Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 26, 1848, Image 4

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    Wearing the Breeches.
The estimable and respected wife of!
A ,, h Du:ie John, the present Regent' s
I Ge7M,lll coMederaie states, made it
con hest of her royal husband while
bumping before him on thr bath of a'
port horse, in the disg ul it boy.
the romantic incident, resulting in her
marriage to the brother of an Emperor,
mid to one of the best and greatest men
of modern times, thus befell. We copy
from the Home Journal.
In a solitary and isolated post house
in the mountains of Styrit, an Old man
and his daughter were left in charge of
the establishment, while-the post buys,
usually in waiting, were employed in
gathering in the harvest. The girl sat
sewing in the back room. Suddenly
there was a great cracking of whips,
and a post carriage rolled up rapidly to
the door.—The old man, almost helpless
from the gout, hobbled into his daugh•
tees room :
1 'nu lost," he said, here is the
Arch 0 3;e John, and all my boys are
away ! What are we to do 1"
Without giving her father time to say
nme, the atu•.t girl ran up stai:s to her
eaaatber, slippe i on a post boy's trow.
sera and s';ort tailed coat—a liresi in
which she had tni,q , .eridsil in the holi
days—and, by the time the horses we , e
p , :t to by tile postiltion who had come
on, she presented herself, seized the
w •ip, j , roped into the sa.ld'e and trut
tel on.—Thro igh the glass win
dows in front of his carriage, the Arch
Dn',e noticed the trim fii.fure and cha,m-
ing proportions of the new postillion,
!Ind soon, by tome difference from the
str,tinsry symmetry of post hJytt, deter:.
ted the sex.
" You are a girl !" snid his royal high
ness, smilingly, as she , inlousci the tra
ces fium his carriage at the end of the
"There was no postiltion at home,"
sllts said, blesl6t.g, "and your highness
co •Id tot wait."
In :he conversation w!iich ensued.
P:incc John dtset.vere , l that she was as
totter' s /eat as pretty, and on seperating,
he sai-1,
" Since yo.i have made yo.tself n min
for me, I must remake you to a warnati."
In these mysterious words was ex-
pressed n design, which lie soon carried
out by derryinding from the Empero: his
brother, pm-mission to marry her. It
wan not all oisy thing. Tice romantic
folly of the Archduke John was freely
laughed at, at court, and it was the
ion of many that he was only arndsinz
honse'f, an 1 ha I nu se to is desigo of
we Hock. The p etty putt boy, howev
er was soon created Ida ones de Brand•
hof. and immediately after married to
the Prince.
liomble as was this connection, it
probably nassitred the present position
of the Archchke John upon the inter
mediate eminence he at p.esent occu
res, the aristocrats voting for hint as
the heseendant of the royal house of
psbourg, and the democrats as the
son-in-law of the tavern keeper of Sty
LOCKJAW.— 1 haVO enticed lately sev
deaths by lockjaw, anil for the in•
•• it ition ot . all, 1 will give a certain
- •.Iy. When any one runs a nail or
i irp iron in :toy part of his frame,
• conimmi smoke pipe, fill it with
it well, then take a thin
c ma or stlk hankerchief, place it over
t b ,w; of the pipe, anil blow the smoke
th,o glt the stem into the wound. Two
or Hires pipet ills will be suffi,ient to
set the w.uinl discharging. 1 have
trie I it on in, self :Ina five others. and
In tn.' it to give immediate relief. If
the N.1(1111 nes been of some days' stand.
log, it will open it again if the tobac
co is gnat. Try it, tiny one who niay
chine to ge. s cb a wuand.—Bulti,nore
' rite BEST tlec tite DATION.—NICIIO
- Esq., late Prsident of the
Bitt!c of the U uteri States, wice
at ssail a el r . t. becinse the latter re•
f tied to write for him on the Sabbath.
Tile youni- to in, with a mother depend
ent Ilia exertions, Wll9 thus thrown
o it of eniplut Mehl, by what some would
roll an over-nice scruple of conscience.
But a few days alter, Mr. Biddle being
req. esied to nominate a cashier for at.-
oiler bank, recommends,' this very in
divnittal, and mentioned this incidental
proof of its trustworthiness. "Yon can
trust hint," said he,..ior he wouldn't
work for the on Sunday."
I ater, Jheaptr and Better.
THE Huntingdon J..w,•lry Store has jut re.
a.iotner iar4e and ei.oiee of
&c., &., of every deseript.on and quality.
Ail parsons, .vnither tl..s.rous of purchasing
or not ut, re.p•sted to call and examine this
stork an l flail sat sty themselves of its clae.zp
rie all excellence.
'Ph, ual 3raign,cl has recently employed
a skitifut and , xfririencad work ~a n iron
.1p a, to do 411 kinds of Clock, W,tch and
J try rep.t.r Cuito nen; may rely upon
hay n; work w , ..11 and promptly done, and
warrant:dur ona y.•ar.
Iluit'ngdon, Nov. 13. 1818
, I•riin , 131100 hou rreetsliv tirukrrone a
• ',, • ,r.4 . ft 41111 601 n ft. niattd wi 1 h
e sc.uf,..dre,of .1h twist tluniilV
. 1,.et5 . ..u1e and othrgo. ributivg the
..r wormtwilt, will find u u vwy dosirablii
rt ••••• nv Wiser.
..;sarges cand.rate.
;.a. T. A NDERA, Agent.
zazr. AND VIFINT33II. 1
Clothing for Men and Boys.
Has received at his old Stand in Main Street,
Huntingdon, a new, and large assortment of
of all sizes to suit men and boys, consisting of
the most fashionable Dress Coats, Pantaloons
and Vests, made of the best and finest Cloths,
Cassins•res, and Cassinetts. And an equal as
sortment of plain and substantial materials,
suited for the every day business of all classes.
He has a rum. ARSORTMENT of every size and
kind, and he will sell
as Cheap as the Cheapest.
He only wants a small living profit; and he in
vites all who wish to purchase to see his Goods,
before purrha,ring elsewhere
Taylor,ng is his trade, and he knows what he
says when he says he can and will accommodate
all who call, on terms to suit. He also continues
and has an extensive assortment of Cloths, Cat
sim,res, Cresinrtts and Vesthegs, which he will
sell and make up to suit any and every body,
cheap and won. lie is determined to leave
No Room for Grumbling!
NEW HAT maraurawroux,
N. under...a ...ouncee to the ettiv,e o
ow roomy the? he her jut? oper.eil in
the borough of LE W STO WN. a Ti Al'
MANUFACTORY, where he ir pre
- d o make ter every yerirty of lisle in
tine. mit of the be.d materin's such es
WOOL.ece. The h oinese o f indnulacturing is
emitlue.rd by and under hie own neisonel super
vision, and hie lung r xperimier in the bUdille. in
the nest eriebliplonei t,. ol the country wsrrunte
him in guarmarring to Ili *ho may puieliser
from him good sonstentisl and highly 111.14.1
Our Uininh fri nas shrill nut be forgotten in the
elTort. wr shall put forth to mt.t.t the want. of the
c.nrisnit ity line of bushiest, and he will
:up ready to *newt, their calls at pit re that moat
I) 6.10.
and all others who in,ty deeire to purchase Hato,
lii.eatabliehinent affords supetior inducement.,
hrith at regard. qu III!y and pr ce, which +hall lie
of ouch o character ea to I are no room for gruni•
Wing. Ve the efure invite every body. at every
,Ij,.nnetion of party or Beet. to rail and examine
our , no , lt; whieh la gem and hest a.mortrd tine
that ha• ever horn introduced here.
N. 11. late of Inv tuinufacture ran he hid
at retail at the afore of WM. SrEWARr, in
Huntingdon Borotteh,
Sept. 6. 1 48.
I. & .1.
Ito. 03 orth Third Airtel
one dear ninive A rcholeet aide,
Wanufarturett. & V holepalt 'realer, in nllkinde
111 Broom.. lituelles. Burketa. Cedar Ware.—
illow and French I aakcis, blioe and Ok all
tither, • e uhe, Dusters Male. Blacking. Frost
ern•made onden ware n( ever) deaeriptionakc.
dee., at, this °wrist market wirer..
!March 7.'48
Executors' Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that letterstentamen
tary have bern wanted to the undersigned. on
the estate of John Shaffer, late of Morris town•
ship. deceased. Persons kniivring themselves in.
Belted will come forward and make payment, and
OH).* having claims will present them duly an
thanticated forasttlement.
Morris township. Nov R. 1848--nt
IV a , nie 4, I ~,,, e 1
Mansfield's Patent Clover-Hulling
I`IIE subscriber having purchssed ihe Patent
'. rtirtit fur this CLOVER ULLING
lINE. for triuntinadiin counts. now oilers it
in the public throng . ..lout the county, feeling a.-
,ured that it has nut its Nod in the United States.
It will shell.with s cylinder only 22 inches long
snd 16 in diameter, from
30 to 40 Bushels per Bay!
with four h .ree Lower, and is war rooted tosheb
dean and ~ut to break thr seed. A number of
farmers who have tiled it are willing to Notify
Teat it has actual y shelled
The abject of the undefaigned is to put up a
mschine whovver,lesired. ah t todisposeof town
ship rights. Persons. il.erefore, who wish to en-
I.sge in the business and Moon ni.ur. ran sec
the machine thora.Ahly teat.' by calling on the
.m.fereigned re.i.ling near MANOR HILL. I'nr•
roe township Huntingdon courtly. Individual or
township rights will tis diaposed of un the most
reammahle term,
All prrouos are respectfully invited to witness
a trial of said Machine.
Near Manor tit!! Hunt. Co.,
Ort. 21. MR —3rn.
Wooden Ware.
UCH as Tubs, buckets, barrel churns,
I - 1 9 tinospheric churns, wash boards.
Also, Co:t he baskets, band-baskets, tray.
riling baskets, &c.,
&c.. fur sale by
B - ,ots and Shoes.
THE hugest, finest and best assort
ment of Boots and Shoes, ever
brought to town, for sale by
ILIHE greatest variety of Groceries,
I Q , een swa r e and Hardwnre ever of
fered to the citizens of H ,ntino,lon
county, for sale by J. Sr W. SAXTON.
jumr ~It it OPE IP,
A SPLENDID assortment of Ameri
can Cottage, Cast Iron, Air 'right,
Parlor, Coal and wood Stoves, Russia
Iron .titoves, Fancy 6 Plate, Parlor Radi
ators, &c., &c., for sale by
J. Jr..f W. SAXTON.
100 SACKS of Salt, Plaster, Fish,
*c., *c : , for mile by
Nos. 32 and 33 Arcade and Si North Third St.,
CIOUNTRY Merchants can save from 10 to 15
kj per cent by purchasing at the above stores
By importing my own goods paying hut little
rent, and living economically, it is plain 1 can un
dersell those who their goods hue, pay
high rents, and live like princes.
Constantly on hand. a large assortment of I'en
and Pocket Knives Scissors and Razor.. Table
Knives and Forks, in ivory, Stag, Buffalo, Bone
and Wood handles; Carvers and Forks. Steels,
&e. Butcher Knives, Dirks, Howie Knives, Re
volving and Plain Pistols. &c. Just received, a
arge stock of Rod.zerr' ant Wostenholm'a fine
Pen and Congress Knives.
Aldo. a large asaartment of Accordeonfi, acc.,
dec. Aldo, Fine Englieh Twidt and German
Crouselines & Brother,
No. II Walnut Street, Philadelphia,
Wine, Liquor and General Commission
N AT iNdiEtr;
n d
n t , i p (tin, and
t 2i n n n ti t a l i . c o n
do o n f
accommodating terms to Country Dealer.. Qual
iticti and proof of Liquors wmanted.
Philadelphia, June 20,1049.
The subscriber is forced once more to call
upon his friends and patrons and ask them to
come and pay off their accounts. Necessity
alone indu,es htm rt, call upon them ag ain at
present, and necessity alone, does dictate him to
hand over to the proper officer all accounts, that
may remain unpaid or unsettled by the Ist day
of February 1819 for collection.
Oct. ',MI 1818. J. B. LUDEN
1S horelty given to all persons interested, that
I the T • ant account of Joshua iireenlond and
Caleb seitznere of Dr. Jacob M. Cover,
lane of C., township. ha+ linen filed in the office
of the Protho .otary of the Court of U gnmon
Pleas of I iunttnedon county, and that the some
wtil lie presented to the said Court ot• the second
%noisy of November next, for confirmation and
Oct. i 7. 184 i
731 ,, Es ana
Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye Stuffs, Varnishes, &c.,
&c. Also, Pa:ent Medicines, Medicine
Che . sts, & Obstetrical Instru
ments, Chem 'cal &c. &c.
Q:P" Orders from C idatry M•rclrants or Phy
sicians, by lett:, or otherwise, attended to
Sept 19,18 IS-Gm.
( r('al ll , [l.►ctio►t i►t Prices.
lave ju6t received di•ect from the Eastern Cities,
ul are now Opening a sph ndid 111.1,111M1111 of
maistiog of every variety of
'uited to Ladle. and Gerrtlrmen's wear. including
Clothe. Ca...diners, Sottinetts, Vest ings.
Alpachas Cashmere., De Lttines.Plaids.tiom
bazinee, Ginolwne. atiroea, Cheeks.Shawls,&c.
We have also a handsome assortment of
J liN M. RiM E
They would also invite attention totheirstock o
Sugars-5, 6 and 8 cents per potind—
Molasses, from 37k to 40 cents per
gallon ; and every other article usually
kept in a Grocery Store, at equally
low prices.
Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps,
Hardware and Cutlery, hina, Glass and Queens
war.. Drugs, Medicines. Dye :Stuffs, 2Stc.
Al. of which will be sold at very reduced prices.
The Ladies end Gentlemen are requested to call
and examine three Goods, as they cannot fail to
please all both nit regards my le and price.
In the store room formerly occupird by Jacob
Miller, opposite the residence of Judge Gwin,
Er",. All kinds of Country Produce ta
ken in exchange for goods. rSept. 26.
Ladies and Gentlemen
Always consulting the desires of the votaries of
f shion, taste and cenifort,
has the pleasure of informing the Ladies and
Gantleinett of Ifuntingdon—and throughout the
county—that he has ju4 returned from the East
with a large and moat chu 7 c- selection of East
ern work of the latest fashion o f Ladies Gaiter.,
Kid, Morocco and
Calf Skin Aries—
Men sßoots,Shoes,
and Gaiters, also
.444' Hunters' Boots, and
Boys' Boots and
Shoes. and Misses
and ChiPrens' Gai-
ter. ind Show,
Mr. Westbrook does not deem it necessary to
enumerate, particularly. the large stock which
he now has nn hand, but reapectlully solicits an
immediate call by of/ who wish to consult fash
ion comfort and economy. at his extensive Store
•a few doors weal of the Poet Office. His prices
are unusually low, and to suit the moat economi ,
cal purchaser.
He also enntinueß the manufacture of floota,
&mitt. anil every article in hie line of hustneas,
which he will wallow equal*. any ill lii
for naddeinas, and workmanship.
Call one and all, and unit vow selves
Oct. 17, 1848.
ATTORNEY AT LA W: ilu;itinadon.Pa.—
Has r•moved hisutlicetn the middle roo m 0 .
.Snere'm Row.".hrectly oppositt Fisher fit. NI'M um
lure where he will attend with promptness
and fidelity to all huainese with which he may he
entrusted' n liontingdon orthe adjinnina countie
The ANGLO-SAXONS hare con,airain in the
can afford to .41 10 per cent. lower than ever.
The eteek conaieta of Coate, Pants, Vest. and
Monkey Jacket., of all aorta, colour& and shades.
'apt. 12, 11411.
R.C. Maim.
The Alexandria
HAS been lensed by the subscribers. who are
preps eel to execute canting* of all deacrip
tions in superior style (one of them being a p.c.
tical moulder of long experience) and CM the low
est and moat accommodating terms:..
Custings for Forges, Rolling Mills,
Water pipes, Grist and Saw Mills,
Threshing Machines, and all other kinds
of machinery which may be'ordered will
be furnished on the shortest notice.
Stoves of various sizes will be constantly
kept on hand for both wood and coal:
We have lately procured a
Cook ;; !forte
of two different sizes, which for conve
nience and excellence they will warrant
to surpass the celebrated "Queen of the
West" and "Hathaway" stoves, the for
mer of which we are also prepared to
supply. .4/so, Coal Cooking Stoves,
Parlor and Chamber stoves of the most
elegant patterns.
Such as Pots, Wash Kettles, &c. Plough. of
such variety that all may he suited. Carriage and
Waggon hoses from the smallest to the largest,
sled and sleigh soles, and in fine .one and every.
thing in our line of business can be had unmedi.
stele, or at the shortest notice.
Old metal and country produce taken
in exchange.
" kucourage your I lwri"
Cabinet 11 :1119 . 71:1 et II la el or) ,
j - Voi:l,D avail themselves of this method of
V V informing their friends and the public at
large that they continue to carry on the
husin . e7s, at their old stand, one door east of the
dwelling ho roe of J. U. Miles, Erq. cod directly
opposite the .'rinting Office ul the ' Liuutitig Jon
Journal," where they will be pleased to furnish
those who may favor them with their custom, with
all articles in their line no the most reasonable
terms. Having supplied thernse sea with a very
large and superior stock of stuff, they have no
he.•itation to assuring the Public that they can
furnish work, which, for cheapness, ireamy and
dui ability,cannot he surpassed by any other shop
in the county. . .
They wtL keep constantly on hand, and make
to order,
Card Tables, Bedsteads, Centre Tables,
Cupboards, Stands, Dough Troughs,
Wash Stands, Wardrobes, Secretaries,
Breakfast Tables, Pedestals, &c.
Old furniture repaired at the very shortest no
tice. Caertrs tnade anti funerals attended,either
in town or country, et the shortest notice. They
keep a Hoarse for the aceornmodotion of their cue-
Thant: ful for the eery I tberalpatronage heretolore
extended to them, they assure the public that no
efforts will be spared on their part to deserve a con.
tinuanceand increase of public patronage.
may 2, 1848.11.
ie State
Sohn Scott, jr.,
Wu. GsAnus
Main Street, Huntingdon, I'a
Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange
For furniture and work.
IDR.LE Roy's
Vi•geliable Cul aWerftai
The only known Medicine that at the same
time purges, purifies and strengthens
the system.
LoNutre,Suly 7,1846.
DR. LE ROY - 81'Hk are a new medicine which
has mit ippeared, mod infant taking the places
of all others of the 50103 class. These pills ore
composed of .n any ingredients, hut the two princi
pal men are Sarnapurilla and Wild hurry, ea uni
ted mot toey act to ether; the one through it
admix are with tither antistatic., purifying and
purging, while the other is strengthening thesyn
tern. '('bus those pills are at the same time tonic
and op ming; a desideratum long and eagerly
nought for toy ono heal men but never before die
cuiored. In other words they do the work of two
medicines, and do it much better than any two We
know of; for they remove nothing from the system
hut the impurities; an that while they purge they
strengthen; and tence they cause no debilitation,
and are follow .r 1 by no reaction. Dr. Le Roy's
pills have a .womlerful influence nn the blood; they
not only purify without weakening it. but they re
move all .1 o ci into particles from the chyle befuleit
is converted into fluid, and thus make impure
blood an titter impossibility. As there la no debit
, itotion,so there in no almaea or sickness attending
the operations of thin mord excellent of medicines
which nseer ate tins or tortures the digestive rune
tione,but •Ruses them to work in a perfectly natur
al manner; oontl hence persons taking them do not
become pale and emaciated, but the contrary ; for
while it is the property of the Sarsaparilla, united
an it is with other ingredients, to remove all that is
foreign and impure, it is wally the property of
the Wild Cherry to retain all that is natural aml
Round; and hence a robust state of health is the
certain result of their united operations.
(a.Price 25 Cents pe , BOX.
AGENTS.—T. Read & Son, Swoope & Af
rica, Huntingdon; W. W. Buchanan.
and Kessler. 51ill-Creek ; S. Hatfield ri tion•Juni
ate Iron Works; Porter & Bucher, Moore &
tiwoope. fl. Walker, A lexandu le; G. I l.Steiner
Wsterstreet. [Aug. 31 ,'47.
Washington Gallery of Dagnerrotypes,
No. 23 1 North Seccod Street, N. V. corner of
" ""-
COlowitilt Sty-ere,
THE Likenceses taken and beautifully colored
at this well knows•, estetilielinicht for ON K not..
L R, are universally rotiredvd to be MO. L in ev•'
ery respect to ♦NT in the city. Pictures taken
equally well in cloudy end clear weather. A
w e e aseortment of %, EDI LLI ON. end LOCKET.
on hand, from $2 to $5. including the picture.
'the suliarritiere respectfully invite the citizens
of ituntingilon County. to call and examine !spe
cimen, of the latest iniproveturnts in the art of
D‘uuerreoty ping. which will be exhibited cheer
fully and without she ge.
T. &. J. C. TENNENT.
Julyc 4 1«!.
Burns, Scalds and all kinds of Inflamed
sores cured.
MENT, is the most complete
Burn Antidote ever known. It instant
ly (and as if by Magic,) stops pains of
the most desperate Burns and Scalds.
For old sores, briliseS, cuts and sprains
&c., on man or beast, it is the best ap
plication that can be made. Thousands
have tried, and thousands praise it. It
is the most perfect master of pain ev
er discovered. All who use, recom
mend it. None can tell how soon
some of the family will need it.
Cr Observe each box of the genuine
Ointment has the name of S. '1 , USEY
written on the outside label. To imitate
this is forgery,'
Boatmen, Livery men,
Farmers, and.
all who use horses, will find this Oint
ment the t ery best thing they can use
for collar galls, scratches, kicks, &c.
&c. &c., on their animals. Surely, ev
ery merciful man would keep his ani
mals as free from pain as possible.—
Tousey's Universal Ointment is all that
is required. Try it.
Bites of Inserts.—For the sting or bite
of poisonous insects, Tousey's Oint
onent is Unrivalled. Hundreds have
tried and found it good.
Piles Cured! —For the Piles, Tou
sey's Universal Ointment is one of the
best Remedies that can be applied. All
who have tried it for the Piles recom
mend it.
Old Sores Cured.—For old, obstinate
sores, there is nothing equal to Tou
sey's Ointment. A person in Manlius
had for a number of years, a sore leg
that baffled the skill of the doctors.—
Tousey's Ointment was recommended
by one of the visiting physicians, (who
knew its first virtues,) and two boxes
produced more benefit than the patient
had received from any and all previous
remedies. Let all try it.
Burns and Scalds Cured.—Thousands
of cases of burns and scalds, in all parts
of the country, have been cured by
Tousey's Universal Ointment. Certi
ficates enough can be had to fill the
whole of this sheet.
Violeni Bruises Cured.—Testimonials
on testimonials, in favor of Tousey's
Ointment for curing bruises, have been
offered the proprietors. Hundres in
Svracus will certify to its great merits
in relieving the pain of the most severe
bruise. All persons should try it.
Scald Head Cured.—Sores or cases of
scald head have been cured by Tousey's
Ointment. Try it—it seldom fails.
Salt Rheum Cured.—ol all the rem
edies ever discovered for this most dis
agreeable complaint, Tousey's Univer
.sal Ointment is the most complete. It
was never known to fail.
Chapped flands can be Cured—Tou
sey's Universal Ointment will always j
cure the worst cases of chapped-hands.
Scores of persons will state this.
Sore Lips Cured.—For the cure of
sore lips, there was never anything
made equal to Tousey's Ointment. It
is sure cure for them. Try it.
It is a scientific compound, warran
ted not to contain any preparation of
la-Trice '25 cents per box. For fur
ther particulars concerning this really
valuable Ointment, the public are refer
red to phamphlets to be had gratis, of
respectable Druggists and Merchants
throughout the United States.
tingdon ; Jas. Clark, Birmingham ; J. R.
Cox, Warriorsmark ; J. S. lsett, Spruce
Creek ; G. H. Steiner, Waterstreet ;
Moore & Swoope, Alexandria; A. & N.
Creswell. Petersburg ; Orlady & Patter
son, Williamsburg; Royer ig• Co.,
Springfield Furnace; M. Thompson,
Duncansville ; J. M. Lindsey, Holli
daysburg ; Jas. Condron, Frankstown.
The Only Effectual Purgative,
cured within the last year
of thefollowingCompluintc_
Headache, Giddiness, — Rhi.un:atisin, Piles, Die
pepsin, Scurvy, Sinai pox, Jaundice, Pains in the
Back, Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart,
Hiving in the Throat, Dropsy, Asthma, Fevers of
all Kinds, Female Complaints, Measles,Stilt Rheum
Heartburn, Worms, Cholera Morin's, Coughs,
Quinsy, Whooping Cough, Consumption, Fits,
Liver Complaint, Erysipelas, Deafness, Itchings of
the Skin, Cutts, Gout, Gravel, Nervous Com
plaints, and a variety of other diseases arising from
impurities of i ha ihood, and obstructions its the or
guns of iigestion. .
Bxperiencehas proved that nearly every disease
originates from Impurities Utile Wood or Derange
mews of the Digestive Organs; and to secure
Health, we must remove Ouse Impu•ities and re
store the blood to its natural state. Therefore,
when the slightest derangement of the system is
indicated by Costiveness, or any other sign, it ad
monishes us that supealuitiesare gathering in the
System, which shou d he immediately removed by
an effectual purging. This fact. as stated, is uni
versally known; but people have such an aversion
to medicine, that. unless the ease urgent, they pre
ferred the disease tothe cure, generally. Since the
tnvention, however, of
Clieketter's Vegetable Purgative Pills,
his objection does not exist, as they are completely
enveloped with a coating of pure while sup.'
(as distinct from the internal ingredients as a nut
shell from the kernel) have no taste of medicine,
and are se easily swallowed as bits of candy.—
Moreover they neither neauseateorgripe in the
slightest degree. They operate equally on all the
diseased parte of the system, instead of confining
thr ingelees to, and racking any particular region,
'Phu., for exatrp e, if the Liter he affecteil,one in
gt 'along will operate on that particular organ, and.
h•t cleansing it of that Excess of Bile it is con
stantly discharging into the stomach, restore it to
its natural state. Another will errata on the
Blood, and remove those impurities which have a&
ready entered into its circulation; while a third
will effectually expel fr m the system whatever im
purities may have been discharged into the stom
ach ; and hence they
- - _
Strike at the Root of Disease,
Remove all In ?ure Humors; open the Fires ea'
lemony and internally ; promote the Inteneible
Perspiration, obviate Flatulency, Heads, he, die.
separate all foreign and obnoxious particles Itt m
the chyle, secure a free end healthy action to the
Heart, Lunge, and Liver, and thereby verdure
health even when all other means have Ailed.
The entire truth of the above can be ascertained
by the trial of a single box ; and their virtues and
so positive and certain in restoring Health 11.1, the
proprietor binds himself to return the money paid
for them in all cases where they do not give'uni•
vereal satisfaction.
Retail Price, 25 cts. per Pox.
Principal office N 0.86 Veary St., New York.
Sold in Harrisburg, by D. Robineorf, Market St.
0- Remember Dr. C. V. Clickener is the invert•
for of Sugar Coated Ville, and that nothing of the
sort was ever heard of until he introduced them in
June, 1843. Purchatters should, therefore, elwsy■
ask for Clickener's Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills,
and take no others, or they will be made the vice
time of a fraud.
tingdon, Jas. Clark, Birmingham, J. R.
Cox, G. H. Steiner, Wateretreet, Moore
& Swope, Alexandria, A. & N. Creswell,
Petersburg, Orlady & Patterson, Wil-
Ifamsburg, Royer & Co., Springfield ..
Furnace, M. Thompson, Duneansville,
J. M. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg, Jas. Con•
dron, Frankstown.
Ask the Sufferer
A S If II Itil A
what has relieved him in such a short time from
hie difficulty of breathing, Cough and suffoca
tion lo will tall you it was the Oh -
ettonian, 01 All Healing Balsam."
Ask the Consumptive what has
allayed his Cough, remo
ved the Pain in his Side and
Chest, checked his night sweats and
placed the rose of health upon his cheek ?
and he vrilltellyou ",tres OLessoirt•a,
Ask your friends if they know of any thing th.:
will so speedily cure a long and tedious ( ough,
Raisin,trof Blood, Bronchitis, Dyspeptic onsump
tion, Hoarseness, Influenza, and disease. of the
Throat,. the Olosaonian° and they will tell v ou
—No. There never yet has been a remedy intro
duced to public notice which has been productive
of so much good in so short a space of time. Heed
the foLowing
WM. BON 13, the celebrated Boston cracker bakers
98 Nassau street,Brooklyn. states thathis wife has
been afflicted with Asthma for 30 years, and could
not find permanent relief from the best medical ad
vice which New York and Brooklyn could produce,
was induced to try this great remedy. She is now
I nearly well. His daughter, who we■ auffering
from the same disease, tried it, and was also cured
by it Mrs. Bond is now so well that site is able
to rise from her bed early in the morning ai d at-
I tend to her usual duties through the day without
any annoyance from her distressing malady.
Hunts, JucKaan, 13th street, near the Catholic
Cemetry, came to the store for the purpose of ob
taining a brittle of the Olosoanian, having been
Afflicted with the Asthma for more than 30 years,
and was so exhausted on hie arrival that he could
notapeak. He purchased a bottle and rode horn..
Four days afterward be walked from his residence
to the office without fatigue, a distance °foyer two
miles, to tell of the wonderful relief which he had
experienced from using about one half of one bol
-1 tle.
Constimplion ofthe Lungs.
Mn.Comrony, 35 White street, was so low in
the month of December last, that he was given up
by his physicien. Hie friends entertained no hope
of his recovery. He was persuaded to try the
Olosaonien and to his surprise it lies so far resto
red hint to health that he is now able to walk about
the street..
Mrs, ATTnits, the wife of Wm. H. Mires,
James Harman, Esq, sod George W. Hays.
can all I,,,rredrirnony from their own en perienee
the healing properties of this Great Remedy in
Consumption of the Lungs.
Mrs. TIM:BOURNE, 352 Monroe street, who
had been troubled for a great length of time by a
severe cough, and raised quantities of Wood, was
relieved by one bottle of the Olosaonion,and declares
it the greatest remedy in the world.
DENNIS Kr.m.y, 26 Water street, was also re
lieved f•om the same complaint, although he was
very much reduced when he commenced teklng it
--having been under the care of his physician du
ring the past winter. Although he coughed con
stantly and was very much troubled with night
meats, wo bottles of the remedy enabled him to
return to his daily work. fle wee entirely relieved.
llnvrnlnlNDEllfiliN, co Leigh! street, George
W. Burnett. formerly of Newark. N. J., Henry
Lisbon, 199 Rivington street, end numerous other
persona have been speedily and permanently cured
of the same complaint by thisremedy.
ingdon ; Jas. Clark, Birmingham ; J. R
Cox, Warriorsmark ; J. S. lsett, Spruce
Creek ; G. H. Steiner, Waterstreet ;
Moore & Swoope, Alexandria; A & N.
Creswell, Petersburg; Orlady & Patter.
son, Williamsburg ; Royer & Co. Spring
. field Furnace ; M. Thompson, Duncans.
ville ; J. FL Lindsey, Hollidaysburg;
Jas. Condron, Frankstown.
Doctor Yourself
• ,
4, .
‘ek, ...t,N„ For Twenty-Five Cents[
41 4 , -N1 By means of the POCKET
o dESCULAPIU e P hysician!_ S,Or,E very
seventeenth hiso
416 7 .? r upwards of One Hundred
Engravings, showing ',Theta
diseases in every shape and
form, and malformations of
the general system, By WM. YOUNG, M. D.
The time has arrived. that persona suffering from
secret disease,need no more become the victims of
Quackery, as by the prescriptions contained in
this book any one may cure himself, without hin
drance to business, or the knowledge of the most
intimate friend, as d with at, tenth the usual ex
pense! Fa addition to the general routine of pri
vate diseases, it ful'y explains the ramie of Men.
hood's early decline. with observations on Manisa*
—besides many other derangements which it would
not be pr..per to enumerate in the public prints.
ccy- Persons residing at any distance from Phil
adeipilia, ran have this book forwarded to them
through the Post Office, on the receipt of twenty
live cents, directed to Dr. William Young, 182
SPRUCE Prtreet, Philadelphia.
Jane VI, GPM