THE JOU It_N AL NOARSCT P1L171C1P145.-.4UPPORTED BY TRUTIL) HUNTINGDON, TUESDAY, DEC. 19, 1043. Hoover's Ink. HOOVER'S SUPERIOR WRITING INK Mt sale at this office. Appointments by the Governor. The following appointments by the Executive for Philadelphia city and county, hey,: been an nounced. Flour Inspector—Wm. Heilman, N. 1,1b,, r , ties. Inspector of rurk-wfm. Ayres, Si tr i ng C ur . dca. Inspectors of Dorneetic Spit. at—Samuel R Kramer, John Killon. laspcctor:of :Vatted Pro eisions—Daviti Brad. Icy. . .9ssile, of Weight: oibi Mcas, re —John Stree. Quarantine :donor—Capt. .Tohn IT. Cheney. Port Physician—Dr. Wm. Henry. Lrzarcrto Physician—Dr. James S. Rich. He d.9e Officer—George P. Little Superin!eadtnt Powder Magazine—George Iloßock. Cleric of Orphans' Court—Jacob Broom, 03?" It trill be seen by a card in another col- lie, or admit a truth, that will make against limn, that the Washingtonians intend trying his party. tie reverses the forcible expression their hand again at reforming those addicted to of Jefferson, and has adopted as his motto— a too free use of the ardent. We hope to see a Trutk is never dangerous when falsehood is general attonitnee at the meeting on Monday , left free to combat it." evening next. In dismissing this subject, we will simply re- To be Deprecated. mark, that our charges against certain Locofo- We observe in one or two quarters, a disposi- . cos of trying to coerce poor men, under their lion to excite to disorganization among the control, to vote against Gen. Taylor arc true— Whigs of the coming Legislature, in the event both parties here know them to be true; the of a distinguished gentleman, named in co , editor of the Globe himself knows them to be ton with the office of U. S. Senator, receiving true—awl in our own good time, we shall give the mein nomination. This is to he tiereca- : the evidence of their truth to the world. It is therefore a matter of utter indifference to us, ted. We have a preference, among the gentle- , men named for that exalted post, but if our fa- i what the editor of the Globe may say through vorite fails to receive a regular Whig noinina- the "loom. , of his paper. Lion in cancel, we desire to sue his successful Treasury Report. competitor elected. We deem unity of action The annual report of the Secretary of the among the friends of correct principles, vastly Treasury is about the length of the President's morn important than the mere elevation of any Message, and chiefly occupied with a labored individual. Auy one of the gentlemen who defence of the anti-protective policy. have been put forward by their friends for C. i Not one person in a thousand will read the re- S. Senator, would do honor to Pennsylvania, port, and of those who do, scarcely one in a and ably defend her true interests. And we do thousand will think his trouble repaid. not admit our favorite to be a whit behind any . . kll the Walkers and Polka in creation can't of his competitors in point of ability as a prac persuade the producing classes of America that tical Legislator—indeed we consider him supe- they will be benighted by reducing the tax on rior to some of them. We therefore hope to foreign importations. The common sense of see all hintsst disorganization promptly frowned every man tells him that if there is no tax on down, by all who desire to see good fruits flow foreign goods, the American manufacturer must from the recent Whig triumphs. We believe sell his goods as cheaply as the foreigner or in the intelligence and integrity of the Taylor not at all; and if he sells as cheaply, he must man of the coming session of the Legislature, produce as cheaply—the end being, that the and have full confidence in their ability to se- American working man must be content with leet a proper representative for Pennsylvania , the wages paid the European. in the Senate of the United State,. i Mr. Walker repeats the thousand-times refil -1 ta d arguments . The Collectorship at Philadelphia. and exploded fallacies of the Immediately after the recent glorious triumphs free trade theorists as Ovely as though they of the People of Pennsylvania, the Whig press, were now for the first time broached. His corn with scArcelyan exception, expressed its thanks placency is at least amusing. to the Hon. A. Hauser, Chairman of the State Central Committee, for the important aid reit. 'rise Penn 6 Railroad: dared by him in bringing about those victories. A publication appeared in one of the papers And many of them expressed a hope, that Mr. this place last week, of a moat incendiary R. would not be forgotten when the distribution character. The writer indirectly recommends of favors came to be made. We join in ex- the burning of the bridges of the Pa. Railroad, pressing the lime hope. And without knowing should the company owning said road refuse to anything of his own diewa, we would respee• pay the demands of certain citizens residing in 1 Allegheny street, in this borough, through fully suggest Mon. A. RAMSLY, as a proper per which said road passes. This is a monstrous eon to fill the office of Collector of the Port of Philadelphia. doctrine to be promulged in a civilized and law- We know of no man who would make a het- abiding community, and should be frowned dove n ter or more energetic officer, or whose appoint- by every good citizen. The last , points out a meat would give more satisfaction to the Tay remedy to every man damaged by the construe tor men of Pennsylvania. Mr. Rinser is a lion of the Pa. Railroad. And if the agents of man in the prime of life, having a general ac- said company refuse to such persons justice, quaintance with till the active men of Pennsyl they can appeal to the law. It is true that the vania. From an humble origin, he rose by, property located on Allegheny street is ecnne dint of the most persevering industry, and rare what differently situated from land through natural abilities, to rank among the best prat- which the railroad runs. On account of the tical business men of the State. He has filled deep cut in one portion of said street, and the filling several important public stations with markedlling up in another, property is undoubtedly very much damaged consequentially, and the ability. He acted as Clerk to the House of Representatives during the session of 1810, and law points cut no remedy. But we do know, gave universal satisfaction to both parties. Ile that the agents of the company, notwithetand represented the Dauphin district in Congress ing, have compromised in a liberal manner, with for four years, to the general satisfaction of his several of the property holders in said street; aIC constituents. His appointment, we feel well and we have no doubt they will do so With assured, would give great satisfaction not only who make reasonable demands. This is the to the political friends of Gen. Tesler, but to course the company should pursue. Honesty the People generally, of all parties. , and fair dealing demands it. No man ' s property I should be injured by the road, without his being ARRIVAL EXTRAORDINARY. I remunerated therefor. And if the company Paymaster Burns, U. 8. A author of the pursues a fair course of conduct, we think we “Leonidas" Letter, and principal witness for can safely assure them, that all attempts at de- Jas. K. Polk, General Gideon J. Pillow, & Co., stroying their property, by those who deeire to who attempted by Itis.thood and calumny to dim exact more money than they have sustained the laurels that encircle the brow of the greatest , damage, will be promptly arrested by the strong living General of the age, Mermen Score; the arm of the Law. Good citizens are as much same who several respectable officers testified bound to aid in protecting the rights of compa they would not believe on Isis oath I—arrived in nies, as they are those of individuals Huntingdon on Sunday morning lest, accompani by ene Clerk. May hie stay be brief, The Shakers. woo not organised. The locofocos continued in A company professing to represent the She- possession of the Hall of the House, refusing king Quakers, in singing, dancing, whirling, Sic. all otters from the Whigs to compromise the performed in this place on Saturday evening difficulties. last. Although we received a free ticket, truth Polk% Message. compels us to say, that the peiformanee was a Hon. A. H. Stevens, of Ga., made a speech humbug; and we would advise the Ladies and before the Rough and Ready Club of Washing gentlemen of the company to engage in some ton, on Thursday evening, in which he made b2tter employment as rooll as possible. the following good hit at the President's hies QT This wectki Globe will contain part 2d • €.4.: of the romance entitled, State of the Coon- "He was struck with the remark of a friend n it; the el i l lou n tie, ll while the elaborate and ill-timed, try"—by K. Polk. We have no doubt the readers of the Globe will be highly gratified at read by the ill-tempe r ed Some e document said Mr. Polk receiving this important work et so carly a day.. like a lawyer arguing a case alter it is decided. . T ll) said he w e whom nt my t r ,e you a l l k a i lt a a n know, (er . he heard ' " Mr. iolla c:if The editor of the Globe says he prefers me a good supply of Purl," to furnishing his of in Vermont, who, upon being iZimanded by readers with extra" messages. From the the Judge fur speaking after the judgment of the Court was pronounced, replied that he was editorials of the Globe, one would suppose the editor to eery partial to everviliinz ;,!hc cuuc again, but only Hacked Otit. In pronouncing our charge false, that Loco- ' fucoa attempted to coerce poor men to vote against Taylor at the last election, the Globe, two weeks ago, gave us the following challenge : " Neighbor ) we have pronounced your asser tions falaerand must continue to do so 'until you furnish the evidence upon which Vbti founded the charges. If you do not desi:re "to drag the names of private citisena beforethe public," we are willing you should have an opportunity to oiler your evidence in presence of five or more, men of honor, and they to decide Our ver acity. What say you ?,, We accepted the r:nallenge thus thrown out, named five honorable men, and suggested h titrie and place of meeting. At the time and place appointed the committee met, together with Lewis of the Globe, and ourself. We then Pr4osed at once to offer proof to sustain the Charges which we had made. Mr. Lewis oh ! jectcd, unless we would permit him to change the terms of Isis challenge. This we refused to do, and Mr. Lewis withdrew, without hear ' ing our evidence. We then exhibited to the committee our proof, and they unanimously declared, that the charges which we made were fully warranted by the farts. But as Mr. Lewis had backed out from his challenge, we did not ask the committee to make any report on the case. From the whole conduct of our neighbor in this afuir , it was evident to our mind that he intended to continue charging us with false hood, let the evidence be as it would. He ap- pears to act on the principle never to retract a Ohio Legislature• Up to the latest dates, the Ohio Legislature Shivery in the Territories, We see no good or sufficient reason says the Lancaster Tribune, why this questionsheuld nut be settled at the present session. It has id ready ceased to be a practical question. Slave ry can never be introduced into either Califor nia or New Mexico. The people of both these territories are universally and uncompi omising ly opposed to ity and give expression to their hostility through the medium of the press, at their public meetings and and in vations other ways. The people of California go so far as to say that, rather than tolerate Slavery alndngst them, they will declare their Indepen dence of the United States. The people of New Mexico, emigrants and others, hold the same sentiments. We verily believe that the intro duction, under laws of Congress, of slaves into California and New Mexico will cost us one, if not both of these territories. Nine-tenths, or a still greater portion of the people of the Slave holding States regard Slave ry as an evil Why, then, seek to extend and perpetuate that evil 1 Why inflict upon New States what is regarded as an evil wherever it now exists 1 What right, constitutional, social or moral, have we to extend the area of Slave ry 1 It strikes us as most unreasonable that the South, while condemning as an evil the ser vitude established in their midst, should yet in sist upon its extension elsewhere. We abide by the Constitution of the United States—we seek not to disturb its compromises. With the internal affairs of the Slave States we would not interfere. We regard Slavery, as it now exists in the Southern members of our Confed eracy, as a gigantic evil, but as one which has been entailed upon the present generation by their forefathers and by the policy of Great Britain, and for the introcuctmn of which they are not responsible. But against its further propagation—atinst the enlargement of its do mains under the flag of the Republic—against its legalization by Congress on one foot of soil where it does not now exist,—we do most sol emnly and religiously protest. THE CHOLERA. -The Hon. R. J. Walker, Secre tary of the Treasury, has published a long ac count of his experience during the Cholera sea son of 1832. Not only did he attend on the sick, and administer remedies with his own hands, but he himself was attacked with the epidemic. He was under the advice of Dr. Cartwright, of Natchez, whose practice Was as follows : 1. To watch the first symptoms of the dis ease and administer the proper remedies with out a moments delay. 2. To administer for.h with after the first symptoms a dose composed of ten grains of camphor, twenty grains of cal omel, to be taken in powder, if practicable; if not ; in pills. 3. As soon as the dose was swal lowed, to strip the patient and rub him gently but effectually with some stimulating ointment, by as many hands as could have convenient ac cess, the rubbing to be continued so as not to occasion fatigue until the medicine produced its ' proper effect. Under this system, of eighty-seven persons attacked by the disease in one neighborhood, only two deaths occurred ! This is the most, convincing evidence that could be desired of the curative virtues of any medinine. The distin guished man who pledges his name and fame in support of the facts stated, deserves the grati tude of his fellow citizens for publishing them so promptly. Reduction of Postage. Mr. Goggin, a member of the Post office corn. mittee, has given notice of his intention to in troduce a bill in Congress, to reduce the rate of Murder and arrest of the Murderer. postage on letters and newspapers.—The bill of I An aged and respectable citizen of Adams Mr. Goggin will contain the following provis- county, named AAR. FOSTER , was brutally sions, viz : ± murdered in his own dwelling,near Arendstown, • •- • • Sec. 1. For all letters, (any distance) of half ! ' in the latter part of November. Several billets an ounce or less, uniform postage of 3 cents, to of wood were scattered over his room, besmear- be pre-paid on depositing it in office, and ". ed with blood and hair,—the bed clothes And double that rate for each half ounce or fraction thereof, ; floor saturated with blood—leading to inferences Sec. 2. On all newspapers over 1900 square ' that a violent struggle hail taken place before I inches, for all distffnces, the uniforin rate of one • the murderer accomplished hisurp ose : A I of bloody p ' cent. On all such papers over 500 and under vessel water was also found in the 1900 square inches, the uniform rate of half a ' cent; under 500 square inches, one fourth of a kitchen, in which the villain had no doubt sub cent, which shall be paid by the publishers or ' sequently washed his hands from the stains of subscribers in advance for each quarter of the, blood. Mr. Foster was a tailor by trade, a year. I bachelor, and lived altogether alone. Secs 3. Printed or lithographed circulars, handbills, &c., sent from the office where print- i A man named FREDERICK SMITH, a German, ed, to pay one cent. I was arrested at Reading on Wednesday last, Sec. 4. When not sent from office such cir- charged with the murder of Mr. Foster, and culars, &c., to pay 2 cents-=so of transient newspapers. 1 ' under circumstances which leave little room Sec. 5. All pamphlets, magazines, periodi- ; for doubt as to his guilt. We learn from the call, &c., to pay 2 cents, of no greater weight Journal that a deed for the property of the mar than one ounce, and one cent additional for each I tiered man, and several articles of clothing, were . half ounce or fraction. llfound in his possession, stained with blood. It Thin is better than the present system, but ' appears that Smith worked in the neighborhood does not go quite far enough. We trust that Letter of Gen. Cava tt. Ill•. Clay. the bill Of Mr. Goggin wilt be so amended as to where the murder was committed some four Dstaorr, April 14, 18'25. ' restore the years ago, and on the night the murder is sup provision which authoriied newspa- I Dear Sir t-1 have j.t finished the perusal Pere to circulate free of postage within the posed to have been committed, he inquired the of your masterly address to your late constit. county in which they are printed. 1 way at a house near by, where his voice was ents, and I cannot Tefrain from expressing to you the high satisfaction it has allordeel rue. It recognized by one of the inmates. He seas at once suspected of the murder and pursuit im- . I ,,, s .hic l i rl i v a m ve pli b a c n e t n r i e ,r f o ut p a t g i a o t n e :s i f i l e t . i , i p e ,e s t i i l , e ,,, s t l h a e n t o rs . mediately made. At York it was ascertained tiers of your conduct ' in the peculiar eircum that a man answering his description had for- stances in which you were recently placed.— warded a bag directed to Reading by one of the You may safely commit your character to the transportation. iIDeS. The certificate of owner- j Pi l uly ine ss n 'ill cif iw Y t i) f u ail c t i O u :s t v7rTl a y n o ' u n f d iirl f justice. ship from the forwarding house at York, through I must ask your indulgence for this almst in ' which the bag was to be forwarded to Reading, voluntary tribute to your claims and services. I is the wich our aeal was obtained from a fellow-prisoner of Smith So strong . has made upon me, impression h y that I cannot restrain pp tins after he had been committed to jail. The bag expression of my feelings. was subsequently obtained, and in it were found With warm regard, 1 two ready-made Vests, a piece of Cassinet, a I am, dear sir, sincerely yours, 1 Tweed Coat, a Cloth Coat, ready cut, with LEWIS Cass. It is intimated that Mr. Clay will be a Mem buttons, trimmings, and the measures of the individual for whom it was intended—precisely , ber of the Kentucky Convention for reforming such articles as the murdered man (who was a 1 the constitution, to provide for the gradual abo -1 tailor) might be supposed to have had at his ! lition of slavery being one of the contemplated house, and which were doubtless stolen on the objects. I night of the murder. Taking all these things I -"- SLAVE STRALING.—On Tuesday night last, ' , in connection, the evidence, though altogether 1 a man by the name of Richard Flannegan, was i I circumstantial, is strong proof of guilt. He , caught in the act of stealing three slaves, a man will be taken to Adams county for trial. and two women, belonging to this place. He 1:17" The following resolution - wee adopted at had hired two hacks, put the slaves in them, a recent , t jellifteationn of the friends of Gen- and attempted to cross the bridge about 12 eral Taylor, at Waynesburg, Greene county : o'clock at night. He was stopped, and commit- Resolved, That as Whigs of Greene county, ted to jail. We learn that in person and name we hereby tender our heartiest thanks to those he answers exactly the description given of .a leaders of the Locofoco party who were sue- mats in a Proclamation, issued by the Governor cessful in procuring the resignation of Gov. ' of Ohio, a short time since, offering a reward Suess, thereby securing to the ma Keystone a , good Whig Governor, in the person of w m. E. 1 of $5OO for the apprehension of a mart charged JOIINSTON, for the next three years. : with murder.—No.46llc llritig, illt east. • The Globe editor makes a sorry attempt at wit last week, in speaking of our remark that if the U. S. Senate made faetious resist ance to the will of the people who elected Gen. Taylor, they would be made feel their power in good time. That John C. Calhoun, Daniel Stnrgeotx and other great democratic lights! should be considered vulgar enough to bow to the will of the People, is considered by the frothy writer for the Globe amusingly ridiculous. So thought ten cent Buchanan, another great federal despiser of popular will, when misrep resenting the interests of Pennsylvania in Polk's cabinet ; but the People of Pennsylvania, dem onstrated to him at the last election, that much as he feigned to despise them, they still possess ed the power, and the manliness to use it, to drive him into merited obscurity. It might so happen with Sturgeon, and the other great, men spoken of by the Globe. Congress. In the House, on Monday last, Dr. Eckert, of this State, offered a resolution instructing the Committee of Ways and Means to report a tar iff hill to the House for its consideration, based upon the principles of the tariff of 1812. Upon the final passage of this resolution the yeas and nays were ordered, and it passed in the affirma tive; yeas 06, nays Pd. Nothing eta of interest has transpired, British Violations of the American Flag. a 7 About the most just, and at the same The following paragraph from the Balk/tors time the most withering, rebuke to the faction grits shows that the violations of the American ids of South Carolina, who arc attempting to Flag are countenanced if not sanctioned by Mr. Polk and th e present National Administration revive the old nullification feeline, Lithe follow ' in which we find in the “Joneaboroughnig," —the friends and atithori of the British Tariff AT • (sennessee.) It seems that the disorgarnzers of 18 , 16 j: 'of that State have addressed a Circular to the Stanciitso AMERICAN Vsseicts..-A letter of ; . the 2d inst., from Hon. James Buchanan, in re- i Editors of Southern papers requesting their co ply to earnest inquiries from M. T. Gibbons, an , operation in the new Nullificationschente. Wm. ' Irish adopted citizen of New York, shows that ~ G. Brownlow, Editor of the Jonesborough no official notice has yet been taken by the U. S. i Whi g' t h us replyB : Government of the late ransacking of American . . . ..... vessels by British authorities in search of sup posed •, sympathising" naturalized citizens. The I " 1 regard Mr. Calhoun,. your lender,' reason assigned is that no specific complaint has as a corrupt politician, and it dangerous • been brought to the notice of the department. The fact that but few of our consuls, whose du tygloriousregard •itis to lay all such matters before our gov- Union . I -• ' insince re in all , ernment, are American oitizeni, may account his pretended concern for the South, 1 for this in a measure. and the peculiar Institutions of the The above article from the Son of the 7th South. The lending politicians of the inst., we commend to the notice of our Irish dominant party in your State, I regard naturalized citizens, to the friends of National as a band of Nullifiers and disorgani• Independence and Equal Rights upon the high zers, who, with all their cheap professions seas ; and especially to all who desire to see ev , lof chivalry, and ,their affected disdain of ; ery nation pay due respect to the Flag of our ! the alleged selfishness of the Fr.e States, , country. I are as time serving and office-seeking as 1 1 We would also call the attention of the Peo- : any set of politicians within the range ) pie to the feet that our consul at Liverpool, the of my observation. And a belief on the i very place where our Flag has thus been repeat- 1 port of Mr. Calhoun, that Cass would ! edly and grossly violated by the English author- be elected, in connection with his jam . ities, is no less a personage than Gen. Robert dinate desirc.for office, induced him to ' Armstrong, of Tennessee, the special favorite order his undertrappers in your Legis! of Gen. Jackson, who appointed him to sundry lattice to vote for Cass. 'fat offices, some of which he held down to the I And now gentlemen, look at the post time Mr. Polk appointed him Consul to Liver-Iti" your State occupies! Side by side • pool, an office worth at least TEN THOUSAND 1 you stand, with the ilbolitionists of Ohio DOLLARS A YEAR—a sum sufficientto make lndiana, a Locofoco office-holder totally indifferent to , Indiana, and Illinois! Arm and arm I is South Carolina, with the Hartford I the sufferings of his fellow countrymen, whet:- Convention Federalists of New Hamp-1 I shire !—Hand in hand, you are, with the i er naturalized citizens or Native Americans. Mr. Buchanan's reply that " no specific ea . - 1 Repudiators of Illinois ! " Cheek by " plaint" hail been made to the State Depart- ; joie, you are marshalled among the I ment of the violation of our Flag by the Brit: Murderers and Thieves of Texas ! What a mixture ! %t hat political associations! ish, joined with the assertion of the Editors of the Sc,,, that— , The fact that but few of our ;For my part I never intend to be associ i Consuls, whose duty it is to lay all such mat- i nted with a party which expects, needs, ! tees before our Government, are American rill is.-en s," may account in a measure for this fla- .or seeks favors of South Carolina ! I regard your proposition for a Con grant outrage upon our National Flag, is wor. ~! vention of Slave-holding States, togeth thy of the attention of the people, and particu- er with an expressed determination ".to I resist at all hazards," what you are larly of the supporters of the Locofoco Free ; Trad Monarchical party in these United pleased to style "the aggressions ressions of the States. e, i Free Soil Factions," as a revolutionary I i movement, having for its object the dis- , GREAT Thrones CASE. -The case of Pierce throw it back upon you with of solution of this Union, Rad. feelingsas such, 1 ..1 Butler vs Frances Kemble Butler, in which the indignation and contempt. plaintiff sues for a divorce, week before last was argued before the Court of Common Pleas principles,—and, will ever be found true I am st Southern man, with Southern of Philadelphia, by Hon. George M. Dallas and Mr. Cadwallader for the libellant, and Ham should consent to be led to a S n ou e t v h i e l r i n io i n n r t , erests, unless the South, Rufus Choate and Wm. M. Meredith, Esq., for by John Cataline Calhoun, whom Gen. Mrs. Butler. The case excited unusual IMO- Jac k son , sought to bang for treason and . eat in the public mind, and attracted large rebellion, during his Presidential reign ! crowds to the Court room. It is unnecessary ,to say it was handled with great ability. The In conclusion, gentlemen, my advice ground alleged for a divorce was " wilful, ma ! .. s . . ban present, is, to a . to . you, and the citizens of South Caro lina , whom you re 1 , and continued desertion," for a longer I, period than two years, in violation of the Act of Assembly. The evidence was very VOIUMi- don your mad schemes of Nulli fi cation and Disunion, and to submit, as quiet and peaceable citizens, to the Laws and nous, anal exhibits a series of extraordinary do- Constitution of your country. In obe : mestic difficulties anal long continued miliappi- dience to the injunctions of Holy Writ, liens, rendering their situation peculiarly em- " obey them that have rule over you," ' barrassin. and distressing. Mrs. B. alleges an d ~ be at peace among yourselves." I that her desertion was not maliciousand wilful, If Gen. Taylor is the man I take him to but the unavoidable consequence of her has- be, and you urge your treasonous band's treatment of her. The argument was schemes of Disunion, he will carry out closed on the lot inst.; since which time the the measure Gen, taclison set on foot Court have held the case under advisement. among' Ytiu---41tviii trig Gotne of your leaders, and Subdue the rest of you at the point of the bayonet. He will send among you that same sterling Whig. WINDIELD SCOTT, at the head of our reg ulars, who made his appearance in the Harbor of Charleston, in 1832, under orders from Andrew Jackson ! I am, gentleman, With great respect, &c., W. G BROWNLO W. South Carolina Nullification Mu. ADAMS ASD Mr. Cr.ay.The following voluntary expression of just feeling in relation to the old charge of collusion between Messrs. Adams and Clay, was dbtained from the latter during the recent canvass, and is now published, having been withheld until it could be produced without suspicion of personal motive. Let the partizans of the writer, who have pursued Mr. Clay for a quarter of a century with the vilest abuse on this subject, read this full and explicit testimony of the ',utter whom they so profess to honor and resit:et, and blush for their con duct : General Taylorim 9i iiwtli~p, We take the following from the N. 0. Delta; We learn that Gen. TaylOr has sent in his res ignation as Major General commanding the Wes tern Division of our army, end that it Will take effect after the Ist of Febrirary next. It is,a remarkable coincidence, that the late order of the War Department to Gen. Taylor, in relation to the transfer of Gen. Twiggs from his post on the Rio Grande to the cernmand lately filled by Gen. Kearney, at St. Louis, Was dated 7th No. Vember, the day upon which the people ordered the General to prepare to assume, on the , ith of March next, the office of President. 17 — The names of the Private Soldiers who distinguished themselves in the late war with 'Mexico, have at length been officially annouri ted. A list numbering several hundred, luis been published in the Government paper. They are to receive certificates of merit, and (what is better) two dollars extra per month, from the date of their gallant services, until they leave the army. A reward well earned, and worthily . bestUweil I ENCOFRAGING eon Vidit.uosi.—The Richmond (Vu.) Southerner, says It is not generally known, yet it is nevertheless ttne, that two thirds of the , people of this state ate open and undisguised advocates for abolishing Slavery— and after the year 1850, when the census is ta ken, their views will be.embodied in such ft manner as to startle the South. Our info;nia.: tion from It enitickeY and Tennessee induces us to believe that a similar state of feeling exitts' in those States. The Cholera. The rumored eiistence of the Cholera on out shores should induce every precaution to guard against it. It is held by the best authnrities to be neither contagious nor infectioiis; tici purely . epidemic, and early preventive means should, therefore, be adopted.—lt is important that all streets, alleys, sewers &c. be thoroughly clean sed and purified, and that tl.e use of arch lit spir its be abstained from. GEN. Ili. l BILADY.-The Detroit Advertiser; of Dec. 1, says that Gen. Hugh Brady, the Lon 7 ored and war-worn soldier, has been stripped of his command, by the locofoco Administration. The reason alleged,—because he exercised the rights of a freeman and supported Gen, Taylor. A public . meeting is called in Detroit by the indignant citizens. Wosnsuri7r. ParinucT.—F. I'. Blair, Esq.,' states in the Doily Globe that his Silver Spring farm in Montgomery county, Md., actually now produces eighteen barrels of corn to the acre— or 90 bushels. lie acknowledges his indebted ness for this result to Mr. E. Stableeri process of renovating worn out lands. It isKenttteyy"s boast to excel all others in this crop, and there 10 barrels of corn to the acre is a fair average yield. Itlelaucholly Col. Lor Iftvis, brother of Gen. Janice Irvin of Centre county, committed suicide at his resi.; deuce in Mercer county, a short time since, by hanging himself. The deceased was well and favorably known to many of our citizens. no cause has been assigned for this rash act. MURDER OF THE REV. DANIEL BAKER. —The Rev. W. W. Hill, of Louisville,• has received a letter conveying the sad intelligence that Rev. Daniel Baker, who has been laboring as a missionary, un der the care of the Presbyterian Board of Missions for some months past, in Texas, was murdered in cold blood by the Comanche Indians, on 116 way from San Antonio de Hexer to Victoria. Ho was also see Iped by the Savages. The . some band had killed about twenty per sons in the vicinity n few days previot.s to his death. The Courier says he was one of the most extensively known, la borious, useful and generally beloved ministers of the Presbyterian Church, having labored in protracted meetings in nearly all the states and Territories of the Union. He was for n number of years pastor of a flourishing church in Washington city. Callforaila Gold. lhe California gold fever ►s raging in' all parts of the Union with undiminish , ed fart•. Specimens of the ore recently received from California, have been sent from the war department to the mint at Philadelphia, in order that its quality may be tested; and if genuine, worked up in the medals ordered to be strucx for the officers who were engaged in the Mexican war. It is stated that eight vessels are lon ding nt New York, four at Baltimore,. and four nt Philadelphia; making six= teen in all, for California—taking out riot only the necessary articles of eon- - sumption, but even the luxuries of eas tern civilization. Tits GOLD MINES of California were first discovered by the Jesuits, about the middle of the last century. The Jesuits , concealed their discovery from the Gov ernment, and the suspicion that they had done so perhaps had something to do with their expulsion from Mexico. In 1769, Don Jose G'alvez, Marquis of Son ora, undertook an expedition into Cal ifornia to ascertain the truth of the re , ports respecting the gold, " in the riv ers, in the soil, and in the rocks." He . Was accompanied by the celebrated Don Miguel Jose de Arenza, who, discour aged by the fruitless .search of a few weeks, recommended the abandonment of the enterprise, and for contending that the Marquis was insane for proceed ing, was thrown into prison, where lie remained several months. Nothing at all satisfactory, however, appears to have resulted from the search of Galvez; though the Jesuits afterwards disclosed, in Spain and in France, that the charges 'of discovery and concealtpent made against them, wore true.