+' . and after the lapse of snore than half aFROM HARRISBURG. Ohio Legislatture., century, it remains the great funeamen- THE JOURNAL. - Correepondence of the Huntingdon Journal. Intense excitement—both Ford and Wel lal law of the Union. To preserve and Haaitiseueo, Jan. 13, 1849. ter declared elected—Threats of Force _ perpetuate it—to acknowledge its supra - [IBORARCT PRINCIPLES...L 6 UPPORTED BY TRUTH.] —Convottion broke up in confusion, tnacy,—to maintain and defend its prin- sesese--- ciples,—and to submit to its compro- ...A i r .t. to send .c by hand" to-dayoli delayed writing . , CoLusißtrs Jan. 9-4 P. M. Mires, are duties to which every citizen l 4 -;': _it _ S . '7... r. - - 7 1 , , ,_/. ' 4 " ''';*.c yesterday, so as to give you the latest uows. The Convention re•assembled — this pledged whatever his opinions in re- ' . \ tees -...?1 -- ' - c The second week has been. rather more prolific morning at 9 o'clock, pursuant to ad is - _ley :. ...se -o,e _„.„ , : - lotion to questions arising under it. ' -,- - - -e:ee P •r than the first, and not the least of its business jonrnment. ,- O. eee -- ...1 - .- .. ...,''-;,...„-".' '" this fundamental law recognizes the _ :_ - -, e -..- ..:-.;.: ~ O - 6, ,, , has been the election of your. friend Mr. COOPER, I Mr. W hitman , from the committee right to hold slaves in the States which -e -- to assist in count- FIUNTINGDON, TUESDAY, JAN. 10, 1819, ; still another indicatian of what can and ivill ing the votes for Governor, attempted \ • ere parties to the compact but it aka no farther acknowledgment. It '*- t n i g h: hat this nations! wrong has been ex- Boover"s Ink. HOOVER'S SUPERIOR WRITING INK for sale at this office. Tr - Advertisements will be found on fourth a hereafter be done by the young men of the State. to read a report, signed by six Demo -: .... th• t" flf t u and lt the , . , 1 Ile report rejected the vote of Lo , ear no ions o i e en res c youn„, . and working men come in. This is no more than right and no less than we shall have here- rain county, on the ground of informal ey in sending the returns to the Capi- The old hunkers of both parties, must yield erotic members of the committee. ~. or a nt r hg s er o er n eme it xe s tne p tn, l te a ix i o n pni B e n t d sr o e iri x ui p mm r pa e l s ni seidvropr slavery. tended•with the progress of population, page . I after. tal--she seal of the county not being at tached as required by law, and declared is not an argument in favor of its justice, I There have been several measures brought Appointments by the Governor. Col. Weller (democrat) elected by 280 its constitutional right, or of the saleta- forward during the week that interest your .gy effects it has produced in (he terito• B. ,, amix 11 . 0, T.H011N, of Clearfield county, county; one, a bill read in place by Mr. Cornyn, majority. to be Insp,ctot. of Lumber for the city and . ries where it has been admitted. Shall a further supplement to the act incorporating The Speaker decided the report out of Philadelphia. order.—He said the committee was only it be still further extendedl To the Con. county of ' the Penn'a Railroad company—well understood, , i appointed to assist him in counting' the it of the U. States belongs the an. Area. K. MeCi.n., of Mitllintown, Juniata 1 believe, in your region—and another authori- Aid-de-Camp to Gov. Johnston,'votes, and therefore had no right or pow ihority to settle this important question. county, to be zing the Commissioners of Huntingdon county I Peron it shell have peen determined, with the rank of Lieut. Colonel, to d a t e from' t o borrower to make any report whatever. ; money. Numerous petitions have I - Great confusion prevailed in the Con the opinions of our citizens on the sub. , .1.. 9th, 1810. , also been received for local matters in Hunting..- .las. Cr.sne, of Huntingdon, to be Aid-de- vendor for nearly an hour—the Speak known, should be fully nad distinctly made through their public functiona. ' Camp to Governor Johnston, with the rank of ; There was to-day a fine time in the House on . Mr. Whitman declared his determin• - ries to the confederate states. The right , Lieut. Colonel, to date from Jan. 11, It 10. ' a resolution offered by the Meek and lowly mem . lion to be heard and have the ,report to instruct our Senators, and request Governor's Message. , tier from Centre. That gentleman proposed to read, at all hazzards.—'Threats of force , the representatives in the National To the exclusion of almost ever • 1 crything e se, shut up the Hall of the House on the Sabbath, were exchanged by both parties. Councils, ought not to be used on light publish at le . ngth the able message of Gov- : except to . members and officers . of . the Legisla- Finally, the Speaker, finding it im ' nd trivial occasions, while on subjects I we !cram Johnston in this weeks paper. We hope lure—a thing that was certainly right enough in possible to restore order, agreed to per gretitly affecting the well 'being of the I „ will„ all gi ve th i sluc i dand h ig htonedS tate pa -1 itself, for there is no particular reason for any nit the readmg of the report, condition , country it becomes a duty which none . per a careful reading. The suggestions it con- member going up to the . Capitol on Sunday. ally, that it be followed by reLolutions '. will venture to decline. In the exercise , tains arc wise and patriotic, and if carried into Mr. Pratt of Philadelphia county, moved to ad- for the appointment of a joint Commit iof this ndmitted right, the legislature . • effect will do much to advance the interests and . nit reporters also. This Mr. Meek opposed, tee to make a further examination into will find the opportunity to express in : : .. „, hap piness _of the People of th is Commonwealth. ! and as k e d what business reporters had there on the matter. terms not to be mistaken, the position.tar as we have been able to ascertain, this Sunday ! This caused considerable discussion, Mr. Whitman made a speech two which :is held by Pennsylvania on this • i w,• message meets the universal approbation of the , n hich Messrs. Eshleman, Meek, Steel, hours long, sustaining the report. rave and momentous question. • holiest portion of both parties. Many who vo- Schoonover and others participated, and the . The Speaker then lose and declared While compromises of the Constitu ted against Gov. Johnston have told us that the amendment passed. The resolution was then Seabairy Ford elected Governor of Ohio. 1 lion should be maintained in good faith suggestions contained in his message meet their P°stponed indefinitely. lam happy to say that While thus engaged, Messrs. Arch. I.?owards our southern brethren, it is our duty equal fidelity to ourselves. No en- to see that they are preserved hearty approval. Let the snore unanimity cx- Mr. Cornyn voted in favor of the reporters, as ' bold, Whitman, and others, attempted w ist in the Legislature, and the election of Wm. did every liberal minded member in the House. Ito interrupt the Speaker with furious : ith F. Johnston to the Gubernatorial chair will In truth 1 think your county will be admirably • g estures, words and oaths, declaring 1 . eronehments however sanctioned by use, lasting benefit to the Peo Ile of this represented this session. Mr. C. is a man of that he had violated his oath of o ffi ce. should be acknowledged as precedents Prove g 1 . . State. i talents and industry, always in Ins place and at-' The convention broke up amidst the for further wrongs against the into - rests, i 1 tentive to his duties, yet not disposed to be most intense excitement. prosperity, and happiness cf the non- United States Senator. slaveholding States of the Union. If I On Tuesday, 10th inst., Hon. JAMES COOPER Jump ing up and interfering with every local The House was called to order, but ' 1 question that is before the House. immediately after took a recess. slavery be, in itself, an infraction of was elected by our Legislature, U. S. Senator , , ; Day be fore yesterday a resolutton passed the The Senate repaired to the Senate human rights—if it be directly opposed for six years from the fourth of March next. to the enlightened spirit of our free in- i The following represents the state of the bal , House in favor of abolishing Militia trainings, Chamber, and soon after adjourned. I etitutione,—if it destroy the equality of lots a ower in the generall government, by en- Ist. 2(1. 3(.1. one eg fa il ed ati e : in favor of abolishing 1 capital punishment. On both these, Mr. Cornyn (SECOND DESPATCH.] COLUMBUS, Jan. 9-9 P. M. a rging where it exists, the constitution- F;e . e c eer, _ - - -57 69 The House proposition to appoint a i - - - tie tie 62 I Governor Johnston to-day tendered his rcsig -66 c ap it a l arvi:dtectl to -day rt n 1 representation—if it posesses a di- ec '"' , joint committed to examine the Govern• Stevens, - - - 7 6 3 I notion as Senator and Mr. Darsie was clotted • reel or indirect influence against north- :Meredith, : - - 3 1 or's vote, was laid on the table by a ' de facto of the Senate, which makes ern and western policy and interests, by Ford, - - - 2 2 I Sp eak e r vote of 32 to 36. him Governor until Tuesday. The Governor , promoting a system of laws destructive One hundred and thirty-one votes having been received (i , elect comes into office with a fine prospect and F ord us Speaker ag ain announced Mr. to domestic industry , and vitilly affect- polled, ant Mr. Cooper having 1, . ing free lobar,—if it retard the natural votes on the third ballot, was declared dulY : theconlidence of the whole people, and unless as elected Go vernor of Ohio. growth of population and improvement, :circled. , useless em b arrassmen t s are thrown in his way, Romantic but Sad Reality. '.. ,Ily the appropriation of large tracts of OF The election of Mr. Cooper to this important , his administration cannot fail to be popular. Thus only can we term the sad affair I hind, for the benefit of the few, to the in- ! post, gives us unfeigned pleasure. Mr. C. is an : Ile, also, is one of the young men. • jury of the innny--if it be in open de- able statesman, and has long been a zealous ad- Our sleighing still remains good, and is often we record. Two or three years ago, a enjoyed by those who have time told money to boy made his appearance in this vicini- fiance of the spirit of the age, the much rotate of Whig principles. His election will The Ladies of the Presbyterian ty, under mysterious circumstances. No of rational truth, and the enlightened give great satisf.tion to the Whigs of the State . afford it ' one knew whence he came, his home, 1 Church held a brilliant fair this week, which policy of mankind,—it is time to arrest a. , well as to the moderate men of the opposi its further progress. These, it is be- tion. No selection could have beeu made at I was well patronized and netted a handsome sum family or kindred. On examination, no doubt was entertained that he for the church. HUNTINGDON. was de lieved, are the settled conviction's of our ' this time as well calculated to hold together the citizens, and their determination toTaylor , en of Pennsylvania. All interests ap- Standing Committees of the House dered from his residence. He could fur maintain maintain them is unalterable. pear satisfied, and all willunite to sustain the ' of Representatives. nish no connected or satisfactory infer- , FELLOW-CITIZENS: My duty is now per. , just measures proposed by our wise and patriotic 1 Ways and Means—Messrs. Cooper, Roberts, motion in relation to himself, and, by formed. I have endeavored to present to ' Governor, and to aid Senator Cooper in his ef. Robb, Luckenbach, Biddle, M'Calmont, Stubbs,author iti es , the representatives of the people, much matters as are deemed impor• ' forts , ‘during the administration of President 'Taylor, to secure such National legislation as Nickleson and Gillespie. Fs . h re i rdiciary m —Me i ssrs. Lit tle, Smith, Laird, mont, Scho onover, Cornyn, th e proper was given in charge of Mr. Benj. Butcher , of this county. [, Omit to the interests of our mutual [will resucitate the drooping energies of our glo- ' P rick and One would suppose these - incidents !constituents. To the wisdom, virtue, rious old Cominonwealth. The future is there-' , Retrenchment and Reform—Messrs. Long :, . .enough to attach romantic interest to and inteligence of the assembly, with a I i fore full of promise, and Whir may well r e - Pratt, Miller, M'Lau,ghlin, Ryman, Shaffne r I the unfortunate, but there is yet a chap firm reliance upon the assitance of the 1 juice at the glorious prospect. , and Roseberry. ter in his history which we would fain Omnipotent Being from "whom cometh : Claims—Messrs. Sunder, Wattles, Large, be relieved from recording. On last every good and perfect gift,” may be t The Illectioul of Packer. Higgins, Cort,-Grittinger and Bole. Throughout the bounds of our State, the late Agriculture—Messrs. Fausold, Long, Snive- Monday, this youth and a colored boy safely confidedAhe pertormance of every 1 election a Packer to the Speakership has eli- I by Houtz, Miller, BeM and George. of about his age, 18 or 20, were in the . duty calculatedeto secure the happinees, • cited a feeblewoods cutting timber. Near evening, i the honor and the welfare of the coun , : cheer from the ghastly renmant of Pensions am? Gratuities—Messrs. Fegely, ' • ." ‘,*st VV. WM. F. JOHNSTON. I the- Locofoco party. A party whose very ex- I t h e white came home and reported to Weirick, Gorden, .; artney,' Rupky, a„, . . 11'C .-- T s_ I g and Henzey. - Mr. Butcher, that he and the black had Execurtve CHAMBER, Jan. 6, 1849. I istence, at least in the _Keystone, since the 1 Hart , ivr . 4 , Corr, N„-' engaged in wrestlitag,that he had thrown, Buena Vista. of November, has become so pre- I m e —o gl e : c c — ou a r r“" ' N''' . " —Messrs ' • - y N. Than Otto and Hie- struck, and killed his antagonist ! On carious, that Nat iveism, Abolitionism. ex. ' • ' ".e- ' ' , are gin s. decidedly requisite to save it f r om that ocean of 1 Public Buildings—Messrs. Walters, Carl repairing to the ground, Mr. B. and his son found this statement only too true t political oblivion, which even now yawns for its and Rutherford. —The negro's head had been ;left hy prey. I Accounts—Messrs. Laubach, Stutzman, Stock- We had almost grown indignant at this untie- well, Morrison, Emery, Lewis and Steel. an axe s his arm cut off, arrd his body &he:ease—Messrs. II Evans Meek, mangled most shockingly. coming exultation; but then upon thought, phi- Biddle, Hastings, 'Eshlem ' at Stock well and No effort was made by the slayer to losophy taught us not only to bear it with resig- . z er b y .. - screen himself from: the charge of hay , : nation, but also to participate with lolly comic- . Vi c . „„,i r„,„ 7 „,,,li ty _m essra . M ee k, Red- n ing committed this deed of hoTrar, or cension, in an acknowledged infer Mr's joy. irk, Ropley, Grove, Seibert, T. Thorn and even in the way of excuse ; on the con- Pity is the most opt and sensitive feeling of Lewis. trary, lie freely and boldly avows the the human heart; and there is a et a g e. :o w hi c h Mifitie— , Messrs. Redick, Klotz, Elliott, act, and juslifies himself wills the plea, ; the vanquished may be redtweii, so humilicting, Shaffner, Henry, Smith and Cornym ti that the boy was a slave, would run off that the compassion of the victors theilitelves Kirk, ilee kto ° t il v sr D t i e . t ri e s — R ‘ i ‘ i i th s erfo ' r dL i !IVO r r ß is u on ' receive punishment, &c., and states that may be excited. To. this suppliant attiti\le is ,lie slew him in mercy ! Various at- Pennsylvania Locofocoisni reduced. Why then Bauk,.2Mossrs. Laird, Swertzwelder, Rob - Pennsylvania N. Thorn, Luckenbach, Pearce, Herring, tempts have been made to educe some I not grant them an atom of contratulation for a Cooper and Myers. clue to other motives for the commis ; world of defeat ? I E.,tutes and Escheats—Messrs. R. R. Smith, sion of this awful catastrophe, bait in I p7':l number of Whig hereabouts hart in- Weiriek, Roeeberry, John M'Kee, Fenton, Ba- vain ; the poor maniac now speaks of s ker and Litt l e.lhe a ff air with the utmost composure, ; quired of us why it was that several Whig in in- ' Co nem, Bills . ...—Messrs. Snivel Hastings , hers voted 'against the Whig nominee for U.S. Stutzinan, Ilenzey and &limy. Y' t ime at threats of punishment, and Senator. The only reason we have heard assifO- I Road's and BPidges—,Messrs. Wilcox, Sharp, evinces other evidence that he was he ed is, that these gentleman did not attend tae Martin, Lamberton, Walters, Witmer and boring under some strange phrenzy, coming suddenly upon him, while tuns caucus meeting, and therefore did not feel boon , Ham sun. by its action. "Circumstances" we learn, pr e' , Local Appropriations—Messrs. D. Evans, ling with his comrade. Fur safety, he vented their attendance ; and “circurnstances Pouter, Fisher, Bloom, Bettis, Kirk and Carl. has been placed in prison, to await some I Corporations—Messrs. Pearce, Bull, Marx, morwroper disposal. I : may some day "Alter cases" for these sonic in -'Diehl, M'Culloch, Bellis, Schoonover, Duncan P.S. Since writing the above, we have dividuals. .... nd Porter. been furnished further particulars in ' FOREIGN Ncy..s .—There has been two fcireign b tr e s , V ia.i s- i N i Irs : M a a , 7„ ::: a G n er e ge o , n W. Evans, reference to the actor in this bloody I arrivals since our last. We have no room f0r 7 . ,, , b,,,, " __ T a g gar t _ ! L t. . b r i t _,_ _ . tragedy. Our previous statement must 'Messrs. Swer zw eh er, Nickleson details of the news. l'resident Napoleon has ...Klotz. be somewhat modified by this later in been inaugurated. His speech is moderate in I / ii , . ring—Messrs. Williams, G. T. Tho'rn I formation. In his lucid intervals, the i its tone and breaths the spirit of republicanism. and T. S. Evans. unfortunate individual says his name is The Clubs still remain in possession of the I Itand Navigation and Internal Improve- I James Hayes, son of Thomas Hayes, an government of Rome, and the Pope remains at , menus-Messrs. Myers, Noble,Wilcox, Ball, ore-digger, living in Huntingpon coun- Judge Longstret h. We learn from the Phtludelphhi. North Amer- Gaeta. It is said his Hollinesetas been invited I Pl• M' - cc, Diehl, Wattles, .1. ruyth, Gritting- ,y , er, Fulir, FausMd, Fisher and Williams . Pennsylvania. When about nine to France. The Cholera . mein. M Scotland, l Divot—Messrs. Frick, B a k er, Herring, J. , years of age, he was bound apprentice sear that this gentleman continues seriously ill, ..? ' Flour and Grain am on the decline. to one Solomon Snyder, shoemaker and A and that th ere is no prospect of his health fie- F. .111'Cihich, Steel, Fenton and W. Smitk. toll-gate keeper , in Huntingdon county, ing so favorably established this winter, as to STATE TREASURER.—The Whigs have nomi- • U. S. Senators. 11 miles from ' Hollidaysburg, 4 from l c enable him to resume hie o ffi cial duties at Har- nated Mr. Ball of Erie, as their candidate for The Kerucky Legislature have elected Thos. Williamsburg, and 1:h miles from the ( rieburg. 'ln view of this fact, and the difficul- State Treasurer. Yesterday wits the day fixed Metcalf Lilted States Senator for six years Yellow Springs. We give these items, , ties which exist in the Canal Board, in conse- for the election, and Mr Ball was doubtless from the (Itlof March next. hoping they may lead to the identifica oence of his protracted absence, it is not im- elected. The selection is an admirable one. Gen. Jacks" Morton, late a Taylor elector, Ition of this youth and his restoration to probable he may find himself called upon to re- No man in the State is bettei qualified for the has been elec(cl by the Florida Legislature U. home and friends.. When first found, sign his seat as a Commissioner. I office, and no county More deserving the honor S. Senator for• is years from the 4th of March some three or four years since, he was - than Erie. next. in the woods, quite wild, and refused, or 07 - The rains of Saturday, Sunday find yes- ____________ I _ (1.... day, have made cod havoc with the s leighing. UT This is the day fixed fur lice inauguration VP" Col. Sven, late U. S. Senator from . was unable, to present any of these par .ercaboute. of Governor Johnston. , Arkansas, died a‘hort time since. , ticulars.—Porkersburg (Vo.)Gazefte. FROM WASHINGTON. But little of interest has been doing in Con gress during the past week. On Wednesday .the question of abolishing the slave trade in the 'District of Columbia again came up, and gave rise to another exciting debate. The question was revive.' on the motion tore -consider t he vote by which Mr. Gott's resolution to prohibit the trade in the District was passed. The motion to re-consider was earaiecl—Yeas 110, nays 81. Mr. Smith, of In dinna, then moved to amend ?hi! resolution thus reconsidered, by striking out the preamble and all after the word Resol ved, and inserting instructions to the committee to inquire and report what legislation is neces nary to prevent the introduction of slaves from any of the States into the District of Columbia, br sale here or elsewhere,-and that they report ,y bill or otherwise. Mr. Botts moved to lay the whole subject on the table; and on this the yeas and nays were ordered, and it was decided in the negative— -94 to 110. Mr. Meade moved an amendment to the attl3ndment of M r. Smith, providing for the re. covery of fegitive slaves, but it was ruled out of order. Mr. Smith droved to modify his substitute for the original resolution, so as to instruct the Committee to.bring in a bill,— but, before any action was had on this motion, or on the sub stitute, On motion, the House adjourned. Disastrous Fire. Pmrani:no, Jan. G, 1849 About three o'clock this morning a fire oc curred which has destroyed a large amount of property. . Nine dwellings on Front street, owned by Messrs. Adams and Townsend, the foundry of . Mesirs. McKee and Griswold, the rope store of Messrs. Irwin & Sons, the establishment of Messrs. Dudley and Davis, including their dwelling, and several other small tenements in Water street, making in all about twenty buil dings. Saveral lives are reported to have been lost ONE . ROUT DUGTEOM THE RUINS. Pittsburg, Jan. 6, 1919, The body of Mr. Hays, son of Judge nays, was dug from the ruins of the fire this afternoon. The deceased was a young man of exemplary character, and has left a wife and two children. 7 The New York Courier, speaking of Gov. JOHNSTON'S Message, says :—" It is a very voluminous document, but discusses the various and important affairs of the. State with such clearness, fairness, accuracy and temper ateness, that it elicits universal praise. It is ranked with the very best of the documents of a similar character ever produced by a Gover nor of Pennsylvania." The Cholera, The latest accounts front New Orleans state Huntingdon County. that he live just opened in. that the Cholera was abating in that city, but the borough of LEWISTOWN, a new HAT M ANUFACTORY, where he is pre , that it was raging in Texas, and had broken out ' pared to make every variety of Hats in' amongst the troops at Port Lavacca. It also use, out of the hest materials, such to prevails at Memphis and other points on the BEAVER, SILK, NUTRIA, FUR'r Mississippi, and has reached Cincinnati, and WOOL,Ste. 'lire business of manufactuting it some parts,of Kentucky. conducted by and under his own personal super. vision, and his long experience in the busint,s in ofilefaf Vote tor Governor. the best establishments of the country warrants The official returns of the several counties of himin gn ,„,,,m e i ng to ol, who may purchase the Commonwealth were opened and read on from hint good stitudatrriat and highly Walled Friday last in the House of Representatives, in work. the presence of the members of both Houses, ' Our Oinish fri ads shall not he forgotten ill the as required by law. The aggregate vote is as' efforts WF shall put forth to meet the wunts.of tbe community, in out line of business, and he will follows: *,te ready to answer their calls at prices that trust Wm. F. Johnston 1138,5:2•2 ,'ease. Morris Longstreth ' , r08,2'2.5 TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Scattering, 72. and all others. who may desire to purchase Hats, his estreirlishment alrords superior indtleemnnts, 336 : 8 " both a's regard's 01114 mid price, which shall be of such it character as to leave no room for grunt -2194 Wing. IVo the' dine invite everybody, or every distinction of trey or sect, to call and eXamine our stock; whichis Ilvs , he gest and best assorted one Total rote, Johnston's maj. over Longetretli, Over all others, MARRIED. 1 that has ever been Mtroderred - here: On the 2nd inst., by the Rev. B. E. Collins, I N. B. Hats of my manufacrtYre ran be had Mr. JESSE MYRES, to Miss. MARGARET at retail at the store of WM. STEWART, in J. POLLOCK, all of Huntingdon county. 1 Huntingdon Borough. Magnetic Velegrsiiph Outdone! Likenesses taken in a "iser/c less than no time." IT/. & .1. M. ROW E, MITE undersigned begs leave most respectfully BROOM & \\ ADEN WARE STOFM, to announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of ,s, o. 63 .1 orm Third street, Huntingdon and vicinity, that he has procured One door above Arch, oast side, an improved Daguerreotype Apparatus, which he has located at the Court House in this place, PHILADELPHIA, where he can be found a all times prepared to Manufacturers & Wholesale Dealers in all kinds wait upon any of his friends- who may favor of Brooms, Brushes, Buckets, Cedar Ware.— him with a call. W, 11. WILSON. Willow and French Baskets, Shoe and Wall Jan. 9, 1810. 1 Brushes, Sct übs, Dusters, Mats, Blacking, East ern-made Wooden. ware of every description, &c. &c., at the :owess market prices. MANLY ROWE, JOHN M. ROWE. TO THE VOLUNTEERS AND MILITIA OF THE 2nd BRIGADE, 10th DIVISION, P. M. FELLOW CrrizEss :—At the solicitation of mahy friends, I offer myself as candidate for BRIGADE INSPECTOR, at the ensuing election. I respectfully solicit your suffrages, and if elected, promise to dis charge the duties of the office faithfully—and I trust to the satisfaction of the Brigade. Your Fellow Citizen, JAMES CLINGER. Pine Grove Mills, Centre county, Jan. 9, 1849 5 Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership heretofore existing under the firm of J.. 1. & Bumbaugh in the tanning and saddling business was disolved on the Ist day of January last, by mutual consent. The business will hereafter be conducted by A. H Bumbaugh & co J. J. HUMBAUGH. A.II.I3UMBAUGH Jan. 9, 184.9 $5 REWARD, OST, on Saturday the 16th instant, btiween IA Spruce Creek and Alexandria, a LADY'S TIPPET, belonging to Mrs. James Burns , about eight feet in length, of a fox color, with two small tails (resembling fox tails) on each end The above reward will be paid to any per son tindingand leaving said Tippett at the house of the undersigned, residing in the borough of Huntingdon. JAMES ALLISON. Huntingdon, Dec. 26.1898. COUNTRY Merchants can save from 10 to 15 per cent by purchasing at the above stores By importing my own goods, paying but little rent, and living economically, it is plain I can un dersell those who purchase their goods brie, pay high rents, and live like princes. Constantly on hand, a large assortment of l'en and Pocket ICnives, Scissors and Razors. 'Pablo Knives and Forks, in Ivory, Stag, Buffalo, Bone and Wood handles; Carvers and Poilto, Steels, Are. Butcher Knives, Dirks, Bowie Knives, Re- Administrators' Notice. I "wi ng ni,,l Plain Pistols, &e. Just received, a NO TICE is hereby given that letters of admin. large stock of Rodgers' an 1 Woetenholin's fine istration have been granted to the undersign- Pen and Congress Knives. ed on the estate of Abraham Long, late of 1 Also, a large assortment of Accordeom., &c., Shirley township, Huntingdon county. All per- , Ace. Also, Pine English Twist end Gertnan sons indebted to said estate are requested to make Guns. It M. COLEMAN. immediate pavnient, and those having claims or jitne2o-Iy. demands againstihe same to present them duly cronselinea & Brother, authenticated for settlement. WM. B. LEAS, No. 11, Walnut Street, Philadelphia, SAMUEL McVITTY, Wine, Liquor and General Commission Administrators. .11m/Innis. WINE'A, Brandies,. Gin, and Champaivne of different Mends-imported direct, and'ho'd on JUST ARRIVED. accommodating terms ttv Country Dealers. Qual. SPLENDID assortment of Amer A , i- Me s and tarsal' of Liquors wrrranted. can Cottage, Cast Iron, Air 'fight, Philadelphia, Juno 2 0 , TS49. Parlor, Coal and wood Stoves, Russia CLAUMUS n. LINK, HORACE I'. SMITII s Iron Stoves, Fancy 6 Plate, Parlor Radi., LINN, SMITH, & CO., ators, &c., &c., for sale by WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, J. & W. SAXTON. 2131, NIA... SrILELT, Pliilud,lph ea , • Public Bale of Watches. I N pursuance of notice given in June last, the subscriber will offer for sale a lot of Watches, at tha Exchange in the botough of Huntingdon, on Wednesday the 10th of January 1899. Per sons wishing to purchase Watches, cheaper than ever sold in Huntingdon, had better attend the ale. Terms Cash. D. ItUOY. December 26, 1848. Dec. la, 184 S, THE VERY LAST NOTICE. f - The subscriber is forced once more to call i Drugs and Medicines, upon his friends and patrons and ask them to , Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye Stufl4, Varnishes, &c.. come and pay oir their accounts. Necessity' &c. Also, Patent Medicines, Medicine• alone induces him to call upon them again at I Chests, Surgical' & Obstetrical" Ilistru present, and necessity alone does dictate bins to I ments, Chemical Tests, &c. &c. hand over to the proper officer all accounts, that I CO' Orders from Country Merchants or phy_ may remain unpaid or unsettled by the Ist day i skians, by. letter or otherwise, attended tea of February 18.19 for collection. i promptly. Oct. '2oth 181 x. J. 13. 1.1.71117 N scptl9,lBlB-6m. ram sera WITI [ FASHIO.LN Clothing for Men and Boyi. A. WILLOUGHBY., Has received at his old Stand in itaiir Street, Huntingdon, a new, and large assortment of Clothing, READY-MADE, of alt sizes to suit men and boys, consisting of the most fashionable Dress Coats, PioWorm, and Vests, made of the best and finest Cloths, lCasSinlere , , and Ccr.csinews. And an equal as sortment of plain and substantial materials, suited for the every day liminess of all classes. He has a VIYLL ASSORTMCNT . of every size and kind, and he will sell as Cheap as the C'lie.pt,? He only wants a small living profit; sad he in vites all who wish to purchase to see his Goods, before purchasing elsewhere. Tayloring is his trade, and he knows what he says when he says he can and swill accommodate all who call, on terms to suit. Ile also continues THE TAYLORING BUSINESS, and has an extensive assortir,nt of Cloths, Cas- Cassinew and l'e,rings, which he will sell and make up to suit any and every, body, cheap and well. He is determined to lea.o No Room for Grumbling l• septlo,lBlB. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.. NEW HAT IVIANTITAC7:O2.I2 I , The undersigned announces to the citizens ,7 WM. G. ZOLLINGER Lewistown, Sept. 26, 1848. March 7,'9 Fa 11111CI'S. Look Were ! Mansfield's Patent Cloter-Hulling Machine. I E subscriber having purchased' the Valeta , right for this CLOVER 1 - IULLEIG Mt CIIINE, for Huntingdon county, now offers it to the public throughout the county, feeling as-. tured that it hoe not ite equal in the United States. It will shell,with a cylinder only 22 inches long and 16 in diameter, from 30 to 40 Bushels per way I with four horse power, and is warranted tosliell clean and not to break Mr seed. A number of &liners who have tried it are willing to testify that it lies actual y shelled EIGH'r BUSHELS PER HOUR! The object of the undersigned is to put up a machine wherever desired, and todisposoof town ship, rig hts. Persons, therefore, who . wish to en gage in the business and nt.ttt a riiissr, can sue the ma..hine thoroughly tested by culling on the undersigned residing near MANOR HILL, Har vey township. Huntingdon county. Individual or township rights will be disposed of on 1110 most reasonable terms. All persons are respectfully invited to witness a trial of said machine VVILLIA M CRUM, Near Manor Hill, Hunt. Co., l'a Oct. 21, 1948-311). COLEHAVS CHEAP CUTLERY STORES. NOB. 32 and 33 Arcade, and 83 North Third St., PHILADEJ,PHIA.