Eater frovi The Washington Union has the fol lowing authentic information from the gold region : OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS. biteresting.-Callforuin Gold. Extract of a letter from Thomas Larkin, Esq., late consul, and now navy agent, of the United States, to the Sec retary of State, dated at Monterey, No 4ember 16th, 1848, and received in this City on Friday evening last. "The digging and.,washing for gold Coiitinues to increase on the Sacramen to placer, so far as regards the number of persons engaged in business, and the size and quantity of the metal daily ob tained. I have had in my hands sever.' al pieces of gold, about twenty-three Carats fine, weighing from one to two pounds, and have it from good authority that pieces have been found weighing sixteen pounds. Indeed, I have heard of one specimen that weighed twenty liVe pounds. '1 here are many men at the placer, who in June last had not one hundred dollars, now in possession of horn five to twenty thousand dollars, which they made by digging gold and trading with the Indians. Several, I believe, have made more. A common Calico shirt; or even a silver dollar, has been taken by an Indian for gold, with out regard td site ; and a half to one ounce of gold—say $8 to $l6 —is now considered the price of a shirt, while from three to ten ounces is the price of a blanket. One hundred dollars a day for several days iii succession was and is considered a ecmmon remuneration for the labor of a gold-digger, though few work over a month at a time, as the fatigue is very great. From Yttly to October one-half of the gold hunters have been afflicted either with the gigue and fever or the intertnitent fever, and twenty days absence from the placer during those months is necessary to es cape these diseases. There have not, however, been many fatal cases. The gold is now sold, from the smallest imaginary piece in size to pieces of one pound in weight, at $l6 per troy ounce for all the purposes of commerce; but those who are under the necessity of raising coin to pay duties to the gov ernment are obliged to accept from $lO to $t 1 per ounce. All the coin in Cali fornia is likely to be locked up in the custom-house, as the last tarifi of our Congress is in force here in regard to • the receipt of money. "Could you know the value of the California placer, as I know it, you R would think you had been instrumental in obtaining a most splendid purchase for our country, to put no other con struction on the late treaty. ':The placer i 3 known to be two or three hundred miles long ; and ns dis coveries tire constantly being made, it may prove 1,000 miles in length—in fact, it is, not counting the intermediate miles, yet unexplored. From five to ten millions of gold must be our export this and next year. How many more years this state of things will continue, - I cannot say. You may wonder why I ..continue my correspondence 1 I an swer, from habit, and your many re marks of the interest you take in my letters." WAR DEPARTMENT. MONTEREY, (Cal.,) Oct. 23, 1848 GENERAL : I arrved hero on the 18th • inst., front San Diego, and have paid the four companies of ie Ist New York , regiment in full, and they have all mar * ted for the gold mines. The three com -1 panics• composing the command of Lt. Col. Burton are now here, and will be mustered out to,' - ty or to-morrow, and : paid by Major Hill immediately, as the residents are extremely anxious to get rid of them ; they have the place in • their power. Nearly all the men of company "F," 3d artillery have deser ted. We have the Ohio, Warren, Dale, Lexington and Southampton in port ; • but they cannot land a man, as they de o. scrt us soon as they set foot on shore. The only thing the ships could do in case of an outbreak, would be to fire up. on the town. The volunteers at Santa Barbara, Los Angelos, &c., behaved t very well—no murmuring or difficulties i of any kind with them ; they complain ` ed that they were not allowed travelling 4 allowance. The funds from Mazatlan have at last *l • reached here : the amount is $130,000. It arrived very opportune'y, as we have expended nearly all we had. The amount is a great deal more than will be requir •ed, as there are at present but two corn panies in California—one of Ist dra ,:loroons, the other of 3d artillery ; the latter reduced to a mere skeleton by de seruon, and the former in a fair way to share the seine fate. I should suppose •'520,000 would be sufficient to pay the &present force, (provided the companies „,./ are filled up) for a year. Treasury notes are good for nothing now; bills on the United States could not be negotiated on any terms. Gold dust can be purchased for eight or ten dollars the ounce, and it is said to be worth $lB in the United States: consequently, all remittances are made in it. IP Col. Mason, and most of the army of ficers, are at Fort Sutter. Commodore Jones thinks it would be very impru dent to bring the public funds‘on shore, except in such sums as may be requir /A for imrsedil.e use. Ile'doe , not like to leave a ship here, on account of the difficulty of keeping the men. * * The gold fever rages as bad as ever, and the quantity collected has not di minished but increa9ed. Provisions, clothing, and all the necessaries of life, are at most exorbitant prices. Living was always expensive iii this country, but now it passes all reason—board four dollars per day, washing five to six dol lars per dozen. Merchants' clerks are receiving from $l,BOO to $3,0U0 per an num salary ! What the government will do for civil officers ) I do not know. Sal aries will have to correspondent with the times. The pay of Governors, Judges, &c., as allowed in the U. States, , will hardly. compare with that paid to salesmen and shop clerks here. I am, sir, respectfully, Your obedient servant, WM. RICH, A. P. U. S. A. Gen. N. Towson, P. C. U. S. A., Washington, D. C. More Gold ! More Gold ! The New York Tribune publishes the follow ing extraordinary letter, which it says is from a source worthy of entire confidence: MAZATLAN, Dec. 19, 184.8 There is a late arrival from California, bringing intelligence that a region of gold, richer than any yet known, has been discovered, north of the former placer. The Lexington, store ship, was to leave for the United Stutes : when this vessel left, she had on board about $500,000 in gold dust for the United States. I have accidently met hero to-day a young man very recently from San Fran cisco, where he is engaged in businens, having been a year or two in California, and been over the Gold region, though not as a laborer ; he confirms even the moat extravagant of the accounts we have recently had of the richness of the placer, particularly as to the new Gold Region MAYSVILLE, Jan. 24. The St. Louis Daily Organ says that it is reported that gold has been found in large quantities on the Rocky Moun tains. Mr. Benton on California and the Gold Region. WAsnixaToN, Jan. 15. Mr. Benton made a very interesting speech in the Senate in explanation of his substitute for the settlement of land titles in the acquired territory. Mr. B. has struck early and nobly, 1 think, for the maintenance of the rights of the settlers in the new territory. His just apprehension is, that the people left in California and New Mexico will suffer severely from harpies, antes§ strongly protected by the General Government. ' He proposes in his plan a complete geographical and political division be tween New Mexico and California, a dif ferent system of local government, suited to the people of the respective countries, and without inconvenience. Mr.. B. alluded to the Gold Mines, and said they were mere abbrasures of rocks, the washings of mountains, mere min eral washings. They would pass ofl as soon as possible, and it was idle to at tempt to sell the fee simple of these washings. There were in New Mexico many of these gold " placers" which yielded not more than 25 or 50 cents a day, but they were worked for what they would bring. In Brazil, gold has been found in beds of creeks, ravines and al luvial soils washed out. From these Brazil washes $10,000,000 had been ta ken to Europe. The gold was worked out by slaves, and the masters were accustomed to give them all they got above a certain quan tity, so that they bought their own free dom, and after buying that they bought slaves and worked the mines themselves. But all this gold had disappeared. It was only remembered from the reading of books, as the gold mines of Califor nia would soon be drained and forgotten. The sooner it was done, in his judgment, the better. There might be a great quantity of gold, but the idea of a minimmn value to gold was no absurdity. There was but one way for the government to de rive a benefit from the mines, and that was from permits and the coinage. It was idle to exclude mineriil lands from sale. The country was all mineral. %% hat was not gold was something else. He belonged to the school cf Montesgeiu, .and believed that gold mines tended to impoverish the people. He regretted to say anything which tended to increase attention to this subject, but it was ne cessary to make headway against the bill before the Senate, and to do this ho was obliged to reveal things which he would be glad not to lay before the Sen ate. He went for the iron and copper, with which New Mexico abounded, and though they were plenty enough, yet the ploughs used were of wood. Beyond the Sierra Neuvuda, out toward Oregon and the Sacramento, they were called by the Government Geologist, under Capt. Wilkes, "Gold Bearing Rocks." The pebbles thrown up by volcanoes, washed off and borne down, gave indications of gold. There was a country beginning in Lower Mexico, and going towards and to California, of 2000. It was more than the Ural Mountains, which extend ed but for 1200 miles, and higher,. as the Sierra Neuvada run up 12,000 feet, while the Ural Mountains were only 5(10 or 64,0. He was for the most rapid extermina- tioe of these metals, and for relieving the population from the delirium and gangrene of this gold fever. He would send a menagerie of wild animals to scratch it up and waste it, if he could.— The whole country was infected, and '.even the War Department had not es caped the infection. He hoped the Sen ate of the United States would keep its I perpendicularity. He wanted the mines ravaged, and no other regulating laws than to keep the people there from destroying each other, and out of each other's holes, [immense laughter.] He wanted merchants, tra ders, farmers and mechanics to go there, and the gold to be used in the legitimate purposes of trade and commerce. He only held one thing worse than these gold mines, and that was small bank notes, [great laughter.] It was idle for the government to en ter into this gold speculation, and she government should not attempt it. Laws I should not be made contrary to the feel ings and interests of the people. Fee simples should not be sold until these gold washes are exhausted, and when they were exhausted the people would abandon these mines, and the land would be sold. When it became necessary to sink shafts, and the gold disappeared from the surface, it would be necessary to sell the lands. Mr. Benton spoke two hours and more in ridiculing the bill "as it came down from the Department," in general and in detail. It can hardly survive all this satire. _ . Mr. Benton proposes to recommit the Bill with instructions to find out what are private and what public lands, and with a view of giving permits to work these mines,—the gold mines and no thing else. He wished to know what the Mexican Government had parted with—what titles were invalid and what were net, He would have none of the Indians to be disturbed in their possessions. He would have all land titles, grants and patents examined. Of the Puebla In dians it was said in Mexico they exten ded all along the country. They lived to villages and had lived there genera tion after generation. The Spaniards had never disturbed them, and by our laws and customs we could not disturb them. RAFFLING FOR. A WOMAN.-A young girl re siding in the upper part of the city of New York was not long since desperately attacked with the gold fever. The Sacramento and its pre cious sands were ever before her mind, but though handsome and of unblemished reputation, she Was entirely without the means of accom plishing her wishes. The N. Y. Sun says : Days passed and yet she seemed no nearer securing a passage to California than at first. Fortunately at last she became acquainted with a party of young men who were going out on board one of the vessels bound for San Francisco. They wished a cook, and at once agreed to raffle for her. The amount paid for chances was to be given to her, and the fortunate fellow who won, was to marry her, before leaving the city. If she did not fancy the person on whom the lot fell, then she was to pny her own pas sage out, and under the protection of the whole party was to cook and wash for them. The money was accordingly paid, and the girl raffled for. There was one person whom she hoped would win, but the fates were against her choice. A little shoemaker won her.— The girl would not marry him, but true to her promise she wrote a farewell let ter to her friends in Connecticut, and then took passage with her comrade ad venturers. THE FRENCH ON G.. TAYI.O.-The English papers are sometimes remarkable for utter dis regard of the geographical character of this country, and a still mono extraordinary want of information of our public men and measures.— The French are determined to show that they are not a whit behind their English neighbors in these regards. A writer recently remarked, " that every thing happens in Paris." We think this very likely, for a letter from that city says "Several of the Paris Journals con tain biographical sketches of Gen. Tay lor ; in one of which he is sent to India to fight, we moy presume, the Sikhs of Lahore ; the text is curious : "In 1810 he married, and immediately thereafter troubles broke out in India. Lt. Taylor manifested so much intrepidity in quel ling them, that in 1812 he was promoted to the rank of captain, and nominated commander of Fort Harrison." Ac cording to another of these articles, a grand national convention is to meet at Washington in February next, to pro claim his election." THE MARKETS. Philadelphia, Jun. 26, 1819. The market is still without much activity, yet we notice sales of Flour, in all about 1200 bbla. at $5,121 per bbl. forcommon brands, and a lot of Rye Flour at $3,10 per barrel. Sales of 300 bbls. prime Corn Meal at $2,75. There is a moderate demand for Wheat, with sales of about 2,000 bu. at 113 c. per bu., and Corn at 60 a 62c. for Penn'. yellow. Sales of 400 bu. prime red at $64 per bu. Southern Oats at 32c., and Penn's at 32c. per bu. Whiskey is in mod erate request ut 23e. in hhds., and 25c. in bbls. SEEDS—The market for Clover remains qui et, sales being confined to some small lots of new at $3 75 a $4 per bushel, inferior parcels and old Seed neglected. Flavecd is steady at 175 a 130 ct, MARRIED. On Thursday, 25th inst.. by Rev. S. H. Reed, Mr. SAMUEL HATFIELD, of Juniata Iron works, to Miss. ELIZABETH NEFF, of Por ter township. On the same day, by the same, Mr. DAVID ANDERSON, to Miss SUSANNAH HORNER, all of Morris township. On the 24th inst., by Rev. G. McKeehan, Mr. JOHN HAGERTY, of I ronsville, Snyder township, Blair Co., to Mies MARGARET HANNAH, of Warriorsmark township, Hun tingdon County. On the 25th, by the same, Mr. JOHN KET NER, to Miss REAECCA McCOY, both of Woodbury township, Blair county. Information Wanted, TWIN FLETCHER, son of William Fletcher, a native of Ireland, who settled in Butler county, Pa., at an early day, left the residence of his father when about 20 years of age, in the year 1808, and never has been seen by his father or relatives since. Subsequently, his family moved to the State of Ohio, where they learned in the year 1812, that John was enga ged at Iron Works on the Juniata, in Hunting don county. They have had no reliable infor mation from him since. llis father and mother are both dead. His only brother, and only rel ative in America, JAMES S. Fla:rotten is ex ceedingly anxious to obtain information of him, whether living or dead. He is now and has been for some time, travelling in search of informa tion in regard to him. Any person, therefore, who has any knowledge of JOHN FLExcusrt, aged about 03 years, if living, will confer a lasting favor on his brothel by communicating such information to him, or to the editor of this paper. Address JAMES S. FLETCHER, Mount Vernon P. 0., Knox county, Ohio. Jan. 30, 1019. ar Editors throughout the country will con• fer n favor by giving the above one insertion. Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers in the butchering business, was dissolved by mutual consent on Thursday .23,1 of January, 181 n. All persons having unsettled accounts are requested to call immediately and settle the same. PETER SHULTZ, HENRY BUTTS. Grapport, Jan. 30, 1849—pd. 12'REIN:3Z3M Of Partition and Valuation of the Real Eestate of JOHN MILLER, late of Union township, Huntingdon County, deceased. THE heirs and legal representatives of the said John Miller. deceased, viz: Christian m i tter,John Mi ler, Matthew Miller, and Han nah Dell now intennarried with Michael Dell, are hereby notified that by virtue of a Writ of Naition.or Valuation, issued to me out of the o r ph o nse Court of Huntingdon County, I will hold an Inquisition on the Real Estate t f said de ceased, viz: a Tract of Land situate in Union township, Huntingdon county, .ontaining :139 ti des and allowance, on TUESDA Ir, MARCH 13tf t ; is 49, on the premises, when and where all interested can attend if they think proper. MA W CROWNOVER; Sheriff. Sazn:rr'a OFFTCC, 2 Jan. 31, 1840-4 t S JMdge Proposals. THE undersigned Commissioners of Hunting don county,"will receive proposals at their race in Huntingdon, on and until Tuesday the 20th day of February next, fur building the fol. lowiog bridges, viz: Qne across the Little Juniata River at Union Furnace. And one across the A ughwick creek, at or near George Ehy's Mill, C romwell township. The plan and specifications can be seen at Commissioners' Office. ROBFRT CUMMINS, JOSIMA GREENLAND, WILLIAM HUTCHISON, Commissioners. Jan. 30,1849 Administrator's Notice. Estate of JOSEPH JIM' KSON, (of David) dcc'd, late of Jackson township, Huntingdon county. VOTICE is herehy given that letters of Ad- LI ministration on said estate hive been grant ed to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims or demands against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement to GEORGE OLIVER. Adm'r, Oliver township, Mifflin county Jan. SI, 1849-61.-0. Administrator's Notice. Estate of C.4B.INDI‘.d L I.EC H, late of Union township, Huntingdon county. KTOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad -1,4 ministration on said estate have been grant ed to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those havingelaims ur demo Ids against the some to present them duly authenticated for settlement to MOSES h WOOPE, Administrator. Orphad's Court Sale. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Coon of Huntingdon county, the undersign ed, so administrator of the estate of Allen 0. Brown, deceased, will expose to pub is sale, on the premises. on SATURDAY the 17th day of FEBRUARY, A.D. 1819, of 10 o'clock A. M. the following described real estate, late the prop erty of said deceased, to wit: A Lot of ground situate In the borough of Shirleysburg, in said county adjoining a Lot of James B. Penguin on the south, fronting on Main street sixty feet, and extending back one hundred and twenty feet to an alley, it being a corner Lot, and having thereon erected a two story frame house , a frame stable, and other out buildings. Also, a Lot of one fourth of an acre, adjoin ing the borough of Shirleysbuig, the road leading to Germany Valley, and land formerly owned by the heirs of John Oliver. dece.ed. and hav ing thereon erected a frame Cabinet-maker's shop. . . Also, a Lot of ground, situate to Shirley town- ship, containing two am es, it being a part of the Hull tract, adjoining a Lot of James Ramsay, Esq. And also a lot of ground situate in Shirley township, containiog one and a fourth acre, ad joining Lots of John W. Witbington, Edward Zenner and others, Terms of Sale :—One half of the purchase money to he paid on confirmation of the Sa'e, end the residue within one near thereafter, with the interest, to be secured by the bonds and Mortgage of rho purchaser. JOHN SHAVER, Adoinirtralcs. 23, !64, GREAT NATIONAL EXhIBITION At Franklin Ball, No. 59 North Sixth Street, PHILADELPHIA. Or a short time only :—SHERMAN & TOUSEY'S PANORAMA OF MEXICO —THE GREATEST PAINTINO IN THE WORLD, covering 19,000 feet of canvass!— It shows in the most perfect manner the towns, cities, mountains, rivers, ranches, plantations, domestic animals, grain fields of Mexico, Hab its of the. Mexicans, character and scenery of the country, together with the movements of the army under Taylor, with their marches, encampments, bottles, fording of rivers, trains of pack mules, and all the interesting scenery and incidents of the campaign, from Corpus Christi to Buena Vista; the whole forming the most amusing and instruetive exhibition ever iff the city. The Sketches were taken from nature by one of Gen. Taylor's officers, and are cor rect as life. It was visited by over 100,000 persons in New York, Owing been exhibited there for several months in succession,) among whom were the clergy, judges, and the most fashionable people of the city. . . . . Tickets 25 cents ; Child;en under 10, half price. Doors open every night, until further notice, at 65 o'clock. Panorama commences moving at 75 precisely. An Explanotary Lec ture is given at each exhibition. Afternoon Exhibitions at 3 o'clock. Cut this advertisement out and put it in your pocket. Remember the place, Franklin hull, 30 North Sixth Street, near Arch. Jan. 23, 1819-Im. A PURELY VEGFTABLE MFDICINF, WorsdelPs Vegetable Restorative Pills HAVE been gradually but surely coming into favor, among the families of this Country for some years past. They have done this entirely through their great worth ns a FAMILY MED ICINE. Agencies have been appointed but no puffing and humbug such as is resorted to by ,p 1 teas to sell their medicine has been done.', The pills are offered for sale and have and will continue to be sold by all the pi inciple store keepers. The proprietors claim for their • Medi cine the following advantages over all others— viz: They are PURELY It KGETABLE.— ' They are CERTAIN 'l'o OPERATE. Their oi,eration is FREE from all PAIN: They can be used with EQUAL BENEFIT by they °prig est INFAN f and the STRONGEST MAN— Their efficiency in Fevers, Ague, headaches, Habitual Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Cholera Moo bus, &c.. has been proven upon thousands.— They area Certain Cure for Worms. The pro prietors possess a certificate from a gentleman in St. Louta who was cured of a TAPE wertm by the use of them. Try them they will not fail. Travelling agent for the Stale of Penney Iva nia—t . tratitts P. Amt.,. For sale, price 25 cents a box containing FIFTY PILLS, with full directions by the following agents in Huntingdon County: Thomas Read & Son. Huntingdon. Thomas E. Orbison, Othisonia. J. M. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg, Blair Co. A. WEEKS & Co. Proprietors, Laboratory No. 141 Chesnut street, Philadelpnia. January 23, 1849-Iy, Magnetic Telegraph Outdone! Likenesses taken in a 44 lcctle less than no time." fiIHE undersigned begs leave most respectfully to announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Huntingdon and vicinity, that he has prdrefed an improved Daguerreotype Apparatus, which he has located at the Court House in this place, where he can be found at all times prepared to wait upon any of his friends who may favor him with a call. W. 'l'. WILSON. Jan. 9, 1819. TO THE VOLUNTEERS AND MILITIA OF THE 2nd BRIGADE, 10th DIVISION, P. M. FELLOW CITIZENS :—At the solicitation of many friends, I offer myself as candidate for BRIGADE INSPECTOR, at the ensuing election. I respectfully solicit your suffrages, and if elected, promise to dis charge the duties of the office faithfully—and I trust to the satisfaction of the Brigade. Your Fellow Citizen, JAMES CLINGER. Pine Grove Mills, Centre county, Jan. 9, 1819 Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership heretofore existing under the firth of J. J. & H Bumbaugh in the tanning and saddling business was dieolved on the Ist day of January last, by mutual consent. The business will hereafter be conducted by A. H. Buinbaugli & co. J. J. BUMBAUGH. A. H. BUMBAUGH Jan. 9, 1849 84ministrators' Notice. voricE is hereby given that letters of admin istration have been granted to the undersign ed on the estate of Abraham Long, late of Shirley township, Huntingdon county. All m eow; indebted to said estate era requested to make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement. WM. IL LEAS, SAMUEL MeV ITTY, Administrator.. Dec. 19, 1949. "Broke out in a New Place P , STANDING STONE HEAD-QUARTERS. CAPT. DAVID HAZZARD, would respectfully inform all creation—everything on two legs, that ante—and his numerous friends in particular, that he has again opebed in a new p'ace, next door to T. Read and Bon's store, an elegant OTLITEIR where he is prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom with superior "Saud. Fl se and ji.Kin's, at all times. His new stand is fitted up on purpose" to ac commodate Ladies and gibllemen. The Fold Captain" therefore hopes that his friends of both sexes will ex tend to him a liberal support. CONFECTIONARIES, APPLES, NUTS, &c., &c., always on hand. Nov. 11, 1848. Beira Wanted. If William Morrison, Thomas Morrison and Elizabeth Lightner, (formerly Elizabeth Morri. son) will apply to the undersigned they will dear of something to their advantage. JEROME EAGLE, No. 44 South Front street, Phila. Dec. 12. 1843. IDILASK DEEDS AND BONDS FOR DSALE AT THIS OFFICE. A.24oTgER IXTOWDiIt ! Later, Cheaper and Better. THE I un i' ingdon Jewelry Store has just re calved another large arid choice selection of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JE ELRY, &c., &c., of every description and quality. All persona, whether desirous of purchasing or not are requested to'eall and examine this stock and thus satisfy themselves of its Atop 7:CS, and exrelleilre. . 07' The undersigned hos receritly employed a skillful and experieurnd workman from Phila • delplim, to do all kinds of Clock, Wz.tch and Jewelry repairing. Customers may rely upon having their work well and promptly done, and warranted for one year. J. T. SCOTT Eiumingdon, Nov. 13. 1948 CHEAPER THAN EVER if yott want to get ihe vi?rAlipf your money the buy friitTi GEORGE GWIN, whore you will find the, Is rgest, hest, end ellen,- est a.isortment of Goods, tint the town can pro duce; and that, too: at stich low prices that all who purchase aro fully satisfied t motto i 4 true,' A quick Six-pence is better than a slow shilling." Huntingdon. Oct. 17, 1848. CITIZENS OF HUNTINGDON COUNTY, NOW'S YOUR TIME TO GET TAE WORTH OF lISCH MONEY S J. & W. SAXTON, Inform the public that they hare receivd splendid and extensit e assortment of all kinds of FALL &, WIN; ER GOODS, which they are determined io sell at prices tm . suit ALL. They invite the public to call and ex: amine their Goods. Huntingdon, Nov. 21, 1848. Boots and Shoes, THE, largest, finest and best assort• merit of Buots and Shoes, ever brought to town, for sale by J. W. AXTON Ladies and Gentlemen! LOOK AT THIS. Always consulting the desires of the votaiics of f shion, taste and ceinfori, LEVI WESTBROOK, has the pleasure of informing the Ladies and Gentlemen of Huntingdon—and throughout the county—=that he has just returned from the East with% largo and most choice selection of East ern work of the latest fashion of Ladies Gaiters, Kid, Morocco and I Calf Skin Shoes— Men's Boots, Shoes, and Gaiters, also , tw a t. .a jlirk . Hunters' Boots, and Boys' Hoots end .7 Shoes, and M isses and Childrens' Gai- ters and Shoes, Mr. Westbrook does not deem it necessary enumerate, particularly, the large stock whiclb he now has on hand, but respectfully solicit. an immediate call by all who wish to consult fash ion comfort and economy, at his extensive Store a few doors west of the Post Office. His prices arc unusually low, and to suit the most economi cal purchaser. He also continues the manufacture of Boots, Shoes, and every article in his tine of business,* which he will warrant equal to any in the Intaie for neatness, and workmanship. Gall, one Ind all, and suit your selves; Huntingdon, Oct. 17, 1848. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Great Reduction in Prices. DORSET tdc MAGUIRE, Have just received direct from the Eastern Cities, and ore now opening a splendid assortment of NEW AND C.,EAP GOODS , consisting of e‘ery vuriety of P. 7-3 0 0 ID 0 , Suited to Ladies and Gen !lemon's wear, including Cloths. Cassimers, Sattinetis, Vestings, Silks, Sat ins, Amebas, ()wanner., De Laines, Plaids.Bom bazines, Gingham., t. slimes, Checks, Shawls, dec. We have also n handsome assortment 'of READY-MADE CLOTHING. They would also invite attention totheir stock 0 GROCER lES, Sugars-5, 6 and S cents per poUnd— Molasses, from 371 to 40 cents per gallon; and every other article usually kept in a Grocery Store, at equally low prices. _ _ _ Boots, Shoes, Eats and Capu t Hardware and Cutlery, t pine, Glue and Queens• ware, Drugs, Medicines. Dye Stuff., &c. Alt of which will be sold at very reduced price.. The Ladies and Gentlemen are tequested to call and examine these Goods, as they cannot ha to please all both as regards style and pike. DORSEY k MAGUME, , _ . , In the store room formeily occupied by Jacob Miller, opposite the residentre of Judge twin, Huntingdon. Ery-All kinds of Country Produce to ken in exchange for goods. {Sept. 26. MORE NEW GOODS AT TH li GRIN U BAZAR ! Fisher, MiMurtrie h Co., Have just received tt further SdaidMP to their Fall and Winter stock of Goods, consisting of everything useful and ornamental. Shawls of all kinds and all prices: Muslin de Laing at 10 cte per yard ; Calicoes et 3 and 4 els ; Muslin., bleached and unbleached. at 3 cts, and yard wide at 6 cts ; Cashmeres, Gingham., &c; Wa l es proof and other Boots for men and boys. Shoal of all kinds, Buffalo socks, gum shoes, Fip Mo lasses, Ready-made Clothing. Hats end Cape. Trunks, Valises, Blanket., &c.. &c., cheaper than'ever Huntingdon. Dec. 5. 1848. ROUBSELL'S Perfumes, Hair Oils, Soaps, Shaving Cream, &c. A very large lot of Rousse unrivalled Shaving Cream, &c., &e., just opening at the Huntingdon Jewelry Store. It it decidedly the best a-,lrtment in town and ,•!! very cheap.