Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 31, 1848, Image 4

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    [God save the Commonwealth.)
Notice of Presidential Election
PURSUANT to an act of the General
Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating
to the elections of this Commonwealth,"
approved the second day of July, A, D.,
High Sheriff of the county of Hunting
don, in the State of Pennsylvania, do
hereby make known and give notice to
the electors of the said county, that an
will be held in the said county of Hun
tingdon, on the FIRST TUESDAY and
(and 7th day) of November, 184 S, at
which time
Twenty-Six Electors of
President and Vice President
are to be elected
In pursuance of said act, I also here
by make known and give notice, that
the places of holding the aforesaid gen
eral election in the several election dis
tricts within the said county of Hun
tingdon, are as follows, to wit :
Ist district, composed of Henderson
township, and all that part of Walker
township not in the 16th district, at the
Court House in the borough of Hun
2d district, composed of Dublin town
ship, at the house of Matthew Taylor,
in said township.
3d district, composed of so much of
Warrioramark township, as is not inclu
ded in the 19th district, at the school
house adjoining the town of Warriors
4th district, composed of the town
ship of Hopewell, at the house of Hen
ry 'Zimmerman, near Entreken's new
mill in said township.
sth district, composed of the town
ship of Barree, at the house of James
Livingston (formerly John Harper,) in
the town of Saulsbury, in said town
6th district, composed of the town
ship of Shirley, at the house of David
['raker, in Shirleysburg.
7th district, composed of Porter and
Walker townships, and so much of West
township as is included in the following
boundaries, to wit : Beginning at the
Southwest corner of Tobias Caufman's
farm on the bank of the little Juniata
River, at the lower end of Jackson's nar
rows, thence in a Northeasterly direc
tion to the most southerly part of the
farm owned by Michael Maguire, thence
north 40 degrees west to the top of Tus
sey's mountain to intersect the line of
Franklin township, thence along said
line to little Juniata River, thence down
the same to the place of beginning, at
the public school house, opposite the
German Reformed Church, in the bor
ough of Alexandria.
Bth district, composed of the town
ship of Franklin, at the house of Jacob
pattern now occupied by .Geo. W. Mat
tern, in said township.
9th district, composed of Tell town
ship, at the Union School House, near
the Union Meeting house, in said town
10th district, composed of Springfield
township, at the school house near
Hugh Madden's, in said township,
11th district, composed of Union tp.,
at the school house near Ezekiel Cor
bin's, in said township.
12th district, composed of Brady tp.,
at the mill of James Lane, in said town
13th district, composed of Morris tp.,
at the house now occupied by Abraham
Moyer, (Inn keeper,) late Alex. Lowry
Jr., in the village of Waterstreet, in
said township.
14. th district, composed of that part
of West township not included in the
7th district, at the public school house
on the farm now owned by Miles Lewis
(formerly owned by James Ennis,) in
said township.
13th district, composed of that part
of Walker township lying southwest of
n line commencing opposite David Cor
bitt's house, at the Union township line,
♦hence in a straight line, including said
Corbn's house to the corner of Porter
township, on the Huntingdon and Wood- ,
cock valley road, at the house of Jacob''
:Wagehy, in said township
16th district, composed of the town
ship of Tod, at the house now occupied
by J. Henderson, in said township.
17th district, composed of that part
of West township on the south-east
side of Warrior ridge, beginning at the
line of West and Henderson townships,
at the foot of said Ridge, to the line of
Barree township, thence by the division
line of Barree and %Vest townships to
the summit. of Stone mountain, to inter
sect the line of Henderson and West
townships, thence by said line to place
of begining, at the house now occupied
by Benjamin Corbin, on Murry's Run.
18th district, composed of Cromwell
township, at the house now occupied by
David Entire, in Orbisonia.
19th district, composed of the bor
ough of Birmingham, with the several
- tracts of land near to and attached to
the same, now owned and occupied by
Thomas M. Owens, Juhn K. McCahan,
Andrew Robeson, John Genaimer and
William Gensitner, situate in the town•
ship of Warriorsmark, at the public
school house in said borough.
20th district, composed of the town- ,
ship of Cass, at the public school house
in Cassville, in said township.
21st district, composed of the town- ,
ship of Jackson, at the house of Robert
Barr, now occupied by John Hirst, at
McAleavy's Fort, in said township.
22d district, composed of the town
ship of Clay, at the house of Joshua
Shore, at the Three Springs, in said
23d district, composed of the town
ship of Penn, at the school house on the
farm of Jacob Brutnbaugh, in said twp.
I also make known and give notice,
as in and by the 13th section of the
aforesaid act l am directed, "that every ,
person, excepting justices of the peace
who shall hold any office or appointment
of profit or trust under the government
of the United States, or of this State,
or of any city or incorporated district,
whether a commissioned officer or agent
who is or shall be employed under the
legislative, executive or the judiciary
department of this State, or of the U
nited States, or any city or incorporated
district, and also, that every member of
Congress and of the State Legislatnre,
and of the select or common council of
any city, commissioners of any incor
porated district, is by law incapable of
holding or exercising at the same time,
the office or appointment of judge, in
spector or clerk of any election of this
Commonwealth, and that no inspector,
judge or other officer of any such elec
tion, shall be then elligible to any office
to be then voted for."
Also that in the 4th section of the act of
Assembly, entitled .. An net relating to
executions and for other purposes," ap
proved April 16th, 1840, it is enacted
that the aforesaid 13th section "shall
not be construed as to prevent any mili
tia officer or borough officer from ser
ving as judge, inspector or clerk, of any
general or special election in this Coin
Pursuant to the provisions contained
in the 67th section in the act aforesaid,
the judges of the aforesaid districts
shall respectively take charge of the
certificate or return of the election of
their respective districts, and produce
them at a meeting of one judge from
each district, at the Court House in the
Borough of Huntingdon, on the third
day after the day of the election, being
for the present year on FRIDAY, the
10th of November next, then and there
to do and perform the duties required
by law of said judges. Also, that where
a judge by sickness or unavoidable ac
cident, is unable to attend said meeting
of judges, then the certificate of return
aforesaid shall be taken charge of by
one of the inspectors or clerics of the
election of said district, and shall do
' and perform the ditties required of said
judge unable to attend.
Also, in the 61st section of said act
it is enacted that " every general and
special election shall be opened between
Ithe hours of eight and ten in the fore
noon, and shall continue without inter
ruption or adjournment until seven
o'clock in the evening, when the polls
shall be closed."
Given under my hand at Huntingdon
the 10th day of September, 1848, and
of the Independence of the United
States the seventy-second.
Washington Gallery of Dagnerrotypes,
No. 234 North Second Street, N. (V. corner of
enlloteltill Street,
THE Likenesses taken and beautifully colored
I at this well known•. establishment. for one DOL.
L sit, are universally conceded to be Eausi. in ev
ery respect to ANT in the city. Pictures taken
equally well in cloudy and clear weather. A
large assortment of and LOCKETS
on hand, from $2 to $5, including the picture.
The subscribers respectfully invite the citizens
of H untingdon County, to call and examine spe
cimens of the latest Improvements in the art of
Daguerreotyping, which will tie exhibited cheer
fully and without cha, ge.
July ; 4 1848
Produce and General Commisson Merchants
Devote their whole time to the business and are
prepared to make liberal cash advances on con
Baltimore, May 9,1848
THIS Popular House has recently undergone a
I thorough repair, and been furnished with
entire new farniture, of the best quality. Mem
bers of the Legislature and others, visiting the
Seat of Government, will find it a very desirable
stopping place.
117' Charges moderate.
WM. T. SANDERS, Agent.
Harrisburg, July 14, 1848-6 m.
Nos. 32 and 33 Arcade, and R North Third St.,
COUNTRY Merchants can save from 10 to 15
per cent by purchasing at the above stores
By importing my own goods, pii3 , ing but little
rent, and living economically, it is plain I con un
dersell those who purchase their goods here, pay
high rents, and live like princes.
Constantly on hand, a large assortment of Pen
and Pocket Knives Scissors and Razors. Table
Knives and Forks, in Ivory, Stag, Buffalo, Bone
and Wood handles; Carvers and Forks, Steele,
&e. Butcher Knives, Dirks, Bowie Knives, Re
volving and Plain Pistols, &c. Just received, a
arge stock of Rodger,' an 1 Woatenholin's fine
Pen and Congreaa Knives.
Also. a large assortment of Accordeonb, &c.,
&c. Also, Fine English Twist and German
june2o-1 y.
G Lor , s
&c., &c., ecc
The beet and strongest certified medicine in
the world, for the cure of Dyspepsia in all its
forms—such as Mead-ache, Habitual Costit ones.,
Acidity of the Stomach, Los. of Appetite, Asth
ma, Piles, Incipient t onsumption. Debility aris
ing from protracted fevers, Fever and Ague, Ex
posures to extreme Heat or t. old, Old Age—and,
in fact, from every Disease arising Irom imperfect
digestion, ore deranged condition of the stornsch.
It is an excellent remedy, and trot surpassed by
any medicine in use, for females suffering from
uterine or nervous derangements.
The following Certificates have re
cently been received :
WAellineTon, D. U., June 10, 1846.
Having made use of the 'Oxygenated Bitters"
prepared by Dr. Geo. B. Green, of V't indoor, Vt.,
I nd from knowledge obtained of their efficacy in
other cases, we cheerfully recommend them to the
public, believing that they will fully sustain the
recommendation of the Proprietor. Vs e hope
that this valuable remedy may be so generally dif
fused throughout the country that it may be ac
cessible to all the afflicted.
SAMUEL PHELPS, U. S. Senators from
WM. UPHAM, j Vermont.
JAMES F. SIMMONS, U. S. Senator from
Rhode Island.
J. T. MOREHEAD, U. S. Senator and for
merly Governor of Kentucky.
L. IL ARNOLD, Member of Congress and
_formerly Governor of R. I.
WM. WOODBRIDGE, U. S. Senator and
formerly Governor of Michigan.
M. L. MARTIN, Delegate in Congressfrom
Wisconsin Territory.
From the Hon. SOLOMON Four, Member of Con
gross from Vermont.
WA;ILINGTON, D. C., Juno 1. 1846.
DR. Goo. B. GREEN :—Daar ,ir,—ln your
note of this morning, you ask '•for an expression
of my opinion in regard to your medicine, culled
'Oxygenated Bitters.' " It affords me pleasure to
state, that from the experience I have had, in its
curing a severe attack of Dyspepsia in my own
family, and from the wonderful effects which it
has produced in other and more severe cases, aris
ing in the families of Members of Congress with
which I am acquainted, I think it an invaluable
medicine, and hope that such circulation will be
gtven to it as will bring it within the reach of •LL
who ate afflicted with thatdistressing malady.
Respectfully yours, S. FOOT.
From Hon. H. D. FOSTER, Member of Congresa i
from Pennsylvania.
WBSIIINGTON, D. C., June 10, 1846.
Dear Sir hove been a dyspeptic sufferer
for about ten years, and have resorted to various
medicines for relief without success, until I made
use of your "Oxygenated Bitters." I have used
about two bottles, and find myself restored to per
fect health. The forms in which the disease
showed itself, in my case, were, great aridity of
the stomach, loss of appetite, extreme flatulence,
severe constipation of the bowels, and violent
headache. Peeling desirous that a knowledge of
your valitable remedy may reach others similarly
afflicted, I take great pleasure in recording my tes
timony to its curative power ; and I would also
remark. that while on a visit at borne a short time
since, I administered a part of a bottle to a num
ber of my afflicted friends with great success.
They are desirous that you should eetablieh en
agency at Pittsburg, or inform them where the
medicine can be obtained. With an earnest de
sire for your prosperity and happiness. I subscribe
myself, truly your friend, H. D.FOSTER.
Duct. Mo. B. GREEN. Windsor, Vt.
Glt EE & FLETCUEIt, General Agents, No. 26,
South 'ixth St, Philadelphia.
Sold wholesale and retail by 'Nom. READ &
SoN, Huntingdon, Pa.
August 15 1848.
No. 1001 Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa,
A. K. NEFF & BRO.,
HAVE just received from the Eastern
Markets a very extensive and the
most magnificent and best assortment of
ARTICLES, ever brought to Hunting
don : Consisting, in part, of Gold Lever
Watches, full Jewelled, from $4O to
$120; Silver Levers, from $l6 to $3O,
and common watches at any price—all
of which are warranted for one year.
Cloaks, Watches and Jewelry repaired
with the greatest care, on the most rea
sonable terms and warranted. [ap 4.
Crotnelian & Brother,
No. 11, Walnut Street, Philadelphia,
Wine, Liquor and General Commission
_ _
W I NGin, o rt e an d d i
r C uc h t a m a
n p , t; tn
de oon
di p r ' e .
le ' n il t b ra r n an d d ie :i ' mp d
accommodating terms to Country Dealers. Qual
ities and proof of Liquors wrrranted.
Philadelphia, June 20, 1849.
A. McDONOUG II continues to manufacture in
the beet manner, every variety of Chairs. Jettees,
Invalid Chairs, &c., and is prepared to
11111 supply families, hotels, and public in•
stitutions at the shortest notice and at
the lowest possible prices for the very
best and most durable kinds of work
and material.
Articles ordered from a distance will be packed
carefully and eent without charge for porterage to
any Depot in the city or dietricte.
CC — PEeery article warranted.
Cl3 7— rhe quickest drying and finest Copal Var.
niah for sale.
August 15, 1848 —2m.
Sohn Scott, jr.,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon,Pa.—
Has removed his office to the middle room o
, Snare's Row,"dtroctly opposite Fisher do M'Murf
trio's store, where he will attend with promptness
and fidelity to all business with which he may be
entrustedin Huntingdon orthe adjoining counties
erhe ANGLO-SAXONS have comeagain in the
can afford to sell 10 per cent. lower than ever.
The stock conskts of Coats, Pants, Vests and
Monkey Jackets, of all sorts, colours and shades.
sept. 12, 1848.
25 .14 0. ' l e e llii ,; s,urted Prints just arrived and for
Burns, Scalds and all kinds of Inflamed
sores cured,
MENT, is the most complete
Burn Antidote ever known. It instant.
ly (and as if by Magic,) stops pains of
the most desperate Burns and Scalds.
For old sores, bruises, cuts rind sprains
&c., on man or beast, it is the best ap
plication that can be made. Thousands
have tried, and thousands praise it. It
is the most perfect master of pain ev
er discovered. All who use, recom
mend it. None can tell how soon
some of the family will need it.
Cr , Observe each box of the genuine
Ointment has the name of S. '1 lusEv
written on the outside label. To imitate
this is forgery.
Boatmen, Livery men, Farmers, and
all who use horses, will find this Oint
ment the very best thing they can use
for collar galls, scratches, kicks, &c.
&c. &c., on their animals. Surely, ev
ery merciful man would keep his ani
mals as free from pain as possible.—
Tousey's Universal Ointment is all that
is required. Try it.
Bites of Insects.—For the sting or bite
of poisonous insects, Tousey's Oint
ment is Unrivalled. Hundreds have
tried and found it good.
Piles Cured ! —For the Piles, Tou- ,
sey's Universal Ointment is one of the I ask the Stillerer
best Remedies that can be applied. All , FROM
who have tried it for the Piles recom- A s 'II II 1/I A
mend it. what has relieved him in such a short time froi
Old Sores Cured.—For old, obstinate his difficulty of breathing, Cough and sullOca
sores, there is nothing equal to Toll- non? . lie •lliellyou it was '• the Oh -
seaman, of All Healing Balsam."
sey's Ointment. A person in Nltinlius
Ask the Consumptive what bas
had for a number of years, a sore leg'
allayed his t. ough, rcmu
that baffled the skill of the doctors.— veil the Pain in his Side and
Tousey's Ointment was recommended Chest, checked his night sweats and
by one of the visiting physicians, (who placed the rose of health upon his cheek I
knew its first virtues,) and two boxes and he willtellyou "Siinnmsx's OLVEARNIAN,
produced more benefit than the patient i
had received from any and all previous !
! will A
sskoysopuererflriileyn fiends
if r they
a loir k : a o n ' d o I t
esdoiYo thingu s ( (ough,
it i g h l i : ,'.
remedies. Let all try it.
Burns and Scalds Cured.—Thousands Raisingof Blood, Bronchitis,Dyspeptic ( onaurnp
of cases of burns and scalds, in all parts lion, Hoarseness, Influenza, and diseases of ike
of the country, have been cured by I'd—l'uti7rauoda.ti,oaa
Theretl i e o . la vo s et a ic o ) i l e i
t a , n . h, ;:
i a b r e r
a d ,.
:: I . le y r zi , 11 ,13 t . e l i t , :,
r e o u .
Tousey's Universal Ointment. Certi
ficates enough can be had to fill the , f public d . ' 1 " has he'll productive
, o so much goo in so snort a space of time. Read
business, at their old stand, one door east of the whole of this sheet. the fol owing
dwelling house of J. G. Milos, Esq., and directly l'iolent Bruises Cured.—Testimonials ASTONISHING CURES.
opposite the l'rinting Office of the •' Huntingdon '
WK BOND , the celebrated Bosto n bacr`•
on testimonials, in favor of Tousey's
Ointment for curing bruises, have been 99 Nessau . st;ect, Brooklyn. btfltl C lll r ri! e l:ill . has .
Journal," whets they will be pleased to furnish
those who may favor them with their custom, with
all articles in their line.. the most reasonable offered the proprietors. Hundres in been afflicted with Asthma for 30 years, and cr old
vice which New York and Brooklyn could produce,
terms. Having supplied themse Yes with a very Svrftcus will certify to its great merits . not find permanent relief from the best tordita I oil.
large and superior stock of stuff, they have no In relieving the pain of the most severe
I was induced to try this great remedy. She irmew
hesitation in assuring the Public that they can All persons should try it.
furnish work, which, for chepnes., beauty and , bruise.
durability,cannot be surpassed by any other ahop , the same disease tried it, and was alto cute,'
Scald Head Cured.—Sores or cases of f":„°,,r,lY well . Hie Jan b eer, 'l"' was s""lbg
in the county. 1 scald head have been cured by Tousey's by it. Mrs. Bond is now so well that she is able'
They wilt keep constantly on h an d, an d ma k e . Oi ntment. Try it—it seldom fails. , to rise from her bed early in the morning Sc d at.'
to order, Salt Rheum Cured.—Of all the rem-
tend to her usual duties through the ()Hy without'
SIDE 80.4 RDS, BURE.W I S, edies ever discovered for this most die- ' ..1 1 7 , 71. 3 " A c c e it fro , n , . , 11 1 e 3 r u d i i . li t t r r e c e . t ingmlna.Y.
Ceme . try, came to st . the store for ;It n e " ;; . t i t " Coailour
Card Tables, Bedsteads, Centre Tables, agreeable complaint, Tousey's Univer-
Cupboards, Stands, Dough Troughs, sal Ointment is the most complete. It taming a bottle of the Olosoanian, purpose
Wash Stands, Wardrobes, Secretaries, was never known to fail. Afflicted with the Asthma for more then 30 pars,.
Breakfast Tables, Pedestals, &c. I Chapped Hands can be Cured.—Ton- anodt.wpeafisks.o e i x i h e a p ti u st r e e d ho o . n ed h a is b a o r t i t i l v e a n l , t,h i ti r t ,,, l liee
i t i . m o n t.l e d
Old furniture repaired at the very shortest no- sey's Universal Ointment will always n
it Corm. made and funerals attended,either cure the worst cases of chapped-hands. Four days afterward he walked from his resit], nce
in town or country, at the shortest the office without fatigue, a distance id over Iv
Scores of persons will state this , f
keep a Hoarse for the accommodation of theiTchLY
tomers. I mil., to tell o the wonderful relief et hit II he 101
Sore Laps Cured.—For the cure of expo. ienced from using about one half I,l * c„( hot
sore lips, there was never anything i tie.
made equal to Tousey's Ointment. It Consumption Piller Luis p , .
is sure cure for them. Try it. Ma. COM FORT, 35 White street, woe en kW in
It is a scientific compound, warren- the month of December last, that be was gist„ „,,,
led not to contain any preparation of lay
, hie saon p iti h it
,o y ,
o s t i c es i a r ni i td i
h . t
51, Trendsissurpriseio , e , l ia t t t i : l . ij r ,e t
, a t :Flo:,
A l .
I t , : 0 rn 1 L:, : ,.. ,_ ,
Alercnry. of his recovery. Ile was pert-untied to try ~:c.
ir--,Trice 25 cents per box. For fur
ther particulars concerning this really t h e etre ,, te .
valuable Ointment, the public are refer- Mrs, ATTnEx, tho wife of ll in. H. Attire,
red to phamphlets to be had gratis, of James
Ha a r r n t i c,,t t ai hn E u s , ? , .
f and ron, G i e h o e t i r
~A ., , , , W.
e li
li ov r s i:
, I , ,:: e q
respectable Druggists and Merchants canal)
Vegetable lUtillVertvall 1 ' 1 1 1 5 9 throughout the United States. I the healing propettiea of this Great Ili n.rty in
The only known M Consumption of the Lun g s. edicine that at the same AGENTS.—T. K. SIMONTON, Hun- Sp3liEstma Blond.
time purges, purifies and strengthens tingdon ; Jas. Clark, Birmingham ;J.R. 1
rd ,
70,7; 3g t 11..4
Fl'a't, ,
the system. Cox, Warrjorsmark ; J. S. lsett, Spruce '
time V a
Lortnor,July 7,1846. Creek ; 0. H. Steiner, Waterstreet ; .„, e „ cough, and ra i se d q „ an „,,,, s
01. blot,'.
TAR. LE ROY '8 Pillsare a new medicine which ' Moore & Swoope, Alexandria ; A. & N. relieved by one bottle oliflieliOeleo:itoi: d t t a lt h • ii l . i: ta t
.1../ has just appeared,and hi fast taking the places
of alt others of the same clue.. These pill. are . Creswell. Petersburg ; Orlady & Patter- ,it the greatest remedy in the w orld .
of Williamsburg ; Royer 4 - Co., 1 D es ... K"... , 26 Win"' I slrcrt, was at.. re
composed of many ingredients, but the two princi-; Bayed Fom the same complaint, although be vas
Springfield Furnace; M. Thompson,
pal mos are Sar“parilia and Wild a : herry, no uni- H ‘,. vet.) much redact,' u.
o '''' I—having been under the care of lain ph ' sic inn i ti
ted that shay act together; the one, through it Duneansville • ; J. M. Lindsey,
adinix•ure with other substances, purifying and daysburg ; Jas. Condron, Frankstown. i ring t h e past winter. A Ithrligh he relig hrd car -
purging, while the other is strengthening the eye- ______ ' stonily and was very touch trottlilt d with nicht
tem. Thus those pills are at the same time tonic CLICICENER'S , sweats, Iwo bottles of the remedy enabled him to
and op ring; a desideratum long and eagerly I return to his daily work. He Vl.B, entirely ' • .1
soughtfor by medical men , but never before ills 2170-AII.-00ATED PILLS, , D „,„ i t e , t , . . . , eel' • •
I.IISON GO Ltitglit strrel, George
covered. In other words they do the work of twe The Only Effectual Purgative, i W. Burnett, formerly of /, e, ark, N. J., Hri,ry
medicines, and do it much better than any two we cured within the last year I Lisbon, 199 Riving:on street, and owner° us °air
know of; for they remove nothing from the system{ ' I P o
ir:trzArb3dioinaNkrn:Ti.:erio:,,,.:icl.:ilii,:.t.:l„l,si,yl3Bl; k ' l l i i r s l o i m i l l i N :n: T r e g m ,l o :;::
;113.1.1::unrit: cured but the impurities ;so that while they purge they OVER 200,000 PERSONS
W ' arriorsmark ; J. S. Isett, Spruce
sb S u t r e g in ; er o ,
ria W d a y t sc ers p t a r t e h e e t r. ;
strengthen; and hence they cause no debilitation, of the following Complaints :
and are follovr , d by no re-action. Dr. Le Roy's Headache, Giddiness , Rheumatism, Pile., Dis
pills have a wonderful influence on the blood ; they pepsia, Scurvy, Sant pox, Jaundice, Pains in the •••
not only purify without weakening it. but they re- Back, Inward Weakness , Palpitation of the Heart, Cox,
move all noxious particles from the chyle befoieit Rising in the Throat, Dropsy, Asthma, Fevers of C c r r e e e s k we ; ll, G P .
Petersburg; is converted into fl uid, and thus make impure allkinda,FeinaleComplaints,Measlee,Saltßheum M so o n o , r w e
; A R l o ex y a e n r d ‘v rit c t o ; .
s A p & rin N g:
blood an utter
i p so imossibility. Asthereia no debil- Heartburn, Worms, Cholera Morbus. Coughs, '
field Furnace ; M. Thompson, Duncans
itation,so there nausea or sick... attending Quinsy, Whooping Cough, Consumption, Fits,
the operations of this most excellent of medicines Liver Complaint, Erysipelas, Deafness, Itching. of
which never strains or tortures the digeativefunc- the Skin, Colds, Gout, Gravel, Nervous Com
tions,buteauses them to work in R perfectly natur- I plaint., and a variety of other diseases arising from ville ; 3. H. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg ;
al manner; and hence persons taking them do not I impurities of the hood, and obstructions in the or. I Jas. Conti ron, Frankstown.
become pale and emaciated, but the contrary ; for guns of Digestion.
while it is the property of the Sareaparilla, united Experiencehas proved that nearly every disease
as it is with other ingredient., to remove all that is originatesfrom Impurities of the Wood or Derange
foreign and impure, it is equally the property of mente of the Digestive Organs; and to secure
the Wild Cherry to retain all that is natural and Health, we must remove those Impurities and re
sound; and hence a robust state of health is the store the blood to its natural edam Therefore,
certain result of their united operations. when the slightest derangement of the system is
oz}Price 25 Celli'? per BOX. indicated by Costiveness, or any other sign, it ad-
AGENTS.—T. Read & Son, Swoope & Al. monishes us that eupertluttiesare gathming in the
rice, Huntingdon ; W. W. Buchanan. Milliki- System,which ehou dbe immediately removed by
and Kessler, Mill-Creek; S. Hatfield & tion,Juni- an effectual purging. This fact, as stated, is uni
eta Iron Works; Porter & Bucher, Moore & versally known; but people have such en aversion
Swoope, H. C. Walker, Alexandria; G. H .Steiner to medicine, that, unless the case urgent, they pre-
Waterstreet. [Aug. 31, '47. leered thedieeasetothe cure, generally. Since the
invention, however, of
Clickener's Vegetable Purgative Pills,
this objection doe. not exiet, as they are completely
enveloped with a coaling of pure white sugar
(as distinct from the internal i ngredients sea nut
shell from the kernel) have no taste of medicine,
and are as easily swallowed as bits of candy.—
Moreover they neither neauseate or gripe in the
slightest degree. They operate equally on all the
diseased parts of the system, instead of confining
themselves to, and racking any particular region,
Thus, for example, if the Liver be affected, one In
gredient will operate on that particular organ, and.
by cleansing it of that Excess of Bile it is con
stantly discharging into the stomach, restore it to
its natural state. Another will operate on the
R. C. McUm'.
The Alexandria
H _
AS been !celled by the subscribers, who are
preps. ed to execute castings of all descrip
tions in superior style (one of them being a prac
tical moulder of long experience) and on the low
est and most accommodating terms.
Castings for Forges, polling Mills,
Water pipes, Grist and Saw Mills,
Threshing Machines, and all other kinds
of machinery which may be ordered will
be furnished on the shortest notice.
Stoves of various sizes will be constantly
kept on hand for both wood and coal.
We have lately procured a
Cooking Move
of two different sizes, which for conve
nience and excellence they will warrant
to surpass the celebrated "Queen of the
West" and "Hathaway" stoves, the for
mer of which we are also prepared to
supply. .41so, Coal Cooking Stoves,
Parlor and Chamber stoves of the most
elegant patterns.
Hollow Ware,
Such as Pots, Wash Kettles, &c. Plough. of
such variety that all may be suited. Carriage and
Waggon boxes from the smallest to the largest,
sled and sleigh soles, and in fine any and every
thing in our line of business can be had t mmedi
ately, or at the shortest notice.
Old metal and country produce taken
in exchange.
aplll•tf.] McGILL & GRAFIUS.
" Encourage your Own"
Cabinet Ware Manufactory',
Mein Street, Huntingdon, Pa
)• -----'
ii1 1 11111111!iIIIIIIIi1111111100 1 010111101111 1 '
• _LrEE;;;B:
_ _ _
WOULD avail themselves of this method of
informing their friends and the public at
large that they continue to carry on the
Greta of all kinde will be taken in exchange
for furniture and work.
Thankful for the very liberal patronageheretofore
extended to them, they aeaure the public that no
efforts will be spared on their part to deserve /icon.
tinuonceand increase of public patronage.
may 2, 1848-tf.
DR.LE Roy's.
The aubscriber offers for sale a tract of land
aituate on Stone Creek, West township, Hunting
don county, near ('ouch 'a Mill and adjoining land
of Robert Wilion, Francis Jackson, Chas, Green
and others, containing 103 acres mostly bottom
land, well timbered and of first rate quality. The
improvements consist of about 12 acres cleared,
with a cabin house and log stable. There is a
first rate spring near the house. Tema will be
made known at the residence of the subsriber re
siding on the Warm bprings Road 8 miles from
Aust. 1. IMO
Blood, and remove those impurities which heve al
ready entered into its circulation ; • while a third
will effectually expel fro m the system whatever in
purifier; may have been discharged into the bit - m
ash ;andhencethey
'fitrito al the Root of Disease,
Remove all Int ?tare HUIIIOI/1; open the port, t "
lernally and int:gristly ; promote the Imit.sible
Perspiration, obviate Flatulency, Fiend. he. &e.,
separate all foreign and ohnox.t,us partit .4 t. It m
the chyle, secure a free and healthy action to the
Heart, Lungs, and Liver, and thereby reetore
health even when ',Bother ' , titans have fialtd.
. _
The entire truth of the above can be ascertain. d
by the trial of a single box ; and their vimes ate
so positive and certain in restoring Health that, ti .e
proprietor binds himself to return the mow) paid
for them in ell cases where they do not give tali
vernal satisfaction.
Retail Price, 2 ets. per res.
Principal office No. 66 Vesey 81., New York
Sold in Harrisburg, by D. Robinson, Marl.ei St.
G- Remember Dr. C. V. Clickener is the inset,
for of Sugar tooted Fills, and that nothing of the
sort was ever heard of until be introduced them in
June, 1843. Purchasers should, thereloie, always
ask for Clickener'e Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills,
and take no others, or they will be made the vie.
time of a fraud.
tingdon, Jas. Clark, Birmingham, J. R.
Cox, G. H. Ste•ner, Waterstreet, Moore
& Swope, Alexandria, A. & N. Creswell ;
Petersburg. Orlady & Patterson, Wil.
liamsburg, Royer & Co., Springfield
Furnace, M. Thompson. Duricansville,
J. M. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg, Jas. Con.
dron, Frankstown.
Doctor Yourself
For Twenty-Five Cents !
,^ 4 1,±1,-...ti i 13y means of the POCKET
... , ./1 ',rt- ' , lt: S(2UL A PIUS, Or, E very
''' . : : : :?..4l ' . : .'' I I '-' l 4 l ° . : • 4'4. : Engravings, u.''°h i enpeewyeanr
showingisil'inc Hund r ed in r n i dw a i:t t dh o
'',`' --' diseases ..,..,. „
__,,- in every shape and
..... • • form, and malformations of
the general system, By WM. YOUNG, M. D.
Tho time has arrived, that persons suffering from
secret disease,need no more become the victims of
Quackery, as by the prescriptions contained in
this book any one may cure himself, without hin
drance to business, or the knowledge of the moat
intimate friend, or d with one tenth the usual ex
pense! In addition to the general routine of psi
' vete diseases, it ful y explains the cause of Man
hood's early decline, with observations on Matthias
—besides many other derangements which it would
not be pr. per to enumerate in the public prints.
Qry Persona residing at any distance from Phil
adeiphia, can have this book forwarded to them
through the Post Office, on the receipt of twenty
five cents, directed to Dr. William Young, 152
SPRUCE Street, Philadelphia.
June 20, 1842.