Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 20, 1849, Image 1

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    •• I 6
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ALMOST THERE. ; A Goad Story of a Pretty Widow. I Indian Gambling. viour yesterday, and said she meant to A Yankee Attorneyon Capitaileums ! A Rich Scene.
A young lady had v's ted the South for her The following story is told of an Alabama The game of " hand" is played by two buy to-day. He Fmk] there needed no islsinesst. I A rich scene took place in front of
health; but findlng that she hourly 4r w worse Sheriff: : persons.—One who commences, pluses' apology ;he never wished to sell wh a t I Ihe following oration was delivered the St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans, re-'
h r friends hurt ed her home. On the journiiy "Co ire ems in session, end amid the a pl. 171 or ,berry stone in the hollow the ladies did not wish to buy.
some where in 11 isconsiii, by one of the ceetly. An honest Dutchmen, who had
she was very much exhausted, and conenually tiedterlicity of business which rrowded formed by joiniu sh e „„,„ hart „1„,„, t
g the concaved palms h e, e„tine, and profession, who would seem to have just nrrieed front the Netherlands, came
Inqu'rel, •• Ars We almort Mere?" She died of the hands together, then shaking the t oo k a piece—she looker! the velvet over. qeite an aversion to capital punishment : , tip St. Chides street with his tette Dud
upna him at the time, he stopped at the,
amid selected . the best piece. She took •• May it please your Lordship and
just before r aeltine: home. A frien_d who ac- door of a bentitifel v I ow, on the stet- stone fo r a few moments the hands aredaughter 1 wiping en his, sine In cum
suddenly seperated, and the oilier play- Gentlemen of the Jury case is as ;,, g
eompanied le r. wrote the follow ng line': ny side of thirty, whit by the way, had two or three pieces of 'mishit, and sev- in front of the splendid. edifice al.
er tritest guess which now emitains the cell rolle of ribbon. Selecting other eliar as ice, arid sharp to the doini as ready mentioned; he cllddenly halted,
Ars we almost there t Are me On o t there 1 open • bestowed meld ie.; glances upon
Stolie. Large host are often Wagered•• 'to" from .your sweet heart. The scrips and • will! mouth wide open, exclaim-
Saud tei ey ne grl as she drsw near ler home, flit Sheriff netresaid. He was ninnitied, this ee, she made up an amount or xrto,
Ari tho, ti.c pop . trees that Par and snow th e „ee rie , „ pp ,„ re d . T he on the result of this favorite game, for which she gave her blether's checl, tore saith •"limit shalt not kill ;" and , ed e, hi s e vrow"—
Teter iorms so kelt 'gain t heay. n's blue dome t - .'' . pin yed by squaws, the mid asked the favor of the partners, for if you hang, my client, you transgress
confuston anti delight whi,•h the visitor's which is " I ' o " Mine Got, Elizabet, what a splend•
Then she taliod of her flowers, then she thought erre:el lied orrasioned set ;4;0 crest- men standing in end encouraging them II c ['Teem. man to go home with the the command ns slick as grease, arid id eleirch 1".
0. the wen • • rr tu bet, :tug lateieitig loudly at their gm- g0,;(6, plemp its a slum bull in a loafer's face. •• Hnus," said his Wire, catching lion
er arivaninge then liven!, the eeptlysttn e
Whsrs the cool waters dashed o'er the large . le er te,que eeeitement. 1 He went with her, and ns the carriage Gentlemen, merder is nitirder, whether •
by t h e a ~e , „ e d ee , , t e i n e dot irk l e
wiste stens, • deems of the wii7ow ,M
And she thought it would soothe, like v fairy cheeks bore the henet lett blemlid tints , • Tahtinga-nislin
A Bit tat wood Sioux, s drove along she asked him " why d „ committed by twelve Jury men or by a Lutheran or a Calleili:• i chur eli 1 It eortil
spell, of...the epple hlogesont ; her lips resent- and onis of the bitwest chiefs of his trod net go lido business for . ourself 1" lininbleindivite hI, likeemy client. Gen- eta look megh like de one, and den it
Collet she driik of that fount when Leer fever bred tribe, when a yentig rnati, Was out on a el have „ o t,„p„„i,” lie replied. timer, I do not deny the fact of try looks a good deal the de todder, anti den
rose-bude, epon which the morning
seas on.war ex edition ugainst the I client's having killed a man ; but is that • •
1 dew yet lingered ; her eyes were like solitary i She told him if he would select a place - it doshent look much like never."
Weile yet 1.0 young and her bloom grew less, the f c • d 1 f lose CrOWS. tiny reason why you should do so '1 No ~ Slop, mine vrow," said old Hans.
quit ers o epi , the g nnees o ~., , I where business could be done, she would
Tl, , y had Lorn- ter away to a lilndl er cl me;l
' one evening he drew near ut , m e di. . . . , • such thing. gentlemen. you may hi leg as he ehool . the ashes oat f his
And sits would rot r.ll that twsi only distress mid tenderness with which they w e re , ,
~, . ... . , . assist him to set tip in a good store and the .. - r • ~ • 1 e , , .
clue spring, where to les astonishint nt le prieoile in gte ty ~ the liengman
Ti et gathered loe's rose in .ts sweet spring filled resembling Arrows tent (tidy wan•promised to secure him many-families. • sleeked pipe s; will go in and see what
he encountered El Crow warrior in the may do his duty ; but will that eximer- el ~ • h it r ,"
tame. ted a fine heat) (pair don the pun) to the , , . his , . „,
svgs , lie was not prepared for this and plea-
it ••1 No s 1 I • I ' . l 'e l b e Isl a ' .. . .
(pv(101111 1 4 thirst. it •
.oil , c you licit wig. lm teat case
And she had lool:ed wherithey had bade her to full execution. After a few common set "'ded inexperience, and his fears of fail- •ewe ti. man Went in and saw n mote s
the point of drawing his bow upon him, you will all be murderers Vt ho airfoil
look; . place rermake, nre. She insisted his indomitableg I crowd at the bar, rows of brilliant
At 11/AI y 2 rue' and many a shrine ;
i •• ‘ll.litin," snit( the matter of fact when be remembered the sacred nature l m" . eon isprepared for the brandof Cain' ''
Bence windd so rroonnt all difficulties •
At the s,u:pturiid niche, aud the shady nook, ' ,• or the spot, tied tnakiag the Rip' of • to be stamped on hits brow to day • who - d • , • • I •
And wan:Led Lrom hi t ,h places the sun s de-d 1 • Idrift Si "1 lit:Ye:in eftacentete for you. . . .
~.,, .
neir. ,_ foe an
,IE she WOll.. ran a the risks if h e
freemen.l • ..
.. i quors, and every one appateiti
. 3r enjoy
, at .o in thus of liberty l ied
A deeper bit •,11 thati veer mantled the Pedi•ei "e 'oil tennis i. (- V : "' S , would try, He Wished to' speak to hisMg himself. He rushed out in periect
• end proceeded likewise to slake his light ? Gentlemen, I will pledge any , clueehs of the fair witlow—well down- worthy emplityers and asked their ad- Y horror, end clutching his wife by the
Tut ;n secret she sigh,' for a ell:et slew, • le of liiiiitik kto be- • nil not one or -0u Ins it bowie-letide ' '
wt.-reel skip played tt h-r eh 111E00,18hour, east eyes whose glenees were centered ihilat• A Pie vice. She eniwented ; and they adve wil • ' • • i arm said In trembling tones:
TI Duel, steel. or t ower las n areed ut not; upon ber beautiful feet, I,„ I e e „,„. e „l e d ing produced, it wasu proposed to
P" 8 sed him to accept the offer. - or a pistol iit his poehet. N•o, geed,. , eElizubei !Elizabet I Mine Got ! •You'
It was 'tear, rto tier than Cle gayest bower. by it ,c f i ,• _Emily the early part of the ni lit in the , ~ . . . teen, yoet• pockets are odorifewes with
denpgcurly pettine
a. itst mg cry, liens how de Svior 01 ce drive de mon
of •• lined " Thee accordingly 1 Ihe lady sent her oWn surveyor and the sierfunies of cigar cases and tobacco.
And oft did she ask, are we almost there t the flume she with eqital vendor replied ' , gs"'e • ey merchtints oet ob de temples, and all
, Iler 1, • •vill) him to the .h • ' . '
1 y ( oee a
Tel her heart grew la nt, and her flushed
menis I etipro. a .
, „ Sir, the at latch a ' •.' •1 s , • sat down beside the spring, and cum- , -,• , ' . Ton can smoke the tubacco of rectitude dat. And not'' coine, Elizabet, :call go
cliePk r.i..; ' F -
Fur some tame, the s
cheriff maintain- incticed the game. Femme frivoled the '
p ace tit . , este Hell. ndvenceil in the pipe of a peaceful conscience ; ' buck to Ydrinany ; lon here in New Or•
Antherhe strove to roothe with 111e1E,S8 care, ICrew He WOll aunty after arrow from X2OOO it, susih
and baceed his credit for hut hang my tinforturinte client and II:el . If ddti? li ./ • d
cans 11 , 1 , a der se et snapps an e
si g hs eseaped on the ever.ia; g ale. ' et! an nsionished silence ;nt last lie sniil, • •
, - • his X2OOO more. [le columenced and was .
the breve ; then his Lute, his club, sr 11 alligators of remorse '
11 y will gallop c h urc h es ,
. :alscim, will oil pi . o , ceed to court 1"
Then aw'ftly, more swiftly. they hurried alone, i knife, hi • robe all followed, and the Si- successful. He took in partners. and in through the internal priereples Or an, .
Till tneir auXtutli heart+ fait a chili o. chispair, "Proceed to court, replied the lade, ' b 1 i 1 • ~, • II I thurteen veers retired from Ludgate et I vertebrae, • - ' • I
For when tap bght or timt ,y, was ,one, with u merry laugh ; then abating her oux sat naked ce, on the p ace ett te Hi !I 1 ; e sireat Shawl Establishment." 111 'lntl! the spinal vertebrae u
And the qu ck pulse stopp AI, rho leis u.7most head, site added, " No, sir! though t h;,, proposed another stake against the oth- r
with X4o,ooo.'fh b• • - I II .1 •.1
e basis o a wet 1 or our anatotnical construction is turn- I
there. l, —his seal') ! He played mid lost ; )
is leap year, I will clot take' advantage em ' , . . . , ed into a railrette for the gi hit und gory ,
was one hones pinieece.--Ar. Y. Organ.
and bending lorweril his head, the Crow goblets of despair. Gentlemen, beware
I of the (cruse therein granted to my sex,
[From the Poston Culevator.) warrior drew his Ithife, and quickly re- - —of committing 'murder! B•were I say
; and therefore greedy pi efer that you ' warr his s A Gold Diggea's Experience. • '' ' - '
IP RCGIILIISION. , moved the bleeding prize,—Without a since. of meddling with the internal preroga
' shoeld Di'nered to court."
F.:VRELY, this is n progressive nee.— *Trainer the luckless warrior rose to de- A eorreirodr•ot of the llonolula
.(Sauwich tive! Beware! I say. Renumber the
•• 13st madam. the J twice le wahine."
e Islands) Friend who was nut surveying in the • .
1 , Onward end ..r,waro" is the motto • s to part, but first exacted a promise from • • • fate of the nine who attemple,l to steady
" et um wait ; ern not deqmier
L 1 • • /
adopted by man; red each seeceeding his antaisimist, that Ile wool' meet him gold reaion, and went, like the rent of them, to Ilse ark, and treerible. Geetlemen, 1
hurry matters in such an enbecoming
genertmon brings abundant pro f, that ne leer ; and bcs , des, sir, when the co*. once more at the same spot, and engage gather the •• root of all evil," gives his experi- adjure you by the manumitted s host of
in acietuee and the arts lie is indeed r (tni.n, is I erformed I wish you to under
ile- in another trial or,ill. , enoe as follows t teniptotil saner its, to do DO murder !
• ,
icing rapid cureless stone llint I prefer a Minister to a Jus-
Inventions, produce 1 ()it the day appointed, the Ilerht Weed ', I adjure you by the name of walnut),'
tive of intieh good to mankind—impor- lice of , h , [ ,,,,, e ,, lament the spot, with a et w equiptnent, the mainspring of the! liekinn timepiece
taut discoveries melte elieniteal science, „ madam,,, said he, rising from his ' and tign in the Crow niade his appear- of time's theoretical transmigration fee
are becoming more numerous, while the mice and they sat down to play. do no murder ! I adjure you by the love
chair welt solemn digniti •• there us a
useful as well ns the Fite Arts are re- • This time femme changed sides, and roe have for the,esettletit and conditrien
great mistake here—my language has
evivieg dee and laboratirs uttention.
'' been mistinderstinte—
t h e n ,,h en , of the sio,won back his former losses, teal guelo of our native peropkin, to do
L o ok e , the college, acntlemies, and • and in his turn the Crow was stripped no 'tinnier! I adjure vuttt by the stars
wor i speak ten suet nen tle o ill 1• 1 1 k i I f 1 fr
institittiene or learning, tlett tire cumin- of 1 to the shin. Scalp 'testiest scalp Was set ill the flying ensign of our etuanci•
re quite—, welt collimate s we to
wally sprit ping up in various
l' arta of bring you Metantly before him to teas- now nt. stake, and time The Crow pate' coentry, to d 0 on murder! 1 a d.
our country-1o( It at the numerous use-submitted his head to the victorious Jere you by the American Eagle, that
Court t 'so eying
weer a Contempt of inl . b ••
fel inventions—the important scieteifi- a subpoena •In the case d e s mit h y e. Burnt woods knife; and both the war- whieped the_ universal game cock of
ce l l eisenveries—at the great ni :neer of Jones; a' : viers stood sealpless on the plain ! erenlion, tied now sits roosting, on the
learned men epon whom honorary de- i Arid now the Crow had but one single magnetic telegraph of Time's illtistrious
Here we drop the certain. I eteke of value to offer, and the offer of ti ensmigrntion, to do o murder ! And
• fe and you will tin-
green are con red, . i
hesitatingly excitor. •• Surely, this is a I
~.,7 . , it he did not hesitate to melte. He stn- lastly, gentlemen, if you ever expect to
progressive :tree." Mental arid ntortil FoRGET S'ot's I:Qt.'ttlEs.—rte 1, ,
inwise lied his life egainst the others winnings. wear long tailed coats—if ever you ex
esen e, are indeed ltecoming objects of and snlinppy, who never
.foreete the in- They p;nyed, awl (Online still being ad- pest free In not to bark at you—if
attention, mid as menus of th es e, are t e e juries he may hove received. They conic, verse, he lost. He offered his breast to you ever expect to weer boots made of
intense t•Iel and rel,gto• a liar et• e nee ceis the heart like dere shadows, when his adversary. The Burnt wood plum- the hide of the Rocky Mountain beffalo
cote co mutt mid ealuballt schtiti
oels. The for- the sshine of Impish ess weiuld bless , . • tid • •
pi] his knife into his heart to the very —amid to sum rip all, if you ever expect
lien, and throw liiin tees tomodt that he
met are becoming mute like objecte of hill ; and, laden tyith his spoils. return- to be any thing but a set of sitetikieg,
l e hatred, e se h o le r 's loye, than his haed, %chile climes nor eneilY"e• The demon of eil to his village, and to thus day wears loafing ' cut-throated, braided, small
s the tatter, (end its greatly impurrtint,) hate reigns in his bosom, stud mithes suspended from his ears his usvit and ends of humanity, e fettled down to in
ocimpy a much higher position in the him of all necountable creatures. the hie enemy t s s.„lp. distint•titelity,nequit my client aud save
teethe mind than fornierey. . most miserable. pier cuitetry." ,
Brit there vet remnies mem for more' Have you been injured in purse or ; A fittitut Mum The prisoner was negnitted 1
useiti inventions, more chemical iii, coy- etiaracter 1 Let the smiling angel of Forty years ago in St. Paul's Church
cries, met there ase vet matte iterira me forgis et ees find repose in your Ito one yard, that famous place in the metrop-
Heti eifficelt qeeetions unanswered, and Sledy not how you may revenge butt re- ohs of England, there was a dry goods
entity „„ re ,„„, 1 ,1,, 0 „.„,,,,, t h in re i, „„ t turn good nor evil. It cyan the constant store, the favourite resort of ladies.—
pet accretive,' for; and who I n •ws lint Habit of Biehop Bonner to forgive all The partners of the !loose, and all their
that t e e ,„ k of a „„ 1 1,,, ae0 ,,,,,0, 0 o f Whlll injured him. After his death, the clerks, where known for their respect
awe rosy mese many ditficultiee, nnswer hillnwing lines were written by one of NI and indulgent conduct; but one of
many ins ster.o•te q esto a, a d bring
his friends. They were not less . bcau- the clerics had earned the appellatiou of
forth limey iinporiatit diseuveries and liftil Ilium tr. e: "the patient mete" He had never been
usef -I invent toes, thus placing in a notch •• Some write their wrangs in marble—he more known to lose his temper or polite at
higlee position, the arts and ecienceeel jast ' teetion, ;eider the most trying tedium
Stoou'd dawn serene, sal wrote them mew due ; •„ f it lady's whims—a thing of course
l,Vho doubts that the eurione and won-
Trod under ;Jot, the sport of
tt ev-r wind, remerhnble.
des ulpliesuinteno—the „aurora Bore- swept from et, ,•:aa
tl, ~ii hie;ti•4 fl' mul
orn his a—
aits, or Northern Lights, nine, ere lung, Thsre bor'ed in the i...-t lii. 'at', tli,ni fir, A lady of title and large renting de
be explained to on attentive and Wunder- And orie,ed they could not 'wave the A Imigh- tenni lied Elie an tld test his patience.
leg worlds that to invent agrienetatil - tY eys•" ; She induced mealier holy to re:company
instrument. for the help of the farmer 1 • ; her, dressed in courtly style, drove in
and laboring mete may becerne, more A eJeSTI%o THE eloterit.-- . -Th, London her elegent carriage, with (warme r and
generally, than. it is now, the study o f Gazette coutuins some import e ei hirer- two footmen in their splendid livery, to
the learned and scientific 1 Surely, mail'stt ler the ladle. with regard to the the• store, and singled out the patient
, manner of placing. their lips when they man.
i demur et o l o o k di elf el • She - •
• Perhaps while Inm now writing, the • a miable, g it ,• c•
mine of some philosorher is engaged in it says that ,when n Indy.w e uld et:tutees!, end mutter 'minding down all that were
nu:timer and laborious thought; or per. her mouth to bland tied serene charac• there, none of them suited her. She
Iging in feelings of .
Naps 'neither is it el ter, she would just beloee entering floc e
then regsested to be shown the velvets.
grew joy on account of something new— r"*"" 'OY league, rind keep the expres- These were as little to her mind ; and
[bat hi s own h a rd lab or h a s b r o.: g ht sion in witiel ille mouth eeletides, tint I they were left for initslins. Th ese were
forth. With what great joy rimer lie look ' the desired effect upon the (emptily is unfortunate in price and quality, or
upon his OWII invent i,w, Tula Cilittelli- . evident. If, on the other bend, she breadth eir length, or . sotnething, and she
prates flint even he has been the mentis wishes to assume a distinguished and asked to see some ribbotte. Sonieweretoo
01 doing some good for liis fellow be- somewhat noble bearing not suggestive mush fringed ; some were too harrow,
inns ! Mmich more might be said on this of sweetnese, site eiclittld say brush, the nod others too broad. At length cite
subject but telle will net pet mit. The n result of which is ininllible• ll' she bought a yard of calico, and paid the
we all, as heine interested in i•aeh nth- wtetld malie her month small and pre,- pike, (and not without grumbling,) one
era good, ehoel I eontribete (ter mite to lY she "i set elle flip, trot - if the mouth shilling.
the edvancement of them-Isom' re i eeees be already settee reel needs eidargitig, The patient man folded it up, handed
and labor fur our comer% 'a geode i she must say cabbage. Ladies, when her to her carriutee, and politely bowing
I having their (fag...ern/testes weep, rriny went back 'to . his vomiter, and pia up
THE BOY A^ II TtiE ATTORNEY.—“enme observe these rules with some ads•an , hie anti is, velvets, Muslins, culicoes,
here, my Ind," said an attorney to n boy ' tag?. !S:c., an ueetspation costing him an hour
alio , i nine a ears fad. The boy went, - 'or more. .
and asked the nttorney what taro teas A Torun CUSTORIERE—A Cenniiine of "He is a patient men," exclaimed the
C; be tried next: Tile !Hui er answered, this city who boiiplit a patriarch of a lads , when she had relaxed the tension
%.A ease helm en the people awl the tent ey that had Irightened every other of her ence mid mind, which had been
devil—which (lo you thick will be the purchaser froin the idea of making a reqeisite to the performence of her part
most likely to gni', the action 1" 'I lie jaw;iil fent.t op - hob, said afterwards: " tie is deserving of eitcouragenteut ;
Ales , replied, "I eeees it will be n pretty " I intik hint home my wife bile him I will return hi-morrow, and really pur
"", hard squeeze—the people have got the tree hours, and den he crow. My wife put ( Anise."
mostynonev, but the devil the most kiw., him in de pot wid de tatersand he kick , She went again, and singled him out ;
ystrs'' 1 'inn all mit." ! she pleasantly apologised for her bebe-
I found digging relit by no means the
enchanting emplo) merit many might
dream .1 to be, hit a matter-of-fact hack.
aching, weariFiatte oik—must nearly
resembling, for all the world, the heavy
toil of a multitude of Paddies vxceva
t ing a canal or mill race. The climate
of the gold region, rem April to Octo
ber, is dry, with a cloudless atmosphere
and coot nights—the middle of the day
being warm, at the diggings
nearest the plain. While at the mines,
I was, of course, obliged to torn mono
taineer.—sleep ender the Woe campy,
or part of the time in a tent. and take
care of my domestic concerns as host
I could. Life Ln the mountain, with
plenty to cat and a good appetite, pro
(loved by hard work for sauce, is Lot so
repulsive a thing as one only occasion).
ed to in door rxisicoce might suppose.
For variety's sale, it will do for a lime;
but or my part, gold digging is a bold
ness Ido not fancy, although it pays
pretty well, and ton are sure of getting
your pay in hand the moment the work
is done. Still I would rattier be at my
old business with one third the ptofit of
this. Some who recently went op the
Sacramento river, came brick a' week af•
terward, well stored with fever and ague
if out nviih gold. Many who came will
mule money doubtless ; but some will
make themselves sick and,perhaps make
t h rins o res poorer than ever—if they
dr, not make a Onpwreck of good morals
and die, like some already as the fool
dieth, in revelling, and drunkenness. U
any um is doing a tolerable business
at the Islands, let. hint slick to it. He
will, ten chtinces to une, be btitter otria
the end.
Napoleon's Heart.
When Napoleon died, it is well known
that his heart was et traded, with -the
design of being preset veil The British
plqsician, who had charge of the won
drous organ, had deposited it in a silver
basin, among water, and retired to rest,
leaving two tapers burning beside it in
his chamber. He °Pen confesses to his
friends, while narrating the particulars,
that he felt very nervously anxious as
to the castodiuto of such a deposit, and
though he reclined he did not sleep.— ,
While laying thus awake, he heard dn.,
ring the silence of the night, first, a
rustling noise, then a phinge among, the
water in the basin, and then the sound'
of un object Wing, with a rebound on
the floor—all occurring with the quick-1
ness of ihmight. pr. A. sprang from,
his bed and the cause of the intrusion ,
was explained--it was an enotmous
Normandy rat dragging the heart of
Nupeleun to its hole. A few niuments
'time, titut Witteli had been ton vest'
in its ambition to be satisfied with Opel
sovereignty of vont Mem MI Europe, I
would ha cc been found in a more de•
graded posi:i in than the dust of. Cresar
stopping- a beer barrel—it wotild . have
been devoured as the supper of a rat ! •
"To snot vile uses must we come at
I last !"
-424 )
Attention Single Men. 1 A singular Lake.
Bilebeton tutu now breathe freer and
About ten mi ft 'ie to the Southeast of
deeper, for leap year has passed by, aid
a th,•ee years' respite will now be en- Saratoga Spring,,N. Y., there is a small
iol'ed Icy them from, th e assau lt s an d lake, well worthy tho attention of the
ainch i mitiaus of , . idens picuirathin , c 110 , 8 getaugist. Around it, fora con
matrimony.—The columns of our pi :`, siderable distance, stretches a valley
per hate test.fied to the rapidity with that shows many indications of having
which our ruing nien have been taken- once bee. fill of Water, but which has
off towards the close of the eventful been drained by the ban deg of its
) ear, (a very aterloo to bachelors
Southern boundary toWards the 31tilittwk
who hive surrendered at discretion,) and River. In the vetoer, deeply eluded by
the Kemnant ihnt.finve escaped octay now wood, Ices the present lake, n..t . more
~eagrathisie each oilier—or coadme as than it quarter of a mile iii width, but
the Case Indy he. abet three miles in length. The shape
The Cl o'era and the California fever is n s e r Vn i 'not aid "'II' several "'it'll
leave lately occupied the petite
mind— empty into it, no o..tlet Las ev
but previous to their advent, gettiog mar- er been discovered. : ‘,,r,e'- slight el".
ried , was the, recaiiiiig epidemic ; a did. ges oni , y are percept i b l e in tue wider
mark, even at the :,, Lill of the Spring
ease ion which no specific ever yet has
freshets. No L4cilinihiigs have oer been
proved an adequate remedy, wive the
verdicts of two special juries in - Geol.-
made in it yet, altho,,,gli deep sea Illicit
have been used.' Thd shores are . held
Rejoice, then, all ye inveterate ad-
and perpendicular as a Wall, deesiendilid
herons to single cursedness, that leap downward a dins; roan 'l'4"n" depth,
year is pest and gone; leaving you still The mightiest ship that ever donned
the priv,lege of clinging close to your could unfelt the shore in any piece with .
own selfishness—for great execution has safety. Its surface in cairn es n mirror
been dime the single men, rind for it is seldom touched by the boieter•
“ The voice of the turtle has been heard ° '' s wind' The water thettgli seenskig•
in the hind." ly clear,. looks black, - from the great'
We wo u ld not for the world insinu • , depth and the shadow of the tiees on•
ate that the Indies have ekerted the I the shore.
privileges of Jeep year h 3 e o i r g ,I e' It has nothing of the disc shape usus
courting, popping the question, nod ab- a l ly Pe'"th , inkt to seas and oceans. It
brev loin? loVe•making in thnt way_ seems like an inunenve crevice in the
but cute coincolenee is curious that so solid crust of the earth's surface, thrown
wally nitimages should bare rendered open by a convulsion in nature, as an
the year nit mornble—it happening to be en " in r i a ke ` long eenturiee Imo.
leap tear. 'll.e mischief is all done now ' When our planet Was young it under.
hoc wo cru
however, and those who have let slip went
mountsain s ks, su ch us
that now bris uld
tles alonmg , ble the
the opportunity, muse put up their ring
to one of those awful cot.volsions this
lets hi curl papers, and exercise hope,
a )4eing woman
eDf:sr e iti
faith and charity for three) ears to et tee cerious hike prob.ibly owes its origin.
when they prubilbly may .• have better 11l Y.—Ther '
luck next"-( oltimbia S. C. Le .ger.. in L 0,,,,,,,,, who has won a medal for
GEN. Score.—The Loweil Con rier recom• lies modesty. She disinissed . her lover
metals G .heral Wmtield Scott as a suitable can• for remarking iii her presece that there.
didato for Secretary of War. I was a pro 'meet of the wtnd shifting.
thhict at a riatessiall;
. Some yo• ug persuns enter•ain ridic
ulous notions UN to the choke of a pro
fession. Carried away by the glitter of
uniforms and the splendid pageantry of
the soldiers life, nothing will please
them short, of entering the army ; or
perhaps carried away by the nitration
of maritime adventures, they resolvelm
following the hazardous prtaisioli 61 a
sailor. But a very little eXperieuee of
the realities of lite geuerulty banisher
these idle dreams. Others pitch upon
the eleriele proiession as must suitable
to a sir ideas of living an easy and dig
nified existence, and enjoying the rev
erence of those around tlietn, without
reckoning un the ability of their iiorent,,,
or guardians to furnish them the ileces•
sary courie of education ; or if they
would subseq-ently have the good for
tune to fine a benefice. Many more equal
equally themselves with regard to what
are called professions. As a matter of
course, they must be something better,
though only in upearance, than their
father; and so they frequently torn their
attention to ozeupattonS" Which to
look remarkably genteel, but which all
the world besides know to be stipeiliCial
and unprofitable. The yeidug in the'
mii'd'e and lower ranl s of sou •ty shuhld
by all means be governed to the mat
ters by their seniors, for they are cer
tainly the best judges with respect to .
what portico bar department of industry
they should nutlet) themselves.—Hama .