R. IO.IIIM AL [COARECT PRINCIPLES-•-SIPPORTED BY TRUTH.) HUNTINGDON, TUESDAY, OCT. 31, 1818. Democratic Whig Nominations. FOR PRESIDENT : GEN. ZACHARY TAYLOR. FOR VICE PRESIDENT : MILLARD FILLMORE. co- Y. B. PALMER, Esq. is our author ized agent for receiring adverb . ..comas and subscriptions in the cities of Philadelphia, Bal timore and New York, and for collecting and t‘eeeiptiiag for the same. [q" SEE FIRST PAGE 132 Sickness and death in the editor's family has delayed the publication of the Journal this week. The same cause has prevented the edi tor from giving the paper his personal attention. The principal editorials arc from the pen of a friend. SPURIOUS TICKETS! Look Out! Friends of Gen. Taylor look out that you are not deceived by SPURIOUS TICKETS. Our enemies are at their old game. So says the Philadelphia papers, and have printed tickets headed "GENERAL TAYLOR ;" but the names in the inside are Coss electors. Exam ine your tickets before you vote. Let none of the tricks of your opponents cheat Old Zack out of one vote. The names of the Taylor electors are given below. ELECTORS: John P. Sanderson, Thomas M. T. McKennan, Joseph G. Clarkson, John P. Wetherill, James M. Davis, Thomas W. Duffield, Daniel 0. Hither, Joshua Dungan, John D. Steele, John Landes, • Joseph Schmucker, Charles Snyder, William G. Hurley, Francis Tyler, Henry Johnson . , William Colder, William Mcllvain, Charles W: Fisher, Andrew G. Curtin, Thomas R. Davidson, Joseph Markle, Daniel Agnew, Andrew W. Loomis, Richard Irwin, Thomas H. Sill, Samuel A. Purviance. Gov. Johnston I. expected in Huntingdon to-day, (Wednesday) at 2 o'clock. Let there be a general turn out of the People to hear end see the Governor el ect. By the foltoWing proceedings it will he seen that the Trytor men have made proper ar rangements fen the - reception oT his Excellency : TA:Tidos sarwrzzect, At a meeting of the Rough and Ready Club of Huntingdon, convened at the house of Alex. Carmon, on Monday evening lasf, for the pur pose of making suitable arrangements for the reception of Gov. JOHNSTON, when on motion, the chair appointed the following committee to prepare a report for the action of the Club, viz : David Snare, Eng., Muj. David McMurtrie, W. S. Africa, Martin Flenuer and John Armitage. The committee after retiring a short time made the following report : COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENT William H. Peightal, John Flenncr, Wm. S. Africa, Win. T. Wilson, COMMITTEE OF RECEPTION. A. K. Cornyn, Esq., John Williamson, Esq., John Bumbaugh, Sr., William Dean, Esq., Dan iel Africa, Esq., John F. Miller, E. C. Som mers, David Fridley, Martin Flenner, Wm. B. Zeigler, P. Livingston, Wm. Snare, Daniel Whittaker, John Flenner, George Murrets, John Port, Thomas MeCahan, Adam Hoffman, John :Morningstar, Samuel Fridley, David Hazard, James Hight, James Moore, J. S. Stewart, W. I'. Orbison, Nicholas Decker, M. Decker, W. A. Saxton, John Irayett, E. Fockler, Peter C. Swoope, David MeMurtrie, David Snare, S. S. Wharton, Benj. rockier, Win. G. Furlong, Mi chael Snyder, E. Thomas, and D. Miller. CHIEF MARSHAL, Major GEO. RAYMOND. ASSISTANT MARSHALS, Capt. DAVID SNARE, WILLIAM H. PEIGHTAL, HENRY K. NE(•F, JOHN N. SD'OOPE. On motion,Resolved, That the friends of Taylor and ohnson, and the public generally, are invited to'join in the procession. WTI. 11. PEIGIITAL, Presq. H. K. ?key, Secretary. A Mistake. Our neighbor of the Globe is /nioilkrn when I , he charges the Taylor men with offering illegal votes at the last election. One young man came upon the ground who told us that he had been paying taxes for two years, but that los father was not confident that he was of age, and that he would not swear to it. He had a Whig ticket, but as he will bear us witness, we told him he bad no right to vote and advised him not to snake the attempt. On the other hand, there were men standing about the pails ail day, with Locofoco tickets in their bands, whose taxes had been paid by the editor of the Globe, but who, conscious of their want of qualifications were AFRAID to make the attempt, seeing that "gcnarioss wour,B B B ASKED." The boot is therefore on the other leg. Cr - The Don. Dixon If. Lewis, U. S. Sena tor, from Alabama, flied at the National Hotel, New York, on Wednesday THE DUTY OF FREEMEN. Never since the organization of our Govern ment was there a time, that called so loudly, upon the honest and free of every party, to arouse themselves to action. A party long in power have grown fat 'upon the official plunder. So long have they held place, that their offi cial impudence demands a rebuke at the hands of every man who loves his country better than the idle triumph of party. flaying grown bold from their repeated suc cess they demand of the people the continuance of their power. They make all kinds of pro fessions and promises, before an election, and disregard them when suuccessful. Will freemen longer tolerate, such duplicity and official insolence I They have willed A CHANGE if we do not mistake the signs of times. Penn sylvania has broken the chains which have so long bound her to the earth. The party which has burdened her with a debt of forty-five mil lions of dollars, and oppressed her people with taxation, has been hurled from power, and the people in their might have decreed that they will have a change ; and that they will seek for prosperity and justice, from other hands than those who have so long and so faithlessly prom ised them redress. The industrious Mechanic, Laborer, and Farmer, have determined to seek for better times where there is some hope. The "Aibbo leth" of porty has failed to mislead them, and because they know, that any change must be for the better, they have shouted "away with them !" to the officials and their menials who have ilindled them before eleeticms, and scour ged them afterwards. Startled at the rebuke, yet bold, and saucy in their places of power ; they have arisen from the blow maddened and desperate. They cannot realize it. Wild, with the fury of despair they sent forth theirhowls of FRAUD FRAUD I Knowing how they obtained and kept the pow er, they suppose they have been beaten at their own game ; like every impudent and rascally servant when discharged and kicked out by his master ; they in turn charge their masters with fraud. Every species of fraud and deception have characterized their conduct for years. The ballot box which should be sacred from the polluting touch of unholy hands ; has been foul ly corrupted by them to secure their ends—ille gal votes have been crammed into it, by hands ful, and by thousands. They know and well understand the power of fraud. Fraud! fraud ! ! they then cry, and charge it upon the people, that they may consummate some foul scheme unsuspected. THE PEOPLE HEST AWAKE ! They are now arrayed against, old office hold ers and hungry parasites, who hope to obtain . place and power. The honest of all 'parties know this, and they know too, that the election of that honest and faithful old soldier Zachary Taylor, will be the dawning of better days. His hands are not stained by any unearned gold ; his blood and toil was the exchange he gave for every cent he ever received from his country. The sleepless night, and the bloody field, have seen him spending his best strength for the hon or of our starry banner, and the welfare of our whole country. He knew no party strife nor partizan fanatacism, in the long march, the comfortless camp or the fierce contest, his coun i try was his all,—his soldiers, his brothers for he has seen them of both parties fight shoul , der to shoulder, and smitten by the hail storm of death sink side by side into their last sleep. Glerions, gallant, generous, brave cc OLD ZACK." What man who loves his country can vote against him. Can you, young man ? Vote against the brave old man. No ! no, it cannot be. Nor can you, who are tired of voting for politicians. We need an honest man now at the head of affairs. We need one who loves his country snore than party. We need one who has no enemies to punish—no partisans to re- Ward, nothing to serve but his country : who dare do right regardless of all. Such a one is ,0 011.13 ZACK." Then freemen if you would do your duty de mand a change, awake fromyour sleep, guard a gainst the frauds of those who have the money and thepower, and come out to the polls and vote for "OLD ZACK," and bring every one of your neighbors with you. Let no man stay at home. The Duty of Voting. We commend to the attention of a certain class among our voters, the following remarks on the DUTY of voting, by President WAY LAND, author of "Political Economy," and "Moral Science." They are, weknow, able to decide moral qdestions for themselves, and no doubt their opinion will coincide with that of Wayland, but their attention may not have been particularly turned to this point think that every Christian citizen is under obligation to vote in every case where a public officer is to be chosen. The happiness and vir tue of the community, no less than the security of property, depend greatly on the character of the magistracy. If I am injured in person or property by a wicked public officer, I have a right to complain of my fellow-citizens who gave him authority over me, or who, when it was In their power, did not prevent his election. A Christian in this country, above all others, has a duty to perform in this matter, and he dis obeys the commandment in the text if he does not perform it." Moms DEFECTION.-The J3lairscilla Apalti ian, edited by R. B. McCabe, Esq., has taken down the Cass ticket, and goes for Van Buren and Adams. It is printed on the borders of Westmoreland and Indiana counties, and has been always a Locofoco advocate, supporting Longstreth and Painter at the recent election. TAYLOR ENTIIUSIASM.-The Philadelphia In quirer says, that the enthusiasm in that quarter in behalf of the old Hero of Buena Vista in creases with every hour. The meetings in Philadelphia City and County are immense. Hundreds of Democrats have already joined our ranks, and not ,a day goes by that other access . ions di, not occur. One Blow More, And all is safe: To the Polls then freemen, and let that blow smite to the earth the last hope of your official oPpressdis. You have done well, bravely, nobly ! "You have ecotch'd the snake not killed it." One blow more I Let every freeman wield the people's sceptie, free ticket,—and let every one give that blow, as though he felt, , c-As if himself were he On whose sole arm hung victory:" The labor of your enemies knows no sleep. Every energy is aroused,—every sinew strained, and untiring toil used. Their energy and toil must be met with "ETERNAL VIGILANCE." THE ASSESSMENTS OP THE TEN-DAY TRAVELLERS, MPH be watched more vigilantly, more fearless lessly at the next election. Many of them were, by the fears of the law scared from the Polls. They are still about. They are waiting still,in the hope that you will forget theta and their foul fraud. Freemen ! watch them better next time. Swear every man of them. The law has pro vided you a safe guard. Object to every doubt ful vote, and if the fraud is consummated, let the deeper and more damning crime of perjury blister the tongues of those who would pollute the altar of your freedom. You have the right to ~A SK QUESTIONS," and don't neglect it. Watch these men—they will try it again. Be on your guard—stand up to the work faithfully, and the crowning victory shall be yours. "Old Zack shall be your President, And no body else but he." Half a Million of Dollars, Says a Washington correspondent, is pledged to be raised by the Officers of Polk's Administra tion, to carry the election in Pennsylvania.— Their Tariff swindle of 1844, they are determi ned shall be sustained by Pennsylvania,—a State which was cheated and prostrated by that fraud. Polk and his party are determined to oppress and crush still deeper into ruin. The Workmen in her cent and iron mines have been caught in their trap—they think they have got them down to Jimmy Buchanan's low wages, and now they are determined to keep them there. And money! millions of money is now to be used to hold the poor laborers by the throat. What care they if the poor man starves, if they can keep their fat offices. Money is to be used to import voters into the border counties, from New York to carry Pennsylvania for Cass.— New York they know is lost, now they must save this State. How else will they use it 1— We will tell you; they will hire men and boys to ride through every township, to circulate pa pers and pamphlets filled with falsehood against that bonest old man Gen. Taylor. Look out for them,—they are loaded with secret circulars,— vile slanders and bare-faced falsehood. Freemen be on the alert. Up, every honest man, and go to work. One Whole da3• for your Country. Begin early in the morning ; go to your neigh bor, urge him to turn out and vote for 4 , Old Zack” 4 --that honest, good old man—that man, tha ey, as well as us, in 1817 said was the weian for the people. The People can beat down the scheme of fraud and corrup tion if every man does his duty. Gen. Taylor has stood by your banner, when the smoke of battle shrouded the statry emblem from all eyes, and in the darkest hour--when the roar of the cannon, the clash of steel, and the groans of the dying, would have sent terror to many a brave heart, cc leis wounded were behindhim and he would not pass them alive," and above the din of strife, he shouted " A little snore grape," and onward he bore that banner, till terror stricken at the stern old warrior the beaten foe fled. Will you honest freemen then'refuse to stand by his banner, in this strife of official power against one Old Hero. The Administration at Washington once tried to crush that glorious old War horse Jackson. Who does not remember that. The same power tried to break down and supersede that great and good can Harrison. The same power have spent all the arrows of their spite to destroy and disgrace, another honest, stern, faithful old sol dier. Corrupt power hates the bold, the honest, and the true. It was alwaye so. Then arouse and let not the power of place or gold strike down one of your own old Heroes. The day of Election, The Presidential election in this State was formerly held on Friday, and the change of day may not be generally known. Care should therefore be taken to inform the people that, un der the law providing for holding the election in all the States on the same day, Congress has designated Tuesday the7th day of November next, as the day for electing Electors of Presi dent and Vice President of the United States. (17" Do not mistake the day. The old Tune. The editor of the Globe in making a short ex hortation to his readers last week says: "Huntingdon county can give a majority for CASS and BUTLER—and she will do it if you do your whole duty." We have never seen a more striking parallel to the pronunciamentos of Santa Anna than the above. Breathing nothing but victory previous to every battle, but invariably whining over defeat at the closisof the contest. A "majority for Cass and Butler" in Huntingdon county ! Did your correspondent from the "Big Valley" tell you to say that, neighbor ? Rain or Shine. It has been suggested that if a severe storm or any kind of , 6 bad weather" should blow on the day of election, measures ought to be taken by the Taylor men in every township to provide comfortable conveyances for all their voters who cannot conveniently get to the election without. Whether it rain or shine, they should provide ways for all the aged and infirm, and those who live far from the polls and have no conveyance of their own. RE3IEMBER THIS A vu Ile PN.ARED IN TIME! Look Out for FRAUD and CORRUP- TION I THE OFFICE-HOLDERS AT WORK It We ask the serious attention of every free man to the following letter to the New York Express : " WASHINGTON, October 19,1818. " But I wish to give you an item of important news, which I hope will put the honest people of Pennsylvania on their guard. I have it from the very best authority, that the leading officials at Washington have solemnly sworn and resol ved that the Democratic party shall carry Penn sylvania in Novembei, even if it should be at the cost of half a million of dollara ! They say that the money can' be rained, and that it must be raised, and that Pennsylvania must be carried for Cass and Butler. 1 assure you that the above is strictly true, and. I do think you could not do a better thing than .by making your Pennsylvania readers acquainted with this inferno/ democratic scheme. If the Whigs of the Keystone State do not strain every nerve in November, they will be defeated by the uhpriti eipled enemy." In publishing this disclosure, the National Intelligeneer, says, it " comes as we happen to know, from an honorable source, and which, as we also happen to know, is corroborated by measures now in progress in this city; we refer to the levying of contributions on democratic office-holders, to be used in Pennsylvania to carry the State for the anti-tariff and anti-im provement candidate for the Presidency." It is well known here, that Locofoco members of Congress are now flooding the country with SECRET CIRCU LARS, got up by the office-holders at Washing ton. We have one of these documents now in our possession. It was sent to a Democrat who voted for Longstreth bat who will now vote for Taylor. It is dated " Jackson Hall, Washing ton City, Oct. 17, ISIS ;" and signed "J. D. HOOVER, Chr'n Ex. Corn. Jackson Dem. As sociation"—Z. W. MCKNEW, Cor. Sec." It urges the Locofocos to get out their "FULL VOTE," and to be sure that when out they vote for Cass and Butler. Lying Pamphlets, grossly abusive of Gen. Taylor and the Whig Party have also been got up by the Office-hold ers at Washington city since the last election.— We have one of these also in our possession, which came to this office under the frank of Congressman Bridges, of the Bucks district.— This document is addressed " To the People of Pennsylvania," and commences with "Read, Pause and Reflect !" But so gross are the FALSEHOODS and SLANDERS which it contains, that the reader will seek in vain for any signature assuming the responsibility of the authorship. If .the arguments contained in this document were soind and the ntimeraus allega tions against the Whig party true, how comes it that the author sends it to tile world without his endorsement? Such stuff as this can deceive no one. It is emphatically "TOO LATE."— The doom of the corrupt office holders is sealed. The People of Pennsylvania have read, PAUSED, and REFLECTED, and the consequence is they have cast off the demagogues who have already SWINDLED and brought their proud old Common wealth to the very verge of RUIN. Let all, then, Pennsylvania Election. The N. York Tribune, speaking of the result of the Pennsylvania election, says.-- This is anastounding revolution. The party Which lives on its empty professions of Democ- Be on their Guard I racy has never been beaten in the State contest The prospect of defeat which the election of preceeding a Presidential Election. Even when Gov. Johnston . furnishes, has rendered the o ffi ce- o G f en i . B. l-I m ar i rl os o f n ii c e a n r d r s ie , d ve t r h e e Sbtletattee,niri nearly tornado o holders desperate! They will stopat no scheme in the Proceeding State election. William Heis of FRAUD and CORRUPTION which may ter, who was not supported by the larger por seem to give them any hope of retaining their tion of the Democracy, was chosen Governor over Fitully in 1830 by a close vote, and Joseph places. It is notorious that they committed some of the most enormous FRAUDS at the Ritner was elected i n 835—ineachcase through a serious schism in the ranks of the so called late election. And it is equally notorious (we Demooracy but a Governor chosen in even know of one case) that moneyhasbeen offered to handed opposition to what vaunts itself the Dem voters to cast their votes for Longstreth. Freemen ' la c s r t a t fo i t P" l e Y a rhsa!'not before occurred during the of Pennsylvania ! will you endorse the conduct Again Y h of these CORRUPT and unworthy servants by „ t Y e Tribune says: voting for Cass and Butler and thereby retaining Gov. Johnston is elected, and the whole as pect of affairs changed. Pennsylvania lias taken them in power? We are mistaken in your vir- her Place at the head of the Whig array- , -the tue and 'intelligence if you do. But we do not fin-ship of the Whig Armanda in the great fear the MONEY of these political rascals.--, c v o o t t t e t e f s o t r a e hrl i a titre as ss any moral ly,State the t Union o The People of Pennsylvania can't be BOUGHT. I , after Kentucky, Taylor we think the niajority is In the language of the North American, if the more likely to exceed 20,000 than to fall below Administration at Washington expects, by the :3,000. Next to New Y6rk, she will probably its , give Old Zack the largest State majority." base application of money, levied among hirelings and menials, to BUY TILE SUFI:JUGES of , Insolence and Infamy Rebuked. Pennsylvania farmers and' mechanics, it will The Pa. Telegraph says : The passage of wake up to a reality, even more astounding, the relief law of 18 tf , for which Gov. Johnston than that which rang the unexpected news of took an active part; saved the Locofoco party defeat in their ears two weeks ago. Our honest from defeat in that campaign, besides saving people have been deceived by confiding in dem- from ruin hundreds of active and ardent locofo agogues and traitors ; but, they have never yet co politicians. Notwithstanding this, the vials been sold like cattle, nor would all the hundreds of Locofoco wrath were poured upon the head of millions that were squandered in the Mexican of Gov. Johnston, during the late campaign, war, if concentrated upon this State, be sutfi- for this very act, spiced by the lowest party cient to stagger its integrity for a moment. i billingsgate. The result of the election is a But the warning is important, as showing the whithering rebuke to such infamous demogogues, infamous and desperate means to which a corrupt who must wish to hide their heads from the party intends to resort, for the purpose of carry- gaze of an indignant people ing the vote of Pennsylvania. Despairing of success by a repetition of the fraud of 1811, the political managers at Washington have determi- ned upon this gigantic experiment of bribery, to effect similar results. We cannot urge our friends too strongly to be vigilant. Their Principles. You cannot meet a Locofoco who does not say that he would rather have the Canal Com missioner than the Governor. Why is 'this ? Simply because they have no principles worth caring about, and if they can keep the offices on the Canal suit go on stealing the People's money they are content. Did it ever occur to these fellows that the People once voted to sell the improvements, and that in accordance with that vote the present administration might see proper, in order to lighten the taxes of the Peo ple, to dispose of them ? It might so happen. Irishmen, Remember! —.- Let ever Irishman remember, that when John J. Crittenden (whig) introduced into the United States Senate, a bill granting relief to Ireland in the hour of her famine and distress, It 'LEWIS CASS.O3 dodged the question and did'nt vote for it ! and let every Irishman remember, that this bill for Ireland's relief was opposed gener ally by Locofoco Senators and advocated by Whigs ; and let every Irishman remember, that while this prodigal Administration has millioas to throw away upon a bootless expedition-to fifth up the remains of Sodom and Gomoirah, they can't spare one dime to alleviate the pangs of distress, or allay the knawings of hunger. Election °Dicers! Judges and Inspectors, keep a good look out for Fraudulent certificates of Naturalization ! All those signed by R. Palmer, Jr., from the Court of Philadelphia are suspicious. Take a memorandum of all such ; and if any are detect ed voting fraudulently let them be arrested at once and punished. Right wrongs no man. But these dishonest voters, every one of them who votes cheats an honest voter out of his vote. The honest alien who has been Natural ized, and has thus shown that he loves this country, by complying with its Laws, gains no advantage, if the dishonest can have papers forged for them for nothing, which are just as good. When the voles are counted remember that each ?tame on each Ticket must be written out carefully, and exactly as it is on the tickets, and the number of votes in Words at length and in figures; thus: Jolui P. Sanderson, had one hundred totes, 100 REMEMBER The Fraud of 1f414. Friends of the protection of Horne Industry! of a Howie Market ! of the Whig Tariffof 1812! We call upon you to remembei the infkmoUs fraud practised, upon the people by the locofoco leaders in 184 I. Remember that they not only represented Jilirll)9 K. Folk as in favor of the Tariff, but that they srenously contended that he was the especial friend and advocate of the coal and Iron interests of Pentisalvania. As an evidence of these things we need but refer among many others to the following article, pub lished during that campaign in the Hari:is - burg Union, then edited by Edwin W. Hotter, who is now Chairman of the locofoco State Central . Committee : Col. Polk and the Tariff—A Vile Whig Falsehood. We perceive that the Harrisburg Inteligencer with the mendacity so eminently the character istic of the coon papers, denounces Col. Polk in advance as an 44 open cud avowed Free Trade. Theorist." The authority of this gratuitous assertion is, of course, not furnished by the In teligencer, as it is the policy of the Whig press to deal in habitual misrepresentation both of the men and measures of the Democratic party. Now Me happen to know, and state rpon the au thority of a Tennesseean with whon set conver sed at Baltimore—a near neighbor of Col. Polk —that he holds the doctrine of Free Trade in sees quail:fled abhorrence. HE NEVER ADVO CATED IT, AND HE NEVER WILL. He is in favor of a judicious revenue tariffaffording the amplest incidental PROTECTION To AMERI CAN INDUSTRY. He is the especial friend and advocate of the COAL AND IRON INTER ESTS, those two great objects of solicitude with Pennsylvanians, and believing PERMA NENCE in our laws to be of incalculable value is opposed to the disturbance of the existing tariff (of 1812.) These facts we state upon the awry best authority, and caution the Democ racy of this great State against listening to the misrepresentations of the coons. The truth is, the strong names of POLK and DALLAS have struck our enemies with such deep consterna tion as to make them desperate in feeling and unscrupulous in the use of means. Keep up the fire ! The result of the recent contest should in spire every friend of Taylor with renewed zeal in the good cause. Let it not be forgotten that the greatest victory is yet to be achieved. It was at Buena Vista that our glorious leader ac quired his brightest laurels. Our triumph is November will be the crowning victory in the political campaign of '.113. Arouse, then, broth er Whigs and unite once more in a long pull, a strong pull, and a pull altogether, and the na tion, as well as the State, will be gloriously re deemed troin locofoco misrule. The Difference. In Armstrong county, the home of Governor Johnston, (where the locofoco majority usually 'ranges from 500 to 800,) at the late election Mr. Longetreth received a majority of only 17 votes! In Montgomery county, where Mr. Long streth resides, (and where at the election in 1817 Gov. Shunt, had a majority of 1.118,) Gov. Johnston was only beaten 573 votes at the elec tion on Tuesday last. _ A proper estimate of the relative popularity of the two candidates among their friends and neighbors may be gathered from these facts. 11Y Gov. Johnston was in Philadelphia on Saturday last, and met with an enthusiastic re ception•—lle male a spirited speech, and an nounced his intention to continue addressing the people of. the State until the 7th of November. We notice already a number of appointments for him in different parts of the State. ' Mass Meetings. The Taylor State Committee have called Mass Meetings at several prominent places throughout the State. Among other places, a Macs Meeting at Huntingdon was called, to be held on Friday, the 3d Novem ber, and, Hon. JAMES COOPER, and Hon. JAMAS POLLOCK named us speakers to be present on the occasion. Our County Committee believing that the people of our county will be exceedingly anx ious to meet Gov. Johnston, on Wednesday, No vember Ist, when he will' visit our place have issued no call for a general' meeting on that . day, (3d Nov.) and for still another reason. It has been pretty generally understood and cir culated that our opponents will hold, a meeting' in our town on that day. The “Pennxylvanian" urged upon their friends the importance of holding meetings and having able speakers to reply to Gov. Johnston/ in every place where he may speak—therefore, their meeting. They fear his plain truths,— and they want' some body to throw dust into the eyes of the people. A MEETING WILL BE HELD, ari Friday evening, at the Court House, to the 13,;roligh of Huntingdon ; and every friend of Taylor and Fillmore—EVEßY BODYri re in vited to attend: Mr. Cooper and Pollock we are assured will be present to address them. We hope our friends front the adjoining Town ships will come in. They may expect a rich treat. The toteiii County.' The locofoco leaders and editors' throughout the State are racking their brains to discover the . why and the wherefore of their fate disaaterous de; feat in this State; and. every apology which ingenuity or fancy Can devise is presented to the faithful to break the' crushing influence which their discom fiture might very naturally be expected to exert over the spirits and hopes of the Democracy of Pennsylvania and the Union. The most ridiculous and ab surd, however, of all these excu ses, is the insinuation of fraud in Schuyl kill county, where the vote of the " ine• millions"—the hard fisted collier and Miner—has told so fearfully against the shameful fraud of 1844. Schuyl kill county gives an increased vote over that of 1844, of 2195 ; and it is argued that of course there has been a gross fraud, by which this increase has been effected! According to the same Arith metic, there must have been a fraud in York county, which has increased its vote 2014, only 181 less than Schuylkill —fraud in Philadelph;a county, where the present vote exceeds that of 1844 by from 19' to 20,000 ! This charge of fraud, at best, conies With an exceeding bad grace from a par ty whiclr returned d larger locofoco major ity en Richmond and Penn township dis tricts; (Philadelphia county,) than the whole number of votes polled—and then destroyed the poll lists; for fear the fraud should be detected Our neighbor of the Globe is not alone in this absurd charge of fraud in Schuyl- . kill; as will be seen by the following pertinent paragraph from the PhiWet phia News : SCHUYLKILL COUNTY- - SCVerill of the Locofoco papers, stud particularly the Pennsylvanian, to cover the disgrace and infamy fixed upon their party, by the glaring frauds committed on the elec tive franchise at Richmond, South Penn &c., are making a parade of the increase in the vote of Schuylkill, as if there had necessarily been fraudulent voting a mong the miners of that county ! The rebuke the miners & laborers of Schuyl kill have given to the leaders of the lo cape° party, for the infamous fraud which was practised on thero, in the destruction of the Protective policy, by men who pretended to be its warmest friends, is not relished—and now, for sooth, the cry of fraud must be raised against those who are no longer willing to be duped by the locofoco office hold ers. In Richmond, South Penn, &c., it is well known there are is not many tax able inhabitants, by many hundred, as the declared vote ; while in Schuylkill county, it is not even pretended that more votes were cast than there are tax ' able inhabitants. The whole story about fraud in Schuylkill county is a base in vention, and has not a single fact for its foundation, and, as we said before, it has been started solely for the purpose of drawing away the attention of the pub lic from the locofoco frauds in Philadel phia county. You hear nothing in Schuylkill county about these pretend ed frauds—if any had been committed, surely the people of that county, whigs and locofocos, ought to know something about them. The 7th of November will tell a tale which will astound these Lo cofoco slanderers—the miners of Schuyl kill county intend, and they will most assuredly, largely increase thelf;traajor ity.