1 ,7 •' 1 ° ,• • Ittq b on Or, a • BY JAS. CLARK. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry writs of Lev. Fa. and Vend. Ex. now in my hands, I will sell at the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon, on Mon day the 13th day of November next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at public vendue or outcry, the following described Real Estate, viz: All that certain tract or parcel of land situate in Dublin township, Hun tingdon county, containing about 110 acres, more or less, bounded by lands of John Appleby on the North East, William Appleby on the East, William Doyle on the South, and 14 illiam Clymanr on the West, having there on ert..ted a small log house and cabin barn, and about 70 acres cleared thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of James Diven. ALSO.—AII that certain tract of land situate in Springfield township, Black Log Valley, Huntingdon county, con taining about 200 acres, more or less, bounded on the north by Eli Lock, on the west by Greenbury Ramsey, and by the Shade mountainon the east, with a small improvement thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Jesse Banks. ALSO—AII that certain lot of ground situate in the town of Cassville, Cass township, Huntingdon county, fronting on the street 66 feet and extending back about 165 feet, bounded by Joshua Greenland and Isaac Ashton, having thereon erected a small log house &c. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Isaac Deeter. ALSO—AII the right, title and inter. cut of the defendant in and to a certain tract of patented land situate in Dublin township, Huntingdon county, contain• ing one hundred and sixty acres or thereabouts, adjoining lands of Samuel Campbell, William Marshall, Hugh Campbell and others, having thereon a good bank barn, and a double log house, a good orchard and a well of water at the door. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of George Whitaker, the said defendant. ALSO—AII those two certain lots of ground situate in the borough of Alex. andria, Huntingdon county, adjoining lots of Andrew M'Clure and -Francis Conner, fronting each 60 feet on the north side of Second street, and extend in, back at right angles to said street 200 feet to second alley and marked in the general plan of said town No's. 74 and 75, thereon erected a frame dwel ling horse and a frame ,table. Seized, taken in eaecntion and to be sold as the property of Solomon Baker. ALSO—AII that certain tract, peice or parcel of land devised by the last Will and testament of Jacob Gooshorn dec'd to the Defendant John G'ooshorn, containing about twenty acres be the same more or less, situate in Tell town ship, adjoining lands of William Goos horn, Christian Coots, Samuel M'Fea ters and others nearly all of which is cleared—having thereon a log Grist Mill, a Saw Mill, a log dwelling house, a small frame house, and a stable. Seiz ed, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Gooshorn, sr. ALSO—A piece of ground situate in the town of Graysport, Huntingdon Co. situate on the side of a hill being 150 feet by 490 feet—fronting on the North on the road leading to Canoe Nalley 150 feet more or less, bounded on the West and South by land of Michael Low, and on the East by lots of Elizabe h Curley —ALSO one other piece of land in said town of Graysport lying along the bank of the River between the street and the River, and oppo,ite lots owned by Abra ham Isenberg, extending along said Riv er 100 feet. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John W. Baum. ALSO— All that certain small tract or parcel of land lying on the east 1 branch of Stone Creek in Jackson town ship containing twenty one acres be the same more or less adjoining lands of Samuel Shaddle on the east, Thomas Smith on the south, Robert Cummins on. the west, Jos. Heffly on the north, about two acres of which are cleared, having thereon erected a small two story log house and frame stable. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the proper ty of James McAlevy. MATTHE CROWNONER, Sheriff's Office, Sheriff. Huntingdon, Oct. 16,1848. /9'CI.)@:I I LICZ:iIUe IS hereby given to all persons interested, that the Trust account of Joshua Greenland and Caleb hwoope. iseigneen of Dr. Jacob M. Cover, late of Caen townehip,has been filed in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of C.qnmon Prase of Huntingdon county, and that the same will be presented to the mid Court or the second Monday of November next, for confirmation and allowance. JAMES STEEL, Prooy, Oct. i 7, 104 q Love thi# Love Ever. Love on, love ever ! while the heart With joyful passion thrills, Or feels one blest emotion start, Within its silent cells Let gentle thoughts and fond desires Within it still abide ; And day by day renew the fires, That passion first supplied. Love on, love ever I whilst we live We'll know no purer bliss ; And bounteous fate can never give A recompense for this. And oh ! were heaven bereft of love, 'Twould be so dark and drear, That saints would leave their thrones above, And seek a dwelling here, Love on, love ever'—let it be The motto of the heart ! And kept with faithful constancy, 'Till life and strength depart. And when unto a nobler sphere, Our longing souls are giv'n, Perchance the love which binds us here May be renewed in heaven. Millard Fillmore. We cut the following beautiful figure and high compliment to our candidate for the Vire Presidency from the Independent Monitor, a good Whig paper printed at Tuscaloosa, Ala bama, where it appears as editorial There is a structure standing on a rock in the English Channel, called the Eddystone lighthouse. It lifts its lan tern more than seventy feet above the high water mark ; and when storms arise, it is lashed by surges more furi ous than assail any other structure erec ted by human hands. High up above its calm and steady light, the angry wa ters shake their foamy manes, and bend ing over it, hang suspended in a fearful liquid canopy. But when the storm wind ceases, and the vexed waves once more subside, there stands the light house unharmed still, and its tranquil light streams out calm and steady as before. The political tempest which has been raging about the head of Mr. FILLMORE, can be compared in violence, only to those natural storms which assail this celebrated tower. The waves of calumny and Invective have dashed themselves against him in vain. One after another they have fallen back im potent at his feet. The storm has ex pended itself—its force is utterly exhaus• ted—and there still stands Mr. Fillmore, uninjured by its rage. We are proud of our candidate for the Vice Presidency. Firm as the Eddy-stone light-house, inn pregnable as the Rock of Gibralter i be is proof against every violence—he can not be overthrown, and lie cannot be conquered. A SMART Doc.—A Shepherd once, to prove the quickness of his dog, who was lying before the fire in the house where we were talking, said to me in the middle of a sentence concerning something else—l'm thinking, sir, the cow is in the potatoes. Though he pur posely laid no stress on these words, and said them in a quiet, unconcerned tone of voice, the dog, who appeared to be asleep, immediately jumped up, and leaping through an open window, sera!). bled up to the turf roof of the house, from which he could see the potatoes! He then (not seeing the cow there,) ran and looked into the barn where she was, and finding that all was right, came back to the house. After a short time the Shepherd said the same words again, and the dog repeated his look out; but on the false alarm being a third time given, the dog got up, wagged his tail, looked hie master in the face, with so comical an expression of interrogation, that he could not help laughing aloud at him, on which with a slight growl, he laid himself down in his warm corner ! with an offended air, as if determined i not to be made a fool of again. A HAPPY OLD FARMER Said a venerable farmer of eighty years, to a relative on a visit to him,' 1 have lived on this farm more than half a century. 1 have no desire to change my residence as long as I live on earth. 1 have no wish to be any richer than I now am. I have worshipped the God of my fathers with the same people more than forty years. During that pe riod I have scarcely ever been absent from the sanctuary on the Sabbath, and have never lost more than one commu nion season. I have never been confin ed to a bed of sickness for a single day. The blessings of God have been richly spread around me, and I hare made up my mind long ago, that if I wished to be any happier, I must have more reli gion than I have at present." EVILS OF STRONG PREJUDICE.—The Hon. Mr. Cabell, of Florida, lately ob tained a claim of some $l,lOO for a Democratic constituent, and sent him the sum under his frank. The Demo crat upon receiving the package, and seeing the frank of Mr. Cabell, thought it was a Whig document, and was just on the point of throwing it into the fire, when a sober second thought' prompt. ed him to open it, and he discovered to his joy the eleven hundred dollars, which were saved as a " brand from the burning." HUNTINGDON, PA,, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 81, 1848 Taylor as a Farmer and Master. " The "Philadelphia Platform" pub lishes extracts from a letter written by Gen. Taylor at Corpus Christi, Novell'. cer 13, 1845, to his agent in Mississippi concerning the management of his farm and the care he desired taken of his ser vants in his absense. The directions contained in the lettershows a man who knows how to develop, to husband, and to direct the energies and resources of a farm as well as of an army. Indeed the minutest details do not escape his notice. Upon the farm as well as in the field Gen. Taylor closely resembles General Washington, who displayed the same en ergy, system and order at the head of the revolutionary forces. But there are some extracts from Gen. Taylor's letter which we must lay before our readers, as beautifully illustrative of the wisdom, the prudence and at the same time, the unbounded generosity of his character. 4 . I hope you will not let spinning es cape your vigilent eye, particularly as far as making your linsey is concerned, as well as any thing else that you may find it convenient to manufacture, not forgetting the experiment of trying the making of comforts us a substitute for blankets. I am decidedly in favor of making every thing we want, as far as it can be done on the plantation, for the ad age is correct, that what ever is saved is gained, in addition to which my motto is to save every thing that is made." Here speaks the good farmer, as well as the wise man, whose lesson of econo my, so pithily set forth in the last line, is worthy the attention of all the young men of the country, of the poor, who would become rich, and of the rich, who would not see the inheritance of their fathers pass into the hands of strangers. And, we may add, that which is good for an individual, would be good for the nation. Well would it be for our coun try, if she would adopt as her own pol icy this prudent sentimeut of Gen. Tay lor, and " make every thing we want as far as it can be done in our own country, for the adage is correct, that whatever is saved is gained, in addition to which my motto is to save every thing that is made." If that had always been the motto of our government, we should not have seen her running into debt to for eign nations for articles which could be mdde at home, nor lavishly wasting in unnecessary wars the sums which had accumulated in her treasury. But hold, says some objector, these maxims of Gen. Taylor are decidedly sensible, and worthy perhaps of Dr. , Franklin, but, don't they exhibit the old gentleman as rather to fond of saving,! and seem to justify the sneers of the ; government organ at his prudence and economy. Well, we will see. We make an extract from the close of the Gener al's letter to his agent, which spikes that gun forever. It shows at once the benevolence of the master, and the be nevolence of the man : " I wish Me servants well fed, and their provisions well cooked. * DISTRIBUTE AMONG THE SERVANTS AT CHRISTNAB, in such way as you think they deserve by their conduct, FIVE HUN. DRED DOLLARS, and if necessary, draw on our merchant for the same." There you have the character of old Zack at a dash. Yet this is the man whom the organs of Cass have endeav ored to asperse and ridicule as so penu rious that he would'nt pay ten cents postage on a letter informing him of his nomination to the Presidency of the United States. We admit that in this respect the conduct is mysterious to pol iticians, who would probably think it true generosity to reverse his rule of action and give five hundred dollars for a nomination to the Presidency, and "ten cents" to the servants at Christ mas.—Richmond Republican. Martin Van Buren is honestly opposed to Slavery, what could he mean in say ing, in relation to the abolition of Sla very in the District of Columbia, "No bill CAN EVER receive my constitution al sanction for it." He is opposed to Slavery, how is it that he "IS STILL opposed to using the pow er which Congress possesses, of abolish ing slavery in the District of Columbia'!" He is opposed to Slavery, why was he co active in electing James K. Polk 'I IF He is opposed to Slavery, why does he not repent of what he did for Polk's election and for the promotion of the war in Mexico"! And why don't he say so I"—Troy Whig. " Will you take the life of Tay lor or Cass, this morning, madam ?" said a small boy to our good Aunt Bet sey. "No, my lad," replied she, "they may live until the end of their days for all me I've got nothing agin 'em !" Taylor and Slavery. In attempting to show that Gen. Tay , for will not let his personal views goy ' ern his action on the free soil question, we do riot wish to be considered as ad , miffing that he is personally in favor of extending slavery. On the contrary, we believe that in signing a bill applying the Wilmot Proviso to New Mexico and California he would act in consonance with the promptings of his own heart. On this point we quote from one who has every opportunity of being well in formed, and who, " though he would lay down his life to serve his country, would not sacrifice his honor to save it." In a recent speech in Ohio Mr. Cox- WIN said he would vote for Gen. Tay lor—would use all the means in his power to secure his election, because, although a slaveholder, Gen. Taylor is opposed to the Extension of Slavery— because, if elected President, he will not use the Veto nor his official influence' to establish slavery in any part of our Territories, North and South, acquired or to be acquired. And here again," said Mr. Corwin, " 1 speak what I knob —I speak not without authority, and I tell you, I know Zachary Taylor will not use his Veto, nor his personal nor official influence for the purpose of ex tending slavery into any of our Territo ries--1 ICNOW it. Think not my friends (he continued,) that I am here to "make a case" for Gen. Taylor. Have I not sacrificed as much as any of you in de fending the principles of Free Soil'! In their defence I have battled when few battled with me. On this platform I took my stand, when to do so, I had to separate forever with dearest friends— friends, who, for twenty long years had stood by me through good and evil re port. Upon this ark I cast myself, with all my hopes freighted, and buffeted, al most with tingle arm, the waves of pop ular indignation. Think not, therefore, that I will abandon it now, when in the full tide of popular favor. No, no; I support Gen, Taylor, because, of the three candidates for President now be fore us, with him, and him alone, I am willing to trust the cherished principles which you and I have so long approved." TROPHIES OF VlCTORY.—General Scott has presented to the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, sections of se ven flag staffs taken by the army under his command at the Castle of San Juan d'Ulloa, at Fort San Jago, Vera Cruz, Fort Conception, Cerro Gordo, Perote, Chapultepee, and the National Palace in the city of Mexico. The brass plates and caps on these were made of the mountings of captured muskets. In the letter accompanying these, the General remarks I "It may he worth stating that the caps and plates were made in the Cita del of Mexico, by the mechanics of our own army. As, under Providence, it was mainly to the Military Academy that the United States became indebted for those brilliant achievements, and other memorable victories, I have a lively pleasure in tendering the seven trophies (semi-national) to the mojher of so many accomplished soldieri and patriots." INTREPIDITY OF A LADY.--A remarka ble instance of intrepidity and coolness was exhibited at the Blue Lick Springs a few days ago by Miss L., a belle of Bourbon county in this State. Miss L. and Mr. F., a gentleman from the South, on their return from an excursion on horseback, were riding down the long hill about a quarter of a mile from the hotel at full speed, the lady being a lit tle ahead. Ate sudden turn of the road, the gentleman's saddle turned, and he fell from his horse, but his foot remain ed in the stirrup, and the horse, although his pace was somewhat slackened, kept on his way, dragging the fallen man upon the ground. The young lady see ing this, reined in her own horse by a sudden effort, leaped from him whilst he was still in rapid motion, ran back, seized the horse by the bridle, and re leased her gallant from his perilous sit uation. This feat was witnessed by hundreds at the Springs, who could find no words strong enough to express their admiration of the daring courage of the beautiful young heroine.—Louis. Jour nal. ABUNDANCE OF WIVES.—A reliable Cor respondence sends us the following statement : 4. There is a village in the land of steady habits and wooden nut megs called " Christian Hollow," where may be found eight very respectable, enterprising men, mostly farmers, who have been married to twenty women.— One is now living with his fourth wife, two with their third, and five with their second wives ; and it is a singular fact that these families comprise almost the whole of the population of the neighbor hood." This is certainly a rare instance of unequal distribution.—X. Y. Tribune. ifP 1 -4 4ourntu. The Wagon Masters Story. While the army was at Monterey-, a volunteer belonging to the Arkansas cavalry who had just joined the compa ny, was in posse.sion of a splendid bay charger. One morning he had him out exhibiting his paces,bantering the whole of Mexico in general, and the lookers on in particular, for a swop. " Come boys ..punk up, some one on ye give us a banter, and let's have a trade." After trying some time unsuccessfully, an old gentleman who had been quietly enjoying the fun stepped up and obser ved— " Friend, your horse is really a fine one, and as 1 should like to have him, I will give you a trade." " Them's 'um, my fine old fellow ; trot out your nag, and let's see what he is like" The old gentleman's horse was sent for, and Arkansas, after a thorough ex amination, said— " Well, daddy, I like your hoes, and you do mine; now give us the differ ence and its a trade." " How much 1" " Forty dollars ! Will you give it 1" " No, there is not more than twenty dollars between them." "Look here, my old coon : you may be a mighty fine old chap ; and I believe you are, 'case you are willing to swop ; but you can't fool this child in a hoss trade—l've swopped by moonlight afore' now. But I'll tell you what it is—give me thirty dollars, and it's a bargain." " Well, come to my tent and get your money." " Well, go it is. I say dadd y, what are you driving at out here in Texico— trading 'mono the boys, and all that sort of thing?" "No not exactly, I have been sent out here with the army to take care of I things, and see that all goes right." I "Aye, aye: I understand; a kind of bossing things round and about." " Well my young friend, what indu• ced you to volunteer?" " Well, I thought I'd like to look at the country, splarge around a while, kill a Mexican or so, swop a boss now and then, and see old Rough and Ready.— Is this your tent?" " Yes, walk in. Thirty dollars lam to pay you ; there is the money." " O. K. I say, daddy, when we trade down our way, we generally clinch it with a drink. Have you anything to take 1" " Certainly, what will you have 1" " Red Eye. Here's luck. Now daddy, as you have been about for some time, may be you have seen old Zack." " Yes." "'Then I'm bound to see the old boss; the boys say he is some, and I want a show, and must have it. What kind of a looking man is he 1" " About such a looking man as I am." " What mought your name be 1" " Taylor." "A cousin of the General's 1" " No." " A brother 1" " No," " W ell, who the arc you 1" " I am General Taylor." " Look here, old gentleman, you're a mighty clever old fellow, and know a heap about a tioss; but you don't know much about human natur if you think to crowd that down me. I ain't green and it's no go. Day, day, daddy, you can't come it." On returning to his comrades, the first inquiry was— " Well, how did you get along with the General 1" " General, what General ?" " Why, General Taylor." "Come boys now don't be fooling.— Was that Old Rough and Ready 1" "Certainly." " Well, he told me so, but I did not believe him, he was so friendly like.-1 said a heap to him that I would not have done, had I known who he was. But I'll go and 'pologise and make it right." He proceeded to the General's tent, saluted him, and commenced. "General, I've come to 'pologise to you, being as how as 1 did'nt know who you were. If I said anything improper, or too familiar like, and gave offence, I hope you will forgive me." " No offence, my friend, I have noth ing to forgive—if you are satisfied, I am. Good morning." On returning to his companions, he I said— " Well, boys I did it ; he said there was no offence, and gave tne a shake of his honest old hand. Hurra for old Zack. He's clear grit ; knows all about a hose, and a heap move about human natur."— [St. Louis Republican. Q? The banks of the Mississippi are caving in by' Wholesale. Five large patches of land, at as many places on the river, have caved in during three weeks. VOL. XIII, NO. 48. Heaven On Earth. There are earthly Paradises, and they are inhabited by earthly angels; there are places rendered paradi skill by the. angelic nature of their people. , Proba bly the most perfect of those terrestial states that constitute the heaven here and give a foretaste of hereafter, is l found in that domestic circle where amiable tempers prevail, There is no th:ng so condutive to happiness in its choicest abode, the family relation, as mild, patient, bearing and forgiving minds. Home, be it in a palace, or "ever so homely," is just what we make it ; and it is in the ability of nearly all who have homes, to render them heav ens on earth. Says a writer on domes; tic life—How sweet is the influence ex erted by a mild and sunny disposition! Look at the family where there is a daughter and L ister, who is kind-hearted and cheerful—who never suffers her an gry feelings to rise—how much it re sembles heaven. Such a temper allays the bad passions—smoothea the ,harsh feelings and sheds a glOri6us influence all round: The poet Epicarnus seems to consider the whole responsibility of making home a heaven or its opposite, as resting on the shoulders of women. We cannot endorse quite no broad an idea, but in the following strain of his, there. are certain facts indicated to which all will assent : Marriage is like A cast of dies ! Happy, indeed his lot , Who gets a good wife, one of morale pure And withal easy temper; but alight on A gadding, gossipping, expensive jade, And heaven deliver thee! iittNc in EFFIGY.—The Hon. Mr. Bal ser is addressing the people of Alabama, at their public meetings, in favor of General Taylor. ReCently some bores in Abbeville were so chagrined at this desertion of their old leader, that they hung him in Effigy. Such a course will do more harm to the party practising it than to their antagonists. MUST PAT FOR THEIR SPORT.—The four, men who recently lynched amen named John P. Garnhart, at the Green Tree Tavern, Cincinnati, on mere unfounded suspicion of theft, have been tried in the Criminal Court of that city, and a fine of one hundred and fifty dollars im posed on each, and ten days in dungton, to be fed on bread and water. THREE WONDERS.--" If I ever reach heaven," said Dr. Watts, 11 I expect to find three wondet's there. First, the pres- ence of coins that I thought not to be there. Second, the absence of some whom I expected td meet there. Third, the greatest wonder cfall will be to find myself there." A TERRIBLE TIME.-" Well, there is a row over there to our house." 1' What on tittles the matter, you lit• tie sarpint Why dad's drunk, mother's dead, the old cow has got a calf, Sal's got married and run away with the spoons, Pete has swallowed a pin, and Lui's looked at the Aurora Borax till he's got the delirium triatOes. That ain't all, nuther." " What else Upon airth " " PO,O snlit the batter pot and broke the pancake,, awl ( uc of tl, Maltese kittons has got its head into the molas ses cup and couldn't get it out, and oh, how hungry I am !" Othei% Faults. What are another's faults to me t I've not a vulture's bill To pick at every flaw I sle; And make it wider still. It is enough for me to know I've follies of my own— And on my heart the care bestow, And let my friends alone. A Good Whig Motto: MY WOUNDED ARE BEHIND ME, ANTi I SHALL NEVER PASS THEM ALIVE!" ' In the course of a speech recently made at Vicksburg, by Col. Jefferson Davis, now a Sen ator of the United States, and a member of the political party of which Gen. Cass is the head, he alluded to the battle of Biretta Vista, and to the dauntless conduct of Old Invincible on that occasion. He said that during the prOgress of the battle, after he (Col. Davis) waa wounded, Gen. Taylor Caine and sat down by him—the firm determination on his brow seemed strug gling with an expression of deep sorrow for the brave fellows who had fallen and those who were yet to bite the dust—when, on being in terrogated as to his purposes, he replied, while the fire of an unconquered will gleamed in his eye MY WOUNDED ARE BEHIND ME, AND I SHALL NEVER PASS THEM A LIVE !" What a noble sentiment! How admirably suited fora motto for the Taylor banners of the seventh of November. How full of sympathy for the wounded rank and file—how well calcu , fated to touch rouse, and animate the hearts Of the American Peopte. Who wohld not glory to rally under such a chieftain I The Hero, the Christian, and the Man, are at once united in Zachary Taylor, and his heart mean generous and magnanimon., a. his head is sagacicei,. and