Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 12, 1848, Image 4

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    WHAT 18 A itilit.
the following postscript df a letter 16 the ed ,
Jr of the lEnickerbockst, is one df the richest
pocimens of fun and huntdr lee have met with
a a Mg time
P. S.—Whoopl hurrah! light upon
the world again! Where are you my
fine editor I tlid 1 ever talk to dust and
ishei 1 Oh sir, I died multitudinous
ly. Every , muscle, every nerve, that
did'nt try to strangle me in that utter
ithce, lied. No sir, let me tell ye that
its a treat world I glorious, magnificent;
ti World that cant be beat. Talk of the
Star, and a better world, but don't invite
me there yet. Oh, no, this morning is
quite too beautiful to leave, and besides
I had rather stay, if only to thank .God
a little longer for this glorious light,
pure air, that can echo heck my loudest
hurrah. And then, my boy—but hav'nt
I told you '1 Why, sir, I've got n boy,
—a boy i—ba, ha, I shout it to yon---A
BOY, fourteen pounds, and the mother
a great deal better than can be expect
ed. And ;I say, Mr. Editor, it's mine!—
hurrah and hallelujah forever ! Oh, sir,
such legs, such arms, and such a head !
end oh, he has his mother's lips I could
kiss them forever, sod then, sir, look
at his feet, his hands, his chin, his eyes,
his everything, in ftvzt —so ‘. perfectly
0. K." Give me joy, sir; you need'ist
either, I'm full Low—l run over and
they say that--1 run over several old
women, half killed the mother, pulled
the doctor by the nose, and upset a'poth
ecry's shop ih the corner; and then
did'nt I ring the tea bell 1 Did'nt I blow
the born I Did'ut I dance, shout, laugh
end cry altogether I The women said
:!iey had to tie me up.—l can't believe
that, but who is going to shut up when
he has n live baby 1 You should have
heard his lungs, sir, at the first mouth.
f,..1 of fresh air—such a burst! A little
tune in his voice, but not pail—excess
of joy, sir, from too great sensation,—
the air bath was too sudden, you know.
- Think of all this beautiful machinery
starting off at fall motion, all his thou
sand Outside fellers answering to the
touch of the cool air—and that curio..s
Contrivance the eye, looking out wond
erdly and bewilderdly upon the great
world, so glorious and dazzling to his
unknown perception, his net work nerves
his wheels and pulleys, his air pumps
and valves, his engines and reservoir,
sod all within that beautiful fountain,
with its jets and running streams dash
ing and coursing through the length and
breadth, without a stint or pause, ma
king altogether, sir, fourteen pounds.
lam this day multiplied with two. I
am a duplicate. lam one of an indefi
nite series, and there Is my continua
tion. And you observe, it is not a block
or a blockhead, nor a painting, nor a
bust s nor a fragment of anything how
ever beautiful—but a combination of all
the arts and sciences in one--painting,
sculpture, mechanics, (see him kick)
geography and the use of the glohc3 !
(see him nurse,) and with all he is a
perpetual motion, a time piece that never
runs down. And who wound it up ?
But words, sir, are words.
A GENTLII HINT.--A country I ar..on
who was not over•promptly paid by his
parishioners, on entering the church one
Sabbath morning, met one of the most
wealthy of his flock, and asked the loan
of a dollar.
"Certainly," said the roan, at the 1;11(110
time handing over the coin.
Dominie put it into his pocket and
preached his sermon in a most capital
style, and on coming down, handed the
identical dollar to the loan from wl.oin
he borrowed it.
" Why," exclaimed the lender,
have not used the money at all."
"It has been of great service to me,
nevertheless," replied the parson ;
always preach so much better when I
have money in my pocket."
The hint was taken, and the balance
of his salary was gut together on the
following day.
BUCKWHEAT CAKES.—The following
instructions about sue of the must deli-'
Mous of our domestic dainties will be
acceptable, if they are all right, We i
however, will not hold ourselves respon
sible for the spoiled cakes:
"The g:ddie on which buckwheat
cakes are baked should never be touched'
11.41 hp-case. Firstly, because it imparts
a rancid taste to the cakes. Secondly,
if a cooking stove be used, it fills the
kitchen, if not the whole house with the
smell of burnt grease—to say nothing
of the parade, and boasting to one's neigh
bors, by betraying what we are to have
for breakfast. Wash the griddle with
hot soap suds, scour with dry sand, and
when heated for use, rub it well with a
spoonful of fine salt and a coarse cloth ;
it will then be ready to receive the cakes.
After each cake is removed, the salt rub
bing must be repeated. If the first does
not succeed, try it again, and you will
ever after follow the advice of an old
rr Dan Marble tells a story about a
Yankee tailor, who was dunning a man
for the amount of his bill. The man
said he " was sorry, very sorry, very
sorry indeed, that he couldn't pay it."
Well," said the other, " I took you
for a man that would be sorry, but if you
are sorrier than I am, then I'll quit,"
" Sonny dear," raid a fond mother, "you
have got a dirty face." " Well mother,"
replied the hopeful, " I belong to the
!We Soil Party.
Clothing for Men and Boys.
Has received at his old Stand in Main Street,
Huntingdon, a new, and large assortment of
of all sizes to suit men and boys, consisting of
the most fashionable Drees Coats, Pantaloons
and Vests, made of the best and finest Cleats,
Cassimeres, and Classiness. And an equal as
sortment of plain and substantial materials,
suited for the every day bOsitiess of all classes.
lie has a Tint ASSORTDIMIT of every size and
kind, and he will sell
as Cheap as the Cheapest.
He only wants a small living profit; and he in
vites all who wish to purchase to see his goods,
before purchasing elsewhere.
'rayloring is his trade, and he knows what he
says when he says he can and will accommodate
all who call, on termsto suit. He also continues
and has an defensive assortment of Cloths, Cas
sinter. Cassinetts and Vesting's, which he will
sell and make up to suit any and every body,
cheap and well. He in determined to leave
No Room ter Grumbling!
The undersigned announces to the citizens o
Huntingdon County, that he has just opened in
the borough of LEWISTOWN, a new HAT
IMANUFACTORY, where he is pre
pared to make every variety of Hats in
use, out of the beat materials, such as
WWOl,,&c. The business of manufacturing is
conducted by and under his awn personal super
vision, and hie long experience in the business in
the best establishments of the country warrants
hint in guaranteeing to all who may purchase
from him good enbstential and highly finished
work. .
Our Omish fri nds shall nut be forgotten in the
efforts we shell put forth to meet the wants of the out line of business, anti he will
;nti really to answer their calls at prices that must
and all other. who may desire to purchase lint.,
his establishment affords superior inducements,
both as regards quality and price, which shall he
of such a character as to I , are no room for grum
bling. We the efore incite everybody, of every
distinction of party or sect. to call and examine
our stock; which is Ills In gest and best aveortedone
fist hes ever been introduced here.
Ilan of my manufacture can he had
nt retail at tho oture of WM. STEWART, in
Huntingdon Uoroug It.
Lewistown, Sept. 26,1E48.
& J. n. now
Ao. 63 Aorila Third Street,
One 'low above Arch, east wide,
P rift DELPHIA ,
Ntanufacturers & Wholesale Dealers in al I kind.
of Browns, Brushes, Buckets, Cedar Ware.—
Willow and French Baskets, Shoe and Wall
Brushea,Sc• übs, Dusters, Mats, 'Blacking, East
arnsmatle Wooden-ware of ever• deaeription,&c.
&c., at the 'Dwelt market prices.
March 7.'48
Executors' Notice.
NoTIcE is hereby given that letimtestamen
tary hove been wanted to the undersigned, on
the estate of John Shaffer, late of Morris town
ship. deceased. Persons knowing themselves in
debted will come forward and make payment, and
nil those having claims will present them duly au
thenticated forsettlement.
Morris township. Nov. 8, 1848--Gt.
Fa niters, Look Here!
Mansfield's Patent Clover-Hulling
ri` I i t E w a ,
t u f t,: r t i h b i e s r n
CLOy g E p ß u r
HULL I h N e
G P aLe n A t
CHINE, fur Huntingdon county, now oflere it
to the public throughout the county, feeling aa
• ured that it hart not its equal in the United States.
It roil! shell, with a cylinder only 22 inches long
and it; in diameter, from
30 to 40 Bushels per Day !
with four horse power, end is warranted lush&
clean and nut to break the aced. .% number of
farmers who have tried it are willing to testify
that it hss actual y shelled
The object of the undersigned is to put up e
machine wherever desired, and todispose of town
ship rights. Person's, therefore, who wish to en
gage in the business and MAKE NONE r, can see
the machihe thoroughly toped by calling on the
undersigned residing near MANOR HILL, Bar
ren township. Huntingdon county. Individual or
township rights will be disposed of oh the most
reasonable terms.
All persons are respectfully invited to witness
a trial of said Machine.
Near Manor Hill. Hunt. Co., l'a .
Oct. 24, 1848-3 m.
Wooden Ware.
SUCH as Tubs, buckets, barrel churns,
atmospheric churns, wash boards.
Also, Cloche baskets, hand•baskets, trav
elling baskets, &c., &c., for sale by
Boots and Shoes.
THE largest, finest and best assort
' merit of Boots and Shoes, ever
brought to town, for sale by
rrHE greatest variety of Groceries,
I Queensware and Hardware ever of
fered to the citizens .of Huntingdon
county, for sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
A SPLENDID assortment of Ameri
can Cottage, Cast Iron, Air Tight,
Parlor, Coal and wood Stoves, Russia
Iron Stoves, Fancy 6 Plate, Parlor Radi
ators, &c., &c., for bale by
✓ Webs assorts d Prints just arrived sad for
0 pull 'r.) , J. & SAXTON.
Nos. 32 and 33 Arcade, and Eli North Third Bt.,
COUNTRY Merchants can save from 10 to 15
per cent by purchasing at the above stores
By importing my own goods, paying but little
rent, and living economically, it is plain 1 can un
dersell those who purchase their goods heft, pity
high rents, and live like prances.
Constantly on hind. a large assortment of Pen
and Pocket Knives, Scissors and Razors. Table
Knives and Forks, in Ivory, Stag, Buffalo, Bone
and Wood handles; Carver. and Forks, Steels,
ice. Butcher Knives, Dirks, Bowie Knives, Re.
volting and Plsin Pistols, dcc. Just received, a
large stock of Rodgers and Wostenhohn's fine
Pen and Congress Knives.
Also, a large assortment of Accordeons, &e.,
&c. Also, Fine English Twist and German
-- -
Cromelian & tirollser,
No. It, Walnut Street, Philadelphia,
Wine, Liquor and General Commission
- -
.111 erc h ants
AATINE'S, Brandies, Gin, and Champaigne of
Ili different brands imported direct, and so'd on
accommodating terms to Country Dealers. Qual
ities and proof of Liquors wrrranted.
Philadelphia, June 20, 1848.
The subscriber is forced once more to call
upon his friends and patrons and ask them to
come and pay off their accounts• Necessity
alone induces him to call upon them again at
present, and necessity alone does dictate him to
hand over to the proper officer all accounts, that
may remain unpaid or unsettled by the lst day
of February 1819 for collection.
Oct. 20th 18.18. J. B. LUDEN
aD UEi
TS hereby given to all persons interested, that
I_ the Trust account of Joshua Greenland and
Caleb Swoope, Assignees of Dr. Jacob M. Corer,
late of Cass township, has been filed in the office
of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common
Pleas of Huntingdon county, and that the same
will be presented to the acid Court on the second
Monday of November next, for confirmation and
Oct. 17, 1849
2134 M.K. STILEET,
Drugs and Medicines.
Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye Stuffs, Varnishes, &c.,
&c. Also, Patent Medicines, Medicine
Chests, Surgical & Obstetrical Instru
ments, Chemical Tests, &c. &c.
per' Orders from Country Merchants or Phy
sicians, by letter or otherwise, attended to
Sept 19,1848-Gm.
Great Rrehrelion in PrirCK.
Have just received direct from the Eastern Meth
and are now opening a splendid assortment of
consisting of every variety of
ID R 0 0
Suited to Ladies and Gentlemen's wear, including
Cloths. Cassimers, Sattinetts, Vestings, Silks, Sat
ins, A Ipachaa , Cashmeres, De Laines,Plaids,Hom
bazines, Ginghams, alieues, Checks, Shawls,&c.
We have also a handsome assortment of
They would also invite attention totheirstock o
Sugars-5, 6 and 8 cents per pound—
Molasses, from 37i to 40 cents per
gallon ; and every other article usually
kept in a Grocery Store, at equally
low prices.
Boots, Shoes, lists and Caps,
Hardware and Cutlery, l hina, Glass and Queens•
we re,Drugs, Medicines. Dye Stuffs, &c.
All of which will be sold at very reduced prices.
The Ladies and Gentlemen are requested to call
and examine these Goods, as they cannot fail to
please all both es regards style and price.
in the store room formerly occupied by Jacob
Miller, opposite the residence of Judge Gwiri;
Du. All kinds of Country Produce ta-
I ken in exchange for goods. [Sept. 26.
Ladles and Gentlemen !
Always consulting the desires of the votaries of
f shion, mote and comfort,
' has the pleasure of informing tho Ladies and
Gentlemen of Ifuntingdon—and throughout the
county—that he has just returned from the East
with a large and moat choice selection of East
ern work of the latest fashion of Ladies Gaiters,
Kid, Morocco and
ill Calf Skin Shoes—
and Gaiters, also
't did*. II unt , ers' Boots, and
Boys Boots end
Shoes. and Misses
and Childrens'Gai-
ten and dhoee.
Mr. Westbrook does nut deem it necessary to
enumerate, particularly, the large stock which
he now has on hand, but respectfully solicits an
immediate call by all who wish to consult fash-
ion comfort and economy, at his extensive Store
• few doors west of the Post Office. His prices
ore unusually low, and to exit the moat economi
cal purchaser.
He also continues the manufacture of Boots,
Shoes, and every article in his line of businese,
which Its will warrant equal to any in the State
for neatness, and workmanship.
gall, one and all, and suit yourselves.
Huntingdon, Oct. 17, 1848.
Sohn Scott, jr.,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, iluiitingdon, Pa.—
Has removed hi. office to the middle room o•
Snare'. Row,"directly opposite Fisher fit M'Mur
trie'sstore, where he will attend with promptness
and fidelity to all business with which he may be
entrustedin Huntingdon orthe adjoiningcountie
Phe ANGLO-SAXONS have comeagain in the
can afford to sell 10 per cent. lower than ever.
The stock consists of Coats, Pants, Vests and
Monkey Jacket'', of all sorts, colours and shades.
Kept. 12, 1848.
R. C. Maim.
The Alexandria
H A ilp b a e : l e n d
t leanede.bcyu
the c subscribers, of l l ar e
lion. in superior style (one of them being a prac
tical moulder of long experience) and on the loor ,
eat and moat accommodating terma.
Castings for Forges, Rolling Mills,
Water pipes, Grist and Saw Mills,
Threshing Machines, and all other hinds
of machinery which may be ordered will
be furnished on the shortest notice.
Stoves of various sizes will be constantly
kept on hand for both wood and coal.
We have lately procured a
Cooking Stove
of two different sizes, which for conve
nience and excellence they will warrant
to surpass the celebrated "Queen of the
West" and " Hathaway" stoves, the for
mer of which we are also prepared to
supply. .9/so, Coal Cooking Stoves,
Parlor and Chamber stoves of the most
elegant patterns.
Honow Irare,
Such as Pots, Wash Kettles, &c. Ploughs of
such variety that all may be suited. Carriage and
Waggon boxes from the smallest to the largest,
sled and sleigh soles, and in fine any and every
thing in our line of business can be had tmmedi•
ately, or at the shortest notice.
Old metal and country produce taken
in exchange
" Encourage your Own"
Cabinet Blare Manataclor3,
Muin Street, Huntingdon, l'u
AITOULD avail themselves of this method of
V V informing their friends and the public at
large that they continue to carry on the
business, at their — old stand, ono door east the
dwelling ho.use of J. G. Niles, Esq., and directly
opposite the l'rinting Office of the •• Huntingdon
Journal," where they will he pleased to furnish
those who may favor them with their custom, with
all articles in their lino on the most reasonable
terms. Having supplied themse , yes with a very
lorge and superior stock of stuff, they have no
hesitation to assuring the Public that they can
furnish work, which, for cheapness, beauty and
durability ,cannot be surpassed by any other shop
in the county.
They will keep constantly on hand. and make
to order,
Card Tables, Bedsteads, Centre Tables,
Cupboards, Stands, Dough Troughs,
Wash Stands, Wardrobes, Secretaries,
Breakfast Tables, Pedestals, &c.
Old furniture repaired at the very ahorteat no•
tice. C °err as made and funerals attended, either
in town or country, at the shortest notice. They
keep a Warne for the accomtnodotion of their cus
Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange
for furniture and work.
Thankfulfor the very liberal patronage heretofore
extended to them, they assure the public that no
efforts will be spared on their part lo deserve a con
tinuanceand increase of public patronage.
may 2, 1848-tf.
they particulars concerning this really 1
Ve4eCable Universal rills,
valuable Ointment, the public are refer.,
The onl y known Medicine that at the same red to pliamphlets to be had gratis, of 1
time purges, pue
art es and strengthens respectable Druggists and Merchants
throughout the United States.
th sy
LoanoN,July 7,1846.
DR. LE !WY'S Pills area new medicine which
tingdon ; Jas. Clark, Birmingham ; J. R.
has just appeared,and is fast taking the places I Cox, Warriorsmark ; J. S. lsett, Spruce
of all others of the same clans. These pills are Creek ; G. H. Steiner. Waterstreet ;
composed of litany ingredients, but the two princi- Moore & Swoope, Alexandria ; A. & N.
Val odes are Sarsaparilla and Wild C harry ,so uni- Creswell. Petersburg; Orlady & Patter.
ted that they act together; the one through it
' son , Williamsburg ; Royer k Co.,
admixture with other substances, purifying and
purging; while the other is strengthening the sys- Springfield Furnace ; M. Thompson,
tem. Thu. those pill,' are at the lame time tonic ; Duncansville ; J. M. Lindsey, Holli.
and opening; a desideratum long and eagerly i daysburg ; Jas. Condron, Frankatown
sought for by medical men, but never before dial
coiered. In other words they do the work of two '
medicines, and do it much better than arty tart tvb i
kndw of; fur they remove nothing from the system
but the impurities; so that while they purge they
strengthen; and hence they cause no debilitation,
and are follevvod by no reaction. Dr. Le Roy'S
pills have a wonderful influence on the blood; they
not only purify without weakening it, but they re.
more all noxious particles from the chyle befoieit
is converted into fluid, and thus make impure
blood an utter impossibility. As there is no debit.
itation,so there is no nausea or sickness attending
the operations of this most excellent of medicines
which never strains or tortures the digeative rune.
tions,buteause. thorn to work in a perfectly natur-
al manner; and hence persons taking than do not
become pale and emaciated, but the contrary ; for
while it is the property of the Sarsaparilla, united
as it is with other ingredients, to remove all that is
foreign and impure, it is equally the property of
the Wild Cherry to retain all that is natural and
sound; and hence a robust state of health is the
certain result of their united operations.
rPrice 25 Centx per BOX.
AGENTS.—T. Read do Son, Swoope & Af.
. .
rice, Huntingdon; W. W. Buchanan, Milliki.
and Kaasier,Mill.ercek; ti. Hatfield & Son,Juni•
ate Iron Works. Porter & If ticher, Moore &
Bwoope, H. C. Walker, Alexandria; G. H.Bteiner
Waterstreet. [Aug. 31,'47.
Washington Gallery of Daguerrotypes,
No. 234 North Seeond Street, N. W. corner of
Ca&whin Street,
T - T HE Likenesses taken and beautifully colored
at this well known establishment, for on DOL
LAR, are universally conceded to be %mut. in ev
ery respect to A/VT in the city. Picture. taken
equally well in cloudy and clear weather. A
large assortment of MILDALLIONB and Locerrs
on hand, from $2 to $5, including the picture.
The truhaeriber. respectfully invite the citizens
of Huntingdon County, to call and examine spe
cimens of the latest improvements in the art of
Daguerreotyping, which will be exhibited cheer
I fully end without charge
Jeafy; 4 1545
T 7 &. J. C. TENNENT
Burns, Scalds and all kinds of Inflamed
sores cured.
MENT, is the most complete
Burn Antidote ever known. It instant
ly (and as if by Magic,) stops pains of
the most desperate Burns and Scalds,
For old sores, bruises, cuts and sprains I
&c., on man or beast, it is the best ap
that can be made. Thousands i
have tried, and thousands praise it. It 1
is the most perfect master of pain es--;
er discovered. All , who use, recoin- I
mend it. None can tell how soon I
some of the family will need it. I
tl;7 Observe each box of the gonuine ;
Ointment has the name of S. 'I niszy
written on the outside label. To imitate!
this is forgery.
Boatmen, Livery niem Farmers, and
all who use horses, will find this Oint
ment the very best thing they can use
for collar galls, scratches, kicks, &c.
&c. &c., on their animals. Surely, cc-
ery merciful man would keep his ;mi.
mals as free from pain as possible.—
Tousey's Universal Ointment is all that
is required. Try it.
! Bites of Insects.—For the sting or bite
of poisonous insects, Tousey's Oint-1
moat is Unrivalled. Hundreds have;
tried and found it good.
Piles Cured! —For the Piles, Tou
sey's Universal Ointment is one of the i
best Remedies that can be applied. All i
who have tried it for the Piles recom
mend it.
Old Sores Cured.—For old, obstinate
sores, there is nothing equal to Tou
sey's Ointment. A person in Manlius
had for a number of years, a sore leg :
I that baffled the skill of the doctors.--- '
ITousey's Ointment was recommended
by one of the visiting physicians, (who
knew its first virtues,) and two boxes
produced more benefit than the patient
had received from any and all previous '
' remedies. Let all try it.
' Burns and Scalds Cured.—Thousands 1
of cases of burns and scalds, in all parts
of the country, have been cured by
Tousey's Universal Ointment. Corti
ficates enough can be had to fill the,
whole of this sheet.
Violent Bruises. Cured.—Testimonials
on testimonials, in favor of Tousey's
Ointment for curing bruises, have been
offered the proprietors. Hundres in
Syracus will certify to its great merits
in relieving the pain of the most severe
bruise. All persons should try it.
I Scald Head Cured.—Sures or cases of
scald head have been cured by Tousey's
Ointment. Try it—it seldom fails.
Salt Rheum Cured.—Of all the rem
edies ever discovered for this most dis- '
I agreeable complaint, 'limey's Univer.
!sal Ointment is the most complete. It
I was never known to fail.
Chapped Hands can be Cured.—Tou
soy's Universal Ointment will always
! cure the worst cases of chapped-hands.
' Scores of persons will state this.
ISore Lips Cured.—For the cure of
sore lips, there was never anything
made equal to Tousey's Ointment. It
is sure cure for them. Try it.
It is a scientific compound, warran
ted not to contain any preparation of
Q--Trice 25 cents per box. For fur
The Only Effectual Purgative,
can+dOithth the Nat year
of the following Complaints:
Headache, Giddiness, Rheumatism, Piles. 15-
pepsia, Scurvy, Smut pox, Jaundice, Pains in the,
, Hack, Inward Weakness, Pulpitaticiti of the Heart,
Rising in the Throat, Dropsy, Asthma, Fevers of
allkinds, Female Complaints, Measles, Salt Rheum
Heartburn, Worms, Cholera Minims. Coughs,
Quinsy, Whooping Cough, Consumption, Fib,
Liver Complaint, Erysipelas, Deafness, Itchings of
• the Skin, Colds, Gout, Gravel, Nervous Com
plaints, and a variety of other diseases arising front
, impurities of the hood, and obstructions in the or
gans of digestion,
Experience has probed that nearly every disease
originatesfrom Impurities of the Blood or Derange•
monis of the Digestive Organs; and to sedate
Health , we must remove those Impulties and re.
More the blood to its natural state. Therefore,
when the slightest derangement of the system is
I indicated by Costiveness, or any other sign, it ad
, ' Montilla us that superfluities aro gatheting in the
Systein,which should be immediately removed by
an effectual purging. This fact, as stated, is uni
versally known; but people have such an coercion
to medicine, that, unless the case urgent, they pre
ferred thedieease tothe cure, generally. Since the
nvention, however, of
Clickener's Vegetable Purgative Pills,
this objection does not exist, as they are completely
enveloped with a coating of pure white sugar
(as distinct from the internal ingredients se a nut
shell from the kernel) have no taste of medicine,
and are as easily swallowed as bits of candy.—
Moreover they neither neauseate or gripe in the
slightest degree. They operate equally on all the
diseased parts of the system, instead of confining
themselves to, and racking any particular region,
Thus, for example, if the Liver be affected,one in
gredient will operate on that particular organ, and.
by cleansing it of that Excess of Bile it is con
staidly discharging into the stomach, restore it to
its natural state. A nether will operate on the
Blood, and remove thou imputitiea vt.hirli have at ,
ready entered into its circulation; while a :Mil
will effectually expel fr, m the system whatever int. ,
purities may have been discharged into the at( et •
ach ; and hence they
Strike at the Root of disease • il l
Remove all fix pure Humors; open the por ,
ternally and intarnally ; promote the Inftfisibtl
Perspitation, obviate Flatulency, Head/idle, 4.e.s
aeputate rill foreign and obnoxious particles Irrsp
the chyle, secure a free and health, action to the
Heart, Lungs, and Liver, and thereby redeye
health even when all Whir ?mans hate faded.
The entire truth of the above can be ascertain(
by the trial of a single box ; and their virtues are
so positive and certain in restoring Health that, the
proprietor binds himself to return the money 1014
for them in all cases Where they do not give tni•
versa' satisfaction.
Retail Price, 25 eta. per 3lez
Principal office No. 66 Vette) Si., New Totk .
Sold in Harrisburg, by D. Robinson, blarket St.
c - Remember Dr. C. V. Clickener is tilt invert.
tor of Sugar Coated l'ills, and that nothing of 11 e
sort was ever heard of until lie introduced lb( rn is
June. 1843. Purchasers should, therefore, alas) it
ask for Clickener's Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills,
and take no others, ur they will be rustle the sic ,
tiros of a fraud.
tingdon, Jas. Clark, Birthinghum, J. R.
Cox, G. H. Steiner, Waterstreet, Aloora
& Swope, Alexandria, A. & N. Creswelld
Petersburg, Orlady & Patterson, Wil.
liamsburg, Royer & Co., Springfield
Furnace, M. Thompson, Duncansville,
J. M. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg, Jas. Con.
dron, Frankstown.
Ask the Sufferer
A s'l'l MA
what has relieved hint in such a short time (rem
hie difficulty of breathing, Cough Iltid plagues
tint; 1 Ho will tell you it was the 01, .
saonian, or All Healing Bahian."
Aelt ihe Consumptive whet flee
allayed his Cough, remo
ved the Pain in hie fide end
Chest, checked his night sweats
placed the rose of health upon his chef 1
and he willtellyou .. SII Are. ot.rsaoat♦n
AA your friends if they know Many thin, ant
will so speedily cure le !ring and tedioies (
Raising of Blood, Bronchitir•Dyrprptic ( camp y
tion, Hoorneness, Influenza, di • el tl e
Throat,. the Olosaonion "i and they will tell y r tr
—No. There never yet he► been a retrudy
&iced to public notice which has been pre heti, e
of on much good in no abort a space of tin` ii. riled
due fol owing
Wx.BoND, the celebrated Boston cracker baker,
99 Nassau street, rookl)n. gates that hit wife has
been afflicted with Asthma for 30 year., and
not find permanent relief from the beat rot dir al ad
vice which New York and Brooklyn could produce.
was induced to try this great re metly. t• be in new
nearly well. His daughter, who wan suffering
from the same disease, tried it, snd 'oar elro ttllitl
by it. Mrs. llond is now so well that she is ab
to rise from her bed early in the morning u d at
tend to her usual duties through the dey withour
any annoyance from her distressing malady.
H E ,, n y JAesso,r, 13th street, near the Catholie
Cemetry, came to the slut, for the purpose of otr.
taining a bottle of tire Olososnian, having been
Afflicted with the Asthma for more than no year,.
and was so exhausted on his arrival that he entitri
not speak. He purchased a bottle and ride hi ti e.
Four days afterward he walked from his reeidi nee
to the office without fatigue, a di: nner of user two
miles, to tell of the wonderful relief whir It he bed
expo. kneed from using about one half of ellf bet.
, tie-
Consumption oftlit• Er logo
Mn.ConronT, 35 White (:fusel, was r() It w Itl
the month of December Isla, that he .a 6 si,rn sp
by his physician. His friends entertariml no hurt.
of his recovery. He was penmaded to try ri.o
Oloaaonian and to hit surprise it he. so far resto
red him to health that he in no. able to .011, et vt.t
the 'streets.
. Mrs, ATM., the wife of W tn. H. Amer..
James Harman, Esq, and George SS. lines, Esq.,
can all bear testimony from their own es peril me 0
the healing properties of this Great Re mer' 3 , in
Consumption of the Lungs.
SinMogi Blood
!q rs . Timesousse, 352 Monroe street,
had been troubled for a great length of time by
severe cough, and raised quantities of blood, ase
' relieved by one bottle of the Olossonion,end dt c Iwo
It the greatest remedy in the world.
DE;,S KELLY, 26 Water slice!, was also re
liov4el Porn the same complaint, although he was
very much reduced when he commenced taking it
--having been under the care of his physician du
ring the past winter. Although he rougand roe
( stantly and was very much troubled win, night
1 sweats, Iwo bottles of the remedy entail d him to
• tetUrn to his daily work. Ile was entirely relit val.
DAVID Iit:NM:AMON, 60 Laight street. GI °rye
NA'. Burnett. formerly of Newark, Pi. J., Hefty
r.tvhon, 199 Rivington street, and owner( ut other
persons have been ape. dily and permanently ren d
of the same coMplaint by tbisremedy.
ingdon ; Jas. Clark, I 3 irmingharn ; J.
Cox, Warriorsmark ; J. S. Isett, Spruce
Creek ; G. H. Steiner, Waterstreet ;
Moore & Swoope, Alexandria ; A &
Crestvell, Petersburg • %lady &Patter
, son,. Williamsburg ; lioyer & Co. Spring
field Purnace ; M. Thompson, Duncan's.
ville ; J. H. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg ,)
• Jas. Condron, Frankstown.
Doctor Toonelt
For Twenty-Five Cetite i.
I . S ; ißy means of the POCKET
v \—..) i
, 4 : , , up ov w e a n r t d e i en o th f
o E n d e iti ti on a ,
' . \,7 , : ii '' 0 I ): re .
~, . -IS C h U i
. L . A . p . I U p ld h , y o i. r c , i E . : lir a .
./.., Engravings, i.howing privets
disco.. in every. shape and
form, and malfoimations of
n * dred h
the general system, By WM. YOUNG, M.D.
The amebas arrived, that persons suffering from
secret disease,necd no more become the victims of
Quackery, as by the prescriptions contained in
this book any one may cure himself, without hin
drance to business, or the knowledge of the most
intimate friend, and with one tenth the usual ex
pense! In addition to the general routine of pri
vate diseases, it fully explains the cause of Nan
hood's early decline, with obeervatione on Manisa.
—besides many other derangements which it would
not be proper to enumerate in the public prints.
ccy• Persons residing at any dist Lice from Phil
adeiphia, can have this book forwarded to them
through the Poet Office, on the receipt of twenty-
Ave cents, directed to Dr. William Young, 188
SPRUCE Street, Philadelphia.
June 20, 1848.