THE JOURNAL. [CORRECT PRINCIPLES--SIiPPORTED BY TRETE.] HUNTINGDON,: TUNDDAY, OCT. 29, 184 IMe~li*tatlc Whig Nominations. FOR PRESIDENT : GEN. ZACHARY TAYLOR. FOR VICE PRESIDENT : MILLARD FILLMORE. ELECTORAL TICKET. SENATORIAL ELECTORS. THOMAS M. T. M'KENNAN, of Wallington. faun P. SANDERSON, of Lebanon. DISTRICT ET.ECTORS 4. Joseph G. Clarkson, 13. Henry Johnson, 2. John P. Wetherill, 11. William Colcier, 3. James M. Davis, 15. Wi M'llvaine, 4. Thomas W. Duffield, 16, :Aeries W. Fisher, 5. Daniel 0. Hither, 17. Andrew G. Curtin, 0. Joshua DunGon, IS. Thes..o. 7. John D. Steele, 19. Jdsejih Siatkld; O. Jdhri Landis, 20: Daniel AOIoW, 9, Joseph Schmileker, 21. Andrew Loomis, 10. Ovules Snyder, 22. Richard Irvin, 11. William G. Hurley. 23. Thomas S. Sill, 12. Francis Tyler. 21. Sam'lA. Purviance. LEVI Wasrsnomt has received a very supe rior stock of Boots and Shoes from the East, which he is offering at prices that can't be beat. The "Boss" is a Shoemaker and can therefore make a judicious selection of stock. We com mend him to the patronage of all wanting well made and very cheap articles in his line of trade. See advertisement. Gno. GWIN is offering merchandize at his popular stand, cheaper than ever. JOHN G. LEMMON & Co. are prepared to give all who may favor them with a call, correct like nesses of themselves. Their room is in the second story of the Court House. Attention is invited to the card of .I..ins H. &J. H. W. NlcGisses, proposing to establish an English and Classical Institute, at Shade Gap, in this County. r.C7" We did not issue a paper last week. We shall more than make up to our readers for the omission before the end of the year. Our Victory at Home. I Taylor Men of Huntingdon countyl you. did' nobly in the contest which was brought to a close on Tuesday last. You taught the minions of Locofotoiem that you could not be VOTED DOWN, by the COLONIZED yore Which had been brought into our county for the purpose or controlling the election .' You gave n manly re kuke to rascality and fraud that will be long remembered. You iutve shown them that you can do your own voting as well as pay your own taxes, without the aid of men hired for die purpose of choosing officers for you. You have made a clean sweep. You have aided in elect ing a whig Governor, a Whig Canal Commis sioner, a Whig Congressman, and triumphantly elected your whole Whig County Ticket, and ALL IS WELL ! FREEMEN of brave "Old Huntingdon," you did nobly—but you did not put forth your whole strength.!. ONCEMOHEINTOTun BREACH, DEAR FRIENDS ONCE MORE P' • Rouse yourselves for the still more important contest of the 7th of November. ONE FIRE MORE, and the triumph is complete. Give them I Clearfield, " A Little More Grape,99 FayPna ette, Ors and teach the o ffi ce-holders that Taylor Men, Lehigh, "' like their brave and fearless leader, " NEVER SURRENDER !" I Monroe, The country has been in the hands of the' Merc er , power 74,rthampfen, spoilers long enough. They stole into by a FRAUD upon the people. They promised Somerset, PROTECTION TO AMERICAN INDUS- Sullivan, TRY, but gave that Protection to the Lord/iegs ; s r l s o q ue hanna , of EUROPE ! I They pretended to be the Nr e ,r,; 4 , ) , friends of the Tariff of 1842, and they have Wayne, given us Free Trade ! They arrogated to them- ' Wyoming, 100 selves the name of a Democrats,' while they York' 183 violate every principle of Democracy. And Eight counties yet to hear from which gave with patriotism and love of country upon their Shenk in 1814 a majority of 2,013. If they have tongues, they slander, ABUSE and OPPOSE given Longstreth the same, Johnstent's majori the defender of his country—the great Patriot ty will still be over 2,000. We are under the of the age, Gen. ZACHARY TAYLOR.— impression that Middleswarth is also elected, Arouse, then, Patriots of Old Huntingdon, of but it is still in some doubt every Party, and assist your fellow country men to rescue the country from the hands of the Spoilers, and the People from their oppressors. Vote for Gen. Taylor the !non of the People. Freemen of /Irmt ing‘ton county, you did well, on the 10th of Gobbet, bet you can do BET TER on the 7th of November. Then come forth in the majesty of your might and let your full strength be seen. Let the townships of Springfield, Cass, Dublin and Warriorsmark strive to redeem their former proud character —let them follow the example of their sister townships—for insta:ice, Tod and Clay. Let no Taylor man stay at horn. on the 7th of No vember under the Impression that Taylor will be elected without his vote. Old HMO and Ready derervea a decisive majority. Let P. give it to him Pennsylvania has been redeemed! The Tay lor men of Huntingdon county have a share in the glory of her redemption. The Union must be redeemed, regenerated and disenthralted.— Shall not « Old Huntingdon" have her full share of the glory ? Taylor l‘ten, go to the PoHs and SPEAK OUT ! Tariff of 1846. Will our neighbor of the Globe oblige no by giving his opinion of the Tariff of 1818 now..:— For instance, Seleityltill! Will Longstretk Resign t Is still the most intensely interesting interrog. 0107 of the season. Who can tell. Very Close. The LOCOS have run us doe.) for Governor ! We muat ',well up our majority much larger for 4ck• Eli! Eh!! GLORIOUS RESULT! THE COORS OF '4O ALIVE! TrAIIMPIiANT ELECTION OF A WHIG GOVERNOR! WHIG CANAL COMMISSIONER WHIG LEGISLATURE AND OF 16 'or 1/ Whig Congressmen ! ! We congratulate our friends on the glorious result of the election in Pennsylvania. Our fondest hopes are fully realised. WILLIAM F. JOHNSTON is undoubtedly elected GOV ERNOR by a handsome majority. NER MID DLF.SWARTH, in all probability, is elected Canal Commissioner, and we have a large ma jority of Whig members of Congress and both branches of the Legislature ! which secures a WHIG UNITED STATES SENATOR and a WHIG STATE TREASURER! This result will rejoice every Whig heart in the Nation, and make the Keystone" certain for GEN. TAYLOR in November by at least 20,000! We append the majorities in the several coun ties as far as received : Johnston. Longstreth, 418 868 Unlit ingdon, Blair, Mifflin, Juniata, Phil'a city and co., Dauphin, Cumberland, York, Delaware, Adams, Lancaster, Barks, Carbon, Franklin, Allegheny, Westmoreland, Erie, Schtiylkill, Cambria, Washington, Beaver, I Bedford, ipriitntr, Chester, Lebanon, tfuton, Montgomery, Sorthumber lend, CottualMe, • Sullivan ; Clinton, Lycoming, Perry, Bucks, Armstrong, Butler, Clarion, Centre, Recapitulation. The State Senate will stand 21 Whigs to 12 Locofocos. The lower House will stand about 85 Whigs to 3:3 Locos. In the Congressional delegation, as far as heard from, the Whigs have gained two mem bers, and lost one. nth Congressional District. 41 4, kti4=;lF". Calvin Elected. We have not ye received the official returns from Blair county. The result will stand about thus : Calvin. Parker. 199 b[imin, Juniata, Centre," H?ntingdon, a 7 968 1274 Blair, .Maj. for Calvin, 73 TMs is close work, but enough for all use ful purposes.". Th auktiglying day in Pennsylvauda. Gov. Johnston has les ued a prodamation, and fixed upon Thursday. the 23d day of November as a day general thanksgiving. The Taylor Victory in Penns),lra- We cannot more appropriately announce our. I great victory in Petinsitvania, than by adopt ing the folldwing fiom the North American of Saturday. A sViendid Whig triumph has been achieved, wfifitever may be the result in detail—a triumph Which has sealed the death warrant of Locofoco ism, and given an impulse to Whig principles which will go on until Pennsylvania assumes the front rank in our column, and locks the proud arch, formed by a ,grilaxyof glorious Whig States. Now that the election is over, we are free to say our friends have exceeded our most san guine anticipations. That they even more sad ly disappointed the expectations of the Locofo cos, is attested by the confident predictions which filled the partisan press in every quarter of the Union. We did expect a close contest, and we felt unlimited confidence, if the Whig party was true to itself and every member of it realized his responsibility, that we should break the ranks of our opponents, and if we did not carry off the banner, we should at least deserve to wear it. They have done more than this— they have discharged their own duty and brought others to a sense of what was due to the coun try, the State and themselves. We are not able to announce the result of the gubernatorial election in an authentic form: but• from the evidence before us, we feel justified in . claiming W. F. JOHNSTON as the Governor r of Pennsylvania. Among the substantial fruits . of our victory are a Whig Legislature, thereby . securing a Whig U. S. Senator, a majority of I Whig Congresemen and a Whig State Adminis . tration. This result may be regarded as the , redemption of Pennsylvania, an achievement of , vast political consequence in itself, but of still , higher importance, when it may justly be re garded as determining the Presidential election. , Pennsylvania has elected ZACHARY TAYLOR President of the United States—nothing now re mains but to fulfil the forms of on election on the 7th day of November. In the face of this victory Locofocoism cannot rally.—ln loosing . . Pennsylvania, it has lost its citadel, and with it all hopes of regeneration. To the honest mass es, the coliers, mechanics and working men, is the Whig party especially indebted for this tri umph. In all the mining and manufacturing counties, there have been large gains among those who have been heretofore cheated into the support of "Democracy" under its decep tive disguises, but who have at last awakened to a sense of their wrongs and themen by whom they were imposed. This example will cheer the sons of toil everywhere for the result in Pennsylvania is a victory of working men. Whigs of the Union we extend to you the hand of fellowship, and all we ask for' Pennsyl vania, is the position which she has won. Huntingdon District. The vote at this election district greatly dis appointed our opponents on Tuesday last.— Knowing their rights, the Rough and Ready boys were on the ground all day, to maintain them, It gives us pleasure to .return tlundta to those .who so gallantly sto'od'Op,for tlie Whig cause and the purity of the ballot box on Tues day last. And we can only say to our friends, keep up the same system of organization and manifest the same zeal and vigilance, and a still more glorious result win greet your ears on the evening of the 7th of November. 573 455 1176 180 150 450 130 200 NOV? , for Old Zack I Taylor men of Huntingdon county! give one shout for your late victory, and then organize and prepare for the next battle.' The election i of the great and talented William F. Johnston' —is NOT axonal' ! We must now go to work for OLD ZACU t and loork is earnpn., foal . We must not flatter ourselves that the Locofocos, crippled as they are, ate entirely disabled.—they will fight to the last. The whole power of the General Government, with all its lavish use df money, will now be brought to bear in full force on Pennsylvania. Whigs, Taylor men! prepare yourselves for action—meet the onset of the Locofoco hordes with firmness- - flinch not, but strive with the energy becoming free men, and a much more glorious victory than that already achieved will crdwn your efforts I 800 890 50'2 437 1000 463 800 1230 FOR SALT RIVER! The Steamboat Free Trade, WALKER, Mas ter. Passengers--Polk, Dallas, Cass, Butler, Longstreth, Painter and the Tariff of 18.16. For freight or passage apply to , g Petticoat Forney," editor of the Plaindealer.—Bomb Shell. • Cuts for the John Donkey. Representations of Morris Longstreth and Lewis Cass reading the Pennsylvania election returns would make admisahle cuts for the "great and good John Donkey." Congressmen Elected. The following is a list of the Congressmen elected on Tuesday, as far as heard from : Ist District, Lewis C. Levin, N. A. 2d " Joseph It. Chandler, Whig. 3d . 6 H. D. Moore, Whig, (gain.) . 6 4th .6 sth a John Freedly, Whig. Gth a Thos. Ross, L. F. 7th a Jesse C. Dickey, Whig. Bth a Thaddeus Stevens, Whig. 9th a Wm. Strong, L. F. 10th a M. M. Dimmick, L. F. 11th a Chester Butler, Whig. 12th " David Wilmot, Free Soil. 13th " Joseph Casey, Whig. 14th a C. W. Pitman, Whig. 15th a Henry lies, Whig. 16th " J. X. M'Lanahrm, Loco—guim 17th " Samuel Calvin, Whig. 18th " Andrew J. Ogle, Whig. 19th " hi) Mann, L. F. 20th " Robert R. Reed, Whig.. , 21et " Moses Hampton, Whig. 234 Jas. Campbell, Whig...gain. 24th Not heard frwn. •Conteste4. ELECTION RETURNS OF HUNTINGDON COUNTY FOR OAS....OFFICIAL. GovEalloß• CoNqßEss• CA. COM. ASSEMBLY. PROT'RY. REGISTER. Co. COM. CORONER. AUDITOR " - " g . 7i.: E. a s rf. **.2l •P‘ ; N t" F r 2. ?;, g I 1. ta) • Heriaersim, - 212 266 211 264 209 268 197 216 Dublin, - 80 47 78 50 78 49 82 46 Warriorsmark, 83 80 83 79 86 78 84 76 HofeWen, 57 42 58 43 58 42 59 42 Bartee; .74 181 73 182 72 182 67 182 Shirley, 169 138 174 131 170 136 164 131 Porter, 173 120 172 121 173 115 155 110 Franklin, 111 80 131 95 135 92 109 102 Tell, 43 111 43 111 44 110 42 111 Union, 69 52 12 011 11 53 11 52 12 69 WO 66 29 72 25 68 28 Brady:, 106 70 . 104 72 103 70 103 69 Morris, 87 62 80 61 89 60 75 58 West, 96 139 91 143 97 138 92 137 Walker, 78 81 79 83 .79 83 74 84 Tod, 130 44 128 46 127 46 130 44 Murray's Run, 35 23 36 22 36 22 33 21 Cromwell, 173 78 171 80 172 79 182 67 Birmidkhititi, 28 33 23 32 26 33 12 31 Cass, 97 .32 .95 .38 '96 32 95 33 Jackson; 120 134 121 132 120 174 119 112 Clay, 88 23 88 24 83 21 82 27 Penn, 98 35 05 36 03 35 86 44 2289 1871 2262 1883 2977 186.1 2162 1816 2200 1907 2091 2028 2230 1862 2237 1823 2171 1879 Whigs in itolics—Locofocos in Roman. For Assembly 66 votes were cast for James Dysart and 30 for John Nel son. Dr. Jacob Hoffman received 32 for Prothonotary; Jacob Rotrock 21 for Register; Aaron Stains 20 for Commis sioner, and John Sharer 2S for Auditor. These gentlemen, with the Citceptidn of Mr. Nelson, were on the Free Soil Ticket. ------- - ANOTHER TAYLOR TRIUMPH. PENA'S im VA:Ariel , SS : I th - li ' dame e oMage of adoration, thanksgivingand . . In the name and by the authority of the Cali; , praise. • monwealth of Pennsylvonia. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of State at Harrisburg; this twenty-eighth day of BY WILLIAM F. JOHNSTON, September, in the year of our Lord one thee- Gevernor at the said Commonwealth. Kind eight hundred and forty eight, and hi (lie • - • . Commonwealth the seventy-third: PROCLAMATION 1 , TrIWASEND Haitian, Tun performance of duties we . Secretary of the Commonwealth. I ° tlre owe to the Supreme Dispenser of Be the Governer. ' i k .,.., ' , C . events is a task no less pleasing I i t , . ~ • _ . • t.: than imperative. Td HIM, by! Lopeeoco Peereonee—The locofoco papers e .• '.. ~ e' whciee enduring Mere) , We live ;on are very fetid of berating of their platform, and to hyar theni talk one plight suppose it as breed whom we lean for support ; Whdee erne id e'dr as ,he Repliblic and ae sdlid aft the foundaiidti's' defence, and whose pecUliar regard is our glory ; , of the hills. But what hi if ? . A parcel a plank, laid across a single eleanw, and oe' who in adversity consoles, in weakness suet:lira us ; and from whom we receive every good and . • . . I erpt in theft laces by the dexterous aalanc., the Ndribe P rii men agaie4 the Southern ne perfect gift; we. owe, especially, our admation i oi . and thanks. ThiS obligation is eqiially peremp- ' ' - • who stand upon it. ' A seedf 'eesellitiene, cal! tory to nations and to individuals. Nd. ergani a platform, which mean preckelyoPposite tid , - in different sections of the country-;-protent.e mitten of men, no condition of sdeiety, no Mtn of Government can release a people from Their in the North, anti free trade in the, Sonel—lei. duties to GOD; nor• should the eeductione df ' power, the lust of ambition, or the splendor dil hdr null rarer i " l P" v e n le"ts in the %Volt. .4 . :.. anti-improvement in the. South :led East eel's. soil in the North, and Slave territory in t'l renown render them forgetful of the Sacred privilege, of addressing to the THRONE OF GRACE and MERCY the language of thanks- S ' i th• giving and praise. These truths apply to us as a nation with es pecial force. With politiCal institutions wisely adapted to our welfare and happiness, a country • abounding with resources for individual prosper ity, and rational independence,—a climate dis pensing health and vigor, and 'a land yielding to the hand of toil a fruitful abundance antler the i gracious superintendence of a righteous Provi dence, we have - arisen in half a century from the condition of un infliiit and dependent nation, , and have lieccime a great find powerful people. In the'neeeesirryi 'yetdane,erous, struggle to en large our proportions, • to devolve one resources., , and defend our rights, in the. conflict resulting' from foreign and domestic resources, and defend our rights, in the contliete resulting from foreign and domestic intercourse, influenced by oppo sing interests and: national . jealousies, in the balancing of powers belonging to the different branches of the national . government, and set tling the boundaries between reserved and con ferred authority ; our institutions have been preserved, our liberties secured and perpetuated. fo HIM, whose " hand is not shortened, that it cannot . save, neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear," all praise all glory are due. Tha present condition of our country should , awaken our most profound gratitude. The war 1 in which we were recently engaged has termi nated, and our citizen soldiers have returned to their homes crowned with imperishable honors. We mourn, indeed, the loss of many brave men, who fell in battle or by pestilence ; but we have the consolation to know that they offered up their lives in the service of their country.— Their deeds will be remembered, and their memories cherished by their admiring country : men. The arts of peace have succeeded the i clangor of wee, and the spectacle is presented 1 of twenty millions of people, reposing under 1 the shadow of free imCtetions, alarmed by no Anecdote of Gen. Taylor. danger without, Lig' tilted by no convulsions with- The following anecdote of Gen. Taylor is re- in their borders. dated by the Staunton (Va.) Spectator.—lt is When we compare .r favored country with the coral Von of unhappy Feirope, the mind is perfectly characteristic of the man. furnished with lemons of wisdom, and the heart The old Hero was asked on one occasion by a instructed in Mina ty and reverence. There a lady, what he meant in saying he was not an ul- down trodden and long enduring people have I tra Whig? His reply was—. Madam—l have awakened from the apathy of bondage, and are been called upon to pass through three wars teaching their oppressors the "ill husbendry of since I joined the army. In the war of 1812, I injustice." It is a lesson that must be written' saw both parties represented on the battle-field, in blond. Hence we behold crowns trample.' 1 and even in my little command at Fort Harri- under foot; thrones overturned, and Empires son, they stood shoulder to shoulder. I saw the wrested from their possessieos; herce we se c, Whig and the Democrat lie down in the swamps the desolation of kingdoms; the destitution of of Florida, and in the morning rise up to their famishing nations, and hear the lamentations of posts of duty; and again I saw them rise not , suffering humanity. A righteous, a just God, up, but together lie in the embrace of death ! I in the exercise of omnipotent power has preser have seen the Whig and the Democrat again, ved no from those awful calamities. We are in side by side, on the banks of the Rio Grande. I the enjoyment of a government of our own saw them both stand together at the cannon's choice, which, while it affords protection, dis mouth at Monterey—and again on the bloody Timms with an even band, the fruits of civil and field of Buena Vista—and both looked up tO the religeous liberty. These are manifold and pre sume star spangled banner. The Whig and eking. We eery the delights of pence, and Democrat spread the same tent upon the sand r ea p in profusion the blessings it distribute, banks at Vera Cruz,and together marched to the pl en ty c rowns the labors of the field, and from halls of the Montezumam at their country's call. the rich return of our harvest, the destitute of And, at last, I have seen the Whig and Demo- • distant lands have been fed. Throughout our erat return home, with constitutions broken and extended country, neither the mormers of dis- , health impaired, TO ma-and seeing these things, content, nor the voice of morning, nor the cries ' I coald not Jur, it in my heart to yroserile men of want are heard, for, "our ways are ways for mere politieal differences . 1 " of pleasantness and all our patlisare peace." Let our opponents, then, twit at us as much as • In the midst of these unnumbered blessings, they please in regard to the " No-Partyism" of is it not our duty, will it not he our pleasure to our candidate. We like him all the better for return to HIM from whom they flow, the horn what they so much dislike. He is an honest age of our adoration and the acknowedgment of man, and a good Whig, zealously devoted to the our gratitude ? To HIS mercy, in our unwor preservation of the checks and balances of the thiness, are we indebted for the munificence of Constitution, and he will give 113 a pure adminis- of HIS favor, to HIS gracious and loving kind tration of the Government. This is all we ness must be attributed to the continuance of want. i our national prosperity. Tun OLD GA ME .-The Holly Spring (Miss.) I Etertaining these sentiments, and deeply sena n ible of the necessity of Divine aid, to guide I Gazette, quotes the following choice abuse of and guard us in the pathof duty I do hereby ap-1 Gen. TAYLOR from a speech made by Roger point Thursday, the 23d day of November next, Barton at a Mass meeting in that State:— as a day of Thanksgiving to Almighty God, "He called Gen. Taylor "a mereenary hire- and do earnestly recommend to the people 1 I i Itg, who entered his country's service for his of the State of Pennsylvania, that it be I bread, had served her and fought her battles set apart by all denominations of Christians only for her money; and had drawn $70,00 per within this commonweelth as a day devoted to ; annum out of her treasury." "An i gnorant Thanksgiving, Prayer and Praise; and that they ad hireling, who, if elected, would not have abstain on that day, as far as practicable, from sense to know that he had to appoint cabinet of- worldly emaloyments, assemble at their respec- , Irr COMMODORE Jenes Bier kers, or what a cabinet was.' live placed Of public worship, acknowledge ell officer of the U. S. Navy, , i their trance Tone ; supplicate through the phis on last Sunday evening, in t . Keep on, gentlemen ! The more of this the Merits of the- Redeemer, the forgiveness of sins, , Ins age. He was buried with apps better.' ' •`and with contrite hearts, render to his holy ors on Thursday • ..,, It. ~,...t ---- !AIL '`'.., ;,...... ,•. , tr , ,' ...: .- _ . - ~ ,cootarg at w v., South Carolina Election. CHARLESTON, Oct. ii. P. M. The result of the election for one Represen tative to Congress, one State Senator and sev enteen members of the House of Delegates to represent this, the 6th Congressional District of the State, has just been made known as follows: S. E. Holmes, the Taylor candidate for Con greSs, receives 1,629 votes, and Samuel G. Bar ker, the Cam candidate, 1,161. Majority for Holmes .168. William D. Porter, the Taylor candidate for the State Senate is elected by a majority of 427. Out of 17 members of the State Legislature 15 of them on the Taylor ticket have been elect ed.—This is considered a triumphant Taylor victory for the Palmetto State, as it will be rec olected that our new Legislature will be called on to cast the Electoral vote of the State for President. • Well dune South Carolina. Florida Election. RICIIMOND, Oct., 11, 1848, Private advices have been received in this city, that are considered perfectly reliable, sta ting tliat CabeWe (Whig for Congress) majority in the Western section of Florida and Gasden ,county, is six hundred—a gain of two hundred. In Leon, , Cabal's majority is 86; in Brown's 120. Georgia Election. The late election in Georgia resulted in the choice of four Whigs and four locofoco Cong ressmen. The Whigs have a majority on the popular vote, and will give the State to Old Zack by a large majority. onto. The returns from Ohio seem to indi cate that the Locofocos have elected their Governor. So much for Ford, the Whig candidate, refusing to support General Taylor. The Whigs have secured a majority on joint ballot in the Legislature, which will give them the U. S. Senator. I . 218 255 198 275 201 260 209 255 195 270 78 50 76 52 78 50 80 48 71 57 81 78 71 87 91 67 82 80 83 79 52 46 47 54 58 43 56 41 56 43 71 181 62 192 71 182 71 179 73 180 157 134 148 144 161 127 160 133 155 132 172 119 162 132 171 121 177 110 172 116 133 92 128 98 131 89 135 87 132 90 41 110 39 114 44 110 53 110 43 108 52 12 51 11 52 12 53 11 31 13 63 33 67 29 66 29 66 27 68 28 104 72 105 70 104 70 101 91 105 68 86 62 71 75 85 62 83. 55 81 61 93 142 93 190 95 140 91 133 95. 1.38 69 90 82 80 78 84 • 81. 79 79 81 119 51 121 52 125 49 125 48 123 49 36 22 39 19 36 22 36 21 36 22 170 80 150 101 168 82 . 170 80 165 83 22 32 18 37 21 -35 21 32 21 31 95 . 33 92 37 95 32 96 27 96 37 121 133 118 136 120 134 120 133 120 133 85 24 71 41 86 20 83 26 77 27 79 53 79 52 93 35 95 31 91 3H "toils of an old Pioneer !" The locofoco papers • make a great parade of the ‘. 4 .teile" of general Cass in making Indian treaties while. Governor of Michigan territory. <, Tons'? they assuredly' were. Nut such how ever, as are endured by the hardy"settler" who. pitches his log cabin . on the frcOtier, and with his axe fells a " clearing' fdr hiseern,a ! ul, with trusty Ode provides meat foi his family: Far Otherwire Avere tails'?-cif this Old 'Pioneer.". They were the Trapper spreads for , atelring his Int., Gap. C.a804..4 game" was money ! And it wpuld , seem he Was quite an expert trapper ! 'He has amassed a large fortune by means of these 'tulle.' He Is said to be worth HALF A MILLION of dol lars! The Ivry in which it was done is obviohis enough. He Vas Governor of Michigan and Superintendent of Indian afrairs from 1813 id 1831, at a salary of $2OOO a year. During the period, according fo a resolution of inquiry or fered in Congress by Hon. A. Stewart, he re= ceived by way of ~E xtra Allowances" freed Government the sum of $ll/,o6o,l2—inaking total far 18 years service of 8013,009,42 !!!:! This resolution was voted down by the locofo cos. They didn't scant to see the 'documents!' If the charge made by Mr. Stewart was not true, the most effectual way of disproving it would have been to pass the resolution. The' Treasury department woad then have furnish ed the documents, and the country could have judged between the accusers and the accused. I But the locofocos voted the resolution down ; they were afraid to submit their candidate to the trial. And now long after Congress has adjourned, the Washington Union, (the Federal r t organ,) publishes an elaborate defence of Gen. Cass from these charges, "Part 1" of wide! occupies some four or five columns ! As well might a crimeal after he has plea(' guilty and received his sentence, attempt to prove his innocence. The People have already pronounced judgment against Gen. Cass from the virtual admissions of his friends in Cong ress. They cannot be bamboozled by special pleading after sentence. By the record, there fore, the ~ Toils" of the "Out Pioneer," di. ring 18 years service, yielded him the prett: little aum of ONE HEN DEED AND FIITY.THRL r TltovsAxil Dotgjas ! ! ! I.?" Tun MINER'S JOURNAL illSidtti that tl:c new postage bill passed Congress and was sig,- ed by the Executive, but the period when it to go into operation is not known. This state went is contradicted by other papers. Whic' is correct '1 A COSTLY Sesacit.—Mr. Benton'alate published in the National Intelligencer and ll n occupied eighty-seven columns in end. r By a late regulation of the Senate, matt this kind is paid out of the Treasury at tb' of $7,50 per column. This makes the cc c.: Mr. B's. speech $1,305. It is more act , : In profit! TENNESSEE GIVEN Ur.—The NashvilT recently proposed a bet of $5OO that T would vote for Taylor. No friend of 1 ~„ be found, up to the last accounts, wl. . talent enough to take the bet. , Taylor having 2000 majority, bu'