BY JAS. CLARK. SPEECH OF THE HON, WALTER FORWARD, For Gen. Taylor• At a recent meeting of the Whigs of Pitts burg, the principal speech was made by the Hon. WALTER FORWARD, formerly Secretary of the Treasury. Its substance is reported in the Pittsburg Journal, as follows : —There are three candidates hi the field, at present aspirants to the Presidency. We must have a Chief Magistrate, he must be chosen by the people, and we, as a portion of the people, are met to discharge a high duty in deliberating upon the making of that choice. Mr. Forward was disposed—it was the duty of all to do so—to regard the claims of the several candidates with fairness and candor—and with a. due regard to all public interests. Men and measures are required ; and for his pert he was not inclined to seperate men from ►neas urea. He was in favor of good measures; and he also wanted good and pure men to carry them out. [Cheers.] Gen. Taylor, Gen. Cass and Martin Van Burcn are the candidates fur the Presidency—let us examine the B . MUS. tires they represent. [After adverting to Mr. Van Buren's position a 4 the candidate of the Free Soil party, Mr. F. went on to say—j Mr. Van Buren is an ultra Free Trade man and declares himself in favor of a , systent of direct taxation. Gen. Cass is also opposed to Protec tion. tie is the avowed champion of Free Trade, and denies the policy of the Government granting that protection which American labor requires against the pauper labor of Europe. He (Gen. Cass) was opposed to Protection : but had no scruples in abetting schemes of aggressive war. Now, of what benefit wus this war, this Mexican War, to us 1 Who among you has gained one dollar by this war 1 There never was a nation addicted to aggressive war, which could rreserve its liberties. The idols for whom laws are made reaped all the ad vantages; while the people lost their liberties. What gain was it to the Bo ni in citizen, that their• legions conquer. ed in war 1 'e hat did they, the people, gain by the conquest of Gaul, of Asia, and of Africa I Not an acre of ground, not a single dollar of money 1 No, my fellow-citizens, said Mr. F. these wars .ire not for us. They are for idols to be set above the heads of the people. Zachary Taylor [long and enthusias tic cheering] was the friend of peace. A strange and stupid idea was enter tained by some, that to be a friend of peace—to he a peace man,. was coward ly. Nothing is more ridiculously false. No n►an ever fought more bravely than Gen. Washington. He was a soldier-- emphatically a conqueror and a soldier, yet he was the friend of peace. Zach ary Taylor is a soldier and a conqueror, yet he is for peace. He gains battles and makes conquests, but he deprecates war, and would make great sacrifices to maintain peace. When condemned for consenting to the capitulation of Monterey, we all re member his answer : I did it to save the effusion of blood ; to save the lives of women and children who must have per ished. Strange as it was, this humane, this noble sentiment, had been censured by grave and honorable men in the Sen ate of the United States. As to General Taylor's opinion on the Tariff, he would not answer from his own knowledge; but as he (Gen. 'l'.) lived in n Tariff State—as his own per sonal interests were on the side of Pro tection, he was satisfied. Louisiana was a Tariff State; she had stood side by side with Pennsylvania in favor of Pro tection. A friend of Gen. Taylor had told him (Mr. F.) that Gen. Taylor had expressed himself decidedly and em phatically to him in favor of protecting American Industry. General Taylor may have been insincere in this declar ation, yet it was made when lie was not n candidate for the Presidency. Mr. F. fully believed, personally, that he had used this language. If General Taylor had resided in Vir ginia South Carolina or Tennessee even, and been a mere political gamester, we might suppose such language used for political effect abroad. But as it was— as General Taylor lived in a Tariff State, he (Mr. F.) believed him sincere. But we had another and surer guar anty than this from Gen Taylor. He was pledged to bow to the will of the people as expressed through their Rep resentatives in Congress. He would not—he could not—he dare not violate this pledge. To do so would be to ex pose himself to the scorn and indigna tion of his country and of the world. It was not denied that our candidate lived in a Slave State—that he owned Slaves. Mr. F. said he had always been an opponent of Slavery. He was oppo sed to Slavery had , and upon all occasions he had boldly and decidedly 0 sS 7 , 4 ,s Altt .../tixo/bon „ 0, ()i0A11,'1 74 (41 . \ \ /1 - '; dedared his hostility to the odious sys tern. [Loud applause.] But must we proscribe Gen. Taylor because he is a Slaveholder 2 Because he resides in a State whose laws, perhaps, prohibit the manumission of Slaves 2 [No ! no !]— Thomas Jefferson was a Slaveholder, yet we all venerate his name and mem ory. George Washington owned Slaves —and Gen. Taylor owns Slaves. Peo ple who declare that they will never vote for a Slaveholder, or for a man from this or that portion of the Union, forget the solemn compact under which this Union of States exist. They have their rights in the South under this compact, which it is our duty to respect, and we arc wrong in attempting to proscribe any man from office and authority be cause he is a Southern man and a Slave. holder. But when Southern men asked him (Mr. Forward) to consent to the Extension of Slavery—to the extending of it over Territories now Free—he had but one answer—a firm and decided No. [Loud and enthusiastic cheering.] Mr. F. would repeat what he had once before said, the Whigs want nothing that they cannot attain from a majority in Congress. They desired to see the will of the people carried out—not de feated by au exercise of authority as ar• ; bitrary as that of the Emperor of Rus ' sia. They were in favor of popular soy ! reignty ; and Gen. Taylor, in his Allison letter and by various other means was pledged to their views on the Veto pow er. Gen. Taylor said it should never be exercised, except on great occasions— ' when necessary to save the Constitution from violation. The Veto question was question between the Executive and the People—Gen. Taylor was on the • side of the people. He will sign a Ter i iff—a strong Whig Tariff—if passed by Congress. . . It — would be strange if people in this District were indifkrent to the question of a Tariff. How long has it been since we were unanimous in favor of Protection I Only four years! In 1844 we were all in favor of Protection. We were for Clay (cheers) and the Tariff of 1842, they were for Polk and the Tariff of 1846. We denounced their claim to supporting the Tariff of '42 as a cheat, all impoS tore. They denied it. They said they, too, were for Protection. How is it now I how is it now my friends 1 e are divided—party influence has been at work, the influence of the Executive; and we haven large party among us fa vorable to the Tariff, the Free Trade Tariff of 1846. Mr. F. said he would waive further notiec of the imposture of 1844 ; but he could not overrate the importance of Protection. Vic was fur protecting all; for granting Protection to all who need ed Protection. A Tariff which supplants American Labor, or the products of American Labor, by the introduction of the products of European Labor, dimin ishes the wages of American Labor.— Is any man such an ass as not to see this ? Is any man so great a fool as not to see the palpable and inevitable efrect of the Tariff of 1846 is to reduce the wages of Labor 1 We must pity the weakness of the man who cannot see the fact so obvious. Thirty or forty millions of dollars sent to Europe to purchase gocds, which are manufactu red here, must reduce our wages. We must, he repeated, pity the weakness of the man so blinded by party prejudice, so deluded by party leaders, as not to see this. [Cheers.] It was not a week ago that an Irish man, who is a Democrat, had told him, while deploring the wrongs of his coun try, and who that has a heart in his bosom does not deplore the miseries of Ireland, [cheers,] a good man, and a sensible man too, attributed all her mis eries to absenteeism ; the gentry draw ing large revenues and spending them abroad: This was true: but is it not strange that this man, that all men could not see that a Free Trade Tariff had precisely the same effect here that ab senteeism had in Ireland 1 In the one case as in. the other, it drew off to for eign labor what was due to our own.— Absenteeism in Ireland is the Tariff of 1846 in America. [Reiterated cheer ing.] But let us look a little further into this question as to the Extension of ShiVery. en. Taylor has pledged him ',elf to the Whig doctrine on the Veto question. He has pledged himself to abide by and submit to the will of the people, as expressed through Congress, unless such expression involved an in fraction of the Constitution. What man, the least acquainted with the Constitu tion, does not recognise the right of Congress either to permit or prohibit the extension of Slavery in the territo ries 1 No question has been more plain ly decided, in effect, by the Judiciary. It is a question of rights and limitation about which there can be no difficulty. HUNTINGDON, PA., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1848. State sovereignties have the power of controlling the institution within their own limits. Congress has the power of controlling it in the establishment of Territories. Gen. Taylor, were he to veto a bill prohibiting the extension of Slavery, would be false to the most sol emn pledges. He will not do it—he cannot—dare not. The power of Congress to legislate for the Territories is plenary—complete as the power of South Carolina, Virginia or Pennsyvania to legislate within their own limits. This right is as clear as day, and in Gen. Taylor's Allison letter we have all the pledges u e can ask or desire. Mr. F. s'aicChe was satisfied with I Oen. Taylor. He never hesitated an in stant after the nomination. He took a survey of the political field, and at the first moment after doing so, when he had been fairly nominated, he had de- , termined to go for Taylor, and he did so with all his might. [Cheers.] For years the people—the moderate men in the country—have called fur tt man fresh from the ranks of the people. We want no more heads of Depart ments, Senators or Foreign Ministers" —no more intriguing politicians. It is the misfortune of our public men—a misfortune of public life—that they are each surrounded by adherents who desire their election to office, that they may monopolize the patronage of their places. It is this feeling which lies at the root of party spirit, and gives so much bitterness to party ambition. But Gen. Taylor will be a President with out friends to reward or enemies to per secute. [Cheers.] He will be the Pres dent of the people and not of a party. Gen. Taylor is a Whig, but no ultra Whig. He will be the head the country not of a party. Mr. F. said he knew t his character would not recommend him to selfish and intriguing politicians, but it would to the people. Old Zack would persecute no man for opinion's sake. What woulo George Washington have said if he had been told that the time would soon come when an honest differ ence of opinion would exile men from office—that high and low—all down even to a door-keeper, would be requi red to subscribe to a pattern of politi cal faith. If he could have believed this he would have sank into a premature grave. No—no—this was not the prin ciple of George Washington, it was not the principle of Thomas Jefferson, it is not the principle of Zachary Taylor. With Gen. Taylor far President, mod est and honest men would have a chance —all men would have justice done them. Gen. Taylor, God bless him ! would give no countenance to pitiful proscription. Low patty hacks would find no favor with him. He would put such whelps aside. It would not be with him as it had been here iii our own State of late I , years, where a man was scarcely per mitted to dig on the canal unless his po litical opinions coincided with those of the dominant party. [Cheers.] He will not act upon the principle which distin guished the administration in which Mr. Van Buren is said to have wielded a 'controlling influence, and his own, when a man to find favor with the dispencers of office was not permitted to have a thought or opinion of his own—when lie was not permitted to call the soul in his body his own.—No, no, my friends, Old Zack will hove none of that. He is true as steel. He will persecute no man for opinion's sake. Is he honest, is he capable, is lie attached to the Con stitution, will be his questions I—Hon est men will have a chance—rogues will Lave to stand aside. [Cheers.] He has no thirty-nine articles to which you must subscribe. He would as soon think of refusing a soldier the privilege of going into battle because he differed with him about some political matter —lie would as soon think of telling the soldier he should not fight because he did not agree with him in politics. A distinguished European, and who was also an admirer of our institutions, had mentioned this system of bitter proscription as a symptom of our de cline, of the premature decay of our Government. Elect Gen. Taylor, and honest Old Zack will forever put it down.—With him we will have tolera tion, justice to all men, freedom of opin ion. This is Whigism, this is the Whig gery whose triumph lie (Mr. F.) desi i red to see. Let us review the ground we have gone over. On the one hand we had Taylor, the Improvement of our Rivers and Harbors, the Protection of American Labor, and the rule of the people through theßep resentatives in Congress. On the other, wo had Gen. Cass— Proscription, Free Trade, and the ty ranical use of the Veto Power, defeat ing the will of the people, and sacrifi cing their Interests to the dreams of po litical economists by the abuse of this " one man power." Mr. Van Vain; too, set a fade of flint against Protection. — lt was most apparent to every one, that either Gen. Taylor or Gen. Cass would be elected to the Presidency. However desirable the election of Mr, Van Buren would be to his friends, they could not pretend that there was any ( possibility of success. Vt ho can heal tate when the choice is thus brought down between Cass and Taylor Be tween Cass pledged to the extension of slavery, and Taylor pledged to abide by the will of Congress. Elect Gen. Tay lor, and we will have Protection, and a good strong Whig Tariff. Fail to se cure this Tariff; and, however a year of famine in Europe may delay or tempo rarily mitigate the evil, the, day will I come when you will mourn in bitterness the folly of the Free Trade delt.sion. Our State debts may now be estima ted nt $200,000,000 beside our Nation al debt of countless millions. At least ,seven or eight tenths of this stock is held in Europe, and thus aft annual drain of millions goes to Europe in the shape of interest on the public debt. We have gone on and borrowed—until we can barrow no more—plunging over head and ears in debt. We have had fine times—very fine times indeed, du ring this war. One man—a very hon est and respectable gentleman,he lied no doubt, had made $75,000 or $BO,OOO during the war. He had made wagons for the Government, he believed. Anoth er man made gun carriages, swords, and the Lord knows what. Fine times in deed : but all this must be paid for. In terest must be sent to Europe—the pro cess of depletion must go on from year to year, aiding the operation of a Pree Trade Tariff; until you will find the wages of labor down to the lowest pit ance necessary to keep soul and body together. Believe it or not— that day must come sooner or later. And who are we to thank for this. You, sir, are a manufacturer, you are a laborer, you are a mechanic, who are we to blame I Shall I speak it 1 said Mr. F. why then we are to thank you for it ! You whose interests are thus I sacrificed : you who suffer yourselves to be blinded by party leaders and party prejudiCes: 'You are the majority: the Government is yours: take it. Good God ! is it not deplorable, is it not la mentable that you will thus remain in fatuated until you are bound hand and foot, and your couptry brought to the crisis of whose approach I have this night taken the liberty to warn you., 11r. Forward sat do - ton amid such tee- - mendous applause as we have scarcely ever hethid equalled in public meetings. The Heart.—The little I haVe seen of the world rnd know of the history of mankind, teaches me to look upon the errors of others in sorrow not in anger. When I take the history of one . poor heart that has sinned and suffered, and represent to myself the sturggles and temptations it has passed through ; the brief pulsations of joy ; the feverish in quietude of hope and fear; the pressure of want ; the desertion of friends ; the scorn of the world that has little chari ty ; and the desolation of the soul's sanc tuary, and threatning vices within— health gone—happiness gone—l would fain leave the erring soul of my fellow man with Him from whose hand it came. —Longfellow. Discovery of Mummies at Durangb, Mexico.—The Texas Star states that a million mummies have been discovered on the environs of Durango, in Mexico. They ore in a sitting posture, but have the same Wrappings, bands, atid cans: ments as the Egyptains. Among them was found a sculptured head,- with a poinard of flint, chaplets, neclaces, &c., of alternate colored beads, fragments of bone polished like ivory, fine worked elastic tissues, (probably like those of our modern Inian rubber cloth,) moc casins worked like those of our Indians to-day, bones of vipers, &c. It remains to continue these interesting researches and America will become another Egypt to antiquaries, and her ruins will go back to the oldest period of the world s showing doubtless, that the ancestors of the Montezumas lived on the Nile. .1 Keen retort.—A writer in the Georgetown Baptist Herald says: "A preacher, not one hundred miles from this place, while contending, as he thought, for the ancient order of thing's by ridiculing the doctrine of a call to the Ministry, or a proof that there is no such call, observed, that he never be lieved he was called to preach. " hod no person else ever believed it," said an acquaintance standing by." Why is Gen. Cass so fond of Ohio's tall Senator '1 D'ye give it up Ho has ever had a striking admira tion for LONG BlLLO.—[Ohio State Jour nal. Mr. Clay's opinion of Mr. Van Bu- ren. In the course o f a debate in the Senate which resulted in the rejection of Mr. Van Buren, as Minister to England, Mr. Clay said " I have another objection teithis nein ination. I believe, upon circumstances that satisfy my mind, that to this gen tleman is principally to be ascribed the", odious system of proscription for the elective franchise in the government of 1 the United States. I understand that it is the system on which the party in his own State, of which he is the repu ted head, constantly acts. He was among the first of the Secretaries, to apply that system to the dismission of Clerks in his Department, known to me to be highly meritorious, and among them one who is now a member of the House of Representatives. It is a detestable sys tem, drawn from the worst periods of the Roman Republic, and if it were to be perpetuated, if the offices, honors and dignities of the people were to be put up to a scrabbte to be decided bq the result of every,Fresidential eleCtion, our governthent becoming intolerable would finally end in despotism its ruble as that at Constantinople." Home Labor, The question of Free Soil is perhaps the great question of the Campaign ; but it is not the only question in which the Electors of the North, and . the Whigs every where, feel a deep interest. The necessity and utility of a Whig Tariff; is becoming every day more and more' apparent. The immense importations of foreign goods within the past two years, have had a ruinous influence upon American labor. A great many manufac turing establishments have been compell ed to suspend operations altogether; and still greater number arc obliged to work one half or three quarters of the time. Thousands of industrious men have been thrown out of employment altogether ; or so curtailed in their receipts as to find it diffiicult to support themselves and families comfortable. Is that poli , cy a wise policy which thus cripples the labor of the country, and deprives the operative of a fair reward for his in dustry and skill.—dllbany Journal. " Whence the spiking of this Artil ery . . . . _ During the famine demand for our Agricultural products in Europe, the lo cofoco papers were filled with eulogies on the Tariff of 1846. They attributed that demand to the influence of that act; ane cited the high prices paid for Wheat, Corn, Oats, &c., as evidence of the util ity and wisdom of Free Trade. But the prospect of a fair crop has " spiked this artillery." Prces have already fal len: The farmer no longer feels the be nign influence of Free Trade. He hears of continued heavy importations of far , eta tiihnufacturea, but he has no infor , motion of unusual exportation ofagricul tural products. The bubblebas burst. If Europe should bocoine engulphed in a general war, or her soil refuse to yield its fruit, the Tariff of '46 would work benignly. But while the nations of the earth are at peace, and full harvests re ward the husbandmen of the old wiirld as Well as the new, the principleof Pro teition is the true principle' for the calm , try. ft keeps up ii deniand for the la , bor of the operative, and secures steady home market for the produce of the farmer.—.4lb. Eve. Jour: ./1 few words for Chtldren.— . kou Were made to be kind; generous and magnani mous. If there is a boy in school who has a club foot, don't let him know that you ever saw it. If there's d boy with ragged clothes, don't talk about rags when he is in hearing. If there is a lame boy, assign him some part of the game which does not require running. If there is a hurrgry one give him a part of your dinner. If there is a dull one, help him to get his lesson: if there is a bright one, be not envious of him ; for if one boy is proud of his talents / and another is envious of them, there are two great wrongs / and no more tal ents than before: If a larger and strong er boy has injured you / and is sorry for it , forgive him, and ask the teacher not to punish him. All the school will show by their countenances how much better it is to have a great soul than a great fist. A QuasTios.That sterling old democratic friend of Gen. Jackson,and popular writer, Jack Downing, puts the fallowing question " The Democratic party hain't seen a well day since Taylor first begun his Pally Alto Battles; and now we arc all shivering as bad as if we had the fever and ager. I don't know, after all, but this annexin' Mexico will turn out to he an unluky blow to the party; for what will it profit the democratic party if they gain the whole would and lose the Pres idency 1" VOL, XIII, NO, 41. •.. • , f MMENSE I,VARI , I Or MAC KEttAL GREAT SPORT !-A Mackerel mine ap pears to have been discovered off Cape Ann. quite as marvelous and more prof itable than the gold mine recently dis- - covered in California. The Boston Trans: cript says: On Tuesday, within the circumfer ence of abolit six miles, within a short distance of Eastern Point Light, there were six hundred fishing vessels enga ged in catching triackerel: The crews of vessels of all sites; front 5 tons up to 125, were busily engaged the whole day and according to several estimates made by some of the oldest inhabitants of .Gloucester, it is supposed that at least 12,000 barrels have been taken, valued at $lOO,OOO ! An excellent day's vhark this. The mackerel Very nearly all No. Vs. Some vessels, from the South S hore with crews of fourteen men and boys, caught over one hundred barrels each, and put into Gloucester on Tuesday ' evening to "pack out," and procure a fresh sapply of salt. A (fiend lamina us that the sphYt Was indescribably ex citing. Towards evening the mackerel struck off towards the South Shore, and were followed by about 300 sail of fish- - , trig vessels: FIGHT BETWEEN A RAT AND A: FROG: —The Dover Gazette gires the folkiWing account of a most singtili;'r and despe rate encounter between a flog and a rat, at a brook near a,, in that town, a few clit'is since. "It ap pears that a rat crane down to the brook to drink, and discovering a frog, "with force and prim," made an attack upon' him, by making a firm grasp with his teeth; no sooner did the rat make his hold, than the frog dove into the water, dragging hisantagonist with him, where he remained until the rat was compelled to let gr, and make for dry laud, closely pursued by the frog. As Coon as the' frog appeared above Water, he waS'again' I attacked bye the rat, and the second time became the subject for cold water bath: ing.. This fent was several times per formed, until the rat, from exaustion and droWnitig; felt a prey to his antao; nist. After the frog became fully assu red that his combatant was dead, he seated himself upon his dead' Citrate° with all the coMplaisance imaginable, where he remained nearly hair an hour exulting as it were over his hard won victory. Several pOSons were present and witnessed the fight. PRETTY 64itoil. The New Jersey Union fells a good sto ry of a young man engnged to be mar ried. On the night of the great occa sion it chanced to rain terribly, and when the guests were assembled they were astonished to find that the grooth . long time, not there. After waiting a long time, a committee Of three was detailed' to go' o'er to house inquire what had happened. They foutid him thrash in the barn, as if nothing itnvortant was on hand„ They made koottri their er rand: Jake dropped his fiail and lifted up both hands, while his eyes and mouth became considerably enlarged. He ap proached the barn door, and looking al ternately at the clouds and nt the young men t exclahned, " Goodness gracious, ydu don't really think tt will gO do yeti 1" . Two i j ir...ANKs OF THE PLATFOEM.—The . Cotnposition of that patch work bit -of joinery, the Buflitlo Platform, is a sore . puzzle ton great many honcit then, who' are unable to find out what sort of tim ber wits used in the building of it. The folloWing may be considered asa couple of the planks: the Mexican War.-- , It is due to the future ra fame, as well as the prosperity of this great "nation, that it be triumphantly sustained."— Martin Van Buren. 46 The present war with Mexico is unconati " tutional in its origin, unjust in its character, " and detestable in its Objects."—Charles F. Adams. These two planks are so' far asunder that we imagine a person must make an uncomfortable straddle of if who at tempts to stand upon both. [Beaton Courier. Let every Irishman remember, that if the NVhigs get in power, good bye to the privileges of all those who chanced• to have been born across the Atlantic.— [Examiner. (17 — And let every Irishman remember, that when John J. Crittenden (whig) introduced in to the United States Senate, a bill granting re- - lief to Ireland in' the hour of her famine and di, tress, CO - LEWIS Ciss _co dodged the question and did'nt vote for it! and let every Maha:ll remember, that this bill for Ireland's relief wai. opposed generally by Ldeofocd Senators and vacated by Whigs; and let every Itiqimen re member, that while this prodigal Admini,tra - tionhas millions to throw away upon a bootle.s mipedition to fish up the remains of Sodom and Gomorrah, they can't spare one dime to allevi ate the pangs of distress, oriliay the knawinp of hunger.