Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 05, 1848, Image 4
The Bragger Outbragged. "Talk about yer darned fast lines," aid a Yankee to a cockney, who was so mprudent as, in the natural way of his countrymen, to commence bragging on English railroads, while th e couple was progressing nt the rate of forty miles per hour on the Birmingham rn;lway, " Why, mister, this ere road is purty considerable for England, but it won't do for Weriky. We ride a straddle of telegrafs there, when we're in a hurry —but when we 'aint we take the rail road. Now them roads ain't slow, as I'll tell you. I was comin' gram Phila• delphia to Yorlc, when sez 1 to a feller scion' by me—" who on airth owns this big garden with white palms around it" ? " I don't see no white pnlins,'' says he. " I don't see nothin else,' ses I, " and a mighty tall fence it is, too." "The feller burst out a larfin—" why you darned fool," sez he, " theism's the telegraphic posts." And sure enough, when the engine feller stopped, I saw them posts a hundred feet apart and we had been going so all fired fast they look ed for all the world like white pnlins." At this moment the bell rang at a sta tion signal before the Cockney had fully recovered from Jonathan's last dose. " What's that bell ringing for I" in quired the latter of his English friend. e are approaching D ---." " Well them kind of bell fixens does' for these ere slow ears, but we cant use them in 'Merilty," " Ah, Why not I" " Travel too fast---zfact; beat foam( all to smash, We would he smack through a village before the noise of the clapper was in in the neighborhood." " Fact again ; by thunder ! Why, I was on the York cars when them ere steam whistles was first tried, May be you've betted of the terrible accident! No! Well sir we were going it strong. Harryeanes were no whar—all natur seemed shakin to pieces--when several miles off something was seed on the track. The whistle was let loose: net] she did scream awfully--but it was no manner of use, for after tumbling over a span of smart horses, and a big tsar ket waggon, I was just raising from a pond, when along came the whistlers holler, mixed tip with some big curses I mind to have heard the engine man rip out when he first saw the waggon. But the poor fellow as dead when his voice arrived. Fact--got the documents.". "Extraordinary!" exclaimed the hor ror-struck Cockney, " and do you use vistles yet I " Bless your soul, no. Congress stop ped them right off, and now we act on the philosophic principle that light trav els an all fired sight faster than sound, which will do perhaps for this genera tion. We now tell 'em we're cumin by bustin out a light that does astonish an imal creation-, and 1 reckon rather sur prised the planetary system at first. Whets it was first tried at night, the roosters on the road commencd crowing and the chickens all got down from the roost: thick ing it was day-light," The cars suddenly stopped, when Jona than having arrived at the point of his debarcation, looked around at the bewil dered Cockney, nodded his head, mid with a little carpet-bag chucked under his one arm, and umbrella under the other, took his leave sober as a deacon. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL NEW SAT E2ANUFACTORT. The undersigned announces to the citizens of Huntingdon County, that he has just opened in the borough of LEW ISTO WN, a tow I lAT MANUFACTORY, where he is pre tred to make every variety of Huts in u se, out of the hest materials atoll as • IIEAVER, SILK, NUTRIA, FUR, Wool,,Scc. The business of manufacturing is conducted by and under his owls peoronal super vision, and his long experience in the business in the best establishments of the country warrants him in guaranteeing to all who may purchase from him good substantial end highly finished work. Our Ornish fri. ode shall not be forgotten in the efforts we shall put forth to meet the wants of the community, in out line of business, end he will be ready to answer their calls et prices that must p'esse. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS, and all others, who may desire to purchase Hats, his establishment affords superior inducements, both as regards quality arid price, which shall be of such a character es to It eve no room for grum. hling. We the efore invite ever) body, of every distinction of party or srct,to roll and examine ,our stock; a hich is 11. In• gest hod beat solaria one 'that has over been introduced here. N. B. lints of my manufacture ran he had at retail at the store of WM. STEWART, in Huntingdon Borough. W 11.4. O. ZOLLINGER. Lewistown, Sept. 'IG, 1F.48. M. &J. I. ROWE, BROOM & WOODEN WARE STORE, :to. 63.1 orlh Third Street, One door above Arch, east side, P ADELPIIIA, Wanufacturere Wholerale Dealerb in all kinds )1 Brooms, Bruehee, Bucket., Cedar Ware.— Willow and French Beekele, Shoe and %Vali 9 rushes,Sci Os, Busters, Mats, Blacking, Ea,,t. In-made Wooden-ware of every deacriptionakc. tc., at the lowest market price.. MANLY ROWE, _ JOHN M. ROVa E. March 7,'98 Executors' Notice. NOTICE le hereby given that letterslostamen cry have been granted to the undrraigned, on he estate of John Shaffer, late *Morris ' town. hip,. deceased. Persons knowierthemselves in rbtecl will come forward and make payment, and li how having claim. will present them duly an tecticated for settletnent. PETER 3HAFFER, WILLIAM SHAFFER, Executors. Moms township, Nov. 8,1848--6 t. FALL AND WINTER COODS, GREEJVS Great Redaction in Prices. OXYGENATED. DORSEY & MAGUIRE, 1 101ERS, Have just received direct from the Eastern Cities, FOR THE CURE OF and are now opening a splendid assortment of DYSPEPSIA) GENERAL DEBILITY, NEW AND CnEAP GOODS, &c., &c., &c consisting of every variety of n 7-3 00 Z , Suited to Ladles and Gentlemen's wear, including Cloths. Cassimers,Sattinetts, Vesting., Silks, Sat ins, Alpachas, Cashmercs,DoLaincs, Plaids,Bom bazines, Gingham., alicoes, Checks. Shawls,&c. We have also a handsome assortment of READY.MADE CLOTHING. They would also invite etteotion to theiretock o GROCE RIES, Sugars-5 i 6 and 8 cents per pound Molasses, from 37i to 40 cents per gallon; and every other article usually kept in a Grocery Store, at equally low prices. roots, Shoos, Hats and Caps, Hardware and Cutlery, t hiss, Glass and Queens ware,Drugs, Medicines. Dye Stuffs, &c. All of which will be sold at very reduced prices. The Ladies and Gentlemen arc requested to call and examine these Goods, as they cannot fail to please ull both as regards'ety le and pi iro. DORSEY ng• 111 A G [TIRE, In the store room fornierly occupied by Jacob Miller, opposite the residence of Judge Gain, Huntingdon. 1):3- All kinds of Country Produce ta ken hi exchange for goods. [Sept. 26. Ladies and Gentlemen S • LOOK AT THIS. Always consulting the desires of the rotaries of f .shion, taste and cr 'oral I, LEVI WESTBROOK, , hex the pleasure of informing the Ladies and Gentlemen of Huntingdon—and throughout the county—that he has just returned from the East with a large and 'Host chu!ce selection of East ern work of the latest fashion of Ladies Gaiters, FL] hid, !al Men 'a Boots, Shoes, • and Gaiters, also wa ke . * g d.45 . Hunters' Boots,and I Hoye' Boots end Shoes, and Misses l i j" ' l* " - - ,, .. ) and Childrens' Gai tem 2114 tiIIOPS: Mr. Westbrook dors not deem it necessary to enumerate, particularly, the large stock which ho now has on hand. but respect Willy solicits an immediate call by all who wish to consult fash ion comfort and economy. ut his extensive Store a few doors west of the Post (Mice. His prices are unuswilly low, and to curt the Hurst etc:homi est purchase. He also continuos the inanufactare of Boots, Shoes, and every article in his tine of business, which he will warrant 1,1(1111 to any in the State for neatness, and workmanship. Cull, one and all, and suit pout selves. Huntingdon. Oct. 17, 1848. Huntingdon County, Sl4. A T an Orphans' Court held at Huntingdon in and for the county of II untingdon, on the second Monday (sad fourteenth day) of August A. D. 1:+.18, before the Judges of the said Court: The Petition of George Fray was read, setting forth—That a written contract.was entered into between Petitioner andJatre Entrekin,Esq., in his life time, by which the said .lames Entrekin agreed to sell and convey to Petitioner, three lots of ground in Stoner's Town, Bedford county, Penn'. That said Agreement has been lost and cannot be found, and praying the Court to take Testimony of the existence, contents and I said Agreement, and desire a specific performance of the said contract, &c. Whereupon, the seventeenth day of August A. D. HO, the Court order thct the first day of next (Niivember) Term be appointed to take sold Testimony—that personal Notices of this Order be nerved en the Executor of lames Entrekin, itee'd., and that Notice thereof he published in one Newspaper printed in the county of Hun tingdon for six weeks prior to the said first day of ext (November) 'term, which shall be deem ed notice to all other persoes interested in the Es. tate of said deceased. By the Court. Certified from the Record under the Seal of the rid Court at Huntingdon, the twenty-eighth day of September A. D. 1848. JACOB MILLER Ovt. 3, 1848 PALL AND WINTER FASHIONS!! Clothing for Men and Boys. A. WILLOUGIIBV, Has received at his old Stand in Main Street, Huntingdon, a new, and large assortment of Clothing, READY-MADE, of all sizes to suit men and boys, consisting of the most fashionable Dress Coats, Pantaloonm , and Vests, made of the best and finest Cloths, Cassi ovres, and Cassino/8. And an equal as sortment of plain and substantial materials, suited for the every day business of all classes. Ile has a FULL ASSORTMENT of every Size and kind, and he will sell as Cheap as the Cheapest Ile only wants a small living profit; and he in vites all who wish to purchase to see his Goods, before purchasing elsewhere. Tayloring is his trade, and he knows what he says when he says he can and will accommodate all who call, on terms to suit. lie also continues THE TAYLORING BUSINESS, and has an extensive assortment of Cloths, Coo. sinteres, Cassineits and Vestillgs, which he will sell and make up to suit any and every body, cheap and well. He is determined to leave No Room for Grumbling! septl9,lB IS. Sohn Scott, Jr., A TTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.— Has removed his race to the middle room o• 'Snare's flow,"direct/y oppositaisher & M'Murf trie'sstore, where he will attend with promptness and fidelity to all business with which he may be entrustedin Huntingdon ortheadjoiningeountie i - Tho ANGLO-SAXONS have comeagain in the way of READY-MADE CLOTHING, and can afford to sell 10 per cent. lower than ever. The stock consists of Coats, Pants, Vests and Monkey Jackets, of all sorts, colours and shades. sept.. 12, 1848. 2Webs assorted Prints just arrived and of 9 'isle by J. & W. SAXTON. The best and • strongest certified medicine in the world, for the cure of Dyspepsia in all its forms—such as Head-ache, Habitual Costiveness, Acidity of the Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Asth- Ma, Piles,lncipierit Consumption, Debility oris• hog front pi oiraeted fevers, Fever and Ague, Ex- Itosures to extreme Heat or Cold, Old Age L-and, in fact, from every Disease arising front imperfect digestion, or a deranged condition of the stomach. It is an excellent remedy, and not surpasted by any medicine in use, for females euiferitig from uterine or nervous derangements. The following Certificates have re cently been received: WASIIINUTON, D. C., June 10,1846. , . Having inade use of the •Oxygenated Bitters" prepared by Dr. Geo. It. Green, of Windeor, Vt., nd from knowledge obtained of their efficacy in other mutes, we cheerfully recommend them to the public, believing that they will fully sustain the recommendation of the Proprietor. We hope that this valuable remedy moy be so generally dit. fused throughout the country that it may be ac cessible to all the affiicted. SAMUEL PHELPS, ./ U. S. S'enatorl from WM. UPHAM, Vermont. JAME 3 F. &limoNs, U: S. Senator from Rhode Island. J. T. MOREHEAD, U. S. Senator and for . mcrly Governor of Kentucky: L. H. ARNOLD, Member of Congress and f ormerly Governor of 11. I. MC WOODBRIDGE, U. S. Senator and formerly Governor of ..Michigan. M. L. NIATIN, Delegate in Con%_Tressfrow Wisconsin Territory. _ . • From the 1-lon. Socomox FOOT, Member of Con geese from Vermont. WATutuarrox, D. C., Juno 1,184 G, Do. GEO. B. Guano r—Dear Sir,—ln your note of this morning, you ask ''for an expression of my opinion in regard to your medicine, called 'Oxygenated Bitters."' It affords me pleasure to state, that from the experience I have had, in its curing a severe attack of Dyspepsia in my own family, aid from the wonderful effects which it has produced in other and mare severe cases, aris ing in the families of Members of Congress with which I am acquainted, I think it an invaluable medicine, and hope that such circulation will he given to it as will bring it within the reach of ALL who ore afflicted with thatdistressing malady. Respectfully yours, S. FOOT. Front Hon. H. D. FOSTER. Member of Congress from Pennsylvania. WDSIIINOTON, D. C., June 10, 1846. Dear Sir have been a dyspeptic sufferer for about ten years, and have resorted to various medicines for relMf without success, until I made ; use of your ..Oxygenated Bitters." I have used about two bottles, and find myself restored to per- ! feet health. The forme in which the disease showed itself, in my case, were, great acidity of the stomach, loss of appetite, extreme flatulence. severe constipation of the bowels, and violent headache. Feeling desirous that a knowledge of your valuable remedy may reach others similarly afflicted, I take great pleasure in recording my tes timony to its curative power ; and I would also remark. that While no a visit at home a short time since, I administered a part of a bottle to a num ber of my afflicted friends with great success. They are desirous that you should establish on agency at Pittsburg, or Inform them where the medicine can be obtained. With an earnest de sire for your prosperity and happiness, I subscribe' myself,truly your friend, IL D.FOSTER. Dort. Gee. B. Gams, Windsor, Art. finer, & FLETCHER, General Agents, No. 26, South Sixth St, Philadelphia. Sold wholesale and retail by TROMAS REAR & Sots, Huntingdon, Pa. ,f August 15. 1848. COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLERY STORES. N 05.32 and 33 Arcade, and 8i North Third St., PHILADELPHIA. `Vegetable Universal Pills, OUNTRY Merchants can save from 10 to 15 C per cent by purchasing at the above stores.— The only known Medicine that at the same By inverting my own goods, paying but little time purges, purifies and strengthens rent, and living economically, it is plain I can un- the system. • dersell those who purchase their goods bete, pay Losnov,July 7,1846. high rents, and live like princes. D R. LE ROY'S Pillsare a new medicine which Constantly on hand , a large assortment of Pen has juat appeared,and isfast taking the places and Pocket Knives, Scissors and Razors. Table of all others of the SUM class. These pills are Knives and Forks, in Ivory, Stag, Buffalo, Bone compo s ed o f many ingredients, but the two prinei and Wood handles; Carvers and Forks, Steele, pal ones are Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry,. uni &e. Butcher Knives, Dirks, Bowie Knives, Re- I ted that they act together; the ono, through it volving and Plain Pistols, &c. Just received, a admixture with other substances, purifying and large sleek of Rodgers' an I Woetenliolnee fine i purging, while the other is strengthening the ays- Pen and Congress Knives. • tern. Thus those pills ore ut the sante time tonic Also, a large assortment of Accordeons, &c.,lard np vt i ,,g; a desideratum long and eagerly &c. Also, Fine English Twist end German Roug h, f or b y Guns. 3011 N M. COLEMAN. m,dical men, but never before dis: corered. In other words they do the work °num june:o-Iy. 1 medicines, and do it much better than any two we Cronielian &Drainer, ! know of; fur they remove nothing from the system No. 11, Walnut Street, Philadelphia hut "' imPuriq"; while • they purge they Wine, Liquor and nts. General Commission ' strengthen • and hence they canoe no debilttation, 3I and are followed by no reaction. Dr. Le Hoy'. erch NITIN . E'S, Brandies,. Gin, and . Champaigne of pillshave a wonderful influence on the blood ; they V different brandatnrported direct,and so'd on not only purify without weakening it, but they re move all noxious particles from the chyle befoieit accommodating terms to Country Dealers. Qual- in converted into fluid, and thus make impure hies and proof of Liquors wrrranted. blood an utter impossibility. As there is no debit- Philadelphia, June 20,1848. itation,so there is no naueen or sicklier,. attending the operations of this moat excellent of medicines which never strains or tortures the digestive func tions,buteauses work in n perfectly natur al manner; and hence persons taking them do not tricorn° pale and emaciated, but the contrary ; for while it is the property of the Sarsaparilla, united as it is with other ingredient; to remove ali that is foreign and impure, it is equally the property of the Wild Cherry to retain all that is natural atril so und; and hence a robust state of health is the certain result of their united operations. ' (o>Price 25 Cents per BOX. . AGENTS.—T.ResuI & Son, Swoope & rice, Huntingdon; W. W. Buchanan, Milliki and Kessler, Mill-Creek ; S. H atfield & Son,Juni ata Iron Works; Porter & Bucher, Moore & Swoope, li. C. Walker, Alexandria; O. H .Steiner Waterstreet. [Aug. 31 ,'47. THE VERY LAST NOTICE. The subscriber is forced once more to call upon his friends and patrons and ask them to conic and pay off their accounts• Necessity alone induces him to call upon them again at present, and necessity alone does dictate him to hand over to the proper officer all accounts, that may remain unpaid or unsettled by the Ist day of February 1810 for collection. Oct. 20th 1818. J. B. LUDEN Is hereby given to all persons interested, that the Trust account of Joshua Greenland and Caleb Swoope, Assignees of Dr. Jacob M. Cover, late of Cass township, has been filed in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, and that the same will be presented to the said Court on the second Monday of November next, for confirmation and allowance. JAMES STEEL, Prooy, Oct. i 7, 1843. CLAMMI, n. LINN, HORACE r. SMII II LINN, SMITH & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, 21aA MARKET STREET, Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye Stuffs, Varnishes, &c., &c. Also, Patent Medicines, Medicine Chests, Surgical & Obstetrical Instru ments, Chemical Tests, &c. &c. 07' Orders from Country Merchants or Phy sicians, .by letter or otherwise, attended to promptly. • 5.pt19,19-18-6m. R.C. Meth.- 'Ws , Gu.tvlus I ITS WORK PRASISE IT. The Alexandria Burns, Scalds and all kinds of Inflamed' 1 FOUNDRY TousEy,s i sores cured. UNIVERSAL OINT- HAS been leased by the subscribers,who are I MENI, s the most complete prepared to execute castings of all descrip- ' Burns Antidote ever known. It instant• i nom in superior style (one of them beings prau• l ly (and as if by Nlogic,) stops pains of tient moulder of long experience) and on tbetow est and most accommodating terms. the most desperate Burns and Scalds. Rolling miii ,, , 1 , , 0 c r , 01d sores, bruises, cuts and sprains Castings for Forges, Mills, oc i ie . a toil.' that to eau a b n ea b s e t li. i ia t Water pipes, Grist . and Saw Threshing Machines, and all other kinds dies.theThboUsstanndPt:; have tried, and thousands praise it. It of machinery which may be ordered will be furnished on the shortest notice. is the most perfect master of pain ev er discovered. All who use, recom- Stoves of various sizes will be constantik mend it. None can tell how soon kept on hand for both wood and coal. some of the family will need it. • We have lately procured a i 01:7 -. Observe each box of the grmuine Cooking Stove j Ointment has the name of S. I.,essy of two different sizes, which for calve- , written on the outside label. To imitate nience and excellence they will warrant this is forgery. :to surpass the celebrated „ Queen of the Boatmen, ,Livery men, Farmers, and West" and ' , Hathaway" stoves, the for- • all who use horses, will find this Oint, ment the very best thing they can use mer of which we are also prepared to supply. .illso, Coal Cooking Stoves, for collar galls, scratches, kicks, &c. Parlor and Chamber stoves of the most 6: e . &e , elegant patterns.on their animals. Surely, ev er, , cry merciful man would keep his ani -1 teals as free from pain as possible.— Hollow Ware, TouSey's Universal Main-mit is all that Such as Pots, Wash Kettles, &c. Ploughs of . is required, Try it. such variety that all may be suited. Carriage and Waggon boxes from the smallest to the largest, Bites of Insects.—For the sting or bite sled and sleigh soles, and in fine any and every- of poisonous insects,- Tousey's Oint thinsin our line of business can be had tmmedi- : ment is Unrivalled. Hundreds have ately, or at the shortest notice. l tried and found it good. Old metal and country produce taken , Piles Cured! —For the Piles,- Tonr in exchange. - scy's Universal Ointment is one of the ' Ask Ask the Sufferer ' aplll4.] McGILL SeGRAFIUS ' best Remedies that can be applied. All ' ritot who have tried it for the Piles recom- ' A NI 'l' II M A mend it. I what has relieved him in such a short ties- ft, rip ' Old Sores Cured.—For old, obstinate his difficulty of breathing, Cough and sulfurs , sores, there is nothing equal to Toil- tionl He Will tell you it was" the 01. - sey's Ointment. A person in Manlius samiiiin, of All Healing flotsam." had for a number of years, a sore leg . Ask the Consumptive what hoe allayed his allayed remo ved that baffled the skill of the doctors.-- ; ved the Pain in his Side end Tousey's Ointment was recommended ' Cliest,checked his night meals and by one of the visiting physicians, (who placed the rose of health upon his check 1 knew its first virtues,) and two boxes and he willtellyou ..tintamss's OLOSAON IA N , AI, L-I1 EALING BALSAM, . Olt produced more benefit than the patient . had received from any and all previous liviiiii,,i74,,,,prelvoit;R:l,,;ds tr:lifx,(,,,,,,,gii, . Ask your friends if they know of any thing that remedies. Let all try it. Burns and Scalds Cured.—Thousands of cases of burns and scalds, in all parts lion, Hoarseness, Influenza, and disease s o ' l t ;1 1 :1: of the country, have been cured by , Throut,as the Otostionian I and they u ill tell x sit Tousey's Universal Ointment. Cert i- ' d 7 , 74. t. T 1 1 , 7 ,1 7 1i, 0 , e n v o r ti t c y e r u t l inb h r a r s n a iwr re n in p et r l c y th i i i :t t i r , o ; ficates enough can be had to fill the whole of this sheet. of so much good in so short ft space of (inn.. Read ' I - ielent Bruises Cured.—Testimonials the fol' owing• ASTONIgIIING CURES. on testimonials, in favor of Tousey's Wn.130,1, the celebrated Bostonc tot I,e e' Ointment for curing bruises, have been 99 NliSgSttstreet.l3rooklyn. stoles ilia' ins . n i si l lT h lis,: offered the proprietors. Hnndres in been afflicted with Asthma for 30 years, and mold Sx•rae ti s will certify to its great merits not fin d whichfindpeiNmeawneynot:kelaienrdfnrorn oiotkhieynlircsolunhvii,triroadlusctii.: in relieving the pain of the most severe vice was H t 7 . This (iou g g i r . c t i n , r t remedy . , nht, n , .;•11 ,, e ti Il i s ., n , i t ;i w g bruise. All persons should try it. Scald Head Cured.—Sores or cases of ''early scald head have been cured by Tousey's If:;17. th eMsort:".(lJdoiriscilaissentorw"soit'wieintlail7naissplile'"i:lXds Ointment. Try it—it seldom fails. ,to rise from her bed enrly in the morning at d et- Salt Rheum Cured.—Of all the rem- . tend to her usual duties through the day A 1 iti.out edies ever discovered for this most this-' artY annoYanc. front her distressin g motility. ' HEXItY JACKSON', 13th street, near the Catholic agreeable comprefint, Tonsey's Univer- C ! nictry, came to the store for thepurpose of ob. sal Ointment is the ot most complete. It . tooting a bottle of the Olosonnian, blui ng tern was never known. to fail. I Afflicted with the Asthma fop more than 30 yenrs Chapped Hands can be C ured.—Ton- ' and won so exhausted on his snivel that be could' sey'a Universal Ointment will always Friar Jaya s notspo a nk s af . H te e rw p a u r r d ci l l i n e s w ed al a ke b , o l i f t r l e e n ir i l zer d ,e,,i l t i i e r i p i i : ; c u re the worst cases of chapped-hands. Scores of persons will state this: , to the office without fatigue. a distance of sin r to a Sore Lips Cured.—For the cure of miles, to tell of die - wonderful relief IN 11'11, lie I" I expo: f lensed fromusing about one half o ' sore lips, there was never anything lie, ""'"" made equal to Tousey's Oiattrrent. It I COiliSitilMpll lion 0111 he li .it Has. I is sure cure for them. Try it. 1 Mit.ComvonT, 35 White street, its . to It v. in It is a scientific compound', warran- ' tim e month of December last, that be vi as gilt n t I , ted not to contain any preparation oh by his PhYsicim His Illinois entertain, till° hi pe fiiv i ii t i! ,i : . oo re io7 'e a r o Y d . to ll i%Z . E r ' pr i t l Z F i n t u h a ß7 l t o o ro: 1) ....:1 1 :- Mercury. red him to health that he la now able to 01111, atsti (Trice 25 cents per box. For titer particulars concerning this really . th ,, .„„,,. valuable Ointment, the public are refer-' Mrs, Airuns, the wife of XI ni. H. Attlee. red to phamphlets to be had gratis, of James Harman, Esti, and Gemge W. hays, 1; 4 ,, respectable Druggists and Merchants cniii an b ie „, to ,, tiinon y from their ow n cxperit me o throughout the United States. the healing properties of this Great lit rin-ex in AGENTS.—T. K. SIMONTON, Hun- consumption stir Lungs. . $.411,1111111X 8/01111. tingdon ; Jas. Clark, Birmingham ; J. R. ' Cox, Warrior s in a r k ; J. S. Ise t t , Spruce 6 ,, :,.1e T i. , r ) : 0 e ' ic . , l o ' ,: r l oo ' i t nu : e, i, l abeitdi,,,i n f i I , , l io i n ; fe,d a igi . r 6 : o 2 : 7 l ,,, N i i . e i l i to i i i e i : i r i l i v oi j oi,. : l,l l ,i l is ;, id :,: j:. ::: ; i: : ,: : : Creek ; G. H. Steiner, Waterstreet ; Moore & Swoopo, Alexandria ; A. &N• relieved by Creswell. i i i t e t y lw a g f r . e n a n i , e t ii h t e re s :i n e i d e v cioniii,bpk:ino,:litl. although, he ~ f„. son, W illiamsburg ; Royer 4 ' Co., ' DI, ti 1 8 KELLY, 26 Water street, nun also re- SpringfieldAi' Lindsey, thei tcgi:b.t.lit'liwoiciin:idil winter. when tli .‘ e i h i a:r , c7 u orl i:iyr:, h r o y (i .. s p i l i c:i I :: :i n t , g o , i t; - . I D u. i e ans ii 1 e Furnace; j . lr. , s r e tst iit l i : i .1 andwiiois°. daily )1 veva:v.:3f: work. t much ri e, , z ; e r ad lb i l ir t ini d :cil s ,,li i , t r3 l , 1 1 ii n i: ‘, i 1 ,. , .. h mda t . daysburg ; Jas. Condron, Frankstown. CLICI&ENER 9 S EITGAR-COATID PILLS, D.,,,i, IiIiNIPI.IINi,N, 60 Laight street, Gorge The Ply Effectual Purgative, W. Burnett. loonerly of 1%. e, atk, N. J., flinty cured within the last year Lisbon, 199 liking:on street, alul 111111.C11 us whir OVER 200,000 1't:1180;4S persons have been spec 'lily and ;immanently tumid of the „A d,, antes Exisi cal . a l i i, n ti : lkis: Birmingham;inh i i s o r I• N m .T crl ( y ) . N, , jiin 1 z.i t of the following Complaints: J. S. )Sett , Spruce g in ; l er o ,: b l i l l d r % ;:t:ra p t a r: t e c t r. ; Headache, Giddiness, ttlivumaiihm, Piles, Die- • pepsia,Scurvy,Sllllll pox, Jaundie Pains in the ' 'tie, on ; C Co re x e , k l% ; ! arriorsni s a bs r ut k ie. RisingH a clt,l n i x n v a tt r i d e , V4 l : h e r a o l . t ze p s Palpitations r , opsy, A ~ ti, i n o a f , tlg e w H e e r : r a t ! , allkinds, Female Complaints, Measles, Salt Rheum Moore & Swoops , Alexaernd&ricit,i).SAp&rinNg: Creswell, C l : et t e i r . field Furnace ; 1%!. Thompson, Duncans- Heartburn, Worms, Cholera Moulton, Coughs,' Quinsy, Whooping Cough, Consumption, Fits, 1 son, Williamsburg. ; Roy * Liam complaint, Bryaipelas, Deafness, Behind of the Skin, Colds, Gout, Gravel, Nervous Com- plaints, and a variety of other diseases arising from Ville ; J. H. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg ; impurities of the brood, and obstructions in them-- Jas. Condron, Frankstown. gang of digestion. — Ex periencehos proved that nearly every disease originatesfrom Impurities of the Blood or Derange ments of the Digestive Organs; and to secure Health, xve must remove those Impurities and re store the blood to its natural state. Therefore, . By means of for POCKET when the slightest derangement of the system is ./ESCULAPIES,or,Every indicated by Costiveness, or any other sign, it ad- one his sum Physician ! monishes os that superfluities are gathering in the Feventeentli Edition, with System,which shou:tt be immediately removed by upwards of One Hundred an effectual purging. This fact. as stated, is uni- Engravin g s, showing i.rixate versally known; but people have such an aversion dismiss in every shape and to medicine, that, unless the case urgent, they pre- form, and malfoi mations of formed thediseaso to the cure, generally. Since the the general system, By WM, YOUNG, M.D. invention, however, of The timeline arrived. that persona suffering frr m secret disease,need no more become the victims of Gild:Tiler's Vegetable Pergative Pills, Quackery, as by the prescription, contained in . this objection does not exist, nathey ar e completely this book any one may cure hinwelf, without bin enveloped with a coating of pure while sugar &once to business, or the knowledge of the most (ne distinct from the internal ingredients as a nut intimate friend, ar d with one tenth the ?mud es . siieli from the kernel) hare no taste of medicine, sense! In addition to the general routin e of pri. and are na easily swallowed as bits of candy.— : vale diseases, it fully explains the cause of Mon- Moreover they neither neouseole or gripe in the hoocrsearly decline.with observations on M a r i i ege slightest degree. They operate equally on all the —besides many other derangements which itwould diseased parts of the system, instead of confining not be prnper to enumerate in the public prints. themselves to, and racking any particular region, , o• Persona residing at any distance from Phil- Thus, for exempts, if the Liver he affected,one is. ' adeipliia, can have this book forwarded to them gredient will operate on that partic u l a r or g a n , and. ' through the Post Office, on the receipt of twenty by cleansing it of that Excess of Bile it in con- ! five centr, directed to Dr. William Young, 162 Inanity dischargi ng into the stomach, restore it to ' SPRUCE Street, Philadelphia. its nstoral state. Another will overate on 51,. - • Tn.. nri neon " Encourage your Own" Cabinet Wai•e Mantilacioe", Main Street, Huntingdon, I'a Z. H. & D. TOULD avail themselves of this method of V informing their friends and the public at large that they continue to carry on the CABINET-MAKING busin7W, - at7l;oir — r7l:l slanti, - one door eiist7o - f the dwelling home of J. G. Miles, Esq., and directly opposite the Printing Office of the "Huntingdon Journal," where they will be pleased to furnish those who may favor them with their custom, with all articles in their line on the most reasonable terms. Having supplied themse'ves with a very large and superior stock of stuff, they have no hesitation in assuring the Public that they can furnish work, which, for cheapness, beauty and durability, cannot be surpassed by any other shop in the county. They will keep constantly on hand, and make to order. SIDE BOIIRDS, BUREIRIS, Card Tables, Bedsteads, Centre Tables, Cupboards, Stands, Dough Troughs, Wash Stands, Wardrobes, Secretaries, Breakfast Tables, Pedestals, &c. , Old furniture repaired at the very shortest no tice. Corrtos made and funerals attended, either in town or country, at the shortest notice. They keep a Hoarse for the accommodotion of their cus tomers. Gram of all kinds will be taken in exchange for furniture and work. Thankful for the veryliberalpatronageheretolore extended to them, they assure the public that no efforts will he spared on their part to deserve a con tinuanceand increase of public patronage. may 2,18484 f. DUE Rots • TEIVIVENT 9 S Washington Gallery of Daguerrotypes, No. 234 North Second Streri, N. It'. roarer of rlrrunE rini rpHE Likenesses taken and beautifully colored I . at this well known establishment, for orra not.- Lao, are universally conceded to be YAVAL in ev ery reaped to ANY iu the city. Pictures taken equally well in cloudy and clear weather. A large assortment of MEIIALLIONS and LOCKETS on hand, from s: ; ' to ss, includvg the picture. The subscribers respectfully Invite the citizens of H untingdon County, to call and examine spe cimens of tho latest improvements in the art of Daguerreotyping, which will be exhibited cheer fully and without charge July; 4 1848 T. J. C. TENT EN'r Blood, and remove those impurities vv.hich have ready entered ihto its Yeirculation ; while a third will effectually expel fr, m the system Whatever im purities may have been discharged into the etc m• ach ; and hence they Strike at the Root of Disease, Remove all Ira pure Humors; open the porcr ca• tumidly and intztnally ; promote the Insensible Perspiration, obviate Flatulency, Headache, &c., separate all foreign and obnoxious fr, en the chyle, secure a free and healthy action to the Heart, Lunge, and Liver, end thereby reitore health area when all othee means hare fez/cd. The entire truth of the above can be ancertaint d by the trial of a single box a and their virtue' me so positive and certain in reotoring Health That , ti e proprietor binds himself to return the choosy I aid for them in all cases where they do not gise uni versal satisfaction. Retail Price, 25 cts. Per *ox. Prineipalofliee No. 66 Vesey St., New tea. Sold in Harrisburg, by D. Robinson, Market St. c c-, Remember Dr. C. V. Cliekener la the inven tor al Sugar Coated Pill., and that nothing of the sort was ever heard of until he introduced the m in June, 1843. Purchasers should, therefore, alway ask for Clickener's Sugar Coated Vegetahle and take no others, or they will be made the vic tims of a fraud. AGENTS.---T. K. SIMONTON, Hue , tingdon, Jas. Clark, Birmingham, B. Cox, .0. H. Steiner, Waterstreet, Moore & Swope, Alexandria, A. & N. Creswell ; Petersburg. Orlady & Patterson, Wild linmsburg, Royer & Co., .Springfield' Furnace, M. Thompson, Duncan J. M. I. , indsey ; Hollidaysburg, Jas. Con. drori, Frankstown. Doctor Toursoll 1 77 : Ji i 1,1 For Twenty-Five Ceuta!