Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 26, 1848, Image 3

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    IF% . . ~ •
Pennsylvania RAilbroad. I Tiffs is A GREAT COUNTRY.--The Area PROCLXAMTION;
The second annual report 91 the Directors of of the U. States is now nearly 4'ooo,- AXTHERE \13,, by precept to me directed, (la
the company gives a very clear and interesting 000 square miles, equal to the support IN ted at Huntingdon, the 20th day of Nov.
exhibit of the condition and prospects of this 1848, under the hand* and emits a the Hon,
of 200,000,000 . of pap lotion, leaving the
great enterprise, from which we cendense the ~ Abraham S. Wileon, President of the Court of
; country lees thickly settled than the 1
following memoranda. Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer and general
The estimated cost of the whole road, graded State of Massachusetts. The (continent , jail delivery of the 20th Judicial district of Penn
for double track, with single track laid, ie. $ 9,- I when enclosed in the arms of the Union, sylrania, composed of the counties of Hunting
-60 000 • and for depots, shops, machinery, lo- 1
will be equal to the support of 500,000- don, Mifflin and Union, and the Hone. dailies
tives and ears, $1,990,000 i makinga gran d Gwin and John mew . alt, his associates,
.judgei of
total of $11,140,000. But, taking advantage, 000. The child may now be born who 1
as is contemplated, of the railroads already in ' will see all this realixpd. the county of Huntingdon, justices assigned, sp.
existence, as a part a the line, A may be rend- ~..._____ , pointed to hear, try, and determine ell and every
Um' available, at the earliest period, for a small , alLititingll). °, indictments and presentments, made or taken for ,
r concealing all crimes, which by the laws of the
ter sum ; which Mr. Thompson, the Engineer,
On the 21st, by the Rev. 11. Heckernmn, Mr. ' Counitonwealth am ma de capital or felonies of
bodiputes, for the road, at $6,520,000 ; for 10-
•,.. 0 ., . ABRAHAM SHOENFELT to Miss biARGE-
death and o th er °none., crimes and mistiemeaaors,
corn otives, ere., at $1 . ,340,000; or a total 01
' 7 RY JOHNSTON, both of Welker township.
860,000. which have been, or shall be committed or perpe
.._ ........,
Of this sum there has been already subscribed -"--"` ------
Crated within said county, or all persona who are
about $5,250,000, leaving the sum of $2, 610,000 DIEU, or shall hereafter be committed or perpetrated, for
still to be raised by subecription. On the night of the 25th inst. of a disease of , crimes aforesaid, I are commanded to make proc
of the two natural sections into which the the brain, THOMAS MONTGOMERY Esq., ' lamaiion throughout may whole bailiwick, that a
road is divided, the one from Harrisburg to the of this borough, aged about 66 year..
, Court of Oyer and Terminer, Quarter Sessions
base of the mountain, the other from the Wes- The deceased was a native of Lancaster coon- and Common Plea., will be held at the Court
tern base of the mountain to Pittsburg, it is es- i . y ...
I studied Law in Lancaster city, and has been ' Howie, iu the borough of Huntingdon, on the 2d
limited that the fi rst mentioned, or eastern sec- •
Bar ' Monday rand 6th day) of January 1849, and
lion,will cost in al!, $4,060,2(10—0f which $l,- a Practising Attorney at the Hunt i ngdon - ' therm who will prosecute the said prisoners, be
063697 has been already expended and $2,035,- for about 36 years. Hs was highly esteemed
then asd there to prosecute them as It shell be
440 are available as funds in hand or instalments by all who knew him for his urbanity and gentle- just, and that all justices; of the peace, coroner,
to be collected, leaving as the amount required manly deportment. i end constables within the said county, bo then
to complete this section, $067,063; while the
estinatted cost of the Western section is $2,451,- , - and there in their proper rersons, nt 10 o'clock
MARKETS. A. M. of said day, with their recorde,inquieiliorte,
218,-fo.rneot which the amount available (ekief- )
ly the Allegheny county subscription and the I PHILADZ,PIIIA, Dec. 21st, 18-18. examinations and remembrances, to do those
additional subscription of the city of Philadel- ! The market under the influence of exceeding- : thing. which to their offices rempectively appertain.
phis,) is so cons.derable as to leave an addition- ly disagreeable weather, is qude inactive, Fleur Dated at Huntingdon , the I.oth day of Nov,
al deficiency, to be hereafter provided fur , of is held at $5 per bbl., at which 2,000 havebeen in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hun
only $355,243; making the total !rum required, sold since yesterday noon. Corn meal and Rye dr,ed and fftiy-Cighi end the 73d year of Amor
beyond present subecrilAione, to open the road 'Flour are dull ;—small sales of the former at , can Independence.
to Pittsburg, $1,322,306. i $2,621—a price generally above the views ofIVA 7'TFIEW CRO wNqVER, Sheriff.
The estimate for gradual increase of machi- the buyers. Wheat is dull; .'eA quote good and 1 .15111:1tIFF'S OFFICE, lien- t .
nery,.cars, &c., is $1,340,000, of which $6OO, prime red at $1,05a1,07. Rye .60a62cts. per I thigiloh, Hee. 19, 1848. f
000 will be required for the ensuing year, to bushel. Further sales of new yellow cornhave
prepare for the trade to Hollidaysburg--North been made at 53a534 cts., weight. Whiskey— , . PROCLANA77ON.
American. IWe quote hhds. at 22e22 ana Uhl.. at 2 lids. , 'CI - THERE AS, by precept to me (Elected by the
1 Niv
Old Zack Sentenced.
The vollowing sentence was voted on the
back of a Whig electoral ticket, in this city on
the 7th. It is too good to be kept in the ballot
box, and begging the voter's pardon, we feel
constrained to make it public.—Rich (la.) Pal.
indicted by the grand jury that assembled in
Philadelphia, for wilfully, resolutely and de
terminedly necking to rule over the United
States. And after a fair, able and impartial in
vestigation of your case, by a jury of the peo
ple, whom you have chosen to try your cause,
you have been found guilty.
It now remains for me to pronounce the sen.
tence of the law. That sentence is :
That you be taken from your residence in
Louisiana, under a strong guard, that you be
transported to the city of Washington, in the
Distract of Columba, and that you there be pla
ced on a chair, provided for the purpose in the
White House, and be confinid for the term of
four years to such labor as your country may
require. And may the Lord have mercy on
your soul I
ARKANSAS COVRTS.—The way they do it.—A
correspondent of the New York Spirit of the
Times, writing from Eldorado, (Ark.) relates
the following:
"R.. H. M., an attorney of high standing at
our bar, being consel in a case then pending,
was called by the Sheriff from the Court House
door three times distinctly—H. H. M. Esq. ;
It. IL M. Esq., ; It• H. M. Esq ; but no ans
wer to either call, and it was impossible to pro
ceed without him. Some inquiry was made by
the Court " in person," when one of the crowd
walked up to the ben , •ll, saying : "Ef you want
him, pertickeler, Judge, he's over at B's play
ing poker." Here was a fix. The Court had
too much respect fur such sport to break up
the came, but could not conveniently adjourn;
so, after reflecting a moment, he very cooly re
marked to his informant, "Go over and play his
hand awhile, and tell him to come into court."
BREACH OF PROMISE.—In the Court of
Common Pleas of Bucks county, last
week, Lydia Moore recovered $1 dama
ges of Howard Stewart, for breach of
montage promise. The parties lived in
Doylestown. Howard had been cour
ting the girl admit !hret months, when
in 1847, on the Tuesday evening before
the election, he mustered courage, ac
cording to the testimony of her sister,.
to speak his mind to the plaintiff in this
wise:—"Now, Lydia, I've come to see
you quite long enough; now I want you
to tell me whether you are going to
marry me or whether you are not." To
which she, as in duty bound, replied,
" Of course, Mr. Stewart, if you think
we can agree." They were to have
been married on the next Monday, and
as " flow,trd's father was to move to the
mill he would take the farm next spring."
But "the course of true love never yet
ran smooth." They were not married on
the next Monday, and short as the time
was, their next interview was not a very
loving bee. The second witness says
"On Tuesday evening, the week after
the election, Lydia met Hownrd outside
of the Methodist church. Lydia . said,
"Mr, Howard Stewart, I want to know
what is the matter with you." He said
"nothing at all is the matter with me."
"Well," says she, " I want to know
what you are going to do, whether you
are going to marry moor not." Says he
"No;" and pushed her away with his
arm - . Says she, "Give me my ring."
Says he, " I am going to keep that."
Lydia must, however, hove been a great
coquette, far a witness for the defence
said he had seen "ten or twelve young
fellows running after her ;" and another
testified as follows- 7 '' saw her and
another girl with 16 men. Four went
in with them—three stood at the door_
the rest over the street."
phia Sun says—this yellow fever con.
earning gold, raging as it now appears,
does not begin to equal the Pottsville
coal mania twenty years ago. We
went to Schuylkill county then with only
a valise containing a single change, ex
pecting to make a fortune, and be back
in a few days. Now people go to Cal
ifornia to stay a year or two, and come
hack millionaires. We were not quite
so successful as we expected to be
though we laid in a stock of experience
which admonishes us not to go to Cal
, Judges of tfreContinoh Pleas Of the corm-
A Profitable Investment. ty of Huntingdon bearing test the 26th day of
44 SHARESOF JUNIATA BRIDGE STOCK. Nov., A. D. 1848. lem commanded to make
Ton undersigned will offer for sale said stock public proclamation throughout my whole baili
wick that a Court of Common Pleas, will be held
at the Court House in Huntingdon, on %%redoes
ut the Court Howie in the borough of Huntingdon
day the 10th January 1849. The terms will be
in the county of Huntingdon, on the 1.1 Monday
made easy, if the money should be secured.
WM. P. ORBISON, (and 15th day) of January, A. D. 1849, for the
Adm'r of Alex. Gwin, dee'd. trial of all issues in said court, which remain wi
pe, 26, 1818. determined before the said judges, when and
where all juror., witnesses and suitors, in the
$5 REWARD. trial of all said issues aro required.
LOST, on Saturday the 16th instant, between Dated at Huntingdon, the 20th day of Nov,
Spruce Creek and Alexandria, a LADY'S A.D. 1949, and the 734 year of American inde-
TIPPET, belonging to Mrs. James Burned pendence.
about eight feet in length of a fox color, with 3/.4TTHE WCR 0 WNO ER,V Sheriff.
two small tails (resembling fox tails) on each SaKIIIFF'S OFFICE, t
end. 'f he above reward will be paid to any per- Huntingdon, Dec. 19, 1488. V
!MI finding and leaving said Tit pelt at the house
of the undersigned, residirg in the borough of REGISTER'S NOTICE.
Huntingdon. JAMES ALLISON.VOTICY. is hereby given to all persona con-
Huntingdon, Dee. 26. 1848. cerned that the following named persons
have settled their accounts in the Register's
Public Sale of Watches. .1 Office at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts
IN pursuance of notice given in June last, the j will be presented for confirmation and allowance
aubscriber will offer for sale a lot of Watches,l at au Orphans' Court to be held at Huntingdon,
at the Exchange in the borough of Huntingdon, i. in and rar the county of Huntingdon, on Wed
on Wednesday the 10th of January le4o. Pei. nesday the 10th day of January next, viz :
sons wi.hing to purcl see Watches, el-ear r r if, a w ' 1. Henry McCracken, James Saxton and Jo-
ever sold in Huntingdon, had letter etti r 4 the aeph McCracken, Executors of William Foster,
sale. Terms Cash. D. late of West township, deceased.
December 26, 1848. I 2. Morris Gutshall, Administrator of John
Gutshall, late of Springfield township, deed.
SHERIFF'S SALES. 3. Jetties Murphy, Administrator of Jane
RY virtue of sundry writs in my hands, I win Jackson, late of West township, dec'd.
sell at the Court House door, in the borough 4. John Hirst, Administrator of Elizabeth
of Huntingdon, on Wednesday the 10th day of Wilson, late of Barren township, dce'd.
January next, the following described property 6. Elijah Morrison, Administrator of Edward
M Hayes, late of Shirley township ,
township of Hopewell, Huntingdon county , con- Guardian of Abraham,
Lydia,Barbara, David, Joel and Joshua Morn
taining one hundred and sixty one acres—about son, minor children of Samuel Morris., dec'd,
one hundred acres of which are cleared and col- M. F. CAMPBELL, Register.
tivated. Said land :adjoins Jacob Remit. Jame. OFFICE,
Entrekin. Jehn .4t eaver and Tuesey's moun- Ifuntingdon, Doc. 8, 1818. V .
fain, and has three apple orchards, one farm homes,
ono log house, one saw mill, a log bank barn, and
blacksmith shop thereon.
Seized and taken In execution, and is ho sold
as the property of John B. VI eaver.
A house and lot of ground situate on Market •
Street in the borough of Huntingdon, bounded
on the east by a lot of Andrew Harrison, on the
WCdt by Cherie., street, extending back from Hill
street two hundred feet to Washington aireet.
:•;eized and taken in execution, and Whir sold
as the property of Henry Hopp
Srmetre's OFFICE, t
IffintirigdOn, Dec. 19, 1849. r:
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of
Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the
County of Huntingdon
The petition of Michael H. Detreich, res
pectfully oheweth : That your petitioner owns
and occupies that well known dwelling house
and premises heretofore occupied by Miss Mary
Sanders, as a tavern stand, situate on Commerce
Street In the borough of Birmingham, near the
location of the Pennsylvanja Rail Road, and be
ing desirous of keeping a house of entertain
ment for the public, has provided himself with
everything convenient and necessary for the
same, prays your Honors to grant him a license
for that purpose. And he will ever pray, &c.
rr HE undersigned offers for rent that valuable We, the undersigned', citizens of the Borough
• farm (being part of a tract of land pnrqha- of Birmingham, in said county, do certify that
tied from the heirs of Henry Swoope,) and ad- the above named petitioner, Michael H. Det
joint lands of the heirs of ElizaSwoope Wharton, role's, is a person of good repute for honesty and
adjoining McConnellstown, lands of Frederick temperance, and well provided with house room
Lissinger, Daniel Buchwalter, and others/ con-' and other conveniences for the accommodation
tanning 1 of Strangers and Travellers, and that in our
opinion said Inn or Tavern in necessary to ac
commodate the public and . entertain : strangers
and travellers.
W.,P. Greets, Silas T. Wilhelm, Thomas Mood,
Jobe Devine, Thos. Devine, Jos. Adams,
William Butts, S. K. Agnew, A. P. Owens,
JOhn J. Wood, A. P. Kinney. W. W. 12iles,
John M'Cullough, Thompson Mettles'.
Dec. 12, ISIS.
205 Acres,
. _
between 14.5 and 150 acres of which are cleared,
and between 45 and 50 acres meadow land—the
balance woodland. On said tract of land is sit
uated a
Grist Mill,
Saw Mill, Dwelling House and rank Darn, and
is about 5 miles from the borough of Hunting-
don and the Penn'a. Railroad and Canal
sons wishing to rent, can obtain any information PennsylVamigt . liailroad COnipttity,
by applying to the undersigned, residing in
Walker township, about 3 miles from the prop- ' Notice is hereby given that the BEI , -
. ' DAVID lIA WN. Lvas per share on the Capital stock of
Dec. 19, 1348. ___ ___ this company is required to be paid on
Administrators' Notice. or before the Ist day of January next ;----
NOTIOE is hereby given that letters of admin. , The eighth instalment of five dollars pe'r
i,,,,,,ii 0n have been granted to the undersign- share on or before the 2d day of March
ed on the estate of Abraham Long, late of ' The ninth instalment of five dollars
Shirley township. Huntingdon county. All per-' per share on or before the Ist day of
sone indebted to said estate are rogue/nett to make
immediate payment, and those having claims or I May, and the tenth instalment of five
demands against the name to present them duty ' dollars per share on or before the Ist day
aathenticated for settlemeni. of July next, at the office of Miles &
BA MUE I. MeV ITTY, Payments will be received of one or
AdminiMant ore. .
more instalments, or the Stock may be
paid in full, at the option of the Stock
holders, and interest will be allowed
from date of payment.
Instalments not paid punctually will
be subject to the penalty of one per
cent per month, as required by law.
Dec. 12, 1848.
Dee. 19, 184 R
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Admin
istration on tir, estate of Jesse Gosnell,
late of Union township, Hunt. co., dee'd, have
been granted to the undersigned. All persons in
debted to said estate are requested to make imme
diate payment, and those having claims or de
mands apinst the same to present them duly as
thenticated for settlement to
Dee. 19, mtg.+
'HE Trust account of George Taylor and
THE Trust accou.,, _
David Black, assignees of Stevens, Snyder,
& Co., late of the borough of Huntingdon, hat;
been filed in the office of the Prothonotary of
the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon
county, and will be presented to the the said
court for confirmation and allowance on the 3d
Monday of January next.
CREMER, Prot'v.
P.c. 15, 104 e.
Auditor's Notice.
To the creditors of, and all persons interested
in, the estate of William Hutchison, late of Dar
ree township, deceased.
The undersigned was appointed an Auditor at
the last term of the Orphans' nun of I hinting
don county, to distribute the assets of said estate,
in the hands of John Henry, acting Executor of
ssid deceased, among the creditors and other per
sons interested. 'I he said creditors and all per
sons interested in said estate are hereby notified,
that I will attend at my office, In Huntingdon, on
Friday the 6th of Januery next, for the purpose
aforesaid. JOHN REED, Auditor.
Ituntingi,nn, Dec. I t , 1915.
Orphans/ Court Sale.
• .1
111 pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Conrt
of Huntingdon county, the undersigned as
Administrator of George W. Thompson, dec'd.,
will aspen to putrlie sale on FRIDA Y the sth
day of JANUARY, 1849, at 10 o'clock A. M.
on the preritial.e, the following described Real
Rotate late of said deceased, viz : A Lot aground
situate in the town of Warriormark in mud couti
ty, fronting on Main Street and extending along
the road leading frOm 11 uhtingdon to Philips-
Inv gto an alley, known as Lot No. 11 in the
plan of said town, and having a house dent other •
buildings:thereon. Also en out Lot adjoinin g
said town, in the township of Warriorsinark in
mild colic ty,contatning five acres. The properly
above described is the same that Dr. Oliver O .
Scott and wife by deeds recorded in the Record-'
er'a Office of amid county in Record Hook C No.
2, page. 133, 4'& 5, conveyed to the said Geo,
W. Thompson.
Terms of Sale :—One half of the -
arns P ,
money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and
the residue in one year thereafter with interest,
to Ile secured by the bond and mortgage of the
Dec. 4, 1848
The undersigned, Assignees of Blair & Mad
den „will sell on the premises, on TUESDAY,
the 2d day of January, 1849, the
'elinda Iron Works,
situate on the AugaWiek Creek in Cromwell
township, Huntingdon county, Ps., and within a ,
few miles of the Penn'a. Canal and Railroad.
The works consist of a charcoal Pumice and
Forge. nearly new and a Saw Mill, all in good or
der, and the usual and necessary houses and
dings attached thereto. Together with about
adjacent to the works, about 70 acres cleated end
in a good state of cultivation, some fifty of which
are now seeded in wittier grain and the 'email
der of the premises is timber and wood land, upon
which some IRON ORE has been found conve
venient to the Furnace. All the t ecessary tools
and tixtUreB for carrying on the works ere on the
bank. To any one wishing to engage in the Iron ,
business, the above tVorks tilTer grdat inducements.
They are located in a healthy and thriving nEfgh
borhood, where labor and materlaM are compara
tively cheap; and good ore, can be bail id
than three miles of the Furnace at from 12} to 25
cts. per tan, and wood leave within the game dis
tance for 10 ets per cord. The A ughwich creek
furnishes ample water power at all seasons of the
If not snhl on said day the works and premises
will be offered for rent; and immediate possession
given if sold vr leased,
At the same time and place, will be told the
..... .
Personal Property,
to wit : Horses and horse gears, wagons, coal and
ore beds, carts, Blacksmith's tools, wheelbarrows,
ore carts, shovels picks, mattocks. firming
potatoes by the bushel, and fifty acres of
wheat in the ground, stoves, ore buckets, ropes
and windlass, furnace tools, ore screens nod Fur
nace scales, lumber of different kinds, and a va
riety of articles too numerous to insert.
Terms made known on day of sale.
Dec.l2, 1848. Assignee.,
Heirs Wanted.
If William Morrison, Thomas Morrison end
Elizabeth Lightner, (formerly Elizabeth Morri
son) will apply to the undersigned they will hear
of something to their advantage.
No. 44 South Front Street, Phila.
nec. 12, 1848.
The following Certificates have re-
PITIBLI:C CALM cently been received.;
. wAanirwrox, D. C., dune 10, 1846.
Av I L r L D I er E ld m a
I l i p o u D bl , i i c ox S t a le . o i n o t t he of 2s g t r h ou tl 6 ay d I ..:
nevingiriada use of the 'Oxygenated Bitters"
situate in Shaffersville, Morris township, Hunt-p repared by Dr. Oen. D. Green. of Windsor ; Vt ,
end from knowledge obtained of their efficacY in
ingilon county, on which is erected a large other cases, we cheerrelfY reco,rnmend them to the
public, believing that they *HT fully sustaiti the
formerly used as a tavern, two tsa- .
recommendation of the Proprietor. We hope
F'; l i
blase, and a store house, and oth er.• ,. r.,..
, lo- that this valuable remedy may he so generally tin,
"building ' This Props" is "'" fused throughout the country that it may be tw
eeted on the turnpike leading from Huntingdon crucible to all the alibied.
to Hollidaysburg, and is a very desirable loca•
ticn for public business. . ..9.olrEt. PLlEr,rs, U. S. Senators from
Attendance will be given and terms of sale , Wm UPHAM, S Vermont.
made known on the day of sale, by the under, IJAATE. 3 F. SIMMONS, U. S. Senator from
signed, ADAM SHAFFER. Rhode Island.
Nov, 28, 1848—ts• "
PETER SHAFFER ' ,J. T. MOREHEAD, U. S. Senator and for;
Orphans' Court Sale.
TN pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
1 Court of Huntingdon county, the undersign
ed as Administrator of Alexander Owin, dee'd.,
will ex pose to public sale at the Court House In
the borough of Huntingdon, in said Couitiy, on
THURSDAY the 28th day of DECEMBER
instant, at 2 o'clock P H. the following descri
bed Real Estaie, late of said deceased, viz: The
undivided third part of a tract of land situate
in Hopewell township in said coanty, Abiding
the Raystown Branch of the Juniata River, and
lands of James Entrekin, containing . 227 acres,
be the same more or teem, shout 10 . 0 of which
aro cleared, having log barn, a log house and a
good orchard thereon, with a well of water at, the
houie; Also a Lot of ground in the said or
ough of Huntingdon on the south west earner of
Allegheny.and Bath streets, No. 11Z in the plan
carotid Borough, having thereon a geed two story
Wick dwelling house and kitchen and other build. ,
trigs thereon, Which Lot is 50 feet in front and
lies between the Penn'a Rail Road as located and
the Penn 9 e canal.
Terms of Sale :---one half of the purchase
money to he paid on the confirmation of the
sale, and the balance in one year thereafter with
interest, to be secured by the bond and mortgage
of the purchaser.
WM. P. ORB [SON, Ad er.
At the same time and place the undercigned
will offer for sale the remaining two-thirds of
the above described tract of land situate in Hope
well township. JAMES GWIN,
Dec. 5, 1848.
It is unneccessary for us to enumerate the
names and prices of our goods, as it is expected
persons wishing to purchase will examine for
themselves. Persons wishing good bargains
will find that this is the place, and if we do not
satisfy you that the goods are the CHEAPEST it
TOWN, we have a small lot you can have
Stray Steer. for taking them away.
rally at Cheap Corner. ,
blic are invited to attend the
("JAME to the residence of the subscriber, resizi
The puthe
kiding in Porter township, Huntingdon county; I JOHN N. PROWELL.
the latter part of August las!, a stray Sleet., about Huntingdon, Nov. 14, 4818.
two years old, with black sides, and white back,
'no ear marks. horns wide apart. The owner will Notice.
Plc.. , coin. forward , Ploy. property, pay charge. THE DEEDS FOR UNSEATED LAND sold in June
and take said steer away. utherwisehe will be die-last, are now ready, and the pqrchasers aro
posed of according to law. I requested to come forward and lift them.
D0c.12, 1848
Perfumes, Hair Oils, Soaps, Shaving Cream, &c. I hereby caution the public against purchasing
A very large lot of Roussell's unrivalled a promisory note given by me to. Robort Myton,
Shaving Cream, &c., just opening at the for twenty-five dollars ($25,00) bearing date
Huntingdon Jewelry Store. It in decidedly the Aug. 26, 1848, as I have never received value
best assortment in town and will be sold very for the same and am determined not to pay it.
cheap. JOSEPH W.l US.
MORE NEW GOODS Broke out in a Nets , Platt VT
Fisher, 111 9 Murtr e A. Co.,
Have just received a further addition to their
Fall and IVinter stork of Goods, consisting of
everything weft)] and ornamental. Shawls of
ail kinds and all prim: Muslin de Lane et 10
cis per yaid ; Calicoes at 3 and 4 cts Muslins,
ilestched and unbleached, at 3 cte, and yard wide
at 8` di; Cashmeres, Gingliams, &c; Water
proof Mid ether Dome for men and boys. Shoes
till kinds, Hidfalo socks, gum shoes, Fin Mo
lasses, iteadY-inadO Clothing. ant. and Caps,
Trunks, Valises, Hlankets, &c., etc., creaper
than ever!
Huntingdon, Dec. ii, 1848.
ou rch one
&c., &c., &c
Mr nxan mix neap THU if you have got
DYMPEPIIIIA or AATIIMA dr tiiiffer from general de
bility, or any complaint restiliffig from derange
ment of the stomach. You wouhl givo a good
deal to get well, woultrnt you? Then just give
a LITTLE, and try Green's Oxygenated Bitters.
Its justtho thing for you. The Doctor discover
ed this medicine only after long and careful study
—to cure a friend too—not to make money out of
Look at the evidence of its efficacy and you
will besaiiiified.
Hon. MYItoN LAWRENCE cured of AsTuarA.
BELCHERTOWN, March 16, 1848.
attEENE—I take great pleasure in inform
ing you of the effects of the medleirie tallg Oi
ygenated Bitters you had the kindness to send
me. For some twenty years I find suffered se
verely from humored Asthma. I was compelled
to sit up one third of the night, without going to
bed at all ; and the rest of the time my sleep was
interrupted by violent fits of coughing and great
difficulty of breathing. In all my attendance
upon our courts I never went to bed in Northamp
ton in twenty years but twice, rind then wits com
pelled to get up. Now I lie in bed without difli
cultY, and sleep, roundly. I took your medicine
accor,ling to directiohs. The violent symptoms
immediately abated. and' perseverance in the use
I of the remedy ha's removed all its troublesome
consequences. The value of such a remedy is
incalculable, and I hope its virtues nine be wide•
iy diffused and its benificent agentY extensively
Respectfully youth,
CAnt.tai.c, Pa. June 10, 1848
Mc.arc Collier & Bra,
Gentleman—ln reply to your note an to the
effect of the Oxygenated Bitters in my. case. I
would say; that I have been afflicted with Dyspep
sia about nix years, and have tried many known
remedies, but obtained no relief. until a friend
recommended the Oxygenated Bitters. • • • •
I wee finally induced to procure two bottler of
you, and I had not taken half a bottle before I
felt its effects upon my system end after the use
of the second bottle, I found myself in a state of
health as unexpected as it was gratifying. 'Co
the afflicted I have no hesitation in recommend
ing the Bitters, as superior to any medicine I
hare ever heard of for the cure of Dyspepsia.
Very Respectfully yours,
merly Governor of Kentucky
L. H. AnNorm, Xember of Congress and
formerly Governor of R. I.
Wrnl. WOODBRIDGE, U. S. Seeator and
formerly Governor of alielligan.
M. L. MAXTIN; Delegate in Cortgress from
Wisconsin Territory.
From the lion. SOLOMON FooT, Member of Con
gress from Vermont.
Ga EV( & FLETCIfER, General Agents, No. 28,
South Slxth St, Philadelphia.
Sold wholesale and retail by THOMAS READ Sr
8,,5; utftingdOs,.Pa.
August 15 MS.
JOHNNY" in the field again, with
the largest, prettiest and cheapest stock of goods
ever offered to the public in this section of the
country. Our stock of dress goods is complete
and staple goods in abundance. We have also
a large assortment of
Oct. 31, 1818
woult! respectfully inform all creation—everyaiing
on two log., that eats—and his numerous lrirtitls
in particular, that he has again rd in a w
p'acC, ilex! dt , :ot Id T. Renil and Non's store, an
0.6111,551 T
where he is prepared to preen torOetc nil u I I'mpf
favor him with their custom with superior ..t.ierti.
nen" and
,fixin'a, et ell times.
His new clued is fitted up enperfnre" to ee
commodate Ladies and geolerm n. The old
Captain" therefore hopes that his friends of Loth
116XPS will txfend to him a liberal
aiii.ays on hand.
Nov. 11, 1848
AT mr.
The undersigned taZe.gtent pleasure,
in announcing to the ptilAiC that, after it
considerable amount of labor and ex
pense, they have succeeded in opening
the most splendidly furnished and coin
fortable . .
between Philadelphiti.and Pittsburg, ku
the basement of SNARE'S ROW,
Huntingdon, immediately opposite the
Grand Bazar" where they will be plea
sed to see all who may be kind enough
to give them a call.
they have, on this occasion, as well
as all others . had an eye single to the in
terests of the Indies in furnishing
apartment expressly for their fair friends
Give us a call ladi4s and gentlemen,
arid examine the different apartments,
for yourselves, and if you are. not sat ,-
istied you can "take our hats."
They have also a fine lot of Confec,
tionary &c., which will be sold low.
Huntingdon, Oct. 31, 1648.
J. A. 11)01(LE & A. M. WILT.
Respectfully informs the Ladies and Genilmrn
of Huntingdon and its vicinity, that they have
opened a Daguerrian Gallery at the C't Henan
where with no improved epparatus and material.
of the Lest quality they are prepared to execute
Daguerreotype LikenesseN.
of all sixes, in a sty le unsurpr aced by any Mlle;
Artiste in the country. Their likenesses a e war
ranted not to fade, and their bright lira-like expres
sion is one of their peculiar characteristics of beau
Family grottpa taken in o splendid Ft) le, and
M moderate prices , . Likeneseea of el,ildrrn (as,
ycang as two years,) taken in the handtmeftest
Miniatures, and Paintings of aII kinds copied
mi nistuies mode t i.ittout 'crud to tie %%rafter,
from 8 o'clock, A. 1\1..10, 5 P. M.
O:7.As their sta . ) , will he limited, those wishing
to get a good likenese, would do well to call .011
and have their t::herrovr caught, ere the sub
stance fsdee,"
inatrUction given at moderate riled,
Huntingdon, Nov. I I, tS
Invite the attention of .%e citizens of lTsntizg
don and .persons visiting this Once during the
present Court to their immense stock of
Jewelry, and Fancy Articles
just reeeiQed at their store in Alnnarr &mom,
one &or cast of the Exchange Hotel. They
will sell •
Pull jewelled Gold Levers, 18 Carot, hunting
case, for $6O 00
', gold levers, 18 carot, single case, 30 00 .
Gold Lepine, finest quality, 25 00'
Silver Levers, from $l2 io' , lo 00
Lepinos 8' to 15 00'
', Verge Watches 1, to 10 00
Eight day brass Clocks 0. to 6 00
30 hour ', ". 11 to 4 0
Accordeons, 1 to 18 00
Gold Pencils, 1 50' to 6' 00
Pen's, . 1 00 to 2 50
gold. Miniature Frames. 4 00 to 10.00
4111 kinds of Jewelry 20 per colt lower than
We ere thankful for patronage heretofore re
ceived, and would solicit all persons desifous Of
purchasing any thing in our line to give us a'
N. IL Clocks, Watches and Jpwelry repair
ed and warranted.
Huntingdon, Nov. 1 4, 1848
If you want to got the wot th a your mom" the
frui f rom
where you will find the largest, hest, and chomp•
est a4sortin'ent of floods, that the town can pro
duce; and that, too, at such low prices that all
who kaurch'ase are fully satisfied t let our motto
is true," A quick Six-pence is better than a slow
Huntingdon, Oct. 17, 1848.
J. $: W. SAXTON.
inform the public that they hive teeei/ed s
splendid and extensive asiortinedt df
all kinds of
:which they nte determined to Fell at price. to
cult ALL. They invite the public to call and ex.
mime their (Awl..
Iluniingilon, Nov. t S4B'.