THE JOURNAL. (SORRECT PRINCIPLES.-.-SUPPORTED BY TRUTH.] HUNTINGDON, TUESDAY. FEB. 27. 1849. Hoover's Ink. HOOVER'S SUPERIOR WRITING INK for sale at this office. PAY Ur.—We have been sending bills to dis tant subscribers who have as yet paid us noth ing on their subscriptions. We hope they will respond by paying up. And we give notice to all in arrears, far and near, that if their accounts are not settled Wore the first day of June next, they will be put into the hands of officers of the law. We are determined to know what we are doing. its. K. PoLs.—Those who desire to form a correct idea of Mr. Polk's con.iciontioirincx, and consistency, are invited to peruse the state ment of Mr. Wilmot, which will be found in a brief abstract of the debate which occurred in Congress the other day on the Mexican Indem nity bill. ' CAVERN LICENSE.-Those who intend making application for License at the April Court, should hand in their petitions for publication immediately. MAatiAnes AND DEATns.—Notices of mar riages and deaths are aim', s inserted by us with pleasure, free of charge, when handed in.— When this is not done, however, they need not be expected to appear. Gen. Talkies Cabinet, In regard to Gen. Taylor's Cabinet but two facts are yet known. These are that Mr. Crit tenden has declinefaccepting of any place, and that the appointment of Secretary of State has been tendered to John M. Clayton. Gen. T's letter to Mr. Clayton was sent by Telegraph from Cincinnati to Washington on Saturday. This appointment will give great satisfaction to the friends of Gen. Taylor. With the excep tion of the two great Statesmen of Kentucky, we do not think there is a man living who stands higher with the Whig party than John bI. Clay ton; and Mr. Crittenden being out of the way, we believe the Whigs—had they been called upon to decide—would almost unanimously have selected Mr. Clayton for this post. It is still thought that George Evans, of Maine, will be appointed Secretary of the Treasury. Should such be the case, scarcely less general satisfaction will be felt than in the selection of Mr. Clayton. Public Defaulters. A pamphlet, containing a List of defaulters to the State, has been published. The List is an appalling one. Almost every old Collector of Tolls in the State is a defaulter—and some for a very large amount. The total amount of these defalcations is more than FOUR HUN DRED TIIOUSAND DOLLARS ! ! This is the way the tax-payers of the country are rob bed. Heavy taxes are annually laid and col lected, and the office-holders steal the money as fast as it is paid in. There is something radically wrong about this matter. It is well known that every officer through whose hands public money has to pass is required to give bail for the faithful performance of his dat 4 y. Why then is not the amount of their defalcations col lected hem their bail I The tax-payers of the country will look to the officers at Harrisburg, whose duty it is to decide upon the sufficiency of the bail tendered by public officers, for an explanation. They will not tamely submit to this wholesale robbery any longer. They are willing to pay taxes to sustain the public credit, but they are not - willing to be strained of their money to fill the pockets of ptildie thieves. Another Itogue Caged. Samuel Waters, confined in the Bedford coun ty prison for some time past, open a charge of robbing the County Treasury, in August last, confessed his crime before the Criminal Court, The Daily News says :—" The locofoco press last week, and was sentenced to two years anti r has been laboring for some months to produce six months imprisonment in the Western Pen itentiary, at Pittsburg. , the impression that a difficulty—an open fend— Mr. Waters was formerly Steward of the exists between the Hon. James Cooper and Poor House of Bedford county, and while act- Gov. Johnston ; and a correspondent of the Ledger, [who by the way was a locofoco merit ing in that capacity was charged with certain mal-practices or misdemeanors by the editor of her of the last legislature, from this county,) in the Bedford Inquirer, who was prosecuted for noticing the discussion on Saturday last, on the North Branch Canal bill, says "Mr. Cooper led a libel and had to pay a fine of $250, the court refusing to admit the evidence he offered to sub- the assault upon the governor," while "Messrs. stantiate the charce lie had made. Embold- Biddle, Eshelman and Ball defended the atlinin- s ened, undosbted!y, as Waters was by the result nitration." The charge here made is wholly of the prosecution against the editor of the In quirer, and entirely untrue, and the correspondent must have known it to be so when he indited the let- quirer, he plunged deeper in crime, and was Fog CALIFORNIA.—The Daily News says : not checked until he had robbed the Treasury ter. Mr. Cooper did administer a severe rebuke We learn that a company is now forming in this . to Mr. Biddle, for committing an act which he of the county of about $3,000 for which lie was to which offers unusual inducements and conceived to to be a gross violation of the dignity I apprehended, and after confession, has been vantages to those desirous of emigrating to Cal of the body ; but in doing so, we have been as- C,..„. Peter Miller, of Easton, died, leaving sentenced as above. Justice is soinetinies, slow about $3OO 000 worth of property which, by ifornia. It is to consist of twenty persons, all seed by those who heard him, lie made no as- , ' but sure. Waters was a leading locofoco in having cap . ital; and the association, as represen- Bedford county. stoat, and used no language which could in any will, he directed to be loaned to mechanics and tad to us, is formed on a plan of the largest ben. Possible manner be construed into an assault farmers, and li it accumulated interest, this Outs U. S. SENATOL.--The Ohio Legislature uon Gov. Johnston. The wish of the comes- too should be loaned out. No part of the prop- efits to all concerned. A ship has already been elected Salmon P. Chase, aU. S. Senator for p , arty was ever to be sold, but the humble' was purchased, and will commence in a few days once , poncient was doubtless 4 father to the thought." six years from the Ith of March next, in l'hose who know Jas. Costar, know that he n no to be continued perpetually. If there loaning , with available cargo. of Mr. Allen, whose term expires. Mr. A'len i is incapable of doing anything to destroy the b , person to loan, an asylum was to he built TALL COCI.LE.—The New York correspond unity the locofoco candidate, Mr. Chase is a ' is nth the unemployed money. Last week the , , unity of the Whig party of Pennsylvania, and ant ot the Pennsylvanian, in his letter of the Free Soil democrat. Court of Northampton decided against the va as a consequence, its usefulness to the State.— 17th instant, writes as follows The President elect. , Fie. is too firmly wedded to Whig principles, litlity of the will, and a nephew of the deceased "There is to be a tall wedding th-night, at The President elect, arrived at Washington and is governed by motives too pure and lofty, falls heir to the property, as his nearest survi- the American Mueum. The giaut and giantess on Friday evening Wit, and met a most enthu- to ene,age in anything of the kind. Gov. JOHN. ving relative. are to be married ! The fair one is a de l i ate young Quakeress, 21 years of age, is nearly 8 sitistic and hearty weico:ne. lle was met at STUN has thus far fully met the expectations of WlLL.—While at Louisville 1 feet high, and weighs 337 pounds' The br e the Relay House, where he arrived at 4 o'clock those who elected him; and so long as he cons Ge K n i .7:ylo ' r ". gs A fairly conquered bythe ladies: Broom ls ' 27 years old, stands plump . 8 feet inyesterday. afternoon, by an immense crowd, times to do so, deserves and will receive the and for Upwards of two hours the plors of the his stockings and weighs 508 pounds. The which had gone out on a special train from Bal- support of Mr. Cooper and every other true Galt House, literally overflowed with beauty, colossal couple are thus Well matched. amore to meet him. Mrs. Taylor the lady of i Whig throughout the State. l'his is what the The ladies seemed charmed onto the opportu isikainti.77,acryil the President, and Col. Bliss and lady, left Bal- Whigs who elected Mr. Cooper to the U. S. ntlitteYir'fadPmarri:ttionthteoirthreesoV. A GENTLE HINT.—The Cincinnati Chronicle amore on Thursday afternoon for Washington ; Senate expects at his hands, and as one of his pair of ruby lips were presented, receiving as says :—"A gentleman who came up the river and all have taken apartments at Willard'. city friend., w e have no fear. Nit the expectation hearty kisses . lips could possibly desire. It with Gen. Taylor as far as Smithland, informed Hotel. will be fully realized. The Whig Party of is said that some of the jealou s young gentle- us the the General stated in conversation that m 'ere not ea a d thinking e U"' The Furnace of the Berlin Iron Works, Penn ' s is at the present time a unit, and all true Zi::k7 instd ofhttle kissi di ng. a e !nem matter Old of was an officeholder when a new adminis if h in Union county, belonging to Jared Irvin, was Whigs are expected to load their aid and influ- , thrm, kissed with a veryssatisfi decided relish. He I tration came into power, against which he had recently "'dewed "et." f once to.keep it so. , never does things by halves. I taken an active part, he would ',Sign his office." Gov. Johnston. I PUBLIC OFFICES. The probability having been suggested in sev- The fears and jealousies evinced by the Loco eral quarters, of Gov. Johnston being culled to I foco press upon the subject of appointments, a place 'in the Cabinet of General Taylor, the removals, &c., &e., Is really extraordidary.— Philadelphia North American" and 0 11 , uily When that party is in power, they act fully up News" both unite in deprecating such a step.— jto Gov. Marcy's rule, that to the victors be- We, too, in the language of the Carlisle Herald, long the spoils." Heaven help the poor Whig would raise our humble voice against Governor who holds office by any accident—he is pursu- Johnston's leaving his present distinguished ed, hunted down, turned out without remorse post. Gov. Johnston is emphatically the great or feeling of any kind. The name cif mad dog leader of the Whig party of Pennsylvania.— is not more certain th create a hu., and cry He has won not only high political statidn, bitt through the streets, nor the luckless cur who is the highest place in the affections df the Whigs pursued, to be immolated, than the name of of Pennsylvania, by his display of those corn- wing is sure to produce similar effects upon the minding qualities which unerringly distinguish incumbent of office who is within the reach of a great popiilar leader. The value of Governor Locofoco cupidity and vengeance ;'but when the Johnston's services to the Whigs of Pennsylva- case is reversed, it is the height of proscription nia can scarcely be estimated. Under the flat- to touch one of the anointed. Thus, a claim is tering auspices of success which the nomination attempted to be established that all the offices of of General Taylor afforded, it was still the bold the country, at all times belong to Locofocoism. and powerful onset made by Gov. Johnston The old democratic ule of ‘ 4 rotation in office" against Incofocoism, that alone made the assn- means nothing, unless it is to give a place to rances of Victory doubly sure. And it is his some one or more brawling, political time wise, prudent and moderate administration of servers of ultra-dyed-in-the-wool Locofocoism. our State affairs so far, that gives Whigs the The constant cry kept on this subject, shows surest confidence in the continuance of our po- a sensitiveness which makes fully manifest the litical supremacy. We repeat that Pennsylva- ; immense number of those who feel that their nia cannot spare Gov. Johnston. He is the interference with the freedom of opinion, their very «life and soul and true embodiment" of brow-beating of their fellow-citizens at elec- Pennsylvania character and patriotism. The tions, and the general prostitution of their offices assigning of a Cabinet post to one of her many to the purposes of their unscrupulous masters, distinguished sons will be warmly appreciated, unfit them to remain ; since no such men can be but Pennsylvania cannot now spare Gov. John- i permitted to disgrace public station under the new administration. The louder this cry is raised, the more certain is it that it comes from this corrupt source. The quiet, honest public officer, who is conscious of no such offending, has little if any alarm, and relies upon the ev idence lie can produce that he has faithfully dis charged his duties without intolerance . of any kind. Such men, we presume, are rare; but few or many, they are the men who will claim the con sideration of the new government, and not the noisy and turbulent, who are crying out through their political organs, like the guilty school boy, who assures his master of his innocence , before any charge is made against him, thereby fully establishing his guilt.—Daily News. We may add that the state of parties in the Legislature devolves with peculiar force upon the Whigs the duty of strengthening the hands of the Administration. The flush of victory is , upon us, but success will be barren of good re sults unless harmony and union prevail in our I councils. Au unscrupulous party, not in a de cided minority, is seizing every opportunity to villify, and every means, fair and foul, to assail and weaken an Administration, which they I truly fear has sealed the doom of their pros perity. Under such circumstsnees let it be the pride as well as the duty of every Whig member to stand up fearlessly and faithfully in the support of the Administration. The peo ple expect this cheei fully at their hands. The Whig party has lately had an opportunity of conferring high distinction upon two of its cherished sons—it now expects them, and all, to be united in support of party interests and public welfare. The Longstreth Guillotine. We understand, says the Reading Journal, that a new democratic sub-organization is get ting limier way, made up of the particular friends of the defeated candidate for Governor—who so wisely held on to his place as Canal Commis- ' , sioner. The clique is made up of the Long streth men par rxrellenee. Defeated in the Go- ' bernatorial contest, they fall back on the spoils of the Canal Commissioner's office, and are keeping their party in quite a ferment about the offices. The great effort is now to remove all the friends of Mr. Bigler—particularly Dr. Holmes—she present able Superintendent of the Columbia Railroad. Mr. Longstreth being sick, Mr. Painter visited him in Philadelphia and they had matters in their own hands. A num ber of democratic heads were chopped off, among the rest that of James A. Dunlap, col lector at Easton—and the defeated candidate for State Treasurer, (Mr. Longstreth hits a par tiality for defeated candidates,) Mr. Jeff. Heck man, (meataxe) appointed. Another session has just been held in Phila delphia and the work of Reform continued.— All the old Burns men have to walk the plank. Even our friend W. R. NcCAv, Collector at Lewistown—who every body wasted continued —had to make room furl). W. McCormica.— We sincerely regret theremoval of McCoy. The Pa. Telegraph speaking of this matter says : These appointments and removals have made no little stir in the Locofoco camp, which Belies forth both murmurings and threats. It is loudly talked that the friends of Mr. Bigler have all been proscribed, and those that held appoint ments on the public works driven off. It is said there is fun brewing—we shall see. Hon. James Cooper and Gov. John- ston. Groans. The . Carlisle Volunteer, a rabid Locofoco paper, speaking of the recent appointments of the Canal Board, says:— Cumberland county fares about as usual—one small contemptible office is all she gets. We had hoped for better treatment than this ; and, when we take into consideration the fact that the pro miie was made that this county should have at least two appointments, we feel that gross injustice has been done the democracy of old Cumberland. Dauphin county—with her one thousand Federal majority, has received six appointments, viz :—one Collector, one Supervisor, one eightnaster, two State Agents, and the Secretary to the Board of Commission- c rs. And old Cumberland—the mother of counties—receives one, and a very small one at that! Is this fair ?—is it just ?—is it honorable 1 BLACK MAIL AT HARRISBIIRG.-A Harrisburg correspondent , of the Ledger charges that the system of levying " black mail" is in operation at Harrisburg. We had previously heard simi lar statements from respectable sources, and have no doubt of their correctness. It is an evil that almost necessarily follows the present system of granting special acts of incorporation. In New York, a few years since, the practice became so flagrant that a conven tion was imperatively demanded by the people, and the constitution so amended as to prohibit the granting of any special charter by the Leg islature. All acts of incorporation in that State are now procured under general laws,— and the anti-tank and anti-corporation patriots there are deprived of the ' , accommodations" so easily procured under the old system. Let the New York system be adopted in Penn sylvania, and the demagogues who now thrive by denouncing corporations will find their occu pations gone. There will then he no necessity on the part of those who are now compelled to procure charters by log-rolling or submitting to be fleeced by loud-mouthed locofocos, and leg islation will become pure and disinterested.— That such a time will come, sooner or later, we have no doubt may its advent be speedy! CC?" Considerable excitement prevails in Al legheny City in consequence of the discovery that no less than five graves in one of the cem eteries, have been robbed of bodies deposited in them. As the relatives of the deceased per sons are all highly respectable, they are deep ly sympathised with by their fellow-citizens. One or two men have been arrested, charged with being the authors of this outrage. Sev eral of the most respectable physicians and students of Allegheny, are said to be implica ted in the transaction. • Henry S. Fuller, Esq. The following favorable and well deserved notice of this gentleman is given by thqcorres pondent of the Public Ledger. Mr. F. is the Whig representative from Lucerne county : "Upon the consideration of the bill for the completion of the North Branch Canal, Mr. Fuller made an eloquent and argumentative speech in favor of the measure, which was re plete with statistics riled facts. Mr. F. appears td be a man of more than ordinary ability.— This, his first speech, made a very favorable impression. lie is a young man, a lawyer, in easy circumstances, very pleasant and of pop ular manners ; and, though a Whig, was elect ed from the strong Democratic county of Lu cerne by over 1100 majority ! The Whigs are talking strongly of making him their next can didate for Canal Commissioner—the candidates of both parties, indeed, will probably fie selec ted froth the North. The tendency is decided ly to take as State candidates for office, young and active men, who, like Johnston, can take the stump." Tae Ouro "BLACK LAws."—The law in Ohio, which prevented colored mdn from bear ing, testimony, and pressed them with other disabilities equally unjust and aggravating, has been repealed. This question has constituted one of the political issues in that State for sev eral years. The Whigs, generally, advocated repeal ; but the few who opposed it, when uni ted with the locofoco members of the Legisla ture, were sufficient to prevent the success of the measure. Now, however, loco focoism is found advocating what it heretofore so stub bornly opposed. The odious blot upon the statute book of that State, has been wiped out, by a very strong vote in the House, and by a vote of 23 to 11 in the Senate. In connection with this repeal, a law was passed establishing schools for the education of colored children—to be supported by the tax paid by the colored tax-payers of the State. These are salutary advances in the onward march of humanity and justice. ANOTHER PAPER MONET PROJEC , T.-The bill just reported in the House of Representatives, by 4r. Li (a Whig meniher of course,) authorizing a State Loan of $t2,000,000, to be taken by the Banks, and issued in the form of one, two and three dollar bills, has taken the people completely by surprise.—Reading Ga zette. • The above is from the leading locofoco paper in Berks county. The assurance with which Mr. Little (well known to all intelligent read ers as the leading and ablest locofoco in the Flouse,) is called a Whig, is an excell , nt test of the intelligence of the locofocos of Berks county. The Intelligencer of this city denoun ces Mr. Little's bill, but does not venture to call him a Whig—that wouldn't do in old Lan caster, even for locofocos ; but in Berks it's just the thing !—Lancaster Examiner. A MALE Car IN THE MAIL—The Montgom ery (Ala.) Gazette, of Saturday, says that quite an extraordinary event occurred at the post office, in that city, on Friday evening, after the arrival of the northern mail. On opening one of the large brass-lotk letter bags in the dis tributing room, the crowd of clerks were thrown into a state of no little wonderment, by the prompt leaping therefrom of an apparitioi? in the shape of a large Tenn-Cat—having come thus ensacked all the way from Augusta, Ga.— He came viithout label or direction, ant seem ed to be none the worse for his trip. LEWIS PHILIPPE WISHING TO RETURN TO FRANCE.-The New York Courier des BiatB Thus states, on the authority of the Corsaire, (Paris paper,) that Louis Philippe has address ed a letter, both to the President of the Repub lic and O.lilon Barrot, the President of the council; in whirls he protests the purity of his intentions and his determination to keep aloof from public aflitirs, in rase he should be allow ed to return to France. lie and his sons, should they return to France, propose to bind them selves by a formal oath, to aba ndon all preten sions to the government. ESTABLISHING A GOVERNMENT FOR TIIE3I I I SELVES. -The citizens of California experien cing the inconveniences of being without a gov ernment. are calling meetings to appoint dele gates to a general convention for the purpose of nominating a suitable candidate for Governor.— They say it is the duty as well as the privilege of all good American citizens, when thrown upon their own resources, to adopt such meas ures for their own protection ea comports with the constitution of the United States, and will best subserve the interests of the citizens of the territory. The people of Oregon were compelled to resort to the same mode of procu ring a government, until the General Govern , meet provided them with one. FROM HARRISBURG [Correspondence of the Huntingdon Journal.] HARnisnena, Feb. 23, 1849 Mn Dena COLONEL have all got safely over the 22d without accident, and it has been a very agreeable one. The usual reading of Gen. Washington's Farewell address was gone through with in the Legislature, and at night a grand ball came off at the Shakspeare Ilotel.— It was perhaps the largest and most pleasant party of the kind that has occurred hers in six or eight years. There were abont fifty ladies, combining the beauty, fashion and dimes of the place, as well as several strange faces, that were, of course, more interesting. Capt. Small was door manager, assisted by several mem bers, &c. and the dancing, waltzing, polkas, supper, 4.c., went off admirably. The ladles of the Douglass No. 2 Daughters of Temperance have been holding a fair for two nights past. The assemblage of ladies and gentlemen of the first circle of colored citizens was large and no doubt considerable sum was netted. The French Philosopher and Philanthropist, Mos. Alexandre Vattemare is here, on a mission of international exchanges. Ile brought nu merous Literary presents and will take some back from us to France. AI. V. is an enthusi ast and republican and his mission is one of great merit, and will be highly beneficial to both countries. We had a fine fall of snow yesterday, but to day a warni sun has walked into it terribly, so that sleighing will be out of the question after to night. This is good news for the livery horses. That unfortunate Ohio and Erie Railroad act was this morning repealed by the House, by a pretty ssrong vote—fifty and more voting to repeal. So that question is out of the way.— The people of Erie have said, through their representatives, that they will build the road any how, and they will probably do it. It is but about 30 miles, along the lake shore, and every foot of the land will be given by the own ers. The Legislature of Ohio has become alarmed at this repeal, and a few days ago the House of Representatives of that State passed the following resolutions : Resolved, That this body has learned with re4rot that the Legislature of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania is at this time seriously contemplating a departure from that liberal policy that has so long characterized her own and the action of her sister States on this sub ject, by the repeal of the charter of the Ohio and Erie Railroad Company. Resolved, That we cannot but regard this as nn attempt to force from its natural channel a large portion of the commerce of the Northern States, and compel the same to seek the sea board through the line of improvements con structed by the State of Pennsylvania, from which can flow nothing but disappointment to herself and injury tothose States whose products she covets. Resolved, That the State of Ohio sincerely deprecates a system of countervailing, retalia tory enactments in the legislation of any of the States of this Union ; and while she most 801- emnly protests against a course of conduct on the part of her sister State that will render the adoption of measures so odious, necessary for her own protection, she deems it due to her own dignity, to the interest of her citizens and the welfare of her sister States, to declare that, if it shall be found to be the settled determina tion of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, that the great line of railroad communication between the seaboard and the West, thong the Southern shores of the Lakes, shall be inter 'rupted and broken by her refusal to the right of way, or the same through her territory border ing upon the shore of Lake Erie, then will a re sort to measures of retaliation become the im perative duty of this State, from the perform ances of wliich, at the proper time, she will by no means shrink. This'is 'tall talking,' ain't it 1 The bank question is troubling both Houses, but it has not yet ripened sufficiently. The model bill of Mr. Laird is a queer animal. The North Branch Canal bill has been killed and resuscitated in the Housesince I wrote last. It may pass yet, though the matter looks rather bad for the canal just now. The bill providing for avoiding the Philadelphia inclined plane will probably pass. The Legislativ Temperance association is going on bravely. Its good effects are already seen in the physiognomies of many who were in the habit of trimming their eyes with red tape• HeNTiNiiDois. Letter from Lamartine. The Boston Atlas, of Wednesday, contained a letter from Lamartine to Peter T. Homer, Esq., who, as it will be remembered, was the barer to France of the address adopted by the citizens of Boston to the Members 'Atha French Provisional government. The following is the letter Pants, 25111 May 1848. , SIR:—It is a subject of great gratifi cation to me, to have to transmit to you in the name of the Executive Govern ment of the French Republic, our uni ted thanks for the address of which you were the bearer, from the city of Bos ton. The sympathy which it expresses for the welfare of our rising Republic is the more precious, as coming from the town which gave birth to Franklin ; and which rose first, among the cities of America, to cast off the yoke, and en gage in the conquest of independence; --that glorious struggle, in which it was the privilege of many of the sons of France to take part, and imbibe those principles of freedom and of the rights of man, which after many years' contest have at length triumphed under the ban ner of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. May 1 beg you to receive once more, and to transmit to your fellow country men, the thanks of the Executive Gov ernment of France, and the expression of our sincere desire to cultivate those friendly relations which have constant ly existed between the two nations, and which recent events will have tended to strengthen and cement. LAMARTINE. Peter T. Homer, Esq., Boston, United States. Disunion at the South. The address of Mr. Calhoun is received with the utmost coldness at the South, and in some qatirters with the most decided disapprobation. It finds nb echo in the Southern heart, and the entire movement is as freely regretted there, as it is condemned at the north. Our brethren of the south appreciate at highly our priceless Union, as we do Of the north, and swords even, cannot dissever it. The N. 0. Bre of the 2nd inst., a leading Southern journal, in comment. ing upon the address of Mr. Calhoun, uses the following eloquent and forcible language, and such indeed, is the tone of the majority of Lire Southern Press: " Before the disunionists can carry out their incendiary schemes, they must overcome the stern and manful opposi tion of the stern friends of the Union who abide among them: They must beat dOwn and destroy their oii•n broth ren—slaveholders lilce themselves, lov the south and her institutions with fil lial regard, but loving and venerating above all, this glorioug and united re. public. If swords are to be drawn and muskets shouldered for the purpose of disolving our Union, there will be found in the South itself thousands of gnllant souls prepared to resist the aggress sor, and to defend our greilt compact, even unto death. We tell MN . Calhoun and his associates, that beyond the confines of the State where his will is law, the public opinion of the South is against him, legislative resolves and protests squinting at dissolution to the contrary notwithstanding. The South has no affection for the Wilmot Proviso, and views the aggressions of the North with an unfriendly eye, but the evils that may regult from these contempla ted inroads upon our rights are a thou sannd fold more endurable than the woes unnumbered which appal the ima gination at the prospect of disunion. The South will have none of Mr. Cal houn's desperate remedies. With Dan iel Webster she exclaims,—" The Union now and forever—one and insepera ble." SMALL NOTES IN VIROINIA.—The Virginia House of Delegates, by a vote of 71 to 18, has ordered the bill to allow the Banks to issue small notes, to be engrossed. It has been amended so as to require the Banks accepting the act to put their five dollar notes on the same footing as the smaller notes. 8.:7* Gm. SHIEI.IN was shot through the breast at Cerro Gordo, and reported mortally woun ded," yet recovered, and now takes the place of Judge Breese in the United States Senate.— This has given rise to the following good thing by a Sucker wag ,6 Some men have lost their heads' and lived, Rut stranger far than these, The shot that passed through Shields' breast, Instead of him killed Breese." A MAN EATEN BY RATs !—The St. Louis Or• gan of the Bth inst., has a paragraph in its first column, stating that a man had been taken to the calaboose in that city, in a state of intoxi. cation, and left alone during the night. Ile died, and when the body was found in the morning, it was marathon half devoured dy rats! MORE PROGRESS.—The Phila. News, says: " The judiciary committee of the State Senate, have reported a bill pro viding that in all cases of conviction of the crime of murder in the first degree in this , State, it shall be lawful for the uovernor, on the reccommendaiion of the court and jury, to commute the pun isement of death to imprisonment fur life in the penitentiary of the proper district." A law of this hind, probably, would be preferable to the abolition of the death penalty, as, in the firSt place, it would test the milder punishment, and obviate all the objections which the friends of the "Relic of Barbarism," can name—and then, if after a fait tri al it is proved mat " Mercy increases crime and murder," the Executive will at once refrain from exercising the pow er invested in his hand.—lt seems to us that the bill referred to, is the very thing wanted, and we opine others will see it in the same light. ACCIDEST.-A serious accident occur red on Tuesday morning in the Public School in Southwnrlc, Philadelphia. Some time after the Scholars had as sembled, numbering in all about six hun• dred boys and girls, nn alarm of fire was raised. Immediately the greatest consternation prevailed throughout the school. The girls mid a number of the boys rushed for the door, and while thus crowded together the bannister gave way, and the whole mass of living be ings was suddenly precipitated to the lower floor, piled one on top of the oth er some twelve or fifteen deep. Their screams and cries while in this situation were heart-rending. I regret to learn that fifteen of ahem were badly injured, and six others very dangerously—one of the girls hind her leg broken, and many others were crushed and bruised. The alarm of fire, producing this sad result, was false. Executors , Notice. LETTERS testamentary having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Matthew Garner, late of Penn town ship, in the county of Huntingdon, de ceased, all persons indebted to said es tate are hereby notified to call and make payment, and all persons having claim s against the same are requested to pre sent them duly authenticated for settle ment to the subseribers. JOHN GARNER, Jr. GEORGE GARNER, Jr., RxecutorB. Penn t tvp.,feb27-pd.