Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 17, 1848, Image 3

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On Tuesday the 3d inst., by Rev. J. A. Gore,
BETH CORBAN, both of Entree township.
On Wedneedny evening the 4th inst., by Rev.
John Millet, Mr. JAMES SAXTON, to Mif)R
EMILY BROTHERLINE, both of this boi
Cake—a bountiful supply accompanied the
above,,for which the happy couple will please
accept the thanks of all hands. That's all we
can say, these exciting times.
By virtue of sundry writs of Lev.
Fa. and Vend. Ex. now in my
hands, I will sell at the Court House
in the borough of Huntingdon, on Mon
day the 13th day of November next, at
10 o'clock, A. M., at public vendue or
outcry, the following described Real
Estate, viz:
All that certain tract or parcel of
land situate in Dublin township, Hun
tiogdori county, containing about 110
acres, more or less, bounded by lands
of John Appleby on the North East,
William Appleby on the East, William
Doyle on the South, and William
Clymans on the West, having there
on erected a small log house and
cabin barn, and about 70 acres cleared
thereon. Seized, taken in execution,
and to be sold as the property of James,
Diven. 1
ALSO.—AII that certain tract of land
situate in Springfield township, Black
,Log Valley, Huntingdon county, con
e'taining about 200 acres, more or less,
bounded on the north by Eli Lock, on
the west by Greenbury Ramsey, and by
the Shade mountainon the east, with al
small improvemvit thereon. Seized,
taken in execution, and to be sold as the'
property of Jesse Banks.
ALSO—AII that certain lot of ground
situate in the town of Cnssville, Cass
township, Huntingdon county, fronting
on the street 66 feet and extending
buck about 165 feet, bounded by Joshua
Gyr.,:iland and Isaac Ashton, having
thereon erected a small log house &c.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Isaac Deeter.
ALSO—AII the right, title and inter
est of the defendant in and to a certain
tract of patented land situate in Dublin
township, Huntingdon county, contain
ing one hundred and sixty acres or
thereabouts, adjoining lands of Samuel
Campbell, William Marshall, Hugh
Campbell dad others, having thereon a
good bank barn, and a double lug house,
n g.iod dither(' and a %tell of water at
the door: Seized; taken in execution ;
and to 136 sold as the property Of George
Whitakr, the said dblendant.
ALSO—AII tlidsd two certain lilts of
ground situate in the borough Of. Alev
i.flria, Huntingdon county ; ddjoinitl
lots of Andrew M'Clitie and Franeis
Conner; frothing each 60 feet Oil 1116
litorth side of &tom' street, arid bit6(.l 2
log, bad( at right atigles to said street
200 fe& lb second alley and marked in
the general plan of said town No's. 74
and 75, thereith erected a frame dwel
p ling house and n frame stable. Seized,
taken in execution and to be sold as the
tirntierty of Solomon Baker.
-ALSO---All that certain tract, fAet
or pared of land devised by the last
Will and testament of Jacob Gooshorn
deti'd to the Defendant John Gooshorn;
eentaining about twenty acres be the
lame More or less, situate in Tell town
(ship; adjoining lands of William Goos
horn, Christian Coot:, Samuel M'Fea
-4 ters and others nearly all of which is
thereon a log Grist
a Saw Milli a lo 9: dwellin2 house,
a scroll frame house, and a stable. Seiz•
ed, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of John Gooshorn, sr.
ALSO—A piece of ground situate in
the town of Graysport, Huntingdon Co.
situate an the side of a hill being 150 1
feet by 490 feet-fronting on the North ' 1
cm the road leading to Canoe Nalley_lso
feet afore or less ; bounded on the West
and South by land of Michael Lent', and
-in the East by lots of Elizabe h Curley
aiLSO one other piece of land in said
en of Gray sport lyine along the bank
the River between the street and the
leer,and opposite lots owned by Abra
am senberg, extending along said Riti
br 100 feet. Seized, taken itt execution
and to be sold as the property of John
W. Basin.
ALSO— All that certain small tract
or parcel of land lying on the east
branch of Stone Creek in Jackson town
ship containing twenty one acres be the
same more or less adjoining lands of
Samuel Shaddle on the east, Thomas
Smith on the south, Robert Cummins on
the west, Jos. tidily on the north, about
two acres of which are cleared, having
' thereon erected a small two story log
house and frame stable. Seized, taken
in execution and to be sold as the proper
ty of James McAlevy.
Sheriff's Office,
litiutingdon, Oct. 16,1848.
If you want to frq the worth of your money then
boy from
where you will find the largest, best, and cheap
-1111 mdortment of Goods, that the town can pro.
dace; and that, too, at such low prices that all
who purchase are fully satisfied Lilt our motto
in A quick bitr•pence id better thou a stow
~.Huntingtion, Oct. 181!.
Ladies and Gentlemen !
Alasys consulting the desires of the rotaries of
f.shion, taste end comfort,
hoe the pleasure Of Informing the Ladies and
Gentlemen of Iluntingdort—and throughout the
county—that he has just returned from the East
with a large and most choice selection of East
ern work of the latest fashion of Wire Gaiters,
4tta.Kid. Mdrocco and
Calf Skin Shriee—
Men 's Boots, Shoes,
and Gaiters, alio
M " ' ial
Hunters lioots, and
B &e. tw4lrt' ova' Poets end
Shoes. and Misses
and Childrens' Gai
ters and Shoat,
Mr. Westbrook does not deem it necessary to
enumerate, particularly, the large stock which
he now has on hand, but respectfully solicits an
immediate call by all who wish to consult fash
ion comfort and economy. at his extensive Store
a few doors west of the Post Office. His prices
are unusually low, and to suit the most economi
cal purchaser.
He also continues the manufacture of Pools.
Shorn, and every article in his line of business,
which he will warrant equal to any in the State
for neatness, and workmanship.
Call, one and all, and suit yotti selves.
Huntingdon, Oct. t 7, 1848.
English and Classical Institute.
The subscribers, residents of Shade Gap,
Huntingdon county, Pa., beg leave to inform
their friends and the public generally,tlat they
. ,
intend, if they meet Kith sufficient encourage- I IL - MiTsSZTIZ;
ment, to establish at the place above mentioned Notice of Presidential Mlection.
a BOARDING SCHOOL for the education of',
young nice. The course of instruction will i URSUANT to an act of the General
comprise in addition to the usual branches of a • pAssembly of the Commonwealth of
common English education—Philosophy, Math
entics, and the Latin and Greek languages.— Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating
eat tics,
to the elections of this Commonavealth,"
The location is distinguished for its healthful-
ness and the moral and religious character of j approved the. second day of July, A, D.,
the surrounding community. That attention 1839, 1, MATTHEW CROWNOVER,
will li, paid to the health and morals of the pu- ' High Sheriff of the county of Hunting
pits as well as to their mere mental trainery and , don in the State of Pennsylvania, do
advancement in scientific knowledge, and every!
facility will be afforded for their personal com- hereby make known and give notice to
fort and convenience. I the electors of the said county, that an
Owing to some necessary preparations to be
made in the buildings, the first session will not
be commenced until the 20th of November next,
and will confirm, for five months, thus dividing
the year into two sessions of live months each. ;
The terms will be :
For reading, writing and Arithmetic, $2 30 per
quarter, or $3 00 per session. Grammar,
Geography and Philosophy, $.l 00 per quar
ter, or $9 00 per session. Mathematics,
Greek and Latin Languages, $6 00 per quar
ter, or $l2 00 per session. hoarding, exclu
sive of fuel and light, $1 23 per week.
The subscribers, in casting themselves upon
the patronage of the community, are determined
to spare no effort in making the Institution one
that will commend itself to all parents who de
sire to give their sons a thorough preparatory
education without exposing them to the contain-
Mating and immoral influences that exist in more
iibpulous communities. For reference or fur
ther particulars address
J. H. W. .McGINNF:S.
Shade Gap, Oct. 17, 1818.
Is hereby given to all persons • li tr a
the Trdet account of
-sot Ur. Jacob M. Cover,
late of Cass townollip, hoe been filed in the office
df the Prothonotary of the Court of Gammon
Pleas of Hiintirigdon couhltY, dnd that the same
*lll lie presented to. the said Ctititt or , the second
Monday of November n4st, for confirmation and
JAMEt§ SttEL, Pro.`y.
Oct. 17, 1849.
TUE Vaal LAEIfI637:
The sub,ribei is forced once more to call
upon his friends and patrons.and ask them to
come and pay off their accounts• Neessity
alone induces him to call upon them again ai
present, and necessity alone does dictate him to
hand over to the proper officer all accounts, that
may remain unpaid or unsettled by the lit day
of February 1819 for collection.
Oct. 20th 1818.
PROC L.1.113170.1'
HURL' 18, by precept to me direeea, do- ,
ted ut II unttngdon. the 26th day of Aug.'
1884, tinder the hands and seals of the lion.
Abraham S. N't iron, President of the Court of
['melon Pleas, Oyer and Tertninef and general
jail fictively of the 20th judicial district of Penn.
sylvanis, composed bf the counties of Hunting
don, Mifflin and Union. and the lions. James
(twin and Joltn s (emelt, his associates, judges of
the county of Huntingdon, justices assigned, sp ,
pointed to hear, try, and determine ell ant! every
indictments and presentments, made or taken fm
i or cancerning all crimes. Which b' the laws of the
Coinmonwealth are made wird or felonies of
death end other offences, crimes and,
which have been, nr shall be committed or perpe
' oraied within said county, or all persons who are
tr shall hereafter he committed or perpetrated, for
alines aforesaid, I inn commanded to make proc
lamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that a
Court of Oyer and Terminer, Quarter Sessions
and Cotnnfon Pleas, WM be held at the Court!
House, iu the borough of Huntingdon, on the 2d
Monday (find tSth day) of November. 1848, and
those Who will prosecute the said prisoners, be
then arid there to prosecute them as tt shall be
just, and that all jtisficei of the (Settee, torahs
and constables within dm said botinty, be 'then
and there in th'eTe prolo'r rersons, at 10 o'clock
A. NI. of said day, with their records, inquisition's,
examined°ne and remembrances, to do those
things which to their offices reepectiOely appertain.
Dated at Huntingdon, the 19th day of August,
in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hun
dred and fariy-eight and the 71,1 year of Amer.
can Independence.
Saunter's OFFICE, lion-
tingdon, Oct. 17, 1848.
w E u
dRgE.AoSt., pr
the ecept
o t
Pleas e directed o th b e y t
ty of Huntingdon hearing Ire' the 26,h day of
August, A. D. 1848. 1 am commanded to make
public proclamation throughout my whole
wick that a Court of Common Pleas. will be held
at the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon 1
in the county of Huntingdon, on the 98 Monday
(and 20th day) of August, A. D. 1848, for the
trial of all issues in said court, which remain un
determined before the said judgee, when and
where all jurors, witnesses and suitors, in the
trial of all said Waled are required.
Dated at Huntingdon, the 19th day of August.
A.D. 1848, and the 7341 year of American inde
, penitence.
Sitentaw'a Onus,
ei.t. 17, 1466.
E RR Eolr V PE.
Respectfully informs the Lodi.; and Gent'men
of Huntingdon and its vicinity, that they have
opened a Daguerrian Gallery at the Court House
where with an improved apparatus and material,
or the !•eat quality they are prepnred to execute
. .
haiguerreotype Likenesses,
of all sizes, in a style unsurp , ssed by any other
Artists in the country. Their likenesses a e war
ranted not to fade, and their bright Ilfa-Ilke °spree
sion is one of their peaiiiar charaeletisties of beau
Family groups taken in a splendid atv le, tihd
at moderate prices. Likenesses of children (as
young as two years,) taken in the handsomest
Miniatures, and Paintings of all kinds copied;
minatures made, without regard to the weather,
from 8 o'clock, A. iM . to 5 P. M. .
acy.A. their tiny will ho limited, those wishing
to get a good likeness, would do well to call soon
and have their " Shadow caught, ere the abb.
stance fades,"
--- •
CO — lnetruction given at moderate rates,
[God save the Commonwealth.]
wiii be held in the said county of Hun
tingdon, on the FIRST TUESDAY and
(and 7th day) of November, 1848, at
which time
Twenty-Six Electors of
President and Vice President
are to be elected.
In pursuance of said act, I also here
by make known and give notice, that
the places of holding the aforesaid gen
eral election in the several election dis
tricts within the said county of Hun
tingdon, are as follows, to wit :
Ist district, composed of Henderson'
township, and all that part of Walker
township not in the 16th district, at the
Court House in the borough oT Hun
‘2d district, composed of Dublin town
attbe.iipziase of Matthew Taylor,
3d district, composed of so much of
Warriorsmark township, as is not inclu
ded in the 19th district, at the school
house adjoining the town of Warriors
4th district, composed of the town
ship.of 116pewell, at the house of Hen-
Ziminermari; near Entreken's new
till in said township:
sth district, composed of the town-
shill of tlarree, at the house of James
Livingston (formerly John Harper;) in
the tnwn of Saulibury, in said town
Pith district, c:OMPOsed OT the town=
sdiip of Shirley, at the house of David
)!'raker, in Shirleysburg.
7th district, composed of Porter and
Walker townships; rind so mncfi of West
township as is included in the fidlowing
boundaries, to Wit : Beginning lit the
Southwest corner bf 'robins Canfman's
farm on the bank of the little Juniata
River, at the loWer end of Jackson's nar
rows, thence in a Northeasterly direc
tion to the most southerly part of the
farm owned by Michael Maguire, thence
north 40 degrees west to the top of Tus
sey's mountain to intersect the line of
Franklin township, thence along said
line to little Juniata River, thence down
the same to the place of beginning, at
the public school house, opposite the
German Reformed Church, in the bor
ough of Alexandria.
Bth district, composed of the town
ship of Franklin, at the house of Jacob
Mattern now occupied by Geo. W. Mat
tern, in said township.
9th district, composed of Tell town
ship, at the Union School House, near
the Union Meeting house, in said town-
10th district, composed of Springfield
township, at the school house near
Hugh Madden's, in said township,
11th district, composed of Union tp.,
at the school house near Ezekiel Cor
bin's, in said township.
12th district, composed of Brady tp.,
at the mill of Jarnes Lane; in said town
ship: .
13th district, composed of Morris tp.;
at the house now occupied by Abraham
Moyer, (inn keeper,) late Alex. Lowry
Jr., in the village of Waterstreeti in
said township.
14th district, corripo'sed b'f that rinri
of West township not included in the
7th district, at the public school house
on the farm now owned by Miles Lewis
(formerly owned by James Ennis,) in
said township.
15th district, composed of that part
of Walker township lying southwest of
a line commencing opposite David Cor
bin's house, at the Union township line,
thence in a straight line, including said
Corbn's house to the corner of Porter
township, on the Huntingdon nod Wood-
cock valley road, at the house of Jacob! Van Amburg & Co's
Magahy, in said township. : '4 . ...M ,:t. , .MLMEI 1..12.12UE1
16th district, composed of the town-
ship of Tod, at the , house now occupied
by J. Henderson, in said townahipi
17th district, compoied of that part
of West township oil thd south-east
side of Warrior ridge, beginning at the i
line of West and Henderson townships,l
at the foot of said Ridge, to the line of,
Barree township, thence by the division
line of Berme and West townships to
the summit of Stone mountain, to inter- i
sect the line of Henderson and West;
townships, thence by said line to place
l of begioing, at the house now occupied
, by Benjamin Corbin, on Murry's Run.
18th district, coniPosed of Cromwell
in HUNTIN W G IL D L O B N E , E on XII S M AZ E nDnar the 21st
township, at the house now occupied by
, 1 day of ()creel.. 1849, for I day only.
David Entire, in Orbisonin. HOURS OF EXHIBITION
19th district; composed of the borL I Fi..i4o io 3 o'clock, P. M. Admission ' 25 cents.
ough of Birmingham; with. the several Children under 9 putts of age, hair !ice.
tracts of land near to and attached to The preceasion of Carriages, Cages, Ike. will
the same, now owned and occupied by . enter the above town from Water street at I t
Thomas M. Owens, John K. McCahan,i lc o o 'c i l i o s c . k o o T o un t . ho ß tm , th o o n rii
G ii h ig t . t p . re;e4e A d il by eA th . e .
Andrew Robeson, John Gensimer and
111A0E, po inted and gilded in the moat gorgeous
William Gensimer, situate in the town- '
ship of Warriorsmark, at the public
COSTstyle, re m aining
school hOuse in said borough.
ship 2 0
o t I I
C e district,
the cam
p p ubl
iowede schoolof the
h t oonu,
r 8 1,31.8 SEW TOSS BOA' 8 SASS.
t heTbh.e.Cmechanics
a n un d
Iln e , (built finis h finished,
painted and decorated; are drawn by a troupe of
too dapple grey horses, the finest stud ever col.
in Cassirille, iii said township.
district, Composed of the town- tected together.
ship of Jackson, at the house of Robert
Barr, now occupied by John Hirst, at will pass t h r o ugh 'l‘i-EA
l C the V principal • E treets of the
McAleavy's Fort, in said township. town . (sdvertised for exhibition.) to the spacious
22d district, composed of the town-
Pavilion, erected for the exhibition of this colic..
lion of stomata, were
the may have an
ship of Clay, at the house of Joshua
Shore, at the Three Springs, in said opportunity oil '
l g i '''' . • .
23d district, composed of the town- Thrilling performances of Miss E. Calhoun
and Mr. Broots;
who together, will give an interesting illutitration
ship of Penn, at the school house on the I of the ascendancy of intellect over the wild ten
farm of Jacob Brumbaugh, in said twp. ants of the forest.. •
I also make known and give notice, See large bills at the principal,ll °iris.
as in and by the 13th section of the Tho same will be exhibited at, .
aforesaid act I am directed, " that every '
on the 18th Williamsburg on the Nth and at
person, excepting justiceB of the peace Water street on the 20th October.
who shell hold any office or appointment
of profit or trust under the government
of the United States, or of this State,
or of any city or incorporated district,
- -, ltether a commissioned officer or agent !
woo is or shall be employed under the
legislative, executive or the judiciary ',
department of this State, or of the U
nited States, or any city or incorporated
district, and also, that every member of ,
Congress and of the State Legislatnre, !
and of the select or common council of ,
any city, commissioners of any incor- 1
porated district, is" by law incapable of
holding or exercising at the some time,
the office or cippointttierit of judge, in-;
spector or clerk of any election of this,
Commonwealth, and that no inspector,
judge or other officer of any suet) elCd
non, shall be then elligible to any office
to be then voted for."
Also that in the 4th section of the act of
@iveffeitinrs antiiel!::.44l Ft i r4aliftcr..p
proved April 16tit, ! 1840, it is enacted
that the aforesaid 13th section "shall
not be construed as to prevent any mili
tia officer or borough officer from ser
ving as judge, inspector or clerk, of any roR BALE OR RENT.
generaL or special election in this Corn- THE subscriber oilers for sale or rent his house
monwealth., I. and Lot situate in the borough of Alexandria,
Pursuant to the proVisibn9 contained ' in Main street opposite the residence of I. Omuta.,
Esq. Tho house is liege and suitable for any
in the 6 1 1th section in the act aforesaid, kind of business. A good lot. Pump at the doer,
the judges of the aforesaid districtd a variety of fruit trees, large stable and other out
shall respectively take charge of the' buildings. This property will he sold low.
certificate or return of the election ofl Applicition Maybe made to CYRU,WILSON
or 9E0 ... . , ti . . 8 Y 46 0 . uNG, Esq., Alexandria, Ps.
their respective districts; and produce i
them at a Meeting of One judge from I O c t . '
each di s tricts at the COuri 'one,
in the ; NOTICE.
Borough of HuntingdOn; on the third !
THE'Alexander Ramsey, late of heirs and legal representatiVes of
day after the day of the election, beitjg!
for the present year, on FRIDAY, the
field township, Huntingdon county; Pa.,
10th of November next, then and there
will please to take notice that pursuant
to do and perform the duties required
to an order of the Orphan's Court of said
by law of said judges. Also, that where ._
connty, to me directed, an inquest to
a judge by sickness or unavoidable ac-, make partition of the Real Estate, rate
tident, is unable to attend said meetingl
of said deceased; to and among the, par•
Of judges' then the certificate of return' ties interested therein - , in such manner
aforesaid ihall be taken charge 6 f by,
and in properties as by the laws of this
one of the inspeCtors or clerks ,of the . ,
Commonwealth; it is directed, if ,such
election of said district, and shall do
partition can be made, but if it cannot,
and perform the duties required of said
to value and appraise the same, will be
judge unable to attend.
held on the premises, in said Springfield
Also, in the 61st section of said act
1 township. on Thursday, November 2d,
it is enacted that " every general and i
, A. D. 1848, at 1 o'clock of said day, at
special election shall be opened between
which time and place you can attend if
the hours of eight and ton in the fore-
you think proper.
noon, and shall continue without inter- I MATTHEW CROWNOVER,
ruption or adjournment until seven Sheriff of Hunt. Co
o'clock in the evening, when the polls Sept; / 1 , 184 8 - 6 w.
shall be closed." . -- ,--. ...-
Given underMy hand at Huntingdon
the' tOth day of September, 1848, and "
• .
of the Independence of the United
States the seventy-second.
m niviii liropero Foci' Sate.
milli subsciiber offers at Vrivste Sale a Lot of
I ground, situate in Hill street in the borough
of Huntingdon, nearly opposite the new Presby
terian Chu ch, extending back to Washington
Street, on which is erected a Log Dwelling House,
a large Frame Store House, well finished, a largo
frame Coach-maker shop, and a large Frame
Stable. There is also a good well of water with
If pump near the house.
Awrnoxy trtll rip en,
BY his Agent, Di a4int. Arno.,
N. B. Persons wishing to purchase, can hiive
all desired information by applying to D•si Et.
Arnic•, Huntingdon, Pa
Pinnsylwanin 'Railroad Company:
NOI'IOE is hereby given, that the SIXTH
instalment of FIVE DOLLAR* per. share
is requested to he paid on or before the FIRST
day of NOVEMBER next.
GEORGE V. BACON, Treasurer.
Instalments received by MILES & DOR
RIS, Huntingdon.
Huntingdon, Oct. 17, 18,18.
Ladies' Dress Gaiters and shoes.
ikbeautiful assortment for sale at the
now store of DORSEY & MAGUIRE.
Also, a good assortment of Children's
line and ebarse shoe's. .
Huntingdon County, SS.
A an Orphans' Court held at fluntingdon h
and for the county of uhtingdon, on the
second Monday (and fourteenth day) of August
A. D. 1848, before the Judges of the raid Court:
The Petition of George Feay oat read setting
forth—That a written contract was entered into
between Petitioner end James Entrckin, Esq., in
his life time, by which the laid James Entrekin
agreed to sell and convey to Petitioner, three lots
of ground in Stoner'. Town, Medford county,
Penn's. That said Agreement has been loet and
cannot be found, and praying the Court to take
Testimony of the existence, contents and loae of
' said Agreement, and desire a epectfic performance
of the said contract, &c.
Whereupon, the seventeenth day of August
A.D. 1848, the Court order that the first day of
next (November) Term he appointed to take said
1 Testimony—that personal Notices of this Order
be served on the Executor of James Entrekin.
Esq.. dgetl., and that Notice thereof be published
ih one NetVspeper printed in the county of Hau
-1 tingdon for 6ix wecktpripr to the said first day
of ext (Novernber) Term, Which shall be deem
,ed moire to oil nth.. • , •
Certiftee, Fr , . the Record under the Seal of the
said Court at Huntingdon, the twenty-eighth day
of Stplember A. D. 1848
Oct. 3, 1849
Clothing for Ben and Boys:
Has received at his old Stand in Main Street
Huntingdon, a eaW, and large assortment c
of all siies to suit men and boys, consisting of
the most fashionable Dress Coats, Pantaloons
and Vests, made of the best and finest Cloths,
Cassinteres' and Cassinetts. And an equal as
sortment of plain and substantial materials,
suited for the every day business of all classes.
He has a Fem. AssomrstENt of evety size and
kind, and he Will sell
as Cheap as the Cheapest.
He duly wants a small living profit; and he in
vites all whd wish to purchase to see his Goods,
before purchasing elsewhere.
tayloring, is his trade, and he knows what he
says when he says he can and will accommodate
all who call, on termsto suit. He also continues*
and has an extensive assortment of Cloths, Cas
Cassinetts and Vestiogs, which he *ill
sell and make up to suit any and every body,
cheap and well. He is determined to leave
No Room for Grumbling!
septt9,ll34B. •
ALL persona knowing themselves indatted to th
u ndersigned.indivitlustly, by note. hook a,
count, or otherwise, are requested to make pa , .
meat to William MoMuririe, Huntingdon, Lt..
slam; to neat November court; otherwise
will be left with the proper officer 'for collertio,
tlfreshsupply of Mackerel ittst arrived and I H. E. MAIURTRIS r
for sale by J. & NV: SAXTON. Aug. 29, 144 R, •
Great itedactiriit ft, Prices.
Have just received direct hop.) the taetern Cities,
and are now opening a sPlendid essortmeht of
. _
NEW AND C..EAF 80009
consisting of every variety of
P. 7-0 0 0 C ,
Suited to Ladies and Gentlemen's wear, including
(!eths. Ceesimer., Sattinetts, Vesting., Silk., rat,
ins, A Ipachns. Cashmeres, De Leine., Plaids, Pont-
Gingherris, slicer., Cheek., Shawls, &c.
We have also a handsome ncsOrtment of
They would 81 . 0 invite dttention totheirstock at
Sugars-5; 6 and 8 cents per pound—
Molasses; from 37,E to 40 cents per
gallon ; and every other article usually
kept in a Grocery Store, at equally
low prices.
Boots, Shoes, Fiats and Caps,
Hardware and Cutlery, hiss, Gismo and Queens
ware, Drugs, Medicines. Dyc Ore, e.
Ali of which will Ire sold at very reduced pricer
The Ladies and Gentlemen are requested to call
and examine these Cootie, as they cannot fail to
please all both so regards stylo and prier
In the store room formerly occupied by J,,,,,
Miller, opposite the residence at Judge (3,;::,
fEr• All kinds of Country Produce
ken in exchange for goods. {Sept. 26
The undereignoil dtmounces to the elk... of
Huntihgdon County, that he has just opercd in
the borough of LEW I Erro wN, a n. w HAT
MANVFAt;TottY, where he ii Pre•
Ipared to . make rusty variety of Hats iri
use. out of the best materials , such as
WOOL i &c. The businses of dititittfeCturittg ie
conducted by and under his own tondo.' etipar 7 ,
vision, and bid long experience in the business in
the beet eitablieloveicts of the toiletry worst,
him in guaranteeing to all who may purchase
from him good anbetantial and highly bitched
Our Oinieh fri. nth shall not be forgotten in the
efforts we shall put forth to meet the wants of the
community, in out line of business, and he will
be ready to answer their calls at prices that must
p ease.
and ail °there. who may desire to 6'in•chase
his establishment affords superior Inducements,
both as regards quality and price, which shall he
of such a character as to leave no room for grum
bling. We •tlie efora invite everybody., of every
distinction of party or sect, to call and examine
OW stock; which is ills largest and best assorted one
that has over been introduced here.
N. B. Hats of my manufacture can he had
at retail at the store of WM. STEWART, in
Huntingdon Borough.
bTuirta • Vtivca • •
AT re. 7. ,scityrtt excown rra rem',
Q. J. TYNDAIrE, respectfully invites an ex-,
vn i u stion of his large stock of Stover, embym,
ing some of the
Best and most Elegant Patterns,
of Pennsylvania, New York, Peekskill, Troy, .
&c., together with a beautiful assortment of Peri
cy Sheet lion Stoves and Radiators for Parlors,
Dining-Rooms. Kitchens or Climbers; he be
lieves that his assortment will compare tomdvan
tage with that of any other eafatlishrnent. Ho
has also a splendid stock of
for which be has been the agent for many years
in this City, in the manufacture of which for ex
cellence and cheap.. he refers, to numerous pur
. chasers. end for beauty hf patterns he believes
himself , unrivalled. '
• ,
1 . , C. Per Stove. whether for Wood or Coal, his,
assortment is complete. HO returns hie that km to
his old customers to whom tijtd . to the public he.
renews his invitation to give him p cell, at the old
stand, No. 97,4oiitt!) 2nd Street, Phil's.
September 28,18.0.
Drugs and Medicines,
Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye Stuffs, Srurni,-hes,
&c. Also, Parent Medicines, Medicine
Chests, Surgical & Obstetrical Instru- •
ments, Chemical Tests, &c. &c.
Ilfr Orders from Country Merchants or Phy
sicians, by letter or otherwise, attended to
Sept 19,1845-6 m.
Newton Hamilton, Mifflin county, Pa.,
L o
n v t i l a t i e t il s u i n h t iLip .lou n n
e s a s t e e
tember, December and March, and a llsasidia
remain two weeks at each visit. lrrßooms T 1
Mrs. Hdrtitison's Hotel.
june 20, ly. .
Gen. Taylor Gold and Silver Levers
LT K. NEFF & BROTHER have pot rc.
ceived by despatch front the ea.!,
and splendid assortment of Gold .ltd Btive, Lc•
vets , j,,pine, sad common watches, vihich
will sell lower than ever heretefore.
I'. 8. 9 o'clock A. Old Zack Levers"
all cone but two, Call soon.
July 18, MIS.
Another Candidate in the Field!
fINO.N. TROWEL', would respectfully in
, t ) form those permute Odebted to him that lhei
accounts must be reified before the twentieth as',
of August neat. All kinds of grain taken ii
payuicntoT accountast"ta cash value.
Huntingdon. duly 25, 1818.