MURDER. SOUTHBRIDGE, MASS. Oct. 24 A dreadful murder was committed in this town yesterday by Milton Street er, ugon tee eerson of his wife, Mrs. El vire Streeter. He had before threaten ed her life, and she had just instituted a complains against him, which had re sulted in his being put under bonds. He entered his house and enquired for his shirts. Ho was told by his wife that they were up stairs on the top of a clothes basket ; he said however that ho could not find thein and ordered her to look for them. She accordingly went to do so, and had no sooner reached the head of the stairs than she was heard to scream, and on the persons who were in the house rushing to the spot she was found with her throat cut from ear to ear. She comedown stairs, passed out of doors and d:cd upon the door step. Streeter -*hen attempted to take his own life, with the same razor, but failed, and is now in custody. Both of them wore young. Streeter's crime may serve to illustrate the danger of cherishing a revengeful disposition. He was in the common habit of threatening to kill people, and had that vory day wished he had a rope around the neck" of a neighbor. Ho had been brought up without religious eulti vation.—X.Y. Recorder. An Intainous Son. . one of our English papers by the last mail we find a statement to the fol lowing effect, which we think only finds its parallell in the unnatural children of King Lear.—ln the Taunton county Court, Mr. Comb applied for the dis• charge of an insolvent, named George Day, un old man uptyards of 70 years of age; ►►• ho had been imprisoned eight years ut the suit of his son, Frederick Day. The old man stated that sumc years ago he hod signed off the whole Of his property, of the value of about £lOOO, to his children, and having giv en a note in hand for .£5O, to Frederick, which he failed to meet at the proper time, he was proceeded against, notwith• standing that he had lent several sums to the son, amounting in the whole to nearly J.:50, but of which no account had been kept. The result was that the tinf'ortunate old man was thrown into Trison, whets he remained eight years. His Honor the Judge, immediately or dered the insolvents discharge, obser• wing that he ought to have had it eight years ago. [from the Baltimore American.) BOSTON, Nov. 3. Draadttal Railroad accident---Loss of Life. , Invite the attention of the citizens of Hunting- ! • A collision occurred last night on the ' dun and persons visiting this place during the . Court to their immense stock at Boston and Lynn Railroad, bleb wits . present %V attended with a terrible sacrifice of life. 4 ( 11 LOCKS An extra train had left Lynn about mid.. night, bringing your reporter among • if V A TCH ES, the passengers. After proceeding some' distance on the road, met the Marble- , . Jewelry, and race, Articles ; just received attheir store in MARKET Slit,llE, head train coming down. one door east Of the Exchange Hotel. They Before the engines could be reversed . „. i ii sell they came together, and in the next in- Full jewelled Gold Levers, 18 Carot, hunting stela a most die ulful acetic was preset, case, for $OO 00' 4 , gold,l,ers IS caret single case 00 oo fed. The forward cars w P ere literally Gold Le pine, finest q u a lit y, ' ' 1 '25 00 annihilated and the passengers mid bag- silver Levers, f , .„,. 812 to .10 00 gag..." strewed around. Unfortunately, ~ Lephies Btols 00 six persons, whose natues our reporter " Verge Watches Itoto 00 e,nild not ascertain at the time, were . Eight day brass Clocks 5 to 0 00 . 30 hour 44 44 3to 400 killed on the spot, many others were Accardeons. 1 to 18 00 badly wounded, some it is feared fatally Gold Pencile, 1 50 to 0 00 and others sightly. It is not ascertain-' a Pens, 1 00 to 250 ha where the censure should rest. ! Gold Miniature Frames, 4 00 to 10 00 ! All kinds of Jewelry 20 per cent lower than C hereto fore. entral Railroad. lite are thankful for patronage heretofore re . Many inquiries use being made in re-ceived, and would solicit all persons desirous or lation to the completion of this road. ' purchasing any thing in our line to give us a The following extract from the report eall• of Mr. Thompson, the Chief Engineer, ' eti l ';:;, d l3 ; ae C ee l 7'; k e ' d ' Watch " "" d Jew e lr Y "Nil' gives a succinct statement in relation to Huntingdon, Nov. 11, ISIS. its progress and completion : ANOTHER GRAND RALLY "The progress to this time renders it certain that the road from Harrisburg AT TILE to Lewistown will be in active operation : CHEAPEST COPNER in May next, when you will begin to . i i reap the fruits of your enterprise. In i curt JOHNNY". in the field again, with December following, it will be ready to the largest, prettiest andelinapestOktocic of goods Hantingdon, at which point it will take ever offered to the piddle in this section of the a large share of western trade and tray. " i staple goofs in abundance. %4 country. Our stock el• dress goods is have also M is complete el. In ay following it wiil open to 'tad i', assortment of - Hollidaysburg, and in connection with CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, the Portage, there will be a continuous HARDWARE, QUEENSW ARE AND line of Railway extending front Phila. • GROCERIES, delphia, two hundred and eighty•seven , It is unneccessary for us to enumerate the Miles, out of three hundred and fifty, ' names and prices of our goods, as it is expected carrying, in conjunction with thg canal, persons wishing to purchase wilt examine for the whole of your trade in summer, and themselves. Persons wishing good bargains 41Tording the cheapest Winter convey- , mill find that this is the place, and if we do not once between Philadelphia and Pitts. satisfy yin, yon that the goodsare the CHEAPEST it. MN N, we have a small lot y can have burg. • for taking them away. The public are invited to attend the grand PARTY COLUMN—We had last night rally at the Cheap Corner. P. sample—though fortunately not a very JOHN N. PROWELL. serious one—of the bitterness of party Huntingdon, Nov. 11, 4818. spirit which in other places during the ANOTUEfI WONMEIR I compaign, has raged so high as to dis , I Later, Cheaper and Better. turb the public peace and in one instance I THE Huntingdon Jewelry Store has just re• to lead to a brutal murder. There teas ceived another large and choice selection of a collision between Whigs and Demo- i CLOCKS, WATCHES, JE Vt ELRY, crats during the passage of a Whig pro- &e.,&., of every description and quality. cession through State street, in which ll persons, whether desirous of purchasing blows were exchanged and bruises in- or not are requested to call and examine this flicted. One man, a whig, had his knee stock , and thus satisfy t'aeMselVes of its cheap es., and excellence. pan broken in the disgracful affray: The 0-5.- The undersigned has recently employed DeMocrats, it is said, aided by a gang of a s.tillfa/ and experienced workman front Phila- Irish boys, were the aggressors, but it delphia, to do all kinds of Clock, Watch and is difficult to get at the truth in the mat- Jewelry repairing. CMitomets may rely upon having thoir work well and promptly done, and ter.—Bost. Tray. j warranted for one year FAT Cow: few days since a butch- Huntingdon, Nov. la. IS IS j. T. se°l7. . or, at Preston, slaughtered a fat cow and found in her paunch a pair of buck- ItOUSSELL'iII les, a half penny, a clock pinion, two Perfumes, Hair Oils, Soups, Shaving Cream, &c. nails, a button„ and several other met- I A very large lot of Roussell's unrivalled al articles, which seemed in no wise to Shaving Cream, &c., &c., just opening at the Jewelry Store. lt is decidedly the have injured the animal's health or di- b li e u s n tU in ,s g o d r ° t n ment 3n town and will he sold very gestton.—Cin Times. ,11,1 p. SVIRIC LIST. SECOND WEEK, William Ij. Addleman, Warriorsmark ; Dan iel Africa, Esq:, llenderson; John Appleby, Jr., Dublin ; Benjamin Baker, Tod ; Samuel Burdge, Tell ; Henry Brewster, Shirley ; Richard Cope lin, Jackson ; Joseph Cornelius, Cromwell; John A. Campbell, Brady ; David Clarkson, Cass; Samuel Clement, Henderson; Joseph Dysart, Franklin; Peter Kecker, West; Mi chael Flesher, Jackson; Thomas Fisher, Hen derson; Hiram Greenland, Cass; Samuel Grubb, Penn ; William G. Harper, Tell ; John Ilegie, Tell; John Henderson, Warriorsinark ; Alex ander Hutchison, do.; Jacob Herncame, Porter; William Johnston, Henderson ; Daniel Knode, Porter; Michael Lowe, Morris; William B. Leas, Shirley; Miles Lewis, West; Daniel Massey, Barree ' • George May, Tell ; William Orr, Esq., do.; Lewis Palmer, Warriorsmaak ; Joseph Rhodes, Shirley; John Starr, Esq., Clay; John L. Travis, Franklin; Alexander Thompson, Jackson ; Thomas Wilson, Esq., Barree. TRIAL LIST—FIosT WEEK. Jas. Milliken for use vs Wm. Stewart. John Laughry vs Geo. W. Mcßride. Wm. McNite vs Fraker & Diven. Wm. P. Laughlin vs Alex. McAninch. S. S. Barton for use vs Mary Barton's adin'r. Brubaker for Neff's heirs vs David Miller. Daniel Corkle vs John Jackson. Huntingdon county vs. A. Robison's exr's. Tames Dearment's heirs vs A. & N. Creswell Christian Prough vs James Entrekin. Daniel Prough vs Same. George Prough vs Same. Henry Prough vs Same. Daniel McMahon vs John McMahon. George Leas vs James Clarke. Bell & Orbison vs John Savage. Levels Smalley's heirs vs Dawson Smalley. Wm. Scott's heirs vs Wm. Scott's ex'r. SECOND WEEK. Robt. Stunkard's ex'rs vs Wm. McCleiland. Abraham Cromwell vs E. F. Shoenberger. A. McAninch & wife vs. Wm. L. Laughlin. R. W. Desilver vs Wm. Stewart. Matthew Garner vs Sebastian Keely. Confth for use vs Beigle, Gates et al. Reed Use for use vs Martin Gate, Alex. Stool vs James Reed. Wright ibr Swoope ye Jesse Wright. Morrison for McMulmn vs Daniel McMahon. Matthew Garner vs Daniel Kyper. A. McAninch & wife vs Wm. P. Laughlin. Robert Massey is Robert Moore. Elias Hoover vs J. W. & S. Lock. John Rumbarger's adm's vs Wm. M. Lyon & co. Ewing for Gates'vs James Ewing. James Entrekin's ex'rs vs John McPherran. _- Rebecca Wall vs Creswell & Dinsmore. Lewistown Bank for use vs Hardman Philips. Win. R. Thompson & Co. vs Pa. & Ohio Line. W. & B. Leas vs Blair & Madden. James Ewing vs Ewing & John McCahan vs Edward IL Lytle. I. Thompson's heirs vs T. Ste Wart & J. John. 1001 ILLUMIN ! ONLY WOO IMEST.DAGU EIMEOTYPE. LIKENESSES EV,EIt MADE IN HUNTINGDON J. A. DOYLE & A. M. WILT, Respectfully informs the Ladies and Gent' men of Huntingdon and its vicinity, that they have opened a llaguorriun Gallery at the Court House where with an improved apparatus and materials of the hest quality they are prepared to execute Daguerreotype Likenesses, of all sizes, in a style unsurptssed by any other Artists in the country. Their likenesses a e war ranted not to fade, and their bright lifa-like ex pres. 'don biotic of their peculiar characteristics of beau ty. . 1. , firmly groups taken inn splendid sth le, and at moderate p rices. Likenesses of children (as young as two yearn,) taken in the handsomest manner. Miniatures, and Paintings of all kinds copied; min flutes made, without regard to the Weather, from 8 o'clock, A. M. to 5 P. M. T - I.As their stay will be :imited, those wishing get a good likeness, would do well to call soon id have their " shadow caught, ere the sub once fades," 'lnstruction given at moderate rates Huntingdon, Nov. 11, 1818. Huntingdon County, SS. AT an Orphans' Court held at Huntingdon In and for the county of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and fourteenth day) of August A. D. 1848, before the Indses of the raid Court: The Petition of George Fray nos read, setting forth—That n written contract was entered into between Petitioner and James Ent rekin, Eq., in his life time, by which the said James Entrekin agreed to sell and convey to Petitioner, three lots of ground in Stoner's Tot, n, Tedford county, Penn'a. That said ;\ grerment hos been lest and cannot be found, and praying the Court to take Testimony of the existence, contents and loss of said Agreement, and desire a Neel& performance of the said contract, &c. Whereupon, the seventeenth day of August 1848, the Court order thr.t the first day of lICT.t (N.01111re!) Term be appointed to take sold Testimony—that personal Notices of ibis Order be served en the Ileentor of Limes Entrekin, dec'd., and that Notice thereof be published in ono Newspaper printed in the county of Hun tingdon for six weeks prior to the said first day of r ext (November) Term, which shall be deem ed notice to all other persons interested in the Es tate of said deceased. By the A•ourt. Certified from the Record under the Seal of the said Court at Huniinedror, the twenty-eighth day of September A. D. 1848. JACOB MILLER. Oct. 3, 1848. FOR BALE OR RENT, 9 1 11 E subscriber otters for .le or rent his house . and Lot situate in the boro - ugh of Alexandria, in Main street opposite the residence of 1. Grafius, Esq. The house is huge and suitable for any kind of business. A good lot. Pomp at the door, variety of fruit trees, large stable and other out buildincs. 'rids property will be sold low. Application may he mnee to CYR(J WILSON ur GEO. H. YOUNG, Esq., Alexandria, Pa. Oct. 3, 1948. PALL AND WINTER FASHIONS!! Clothing for Men and Boys, A. WILLOUGHBY. tills received at his old Stand in Main Streel, Huntingdon, a new, and large assortment of Clothing, READY-MADE, of :dl 5ir..,., to suit men and boys, consisting of the most fashionable Dress Coats, Pantaloons and Vats, made of the best and finest Mau, Ca,sim,res and Cassinett, And an equal as sortment of plain and substantial materials, suited for the every day business of all classes. He has a FELL ASSORTMENT of every size and kind, and he will sell as Cheap as the Cheapest. He only wants a small living profit; and he in vites all who wish to purchase to see Isis Goods, Ware purchasing elsewhere. Tayloring is his trade, and he knows what he says when he says he can and will accommodate all who call, on terms to suit. He also continues THE TAYLOWNO BUSINESS, and has an extensive assortment of Cloths, Cassineits and restings which he will sell and make up to suit any and every body, cheap and Well. lle is determined to leave No Room for Grumbling I septl9,lBlB. 'bisectors' Notice, NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamen tary have been granted to the undersigned. oft the estate of John .ShaflCr, lute of Morris tow n ship. deceased. Persons kni , wing themselves in , cielited will come forward and make payment, and all those having claims will present them duly an thentiested for settlement. PETER SHAFFER, WILLIAM SHAFFEE, Execntors. Moms tomullip I , ;ov. 8,1848-6 t. Pennsylvania Railroad Company: NOTICE is hereby given, that the SIXTH instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per share is requested to be paid on.* before the FIRST day of NOVEMBER next. GEORGE V. BACON, Treasurer. ire' Instalments recetvad by MILES & Don nis, Huntingdon. Huntingdon, Oct. 17, 1848. ' 5 112 CiErlnr . 1A ME mare residence of the subscriber resi- U ding in liady township, near Hoxberry, Huntingdon county, on or about the middle of September lest, a Nick tow. some seven or eight years olds—the points of her horns have been sawed off. The otvner is respeated to come for ward, prove property, pay charges, and takeher away, °them tee alto will be dispored of race° , ding to law. JOHN McOAHTHY. 00.24,1848. M. J. M. ROWE, DROOM & WOODEN WARE STORE, o. 64.10r1it Third Street, O'ne door above Arch, oast side, PHILADELPHIA, Manufacturers & Wholesale Dealers in all kinds Oct. 31, 1848. of Brooms, Brushes, Buckets, Cedar Ware.— Willow and French Baskets, Shoo and Wall ! A. W. Benedict Brushes, Sat übs, Dusters, Mots, Blacking, East- ITTORN EY AT LA W, H u ntingdon ,Pa.— A ozn.made Wooden-ware of every description, &c. Office at his old residence in Main etreet,a &c.. at the loWeirt market prices. 'few doors west of the old Court House. He wit MANLY ROWE, attend to say business entrusted to him in the soy JOHN M. ROWE. ; rat Court. of Huntingdon end adjoining counties, Nt'itrch• "Broke out in a New Place !" STANDING STONE HEAD-QUARTERS. CAPT. DAVID HAZZARD, would respectfully inform ull creation—everything on two legs, that cats—and his numerous friends iu particular, that he has again opened in a note pace, next dem to 'l'. Read .d Son's store, an elegant Irnllgll.l SAIIMIT4 where he is prepared to accommodate all w homey favor him with their custom with superior "Simi. Fine and fisin's, at all times. His new stand is fitted up on purpose" to ac commodate Ladies rind go. !Irma. The "old Captain" therefore hopes that his friends of both sexes will extend to him a liberal support. CONFECTIONARIES, APPLES, NUTS. tlcc.„ acc., always on hand, Nov. 11,1848. Sugars. , -5, 6 and 8 cents per pound— I Molasses, from 37f, to 40 cents per gallon ; and every other article usually • kept in a Grocery Store, nt equally low prices. Boots, Shoes, Bats and Caps, Hardware and Cutlery, t birth, Glass and Queens we re, Drugs, Medicines. Dye Stuffs, &e. Alt of which will be sold at vet.): reduced prices. The Ladies and Gentlemen ore requested to call and examine these Goods, as they cannot fail to please all both sa regards style and price. DORSEY 4. MA,OUIRE, In the store room formerly ocenpied by Jecnh Miller, opposite the residence of Judge G win, Huntingdon. All kinds of Country Produce fa ken in exchange for goods. ('Sept. 26. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. NEW NAT MANUFACTORY. 'fire undersigned announces to the citizens of Huntingdon County, that he has just opened in !the borough of LEW ISTOWN, a new HAT MANUFACTORY, where he is pre . pared to wake every variety of Hots in use. out of the best materials, such as BEAVER, SILK, NUTRIA, FUR, • WOOL*. The business of manufacturing is conducted by and under his own personal super ' vision, and his long experience in the business in the best establishments of the country warrants him in guaranteeing to ail who may puiditure from hint good substantial and highly finished work. I Our Omish fri nde shall not be forgetten in the efforts we shall put forth to meet the wants of the *lO Reward. community, in out line of business, and he will Mtn away from the subscriber on Tuesday be ready to answer their calls at prices that must night. 25th inst., JOHN BEATY, an indented ap- I p'ease. prentice to the Taiforing business. All persons I 'l'o COUNTRY MERCHANTS, are cautioned not to harbor or treat said appren- and all others who may desire to purchase Hats, tire, as I will pay no debts of his contracting.— his establishment affords superior inducements, The above reward, but no other charges, will both oe t , gorth , quality and price, which shall be be paid to any one returning said apprentice to I of such et character as to leave na room for grum. me. Huntingdon, Oct. 31, 18j1A85(Y BSNYDEIL I bling. We the' efore invite everybody, Of every ;distinction of party or aeCt, to call and examine New Arrangement. I our stock; which is tits fat gest sfict best aseOrted one J ACOB SNYDER, Tailor, would take this that hes ever been introduced here. means of informing his customers and the I N. B. Hate of my mimtifacttire can be had public generally, that he has disposed of his at retell at the store of WM. STEWART, in Tailoring Establishment to Mr. JOHN EASTON., Huntingdon Borough. by whom the. business will be hereafter conduct-, I , V M. G. ZOL LIN GER'. I ed. All persons knowing themselves indebted , debted Leviistouilf, Sept. 26,1t48. for work done, will please call and settle with. , _ out delay, as he is determined to collect his out- CHEAPER THAN EVER.' standing debts forthwith. Those who call soort will therefore save costs• fifyalt warn to get We Worth of your &miry ilea JACOB SNYDER. buy from CH! WHAT A RUSH, AT THE EAGLE SALOON, OR TOE WORLD'S SIDADQUARTERS The undersigned take great pleasure in announcing to the public that, after a considerable amount of labor and ex pense, they have succeeded in opening the most splendidly furnished and com fortable OYSTEIIii SALOON. between Philadelphia and Pittsburg, in the basement of SNARE'S ROW, Huntingdon, immediately opposite the "Grand Bazar" where they will be plea sed to see all who may be kind enough to give them a call. They have, on this occasion, as well as all others had an eye single to the in terests of the ladies, in furnishing an apartment expressly or their fair friends Give us a call ladies and gentlemen, and examine the different apartments, for yourselves, and if you are not sat isfied you can " take our hats." They have also a fine lot of Confec tionary &c., which will be sold low. WM SNARE, WM. T. WILSON. Huntingdon, Oct. 31, 1848. Oct. 31, 1818. NOTICE. The partnership heretofore existing under the firm of Joseph Milliken & Co. was disolved by mutual consent on the 19th inst. All persons having claims will present them to L. G. Kessler for payment, and those indebted by note or book account to the above firm, and also those •indebted to the late firm of Milli hens & Kessler, will pay their respec tive amounts to L. G. Kessler. JOSEPH MILLIKEN. W. P. MILLIKEN. L. G. KESSLER. The business will be continued as heretofore, by P. F. Kessler & L. G. Kessler, cinder the name of Kessler & Brother, who are at all times prepared to pay cash for wheat, clovemeed and other produce at the highest market price. Constantly oti hand. Plaster, Salt, Fish, Iron, Stotesi Cold &c., rith a gen eral assortment of Merclitindis'e at the lowest prices. KESSLER & BROTHER. Mill Creek ; Oct. 200, 18,18. Farmers, Loot: Were! Manaileldni Patent Clover-Hulling Machine. subscriher having purchased the Potent ". right for this CLOVER HULLING MA CHINE, fur Huntingdon counti, noir offers it to the public throughout the County, feeling as ured that it hat nut its equal in the United States. It will shell, with a cylinder wily 22 inches long and 16 in diameter, from 30 to 40 Bushels per Day! With foUr horse po*er, and is tvarroted Mahal dean and not to break the seed. A number of farmers who have tried it are willing to testify that it has actual'y shelled EIGHT BUSHELS PER HOUR! The object of the undersigned is to put up a machine whereter desired, and todispose of town ship rights. Persona, therefore, who wish to eri4 Gage in the business and MA Kt MOSEY, can see tilt. machine thoroughly tested by calling on the undersigned residing near MANOR jill,L, Bar ret, township. Huntington county. Individual or township rights will be disposed of on the most reasonable terms. . All per.ons are respectfully invited to witness a trial of said machine. . ILLIA M (RUM, Near Manor Hill. Hunt. Co., l'a . Oct. 21, 1848-3 m, Notice. • rpHE DEEDS FOR UNSEATED LAND sold in June j, last, are now ready, aml the purchasers are requested to come forward and lift them. ISAAC NEFF, Treasurer. FALL AND WINTER COODS, Great Redaction in Prices. DORSET a STAGIIIRE, 1 Have just received direct from the Eastern Cider, and are now opening a splendid assortment of NEW AND CHEAP GOODS, consisting of overy variety of 0 0 0 Suited to Ladies and nehtletnen's wear, including Cloths. Caesimers, &mine's, Vestings, Silks, Sat ins. Alpachas, Cashcneres,De Lefties, Plsids,Boin bazines, Ginghams, t alieoes, Checks,Shawlsofee. We hail) also a handsome assortment of READY-LADE CLOTHING. They tvouldalso inviteattentiontotheirstock of GROCE RIES, GEORGE GWIN, where you will find the largest, best, and cheap est a inortment of Goods, that the town can pro duce; and that, too, at such low prices that all who purchase nee fully satisfied tint our motto in true," A quick Six-pence is better than a slow chilling." Huntingdon, Oct. 17, 1848. English and Classical InstituteT The subscribers, residents of Shade Gap, Huntingdon county, Pa., beg leave to inform their friends and the public generally, tlat they • intend, if they meet with sufficient encourage ment, to establish at the place above mentioned ' a BOARDING SCHOOL for the education of young men. The course of instruction will comprise in addition to the usual branches of a common English education—Philosophy, Math emetics, and the Latin end Greek languages.— The location is distinguished for its healthful 110ss and the moral and religious character of the surrottniling community. Every attention will be paid to the health and ntdrals of the pu-. pits as well as to their mere mental training and advancement in scientific knowledge, and every facility will be arlbrded for their personal com fort and convenience. Owing to some necessary preparations to be made in the buildiecs,, the first session will not Iche dminenced nntithe 20th of Novanberhexi, and will continua for five months, thus dividing the year into two sessions of five months each. The terms will be For reading, writing an d Arithmetic, $2 50 pet qUarfeY, dr $5 00, per session. Grammar, Geography tied Philosophy, $4 00 per quar ter, or $8 110' per session. Mathematics, Greek and Latin Lenguages, $6 00 per quite-- ter, or $l2 00 per session. Boarding, exclu sive of fuel and light, $1 25 pet week. The subscribers, lh casting themselves Mien the patronage of the community, are determined to spare no effort in making the Institution one that will commend itself to all parents who de sire to give their sons n thorough preparatory education without exposing them to the contam inating and immoral iuntreneei that exist fn inotv populous communities. For reference or fur ther particulars address JAMES V. McGINNES; J. H. W. 31cGINNES. Shade Gap, Oct. 17, 1848. ,I - J(3l4VilzlZaL - k3 Is hereby given to the Stockholders of the Spruce Creek and Wateretreet Turnpike Rood Company. That an election will he held on the first Mondays of November next, at the house of Geo. W. Mat. tern, Franklin' township,Runlingdon county, for six managers, a President and Treasurer, to man a,go the affaire of said company for the eneuina year. J. FORNEY, Sec)+, Oct. IS, 1845. Executors' Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testa memory on thy estate of Samuel Barr. late of Jackson township, Hunt. 00., dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All persona in debted to said estate are requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims or de mands against tho same to present them duly au thenticated for settlement to JAMES BARR, DANIEL BARR, ROBERT CUMMINS, Executors. Jackson tp., Nov 11, 1848-64. STOVES! STOVES!! AT WO. 97, 111IWTH SECOND STRUT, Pale* C. J. TYNDALO, redpietfully invites en ee• tuninetion of hie ferge Mock rif Stoves, entlgec • ing some of the _ , Best and most Elegant Pattettts, of Pennaaleanie,Netv York, Peekskill, Troy, &c.,together with a I , eautitul assortment or Fan• cy Sheet lion Stove. end Radiators for Parlors, Dining• Rooms. Kitchens or Chambers; he be• Hours that his assortment will compare to advan tage with that of any other establishment. Po has also a splendid stock of ORR'S CELEBRATED AIR TIGHT STOVES for which he has been the agent for many yeah, in this City, in the manufacture of which for ez • eel:nice and Chestiness he refers to numerous por chaser's, and for.boeuty of patterns he believes himself 111Yrivancd. , Cr For Ktoies whether for Wood qr Coal, his assortment ia Compfete. He returns his that kr to hot old customers to limit arid to the public Ire renews his invitation to ;iae hint a roll at ihr old amid, No. 97, South 2nd Strut, Phil's. September Cfi, IS4B. FALL MILLINERY GtJl7B.• JOHN STONE A SONS, Importers and Dealt I.:, in Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods, No. 45 South Second Street, Philadelphia, Ha a just received and nee now opening a very deli assortment of Fall Millinery Goodie. such as Figured a:td Cordell Bonnet Goods, of new designs. Bonnet Satins of all etrtori. Plain nod Cortktd VcHets, all colors: Fancy Bonnet and Cep Albi:isi% large and beautiful Yarietv. French and Arter'Can Flowers, all prices. Black Dross Silks, Bombazines. Fancy Laces, QuiDings, Fall Trim mings. Bonnet Crowns, Tips, Bucicrnm•, &c. Also a beautiful assortment of French Fancy Feathers from the first Manufac tory in Paris. A large proportion of the above goods being of our milt iniportatiOn z e are en abled to offer them at very low prices. Sept. 12, 1818. CLAMDIL'S 11. LINN, LINN, SMITH, & . WHOLESALE DRUGGM'S; 2111 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia. Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye Stuffs, Varnishes, &c., Ike. Also Parent Medicines, Medicine Chests, Also, & Obstetrical Instru mCnti, Chemical Tests, &c. &c. t Orders from Country M'erehanta or Phy sicians, by ietfer or otherwise, attended to promptly. septl9,lB,lB4m. . . Ladies and IlleditlOgnen ! LOOK AT THIS. Always consulting the desires of the votaries at f shion, tate and comfort, LEVI WESTBROOK, Iles the pleasure of infoirrdng the Ladies and Gentlemen of Ifuntingdon—and throughout the edunty—thit he has just returned from the East with a large and most chuice selection of East- ern work of the latent fashion of Ladies Gaiters, Kid, Morocco and I Calf Skin Shawl— Men 's Boots, Shoe., uni•Gaitere, also Hunters' Hoots, and I tiodbles y o lo4 ' Boys' Boots end Shoe., and Mitoses, end 0 Irii&rente • ters and ;Shoes . ., bYr. Westbroo k do . eit not deem it necessary tyi enumerate, particularly, the large stock which lie now hae on hand, hut respectfully solicits an immediate call by oil who wish to consult fash ion comfort and economy. at his extensive Store a few doors west of the Post °Mee. His prkes are unusually low, and to suit &a effOsi edOntiini cal purchaser. . • . He also continues the manufacture of Boots. Shoes, and every article in his line of business, which he will warrant equal to any in the Mate for neatness, and workmanship. Call, one and all, and stilt yotfreelves. Huntingdon. f)ct. 1818. NOTICE, THE heirs and icoi representatives of Alexander Ramsey, tete of Spring field township; bluntin'gdOn county, Pa., will please to take notice that pursuant In an order of the Orphan's Court of said county, to me directed, an inquest to make pal tition of the Real Estate, late of said deceased; to and among the par- ties interested therein, in such manner and in properties as by the laws of this: Common Wealth, it is directed, if such partition can be made, but if it cannot, to value and appraise the same, will be held on the premises, in said Springfield' township. on Thursday, November 2d,. A. D. 181.8, at 1 o'clock of said day, as which time anti place you can Woad if , you think proper. MA"iTI-lEW CROW NOVE,IIII, , Sheri ff of Eiuutt.•Co: Sept. 12, IS IS—Gw. Ladies' Dress Goiters aud.Sliaek A b;;iiiuia;;;lient for sale at' the .Lik. new store of DORSEY & ArAdvittE. Also, a good assortment ot Children's fine and coarse shoes. THE VERY LASTNOTIOE. The subscriber is forced once more to call upon his friends and patrons and ask them to come and pay off' their aocounts• Necessity, alone induces him to , call upon them again at present, and necessity alone does dictate him to hand over to the proper officer all accounts, that may remain unpaid or unsettled by the Ist day of February ISID for collection. Oct. 20th fS•18. • J. B. LUDEN i r hereby caution the public against purchasing a I Promiseary Note given by me to George H. Markley, for eighty-two dollar* end fifty emits ($92.50), bearing date Sept. 30, 1948, as 1 [Wye!' received value for the same and am determined not to pay it. WILLIAM 'tIEIIS. Oct. 25, 1848-pd.