DEMOCRATIC WITIO COUNTY . CON TENTION. Pursuant to the call of the Whig County Com mittee, delegates representing the several dis tricts of Huntingdon County, assembled in the old Presbyterian Church, in Huntingdon borough, on Wednesday, Aug. 16, at 2 o'clock, P. M. The Convention was organized by appointing HENRY BREWSTER, Esq., President ; JACOB GEHRETT and SAMCEL Coca, Vice Presidents, and B. C. LYTIe and Capt. JOHN WATsox, Sec retaries. The following gentlemen then appear ed, produced their credentials, and took their seats in the Convention Barree.—Samuel Coen, John Greer. Brady—l. W. Watson, Isaac Woolvcrton. Cromwell—R. B. Wigton, A. Price. Coss—Ralph Crotsley, Elijah Curfman. Clay—J. Gehrett, John Moreland. Dublin—B. X. Blair, A. G. Taylor. Prenttin—D. R. Stonebraker, J. W. Met tern. ffenderson—Andrew Allison, J. H. Morrison. Hopewn—Christian Shone", .Tas. Entrekin. .fackson—Henry Lee, John Barr. Aterres—Robt. Kinkead, David Stover. Porter—Jacob Neff, James Alexander. Penn—Sebastian Keely, B. C. Lytle. Shirley—John Shaver, Thos. A. Smelker. spriegfidd—las. Robinson, Wm. Ramsey. Tell—Alex. Bears, Jas. Cissney. Ted—David Aurandt, J. B. Royer. trilie.—John Gayton, W. S. Hampson. West—Win. McClure, John C. Wilson. Ilrerriersmerk—Jas. D. Miller, Win. Hutch inson. Walker—John Snyder, Samuel Peightal. rray's Ran—ll. Corbin, John Allison. Birmingham--Dr. S. S. Dewey, J. K. Mc- Calian. Alm,,/drier—A. Stitt, Henry Graffins. Shirleysharg—Jas. Ramsey, Henry Brewster. Petershnrg—A. Renner, Jas. Davis. Hantingdon—Geo. A. Steel, Wrn. H. Nigh tel. The nomination of a Whig County Ticket be ing the first business in order, the Convention 'proceeded to the selection of a candidate for As sembly, with the following result : BALLOTTINGS , Ist 2d 3d. 14 23 21 20 27 30 3 withdrawn. 7 4 withdrawn 3 withdrawn. 2 Daniel Teague, A. K. Comp), George Hudson, Israel Graffius ' Wm. B. Smith, James Moore, S. S. Dewey, Whole number of votes cast, 51—necessary to a choke 28. A. K. CORNYN having recei ved on the It ballot, more than a majority of the whole vote, was declared duly nominated as the Whig candidate for Assembly. On motion the Convention then proceeded to ballot for candidates for the several other offices to be filled, with the following results : . . . Prothonotary : THEODORE H. C REM ER, George Tuylor, Regirier emit' Recorder MATTHEW F. CAMPBELL; Robt. Kinkead, .J. M. Leech, B. C. Lytle, Samuel R. Stevens, CominiA lone Isaac Prigldal, john Conrail, WILI. IA NI HUTCHISON Benjamin Lei's, David Cree, wlitor THOMAS W. NEELY, K. L. Green. Coroner HENRY GRIFFIUS, S. I). Miller, The President then announced that for Pro thonotaty, Theo. 11. Cromer was duly nomina ted ; for Register and Recorder, M. F. Camp -1,11; for Commissioner, William Hutchison; for Auditor, Thos. W. Neely ; for Coroner, IfeAry Grafius. On motion of Wm. McClure, the Convention then proceeded to ballott for a candidate for Congress, to be supported by the Huntingdon Conferees in the Congressional Conference, hereafter to assemble, fur the purpose of nomi nating a candidate to be supported by the Whig party of the district. On the first ballot the vote was as follows: Dr. JOHN MeCULLOCH, ' 31 votes. John Williamson, 14 4, S. S. Wharton, Dr. John McCulloch, having received a ma jority of all the votes cast, was declared the choice of Huntingdon county for Congress. The following resolution was then unanimous ly adopted : Res./esti, That the Delegates, in considera tion of the very excellent Ticket this day put in nomination, do pledge themselves to give it their most hearty and cordial support, and rec ommend the same to the People of the county. On motion of Henry Grafts, Jan. CLARK, D. h. BELL and Jon,: Hvverr, were appointed Congressional Conferees, with instructions to support the nomination of Dr. John McCulloch. On motion, ISRAEL GRA FIrS, Esq., was ap pointed Representative delegate, and H. K. Ever Senatorial delegate to the State Convention to nominate a candidate for Governor, with instruc tions to support the lion. JAMES COOPER. The following County Committee was then appointed : County Committee. J. Sewell Stewart, Huntingdon, Chairman. John Greer, Barree. 11. L. McCarthy, Brady. T. E. Orbison, Cromwell. John Stever, Cass. George Hudson, Clay. 11. X. Blair, Dublin. John Conrad, Franklin. John H. Morrison, Henderson. John Plummer, Hopewell. J. M. Leech, Jackson. David Stover, Morris. S. Miles Green, Porter. Sebastian Keely, Penn. John Morrison, Shirley. Robert Madden, Springfield. David Hackedorn, Tell. J. D. Royer, Tod. William Smith, Union. John Rung, West. • A. Stephens, Warriorsmark. John Ker, Walker. Charles Green, Murray's Run. William Moore, Alexandria. David Cree, Birmingham. Jas. G. Doyle, Petersburg. On motion, the Convention adjourned sine die, [&gn,d ty the o.ffieer,.] Latest Foreign News. The steamer Acadin arrived at Boo ton on the 13th having left Liverpool on the 28th ult. The news from IRELAND is of im portance, and excites in this country pe culiar interest. Although no actual out break had taken place, the spirit of in surrection had got to such a head, that a collision with the English government was daily looked for. The English government were adopt ing the most crncgetie means to meet the impending crisis. The Liverpool Times says, that troops were pouring into Ireland by thousands. Thirty thou sand troops are concentrating in and about Cork, Limerick and Tipperary. This overwhelming force has had the erect of exasperating instead of intimi , dating the people to the extent anticipa ted. The Habeas Corpus Act has been sus pended. Rewards of £5OO each have been of fered for the arrest of Smith O'Brien, Meagher, Dillon and Doheny. A report has reached Dublin that the former gen tleman had fled. At Liverpool, setions apprehensions were entertained of an outbreak on the part of the Chartists. Twenty thousand special constables had been sworn in, with a view of meet ing any emergency. Paris is represented as being in a tranquil state, and the capital assuming something like its wonted appearance of life, gaiety and bustle. Government is sadly puzzled how to dispose of the immense number of pris oners taken during the recent insurrec tion. Signs in Mississippi. The Vicksburg Whig states that the .ilisszssi:ppi Telegraph, published in Winston County, and hitherto a Cass paper, has hauled down its old colors and raised the banner of TAYLOR and FILLMORE. The Vicksburg Whig says that this is the third change in the Mis sissippi press which it has recorded since the nomination of Gen. TAYLOR, all of them favorable to the old hero, whose generous bearing to her sons, when placed under his command in a foreign country, will never be forgotten or neglected by that proud and chival rous State. ri> Governer JOHNSON has issued his proclamation directing an election to be held for Governor on the second Tuesday in October next, and enjoins it on all Sheriffs and other officers to make return thert of as though the act of As sembly had been literally complied with, and the writs issued more than three colander months before the election. Ist ballot •11 votes. 11 " 26 votes, 3 C 6 10 " 10 " 7 votes. The Free Soil Movement. The much tallied of Buffalo Conven tion has resulted in the virtual ratifica tion of the Barnburners' Convention at Utica. MARTIN VAN BUREN has been nominated as the Free Soil Candidate for the Presidency, and CHARLES F. An- Ants, son of the late John Quincy Ad-1 ams, the candidate for the Vice Presi dency. These are nominations which cannot receive the support of any one who is thoroughly imbued with Whig princi ples. No Whig can look upon the long list of wrongs which the magician of Kinderhook—the Northern man with Southren principles, as he has for years past been called—has inflicted upon the Free States, and then go and vote for him as the exclusive friend of the North. His base subserviency to South ern domination while he occupied the Presidential chair, is too fresh in the mind of the Whi g s, for them to sup port him as theEree Soil candidate. They know his true character, and, knowing it, is enough to induce them to : withhold their support from him. Hence the principle support he can expect will . be from the Locofoco Barnburners and the Birney Abolitionists. The only effect the action of the Buf falo Convention can have, will be to unite the Whigs in one common band in support of their cherished principles, and to incite them to renewed activity to secure the election of the honest old hero of Buena Vista. He is known to be hostile to the extension of slavery, stands pledged not to veto any bill which has for its object the prohibition of the further extension of slavery. The Whigs, and all others who are in favor of Free Soil and the Protection of Home Labor, have in him a candidate in whose integrity they confide, and of whose op position to the extension of human ser vitude they feel well assured. Having no such confidence in either Cass or Van Buren, they will now rally with unanimity and enthusiasm upon the man of the people—the candidate of their choice—the plain old soldier who "asks no favors and shrinks from no re sponsibility." [Daily News. 31) €€ 3 € 1 2 " 41 votes, 7 44 .12 '. 9 “ Taylor and Harrison. Gen. TAYLOR snys, if elected Presi dent, he will be guided solely by the Constitution. The dying words of Gen. HARRISON were—" I wish you to under stand the true principles of the govern ment—l wish them carried out—l ask nothing more." Can any supporter of Harrison hesitate to vote for Taylor. ED- The Editor of the N. Y. Globe announces his determination to " die in the last ditch." He will have to go to Camargo, then, and die in Gen. Pillow's ditch. That's the "last," we believe.— Louisville Journal. MORE BOLTERS.—The Locofoco party of Michigan seems to be crumbling to atoms. A Free Soil Convention was held at Monroe on the sth inst., nt which no less than two Presidents of Cass rat ification meetings participated—one of Monroe county, the other of Hillsdale county. Among the officers and speak ers of the Convention we recognize the names of the following prominent Loco focos : Gen. Edwaad Bronson, Hon. Haynes Johnson, Hon. Thomas Furring ton, Hon. W. W. Murphy, Hon. Isaac P. Christiancy, Col. W. Wadsworth,, Stephen G. Clank, Samuel J. Hall, 0. Pulver, &c. The Monroe ./Idvocate, the Loco County organ, publishes these do ings with great gusto, despises the Bal timore tickets and will no longer advo cate it. CAN'T GO FOR 1-115 L—The editors of ;the Boston atlas are credibly informed that several of the Whigs who have been most active against Gen. Taylor in Middlesex county, refuse to support Martin Van Buren. THE 01110 RESERVE.—The Conneaut (Ohio) Reporter, printed in Mr. (lid ' dings' county, publishes a call for a Tay lor meeting on the 17th inst., signed by • two hundred and fifty-seven persons. A large meeting has also been held in Ak ron, near by. • I Wlllll Nomix,rfos FOR CosanEss.—Geo. W. Smith, Esq.,of Butler, has been nominated by the Whig onferees from the counties of But ' ler, Armstrong, Indiana and Clearfield, as a can , didate for Congress in that district. LivEn Comm.srxr is generally accompanied with pain in the right side, extending to the top of the shoulder; variable appetite, occasionally a dis ordered slomsch, yellow tinge of the skin and eyes, and often a swelling over the region of the liver, together with other symptoms of a corrupt state of the blood. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills will be found one of the very best medicines in the world for the cure of all diseases of the Liver; because they expel from the body those morbid humors which when depo•itcd upon this important organ, ate the cause of every vat iety of Liver complaint. From three to six of the above named Pass, ta ken on going to bed, will in a short time, give such manifest relief, that no persuasion will be ne cessary to induce perseverance in their use, until the liver is restmedto healthy action, (o"Eteware tti sugar coaled counterfcits.,D) The only 0. tg nal and genuine Indian V ge table Pills have the signature if William Wright written with a pen on the top label of each box. None other is genuine and to coun terfeit this is ForgerN. The genuine fur ealo by T. K.SIMOKTON, Sole Agent for Hunting don; Charles Porter, Alexandria; Blair & Robin son,Shado Gap; Blair& Co.,Frankstown; Orhi son & Co., Orbisonia; A. 0. Brown, Shirleys burg; Hunter & Co., West Barre and Petersburg; Graff & Co., Manor Hill; D.S. Bell, IWDlayy's Fort; James Maguire, Saulsburg; John W. My ton Ennesrille; George H. Steiner,Water Street; A. & W. Cromwell, Petersburg; Milliken & Kessler, Mill-creek; and wholesale and retail at the principal office, 169 Rice street,Philadelphis. MARRIED, At Water Street on the lath by the Rev. T.anth. Mr. JOHN HOFFMAN to Miss LEVENIA WAGONER, both of Peters burg. By the same on the rah, Mr. DANIEL BA• KER, to Miss MARTHA GETTIS of Alexan. DIED, At his residence, at Mechanicsville, Franklin township, on Friday morning, the .lth ultimo, GEORGE W. HAUGH, in the 30th year of his age. The deceased for some months prior to his decease was a member of Spruce Creek Divis ion, No. 280 S. of T., which upon notice met and unanimously passed the following Preamble and Resolutions, viz: Whereas it bath pleased the Almighty in the dispensation of a wise end inscrutable providence to remove from among us our worthy and re spected Brother, George W. Haugh, therefore Resolved, That we deeply deplore and lament the loss of our Brother, who as a citizen, was respected—as a Brother, was true and faithful, and amongst a large circle of friends was uni versally esteemed. Re.,o/ecd, That we deeply sympathize in the affliction of the partner of his bosom and family, in the loss of a kind husband and an affection ate father. Resolved, That we attend his funeral and as a mark of respect to our deceased Brother, wear the mourning badge of the Order for thirty days. Resolved, That the foregoing Preamble and Resolutions be published in the Huntingdon Journal" and 4, Globe." J. W. MATTERN, W. P WILLIAM R. McKim, R. S. In Williamsburg, Blair county, on the 'loth instant, PHILIP, son of Thomas and Belinda Recs, aged 5 years 6 months and 17 days. In Cromwell Township, on Friday morning . last, Mr. JAMES GREGORY, formerly of West township, aged about 21.y.gars. OLD ZACK AND VICTORY ! Taylor and Fillmore Meeting I The friends of TAYLOR, FILLMORE, and MIDDLESWARTH, in Union and the adjoin ing townships, will hold a meeting on Saturday the 2611 inst., at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Pub lic House of Z. PHEASANT, for the purpose of making arrangements to secure success at the coming election. The friends of Pure Govern tnent generally are invited to attend. Speakers from a distance are expected to ad dress the People. MANY TAYLOR MEN. Aug. 13, 1818. CENTRD WURSZIRT. "persons wishing to enrich their orchards or a -1 Join their homes by planting re/inVe fruit trees, will find particular advantage in consulting the catalogue of this establiehment, which will be promptly supplied to all post-paid applicants. Address WM. G. WARING. Boalsburg, Centro Co. References—Gen. S. Miles Green and Dr. 11. lady, Peten , burg; Jonathan ItrWillisnie, Esq. Franklin town , hip, Huntingdon County. Auditors Notice. THE undersigned, Auditors appointed to hear and examine the exceptions to the administration account of William Myron, Samuel Myron and James Stewart, administrators of John W. My ton, deed., who was one of the administrators of Samuel Myron. deceased, will meet for that pur pose at the office of Geo. Taylor, Esq., in the Borough of Huntingdon, on Thursday, the 2Fth day of September next, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where all persons interested may at tend. GEO. TAYLOR, THEO. If. CREMER, Auditor, JOHN REED, Huntingdon, August 21,1848. CHAR FACTORY No. 113, SOUTII SECOND ST. THREE norms nOLOW DOCK STREET, PHILADELPHIA. A. McDONOUGH continues to manufacture in the best manner, every variety of Chairs, Settee., Invalid Chairs, &c., and is prepared to , supply families, hotels, and public in stitutions at the shortest notice and at the lowest possible prices for the very best and most durable kinds of work and material. Articles ordered from a distance will be packed carefully and sent without charge for porterage to any Depot in the city or districts. ogP'Every article warranted. o:7•l'he quickest drying and finest Copal Var nish for sale. August 15, 1348.-2 m. WASHINGTON HOUSE, HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA mms Popular House bus recently undergone I thorough repair, and been furnished with entire new furniture, of the best quality. Mem bers of the Legislature and others, visiting the Seat of Government, will find it a very desirable stopping place. Et2' Charges modern le. WM. T. SANDERS, Agent. Harrisburg, July 14, 1848—Bat. DR. H. NORTON, r.DIML4 - 3RI - 2 3 1 - 1 4 .1.5', Newton Hamilton, Mitllin county., Pa., Ai TILL visit Huntingdon stated v ly on the 15th of June, Sep- • tember, December and March, and 11 6 ass remain two weeks at each visit. =Rooms at Mrs. Hampson's Hotel. june 20, ly. The ANGLO-SAXONS have comencain in the I way of READY-MADE CLOTHING, and can afford to sell 10 per cent. lower than ever. The stock consists of Mats, Pants, Vests and Monkey Jackets, of all sorts, colours and shades. june 27, ISIS. For the Ladies. A large and beautiful assortment of Ladies Dress Gaiters, and Kid and Morocco Shoes, at the store of J. 4• W. Saxton. Ladies' Dress Gaiters and Shoes. A beautiful assortment for sale at the new store of DORSEY & MAGUITtE. Also v a good assortment of Children's fine and coarse shoes. Tip 011olassex. A few more hogsheads of that unrival .ll. 104 jip Molasses, which has created so much excitement, now ready to be sold in quantities to suit purchasers, at the "GR./IND 13./1Z.4.12" of Fisher, 114Murtrie & Co., where in fact every thing may be found cheaper than any place else; not to say anything about their really fine 4 4," 6 Ct. sugar. ' fiats, Hats, hats. nNE case more of Ashton's beautiful k.) mole-skin Hats, which no gentleman should be without, just received, and for sale at FISHER, MeMURTRIE & CO'S. Also, a supply of Cerro Gordo and Buena Vista Hats of the best qual ity, and very cheap. Afresh supply of Mackerel just arrived and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. NEW GOODS! C&MGT: GWIN, in addition to his large stock on hand, has just received a general variety of new goods, which he is selling at his ormer low rates. [Daly d. BERMAN STUMP, AT STAFFORD MILLS, 6 miles above Havre de Grace, Will at all times purchase NV heat at a price within TWO CENTS of Philadelphia Market. Owners and Boatman aro invited to call. Plaster rosy be had at the Mill. apiil 25, 1848. Hams, Shoulders at Flitch, T UST received from Pittsburg, several j hogsheads of Hams, Shoulders and Flitch, and for sale by J. & W. Saxton. GREAT REDUCTION OOD thirty hour brass CLOCKS can be had kTat Scott's cheap Jewelry Store for $3 50, and eight day brass clocks for $6 50. Nona sold that cannot be warranted. Also, Common Watch Glasses fur 184 cts. Patents 25 cents, and Bru nette 37 1-2 cents. A like reduction in all other articles. To Housekeepers. r i INE Jersey cured Hams, Fresh Shad, _U Herring & Mackerel, just landed, and for sale at FISHER, McMURTRIE & Co's. STRANGE PHENOMENA, Is it an optical delusion or a Brilliant reality that dazzles Ladies and Gentlemen as they pass JAS. T. SCOTT'S Jewelry Slore ? THE . 7 11YS7'ERY SOLVED ! SCOTT, on his late visit to the oast, drew ma ny of the splendid prizes in the Grand Jewelry Lottery, and being extremely lucky, he is deter mined to bo extremely liberal. Ilia store is tilled with the richest and rarest specimens of art from the work shops of the east. lie has the largest, the cheapest, and the best assortment of CLOCKS and GOLD and SILVER NN'ATCHES, of al most every description, ever brought In Hunting don. Also, Gold sad Silver Fob Chains, Gold and Silver Pins and Pencils ; brilliant Rings .d Breast Pins ; Bracelets, limpet holders ;•Silver Spoon, Mustard do., silver and common Specks, Rodger's Pen Knives, Roussell's unequalled Soaps, Perfumes, Liquid Hair Dye, Lip Salve, Shaving Cream, &c., besides a vast variety of other articles both for ornament and use, fill his cases. He hos bought low and is settled,,in his determination to sell low. Give him a call. Huntingdon, May 16,1848. phis excellent compound in for pale by the propri ,tor's Agent T. RP,AD & SON. Price $1 50 per bottle. V" What is the Matter with me, Doe. tor 1 What the cause of this sallow complexion, jaundiced eye, depression of spirits, pain in the side and shoulder, weariness of body, hitter taste in the mouth 7 Such is the enquiry, and such the symptoms of many a sufferer!. It is the liver which is diseased, nod the Cholagogue in the rem edy always successful in curing it. Try it, and judge for yourself. For sale by T. Read & Son, agent for the proprietor. Better die than live, if I am to be tortured from day to day with this horrible Ague, exclaims the poor sufferer whose life has become a burden from the racking paroxysms of ar. inter mittent, and whose confidence in human aid is de- ; strayed by the flu' are of remediec to produce the promised relief. Such has been the Oituation of thousands who are now rejoicing in all the blest.; lags of health from the use of Dr. thrgood's India elfologogue. In no instance does it fail of effect ing a speedy and permanent cure. For sale by the pro: rietor's agent, 'l'. READ & SO.N. ;• How few who think aright among the thinking few, How many never think, but only think they cry The sentiment implied in the above exclamation is on no subject more fully ex emp'efied than on that of health. But few give it a single thought, and fewer still reflect upon it with the observation and good liens° which mat ters of minor consequence receive. As obset en tion teaches the fact that Dr. Osgood's India Chol ngegue n never failing temetly in Fever and Ague, good sense would surely indicate its prompt and immediate use. 're he found at T. READ & SON'S. agent fur the proprietor. jnne 27, 1848. Certificatd, JULIA PA R S,S(s7,74ii;mtingdon desires to• say that she has 'vied the "India Cholagogne" for Ape and Liver complaint with entire suc cess. She therefore recommends it to all sim ilarly aMictetl. TENNI:NT% DaglierrotypeB, .. • No. 211 Second t rrot:lN TV. corner of Collo roll ill St ',et, PHILADELPIIIA. filllE Likenesses taken and b ea utifully col o red at this well known establishment. for min nor: 1..515, arc universally conceded to be EQYAL in ev ery respect to ant in the city. Pictures taken equally well in cloudy and clenr weather. A large assortment of NU.. LLioNs and Locurrs on hand, from $2 to F 5, including the picture. The subscribers respectfully in the citizens of Huntingdon County, to call and examine spe cimens of the latest iniprovements in the art of Daguerreoly ping, which will be exhibited cheer fully and without civil ge. &. J. C. TENNENT, AN; 4 1848 - A. L. BOGGS & SON, Produce and General Cpntnisson Merchants No. 22 SPE.AitS WHARF, BALTIMORE Devote their whole time to the business and are prepared to mako liberal cash advances on con signments. Baltimore, May 0, 1848 25 Webs assorted Prints just arrived and far sale by J. & W. SAXTON. POCKIIT BOON LOST. LOST, by the subscriber, on Monday 31st of August last, in Huntingdon borough, or on the road between that place and Manor Hill, a large POCKY, Book. well worn, containing thir ty dollars in Bank Notes, some Silber change, and n Promissory Note for over two hundred dollars, with a credit on the back for one hundred dollars. A reward of FIVE DOLLARS, will be paid any person leaving Anil Pocket Do tlt with the contents above doicribed. either with the subsetiber, resi• ding near Manor Hill, Huntingdon county, or the editor of this paper. SAMUEL MYTON. Aug. 8, 1848. "A LITTLE MORE GRAPE." Gen. Taylor Gold and Silver Levers. K. NEFF & BROTHER have just re ,, ceived by despatch from the east, a large and splendid assortment of Gold and Silver Le vets, Lepine, and common watehes, which they will sell lower than ever heretefore. I'. S. 9 o'clock A. M. Old Zsck 'Accra" all gone but two. Call soon. July 18, 1849. Another Candidate in the Fieldd fNO. N. PROWELL would respectfully in t, form those persona indebted to him that their accounts must be settled before the twentieth day of August next. All kinds of grain taken in payment of accounts ct its cosh value. Huntingdon, duly 25, 1848. A TRACT OF LAND FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale a tract of land situate on Stone Creek, West township, Hunting don county, near Couch's Mill and adjoining land of Robert Wilson,Francis Jackson, Chas, Green and others, containing 103 acres mostly bottom land, well timbered end of first rote quality. The improvements consist of about 12 acres cleared, with a cabin house and log stable. There is a first rate spring rear the house. Terms will be made known at the residence of the subsriber re siding on the Warm t-prings Read 3 mile. from Huntingdon. ELISHA SHOEMAKER, Aug!. 1. 1848. A. W. Benedict, A TTORN EY AT LAW, Hunlingdon,Pa.— A. Office at his old residence in Nlain strcet,a few doors west of the old Court House. lie will attend to any business entrusted to him in the co ral Courts of Huntingdon and adjoining counties ADDITIONAL ATTRACTION 1 CHE.4P PUBLIC4I7O.N*S! A great variety of the latest—most interesting and thrilling works of fiction have just been re. ccived at the "HUNTINGDON JEWELRY STORE," which will be sold at Philadelphia prices. No ad . v alma asked in agate! breadstuff's ! GREL.I .9 B OXYGENILTED niTTERN, FOR THE CUBE OF DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, &e., kr., &c The best and strongest certified mediritie itt the world, for the cure of Dyspepeia in all ito forms—such as I lesd-nche, Habitual Costiveness, Acidity of the Stomach, Loon of Appetite, Asth ma), Piles, Incipient Consumption, Debility grill ing from protracted revere, Fever and Ague, Ex posure. to extreme Heat or Cold, Old Age—and, in fact, from every Disease arising from imperfect digestion, or a deranged condition of the stomach. It is an excellent remedy, and not ism/meted Dy any medicine in use, for females suffering from uterine or nervous derangement.. The following Certificates have re cently been received : WAPIIINI,ON, D. C June ;0, 1846, Haritigunitle ore of the '•Oxygenated Bitters" ',pared by Dr. GNI: E. Green, of W indoor, Vt , from knowledge obtained of their efficacy in other elWer, we cheerfully recommend them to the public, believing that they will folly sustain the recommendation of the Proprietor. We hope that this valuable remedy limy be Co tenerally fused throughout the country that it they be ire. crucible to all the cfHicted. SAmtau. hiEtrs, U. S. Senators front Wit. UPHAM, Vermont. Jades F. Simainss, U. S. Senator from Rhode Island. J. T. MonEitEAD, U. S. Senator and for merly Governor of Kentucky. L. FL AnNowl f .liembetof Corgresffand fornterty Governor of R. I. - Wm. WOODBRIDGE, U. S. Se,.ator and form( rly Governor of Michigan. M. L. MARTIN, Delegate in Congressfrom Wisconsin Territory. From the lion. FOLOMOY FooT, Member of Con- gre,re from Vermont , WA;IIINOTON, D. U., June 1, 1840 Do. (too. B. Bunco : —Dear Sir,—ln your note of thin morn-Mg, you ask ' fur an expression of my opinion in regard to your medicine, called •Ou ygermtrd Bitters.' " It allinds toe pleasure to state, thot from the experience I have hod, in ifs curing a severe smack of Dyspepsia in my own family, at d from the wonderful effects which it has produced in other and more severe e.t.a, aris ing in the families of Members of Congress witli which P am acquainted, I think it an invaluable medicine, and hope that such circulation will be given to it au will luring it within the reach of A lb who aro afflicted with that distrissing on study. Respectfully yours, S. FOOT. From 114 m. II D: Fos r n. Member of Coupes. from Pennsylvania. Wpm:sr:fon, U. C., JUDO 10, 1846. Dear Sir :—I have been a dyspeptic suffeter for about ten years, and have resorted to various medicines for relief without success, until I made use of your Oxygenated Miters.' I have used about two bott'es, and find myself restored to per fect health. The forms in which the diecaso showed itsell, in my ease, were, great aridity of the stomach, loss of appetite, extreme flatulence, severe constipation of the boriels, and violect headache. Feeling desirous that a knowledge of your valuable remedy may reach others similarly afflicted, I take great pleasure in recording my tes timony to its curative power ; and I would also remark, that while on a visit at home a short time since, I administered a part of a bottle to a num ber of my afflicted friends with great success. They aro desirous that you should estabfish em agency at Pittsburg, or inform thorn where the medicine can lie obtained. Willy are earnest de sire for your prosperity and happiness, r subscribe myself, truly your friond, H. D. POSTER. Duct. Geo. B. Gonna, Windsor, Vt. & General Agents, No. 26, South Sixth St, Philadelphia. Sold wholesale and retail by Timmins READ & S./N, H untingilun, Pa. August 15. 1818. Administrators' Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that lettersof admin. istration have been granted to the undersigned, on the estate of Thomvs Carberry, late of Toot town ship, deceased. Persons knowing themselves in debted will come forward and make payment, and all those having claims will protestl them duly au ll.enticalcil for settlement. THOMAS CARBERRY, JOHN CARBERRY, Adminierntors. 4 D. 411.1 1 ,18 7'R 4 TO R' S .110 TIC E. in hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on the estate or George W. Haugh, late of Franklin township, deed, have been granted tattle undersigned. All persona in debted to rah! estate are requested to make Mime. , diate payment, and those having violins or de mands against the same to present them duly au thenticatcd for settlement to SOLOMON H ANI ER, AdUsinistrator. Ang. 15, :919. STIL.O.Ir COW. flame to the residence of tho subscriber residing Vin Union township, Huntingdon county, a bout the Ist, of Juno last, a small black COW with a white spot on her forehead. The owner orowners are requested to come forward prove property, pay charges, and take her away or oth erwise she will be disposed of according to law. WAITER P. HAMPSON Aug. 15, 1948 T.I .17) T E. JA NIES SAXTON having closed his old books, last March a year. is desirous of having his accounts previous to that date settled. All ac counts and Notes not satisfactorily arranged be fore the let day of September neat, will be left in the hands of a proper officer for collection. Huntingdon, August 8. 1818. Fisher ..• alralurtrie Having closed their old books on tho lst day of April last, are desirous of having their accounts previous to that date settled. All account. and notes not satisfactorily arrranged betbre the Ist day of October next, will be left in the hands of a proper officer for collec.ion. Huntingdon July 18, 1848. 'CP CQ3Z3b. NOTICE; !well given to the Pubhe that my wife, PRUDENCE SHAFFER, has left my bed and heard without my knowledge or consent, or any just cause, and taken up with another man. I then fore caution all persons against trusting her on my account. oat am determined to pay no debts of her contracting. - JOHN 0. SHAFFER Dublin township, Hunt. co., July 15, 184 S• REA SW AR IP], &C. GEC. G WIN invites house-keepers to , call nt his store and examine his large assortment of Queensware and Table Cutlery.