Aknother Grand Triumph OF THE Otnstotibarono! Xy the last train from the cities of New York &, Philadelphia! Successful passage through the "Raging Kanawl !" Safe arrival of the most magnifi cent assortment of the finest and cheapest Fabrics every brought to the county of I I untingdon ! The export duties having been taken off every kind of DRY GOODS, Groceries, cc., Sze., Sze., .1, & W. SAXTON Ice enabled to present to their cus• °users an assortment of goods of unri railed excellence,- at prices so low as to es within the reach of all. Call and See Muslins from 2 to 18 etc per yard. Calicos " 2to 18 do. Ginghams " 12 to 40 do. Lawns " 12 to 37 do. Mouslin de Lain 12 to 37 do. Shawls " $l.OO to $8.50. Ca fie t , 61 to 10 eta per lb. Sugar " 6 to 10 do. Tea "25 to 100 do. Molasses to 20 eta per quart. SILT, PL.ISTER, FISH, 4.c., 4.c. 2 What do you think of a full stilt (made up) of excellent clothes, at {Cr' $2.00 ? rn All of the very best quality, and to be sold on their usual accommodating terms. [aplll-tf. TENNENTS Washington Gallery of Daguerrotypes, No. 234 North Second : Street, N. W. corner of Callowkill Street, PHILADELPHIA, THE Likenesses taken and beautifully colored 1 at this well known establishment, for ONE not- Lea, are universally conceded to be aura'. in ev• ery respect to ART in the city. Pictures token equally well in cloudy and clear weather. A ' , lige assortment of MU/ALT-lONS and Locarrs m hand, from $2 to $5, including the picture. The subscribers respectfully invite the citizens of I untingdon County, to call and examine epe .•imens of the latent Improvements in the art of o.querreotyping, which will be exhibited cheer fully and without chit• ge. T: &. J. C. TENNENT. July; 4 1848 11.. L. BOG GS & SON, l'ruduce and General cynmisson Merchants N 0.22 SPEARS WHARF, BALTIMORE : Devote their whole time to the business and are prep* , 1 to make liberal cash advance• on con. sianments. flattimare, May 9,1848. WASHINGTON HOUSE, HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA. pH is Popular House has recently undergone a 1 thorough repair, and been furnished with entire new terniture, of the beet quality. Mem bers of the Legislature and others, visiting the Seat of Government, will find it a very desirable stopping place. Charge. moderate. \N M. 'l'. SANDERS, Agent. Harrisburg, July 14, 1848-6 m. COMEMA.VS CHEAP CUTLERY STORES. Nos. 32 and 33 Arcade, and 8i North Third St, PHILADELPHIA. COUNTRY Merchants con save from 10 to 15 per cent by purchasing at the above stores By importing my own goods, paying but little rent, and living economically, it is plain 1 can un dersell those who purchase their goods here, pay high rents, and live like princes. Constantly on hand, a large assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissor. and Razors. Table Knives and Forks, in Ivory, Stag, Duffel°, Done and Wood handles; Carvers and Forks, Steele, &e. Butcher Knives, Dirks, Bowie Knives, Re volving and Plain Pistols, &e. Just received, a large stock of Rodger,' ant Wostenholm's fin • Pen and Congress Knives. Also, a largo assortment of Accnrilcons, &c., &c. Also, Fine English Twist and German Guns. JO:IN M. COLEMAN. june2o-Iy. Pip afalassex. A few more of that unrival led fip Molasses, which has created sn much excitement, now ready to be sold in quantities to suit purchasers, at the "GR,IND BaZ,11?" of Fisher, McMurtrie & Co., where in fact every thing may be found cheaper than any place else ; not to say anything about their really fine 4 A' 6 CI. Sugar. Hats, Hats, Haim. ONE case more of Ashton's beautiful mole-skin Hats, which no gentleman should be without, just received, and for sale at FISHER, MaIUBTRIE CO'S. Also, a supply of Cerro Gordo and Buena Vista Hats of the best qual ity, and very cheap. Administrators' Notice, NOTICE is hereby given that lettered admin istration have been granted to the undersigned,on the estate of Thomis Carberry, late of Tod town ship. deceased. Persons knowing themselves in debted will come forward and make payment, and all those having claims will present them duly an thenticated for settlement. THOMAS CARBERRY, JOHN CARBERRY. Administrators. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TOTTOE is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of George W. Haugh, late of Franklin township, dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All persona in debted to said estate are requested to make imme diate payment, and those having rlaitns or de mands against the same to present them duly au thenticated for settlement to •„, SOLOMON I' AMER, Adtninistr. 'tor. Aug. 17, 14. GREE.V I S OXYGENATED 1111"I'ER*, FOR THE CURE OF DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, &c., &c., &c The best and strongest certified medicine in the world, for the curt of Dyspepsia in all its forms—such as Head ache, Habitual Costivenese, Acidity of the Btomaeh, Loan of Appetite, Asth ma, Pike, Incipient Consumption, Debility from protracted fever., Fever and Ague, Ex posures to extreme Hest or ('old, Old Age—and, in fact, from every Disease arising from imperfect digestion, or e deranged condition of the stomach. It is an excellent remedy. and not surpassed by nny medicine in use, for females Buffering from I uterine or nervous derangements. The following Certificates have re cently been received : WAsttirroxore, D. C., June 10, 1846. Having 'node use of the •'Oxygenated Hitters" prepared by Dr. Geo. B. Green. of IA indoor, Vt., Ind from knowledge obtained of their efficacy in other cases, we cheerfully recommend them to the public, believing that they will fully sustain the recommendation of the Proprietor. Vk e hope that this valuable remedy may be so generally dif fused throughout the country that it may be ac cessible to all the afflicted. SAMUEL PHELPS, U. S. Senators from UPHAM, S Vermont. JAMES F. SIMMONS, U. S. Senator from Rhode Island. J. T. MOREHEAD, U. S. Senator and for merly Governor of Kentucky. L. H. ARNOLD, Member of Congress and • formerly Governor of R. I. WM. WOODBRIDGE, U. S. Senator and formerly Governor of Michigan. M. L. MARTIN, Delegate in C ongress from Wisconsin Territory. From the Hon. Soyrnox FOOT, Member of Con gress from Vermont. WAiminoTon, D. C., June 1, 1846. Dn. Gao. B. GREEN :—Dear Sir,—ln your note of this morning you ask 'for an expression of my opinion in regard to your medicine, called •Oa ygenated Bitters.' " It affords me pleasure to state, that from the experience I have had, in its curing a severe attack of Dyspepsia in my own family, at d from the wonderful effects which it has produced in other and more severe cases, uric leg in the families of Members of Congress with which I am acquainted, I think it an invaluable medicine, and hope that such circulation will be given to it Its will bring it withinthe reach of ALL who are afflicted with thatdistressing malady. Respectfully yours, S. FOOT. From Hom FI D. FosTErt, Member of Congress from Pennsylvania. WORUINGTON, D. C., June 10, 1846. Dear Sir :—I have been a dyspeptic sufferer for about ten years, and have resorted to various medicines for relief without success, until I made use of your Oxygenated }litters." I have used about two bottles, and find myself motored to per fect health. The forms in which the disease show.•d itself, in my case, were, great acidity of the stomach, loss of appetite, extreme flatulence, severe constipation of the bowels, and violent headache. Feeling desirous that a knowledge of your valuable remedy may reach others similarly afflicted, I take great pleasure in recording my tes timony to its curative power ; and I would also remark. that while on a visit at home a abort time since, I administered a part of a bottle to a num ber of my afflicted friends with great success. They are desirous that you should establish an agency at Pittsburg, or inform them where the medicine can be obtained. With an earnest de sire for your prosperity and happiness, I subscribe myself, truly your friend, H. D. FOSTER. Duct. Cs's°. 11. 1 31ILEEN. Windsor, Vt. xr:si & Ft.eTeuea, General Agents. No. 26, South Sixth St. Philadelphia. Sold wholesale and retail by Tuoraas READ & S MC, Huntingdon, Pa. August 15 1848. WATCH AND JEWELRY macouncis.. No. tont Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa. I;. E. TIEFI' di. BRO., HAVE just received from the Eastern Markets a very extensive and the most magnificent and best assortment of WATCAES, JEWELRY and FANCY ARTICLES, ever brought to Hunting don: Consisting, in part, of Gold Lever Watches, full Jewelled, from $4O to :120; Silver Levers, from $l6 to $3O, and common watches at any price—all of which are warranted for one year. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired with the greatest care, on the most rea sonable terms and warranted. [ap 4. Croutelian & Brother, No. 11, Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Wine, Liquor and General Commission Merchants, `W N d ro ' r 4 o , n H t r h a r n d d i eL i G p o i t , e a d n d d i r C e o h t a , m o n ps i s t o , n d e o o n f accommodating terms to Country Dealers. Qual ities and proof of Liquors wrrranted. Philadelphia, June 20, 1849. CHAD FACTORY No. 113, SOUTH SECOND ST.TIIR. 1100118 BELOW DOCK STREET, PHILADELPHIA. A. McDONOUGH continues to manufacture in the best manner, every variety of Chairs. Settees, Invalid Choirs, &c., and is prepared to supply families, hotels, and public in ' lt, saint.). at the shortest notice and at it a- the lowest possible prices for the vary , best and most durable kinds of work and material. Articles ordered from a distance will be packed carefully and sent without charge for porterage to any Depot in the city or districts. 13 - Esery article warranted. 1317'I'he quickest drying and finest Copal Var nish for sale. August 15, 1848.-2 m. John Scott, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, iluntingdon, Pa.— Hee removed his office to the middle room a- Snare's Row,"directly opposite Fisher & M'Murf trte'sstore, where he will attohd with promptness flint fidelity to all business with which he may he entrustedin Huntingdon orthe adjoining counties Tho ANGLO-SAXONS have come again in the way of READY-MADE CLOTHING, and can afford to sell 10 per cent. lower than ever. The stock consists of Coats, Pants, Vests and Monkey Jackets, of all sorts, colours and shades. sept. 12, 18.18. C)oe Webs ass,4lol Prints just arrived and for .1. & IV. SAX'rON. WY. 01111FIVA R. C. McGm, The Alexandria FOUNDRY Hbeen leased by the subscribers, who are 11 preps. ed to execute castings of all descrip tions in superior style (one of them being a prac tics) moulder of long experience) and on the low• est and most accommodating terms. Castings for. Forges, Rolling Mills, Water pipes, Grist and Saw Mills, Threshing Machines, and all other kinds of machinery which may be ordered will be furnished on the shortest notice. Stoves of various sizes will be constantly kept on hand for both wood and coal We have lately procured a Cooking Stove of two different sizes, which for conve nience and excellence they will warrant to surpass the celebrated "Queen of the West" and "Hathaway" stoves, the for mer of which we are also prepared to supply. .91so, Coal Cooking Stoves, Parlor and Chamber stoves of the most elegant patterns. 1 ' hollow Ware, Such as Pots, Wash Kettles, &c. Ploughs of such variety that all may be suited. Carriage and Waggon boxes from the smallest, to the largest, sled and sleigh soles, and in fine any and every thing in our line of businees can be had Immedi ately, or at the shortest notice. Old metal and country produce taken in exchange. apl 1 1-4 MeG ILL & GRAFIUS " Encourage your Own" Cabinet Hare itlatantactor), Mein Street, Huntingdon, Po. X. li. & D. WZITTAILEB., ATTOULD avail themselves of this method of informing N V their friends and the public at large that they continue to carry on the CABINET-MAKING business, at their old stand, one door east of the dwelling hoagie of .1. G. Miles, Esq., and directly opposite the Printing Office of the "Huntingdon Journal," where they will be pleased to furnish those who may favor them with their custom, with all articles in their line on the most reasonable terms. Having supplied thernse'ves with a very large and superior stock of stuff, ihoy have no hesitation in assuring the Public that they can furnish work, which, for cheapness, beauty and durability,cannot be surpassed by any other shop in the county. They wil, keep constantly on hand, and make to order, SIDE BOARDS, BUREAUS, Card Tables, Bedsteads, Centre Tables, Cupboards, Stands, Dough Troughs, Wash Stands, Wardrobes, Secretaries, Breakfast Tales, Pedestals, &c. Old furniture repaired at the very shortest no tice. COFFINII made and funerals attended,either in town or country, at the shortest notieo. They keep a Hoarse for the accommodotion of their cus tomer.. Grain of all kind. will be taken in exchange for furniture and work. Thankful for the very liberal patronage heretofore extended to them, they assure the public that no efforts will be 'pared on their part to deserve a con tinuance and increase of public patronage. may 2,18484 f. DR.LE ROYS Ve:Kiable Cnevertgai The only known Medicine that at the same time purges, purifies and strengthens the system. Lo rena',July 7, 1846. DR. LE ROY'S Pills ars a new medicine which has just appeared, and is fast taking the places of all others of the same class. These pills are composed of many ingredients, but the two princi pal ones are daraaparilla and Wild . berry, so uni ted that they act together; the one, through it admixture with other substances, purifying and purging, while the other is strengthening the sys tem. Thus those pills are at the same time tonic and °piling ; a desideratum long and eagerly 'ought for by medical men but never before die covered. In other words they do the work of twe medicines, and do it touch better than any two we know of; for they remove nothing from the system but the impurities; so that while they purge they strengthen; and hence they cause no debilitation, and are follow,d by no re-action. Dr. Le Roy's pills have a wonderful influence on the blood; they not only purify without weakening it, but they re move all noxious particles from the chyle befoteit is converted into fluid, and thus make impure blood an utter impossibility. As there Is no debil itation, so there is no nausea or sickness attending the operations of this most excellent of medicines which never strains or tortures the digestive func tiona,butcauses them to work in is perfectly natur al manner; and hence persona taking them do not become palo and emaciated, but the contrary ; for while it is the property of the Sareaparille, united as it is with other ingredients, to remove all that is foreign and impure, it is equally the property of the Wild Cherry to retain all that is natural and sound; and hence a robust state of health is the certain result of their united operations. crj.Price 25 Cent* per BOX. AGENTS.—T. Read & Son, Swoope & Af. rice, Huntingdon ; W. W. Buchanan. Milliki and Kessler, Mill-Creek ; S. Hatfield & Son, Juni ata Iron Works. ' Porter & Bucher, Moore & Swoope, H. C. Walker, Alexandria; G. H.Steiner Waterstreet. [Aug. 31, '47. A TRACT OF LAND FOR SALE. The 'subscriber offers for sale a tract of land situate on Stone Creek, West township, Hunting don county, near Couch'. Mill and adjoining land of Robert Wilson,Francia Jackson, Chas, Green and others, containing 103 acres mostly bottom land, well timbered and offirst rate quality. The improvements consist of about 12 acres cleared, with a cabin house and log stable. There is a first rate spring near the bootie. Terms will be made known at the residence of the subsriber re aiding on the Warm Springs Road 3 mile. from Huntingdon. EMMA SEIOEMAKER, Augt. 1. 1848, Beware of Counterlens. CURE FOR CON SUM PTION. 7,000 Cases of obstinate Pa Imonary Com- plaints Cured in One Year. 44444 4 4 4 q WISTAR' BLSAM OF WILD CHERRY. The Great ./Imericanßemedy for Lung Complaints and all affections of the Respiratory Organs. The Eighth Woltder f the II orld ! MANY who have witnessed the extraordinary cures effected by the genuine Wisher's Bal sam of Wild Cherry seem disposed to regard it t as the Eighth Wonder of Hie World ! "Why,' say they : " the Wild Cherry Bark and the Iceland Moss, (the two chief ingredients of this wonderful compound,) have been prescri bed from tinte immemorial by the beet physi. ions —but, nover,before, have cures so extraordinary been performed. ' The reason is obvious. The proprietors of NA is tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry do not clt itn for their highly celebrated article any far-fetched, mys terious, miraculous power. They have openly ac knowledged the simple nature of its ingredients, and only claim for their great and invaluable dis-, covcry the exclusive secret of (j"THAT JUDICIOUS COMBINATION. :r.' of ingredients which go to make up this richest of curative compounds. The most skillful and scientific phy aiciana now I prescribe this medicine in their practice; while neglected Ductors,of little practice, and mean con tracted minds although they do all their cutlish spirits can do to insure this—the people's favorite medicine—they'are at the same time compelled to acknowledge its innocent qualities• We know the medicine is HARMLESS, and all the world is witness that the medicine coatis. A very important disease over which this Bal sam exerts a powerful influence, is that of a Din- Li Yes. In this complaint it has uncloatt• edly proved more efficacious than any other rem edy employed. The use of this Balsam restored the Liver to healshy action, and in many cases et , fected permanent cures, after Mercury and every other remedy had failed. AsTuna is a complaint in which this Balsam has been extensively used, and with perfect success in proof of which read the following important letter from Georgia. . . . . . . We are daily receiving testimony like the fol lowing from the North, South,East and West. Messrs. Reese & Ware: Gentlemen—l was afflicted with Asthma for fourteen yeure, and had tried every reinedy in the country. I had also been to several physicians and found no relief whatever. I was affected at times no severely, that the Wood would gush from my nose, and my breathing was difficult. Indeed, the disease had gained so much on my health that I despaired of ever getting well, when I chanced to get a bottle of Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, which effect ed a perfect cit , e, and I now consider myself per. fectly sound. This can be proved by numbers of men in Franklin county and vicinity, and I think it my duty to let it he known. THOMAS A. PATRICK. Franklin co., Ga., Nov. 19, 1846. lEi-Read the following from Dr. Jacob Hoffman, a physician of extensive prac tice in Huntingdon county : Dear Sir :-1 procured one bottle of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, from Thomas Read, Esq., of this place, and tried it in a case of obstinate Asth ma on a child of Paul Schweble, in which many other remedies had been tried without any relief. The balsam gave sudden relief, and in my opinion the child is effectually cured by its use. Yours, &c., JACOB HOFFMAN, M. D. Dec. 23, 1841. Price $1 per bottle—six bottles roe $5. For sale by .1. D. PARK, (Successor to nanford Sc, Park,) Cincinnatti. General Agent for the West. All orders ad dressed to him wile receive prompt attention. REED & SON, Huntingdon ; Mrs. Mary Orr, Hollidaysburg; Morris & Nicodemus, Martinsburg. & J. 111. ROWE, BROOM & WOODEN WARE STORE, .No. 63 Aorth Third Street, One door above Arch, .at aide, PI IIL \ DELPHIA, Manufacturers & Wholesale Dealers in all kind. of Brooms, Brushes, Buckets, Cedar Ware.— Willow and French Paskets, Shoe and Wall Brushes, t-rw übs, Dusters, Mats, Blacking, East ern-made Wooden-ware of every description,&c. &c., at tho lowest market prices. MANLY ROWE, March 7,'48. JOHN M. RIM E. John W. Thompson, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILLIAMSBURG, PA., WILL attend to all legal business entrusted to him in Blair and Huntingdon counties.— Communication. from a distance will receive the most prompt attention. feb I -Gm. Lumber! Lumber! ALL kinds of Lumber may be had at Thomas Maize's Suw Mill, situate on Meshanon's Creek, twenty miles from mouth of Spruce Creek, and five miles this side of Philipsburg. All descrip tions of stuff, used for railroads, build ings, &c., such as Spruce, Ash, Pine, Locust and White Oak, sawed to order and furnished at the shortest notice jy 18,'48.] THOS. MAIZE. reedy entered into its circulation; while a third ' Impurities which Gave mar ' ITS WORK PRA SISR IT. Blood, end remove those ), ~:,,,_ expel fn m the system whatever inn: sores cured. Burnt, Scalds and all kinds of Inflamed purities may hare been discharged into the at . 'I will effectually cm TOVSEY'S UNIVERSAL OINT- ach ; and hence they MENT, is the most complete Strike al the Root of Zibeline, Bute Antidote ever known. It instant• Remove all In ?tire Humors; open the poi et tA ly (and as if by Magic,) stops pains of carnally and itiornally ; promote the litmus-Ale e th er: i n all fore re ig . nc e d u e l g i i nox tun*. part irk a to rti the most desperate Burns and Scalds. Perspiration , obviate Flatulency, tirade, he. se., For old sores, bruises, cuts and sprains arc., on man or beast, it is the best op- . Heart): chyle, secu re and ' Live d „ h eL lth iVreb u'" 19 " plication that can be made. Thousands health even when all other means date fs Y tic r ei e6ft" i the b fi y .,, tbe : trial of oi a c r a i a n c g e le:::: slid their d.no : : i t:: sir: BO positive and Certain in restoring Brant, i bet, lite have tried, and thousands praise it. It The entire truth of the above eon be aseertait , cti proprietor Wilda himself to return the mow) 1 ',id is the most perfect master of pain ev er discovered. All who use, recom mend it. None can tell how soon some of the family will need it. I tarsal eatisfaction. Observe each box of the genuine Retail Price, 211 eta. perScs. Ointment has the name of S. '1 W• E Y Principal o t ffi iz c on e t : do o lf . l 6 .l : : . V .al e n s d e y t h S a t t . k .:h written on the outside label. To imitate ; Sold in Harrisburg, by D. Robinson, t. nothing ut thin is forgery. cr-j- Remember Dr. C. V. Clickencr is thi in, en -1843. Purcliaserli t s i ho h u r li i l theretote, way. forono was aS everg r I ask fort lickener'e Sugar Coated Boatmen, Livery men ; Farmers, and ntroduccd tht m in' , and take no others, or they will be made all who use horses, will titi'd this Oint. June, for meat collart h the very galls, best thing scratches; they kicks,ean ac use c. &c. &c., on their animals. Surely, ev. Rims of a fraud. ery merciful man would keep his ani. AGENTS :T. K. SIMONTON, mals as free from pain as possible.—' tingdon, Jas. Clark, Birmingham ' J. R. Tousey's Universal Ointment is all that Cox,. O. H. Steiner, Waterbtreet,Moore is required. Try it. „ & SOope, Alexandria, A. &N. Creswell, Bites of Insects.—For the sting or bite Petersburg, Orlady & Patterson, Wil. of poisonous insects, Tousers Oint- lia l mSburg„ Royer & Co., Springfield ment is Unrivalled. Hundreds have Furnace, M. Thompson, Duncansrille, tried and found it good. J. M. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg, Jas. Ceti Piles Cured! —For the Piles, Tou. dron, Frankstowa. sey's Universal Ointment is one of the best Remedies that can be applied. All who have tried it for the Piles recom mend it. Old Sores Cured.—For old, obstinate sores, there is nothing equal to Tou sey's Ointment. A person in Manlius had for a number of years, a sore leg that baffled the skill of the doctors.— ' Tousey's Ointment was recommended by one of the visiting physicians, (who knew its first virtues,) and two boxes .. __ . ALL-HEALING BALSAM. OR produced more benefit than the patient • i.,, will i,i ir ri o g s o p f e l ti o ly d , e ti si r r o o n si ch lo ,, n h,g, D an y r , l p te p d ti t r o r 0 1 , ,ugh ,i i . Ask our fries if they know of any thin g fret r h e a m d e r d e i c e e s i . vet L l f e r t o a n i l l a t n ry y a it i . id all previous lion, Hoarseness, influenza, and disease. of if, of cßausrenssoafnbduSrncasl and d e s u e r a c i d d .— s,i lh a o l u l s p a a n r d ts s of the country, have been c ured by i Throat, as the Oloseonian 7 and they will tell •. co ficates enough can be had to fill the u ,. u ' publicrtice which has been p ss , s fd os .,. Tousey's Universal Ointment. Certi- - . -- ue N e o . ...Thneve ! y r t has been e remedy inne rs,' so mach good in so short a space of time. Reed whole of this sheet. the fol owing Violent Bruises Cured.—Testimonials ASTONISHING CURES, on testimonials, in favor of Tousey's l Ws.BOND, the celebrated Boston cracker bract Ointment for curing bruises, have been. 98 Nassau street, Brooklyn, states thathis wilt Las offered the proprietors. Hundres in been afflicted with Asthma for 30 years, arid vault vice which New York . and Brooklyn could prod' v. Syrugus will certify to its great merits I not find permanent relief from the beat medical et:- 1 was Induced to try this great remedy. ;he renew bruise.insrvitAiglltpheerp.a,iins osiflotthieldmtroystits.evere nearly well. Hie daughter, who was stifled, g , I from the same disease, tried it, and wars afro cus;d scald head have been cured by Tousey's by it. Mm. 'kind is now as e ca li l e d Head Cured.—Sores or cases of i welt that she is alt e Ointment. Try it—it seldom fails. to rise from tier bed early in the mornin g ar d at anLayr..innorya j nce , f , ro o t ,„ n h i c a r i cl i, i ,, stressin g melody, Salt Rheum Cured.—Of all the rem- : tend to her urinal duties throu g h the slay whiten, complaint, , f r o o r ii t s h o i y a ,s mo u s i t ,iv d o t : , ii , vemei . ry. ,came to 'tile atm:l.Tß:7;u the "ht." a bottle of the Olusortnian:L=; l l,, ° . t h• .n was never known to fail. ea s d a g l iree' O c i ae n bv t le m er ent is the most complete. it taming Afflicted with the Asthma for more than 36 years. Chapped Hands can be Cured.—'fou- and was so exhausted on Ista arrival that he cuuld Four day. afterward he walked from his resit!' nee to the office without fatigue, a distance of owl two say's Universal Ointment will always not speak• lie purchased a brittle end reds Its nicr cure thechapped-hands. 1 :sites, to tell of the wonderful relief whir b he bed Sore Lips Cured.—For the cure of : Scores h e o f wrst persons ca s N e V s l I l o state t a c t h e n ex pe kneed front using about cute half of oar ft t. sore lips, there was never anything , I „,be t• equal to Tousey's Ointment. It , Consumption oftlte La:vigs, is sure cure for them . Try it. ! Mo.COMFORT, 35 White street, was so lc* in It is a scientific compound, warren. the month of December last, that he was ghee up ted not to contain any preparation of by hie physicinn. His friends entertain.' nr. hope Mercury. of his recovery. He was persuaded to try the - Olosaonian and to his surprise it Its, en far red o• Trice 25 cents per box. For fur nt to is re. °. red hi health that he now able to walk about ther particulars concerning this really . the street.. valuable Ointment, the public are refer. Mrs, ATTRIM, the wife of ‘t m. If. Attlee, red to phamphlets to be had gratis, of 1 James Harman, Ern i , end Geor g e W. Have, Eta., respectable Druggists and Merchants can all hear testimony from their own experience o throughout the United States, the healing properties of this Great Remedy its AGENTS.—T. K. SIMONTON, Hun- COmiumpli" of the La"g.• Npiliang Bood. tingdon ; Jas. Clark, Birmingham; J. R. Cox, Warriorsmark ;J. S. lsett, Spruce ! troubled fora 352 , N i t e onroe street, who Creek ; G. H. Steiner, Waterstreet ; . had severe cough, and raised g ilt r, , i n , len g th o o f t blood,time by a Moore & Swoope, Alexandria; A. & N. relieved by one bottle of the Olocaonior,a n d dela ' r .a e s e Creswell. Petersburg ; Orlady & Patter- I , it the greatest remedy in the world. . son, Williamsburg ; Royer 8," C 0.,, Dcruria Kazzr, 26 Water street, was al so re- Springfield Furnace; M. 'Thompson, I iev,,,l f-oar the some complaint, althou g h he was Duncansville ; J. M. Lindsey, Holli. v7 a m vi u n ch bo red n u i zs d l e v:lLn c he commenced takit: it daysburg ; Jas. Condron, Frankstown. ring the g paa e t winter. Althou g h ureofl' h i : p e h ol s g i Vd n e d o u n .- 1 .tautly and was very much trout led with ni g ht , sweats, two bottles of the remedy enabled him to ' return to his daily work. Ile was entirely relieved. llsvin has DillitiON, 60 Lai& alruet. Geor g e W. Burnett, formerly of Is owalk, N. J.. Menus Lisbon, 109 Riving:on .treat, and numerous. other ! persons have been speedily and permanently eared ' of the risme complaint by this remedy. AGENTs.— T. K. SIMONTON, MAT ingdon ; Jas. Clark, Birmingham ; J. R. Cox, Warriorsmark ; J. S. lsett, Spruce Creek ; G. H. Steiner, Waterstreet ; Moore & Swoope, Alexandria ; A & N. Creswell, Petersburg; Orlady & Patter son, Williamsburg ; Royer & Co. Spring. field Furnace ; M. Thompson, Duncans vine ; J. H. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg; Jas. Condron, Frankstown. CLICK EN li Ws SUGAR-COATED PILLS, The Only Effectual Purgative, cured within the 1.1 y.r OVER 200,000 I'ERNOAS of the following Complaints: Headache, Giddineas,ltheumaiism, Piles, Die. popsia, Scurvy, Smal pox, Jaundice Paine in the emelt, Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart, Riding in the Throat, Dropsy, Asthma, Fevers of allainds. Female Complaints, Measles, Salt Rheum Heartburn, Worms, Cholera Morbus, °ugh., Quinsy, Whooping ough. Consumption, Fits, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas, Dwane., ltchings of the Skin, Cold'', Gout, Gravel, Nervous Com plaint., and a variety of other dia..ea arising from impurities of the b ood, and °Warned.ns in the or gans of digestion. Experience has proved that nearly every disease originates from Impurities of the blood or Derange menth of the Digestive Organs; and to secure Health, we must remove those Impu 'hies and re store the blood to its natural state. Therefore, when the slightest derangement of the system is indicated by Costiveness, or any other sign, it ad monishes us that superfluities ere gathering in the System, which ehou d be immediately removed by an effectual purging. This feet, as stated, is uni versally known; but people have ouch an aversion to medicine, that, unless the case urgent, they pre ferred the disease to the cure, generally. Since the invention, however, of Clickener's Vegetable Purgative Pills, this objection sloe. not exist, ea they are completely enveloped with o coating of pure white sugar (as distinct from the internal ingredients sea nut shell from the kernel) have no taste of medicine, and are as easily swallowed as bits of candy.— Moreover they neither ncuuseate or gripe in the slightest degree. They operate equally on all the diseased parts of the spawn, instead of confining themselves to, and racking any particular region, 'rhus, for exarrp'e, if the Liver be affected, one in gredient will operate on that particular organ, and. by cleansing it of that Excess of Bile it is con latently discharging into the stomach, restore it to its natural state. Another oc vsteeettill on the 11. th the Sufferer FRODI A s MA what has relieved him in such u short lihle fro* his difficulty of breathing, Cough and suffoca tion 1 He will tell you it was the Oh • suonian, of All Healing Didaant." Ask the ( 'citisdriiptive what liar allayed his ( ()ugh. mine rod the I'sin in hie Side and , Chest, chocked hie night saiate and , placed the rose of health upon his check and he willtellyou . .BnEttataa's OLVLIONIAN, Doctor Yourself For Twenty-Five Cents ! ~..,,r . , ~f ,By means of the POCKET t. 1 • ~. 2E B CULA PIUS, Or Evely 1 1.!/2 ,',,, N • one his own Physician !-- . ' 0, .. ~ •4 7 upwards of One Hundred . ~,,, • ~ . , Engravings, showing pi. ate ' :ii ' 1 : 4 . 41i i ''' Ll f form, 43 ::: , n e: e l E i r o y di shap e ati w in a i n t . : , the general system, By WM. YOUNG MD. 'I he amebas arrived, that perrons suffering Iron secret diecase, need no more become the victims . Quackery, as by the prescriptions contained is thia book any one may cure himself, without hit drance to business, or the knowledge of the me, intimate friend, ard with of e tenth the usual r, penile! In addition to the general routine of 1. vate diseases, it fel y explains the enure of 11 hood's early decline, with observations an 114-• -- -.besides many other derangements whirl, • not be pr,,per to enumerwe in the public r•, co P Persons residing at any distance fl , ' adeiphia. can have this book forwartl.,l L.. through the Post Office. on the receipt 01 ; five cent., directed to Dr. William You, SPRUCE Street, Philadelphia. Juno 20, 1848. r,• t-.