Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 30, 1849, Image 2

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Hoover's Ink.
Aar sale at this office.
(,):7' Mr. Cunningham of the State Senate, and
Col. Cornyn of the House, will please acceptour
thanks for their favors.
The Canal Board.
Are the Tax-payers of the country aware
that the Canal Board has not yet been organized ?
If not, we can inform them that such is the
fact. The important business of preparing- the
Public \Vorks for the trade of the coming sea
son, has thOs far been entirely neglected And
why ? Simply because Mounts Lonoszaarn,
Esq., is prevented by sickness from appearing
at liiirrisburg. And this has been so for the
last four or five months. Yes, this dentoeratie
ex-candidate for Governor has been drawing
pay as Canal Commissioner for almost a half
year without being able to discharge a single
duty coon; cted with the office ! And this is not
all, his absence has caused an entire suspen
sion of the business of the Board. Messrs.
Pewee and PAINTER arc, it appears, unable to
organize in hie absence. And how long this
state of things will continue, no one can tell.
The Loeofoco papers are telling us every day
that Mr. Longstreth is quite well ; that in a
few days he will be out. This has been their
song for the past two months. If they be true,
why does he not enter upcn tl.e duties of his
office 1 Must the interests of the People be to
tally abandoned unt.l the democratic ex-candi
date for Governor is cured of the Gent, or what
ever ailment is afflicting him, let that be when
it may ? Will not every honest citizen say, no
matter what party he belongs to, that, if Mr.
Longstreth is not able to attend to the duties of
his office he should resign, and allow his place
to be tilled by one competent to discharge those
duties ?
Mr. Longatreth is a man of great wealth, and
therefore the salary cannot be a consideration
with him; hence we are inclined to think he is
not acting in accordance with his own convic
tions in this matter. We rather incline to the
belief that he is listening tc the importunities of
the reckless politicians of the Locofoco party,
whose only principles consist in the spoils of
office. Rather than lose the petty offices on the
Canals.and Railroads, they would see the public
interests on these Stete works abandoned for
the coming business year ! They are aware
that if they permit Mr. Longstreth to resign,
Gov. Johnston will have the appointment of his
successor, to serve until the next annual election.
We learn that the Locofoco office hunters
modestly requested Mr. Power recently to ac
company Mr. Pointer to the residence of Judge
Longstreth in Montgomery county, and there
organize the Board and make the appointments!
That would be a novel place truly for a branch
of the State Government to locate ! But we
learn with pl. a ure that Mr. Power rvmptly
declined do anything so ridiculous and contrary
to law and custom. The law has net apart a
Chamber in the Capitol, at Ilarrisburg, for the
use of the Canal Board; and there only can the
Board legally organize.
We think it high time for the Press and the
People to speak out on this subject. If Mr. is physically disabled from attending
to the business of the office for which the peo
ple are paying him three dollars a day, p
opinion (if his own sense r f propriety wiq not)
should compel him to re. ig I. The great mass
of the people whose money made and keeps up
the public improvem,nts, are not interested in
the petty offices connected with them, and they
ehould not allow their interests to be totally ne
glected for the accommodation of the selfish
Homestead Exemption.
The proposition of Senator Small, to send us member in the Cabinet of Gen. Taylor. A
back to the age of feudalism—to bring upon us meeting of the Whig members of Congress was
the old aristocra'ic system of the entailment of recently held at Washington, at which twelve
property, by exempting homesteads, the yearly were present. On taking a vote as to the Cab
of which shall not exceed $3OO, (or prop- Met officer that Pennsylvania desired, it was
erty worth $5,000) from levy and sale, strikes U 3 decided unadimously in favor of that of Secrete
as a little tooanti-Republican for the age in which ry of the Treasury ; and on takiug a vote as to
we live. la the language of the Lewistown who should be recommended for said office, An-
Gazette, we can see no reason in the thing, un- drew Stewart received 6, T. M. T. McKennan
4, and two voted blanks. Messrs. Stewart, But
which this bill does not d).—Why, for instance, ler and Blanchard were not present. Mr. S. is
should a man who had $5OOO and Invested it in therefore the most prominent candidate for that
real property, bo more favored than another distinguished office, and it appears, stands a
who possessing an equal amount, invests it in ; good chance of being appointed.
merchandise, mechanical business, canal boats, I
or any other personal property I In the one , llvnaornomn.—Another distressing case of
hydrophobia occurred in Boston last week.--
ease the property would forever vest, no matter
Nliss Sarah Crehore was bitten by a dog last
what debts the owner bad contracted, while the I
September, but the wounds had been healed
other would be stripped of everything. Capt. I
and all apprehensions allayed. The unhappy
Small, to make the law equal, and {zive all a
lady died on Friday last, exhibiting in her case
chance, ought to add a section equally dividing
the real property in the Commonwealth among I all the symptoms of hydrophobia.
the voters or taxables, and thus make all start I Tux FACTORY Ricers.--The jury in the case
fair; as every one would then have a prospect of the factory girls, charged with riot in Pitts
of securing a "homestead," the law like the burg, rendered a verdict of guilty on Friday
dews of Heaven, would fall npon the room as last. The charge of Judge Patton was very
well as the rich. much against the defendants. Five girls and
eight men and boys have been convicted
Gen. Taylor and Mr. Clay.
We received New Orleans papers of the 14th I Areornta MARVEL IN WAIIIIINGTON.-The
ant 13th hot. From the Bee we learn that Mr. I Washing t o h Whig his the following
Clay arrived io that city on the 12th. We are I Williams, the gentleman who is now lecturing
happy to add, says the editor, "that the health lin this city, and astonishing some of "the na
of the illustrious slat/saran is nearly completely tivea" by his wonders in animal magnetism, lias,
restored. Mr. CLAY had a cord al and kindly we understand, made wonderful discoveries,
interview with Oen. TAYLOR) while the boat, through a clairvoyant subject, in relation to the
on board of which was the former, was stopping negroes who robbed Mr. Eckel of hie jewelry
at Baton Rouge. The relations between these ; and watches on Friday night. It is said byres
two distinguished citizens arc of the most I portable gentlemen to be a fact, that some of
friend'r. eb:‘:l7.t3r. hire been ~.crified•"
The 'Unsigned Milo. Abolition of Militia Training.. . 4 Virtue, Liberty, & Independence: , i
from Mir Harrisburg letter it will be seen A Harrisburg correspondent, under date of This is the most appropriate heading which
that our representative, Col. Consorts, has been , Jan. 20, thus writes :—. Mr. Henry S. Evans, i can be given to the annexed correspondence.
Making ri Very creditable speech in the House of Chester, on ThUrsday last introduced to the 1 It will be seen that our kind hearted city friends,
on the subject of the " unsigned bills" in the : notice of the House a bill of a most important not fully understanding the noble virtue, Repnb-
hands of the Governor. The P.. Intelligencer ' financial character. It provides for the abolition , lican simplicity and manly independence of our
publishes the speech and thus speaks of it i lof militia trainings and the extinction of the : worthy and truly democratic Governor, pro
" The speech of Mr. Cornyn especially, be- 1 State debt. This bill, if available to accent
ing reported in full, to an able and eloquent de- OA the end proposed is worthy of the careful posed to compliment him by presenting to his
fence of the Governor. His exposure of the I amiable lady an elegant Silver Tea Service!
acrutiny and fostering care a every one who i While we cannot but admire the uniform gene
fallacies of Mr. Speaker PACKER, and other Lo- I
cofocos, is most triumphant. He takes a sound, I desires to see the public burthens liquidated.— rosity of our liberal city friends, we are almost
legal view of the whole affair, and shows that • The object of I
the bill is to release the State disposed to laugh at them in this instance for
the Governor had no official evidence before him ' from the militia trainings, which in point of i their lack of discernment. A Silver Tea Scr
that these bills are laws, and proves clearly , fact are a heavy loss to the Commonwealth, vice for old " Bill Johnston" of Armstrong
that the Journals of the Legislature are no evi- ,
i alenee to the Executive." 250,000 able bodied citizens being subjected to Why the sturdy Republican would'nt use a thing
Again the Intelligencer says i
a loss of two days annually in mustering—and of the kind if he hail twenty of them ! A ser
ri He, (Mr. Cornyn,) has done himself great to substitute in lieu thereof a small tax of 50 vice of substantial Stone Ware would have been
credit in this controversy, and his ability, firm- I cents. This tax is estimated to amount to i vastly more appropriate.
ness and independence, reflect honor on the pro- i $60,000 per annum. This is to be appropria- But, seriously, Governor Johnston has set an
ple who had the good judgment to choose him i ted as the first item of the sinking fund. The example on the occasion under consideration,
as their representative."
We shall publish this speech in our next. second item provided for, is the discount now , worthy the imitation of all public men. Being
The history of this matter, about which the I allowed to tax payers for prompt payment of imbued with the true Republican spirit, and a
1 State taxes, and prompt payment is enforced by : commendable sympathy for the wants of the
into a tempest, says the Intelligencer, is simply
Locofocos have been trying to work themselves 1
the sixth section. This saving would create an ' needy, he nobly foregos the gratification' of a
this i additional fund of $O,OOO. The saving by the natural pride in deference to the democratic
"About the close of the last session several I reduction of the per centage for collection of notions and huhits Of his fellow-citizens, and in
bills were pissed by the Legislature which
the State taxes is estimated at $40,000, and order that the poor and the needy may be bene
were held over by the then Governor. When constitutes the third item of the sinking fund— fitted. Without further comment, We inviC, at-
Gov. Johnston came into office, he found these making in all about $140,000. tention to the following correspondence i
bills in the Executive Chamber—unsigned, andCORRESPONDENCE.
The important features of this project are as
without any endorsement or record of any kind,
to indicate how or when they got there, .d in follows;—tat, it imposes no new taxes, unless PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 13th, 1849.
the absence of this evidence, he very properly the substitution of a small tax in lieu of milita- I Wst. F. JOHNSTON, Governor of Penn'a:
took no action upon them. Consequently, the ry trainings, which cannot justly be regarded
three days after the meeting of the present Leg- SlR—The undersigned, on behalf a
. as such, be so considered ; 2, it economises the
;stature having passed, and the bills not being large number of your personal and po
returned either signed or vetoed, they were he
collection of the State taxes; 3, it enforces t litical friends of this city and county,
presumed to be laws, according to the constitu- prompt payment of taxes, by imposing 5 per cherishing a lively interest in the pros
tional provision in such cases i—And so they cent. upon such as neglect to pay at the time
would hove been, but for the very important appointed; 4th, the fund thus constituted will perity of our noble old Commonwealth,
reason, that the Clerks of the two Houses had and having noticed with great saei fa
neglected to get the bills and append the neces- amount annually to the sum of $llO,OOO, be- ' tion the generous and indefatigable ex
nary certificate of the facts in the case, and re- side the interest annually accruing upon the ertions and personal sacrifices which
turn them with this certificate to the office of State loans purchased by the fund, and which were made by your Excellency during
the. Secretary of the Commonwealth for enroll- interest is to be added to the NMI, to be appro
' meat. Had this been done, the bills would to I • ! the late campaign, resulting in the re
allpriated to the same purpose; fith, this f on d will ;
intents and purposes have been laws, end i demption of the "Old Keystone State,"
would no doubt have been certi fi ed by the See- ' Increase at compound interest, and by the a idir- '
deem t proper to return to you (the pee
rein ry. I tion of the interest accruing upon' the stock, ale's choice,) their hearty thanks, and
This is the plain statement of the condition , purchased also at compound interest, in such a ask of you the privtlege of presentino
,of these bills; and forsooth, because the Gov- i • • • r,
meet will not certify that in this un fi nished I ratio that, in the space of about 55 years, it
I to your lady a Silver Tea Service, as a
condition, they are laws, the Locofocos set up would entirely extinguish the State debt. The , small acknowledgment of the eminent
, a hue and cry, hatch conspiracies egainst the I power of the fund so created can only be prop- services you have rendered to your rat
, er.yernment, hold secret cabals, denounce the I ssi, appreciated, when it is considered that it tire State.
Governor in advance, and threaten to impenelkl
I him for not doing what would be a flagrant vi
• would require the appropriation of $500,000 I W ill you do us the favor to intimate
! olation of his duty. The further they have annually fora period of eighty years to accent- at what time it will snit your conve-
I progressed however, the more they have expo-I plish the payment of the State debt. Another , nience to receive this testimonial of the
sed their cars. feature worth considering in connection wills regard of
the consideration of this bill is the fact that the i Demur sir, your Friends,
taxes of the people would be paid with more I and Obedient Servants,
cheerfulness when any prospect shall be afford- : S. R. WARRINGTON,
ed of ;Anteing fund. It would also put the' WILLIAM 0. HEYL,
State credit upon a solid basis, and bring up the I IrVEnioetlAS LEE,
State stocks to par in a few years. i DANIEL J. COCHRAN,
The southern Caucus.
Another meeting of the members of Congressl
from Slave-holding States was held on Monday
evening of lust week. Two addresses had been
prepared for the consideration of the meeting,
one by Mr. Berrien and the other by Mr. Cal
houn. Aftet cOnsiderable discussion Mr. Cal
houn's was adopted by a Vote of 32 to 19; but
one Whig (Gayle of Ala.) voting in the affirma
tive. The Southern Whigs, with the one ex
ception just named, are opposed to the whole
movement, which is designed to scarce the
people of the North from their position on the
Slavery question by threatening a dissolution of
the Union.
The small vote cast shows that less than
half the Southern members were present, and
the absence of so many is a significant indica
tion of their disapprobation of the movement.
The whole affair will doubtless end in smoke.
The Southern Whip.
The Washington correspondent of the Tri
bone says i— ,, Southern Whigs will he party
neither in ward nor deed to any attempt to di
vide the Union because of the exclusion of Sla
,front the New Territories. They know
well that such exclusion is a fixed fact—a part
of the neeclsity of the case—and they are fully
resolved not to sever the Union on account of
it. They would greatly prefer that the Wilmot
Proviso in terms should not be enacted by Con
gress, deeming sec% an enactment a nledless 'r
citation and alarin of many of their constituents
—hut, Proviso or No Proviso, they never ex
! pert to see a foot of Slave Territory west of the
Rio Grande. At least half of them would not
have Slavery extended if they could.—They re
' sist the Proviso strenuously, for the reason
above mentioned, not because they expect or
wish to extend Slavery."
Gen. Taylor's Cabinet.
It is expected that Pennsylvania have a
Slavery in the New Territory.
The following is a copy of the bill read in
place, some days ago, an the subject of Slavery,
by Mr. Lawrence of the Senate :
~W it Earns, By the late treaty between Mex- Lee, Cochran, tomaso; and Withers.
ico and the United States, the ratter has become GENTLEMEN—Your kind letter on be
possessed of large and extended territory, for
which. Congress, at its present or some subse- half of yoarbelves and others, personal
quest session, will be called upon to legislate. 1 and political friends, requesting the
And whereas, while the great mass of the two- privileov of presenting to Mrs. Johnston
pie of this State believe that Cong ess has no •
a silver tea service, as an acknowledg
power over the question or slavery as it exists
in the States, and are willing to leave it where ment of the services rendered by me in
ne Constitution found it, hoping soon to see it the political campaign in Pennsylvania,
peaceably abolished by the efforts of those di- has been duly received.
redly interested ; they are opposed to its ex- ,
Tl •
iis testimonial of friendship and
tension beyond its present geogrophical
Therefore—. esteem is tendered in so delicate a man-
Rcso! ved, 6v the Senate and Holtfe of Rep- I ner, that my feelings dispose me to ac
rmedtatire, of the Conintchwealth 4 Peon•nii- cept the flattering donation; yet a can
cania, in General Assembly met, (if the blouse sciousness that I did nothing more than
of Representatives concur,) That our Senators
in Congress be instructed, and our Representa-
my duty as a member of the Whig par
tives requested, to vote for the incorporation of ty, and that my exertions received the
the principles of the Ordinance of 1787 into all approbation of a majority of the virtu
the bills for the Government of Territory now , ()us , honest and intelligent portion of
1 my fellow citizens has more than corn-
Reseverl, That the Governor be requested to • ' ,
cause a copy of the foregoing preamble and res..' pensated me for nny Inbor or service per
olution to be forwarded to our Senators and formed. To have been humbly instru-
Representatives in Congress." I mental in producing results fraught with
We hope that this resolution will be called up innumerable blessings to the people and
and passed at an early day as it embodies the' the country ; such as the re-establish
opinions and feelings of a vast majority of the ment of a sound republican policy, the
citizens of Pennsylvania. increased happiness, comfort and wel
fare of our population, and the renewed
LOCOFOCOISM. confidence of high-minded men in dem-
A pretty sp2cimen of radical locofocoism ' ocratic institutions, shall ever be es
was exhibited in the Ohio Legislature mien the teemed a privilege instead of a !abort
counting of the votes for Governor of that State.
nits duty.
The Locofoco members, or a portion of them,
Deeply sensible of the disinterested
desired to prevent the election of Gov. Ford friendship which prompted the tender of
from being legally declared, but the Speaker of an elegant gift, and persuaded that my
the Senate, who was required to perform that kind friends will duly appreciate the
service, promptly discharged his duty. Mr. . I
motive, most respectfully decline the
Archbold pronounced the Speaker ~ a perjured intended present, but beg leave to stag-
villain!" Mr. Whitman, shaking his fist, and gest that the fend be appropriated to
advancing toward the Speaker's desk, shrieked i some more useful end, as being equally
out ,‘ Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, MR. SPEAKER, satisfactory to the and honorably grati-
I order you !—I command you !—inthe name lying to the donors.
of the People, to come down ! You have viola- If not deemed impertinent, may 1 re!
ted your oath, sir ! You are a coward and a i quest that n portion of the money be
perjured villain, sir !" After the Senators had , placed in the hands of the Rev. Thos.
retired, the Speaker of the House, called that 1 G. Allen, Rev. John Street, and Mr. W.
body to order. Mr. Montfort—shaking his J. Mullen, noble minded and worthy gen
cane—responded : !, Order! hell .' sir !" ' tlemen, who will distribute it in deeds
These fellows are the representatives of ,of charity, and that the residue be given
Ohio Locofocoism. Ito such other objects as your better
NAVY.—The Lower House of Congress has
performed one good act that would redeem it in
the estimation of every good citizen, if it failed
to pass any other during the present session.
It has adopted an amendment to the civil and
diplomatic bill, to abolish that abomnable and
degrading practice of flogging seamen in the
American Navy, the very place where manli
ness of character and individual self-respect are
most required. The amendment was adopted
by a vote of two to one—an evidence that the
popular feeling is decidedly against the odious
0. Hon. Henry Clay received quite a severe
wound in the head by a fall in New Orleans a
few days since. We are pleased to learn that
he is fast recovering.
co- During the recent cold weather, a wo
man in Plymouth township, Luzerne county,
and a man and his w;f: while sleighing near
Tamaqua, Scloylkill county, were frozen to
HARRISBURG, Jan. 20, 1849.
To Messrs. Warrington, Heyl,
judgments and knowledge may indicate.
Tendering my cordial thanks for the
kindness manifested, with a sincere
hope that health and prosperity may
accompany all your walks in life,
I remain, most truly and sincerely,
your friend, WM. F. JOHNSTON.
In accordance with the wish of the
Governor, the Committee met on the
23d inst. and divided the fund into six
teen charitable donations.
CO' Gen. Csss was elected U. S. Senator on
the 20th inst., by the Legislature of Michigan.
The vote stood 94 to 36. Twenty-two demo
crats voted with the Whigs.
07' The Whigs of the Kentucky Legislature
have nominated Henry Clay for the U. S. Sen
ate. The election takes place on the first of
Seabury Ford, has been inaugurated Governor
of Ohio. So Locofocoism has been again thwar•
t.,1 in it; ,itteropt, to ri , Fi , t the pnpithl ,k
Correspondence of the Huntingdon Journal.
HAntusurna, San. 27, 1810
Dean Cormxti. :—The session, for two weeks
awfully dull, begins to wake up. During the
past six days several matters of public irnpor_
tance have been brought before the Legislature,
yet the all absorbing question has been the res
olution offered in the House by Mr. Laubach,
in relation to 'the unsigned bills of last session
in the State Department. On its first being of
fered little was said, but when it came up after
having slept a day or two, Mr. Speaker Packer
opened and gave the Governor's friends an in
sight as to the real object of the move—which
is impeachment ! Though not very alarming
the effect was somewhat startling, to democrats
as well as whigs, for no one supposes that such
an idea can be seriously entertained. The op.
ponent4 of the administration will, undoubtedly,
endeavor to make all the capital they can out of
the matter, but the idea of impeachment is rath
er too strong a joke.
Well, a few more days passed, and after some
caucitsing the opposition were prepared for bat
tle. Accordingry, on Wednesday the resole-
Lion was called up and Mr. McCalmont made a
I set speech, exhibiting considerable talent and
ingenuity. He was followedby Mr. Ball, who
spoke for half an hour, bringing out some new
features in the case that did not appear to have
been looked for by the opposition. Ile asserted
that the bills in question had not been presented
to Ex-Gov. Shank at all.' He further stated that
there was not a scratch of a pen in the Secreta
ry's office to show that the bills were ever
brought there, and Gov. Johnston had not the
least official notice of their having ever been
passed by the Legislature. Mr. Little spoke
after Mr. Ball and made a legal argument in fa
vor of investigation into the matter. lie reph
' ed to a portion of Mr. Ball's remarks and stated
that he had been informed that the bills were
actually delivered to Gov. Shank.
Mr. Cornyn then got the floor and addressed
the House at some length, replying . to the
speeches of Messrs. Packer, McCalmont and
Little. Considerable interest was felt on all
sides to hear Mr. C., as it is generally under
stood that he is in the confidence and personal
friend of Gov. Johnston. Another reason—
though a new member, he was accredited to be
a gentleman of fine ability, and he had not yet
addressed the house ; therefore all were anxious
to hear hint.
I need not tell you, who know Mr. C., that
his argument was a strong and eloquent effort,
characterized by a sound knowledge of the law'
and the constitution. He referred singly to the
several points made by his opponents and com
batted them with ease, readiness and vigor. I
have heard legal gentlemen of known ability ex
press a conviction that the grounds assumed by
him were correct, although lawyers of high
standing in his own party differ with him on
some points. His defence of the Governor,
against the gratuitous and beforehand attacks of
some of the party press were well timed and
upproprinte. He referred to the apparent or
ganization that had been formed by the opposi
tion to cry him down in advance and embarrass
his administration. The resolution under con
; sideration was one of these, and the Governor
I was called upon to act in the tripple capacity of
Legislator, Judge and Executive. Ido not pre
ted to follow or give an abstract of his speech,
merely noticing some observations that occur to
Imy memory. I suppose it will be published
Mr. McCalmont rejoined after Mr. C. had
concluded and Mr. Schoonover followed him
till the hour of adjournment. Yesterday being
petition day, the resolution was not reached.
This morning it came up again and a lengthy
discussion ensued. Mr. Schoonover concluding
his remarks beg un on Wednesday. His was al
most entirely of a political character. Mr.
Ball's amendment (the same as the resolution
that passed the Senate) was negatived; yeas 48,
nays 19, and the resolution passed, yeas 51,
nays 12, several Whigs voting. for it in order to
move a reconsideration to-morrow.
The Senate acted more sensibly, and passed a
resolution requiring the Clerk to get the bills
and certify that they were laws.
There have been several other matters before
the Legislature that are worthy of attention but
my letter is already too long. Among these are
propositions to stop Sunday travel, to allow ne
groes to vote, to stop all sale of ardent spirits,
to elect the Judges, to recharter some dozen
banks and to incorporate new ones, as well as a
raft of divorces. There other matters you will
notice in the reports of the Harrisburg and
Philadelphia papers.
Dissolution Of the Union.
The Philadelphia Inquirer remarks that, it is
a fact worth noticing, that while certain rest
less and ambitious spirits of the South are bu
sily engaged in an effort to get up a crisis, the
great masses of the people North and South are
not consulted in the slightest manner. The at
tachment to the Union everywhere throughout
the Confederacy, except perhaps in South Car- I
olina, was never stronger than at this moment.
The press truly reflects the sentiments of the
people in this matter, and we cannot name half
a dozen poetic journals in the United States
that sympathize with the ultras of the Southern
Caucus or Convention. Why, then, should
these men strive so earnestly to kindle excite
ment, fever and sectional prejudice 1 The
masses are sound to the core. They love the
Republic as it is, and the individual who with
ambitious objects, or under a momentary ex
citement, would deliberately attempt to sever
the Union, would justly merit the severest in
, dignation of every true-hearted American.—
The ultras should understand this condition of
popular sentiment, and govern themselves ac
UT' "Tut RePunic," the Free Soil paper
published in Philaddlphia, 'has been dibeontin
inaros(atiou'ol liteadstuff4.
An independent farmer of the Stater
of Delaware, who has read all Polk and
Walker have to offer on the blessings
of Fro Trude to the farming interests,
but who, finding it contrary to his own
experience and knowledge, don't believe
one word of it, recently had the curios
ity to extract the starch or sizing from:
a yard of British plain Cottons (culled
"Ohio Extra Sheet!ngs," though menu
factored in England,) and weigh the
product. The cloth weighed one-quar
ter of a pound ; he washed the stiirek'
out of it arid found it had lost 184 grains
by the process. lie then computed that
if our whole Cotton crop were manufac
tured at home instead of being mainly .
sent abroad, and if our manufacturers
stocked it as much as the British do,
(but they don't begin to) the amount of
Flour required for this single purpose
would be equal to 2,500,000 bushels or
Wheat. Instead of supplying this,
however, to say nothing of the much'
greater quantity which our manufactu
ring population would consume while
producing the cloth, we are now eon.
ally importing annually a large quanti
ty of British Flour in the shape of c0t....
ton fabrics. The profit or wistlbm of
sending our Cotton and Flour to .En'g
land to be made up into cloth for our
own use, we never could imagine.--
It is not alone in Cottons that English Flour
is imported. It comes to no in every conceiv
able form of manufacture--in broadcloths, cut
lery, silks, iron, hats, boots, &c, At least one
third of the value of every commodity sent to'
us from the old world, is made up of the eata
bles consumed in producing it. During the
process of producing one hundred millions of
manufactures, not less than thirty-three mi.-
lions of agricultural products are consumed by
the operatives and artizans"cmployed in their
It is not alone in Cottons, therefore, that .
Flour is imported into this country from Eng
land. It comes to us (and beef and meal' and'
potatoes, &c. with it) in every bar of iron, in'
every pm-knife, in every yard of broadcloth,
in every hat, and in every other thing whose
construction requires human agency. If all .
we now import should hereafter be manufactu•
red here, our farmers instead of those in Eng
land, would supply the food and other materials,
necessarily consumed during the process of
Mileage and Pay of Members of
In the course of his speech, on Thursday last.
Mr. Embrec, of Indiana, gave the following
table, which he had prepared from the books of
the Sergeant-at-Arms :
That the aggre , •ate amount of mileage received
by twenty members of Congress, is
only • $1,919 00*
While the aggregate amount received
by twenty other members, in 34,757 00
The average amount for each member
of the first twenty is less than
While the average received by each of
the second twenty, is 1,737 00.
Each of the latter receives on an aver
age more than each of the former 1,642 00
The aggregateamount of mileage of ten
members is only
While the aggregate amount of ten
others is the enormous amount of 10,233 00.
The average received by each of the
first ten
The average received by each of the
second ten 1,923 30
The ten latter received twenty-six
tunes as much as the ten former
The average amount of mileage and per diem of
twenty members (for the present session) is
for each about sBlo 00.
The average amount of mileage and per
diem of twenty others is about 2,457 00
Puy per day of each of the first a little
Pay per day of each of the second more
Average amount of mileage and per
diem of thirty Representatives and
Senators is for each (for the present
session) about 2,322 MY
Average amount of thirty others each
Or for each of the first more per day
(for the present session) than 29 00
While for each of the steond a little
more than 9 00
Average amount of mileage and per
diem for four Senators, for each
about 3,006 OR
Or more per day (Sundays included)
during the present session than 33 00
If these Senators received the full
amount of books voted to new mem
bers, they would receive for every
day of the session about 10 OR
The per diem pay of the members of each
house is eight dollars ; but with the mileage it
amounts, for many of them, to from twenty to
twenty-live dollars per day.
To llouscE GREELY, member from New
York, are the people indebted for the original
exposure, of the way in which Uncle Sam has
been swindled in the matter of mileage, by the
Heuer,/Ides of Congress.
Since the publication, many of the members
have taken up the.valuable time of the House—
time which ought to have been occupied in the
deliberation upon, and settlement of questions
of National policy, for which they were placed
in the seats which they sow, with questionable
dignity, hold—in making grossly abusive at
tkcks upon Mr. Grcely, who, throughout the
whole controversy, has shown himself to be a
gentleman in feeling as well as bearing. We
hope for the credit of the men themselves, and
the credit of the country, which is involved in
the conduct and character of our legislators.
that these scenes will cease to be enacted, and
that these men will no more show their guilt by
snapping at him who has exposed their frauds to
the gaze of the country.
THE NussaEß.—The New York Herald has
taken the trouble to gather the statistics of the
California emigration. It says that the whole
number of emigrants who have left our pprts
thus far is 2,212, of which number 530 go by
the way of Cliagree, and 1082 is Cepe Horn.
100 00
724 OG
79 40
27 00.
810 OP