Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 05, 1848, Image 3

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Insurrection quieted in Ireland.
BosToN, Aug. 26th 1848.
The anxiously looked for Steamship
has at length arrived. She reached her
ivharf about eleven o'clock. She sailed
from Liverpool on the 12th inst., and
therefore brings seven days later intel
ligence from England, Ireland and the
Her intelligence, in a political and
commercial point of view, is highly im
The state of affairs in Ireland has not
materially changed, though every day
seems to lessen the propability of any
serious outbreak.
No serious disturbance in Ireland has
occurred since the sailing of the Cam
Numerous arrests continue to be
William Smith O'Brien was arrested
at the Rail Road station at Thales, on
Saturday evening last, whilst in the act
of procuring a ticket for Limerick,
where, it is said, he intended to take
refuge among his friends.
Immediately after his arrest, he was
marched to Bridewell, and subsequent
ly was conveyed•to Dublin, and lodged
in Kilmaiuham Jail.
Alter O'Brien's arrest, he is said to
have expressed himself satisfied of the
hopelessness of accomplishing his ob
ject, and that ho was induced to leave
his retreat in the mountains, because the
further he went the people seemed to
fear to harbor him, or to hold any com
munication with him.
He is said to be cheerful, and his fam
ily is allowed to nave free access to him,
Other friends are permitted to converse
with him in the presence of the Jail au
There does not appear to have been
any serious disturbance since the Cam:
bria sailed ; and according to the En
glish accounts it seems quite improbu•
ble there should be any so long as the
government continue its present attitude
of repression.
Mr. Cern, Mr. Berger, ship broker Mr.
Nolan, of the United States, and Rich
ard O'Gorman, for whose arrest three
hundred pounds is offered, on attempt•
ing to escape froni the country, were
arrested by the coast guard, after they
had crossed the Shannon in an open
The Irish accounts say that the South
k rife for rebellion, and only waiting for
leaders. That the disaffection is not
crushed, but that when the troops are
in their winter quarters then the mis
chief will commence in good earnest.
Until then the leaders have determined
to remain passive. •
Time is no news of any moment
from the Continent. Trade is dull in
England, and grain and cotton both de
, Tun CHOLERA.—The European papers
announce the appearance of the Cholera
ht Vienna. In St. Petersburg and Con
stantinople it is subsiding rapidly.
From a lite number of the Military
Medical Gazette, It appears that since
the appearance of the epidemic in Rus
sia, there were seized at St. Petersburg
from its first appearance, the 30th of
June, to the 21st of July, 19,772 per ,
sons, of whom 4831 recovered, and 11 ,
068, died. In the whole of Russia
since the first appearance of the Cholera
the 28th of October, 1846, to the sth
of July 1848, 290,318 persons were seiz
ed with the epidemic, and 1 i 6,658 died.
On the 28th of July there were at St,
Petersburg 2396 cholera cases, in the
course of the day 137 fresh eases oc
curred; 211 recovered and 82 died, 45
of whom were in their own dwellings.
On the 29th there were 2240 sick-132
now cases ; 188 recovered and 68 died.
On the 30th there remained 2116 eases
under treatment.
The Charlottsville Advocate learns from
a gentleman who has recently travelled
extensively through Western Virginia,
that the best spirit prevails among the .
friends of Gen. Taylor. The calcula
tion among them is that if Eastern
Virginia does as well for Taylor, as for
Clay, the changes in Western Virginia
will give the State to "Old Rough and
Ready." We can assure our Western
friends that Eastern Virginia will give
Taylor at least 2500 to 3000 majority,
where Clay's was only from 50 to 100.
A Free Soil meeting was held in Low
in the city of New Orleans, on
the 16th of July. The members of it
have called another meeting and intend
to keep the ball a moving! Old Zack
himself will be found with the Free Soil
party after he gets to the White House!
Popular vote of Indiana.
The Indiana State Journal says, that
although the Locofocos, by the manner
in which they have districted the State,
have carried a majority of the Legisla
ture, the POPULAR VOTE is largely in fa
vor of the Whigs, and is certain for
Taylor and Fillmore in November !
(Yr General Taylor—says a contemporary—
never chewed tobacco—never drank any rum—
never smoked a cigar—never owed a man a
cent—never was sued—never sued nny man
himself—never was dunned—never dunned any
body—never lost a battle—and never surren
The Free Soil Humbug.
It would appear that all the Abolitionists are
not to be duped by the free soil "movement."
The Buffalo Commercial contains a strong pro
test against it, communicated for that paper,
from which we take this characteristic passage:
" When the Abolitionists were every
where abused and hunted, and like earn
est and honored men, resorted to the
press to defend their principles and char
acter, who sanctioned by his CASTING
VOTE the plunder of the public mails of
anti-slavery papers, and prayers and
petitions and earnest entreaties for the
robbed and outraged slave Martin
Van Buren. Who, at a subsequent
riod, when Amos Kendall had authori
sed similar base thefts and outrages to
be perpetrated on the mails, permitted
him to remain in office, under the caress
es and smiles of executive office Mar
tin Van Buren. And not one word dis•
avowing those shameless arid high han
ded outrages against the rights of the
North, and the sanctity of the seal, has
he ever uttered."
Our letters and papers from lowa admit the
election of Shepard Lefler as a member of Coit
gfess front the Second District; butat the smile
time positively assert that Daniel F. Miller, whig
is elected from the First District. There was,
it seems, some doubt whether that district of
country in which the Mormons are located,
would be organized so as to allow their vote to
be given. The Locos were afraid that the Mor- ,
mons might take it into their heads to vote the
Whig Ticket, and this made them cautions
about the matter; but it appears from the De.e
Moines Valley Whig that the Mormons dill
rote at two precincts in Monroe county, td The Markets.
which the Territory was attached for election PHILADELPHIA, Sept. Ist. 1818.
purposes ; that the Locofocos superintended Produce Market.
this arrangement ; and that Monroe county, al- The favorable news received by the Niagara,
though returned as giving a majority of 23
votes for Thompson (Loco) for Congress, seta- has unsettled the Market for breathAtiffs, and id
ally gave Miller (Whig) a majority of 103, and day holdefs generally decline operating to any
elected him.
, extent. Flour continues scarce and firm at $3.
An article which We copy from the Deg
30 for common brands. In Rye Flour and Corn
111 - oiars Valley Whig, gives a complete history •
this attempt to swindle a portion of the pea- Meal no sales reported to-day. Prices of wheat
ple of lowa out of their dearest right, as free- are unsettled; some sales of prime red at $l,lO
men. The Locofocos could'nt bribe them, it a $1,12, and some white yesterday at the latter
says, and then they set td work to secure the
rate. Corn is in demand sled has aiVanced.'
rejection of the vote altogether. If successful
how, small benefit, we foretell, will enure to Sales of Scddhreff and Pennsylvania yellow at
them in November, when a President is to be 38a59 cents, 'nit the. Market closes unsettled.'
chosen, and when the people will have an Cargo sales of Southren Oats at 29a30 cents.
of rebuking them for their rascal y
Sales ef Whiskey in bbls. at 25 cN. and hhds:
conduct in this election.---St. Louis Repahlkan
Aag. 23. at 2 I ta23 cents.
....._----. \
Journal, of Saturday, says : 4, Several of theA LL persons indebted to the undersigned, ad
principle establiShments of this borough have, . 11 administrators of Esther Clarke; late of the
Within a few days past, been compelled to dis- borough of Huntingdon, dec'd, by bond, note or
charge a large number of hands on account of honk account, are hereby requested to call Open,
the scarcity of work for them. Several colliery and make payment in John Reed, Esq., at h i e
works, too, have recently curtailed the force office, two doors west of the Jewelry Store of Jai.
employed in them, and thefe appears to be no ,T. Scott, in mid boroUgh: All persons also, who
work of any magnitude going on in this region have claims against the undersigned. are request
at present. Labor is consequently in poor re-
pfeaent them
place ft
t ,
quest, and the rates Of wages extremely low. 1 ~,
`"' ....
Sept. 5, 1849. Administrators.
WISCONSIN JUDICIAL ELS:cm:l.-4n the first
district Mr. Whiton, (Whig) has a majority in
every county, and nearly 400 in the aggregate.
In the second, Mr. Ilittbell, (ind. toed.) is
elected; in the third, Mr. Larratee, (LOCO,)
the only one of the regular LecOldcti candidates
in the State was successful ; in the fourth, A.
W. Stow, (Ind. Loco,) and in the fifth, Mr.
Jackson, Whig.
PLUSFIELD is announced in the
New York Sun that the affairs of the Plainfield
Bank have at length been wound up, and that
there are sufficient assets to pay all the notes in
full. This news will be rather mortifying to
those who were induced to part with the notes
at the rate of GO cents on the dollar a few
months since.
mong the Locofocos in this State, who
have repudiated Cass, and came out in
favor of Van Buren, we notice the names
of Ex-Governor Marcus Morton, Hon.
John A. Bolles, late Secretary of State,
Hon. J. Mills, late Treasurer of State,
Hon. Francis Gourgas, late member of
the Executive Couneil, Hon. S. .1. W.
Tabor, late locofoco candidate for Con
gress, iri Ashman's district, Hon. Chas.
Sedgwicic, late State Senator; B. F:
&When, end Sidney Homer.
On Tuesday 4ug. 29th by Rev. J. A. Gere,
at the residenee of Samuel Miller, Esq. Mr.
BUDD HARSBARGER, of Centre Co. to Miss
MARTHA CURRAN, of Huntingdon Co:
At the reqWence. of his uncle, Mr. George
Jackson, of Jackson township, in this county, on
Monday August 211(h, JOSEPH JACKSON, a
Corporal of Company D. t Ith' Infantry, U. 9. A.
aged 22 years.
The subject of this notice was left an orphan,
while young ; was raised and educated f.,y his
kind and affectionate uncle, whose care and at
tention continued to be extended to him,
in the
last scene of life. In common with the young
and ardent and brave of our land, he rushed td
his country's standard in the late war with Mex
ico, and there under the command of his gallant
Captain Irvin, participated in the scenes of
strife and blood that blotted the path of the
American Army from Vera Cruz to the city of
Mexico. At the National Bridge, at Contreras,
at Charubuseo, at el Molino and the city gates,
he was amongst the foremost in the angry surges
of the fight, and proudly shared with his com
panions in arms the unlading laurels it bestow
ed. But from amid those dangers he escaped
unhurt. From the hard storm of grape and
canister, from the leaden sleet of Musket balls,
from the hurricane sweep of round shot and shell,
from the impetuous charge, he escaped, to die
amid his friends and the scenes of his chidhood,
stricken down by the more deadly hand of dis
ease. Amongst all the missile of destruction
and engines of death, there was ,4 no kind mes
senger" to call his brave spirit hence; but the
battle ended and the peace of his country restor
ed, he sleeps calmly in the old place of graves,
where his kindred lie.
c , There is a tear for all that die,
A mourner o'er the humblest grave,
But nations swell the funeral cry,
And triumph weeps above the brave."
So rest you, young soldier ; beloved by friends,
acquaintances, and your gallant fellow heroes
in life—regretted and wept in your untimely
death. C.
1114161100 n Sept. 6, 1815.
The friends of TAYLOR, FILL',
WART'', are requested to meet at
the following places, on the days
specified, for the purpose of heard
ing addresses, and doing such
other things as the good of the
cause may seem to require, viz :
At Marklesburg, Penn town
ship, on Tuesday the 12th inst.
at 2 o'clock, P. N.
At the !rough Creek School
House,. in Tod township, on the
13th inst., in the evening.
At Cassville on the 11th inst.,
at 2 o'clock,
At Scottsville, Clay township,
on the 15th inst., at 2 o'clock.
Col. A. K. Cornyn, Theo. 11.
Cremer, Esq., and others, will be
present to address the meetings.
DA RENTS, guardiana &c. children within
1 the Huntingdon district, are informed that
agreeably to a pi ovision of an Act of Assembly
passed Feet session, no child will be admitted
into the public schools, until it lies attained the
age of 5 years.
By order df the Board of Directors/
Sep. sth, 1848.
Peutotylviinia fait fond.
31". aD 5 3 1 M
W L w b e st 0 n
r w e e i u v n e
tdi n th e th l:tfi .n t a la i ro rs f oBffiepcteemin
ber next, for the deliqery, on or before the let Cay
of May 1899, of al out two thousand cross 'Pica
upon each mile of the Pennsylvania Rail goad
f, om section No. 70 to 99 inclusive, ending at
the town of Huntingdon.
The Ties to be of chestnut, white oak, or
Chestnut oak, obtained of good, sound, thrifty tim
ber free imm doats, wind shakes, or other natu
ral defects ; eaci, lie to be 8 f feet long, with the
endscut or sawed off minor:, They will be divest
ed oftheir bark, and reduced to tr ;:: , clies in thick
ness by hewing, or sawing two sides to 6:rmight
or parallel surfacrs; each aide to be at least 8 in
ches wide at the lesser end of the stick.
The ties must be delivered and pied upon each
section at latch points as the Engineer may desig
nate. Proposals for Locust ties, same length as
above, and reduced to 5 inches in thickness by hew
ing two surfaces (as before described) at least 6
inches in breadth.
At the same time and place, for about thirty
nine thousand feet, board measure, of Hemlock
or White Pine ground sills, sawed 5 by 8 inches
fit length of from 25 to 40 feet, on oachmile from
section No. 61 to 99 inclusive—each sill to be
obtained from sound and thrifty timber, free from
vtind shelter and all other material defects and not to
have more than 14 inches of sap on either corner
of the
The sills to be delivered and ! Med on the line of
the road at such points as the Engineer may des
ignate, or on the banks of the Penn'sytvania canal
as may he agreed upon, as fMlovis:
From Section No. GI to 70 in - el:Aire; by the
first day of' May next : From 71 to 80 inclu
sive by the Nat day of June next : Front 81 to
99 inclusive by the first day of •.titgust next ; and
proposals may state for one or more sections.
Pdymenta will be Made monthq, retaining 20
per cent until the completion of each contract.
The proposals may be addressed to \'m. H. Foster
Jr. Associate Engineer, or to the undersigned.
Chief Engineer,
Penna. Rail Road Company.
Engineer's office, East Div.
Penna Rail Road.
Lewistown, Aug. 15 th, 1848.
School Notice.
9"HE Public Schools of Huntingdon Borough
I will commence on the first Monday of Sep
tember. It is desirable that all the pupils should
present themselves during the first week.
By order of the board.
Aug. 29, 1848.
ALI. pereons knowing themselves indebted to th'e
tmdareigned. individually, by note, book ac
count, 0 otherwise, are requested to make pay
ment to William McMurtrie, Huntingdon, pro
vious to next November court; otherwise they
will be left with the proper officer for collection.
Aug. 29, 1849.
SHE Partnership heretofore existing between
I E. & W. McMunTarm, in the mercantile bu
siness, wee dissolved by mutual censent, on the 16th
August inst. All persons knowingthemselvse in
debted by note, book account,, or i ethe Am.. ?tr c
requested to make payment to 'Williatti „ McMur
trie previous to Norernber coda next, Otherwise
they w ill be left with the Proper officer for col
lection ; and those having chttiris will pr'esent
them for settlement.
WILLIAM McMillan! ,
Aug. 29. 1848.
Auditors Notice.
THE undersigned, Auditors appointed to hear
and examine the exception. to the administration
account of William Myton, Samuel Myton and
Jamos Stewart, administrators of John W. My
ton, dec'd.. who was ono of the administrators of
Samuel My ton, deceased, will meet for that pur
pose at the office of Geo. Taylor, Esq., in the
Borough of Huntingdon, on Thursday, the 213th
day of September next. Of 10 o'clock A. M.,
when and where all persons interested may at
TH EO. H. CR EMER, Auditors.
Huntingdon, August 21,1898.
No. 113 , Sown/ SEEONo 800110 BELOW
A. McDONOUGH continues to manufacture in
the best manner, every variety of Chairs, Settees,
Invalid Chairs, &c., and isprepared to
a, supply families, hotels, apd public in-
StittltiOßS at the shortest notice and at
the lowest possible prices for the very
( best and most durable kinds of work
and material.
Articles ordered from a distance will be pocked
carefully and sent without charge for porterage to
any Depot in the city or districts.
07'Every article warranted.
0:7 - Phe quickest drying and finest Copal Var
nish for sale.
August 18,
THIS Popular House has recently undergone a
1 thorough repair, and been furnished with
entire new furniture, of the best quality. Mem
hers of the Legislature and others, visiting the
Scat of Goverrithent, still &d it gr very destrahle
stopping place.
EU" Cheeps nioderat4.
WM. T. sioirithS, Agent.
Herriebtirk,tuly 14, 1848-6nr:
Newton Hamilton, Mifflin county, Pa.i
iv ILL visit Huntingdon stated
ly on the 15th of June, Sep
tcmber, December and March, and 'lassos
remain two weeks at each visit. 117 - "Rofsqns al:
Mrs. HamPsen's Hotel:
june 20, IY.
she Alt GLO-SAXONS have comeagain in the
can afford to sell 10 per cent. lower than ever.
The stock consists of Coats, Pants, Vests and
Monkey Jackets, of all sorts, colours and shades.
june 27, 1818.
Phi .714olqsses
A fe* more of that unrival
/1 led fip Molasses, which has created
so much excitement ; now ready to be
sold in quantities to suit purchasers, at
the "GR.4JVD B 4 .4R" of Fisher,
Meltiuttrie & Co., where in fact every
thing may be found cheaper than any
place else ;. not to say anything about
their really fine
4 .4. U Cl. Sairai'.
lints, lints, lints.
ONE case more of Asfiton's beautiful
mole-skin Hats ; which no gentleman
should be ‘Vithout, just received, and
for sale at FISHER, MeMURTRIE &
CO'S. AlsO; a supply of Cetro Gordo
and Buena Vista Hats of the beet (rill
ity, and very cheap.
Afresh supply of Mackerel just arrived.and
for sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
- .
GEORGE GWIN, in addition to his large
stock on hand, has just received a general
variety of new goods, which he is selling at his
ormer low rates. [July d.
OOD thirty hout grass CLOCKS can be had
kiat Scott's cheap Jewelry Store for $3 50, and
eight day brass clocks for $6 50. None sold that
cannot ho warranted. Also, Common Watch
Glasses for lB' cts. Patents 25 cents, and Bra
netts 37 1-2 cents. A like reduction in all other
To Housekeepers.
- LIME Jersey cured Hams, Fiesh Stu d,
Herring & Mackerel, just landed,
and for sale at
Is it an optical delusion or a Brilliant reality that
dazzles Ladies and Gentlemen as they pass JAS.
T. SCOTT'S Jewelry Store
SCOTT; oh his late visit to the east, drew ma
ny of the splendid prizes in the Grand Jewelry
Lottery, and being extremely lucky, ho is deter
mined to be extremely liberal. His store is filled
with the richest and rarest specimens of art from
the Work shop's of the dad. He has the largest,
the cheapest, and the hat' arriefttment of CLOCKS
and OG14) and MYER' W /ITCHES, of al
moat eyed description % ever brought to Hiitttikt ,
don. MO, Gold and Silver Fob Chains, Gold
and Silver Pins and Penciti r brilliant Mtge and
Breast Pitts r Bracelets, BeqU'et holders; Silver
Spoon, Mustard do.; slider and common :Specks,
Rodger's Pen Knives, Roossell's uneltialled Soaps,
Perfumes, Liquid Hair !rye, Salie, Shaving
Cream, &c., besides a vast variety of other snides
both for ornament and use, fill his cases. He has
bought low and is settled in his determination to
sell low. Give him a call.
Huntingdon, May 16,1848.
Pemona wishing to enrich their orchards or a
dorn their homes by planting reliable fruit
trees, will find particular advantage in consulting
the catalogue of this establishment, which will be
promptly supplied to all poet-paid applicants.
Addreas WM. G. WARING.
Boalaburg, Centre Co.
Referencca—Gen. S. Miles Green and Dr. 11. Or
lady, Petersburg; Jonathan M'Willir rue, Eaq.
Franklin townvhip, Huntingdon County.
- I,74TER & A - 0v
- _ •
Glijiteever,. DunibA:tue:lnter
pittent.& Remittent Fevers &
.011 the various for, of
Cod aRED
.• 7. v.sgo haia Cto 14°.
'had excelloni compound io for Rale by the propri.
etor's Agent P. READ & 80N.
Price $1 6 . 0 pee tiottlC.
ry- What it the Matter with me, Doe
tor/ What the cause of this sallow complexion,
jaundiced eye, depression Of nitrite, pain in the
side and shoulder, weariness of Wily, bitter taste
in the mouth Such is the enquiry,sititi such the
symptoms of many a sufferer! It is thi (hie
which is diseased, and the Cholagogue is the rem
edy always successful in curing it. Try it, and
judge for yourself. For sale by T. Read & Son,
agent for the proprietor.
ozl• Better die than live, if I am to be
tortured from day to day with this horrible Ague,
eiteleims the ptitit itiffiter lite has become
burden froth the racking peralYerini of or. inter
mittent, and 01Mac confidence in human aid is do..
stroyed by the faildre of rthedies to prodUee the
promised relief. Stich hoe been the riittiation of
thousands who are not+ tejoicing in all the ble u .
loge of health from the use of Ur. Osgood's loth%
Uhologogue. In no inatance does it fail of rife.ct
ing a speedy and permanent cure. For sale by the
prorrietor's agent, 'l'. BEAD &
"How few who think aright among the thinking
How many never think, but only think they
a The sentiment implied in the
above exclamation is on no subject more fully ex.
emp'efied than on that of health. But few give
it a single thought, and fewer still reflect upon it
With the observation and good acute which mat
ters of minor consequence receive. As obsei vs
lion teaches the fact that Dr. Osgood's India Owl
agoguo is a never fai ing ...may in Fever and
Ague, good sense would surely indicate its prompt
and immediate use. To be found at
agent for the proprietor.
in. 27, 1848
JULIA PARKINSON of Itudinedon desires
to »ay that she has tied the.. Tudla tholagogue"
for Ague,and Liver eemplaint with entire suc
cess. Shfi'therefoie reeotnniteds it to'all
tENNEA N . .
IVasilinglon Gallery of Daguerroypea, ,
231 North Second Street, N. IV. corner of
Callowhill Street,
THE Likenesses taken and beautifully colored
at this well knovic establishment. for ON a not.-
.., arc universally conceded to be squat in ev
ery respect to arei iii the city. Pictures token
equally well ifecros4 and dear Weather. A
large assortment of Manar.t.triNti and 'Lori:rem
on hand, frbrft $2 to $5, itieludirig the pie:lire.
- • --. •• • ••• • • . .. • •
The /tuba - tribe.; fispectrtilly, inva the citizens
6f liiifitifigdori Centiify, (6 .
6iniene of the latest Improvements in the art of
Daguerreotyping, which will be exhibited cheer
fully and without char gc.
July; 4 1848
Produce and General Cyninisson Merchants
iterate theft whole time to the bosinesa and ate
prepared to Wake liberal cash adtancea on daft
Daltlmore, May 9', 184t1
25 Webs assorted Prints just arrived and for
sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
L+NT, by the Subscriber, on Monday* 31st of
August last, in liuutingden borough, or on
the road between that plait) ant! Manor Hill, a
trade POCKiT Book, well Worn, printaining thir
ty dollars in Bank Notes, aortic travel change, and
'e Promissory Note for over two Inindreri dollara;
with a credit on' the back for one hundred dollars.
A reward of FIVE DOLLARS, will be paid any
person leaving said Pocket Ho dr. with the contents
above described. either with the subscriber, reel.
ding near Manor Hill, Huntingdon county, or
rho editor of this paper.
Aug. 8, 1848
Gen. Taylor Gold and Silver Levers.
TT K. NEFF & BROTUER have just re
fl. ccived by despatch front the east, a large
and splendid assortment of Gold and 6ilver Le.
vets, Lepinu, and common watches, which they
will Bell lower than ever herctefore.
P. S. 9 o'clock A. M. Old Zack Levers'
all gone but two. Call soon.
July 18, 1848,
Ainothor Candiddte in the Field!
fNO. N. rctowto,
,would ienscetfully in
form those persons in debted to him that their .
accounts must be settled before the twentieth day
of August next. All kinds of grain taken in
payment of accounts c t its cash value.
Huntingdon, July 25, 1848.
The subscriber offers for sale a tract of land
situate on Stone Creek, West township, Hunting
don county, near Couch's Mill and adjoining land
of Robert Wilson, Francis Jackson, Chas, Greed
and others, containing 103 acres mostly
land, iieff trintercil and of first We troality. 'the
impraYedienis consist of about 12 scree
with a cabin house and log sfablE. There is a
first rate spring near tarp house. ,'forms will be
made known at the residence of,the subsriber re
siding on the Wartn Springs Read 3 miles frOM
A'uge. 1. 11114 t
A. w7 - geTkedi6t, .
ATTORNEY AT I,AW, fluntingdon,Pa.—
Office at his old residence in Main street,a
few doors west of the old Court House. He will
attend to any business entrusted to him in the see
ral Courts of Huntingdon and adjoining counties
A great variety of the lewd—most interesting
and thrilling works of fiction Lit've just been re
ceived at the
which will be sold at Philadelphia prices. No ad-
vance asked in mental breadstuff's !
&c., &c., &c
The best rind itrongest certified medicine in '
world, for the cure of Dyspepsia in all its
forms—ouch as liend-sche, Habitual Costiveness,
Acidity of the Stomach, Lon. of Appetite, Asth
ms, Piles, Incipient Consumption, Debility aria
ing from'protraeted fevers, Paver and Ague, Ex.
posOree to extreme Heat en Cold, Old Age—and,.
in foci, froin every Disease arising from imperfect
digestion, or ore deranged condition of the stomach.
It is an e,Celletit remedy, and not stapasred by
any medicine in (lie, fur females suffering from
uterine or nervous deriingements.
, • .
The following Certificates have re
Gently been received:
WAIIIIINGTON, U. C., June JO, 1846.
..ra'strig node use of, the... Oxygenated Bittern"
prepared by Dr. Geo. B. Greeji , of V 1 indoor, Vt ,
r rid fioM knolrledge obtained of their efficacy in
other canes, tvi! cheerfully recommend them to the
public, believing ihnt then will fully sustain the
rocommendarint of thti P.roprietor. We hope
that thin valuable remedy Jiley be so generally dif
fused throughout tlie, country ailt it may be ac
ressihle to all the effliet . ett.
SAMUEL tU. S. hen . dtars from
Wm.UrnAm, 5 Vermont.
JAMES F. Sinctioxs, U. S. Senator from
Rhode Island.
J. T. MOREHEAD, U. S. Senator and for-
Merl y
. Gofiernor of Kentucky.
AtiNoLli; Jhftr&er of Congress and
formerly Gtiecrithr of R. I.
Wat. Wdonnituici, U. S. Senator and
formerly GOVernot of Richigan.
M. 14. MARTIN, Delegate in Co3fgeeeffrom
Wisconsin Territdry,' „
From the lion. Slimmest P'oo'r, Mender 6r con:
gross from Vermont
WA74IIINUTON, D. C., .I,uni) 1, Jae:
DR. GEM R. GII EEN : —.Dear Sir,—ln your
note of this morning. you'Mik • for an expression
of my opinion in regard to your medicine, called
•Oxygenated Hitters.' " It affords me pleasure to
stele, that from the experience I have had, in its
curing a severe attack of Dyspepsia in my own
family, aid from the wonderful effects which it
has produced in other and more severe eases, aril. ;
log in the families of Members of Congress with
tbhich I am netprolnted, I think it an invaluable
medicine,,Mtd hope that bitch Cltertlatien Milt bit*
given to it as will bring it within the each of AIA
Who are afflicted with that distressing malady.
Respectfully yours, R. FOOT.
From lion. li. D. F0a1.., Member of Congress
from Pennsylvania.
Wil9slxotov D. C lune 10, 1846.
Dea Si r beVe dyspeptic sufferer
for about tep kith, afirl:lia'ye resorted to various
medicines fur rellef without success, until I made
use of your • Piigenirted Bitters." I have used
about trho bottles, and find myself restored to per
fect health. The (mew in which the disease .
showed itself, lit nYy case, were, great acidity or
the stomach, loss of appetite, extreme flattilence,
severe constipation of the bowels, and violent
headache. Feeling desittiiie that a krloMedge of
your valuable remedy m 0 reach others similarly
oilfield& I . take great pleasure in recording my tes
thridny In itA eillative power ; aid/ t wnum sled'
remark. that while on'ti at home a short till%
since, I administered a part of a bottle to a num
ber of my afflicted friends with great success.
They are desirous that you should establish an
agency at Pittsburg, or inform them where the
medicine can be obtained. With an earnest de
sire for your prosperity and happiness, I subscribe
myself,truly your friend, 11. D. FOSTER.
Doct. Geo. B. esnmirr, Windsor, Vt.
G.v.g & Pr.t.Tesse, General Agents, No. 26.
South Skill St, Philadelphia. Sold wholesale ronl rottlittry TrionAs READ &
HUDillitloll, Pa:
Adrat 15, 1898,
NOTICE in hereby given that letters of admin.
ietration have been granted to the undersigned, on
the estate of Whoo's Carberry, late of Tod town.
shin, deceaked. Persons knowing themselves
4bted will conic' forward and make payment, and
all those having claims will Present them ddly
thinticaled for sititeinerit. ,
THOMAS CAPtidtßir,'
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration on tho estate of George W.
Haugh, late of Franklin township, deed, have
been granted to the undersigned. Ail peteroMt
debted to said dstate aro requested fa.make
dial° payment, and those having claims or de:
mends against the same to present them duly amp
thi3iitiCated for settlement to
Aug. 15, :818.
lime to the residence of the suligir?er residing Union township, Huntingdon county , liO • ut the lat . , o? Juno .last; a small black COW
with a white spot on her forehead. The owner
or owner's Me requested to come forward prove
property, pay charges, and take her away or oth
erwise she will he disposed of according to law.
Aug. 15, 1848.
T.IA t E rats
TAMS SAXTON SAXTON having closed his sriftiboidis,'
s) last March a year, is desirous of having his
accounts previous to that data settled. All ac-
counts and Notes nOt satisfaCtorily arranged he ,
fore the tst Jay of September next, vial he Intl
in Or kende of a,proper officer for aoltdctiOrV-
Huntingdon, August 8. 184 g.
Having cruised their rilir boolis on th'e isi day of
April lest, are desirous of having. their accounts
previous to that (idea settled. All accounts and
notes not runisfactoilfy arrraked 4efOre the let
day of October next; iill be left in the hands of
a' proper' officer fOr
Hoinrlngdon, July rR, Miff.
O'FICI; le hereby given to the Public that my
LI wife, PRUDENCE SHAFFER, has left my
hed and beard without my knowledge or consent.
or any just cause, and taken up with another man.
I then fore Caution all persona against trusting her'
op my account, as I am determined to pay no
debtd of her contracting.
DUblin township, Hunt. co, July 16, 184$•
GGWIN invites house-keeptirs to
call at his store and exatiiiiie his
large assortment of Queeriiware and
Table Cutlery.