in fi no b on , BY JAS. CLARK. Written for Neal's Saturday Gazette. THE WIDOW BEDOTT TRADES WITU A PEDLAR. " Good moriiin' marm! can I trade any with ye to-day 1" " Land o' liberty ! I want to kpow if that. you, Jabe Clark !" "Taint nobody else—but rely you've got tile advantage of me." "Hev hay ! well I guess its the fast time anybody got the advantage of ye —do ye remember them shoes ye sold me in Wiggletownl" "Jingoll'll be darned if 'taint the Widder Bedott ! why—ye look younger and handsomer than ever—" "It took them shoes to stir up yer memory-1 always tho't I'd her a reck ons' with ye about cumin' such a trick on toe—" " But Vv-idder—" " None o' yer buts—did'nt ye tell me they were fustrate leather—and worth ten shillin, every cent on't—but seein"twas me I moult hey 'em for a dollar, say ! and did'nt they bust out at the sides and run down at the heels and split on the instep in less than a weeks time—and did'nt ye know they would serve me so when ye sold 'em to me—say 'I" " But Widder t•e know—" " Yes I know—l know 'twant the lust time you'd cheated me—but I rather guess 'ewes the last time—and I 'aint the only one that's made up their minds not to hey any more deal with ye—Sam Pendergrasses' wife says if ever you darken her doors again you'll ketch it." " Well, Miss Bedutt, to tell ye the plain truth, them shoes has laid heavy on my conscience for some time back— I dew confess with compunction that I had some shortcomin's in those (loya— -1 did use to get the better o' my custom ers sometimes in a bargain—l've felt quite exercised about it lately. Ye see, Widder, I waent act iwated by religious principles then, that was the difficulty." "Do ye mean to insiniwate that ye've met with a change V' " I think I may confidentially say I hey." " How long since V' . Vl, about a year and a half. I ex • perienced religion over in Vermont, at one n' brother Armstrong's protracted ' meetings. I tell ye Widder, them spe cial efforts is great things—ever• seers , I come out I've felt like a 'new critter." . " Well, I hope you've acted like one, t• end restored four fold, as scripture corn . mends, to them you've got the better of. If ye did 1 guess yer pockets was cleaned out umnsin' quick" "I'm free to say, 1 hey made restitu tion as far as I was able." " Well then ye'd better hand over that dollar I paid you for them shoes—or at least six shillin' on't, they wan't worth ''over twenty-five cents at the furdest." " Val, I'll tell ye widder how I gen erally dew - in such cases. I make a practice o' lettin' on 'em trade it out, (he begins to open his boxes,) I've got a lot o' goods that'll make yer eyes • water, I guess. I make it a pint o' u• carryin' a finer stock than any other travellin' marchent in this section." "Ye nee , l'nt undew 'em—l helot no notion o' tradin'." • "But 'twont cost nothin' to jest look at 'em, ye know—there, them pocket ▪ handkerchiefs is superior to any thing ye'll find this side o' New York." " Wonderful thin though." 1. Sheer, ye mean, that's what they call sheer, a very desirable quality is linningeambrick. I tell ye widder, there 'ain't no such handkerchiers in Scrabble hill." " I'll bet a cent they're half cotton.' "Half cotton! jingo! they ain't half cotton—l'll stake my repertation on't— t I mean my present repertation." o "What do ve ax for 'em Wel, them handkerchers had orto fetch twelve shillin' a piece. I never sold none for less, but bein' as I did'nt °dew exactly the fair thing about the 'shoes if ve'll take a couple I'll strike „ .0 , 1 • off tew shillen'i and let ye hey 'cm for tew dollars and seventy-five cents." "Land o' liberty ye scare me Jabe! wantin' some nice handkerchiefs ';,,,l4pnderfully jest now, but dear me! I'd go without to•the end o' my days afore I'd pay such a price for 'em." - « Wall, then say tew dollars fifty cents, I'm to let 'em go for that m considerin' the shoes." "Twenty shtllin'! it's awful high, I to wont give it." " Say eighteen shill& then, nobody In could az less than that, I'm sure." "Eighteen shillin' it's tew much-- - I can't afford it." Tew dollars then—take t em for tew dollars—it's the same as givin' on 'em away. I tell ye widder, ye would'nt git such a chance if it was'nt for my feelin's in relation to them shoes. I ,told ye they were worth twelve shilli. , piece, and now I offer 'em tow you for tew dollars a pair, one dollar struck off, that's all ye paid for the shoes." . I never gin so much for hanerchers in all my born days, can't ye take no less 1" ---I .iklot a cent widder, not a cent." Well then I dont feel as if I could afford to take 'em." " And so I spore I may as well put 1 'em tip agin—wal, I'm sorryi not that it would be any object to me to let , ent go so cheap, °lily I thougla I'u' like to set my mind at rest about the matter o' the shoes. I've offered to make it up, and you've refused to have it made up, so the fault is yourn, not mine, my con science is clear ; if folks will presist in standm' in their own light I can't help it, that's all," (he replaces them in the box.) Lemme just look at 'em once more, Jabe—these us pt.rty —can't take no less than rew dollars ?" Not a red cent less ; and I tell you ngin its the same as givin', on 'em away at that." " Sure they aint half cotton 1' " Jest as sure as 1 be that my name's Jabez Clark." Well then, I guess I shall hey to take 'etit." I'm glad on't it for your sake—as said afore, taint no object !o me. I've got a piece of silk I want to show ye, Miss Bedett, a very desirable article for a weddin dress. 'Lawful sakes ! I hope ye clout think I want such a thing.' Wel, folks tell :singular stories. I heerd somethin down here.' ' 0 shaw ! it wont do to believe all ye hear.' I sold elder Snifles a black setting stock and buzzom pin yesterday; spose he wanted 'em for a particular occasion.' 'GU out Jabe I what sort of a buz zom pin was it 1' al, it was a very desirable pin ; topiz sought in gold. I sold it to him for a most nothing. I always make it a pint to commodate the clergy in that way, never charge 'em full price. I al ways looked upon the elder as a very gifted man-1 staid here over the Sab bath once to hear him preach—l tell ye widder ''twas powerful plendin, I'm rath er inclined' to the baptist order myself— ben quaverin on the subject ever Bence I was brought out—in fact I've thought hard o' givin up the travellin marcantile business and stud, theology; but, on the hull, I've about gin it up—'twould'nt do for me to be confined to preachin—my health requires such a mount of exer cise. But here's that silk, did ye ever see the beat on't 1 now that's what 1 call splendid—it's genuiwine French— they call it 'grody—gro& —grody'— what the dogs—them French names is so consarned hard to remember—O, I know now, grody flewry' jest take a re alizin sense of the colors—how elegant them stripes is shaded off, green and yal ler and purple, reglar French try-col or, as they call it.' " It's slazy though, titer aint much heft to't." " Heft ! to be sure taint heavy, but heavy silks aint worn no more ye know ; they're all out oil shion—these ere light French silks is all the go now—ye see folks has found out how much more du rable they he than the henry ones— them's so apt to crack—why one o' these ere'll outlast a dozen on 'em. I've got jest a pattern on't left—had a hull piece —sold tew dresses oft on't, one to Judge Hogohome's daughter In Greenbush, and the other to the Reverend Dr. Fo p's wife in Albany. Now widder what do ye say to 'akin' that, 'twould make a moat hvastient werldin' dreg.," " Well, taint for me to say !'m want in,' such an article— but epozen I was— I've got a new one that'll dew. Sister Maguire pickt it out for me. She !taint got much taste about colors—but she's a good judge of quality." "Got it made up!" ' , No; but the minty-maker's a COOP min to-morrer to make it." .Lemme see it, if ye please. I want i to compare it with this." (she brings it.) " Jingo!—rit be darned if taint ston-color ! the tag end of all colors ! Why, a body'd think 'twas some eter lastin' old maid tnstid of a handsome widder that had chose such a dis tressed thing for a weddin' dress." i "Lawful sakes! I did'nt sny 'twas a weddin' dress—and I did'nt say I chose it myself ; for, to tell the truth, I did'nt more'n half like it ; but Sister Maguire I stuck to't was more suitable than any other color—and then tew, she thought twas such an amazin' good piece." " Good piece I Jingo! what did ye pay for't 1" A dollar a yard Ther's twelve yards on't—got it 'o Parker and Petti bone, and they said twas fost , rate." Wal, I don't spose they meant to cheat ye—they got cheated themselves whet, they bought that silk. I always knowd that Parker and Pettibone walla HUNTINGDON, PA,, TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1849. no judges o 'goods. The fact is, them New York merchants pets off their old onsailable articles onto 'em, and wake 'em think they're genteel and desirable. 1 tell ye, widder, ye got most consarn idly took in when ye bought that silk.— Ye wont wear it three times afore it'll crack out at the elbows, and fray out round the bottom." " Well, I paint been suited with it none o' the time—shoulcrzit a got it if Sister Alnguire hadn't n ding-dong'd me into it. There was a blue one ther, 't I liked a great deal better. "I tell ye, wilder, it rely hurts my feelins to think 'o you standm' up alongside of Elder Sniffles with such a consumid lookin' thing on." , "0 thaw!—stop yer hectorin' about the Elder. 1 aint obleeged to hey every body that's after me." Wal, I know that—only such chan ces as Elder Sniffles aint to be sneezed at, ye know. But, speakin 'o that silk —if twant for standiti' in my own light so consarnidly, I'll be darned if I would'nt offer to swop for a small mat ter 'o boot." "Boot! that's wnss than the shoes! Spose I'd go to givin' boot to get red on't after payin' such an awful sight 'o money for t in the fust place 1" Wal, twould be ruiner aggravatin' if you'd got a full pattern—you haint but twelve yards. Of course ye didut calkilate to hey no tritnmin' or ye'd a got more." " 1 thought 1 should'nt trim it, con siderin'—" "Yes, I understand—considerin' twas for a minister's wife—" "Git out, Jabe—l did'nt say so—" " I tell ye, widder, you're tew par tickler—minister's wives is as dressy as anybody. The Reverend Doctor Fol.To's wife had hero made up with three wide cross-grained pieces round the skirt. Jingo! they sot it off slick.— These ere striped silks !oak lust-rate with cross-grain trimmin'—seems to go windin' round and round, and looks so graceful kinder. I seen lots on 'em in the city. How them city ladies would larf at such a dress as yourn 1 But out here in the country folks don't know nothin'." "If I'd a trusted to my own taste, I shotild'nt a got it. I wish to massy I hadn't a ben governed by Sister Ma guire." "Jingo! would'nt it be quite an idea for you to be the lust in Scrabble Hill to come out in a "grody fiewry."— Them colors would be wonderful be cumin' to you. Jest lemme hold it up to ye and you stan tip and look in the glass. Jingo! it's becominer than I thought twoold be. I tell ve widder, you mast hey that silk, and no mistake." "Dear me! I wish I could afford to swop. What's it woth "Wa I, I can't expect to get the full vally on't. I'll sell it tew ye as lo* as 1 feel as if I could. It's a high-priced silk—bein' as it's so fashionable now; but I'll tell you Miss Bedott—though I would'nt tell every body—the fact is, I got that silk at a bargin, and of course I can afford to le , it go for considerable less than I could if I'd a paid full price. Ye see, the merchaut I took it of was on the point o' and glad to sell out for any mo' ey. He did'nt ax but a dollar a yard. Ther's fourteen yards left, as you can see by the folds—and you may hay it for fourteen dollars, jest what it cost me. I tell ye, widder, it's a bargin." "Land o' liberty! fourteen dollars! I can't think on't. ' Wal, then, I'l dew still better by ye. I want you should hay this silk —so spo sen I take yourn of yer hands, and you take this, and jest pay me the balance. Mabby I could sell that to some dis tressed old quaker woman that wants an every day frock; and what if I could 'nt, I should hey the satisfaction o' dew in' you a favor anyhow. What do you say to that V Lemme see—the balance—that would be tew dollars. l've paid twelve for t'other already. I don't know about spendin' so much money ; don't know what Sister Maguire 'd say to 't. She's gone over to see old aunt Betsy Crock et—aunt Betsey's sick. Sister Maguire hates striped silk, and pedlars tew— won't never trade with 'em--, 'Jingo! come to think on't, I'm a tar nsl goose to be willito to btand in my own light jest for the sake of accommo dam). the wimmin folks—taint no object to me.' (He folds up the silk.) Stop a minnit, Jabe. reek it. It's time I was my own mistress, anyhow.— I know Sister Maguire'll say it's tew gay for me, and call it flambergasted, but I don't care—s Gay ! I wish to mas.y she could see a dress that Elder Cole's wifa out East has got—entirely red—the reddest kind o' red tew—stripes as wide as my hand ! Mars rather flambergasted for a tom- later's wife. So ye think ye.ll take it he . l7l' • ... . Dunn but I will on the hull.' Wal, 1 spore I'd orto start to my offer --but I tell ye, widder, its a bargain.' Fourteen yards, ye say 1, 'Fourteen yards plomp--ye may count the folds at the edge. Yecan hey cross grain trimmin' if ye take a notion.-- J ingo ! won't it give the Scrabble Hill wimmin fits to see ye with that on 14 Well, take it. See how much do I owe ye now 1, But can't I rell ye anything else 14 Beautiful Extract. The Independent Order of Odd Fellows boast of a peculiar philosophy, but which is nothing more than Christian benevolence under another name, as is plain from the following elegant and glowing description of it, taken from the oration of a brother of the Order: Hers is a calm, sweet realm. Hers are the green pastures and the still wat ershers are the ways of pleasantness, and the paths of peace ! The garden which she tills is the human heart, and the seeds which she scatters will bear their fruit in heaven. Hers are not the pomp of science, thesplendor of genius, the glitter of wealth, the might of ar mies! With her pale finger she points to the annals of the past, and they all become as chaff upon the bosom of the wind. Yet she stops not here. Speaks she now in tones us solemn as a mid night bell, of the nothingness of human greatness 1 Listen again ! and ye shall hear her clarion voice, proclaiming aloud that human virtue never dies'! Appears she now with the shadows of death upon one hand, and . the history of the world upon the other, to teach how pitiful is individual ambition, and how senseless the love of self'!—look again! and ye shall behol her decend ing upon her angel pinions of love and charity,' to gather the entire human family beneath their ample folds. Comes she now in the shape of a hoary phil osopher, worn and bent with the weight of 'years I—lo ! she comes again in the shape of a ministering angel, with smiles of sympathy, and tears of pity, to' the abode of want, and the house of death.' terrific Theory: Professor Silliman mentions the fact, that in boring the Artesim wells in Par is, the temperature of t earth increa sed at the rate of one degree for every fifty feet towards the centre. Reason ing from causes known to exist, lie says: That the whole interior portion of the earth, or at least a great portion of it, is an ocean of melted rock, agitated by violent winds, though I dare not affirm it, is still rendered high!, probable by the phenomenon of volcanoes. The facts connected with their eruption have been ascertained beyond a doubt. How then are they to be accounted for 'I The theory prevalent some years since, that they are caused by the combustion of immense coal beds, is perfectly puerile, and is entirely abandoned. All the coal in the world would not afford fuel enough for a single capital exhibition of \resit vioos. We most look higher than this, and I have but little doubt that the whole rests on the action of electric and gal vanic: principled which are coristautly i operation in the earth. yell does not regard the theory as 1 7 ;unded on any sufficient data, which teaches the doctrine that the whole earth is a muss of melted rock, except A crust of a few miles in thickness, as an outer covering. ''rue, there are ever three hundred active volcanoes to exist ; but these are inure likely to be strictly local and limited in their extent downward and laterally, than the out lets of onp continuous mass of liquid minerals, reaching from the earth's centre to the base of these volcanic cones. Prof. Silliman encouraging the comforting opinion that the fragile shell on which we live is from one to two hundred miles thick, and little likely to burst asunder and let us drop into the boiling iron and granite. A LESSON FOR SCOLDING' WIVES - " And I dare say you have scolded your wife very often, Newman," said 1 ot.ce. Old Newman looked down, and his wile took up the reply— " Never to signify—and if he has, I deserved it !" • And 1 dare say, if the truth were told, you have scolded him quite as of ten." Nay ; " snid the old woman, with a beauty of kindness, which all the poetry in the world cannot excel, 4 , how can a wife scold her good man, who has been waning for her and her little ones all the day 1 It may do for a man to be pee vish, for it is he who bears the crosses of the world ; but who should make him forget them but his own Wife 1 And she had best for her own sake—for nobody can scold much when the scolding is all on one lac's T t Coutstrij Printers. No trade, profession or occupation, performs so mach labor, and expends so great an amount of capital, with as lit tle remuneration, as the Country Prin ter. The interest manifested by my Uncle Toby, when he said "1 pity the Printer;" was not misplaced. These facts are true, as a general ruie. There may be occasional instances, where Country Printers have succeeded in gathering together the vanity which takes unto itself wings,' but they are few and far between. Most generally, they suffer all the inconvenience which negligent patrons (!) and unrewarded labor bring in their wake. This should not be. There must be something rad= ically wrong as the cause, which is wor thy the serious attention of the class of ' persons we are writing about. One great obstacle the Country Prin ter has to contend against, is the appli• !cation of machinery which reduces the cost of the city cotemporary, and which is not available to him. Then, again, how many of the numerous Dollar prints which come so directly in conflict with him, are but the re-print of matter which has already brought a large profit in the daily. Most of our country readers do not understand this, and wonder Why the city paper can be furnished solnuch cheaper than in the country. They are not aware that the news, &c., which has been printed for them, has before : been furnished in a daily paper, and made up at the week's end, into a cheap weekly, costing the publisher little or nothing beyond the niere price of paper, and printing by steam. This is, in a , great degree, the case, with the Dollar Newspaper, of Philadelptria, which, with its 30;090 subscribers, must be ex tretnely profitable to the publisher.— 'l'o attempt to enter into competition with such advantages would be" a piece of folly to a Country Printer,' Who is fortunate if he can number one thou. sand subscribers. It is evident that he • must depend upon the necessity there is for the dissemination of local papers, and the generosity and public spirit of the population. If they should expect him to be governed in his terms by the example of the city papers, they must expect to rely on the city alone for their information, the circulation of the former, being, of necessity, limited to one county, while the latter have the , entire State, or the whole Union.—Brad' ford Reporter. WANT OF DECISION.—Perhaps in no way do mothers more effectually destroy their own influence with their chitivn, an .1 injure them, than from n g ecting to practice decision. The fol,o , ving lit tle fact will illustrate the pe•nicious in fluence of this course of conduct. A little girl remarked, a short time since, that beaver hat were quite fashionable, and that she would have one." " Have you forgotten," said 1" that your moth er yesterday remarked that the hat you wore lust winter is still quite neat, and that she did not intend to encourage extravagance and a love of fashion in a little girl." "Alt, well replied she, matter for that-- mother said that Susan should not go . to' Miss %Ws party the other evening ; but when sister cried about it and made a fuss, mother con sented to let her go, and bought her a new pair of shoes and a pretty blue scarf to wear. Besides, I ant quite sure it is quite right to wish is have a fashionable hat to go to church in , and I can tease her to buy one. Arid 1 k now that I shall gee it----for mother often changes her "1 Cant." Never say cant' Its a lazy, good for nothing sort of an expression, and none but inOolent, spiritless people use it. But, worse than all, the persons who say I cant tells a falsehood-•-for ve ry often when they say I cant' it is well known they can. We object to the' use of the phrase altogether, it is a sneaking, whining, cowardly saying. and a bright; enterprising, industrious indiVidual will not adopt it: Young men---lads or boys or ladies, will not say I cant.' 'I hey will feel willing to try; end it one tries right hard, u lilt a de termination to succeed, fu Lure is rarely ' the result. Therefore try, TRY, TRY before you make use of the contempti ble expression .1 cant"---Frederick Ex aminer: A short time after a Tennessee elec.' f l aw a distinguished politition who re ceived about 500 votes for Governor, was walking tile streets of Nashville, and encountered monkep Sani, a little negra race rider, who importuned him for a dime The old gentleman was ye aristociatic, and placing himself upon his dignity, asked Sam, " Do you know who you are talking to, sir 1" . 1 Oh yes, sir," replied Surn, "you is de gem man as made a small speriment for Gobo nar. VOL. XIV, NO, 8 Never dive up. Young men are generally ruined onco if they begin rich or prosperous. Noth• ing but a miracle can save them. They either get married before they can af ford the luxury of a wife-•-or fail and then, arid not dntil then, are they good forany thing. Men arenot made by coax ing. They seldom thritle on sugar plums. To be men the, must rough it. And the sooner they begin the better. Oaks are rooted in wind and storm. Oaks ter therefore trust worthy. Hot-house plants come up in a few days.•-and perish ac • cordiugly. Don't Grumble, He is a fool that grumbles at every mischance. Put the best foot foreword is an old maxim. Don* run about and tell acquaintan c es that you've been un fortunate. People do not liketo haVe unfortunate people for acquaintance's.' Add to a vigorous determination, a cheer; ful spirit ; if reverses come, bear them like a philosphti, end g et rid of them' as soon as you can P overty is like a panther—look it earnestly in the faco and it will turn from you. Col. Fremont and his Faylcrritig Party, A letter to the St. Louis Union, from Puebla New Mexico, dated on the ^ November, states that Col. Fremont and party had com menced; oh the 26th, the assent of the first range of mountains near Puebla and were pur suing their toilsome march, through snows, to wards the Pacific ocean. We give an extract from the letter : The last we heard from him, he was wending his way slowly through snow about two feet deep, and was within five miles of the top of ihe first range ,of mountains. It is the intention' of Ccif.• F. to go to the Pacific by an entire new route, south of all his former routes across the continent. His present sur vey w,ll be of much interest. Should a southern ro.ite be determined on for the great railroad across the continent, this survey will greatly aid Congress in determining the western' terminus." TnE Bth or JANUAI2I.-The following is from the editor of the Joncsborough Whig, who nev er lets an opportunity escape without reminding the locos of their short comings, either in re gard to their administration of the affairs of State or nation, or towards their own great men : "Thirty-four years ago, the Bth of this inst., Gen. Jackson fought the bat tle of New Orleans ; and every year from that time until the death of the ole Hero, his admirers and partizans, have tt got out the hig gun," and made the hills echo with patriotic retnembran- - ces of his valor. Nclk , that the brave old warrior is no more, and has no more patronage to dispense among these myr adons of n once great leader, they seem to have forgotten his deeds, and those of his brave companions in arms.--We have not heard a word about 04 " glo rious eighth," even in Tennessee, where in the uld Hero's lifetime, speeches were made, and guns fired in every tcwn. 0I• the sin of int:mho& I RAILROAD IRON.—The Harrisburg and Lancaster Railroad Company have just sent out an order to Rugland for four th .usaial tons of heavy T rail, to replace their present tracks. The iron deliver ed in New York will cost them $45 per ton, cash. Iron manufactured in our own stale, could have been procured, delivered on the road; at $52,50 per ton, which is about the actual cost of production and delivery. BIDWE'S WAGES.--" hutlei your eggs a dozzen, marm ?" said an old skin-flint one day to a market woman. " Twenty cents, sir." " Ain't you rather high in your price, nine pence is eno, gh for eggs." " Perhaps such an ole hunk air you are may think so; but if I was a' hen I would'ut lay eggs for a cent a piece' I know." "Mn, ain't Joe Smashey a courting our Meley 1" " No • what makes you think so 1" " Why, always when he conies near her As sorter leans up to him like a sick kitten to a hot lirick.“ "Sam, is you , quanited wid any legal eemmen ob dis plods" " None .eept by repubation I means." "'Well den why am lawyers like fishes I" 'I dos.nt Meddle wit dm subject at all.. " Why dey am fond ob de•bate." Advertising. A young man in New York, last week advertised for a wit.. In less then two hours, eighteen married men sent in word he might have theirs. "806.. is that dog a hunter Z"" "No, he is half hunter end half set ter; he hunts fo► bones when he is hun gry, and sit• by the stove when he is satisfied.•,