Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 12, 1848, Image 3

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PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 7th, 1848
The market for bread vials was unsettled and
drOoping to-day, under the influence of the for
eign news, and but few if any buyers could be
found—a sale of 500 bbls. standard shipping
flour was made at $5,121, and was afterwards
freely °tiered at that price. No sales of Rye
flour or corn meal to establish a price. Wheat
is heavy, a small lot of prime Pennsylvania
sold at 114 c. Corn is dull of sale at 55c. for
new Southern yellow. Whiskey moves slowly
at 28 for hhda., and 25e. for bbls.
On the 3d instant, at the residence of his bro
ther-in-law, near Porters Fort, Centre county,
Mr. JOHN DICKEY, aged 24 years.
The deceased was a member of ' , United
Brothers Lodge," No. 176, I. 0. of 0. F.. the
members of which paid their last tribute of re
spect to his miming, by seeing them respecta
bly interred at Manor Hill, on the sth instant.
After which they returned to their Hall, in this
place, and appointed the undersigned to draft
resolutions expressive of their sympathy for
their departed brother, and for his kind and
affectionate relatives, ose unswerving atten
tion during his protracted illness, is worthy of
our highest consideration.
The committee, at a subsequent meeting, re
ported the following, which were unanimously I
Resolved, That the death of our much esteem
ied John Dickey, has filled us with the,
most profound sorrow, and while we most deep
ly lenient his loss, his remembrance will ever
b”. most kindly cherished by us, his brethren,
for icitid and affectionate disposition which
has ever characterized his interecnirse with its.
Resolved, That in this most painful bereave
ment, we respectfully tender our sympathy and
condolence to his relatives and friends, who
have thus been called to mourn his early depar
ture to a world of spirits. Albeit, it has pleas
ed an all-wise Providence to deprive the men:-
hers of his family of a kind and affectionate
r, and all his friends of the enjoyment of
his pleasing and social virtues; and whilst we;
his brethren, mourn with them, we can take
consolation in the asmsance that Our loss is
his eternal gain:" and that he is now a member
of the Celestial Lodge" in Heaven.
Resolved, That the usual badge of mourning,
iii ritetnory of Our highly esteemed brother, be
worn for the space of two months.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions
be sent to the family of our deceased brother,
and be published in the Huntingdon Globe and
Saulsburg, Dec. 0, 1818
On Sunday 3d inst. at the house of David Et-
Intr.,. Shirley township, Hunting lon co., Mr.
A BRAHAM LONG, aged about 70 years.
The deicased was in highly respectable and
intelligent mMk. For industry and business sa
gacity he had but few equals. He was actively
Migaged in his business up to within a fen's days
bf his death. His loss will be very much felt.
On Monday, 4th inst., in Shirley towmhip,
Huntingdon county, Mr. CHRISTIAN LONG,
ajad about 7.6 years.
VOTICE is hetel:iy g,lVer to all ietsona con
cerned that the killowing named. persona
have settled their accounis in the Register's
Office at Huntingdon, and diet the said accounts
will be presented for confirmation and allowance
at an Orphans' Court to be held at Huntingdon,
in and for the county of Huntingdon, on Wed
nesday the 10th day of January next, viz :
1. Henry McCracken, James Saxton and Jo
seph McCracken, Executors of William Foster,
late of .Weat towtt-hip, deceased.
2. Morris Gutshall, Administrator of John
Outi.iall, late 9f, Skinaeld township, dec'd.
3. James Murphy, Administrator oC Jane
Ja,ksm late of West township, dec'd.
t. John Hirit, Administrator of Elizabeth
seon, late of Barrett township, dec'd.
. Elijah Mdtrison, Administrator of Edward
Hayes, rite of Shirley township, dec'd:
6. Morrison, Guardian of Ahralitim,
Lydia, Barbara, David, Joel and Joshua Morri
son, minor children of Samuel Morrison, dee'd:
M. F. CAMPBELL, Register.
Itri:sratt's OFFIC*,
Huntingdon, Doc. 8, IBIS.
To the Holorable the Jul,r,es of the Court of
fltiart , S,ssions of. the Peace in and for the
County of Huntingdon
The o,titkiii of Michael H.
pctfOly sheweth That your Petitioner owns'
OA occupies that well known dwelling house
and premises heretofore occupied by Miss Mary
liandon, as a tavern stand, situate du Commerce
Street in the borongli of Birmingham, near the
location of the Pennsylvania Rail Road, and be
ing desirous, of keeping a house of entertain.
mutt for the public, has provided himself with
everything convenient and hecessart for fhe
Barrie ' pays your Honors to grant him d license
for that purpose. And he will ever pray, etc.
We, the underagned, citizens of the Smooch
of Birmingham, id said county, Ito certify that
the above natiud petitioner, Michael 11.. Dot-
Teich, 13 a person of toed repute for honesty and
temperance, and well provided with house room
and other conveniences for the accommodation
of Strangers and Travellers, and that In our
opinion said Inn or Tavern is oepessary to ac
commodate the public and entertain strangers
and travellers:
W. P. Green, Silas T. Wilhelm, Thnrnis Moodi
John Devine, Thos. Devine, Jos. Adams,
William Butts, S. K. Agneie, A. P. Owens,
.John J. Wood, A. P. Kinney, W. W. Miles,
John M'Cullough, Thompson Mettlen.
Dec. 12, 1818.
Pennsylvania Railroarl tAiinpany.
Notice is hereby given tlitit the SEV
Ltas per share on the Capital stock of
this company is required td be paid on
or before the Ist day of January next ;
The eighth instalment of five dollars per
share on or before the 2d day of March
—The ninth instalment of five dollars
per shard on or before the Ist day of
May, and the tenth instalment of dye
dollars per share on or before the let day
of July next, at the office of Miles &
Payments will be reteived of one or
more instalments, or the Stoat may be
paid in full, at the option of the Stock
holders, and interest will be allowed
from date of payment.
Instalments not paid punctually *ill
be subject to the penalty of one per
cebt per month, as required by law.
Dec. 12, 1348.
ilotiver , s Ink.
for sale at this office.
Auditor's Notice.
To the creditors of, and all persons interested
in, the estate of William Hutchison, late of Ber
me township, deceased.
'rite undersigned was appointed an Auditor at
the last term of the Orphans' l'ourt of linnting
don county, to distribute the assets of Raid estate,
in the hands of John Henry, acting Executor of I
said deceased, among the creditors and other per
sons interested. .1 he said creditors and all per- 1 ,
sons interested In sold estate ore hereby notified, I
that I will attend at my office, In H until gdon, on'
Friday the fish of January colt, for the purpose
aforesaid. JOHN REED, Auditor.
Huntingdon, Dec. 11, 1848.
Administrator's Notice.
OTICE is hereby given that letters of admin.
istration have been granted to the undersign
ed on the estate of Abraham Hilaworth, late of
Barree township, Huntingdon county. All per
sona indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims or
demands against the same to present them du'y
authenticated for settlement.
Dec. 12, 1848.
Stray Steer
CAME to the residence of the subscriber, reel
dine in Porter township. Huntingdon county,
the latter part of August last. a stray Steer, about
two years old, with black sides, and white back,
no evr marks. horns wide apart. The owner will
pleave come forward, prone property, pay charges
end take said steer aWay, utherwische will be dis
posed of according to law.
Dec. 14, 1848.
ersignea, Assignees. of Blair & ad
den. will sell on the prentke, on TUESDAY,
the 2d day of January, 1819, the
situate on the A uudwlck Creek in Cromwell
township, Buntingdon county Pa., and within a
few miles of the Penn'. Canal and Railroad.
The works consist of a charcoal 'Pumice and
Forge. nearly new and a :Saw Mill, all in good or
der, and the usual and necessary house. and buil
dings attached thereto. Together with about
530 ACRES OF IA 11)
• adjacent to the works, about 70 acme cleated and
in a good 1111110 of cultivation, Ft , Me fifty of whi c h
, are row seeded in winter grain and the remain
. der of the prem isen is timber and wood land, upon
' which some /BON ORE bootieen found conve
, venient to the Furnace. All the I rces.ary tools
and fixture.; for carrying en the works are on the
hank. To any one wishing to engage in the Iron
business, the above works offer great inducements.
• They are located in a healthy and thriving neigh
bin-hood, where labor and materials are compara
tively cheap; and good ore ens he hod in less
then three miles of the Furnace at (rem 123 to 25
rt. , . per tt.n, and wood leave within the same dist
lance for 10 eta per cord. The A ughwielt creek
furnishes ample water power at all seasons of the
If not sold on mild day t' e works and premise.
will lie of fur rent; and immediate possession
giien if sold or 1..0.
At the same time and place, will he aold the
Personal Property.
to wit : Rows and !Willie gears, wagons, coal and
ore beds, cots, Bldekanilili'a tools, whcellsorrou a,
ore carts, shovels, picks, inatioeka, focusing uteri
ribs potatoes by the btslicd, niid filly acres of
miens tithe ground, moves; Ore buckets, napes
and windlass, furnace tools, ore screens and Ftin
once scales , teuilser of ditrerent kinds, antra vu•
riely of articles too numerous to insert.
Terina made known on day of sale.
THOMA. 4 E. 0128180 N,
A egig neee,
I 1848
Heirs Wanted,
If Nilliant Morrison, Thomas Morrison and
Elizabeth Lightner, (foimerly . Elizabeth Muni.:
ion) will apply to the un.leraigned they will he*
of something to their advantage.
NO. 44 South Front Street, Plitle.
Dee. 12. 1848.
PT753:1:0 CALM.
x -1U be sold at public Sale Ull the 25th day
%%/ of DECEMBER next, a Lot of ground
situate in Shaffersville, Morris township, Hunt
ingdon county, on which is erected a large
1111 farnielly used as a tavern, two tsa-
Wes, nod a store house, and other
outbuildings. This property is lo
cated on the turnpike leading front Hun tingdon
to Hulltduv.•buig, and is a very desirable loca
ti,n fur public business.
Attendance will be given and terms of sale
made known on the day of sale, by the under,
Nov, 28, 1848—ts••
Orphans , Court Sale: WM. BURCHFIELD, Adm't.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' I Dec. 4, 1848.
Court of Huntingdon county, the u n d ers i gn- i -- -- -
I .
ed a. Adminirtrator of Alexander Groin, deed., j MOI E NEW GOODS
will expose to public Bele at the Court House in '
(he linrough of Huntingdon, in said county, on j AT THE
THURSDAY the 28th day of DECEMBER, GR kN 0 B VAR I
..i.- ... ....4
/natant, at 2 o'clock P M. the following deecrl , j
bed Real Estate, late of Raid deceased, viz: TIM ! .
Undivided third part of a tract of land situate —
Fisher, 31 1 Murtrie & Cci,
in Hopewell township in said county, adjoining ,
. the Rayetown Branch of the ianint. River, „„d , Have jiist received a further addition to their
lends of James Enlrekin, canfaining 227 acre,,, ' Fall and Winter stock of Goods, consisting of
be the same more or less, shoot 100 o f wh i ch everything useful and ornamental. Shawls of
are cleared, having a log barn, a log hotise and a till kinds and all price.: Muslin de Loins at 10
good orchard thereon, with a well of aster at the .I. per yard ; Calicoes .13 and 4 cts ; Manlius,
house. Also a Lot of ground in the avid Bor. bleached and unbleached, at 3 eta, and yard wide
ough of Huntingdon on the south weal earner of at 6 el.; Cmilimerce, Ginghams, &c ; Water
Allegheny and Bath etreets, No. 117 in the plan I proof and other Boole for men and boys. Shoes
of said Borough, having thereon a good two etory ; of all kinds. Buffalo flocks, gum oboes. Fip Mo.
Wick dwelling house and kitchen and other build- lasses, Reedy-made Clothing. Hala and Caps,
logs thereon, which Lot in 50 feet in front and 1 Trunk., Valises, Blanket., Sto., ikc„ ohcape r
lies between tho Pouffe Rail Road as located end thou over !
the Penn'c canal. Huntingdon. Doc. 5, 1898.
Term. of Salo:—One half of the purchase
money to be paid on the confirmation of the
sale, and the balance in one year thereafter with
interest, to bo secured by the bond and mortgage
of the purchaser. .
WM. I'. ORBISON, Adm'r.
At the same tinio and place the undersigned
will offer fur sale the remaining two-thirds of
the above daticribed trait of land situate in Hops.
101 townehip. JAMES GWIN,
Dec. 8, 161°.
Gil EEX , S
&c., &c., &c
Mr DEAR MAN READ Tura if you have got
DrOPN,P/lIA or AsTirmx orsufrer from general de
bility, or any complaint resuliing from derange
ment of the stomach. You would give a good
deal to get well, wouhrnt you? Then just give
a LITTLE, and try Green's Oxygenated Bitter..
Its just the thing for you. The Doctor discover
ed this medicine only after long and careful study
—to cure a friend too—not to make money out of
it. Look at the evidence of ita efficacy and you
will he aatisfied.
Hon. Minus LAWRENCE cured of AtITHMAs
Batettoorows, March 16, 1848.
Do. 011E1NX—I take great pleasure in inform
ing you of the effects of the medicine called Ox
ygenated Bitters you had the kir.dness to send
me. For 10111 E twenty years I had suffered se
verely from humored Asthma. I was compelled
to sit up one third of the night, without going to
bed at all; And the real of Ihe time my sleep was
interrupted by violent fits of coughing and greet
difficulty of breathing. In all my Attendance
upon our courts I never went to bed in Northamp
ton in twenty years but twice, and then was com
pelled to get up. Now I lie in bed without diffi
culty, and sleep roundly. I took your medicine
according to directions. The violent symptoms
immediately abated, arid perseverance in the use
of the remedy has removed all its troublesome
consequences. The value of such a remedy is
incalculable, and I hope its virtues may be wide
iy diffused and its benificent agency extensively
emp' Dyed.
gespeetfUl'y yours.
rid. Julie It), 1848
Steam... Collier & Bro.
Gentleman—ln reply to year iinte as to the
effect of the Oxygenated Bittern ill My case. I
would nay, that I have been afflicted With Dyspep
sia About six years, and have ;Pled Many known
remedies, but obtained no relief, until n friend
recommended the Oxygenated Bitters. • • • •
I was finally induced to procure two bottles of
you, nod I had not token half n bottle before I
teat its effects upon nay system , and after the use
of the second bottle, I found myself in a state of
health ns unexpected as it was gratifying. To
the nfilimed I have no hesitation in recommend
ing the Bitters, as superior to any Medicine I
have ever heard of for the cute of Dyspepsia.
Very Respectfully yours,
The. following Certificates have re
cently been received;
WAIMINGTON, D. C., June 10, 1846.
lla‘ing toads use of the ' , Oxygenated Bitters"
prepared by Dr. Geo. B. Green, of Windsor, Vt ,
rod from knowledge obtained of their efficacy irt
other cases, we cheerfully recommend them to the
public, believing that they will fully sustain the
recommendation of the Proprietor. We hope
that this valuable remedy may be so generally dif
fused throughout the country that it may lie ac
cessible to all the afflicted.
SAMUEL PHELPS, • U. S. Senators from
Wu. UPHAM, S Vermont.
JAmEs F. Siminxs, U. S. Senator from
Rhode Island.
J. T. MOREHEAD, U. S. Senator and for
merly Governor of Kentucky.
L. 1 - 1. ARNOLD, Member of Congress and
formerly Governor of R. I.
WM. WOODBRIDGE, U. S. Senator and
. form,rly Governor of Michigan.
..11 .1 4 . MARTIN, Delegate in Congress from
IVisconsin 7'erritory.
'root the lidn. SoLomoN FOOT. Member of Con
gress from Vermont.
Gtixr.v & FLETCHRII. General Agents, No. 26,
South sixth St, Philadelphia.
Sold wholesale and retail by Timm. Rote &
S.rB; Huntingdon, Pa.
August 15. 1948.
Orphans' Court Sale.
IN N pursuance of an order of rho Orphans' Conn
I of Huntingdon county, the undersigned as
Administrator of (;eorge W. Thompson, dee'd.,
wit) expose to public sale on FRIDAY the 4th
day of JANUARY, 1949, at 10 o'clock A. M.
00 the pralines, the follotving described Real
Lomat° late of said deceased, viz: A Lot (Aground
situate in the town of Wiirriorthark in said Coun
ty, fronting on Nlain Street and extending along.
the road leading from Huntingdon to
g to an alley, known as Lot No. 11 in the
plan of said town, and having a house and other
building. thereon. Also an out Lot adjoining
said town, in the township of Warriorsmark in
said am iy,containing five acres. The property
above deacribed is the same that Di. Oliver G.
8,7°0 and wife by deeds recorded in the Record-1
era Office of said county in Record BoOk C No.
2. pages 133, 4 & 5, conveyed to the said Geo.
W. Thompson..
Tertns of Sale:—One half of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and
the residue in one year thereafter with interest,
to be secured by the bond and mortgage of the
I hereby caution the public against purchasing
a promisory note given by me to Robort Myton,
for twenty-five dollars ($25,001 bearing date
Aug. 20, ISIS, as I have never received value
for the same and ant determined not to pay it.
Dec. 3, IP lEft,-3t.
100 SACKS of Salt ; Plpster, Fish,
ke.l kc., for sale by
J. & W. S.AXTON.
PU33140 'ALE.
THE subscriber Will Offer Vat Public
1 Sale, on the premises oh SATUR-
DAY, the 23d of December, at 12
clock, M., the following Valuable Real
Estate, to git :
situate on the banks of the little Juni
ate river, one mile below birmin g liam,
and within 4 miles of the Penn'a Canal
at Water street, and the great Central
Rail Road passes through it i One tract
situate in Warriormark township, Hun
tingdon county, the other tract situate
in Tyrone township, Blair eouhiy, the
river being the line between the two
tracts, and also the line between Hun
tingdon and Blair counties, well known
as the property of Andrew Robeson, of
Warriorsmark township, now deceased.
in Warriorsmark township, contains
200 acres of excellent limestone land,
about 100 acres cleared, and in a good If you want to get the worth or your money thcii
state,sof cultivation, with THREE DWEL- troy from
LING HOUSES, a stone barn and a good i GEORGE GAVIN
apple orchard thereon.
where you will find the I treest, hest, and diem,-
THE OTHER TRACT, est a=sortment of Goods, thit the town can pro
in Blair county, contains 400 acres of duce; and that, too, at such law prices !hot all
who purchase aro fully satisfied t .at our motto
excellent timber land, with a house and
stable thereon erected ; t here is an Ore true," A quick Six-pence is better than a slow
bank on this tract, from which a quan-
Huntingdon, Oct. 17, 1848
tity of Iron Ore of an excellent quality
has been raised. A large part of this
tract is good limestone land for farming.
On these two tracts are
Four Situations for Forges or Furnaces,
perhaps the best sites in the State There
is a nuniber of springs on the two tracts
of never failing water that keeps the
river free from ice for more than a mile.
This last tract is ail woodland, and
well covered with timber.
TERMS—One third of the purchase
money td be paid id hand; and the bal
ance in tWo equal anneal payirients ' 'with
interest, to be secured by the bonds and
mortgages of the purchaser.
Persons wishing to purchase are invi
ted to call and examine the premises.—
Attendance will be given by
Surviving Execucor of 4ndret6 Robeson,
N0v.21, 1848.
Orphans , Court Sale.
ID 'Virtue Of an Order of the Orphans'
Court of Huntingdon County, there
will be exposed to sale, by public vendue
ro outcry; on the premises on
Friday the 15th day of December, 1848,
at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day,
in parts or together, as may be to the
interest of the estate and the conveni
ence of purchasers, a certain messuage,
plantation and tract of land situate in
Franklin township, Huntingdon county,
adjoining lands of John M'Ferran and
Alexander Stewart on the north west,
lands of Robert and Benjamin Wallace,
the little Juniata River and land of Dr.
Adams M'Ferran on the south, and land
of Abraham Weight on the east, con
: taiaing ninety-seven acres, fifty -fire per
ches, and the usual allowance for roads,
Seventy-five or eight acres of which
are cleared and under cultivation, and
having thereon erected a two-story stone
house and a frame barn, late the estate
of Joseph Wagner, of Franklin town
ship decd.
TERMS OF SALE.— The third of the
• purchase money to be paid on the con
firmation of the sale, one third within
one year thereafter with interest, and
the remaining third to be paid at or im- !
mediately after the death of Elizabeth
Wagner, widow of said intestate—the j
interest of this third part to be paid to
said widow annually and regularly du ,
ring her natural life by the purchaser—
the whole to be secured by the Bond
and Mortgage of the purchaser,
The above property is situate in sight
of the Central Rail Road—there is on
it an excellent spring of lime-stone wa
ter, and Streng appearances of iron ore,
The !add will be tittered if parts or al
together es way be deedied adViSable: ,
Attendance will be given at the sale
by the undersigned Administratrix.
Nov. '2l, 1848—ts
rAitiVE *OR sALE
THE undersigned offers for rale or rent the
fat m now tenanted by Michael stone, situate in
Ilopewell township, Huntingdon County, and
within a mile or two of Jam. Entriken'a new
Furnace, containing
303 Acres ,
and allotvances, a large quantity of which' is
cleared and under fence, haying thereon two log
dwelling houses, a new log barn sixty-five tiy
thirty feet, and a small orchard. There is about
forty acres of meadow un the same.
llto terms will 5o made easy, and indisputable
tills given, If not sold, it will be leased and
possession given on the first day ot April next.
Huntingdon. Dec. 5, 1848.
last, are now ready, and the purchasers are
requested to come forward and lift them.
ISAAC NEFF, Treasurer.
Oct. 31, 1818.
.11. W. Benedict,
ATTOHNY AT LA W,Huntingdon.Pa.—.
E Office at his old Osidenee in Main street,*
few doors west of the old Court House. He wil
attend to any business entrusted to him in the soy
air Courts ofHuntingdon and adjoining counties.
, .
. 14 CIIEP JOHNNY" in . the - 6Old
,again, with
the larOesto firettiest.andcliednest stock of goods
ever the, Mille in this section of the
country. Our stock of dress goods is comftlete
and staple goods,ip abundance. We have also
a large assortmvt of
CAPS, 13 OTS AND strogs„ •
It is unneecessary ror its t 3
. entimerwte Vto
names and prices of our goods, as it it expected
persons wishing td purchase wilf i examine for
themselves. Persons wishing good bargains
will find that this is the'plare, anti if we do not that the goodaare the. C H,F.A Ph:ST
TOWN,. Aye have a small lot you can have
for taking them away.
The public are invited id attend the grand
rally at the Cheap Coiner. , _
Hunting(lbn, Ildr. 14, 4818.
English and Classical Institute.
The subscribers, residents of Shade Gap,
Huntingdon county, Pa., beg leave to inforfh
their friends and the public generally, tlat they
intend, if they meet with sufficient encourage
ment, to establish at the place above mentioned
a BOARDING SCHOOL for the education of
young men. The course of instruction will
comprise in addition to the usual branches of a
common English education Philosophy, Math
ematics, and the Latin and Greek languages.—
The location is distinguished for its healthful
-110.3 and the moral and religious character of
silrrounding community. Every attention
will be paid to the health and morals of the pu
pils as well as to their mere mental training and
advaticeirient in ssientific knowledge, and every
facility will be afforded for their personal cony
tart and convenience.
Owing to some necessary - preparations to be
made in the buildings, fur di's! session will not
be coramenced until the 20th ovember next,
and will continue for five months, thus dividing
the year into two sessions of five n'),.riths each.
The terms will be :
For readin;. writing and Arithmetic, 50 per
quarter, or $:1 00 per session. Grammar,
Geography and Philosophy, $.l 00 per quar
ter, or $8 00 per ses sion. Mathematics.
Greek and Latin Languages, $0 00 per quar
ter, or $l2 00 per session. hoarding, exclu
sive of fuel and light, $1 :II per week;
The subscribers, in casting themselves upon
the patronage of the community, are determined
to spare no effort in making the Institution one
that will commend itself to all parents who de
sire to give their sons a thorough preparatory
education without exposing them to the contam
inating arid innnoral influences that exist in more
populous communities. For reference dr ftir
tiler particulars address
shade Gap, Oct. 17, ISIS.
Pennsylvania ilailtroad Company.
vOTIcE is hereby given, that the SIXTH
. I_ l 4 instalment of Fl VI: DOLLARS per share
is requested to be paid on or before the FIRST
day of NOVEMBER next.
GEORGE V. BACON, Treasurer.
0."7" Instalments reeeivad by MILES & Don..
It IS, Huntingdon.
Huntingdon, Oct. 17, ISIS.
Executors' Notice ,
N'TlCEl;ller;l;lgivenii;a7re;tera Testa
mentary on the estate of Banntel Barr,
lute of Jackson town:di ip, Hunt. co., dec'd, have
been granted to the undersigned, All persons in.
debted to said estate are requested to make inane.
'little payment, and thoso having claims or tie
tnanils against the same to present them duly uu.
thenticated for settlement to
Jackson tp., Nov 11,1848-6 t.
HIS Popular I-lause has recently undergone a
I thorough repair, and been furnished with
entire item furniture, of the best quality. Mem
bers of the Leprisidatre dhd Mere, visiting the
Seat of Government, Will lin it d very &theta
stopping place.
Charges modernie.
ilarrkhura' July 14. 1848-6,n.
Per.funt3s, Hair Oils, Soaps, Shaving Crean', &c
A very large lot at Roussell'; unrivalled
Shaving Creuui, ke., &c., just opening at the
Huntingdon .le we lry Store. It is decidedly the
Lest assortment in town and will be sold very
Later, Cbe aper and Better,
. .
THE Huntingdon Jewelry store has just re ,
ceived mother large and clwice selection of
B:c., &., of every , Aescription and quality.
All persona, 'Whether desirous of purchasing
or not arc requested to call and examine this
stock and thus satisfy themselves of its chewy_
fleas 011:1, excellence.
117" The undersigned has recently employed
a skillful and experienced workman from Phila
delphia, to do all kinds of Clock, Witch and
Jewelry repairing. Customers may rely upon
having their work well and promptly done, and
warranted for one year.
J. i•. serer
Huntingdon, Nov. 13. 1818.
Inform the Oldie that they have reeelea
splendid and extensive &imminent Of
tilt kinds of
which they are determined io cell at prices to
Suit ALL. They invite the publiC to call and ex
amine their Goods.
Huntingdon, Nov. 21, 1848.
- • .
"Broke out in a Place t 4
sTVglinfti STONE
cAr Ti liAviD
would reapeetfully Inform all exeationev,e/Liliing
on two lop, that aafp,und hie 1111111.1,1U8 frit told
in ',balmier. that,fie has again opt.: ed in.a new
p'aee, next door to 'l'. ticati and Son's store, en
071431 p4slitsrt.:,
where he it prepared tortecommerlate all wit, may
favor him .vith their cuatormy l ith superior osht“
and fixin's, at all times. . , •
1 - lie now stand is fined up .• on perpeat." to ee+
I commodnte Ladies and ge. , tlernen., The
captain" tberefore hopes that his Wends of bulb
sexes will extend 10 111111 it literal support.
Icq:; 'fee., always on harid.
Nov. 11,1848.
• AT TNT , :
tt Tug • - •, .
WORLD'S SEEAMltairritillits:
The undErsighed taRH grtiat biensure
in announcing to the public that, after a
considerable amount of labor and ex
pense, they have succeeded in opening
the most splendidly furnished and com
between Philadelphia and Pittsburg, iii
the basement of SNARE'S ROW,
Huntingdon, immediately opposite the
"Grand Bazar" where they will be plea
sed to see all who may be kind enough;
to give them a call.
They have, on this occosittn; as kelt
us all others had an eye single to the in
terests of the ladies, in tufiiishing an
apartment expressly for their to rfrictula
Give as a call ladies and gt:iftlyin'en i l
and examine the different aparttrie4Si
for yourselves, and if you are not sal
;sued you can "take our hats."
They have also a line lot of Cunfee:
tionary &c., which trill be sold low.
• NV:11 SNARE,
W 11. T. WILSON.
Huntingdon, Oct. 31, ISIS.
The partnership heretofore existing
under the firm of Joseph Milliken & Co.
was disolved by mutual consent on the
19th inst. All persons having claims
will present them to L. G. Kessler fo
payment, and those indebted by note o!'
book account to the above firm; and also
those indebted to the late firm of
liens & Kb'sfderi f will pay their respec
tive amounts to L. G. Kessler.
The nosiness will be contifitted Ps
heietatiire, by P. F. Kessler & G.
.under the name of Kefiler &
Brother, who arc at all tithe's prepared
to pay cash for wheat; clover-seed and
other produce at thC highest market
Co npin n t haStl. . Pitts tr , Salt,
atoiii, Coal &e., with a gen
eral assortment of Merchandise at the
lowest prices.
Mill Creek, Oct. 200, 1848.
Respectfully haulms the Ladies unit Gent men
of Huntingdon and lie tichilly, that they hate
opened a Daguerrian Gallery at the emir' House
where with an improved apparelne and material•
of the hest quality they ore repast] to execute
_ .
Daguerreotype Likeueuses,
of all wizes, in a kyle unFurpf peed by any oilier
artists in theeountry. Their a e war
ranted not lb fade, and their bright iifa-like en prep
,ion is ode id their peculiar (+Wile' ietice of beau.
Family taken ih a spit ',did ids le, and
at ft:Wrist° priers. Likenesses of I Ulan n (ah
young oglwd yttrs,) taken in the handsmest
Miniatures. and Paintings of all kinds copied ;
miniatures made, without tegard to 1 e ta rather,
from 8 o'clock, A. 111. to 5 l'. M.
their slay will be limited , those wishing'
to get a good likeness, would do 111 II II) COI soon '
and have their Fluttlow caught, ere dm set:
stance hides,"
117 - Instrurlion ivra al maarrate lairs
Huntingdon, Nov 14. IS4S.
Invite tiie attention of the eitizois of Hunti,:..l
don and persons visiting this place during die
present Court to their immense stork of
Jewelry, and Taney Articles
just received itt their store in MARKET
one door cast of the Exchange Hotel. They
will soil
Full jewelled Guld Levers, IS 6iirut, hunting
ca., for $6O 00
gold levers, 1S csNt; lingiiiise, 30 00
hold Lepine, finest quality; 25 00
Silver Levers, from $l2 to 40 on
ei Lennie . * It to 15 00
°' Verge Watches Itolo 00
Eight day brass Clocks 5 to 0 00
30 hour ~ ', :tau 4 Otk
A,cordeonn, I to is 00
Gold Pencils, 1 50 to 6 00
. .rn•
Gold Minialti •
re Frames, 1 00 to 2 50
4 00 to 10 00
Ali kinds of Jewelry 20 per cent lowei than .
We are',thankful for patronage
,heretpfore re
ceived;and would solicit all prisons desirous of
purchasing any thing in our line to give us a
N. B. Clocks, Watches and JAvdry repair
od ;ual warranted.
11 , Intingden. No ,
r. 11. IRIS.