hyer the
champion of America, as he is called,
arrived in this city yesterday. As soon
as it was known, that he came in the
Philadelphia train, his friends procured
a baroucho, which they ornamented with
American flags, and in which they con
veyed him through the principle streets.
They finally deposited him in the Branch
Hotel, in the Bowery,. in which estab
lishment he has lately purchased an in
terest. He announces his determina
tion of not engaging in any pugilistic
encounter for the future.
The New Cabinet--Rumors, &C. &c
[eorrespondehee of the Daily Nem.]
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27th, 1849
Solite of the best Whig architects in
the whole country, are busy at work On
the Cabinet. It is pretty well sdttled
of what order it is to be, but the mate
rials are not decided upon. Indeed, be
fore gaturddy, it is possible that the ex
isting aspect of affairs may be entirely
changed. The best authenticated ru
mor now has it that the Treasury De
partment will not be given to New Eng
land, but that will be pressed upon Penn
sylvania. Wm. M. Meredith or Josiah
Randall, Esq., it is further rumored,
will be called upon to fill it. The same
authority says that the Navy Depart
ment will be offered to Abbott Lawrence,
while Caleb B. Smith; for reasons yet
unknown, will not be assigned the Post
Office Department. Thomas Ewing, of
Ohio, and R. P. Leicher, of Ky., are now
spoken of for this department. This
is entirely a new aspect of things, and
if correct, the Cabiuet will be constituted
differently from what it would, in all
probability, have been, had it been form
, ed ye. terday.
The " outsiders," as the mongrel pol
iticians are euphoniously called, have all
sorts of rumors, stretching over a space
larger than all California and New Mex.
ico. Yet "many are called but few are
chosen." General Taylor is in fine
health and spirits, and receives his
friends with a warm cordiality that is
constantly adding to his popularity. He
is all that the soundest Whigs have
claimed for him, and right upon all the
great questions that involve the interest
and happiness of the people. He will be
true to Pennsylvania, and treacherous
to none. His great simplicity, honesty,
and firmness,_ will endear him to all sec
tions alike, hut not to all parties.
There will probably be about one pick
pocket to every 500 people here on the
sth,—hence, those who visit the city
should take extra caution with their
money. The plan is frequently adopt
ed, of leaving valuables and cash at
some safe place of deposit.
The President's house to-night, is tol
erably thronged with visiters, many of
them embracing this as a last opportu.
nity of extending a doleful farewell to
the President-Ex. Every thing seems
to say to Mr. Polk, " Depart." The
worshipful eyes even of some of his
"tried"friends are already turned to
wards the rising power. The old
nasty sinks away as gradually as an
' iceberg in a tropical climate—it goes
back to its original nothingness,
Correspondence of the N. Y. Tribune,
Passage of the California Bill--
WASHINGTON, Tuesday, Feb. 27.
Parade-day in the House to-day. The Cali
fornia bill was taken up in Committee half an
hour after meeting—the House having previous
ly laid on the table the only Land Reform hill
presented at this Session, refusing the yeas and
nays thereon. Mr. Roman of Md., had half an
hour for the middle of a good Tariff Speech—
the beginning was deliver.] late last night, the
end being cut off by thearrival of the hour (noon)
at which the debate was ordered to stop. The
bill was then read by sections for consideration
and amendment, without a pause until the 12th
had been read—that which applies the provis
ions of the illustrious Ordinance of 1787 (Jef
ferson's Anti-Slavery) to this Territory.—
Here Mr. Sawyer of Ohio—representing the
Free State first-horn of the Ordinance of 'B7
and the noblest trophy of its existence and its
virtues—moved that this section be stricken out
of the billet
The Committee divided by tellers—Ayes 88;
Noes 105—so the peremptory exclusion of Sla
very was sustained.
Mr. Murphy of N. T., then moved to add a
clause in effect nullifying the Proviso by declar
ing that the Legislature of the Territory might
enact any sort of laws—estahlishing Slavery if
they choose—and the same shall be valid. Vo
ted down.
Mr. Meade of Va., tried two or three amend.
ments—one of them running the Missouri corn.
promise line (36 30 North) through to the Pa•
elfin! Ocean. All defeated.
All amendments proposed to the several sec
tions of the original bill being diz:posed of, the
next question in order was on the substitute for
the whole bill proposed by Mr. Preston of Va.,
erecting all the New Territory of the U. States
West of the Rio Grande into one State, to be
called California, and governed by such laws as
its People should enact.
Mr. Collins of N. I'., moved the Wilmot or
Jefferson Proviso on this. Carried Ayes 91,
Noes 87.
And now the friends of the substitute deser
ted to a man. The Tellers stood rip, and those
in its favor were requested to walk forward and
vote—but nobody did it except Gov. Gayle of
Ala., who voted Aye by mistake and took it
back in bright earnest.
So the bill being perfected exactly as framed
by the Committee ou 'Territories, with one or
two verbal amendments was reported to the
House, ordered to be engrossed under the Pre
vious Question, and put at once upon its passage.
Mr. Meade of Va., moved that it do lie on
the table. Defeated—Yeas 86, Nays 127.
The questioe recurred on its final passage, and
it was carried : Yeas, One Hundred and T IVOI,
ty-six. Nays ; Reighty-seren-30 majority for
[All the members voting from the free Sthtes
voted against laying on the table and for the
passage of the bill except S. A. Bridges, of Pa.,
Wm. Kennon, Jr., J. K. Miller and Wet. Saw
yer, of Ohio—four in all—(Locofocos of course)
—while only Two Southern members voted
AGAINST laying on the table and for the passage
of the bill—A vi.ETT BUCKNER and GREEN AD
AMS of Ky.,—both Whigs of course.
The members absent on both votes were Mes
srs. Blanchard, C. Brown and Nes, of Pa., D.
Duncan, Dickinson and Fries ' of Ohio, Beale,
and R. A. Thompson, of Va., McKay of N. C.,
Wallace of S. C., and Turner of Ill.—eleven
in all—only three of them Whigs. Messrs.
Daniel of N. C., T. Smith of Conn., Haskell
of Tenn., Houston of Ala., and J. G. Hampton
of N. J., were out when the vote was taken on
laying on the table, as Messrs. J. W. Mauston
of Del., Thiliodeux of La., and Bratty, C. J.
Tngersoll and J. R. Ingersoll of Pa., were when
the House voted on the final passage of the bill.
Thus every member but eleven voted on one or
the other question. Of the eleven, some could
have voted if they had wished to, but Messrs. .
Duncan and Dickinson. of Ohio were sick, and
so (it is presumed) were others. Empty seats
were uncommonly scarce. Those members
named in Italics above are not Whigs.]
So the bill Was passed—a motion to ieconsid
er was made end laid on the table—and the or
ganization and government of California duly
provided for, so far as the House is concerned.
Interesting Ceremony.
[From the National Intelligent', of Wednesday.
The joint committee appointed by the two'
Houses or angress to communicate to Gener
al Taylor official inforrriStiorf of Ms gection td
the Presidency, waited on him for that liiiipose .
on Monday last, when the Hon. Jefferson Da
vis, of the Senate, chairman of the Joint Com
mittee, addressed the General as follows
SitA :—We have been deputed by the
Senate and House of Representatives of
the Congress of the United States offi
cially to inform yOu that they have, in
the manner provided in the Constitution,
ascertained that you have been legally
old itionall ) elected to fill the of. ,
fice of President of the United States
for four years, to commence with the
fourth day of March, 1849 ; and to pre
sent to you your certificate of election,
RS proclaimed by the Vice President of
the United States on the second Wednes
day of February of the current year.
In conveying to you this evidence of
the high confidence reposed in you by
the people of the United States, we
tender to you our cordial good wishes
that you may find in the Chief Magis
tracy the honor, the glory, the happiness
which should wait upon patriotism, and
flow from a nation's prosperity
Many causes, such ns differencO of
pursuit, of circumstance, of education,
or of mental characteristic, divide how,
as they have heretofore diVided, the peoz
pie of the United States into political
parties; but it is a proud spectacle to
see the conflict of opinion, after hnving
raged with its wildest fury through the
course of a canvass; subside into peace
at the returns of an election, and no oth
er power ever be required to enforce
the result than the power Of that respect
which American citizens feel for the
laws and institutions under which they
A majority of the Senate of the Uni
ted States are of the political party
which most strove to defeat your elec
tion. I accord in political creed with
that majority. To select me, tinder these
circumstances, to announce to you your
election to the highest office in the Uni
ted States, will I trust be received as a
tolcen of their acquiescence, not reluct
tent admission, but respectful acquies ,
eace in the decisions of the people. I
feel, sir, that I can offer you assurance
that front them your administration will
not encounter factious opposition ; that
as far as difference of opinion will per
mit they will give that sincere ;90 pport
which our common interest and coned
tuitional obligati - ins might lead you to
The character of your election, the
general feeling of admiration and genii
tude for your long, arduous, and most
brilliant milt try services; a life of
earnest devotion to your country, your
whole country, give a high hope and ex
pectation in the public mind that in ta-
king the chair first held by Whshingtou
and which is sacred to every Amerientr
heart, you will lie able to hush the winds
and still the waves of sectional strife,
to pure is tI e cons•itution with all its
harmonizing compromises, to promote
the permanent prosperity and further
illustrate the honorable fumy of our
The President elect, in signifying his
acceptance of the office to which he had
been chosen by the pople, avowed emo
tions of the profoundest gratitude, and
declared his distrust of the ability to ful
fil the expectation upon which their .
confidence was based; but gave assu
i ranee of a fixed purpose, to administer
the government for the benefit and ad
vantage of the whole country.
In alluding to the fact to which his
attention had been drawn, that the chair
man of the committee represented a
public body a majority of whom were'
opposed in political opinion to the Pres
elect, and accorded with that majority,
he recognized in it the deference to the
popular will, constitutionally expressed
on which rests the strength and hope
of the Republic, and he said that it was
;to have been expected of the Senate of
the United States. He expressed an ar
dent wish that he might be able in any
degree to assuage the fierceness of par- .
ty, or temper with moderation the con
flicts of those who are only divided as
to the means of securing the public wel-•
fare. Having been reminded that he
was about to occupy the chair once fill
;ed by Washington, he' sail he could
, hope to emulate him only in the single
, ness of his aims which guided the con. ,
duct of the man who had no parallel irr
history, and could have no rival "in the
hearts of his countrymen."
In conclusion, he announced his read. ,
iness to take the oath of office on the
fifth of March proximo, at such hour and
place as might be designated, and ex
' pressed to the committee his thanks for
the manner in which the duty assigned
to them had been discharged.
Delaware U. S. Senator.
The Legislature of Delaware have eleetbd
JOHN WALES, Esq., of Wilmington, a sound
Whig, U. S. Senator, to fill the vacancy occa
sioned by the resignation of the Hon. JOHN M.