Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 27, 1849, Image 1

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    tir, i - .
[From the French of Lamertine.]
In vain, in vain, day follows day,
They glide without a mark sway—
But naught shall from my soul remove
Thy memory, latest dream of love.
I see my rapid years gone by
Behind me heaped as mountains high—
E'en as the oak in Autumn time,
Sees fall the foliage of his prime.
The frost of age is on my brow,
My chilly blood will scarcely flow—
Like this dark wave o'er which has passed
The cold breath of the wintry blast.
By thy serene and youthful face,
Which sorrow only comes to grace,
Still lovely in my heart I hold,
For, like the soul, it ne'er grows old,
No—thou hest never left mine eye,
My lonely path thou still art nigh—
And when I ceased to see thee here,
I saw thee in a brighter sphere.
There I behold thee such again,
As on that last dread day of pain,
When to thy blest abode away
Thou ile(ldest with the morning's ray.
Thy pure and touching loveliness
In Heaven's sweet air shines none the less,
Are bright with immortality,
And eyes where life had ceased to be.
It is thy hand which dries my tears,
And calms my spirit's anxious fears ;
Thy voice doth whisper in mine ear
“Pray thou in secret, God will hear."
And e'en in sleep thou dost attend,
The guardian angel of thy friend,
For all my dreams are fil!ed with thee,
Pure as the thoughts of Seraphs be.
A Story of the Early Settlement of
Some years ago, 1 was one of a con
vivial party that met at the principle
hotel in the city of Columbus, Ohio, the
seat of government of the Buckeye
It was a winter evening, when all
without was bleak and stormy, and all
within were blythe and gay ; when song
and story made the circuit ef the fes
tive board, filling up the chasms of life
with mirth and laughter.
We had met for the express purpose
of making a night of it, and the pious
intention was duly and most religiously
carried out. The Legislature was in
session in that town, and not a few of
the worthy legislators were present
upon this occasion.
One of these worthies 1 will name,
as he not only took a big swarth in the
evening's entertainment, but he was a
man more generally known t h ap even
our worthy President, J. K. Polk. That
man was the famous Capt. Riley, whose
narrative of sufferings and adventures
are pretty generally known all over the
civilized world. Captain Riley was a
fine fat, good humored joker, who, at
the period of my story, was the repre
sentative of the Dayton District, and
lived near that little city when at home.
Well, Capt. Reily had amused the com
pany with many of his far famed and
singular adventures, which being most
ly told before, and read by millions of
people, that have seen his book, 1 will
not attempt to repeat them.
Many were the stories and adven
tures told by the company, when it
came to the turn of a well known gen
tleman, who represented the Cincioatti
District. As Mr. —, is yet among
the living, and perhaps not disposed to
be the subject of a joke or story, I do
not feel at liberty to give his name. Mr.
was a slow believer of other
men's adventur3s, and at the same time
much disposed to magnify himself into
a marvelous hero, whenever the oppor
tunity offered. As Capt. Riley wound
up one of his truthful, though really
marvellous adventures, Mr.— cool
ly remarked, that the Captain's story
was all very well, but did not begin to
compare with an adventure that he had
"once upon a time,"
"on the Ohio, below
the present city of Cincinnati.
" Let's have it! let's have it !" re
sounded from all hands.
" Well, gentlemen," said the Senator,
clearing his voice for action, and knock
ing the ashes from his cigar; "gentle
men I'm not in the habit (quite notori
ous for it I) of spinning yarns of mar
vellous or fictitious matters, and there
fore it's scarcely necessary to affirm
upon the responsibility of my reputa.
tion gentlemen, that what I'm about to
tell you is the God's truth, and—
" Oh, never mind that, goon, Mr.—,"
chimed the party.
" Well, gentlemen, in 18— I came
down the Ohio river, and settled at Lo
aant,i now called Cincinnati. It was
at that time but a little settlement of
some twenty or thirty log► and frame
cabins; and where now stands the Broad ,
way Hotel, and blocks of stores and
dwelling houses, was the cottage and
corn pawl of old Mr.— a tailor, who
by-the-by, bought that land for the ma.
king of a coat. 1% ell, I put up my
cabin with the aid of my neighbors, and
put in a patch of corn and potatoes,
about where the Fly market now stands,
and set about improving my lot, etc.
Occasionly I took• my rifle, and start
ed off with my dog down the river, to
look up a little deer, or bar meat, then
very plenty along the river. The blast
ed red skins were lurking about and hov
ering around the settlement, and every
once in a while picked off some of our
neighbors, or stole our cattle or horses.
I hated the red devils, and made no bones
of peppering the blasted serpents when
ever I got a sight at them. In fact, the
rascals had a dread of me, and had laid
a great many traps to get my scalp, but
I was'nt to be caught napping. No, no,
gentlemen I was too well up to 'em for
Well I started one morning, pretty
early, to take a hunt ; and travelled a
long way down the river, over the bot
toms and hills, but could'nt find bar or
deer. About four o'clock in the after
noon, 1 made tracks for the settlement
again.—By and by, I sees a buck just
ahead of me, walking leisurely down
the river ; I slipped up, with my faith
ful dog close to my rear, to within clev
er shooting distance, and just as the
buck stuck his nose in the drink, I drew
a bead upon his topnot i and over he turn
' bled, and splurged, and bounded awhile,
when I came up and relieved. him by
cutting his wizzen—"
" Well, but what is that to do with
an adventurer said Riley.
" Hold on a bit, if ye please gentle
men—by Jove it had a good deal to do
with it. For,
while I was busy skin
ning the hind quarter of the buck, and
stowing away the kidney fat in my hun
ting shirt, I heard a noise like the break
ing of brush under a moccasin at the
" bottom." 111 y dog heard it, and start
ed up to reconnoitre, and I lost no time
in re-loading my rifle. I had hardly got
, my priming on before my dog raised a
howl, and broke through the bush to
wards me with his tail down, as he was
not used to doing, unless there were
wolves, painters. (panthers,) or Ingins
I picked up my knife, and took up
my line of march in it skulking trot up
the river. The frequent gullies on the
lower bank made it tedious travelling
these, so [ scrabbled up the upper bank
which was pretty well covered with
buckeye and sycamore, and a very little
underbrush. One peep below, discov
ered to me three as big and strapping
red devils, gentlemen as you ever clap
ped your eyes on ! Yes, there they
came, not above six hundred yards in
my rear, shouting and yelling like dev
ils, and coming after me like .all h—
broke loose!"
" Well," said an old woodsman, sit
ting at the table, "you took a tree, of
" Did 11 No, by gentlemen ; I
took no tree just then, but took to my
heels like sixty, and it was just as much
as my old dog could do to keep up with
me. I run until the whoops of the red
skins grew fainter and fainter, behind
me, and clean out of wind, ventured to
look behind, and there came one single
red devil, puffing and blowing, not three
litiudred yards in my rear. He had got
on to a piece of bottom, where the trees
were small and scarce—now old fellow,
I'll have you, so I trotted off at a pace
sufficient to let the red devil gain en
me ; and when he had got jn,st about
near enough I wheeled and fired, and
down I brought him ; dead as a door
nail, at a hundred and twenty yards."
" Then yo u skelp'd (scalped) him im
mediately," said the old woodsman.
" D—d clear of it, gentlemen ; for by
the time I got my rifle loaded, here came
the other two red skins, shouting and
whooping close on me, and away I broke
again like a quarter horse. I was now
about five miles from the settlement,
and it was getting towards sunset ; I
run until my wind began to be pretty
short, when I took a look back, and
there the red devils came, snorting like
mad buffaloes, one about two or three
hundred yards ahead of the other, so I
acted possum again until the foremost
Ingin got pretty well up, and I wheeled
and fired, at the very moment he was
drawing a bead, on me; he fell head over
stomach into the dirt, and up came the
last red devil—'
"So you laid for him, and—" gasped
" No," continued the member,' "I
didn't l'ay for him ; I hadn't time to load,
so I laid legs to ground, and started
again. I heard the blasted devil, every
bound he made after me. I run, and
until the fire flew out of my eyes,
and the old dog's tongue hung out of
his mouth a quarter of a yard long !"
" Phe-e•ew l" whistled somebody.
___ ..
"Fact, by —, gentlemen. Well, what
waa 1 to do, I didn't know—rifle empty,
no big trees about, and a murdering red
man character. There is no living with
out it. Religion is the tie that connects
man with his Creator, and holds him to
his throne. If that tie be all sundered,
all broken, he floats away, a worthless
atom in the universe, its proper attrac
tions all gone, its destiny thwarted, and
its whole future nothing but darkness,
desolation and death. A man with no
sense of religious duty is he whom the
scriptures describes--in terse but terrif
ic manner —as " living without God in
the world." Such a man is out of his
proper being, out of the circle of all his
duties, out of the circle of all his happi
ness and away, far, far away from the
purposes of his creation.
A mind like Mr. Mason's, active,
thoughtful, penetrating, sedate, could
not but meditate deeply on the condition
of man below and feel its responsibili
ties. He could not look on the wond
rous frame—
" This universal frame thus wonderful fair,"
without feeling that it was created and
upheld by an intelligence to which all
other intelligence must be responsible.
I am bound to say that in the course of
, my life I never met with an individual,
in any profession or condition of life,
who always spoke and sways thought
with such awful reverence of the power
and presence of God. No irreverence,
no lightness, even no too familiar allu
sion to God and his attributes ever es
caped his lips. The very notion of a
supreme being was within him made up
of awe and solemnity. It filled the whole
of his great mind with the strongest
emotions. A man, like him, with all
his proper sentiment and sensibilities
alive in him, must, in this state of exis
tence, have something to believe and
something to hope for; or else as life is
advancing to its close and parting, all
is heart sinking and oppression. De
pend upon it—whatever else may be
the mind of an old man—old age is only
really happy when, on feeling the enjoy
ments of this world pass away, it begins
to lay a stronger hold on those of an
Mr. Mason's religious senfirnehts and
feelings were the crowning glories of
his character. One with the strongest
motives to love and venerate him, and
the best means of knowledge, says:
So far as my memory extends, he
always showed a deep conviction of the
Divine author of the Holy Scriptures,
of the value of the institutions of Chris
tianity, and of the importance of per
sonal religion. But he did not, until his
residence in Boston, make any public
religious profession. He then very soon
entered the communion of the Church,
and has continued since regularly to
receive the Lord's Supper. From that
time he has also habitually maintained
domestic worship, morning and even
ing. The death of his sons produced a
deep impression upon his mind, and di
rected it in an increased degree to reli
gious things.
"Though he was always reserved in
expressing religious feeling, still it has
been very apparent for several years
past, that his thoughts dwelt much upon
his practical religious duties, and espe
cially upon preparation for another
world. Within three or four years he
frequently led the conversation to such
subjects, and during the year past, im
mediate preparation for his departure
has been obviously the constant subject
of his attention. His expressions in
regard to it were always deeply hum
ble, and indeed the very modest and
humble manner in which The always
spoke of himself was most marked.
" His whole life, marked by uniform
Webster's Eulogy on Mason. greatness, wisdom, and integrity, his
deep humility, his profound reverence
[Among the truly great men of New for the Divine Majesty, his habitual
England, was Jeremiah Mason, a distin-
preparation for death, his dependance
guished lawyer and politician, who of
upon his Saviour, left nothing to be de
ter a long course of honor and usefulness,
died in Boston, on the 14th of October sired for the consolation of his family
under this great loss. He was gradu
last. At the opening of the Supreme ally prepared for his departure. His
Judicial Court of Massachusetts, on the last years were pas.ed in calm retire
15th of November last, Mr. Webster w eal, and he died as lie wished to die,
presented to the Court the resolutions with his faculties unimpaired ; without
of the Bar, on the occasion of Mr. Ma- I great pain, his family around his bed,
son's death, and proceeded to pronounce
the p ecio promises of the Gospel be-
upon his deceased friend a eulogy, that
fore his min us
d, without lingering disease,
in simplicity, impressive dignity, and and yet most suddenly called away."
true eloquence, has rarely been equalled Such, Mr. Chief Justice, was the life,
by any similar effort. The following and such was the death of Jeremiah
extract is very fine. After rapidly Mason. For one I would pour out my
sketching the principal events in Mr. heart like water. I would embalm his
Mason's life, and dwelling upon his po- memory in my best affections. His
litical eminence and professional fame friendship, so long continued, I esteem
and character, Mr. Webster said :] one of the greatest blessings of my life ;
Nothing of character is really perms- and I hope that it may be known here
sent but virtue and personal worth. , -- after, that—without intermission or
They remain. Whatever of excellence coolness—for so long a period, Mr. Ma
is wrought into the soul itself belongs' son and myself were friends.
to both worlds. Real goodness does not He died in old age, not by a violent
attach itself merely to this life, it points stroke from the hand of death, not by a
to another world. Political or profes- sudden rupture of the ties of nature, but
sional fame cannot last forever, but a by a gradual wearing out of life. He
conscience void of offence before God enjoyed through life indeed, remarkable
and mats, is an inheritance for eternity, health. He took competent exercise,
Religion therefore, is a necessary, an loved the open air, and avoiding all ex
indispensable element in any great hu- treme theories or practice, controlled
devil not three hundred yards in my
rear, and what was worse, just then it
occurred to me that I was not a great
ways from a big creek (now called Mill
Creek,) and there I should be pinned at
"Just at this juncture, I struck my
toe *against a root, and down 1 tumbled
and my old dog over me. Before I could
scramble up—'
" The red devil fired !" gasped the old
"He did, gentlemen, I felt the ball
strike me under the shoulder ; but that I
didn't seem to put any embargo upon i
my locomotive, for, soon ns I got up, I
took off again, quite refreshed by my
fall. I heard the red skin close behind
me, coming booming on, and every min
ute I expected to have his tomahawk
dashed into my head and shoulders.—
Something kind of cool began to trickle
down my boots—'
"Blood, eh 1 from the shot the var
mint gin," said the old woodsman, in a
great state of excitement.
"I thought so," said the senator, "but
what do you think it was 1"
"Not being blood, we were all puz
zled to know what the blazes it could
be, when Riley observed :
"1 suppose you had'
"Melted the deer fat which I had
stuck in the breast of my hunting shirt,
and the grease was running down my
legs until my feet got so greasy that
my heavy boots flew, and one hitting
the dog, nearly knocked his brains out.
We all grinned, which, the 'member'
noticing, observed :
"I hope, gentlemen, no man here will
presume to think I am exagerating."
"0, certainly not go on, Mr. —,"
we all chimed in.
Well, the ground under my feet
was soft, and being relieved of my heavy
boots, with double quick time, and see•
ing the creek about half a mile off, I
ventured to look over my shoulder, to
see what kind of a chance there was to
hold up and load. The red skin was
coming jogging along, pretty well blow
ed out, about five hundred yards in the
rear. By thinks 1, here goes to load,
so, at it 1 went,—in went the powder,
and putting on my patch, down went the
ball about half way, and off snapped my
ram rod !"
"Thunder and lightning !" shouted
the old woodsman, who was worked up
to the top notch in the member's story.
•' Good God ! wasn't I in a picklel—
There was the red whelp within two
hundred yards of me, pacing along, and
loading up his rifle as he came! I jerk
ed out the broken ram rod, dashed it
away, and started on, priming up as I
cantered off, determined to turn and
give the red devil a blast, any how, as
soon as I reached the creek.
"I was now within a hundred yards
of the creek, I could see the smoke from
the settlement chimneys; a few more
jumps and I was by the creek.—the red
devil was close upon me,—he gave a
whoop, and I raised my rifle; on he
come—knowing that I had broken my
ram rod, and my load not down ; anoth
er whoop, whoop ; and he was within
fifty yards of tne! I pulled trigger,
"And killed him," chuckled Riley.
"No, sir ! I missed fire, by —'
"And the red devil," shouted the old
woodsman, in a frenzy of excitement.
46 Fired and killed me !"
The screams and shouts that follow
ed this finale, brought landlord Noble,
servants and hostlers, running up stairs
to see if the house was on fire!
his conduct and practice of life by the Nearly the same deterioating results
rules of prudence and moderation. His ensue from planting gourds in the vicin
death was therefore not unlike that deity of squashes. The shell of the gourd
scribed by the Angel, admonishing lis injured, and the squashes are render-
Adam : ' ed bitter and unpalitable.
"I yield it just, said Adam, and submit. Corn of several kinds cannot be pre-
Bat is there yet no ether way, besides served in purity, if planted where the
These painful passages, how we may come dust of the blossoms of one kind comes
To death, and mix with our connatural dust 1,, ,
~ There is, said Michael, in contact readily with the silks of anoth-
if thou will observe
The rule of— ,, not too much"—by temperance '' •
taught, Cabbages of different varieties are
In what thou eat'st and drink'st ; seeking from very sure to cross with each other when
thence planted together, producing plants like
Due nourishment, not gluttonous delight; neither of the original kinds.
Till many years over thy head return,
So may'st thou live ; till, like ripe fruit thou One of the most serious injuries re
drop' . suiting from this tendency, is found to
Into thy mother's lap; or be with ease
Gather'd, not harshly pluck'd ; for death mature. arise when eabbages arid turnips inten
ded for seed are planted near each other:
That is old age."
The cabbages produced from such seedi
Chinese Etiquette. will not head welt ; and the turnips is-
The Chinese are so punctilious that stead of fine round bulbs with small
their code of etiquette outvies the most tufts of leaves, will be surmounted with
ceremonious courts in Europe. As soon a cabbage like stem, an immense quasi
as a guest alights from his sedan chair, tity of lens's, and the roots themselves
he is met by the host, who bows his will be more or less tough and woody in
head, bends his body and his knees, their structure.
joins both hands in front, and with them I Potatoes of several kinds may be
knocks his chest. When lie wishes to planted with impunity near each other,
be very polite, he takes his guest's hand as they are not usually grown from the
with his and knocks it upon his chest. seeds, but almost alwiws from the to
This is their mode of shaking hands.— 1 bers, and these are not affected by the
Now follows a polite contest as to pre-fecundeting process.
cedence, which, after various knockings, We not unfrevuently hear complaints
bowincrs, and genuflexions, terminates from farmers and others about their
by the host and guest entering the house I seed changing into a different and worse
together. At the sitting apartment an- I kind. By a little attention to the above
other ceremony takes place, equally I suggestions, this difficulty might be
protracted and irksome. The point to' avoided, and good seeds be grown by
be determined is where each shall sit, every one. The most perfect plants
and who shall be seated first. Etiquette I should always be selected fur planting
extends even to a decision on the size out for seed; and where this is done, and
of a chair, by which invariably the rank a mixture with other kinds is avoided,-
or importance of a guest is determined. a change for the worse need not be feared.
• The host now motions to a large chair I The Leading Interest.
and attempts to take a smaller one him
self. Good breeding compels the gues t It is supposed, says the Maine Farmer,'
that three fourths of the population of
in turn to refuse this compliment ; an d,
the country are employed in agriculture;
after a wearying contest of politeness, ,
the point is amicably adjusted to the the other quarter being divided among
all other employments and professions:
satisfaction of the belligerents, either
by both parties sitting down stmultane- Beside, the mechanic, the manufacturer,.
the merchant, and the professional man
ously on the same bench or upon two are all mainly dependent upon the far
chairs of equal dimensions. The fatigue
of this courtesy may be easily conceiv- mers for patronage and support. When
the farmers as a class are prosperous,
ad as the same routine is performed on
all the others participate in their pros
the arrival of each guest. As soon as
perky. From this it follows,
that what.
the guests are assembled, tea is handed I ever benefits the agricultural class, di
around in covered cups, which are placed I
, rectiy benefits three-fourths of the peo
in silver stands hr the form of a boat.—
I p ie, and indirectly benefits the other 4th.
These are fluted and beautifully chased.
Surely, ' then, the farmers have a right
The cups on the occasion to which I re- to demand of government the means to•
fer were of that antique porcelain so ex- 1 ! sustain their agricultural societies ; and
ceedingly valued, which is as thing as , ,i. l
paper, pure white, perfectly transparent, ito co ll ect and disseminate important in:
1 formation relative to their calling. Let
and is ornamented with obscure figures, , the' light of science and education be
whose dark outlines are only perceptible
when the vessel is filled with tea. The brought to the aid of agriculture. Let
I our resources be developed, and the'
mode of making tea in China is similar skill and industry of the husbandman
to that in which coffee is made in Tur- be directed into their proper channel,
key. The tea is put into a cup, boiling
and results would soon be attained in
avatar poured over it, and instantly cos'- •
which not only the farmer could rejoice,
ered, to prevent the escape of the aroma,
but the whole community with him.
with a lid, which is used as a spoon toI
.'ilin University These are the right sentiments,
sib the tea.—Du
j/fa g a-
amt every paper having the true inter ,
II I ests of this noble branch of industry at
RAISING SEEDS. heart, should make them known—
Acting on the principle, that every
should strive to enforce them by calling
farm should produce as far as p ossibleupon our Government, that, in fostering
all that is required for use upon it
,we and promoting other great interests—
advise farmers to pay more attention to this—the greatest of them all—should
raising seeds. There will always be not be overlooked, but come in for its
some which it will be necessary per. full s h are. —Germantown Telegraph.
haps to purchase, and there arc many of rr
which exchanges will produce a good gyinan i ,
finding his flock very igrorant
effect, but far the greater part of the resolved to pay them domiciliary visits,
seeds wanted by the common farmer and inspect them at their houses. Corn.;
may as well be produced by himself, as ing to a poor woman's cabin, amongst
by another. Some little care and atten- other questions lie asked her how many
tion is however necessary ; else, how- commandments there were 1
ever good as the seeds may be, so far • "Truly, sir," said she, "I cannot tell."
as germination is concerned, the plants " Why ten," said he.
produced may not be of the kiud desi- ; " A fine company," replied she, " God
red or expected. Nearly all are aware
that when plants are so situated, that bless you and them together."
"Well, but neighbor," said he, "do
the pollen or fecundating dust of the ' you think you can keep these command
blossom of one variety is conveyed to
merits ?"
the flower of another variety of the
"Ah, the Lord in heaven bless you
same species, a cross will be the result, sir, I'm a poor woman, and can barely
and the new vegitable or plant will he a keep myself, so, how can I bear the
hybrid, having a mixture of the quali- charge of keeping so many command ,
ties of both, perhaps, b t unlike either,
It is owing to this easily understood I
cause, that the seeds of an apple, peach, QUESTION BY A SOPHIST.—go the Ed ,
cherry, potato, and other fruits and itors. j Over a certain river there is it
plants so rarely pr duce trees or plants bridge, and at sae end of the bridge a
like the original ones. It is this dispo- gallows ; and at the other a house of ju
sition to mix which is to be guarded dicature, with four judges, who passed
against, and a few simple rules will en- ; the following law :—Whoever passes
able any farmer to do this effectually. over the bridge must first take an oath,
Beets are a plant frequently injured and swear where lie is going, and what
by planting different kinds for seed near is his business. if lie swear the truth
each other. Thus, the red and white lie shall go free, but if he swear falsely
wsll produce plants neither red nor white he shall be hanged upon the galk ws.
and frequently of an inferior quality. I Now a certain man taking the oath,
Radishes of different kinds should swore that he was going to be hanged
never be planted near each other when on the gallows, and that was his bust
intended fel seed. I ness and no other: "Now," said the
Nothing shows the effect of " amal- ' judges, "if we let this man go free he
natation" quicker than the planting of swears a lie, and by the law he owt ht
squashes and pumpkins near each oth- to be hanged, while if we hang him he
er. The squashes will be misshapen swears the truth, and by the same law
and watery and the pumpkins warty and lie ought to go free "—How shall they
hard-skinned, and destitute of the sweet- proceed with this man according to this
ness belonging to the pure article. ; law, or what will be a just verdict 1