The "Globe" Labors through a whole column last week to prove that it'e did stigmatize the "citizens of WoodCoek Valley" as “rowdies." The allega tion is so absurd and ridiculous, that we do not of did not from the time it was first made in that I Paper, consider it of much importance. We only allude to it now, (as the Globe seems some what troubled on that score) for the purpose of endorsing all our correspondent said in relation to those who attempted to disturb the Taylor meeting at McConnellstown. And to say fur ther, that we have no objection to the Globe publishing the entire communication of "X" and crediting it to this paper. The attempt made by the Globe to make the citizens of "Woodcock Valley," or even all that portion of them who prefer Cass to Taylor, responsible for the con duct of a few men who had lent themselves on the occasion referred to, to the Cass leaders Isere, will we imagine be considered by those honest and upright citizens, as an insult, rather than a compliment. It is well known to all par ties, that on the evening of the Taylor meeting at McConnellstown, two or three Cass men at tended, and previous to the organization boasted that they would not allow the Taylor orators to speak. And after the meeting was organized, done all in their power to disturb the proceed ings. For this ungentlemanly, anti-American conduct, our correspondent very justly char acterized them as "rowdies" and , !dastards." But for this conduct, which we venture to as sert was condemned by a large majority of the Cass men of Woodcock Valley, and by right minded people every where, these men are com mended by the Globe, and their infamous con duct applauded as "most gentlemanly!" When, however, a Taylor man who was under the in fluence of liquor, became a little noisey, and slightly disturbed the Cass meeting held at Mill Creek, five or six Cass men fell upon him and beat and abused him in a most shameful manner; and the honest and fair deeding editor of the Globe silently approves the act ! We have no mote to say on this subject at present. A WORD TO WHIGS--FRIENDS OF TAYLOR AWAKE ! Whigs of Pennsylvania, now is the time for action, everywhere—in every corner of the Commonwealth. Let there be no delay. In two short months you will be called upon to de cide the contest in this State, when as yet you hive scarcely begun to form your column for the duty. A fatal apathy pervades your ranks in many parts of the State, which should and must be: shaken off, or locofocoism will be allowed to triumph over yon, although victory is within your reach, Every .mane should feel and do bis duty. Victory cannot be secured without labor, Work, work, with a right good will, is the Watchword—only that will secure .a triumph, 61,,,y it, and a result as gratifying as it will be glorious and beneficial to the Slide will crown your labors. To the friends of Old Rough and Ready, we also say, it is high time for action. No man cant.. elected President against a regularly or g.inized and well drilled party opposition, with out his friends work, no matter what personal popidarity he may possess. If he be elected it ititist be through the efforts of his friends. They must be ardent, zealous and active in his canoe, or they cannot expect a gratifying result. success depends upon effort alone—and the grea tot the effort the more certain the triumph. .Work, work, is the key to it, and trill insure it. Let them therefore, one and all, put on their ne' mor, and cease not doing their duty until the el ection is passed. If this be done, success, trium phant, glorious, unprecedented success Will crown your efforts, gladden your hearts, and send a thrill of joy through the hearts of millions of freemen. trp and to your duty then, friends of Old Zack, and let the certainty of victory cheer you on in your didy.,,Pa. Te/egraph. Gen. Butler's Respect for the Sab- bath. The Penn's Telegraph says:--We have al ready published an extract from a letter to one of the New Orleans papers, showing Gen. But ler's presence at and countenance of a Horse Race, on the SABBATH, when in the city of Mexico. He was on the; stand, with the judge of the race. It would appear that Mr. Butler's disrespect for the Lord's Day is not an acciden tal but an habitual thing with him. The Wash ington (Pa.) Commonwealth, speaking of Gen. Butler's journey to Washington, from New Orleans, says We understand that the democratic candi date for Vice President started from Wheeling on Saturday evening, and must have passed fifty places of public worship during the Sabbath.— Will pious democrats vote for the General after this ?" Black Cockade Consistency, The Black Cockade Cuss organs says the Pa. Telegraph, are holding up Gen. Taylor as an odious sluveholder ; they magnify the number of slaves on his plantation into hundreds, and even go so far as to represent him as a purchaser and seller of slaves. This is done, we presume, to influence the friends of Mr. Clay ! to vote against General Taylor on the Slavery issue. These advocates of the Michi-gander were very careful in 1811 not to let their readers know that Mr. Polk was the largest sluveholder in Tennes see, and a regular breeder of Slaves for market ! and that Gen. Butler, the Locofoco candidate for Vice President, is one of the largest slave owners in Kentucky 1 The holy horror of the black cockadeists at General Taylor's owning slaves, as Gen. Washington did, seems to be manufactured only for the benefit of the fat man of Michigan. Out upon such hypocrites ! Buffalo Convention. The Free Soil Convention which assembled at Buffalo on the 9th most., nominated MARTIN VAN BUREN for President and CHARLES F. ADAMS of Massachusetts, for Vice Presi dent. The Convention is said to have been very large—some forty or fifty thousand People be ing present. Will Cass still continue to be a candidate 1 or will he, for the sake of the harmony of the Lo cofoco party decline. THE ELECTIONS. Kentucky. I published in New York city, called the 4, Dem- Notwithstanding the desperate efforts made to ocrat," having been rewarded for partizan fidel reduce the Whig vote in Kentucky, for effect, ity with the publication of the list of letters, 1 Hon. JOHN M. CRITTENDEN, the Whig lately so far forgot its allegiance as to hoist the candidate for Governor, has been_ elected by as Van Buren flag. Instantly the list of letters large if not a larger majority than Mr. Clay re- was withdrawn. President Polk's officials do ceived in 18.14—being between NINE AND I not allow such freedom of opinion TEN THOUSAND. The Legislature is large ly Whig North Carolina. There appears to be some doubt about the re- Iluntingdon Camp-Meeting, suit in this State. Our latest news indicate the election of the Locofoco cadidate for Governor, B3 Huntingdon Divine Circuit ei 7vTl i l , be held C I Crn M,e,e llVy n t g o for n's with the Legislature in doubt. The correspon- Old Ground," commencing on Friday, the 25th dent of the North American says : of August, inst. Our friendsrequested , a a l n l a p:l;•ts of the Circuit are The indications from the election in North earnestly adjacent y Carolina, are by no means agreeable, though they re charges gu a're affectionately an dvite peopled to might be much worse. There is asufficient cause come up and co-operate in this effort for good. for the depreciation of the Whig vote which has Sietiers are hereby notified not to trespass within the tins prescribed by the law of the occurred, though I offer it in no spirit of apology, g • di.,morrloirry•epaertso,nosnxinseorfioiutssi;en:ltryn—cdannodtatlol for I do not much believe in the system of finding excuses after defeat. By the Constitution of venture upon the ground ; or, coming, to have due t respect to the excellent act of our Legisla that State a distinction is prescribed between ! transcribe for session of 1847—which we the qualifications of a voter for the two branch- benefitand ours. es of the Legislature—a freehold of fifty acres No. 362. SEC. , i. "That from and after the of land being required for the Senate and none passage of this act, if any person or persons shalt ty guilty of disturbing any congregation, socie for the House of Commons. The politicians at or meeting, assembled for the purpose of re- Washington, concerted an issue, founded upon ligions worship, or assembled for the purpose of the abolition of the property qualification and transacting any business pertaining to religious sent it to Mr. Reid, the Locofoco candidate, worship ; or if any person, or persons shall be tlg en o a f n : i n ri cou encouraging, 3i i d a i i n i g rw o n r e any way with instructions to make the canvass rest on the merits of this new element. For some rm. lion thereof countenancing any any Judge, Jusli n ce of the son or other, the Whig candidate, Mr. Manly, Peace, or Alderman of the proper city or coon allowed himself to be trapped by this movement, ty wherein the offence shall he committed, shall ru n a fi fine of not lessandt costs,han five a t d t o i l l l e a rdst; discretion i m o more and instead of assenting to an amendment of the Constitution on this particular principle and go- I the Judge, Justice or Alderman trying the same, mg a step farther for suffrage based on popula- for the use of the city, township or borough wherein the offence shall be committed. If any lion, he had the infirmity to meet the issue and the folly to incur the risk of defeat by defending person o a rje m r s e o e n t s in c g r a y s i c a t fo e d r e s a a ill , fined for stet - a suffrage qualification, which has no sign of a or refuse to pay the fine and costs imposed fmon merit to recommend it. If Mr. Manly is bea. him, her or them, it shall be the duty of the ten under such circumstances, he is entitled to I Judge, Justice or Alderman trying the same, to make out a mittimus directed to any constable very little sympathy from the Whig party, whose in the county wherein ' such offence'shall be com cause he has jeopardized by an unpardonable fa- mitted, committing the person or persons so of- Nay. If this lesson will have the effect of fending to the jail of the proper county ; and it ' t is he hezby made the . duty of the person having teaching our people a little practical wisdom in pe.on aze p o p f rs s o u n c s h j i a n il , , lo to se re c c o e n iv fi e ne a m nd en k t ee t igt e the selection of candidates, the instruction will be purchased at a cheap rate, for North Caron- amount of the fine and costs are fully paid and na is as certain for 8000 for General Taylor, as ' discharged." • JOHN A. GERE. August 15, 181S.d Huntingdon, Gen. Cass is of a Waterloo defeat on the '7th of' Hunt ........_ November ; unless he determines in the mean time, not to "distrsct the party" by retiring. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 28, ISIS. Indiana. The returns from this State are some what contradictory. It is thought the Whigs have carried the Legislature. Missouri and Illinois have went about as usual. The returns, how ever, are very imperfect. lowa. *?e have few scattering returns from this State but not sufficient to determine the result. In our next we will be able to give more sat• isfactory returns from ell these States ; and al• so be able to sum up the losses and gains in each, Rev. Jour McEr.ftov, former Catholic chaplain to Gen. Taylor's army in Mexico, and who says he has never voted in his life, has been drawn into a substantiation of the opinion ex. pressed by himself to Thurlow Weed, of the Albany Journal, that he considers Gen. Taylor "truly a great and good man, &e., being in character "a strong and marked resemblance to Washington." He regrets, however, to see his name in print, in connexion with the Presiden tial carcass. TENNESSEE. The Memphis Eagle says:—Tennes see is shouting from all her hills, moun tains, and valleys, for Taylor and Fill more. Ratification meetings are being held in the counties generally, and a tornado of enthusiasm is sweepine. down all remnants of opposition to Gen. Taylor. In Columbia, the home of Mr. Polk an immense gathering ratified the nominations—the largest and most ani mated meetings ever congregated from the hills and hollows of old Maury. The truth is, out opponents in Tennes see might as well ground their arms at once in this fight, and surrender at dis eression—for Old Zack will capture most of them before November." Later from Mexico--Vera Cruz Sur rendered to the Mexicans—Ar rival of Gen. Smith. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 6. The steamship Alabama arrived here yester day from Vera Cruz, with dates from that city to the Ist inst., and from the capital to the 29th ult. Nothing further was known in relation to the present condition of Paredes or his future move ments. The city of Vera Crnz was surrendered to the Mexican authorities on the Ist. Every thing passed off quietly. Gen. Persifer P. Smith arrived here on board the Alabama. He has been made the guest of the city, and will lie publicly received to.mor. row, by a grand demonstration of welcome. The health of our city is good, though a few cases of yellow fever have occurred, which have, however, been brought here by vessels from Vera Cruz. The weather is very hot. LATER. BALTIMORE, Aug. 7. 1848. An arrival at New Orleans on the 2d instant, brings advices from Vera Cruz to the 26th of July. There had been another contest be tween the government forces under Bustamente and the insurgents under Paredes ' in which the the latter were defeated. Bustamente's force entered Guanaju ato. He considers the opposition oithe Governmetet effectually put down. Padre J'arauta was taken prisoner, and immediately executed. 13:7" The Whigs of Chester county have in structed their delegates to the State Convention to urge the nomination of nr. Coormt. for Gov ernor. GERMAN BA RN BERN E RS.-..--A German paper We say Cass and Butler forever.—Loco San. We say Taylor and Fillmore for 4 years.— Louisville Journal. The Markets. FLOUR AND MEAL—The deinandfor flour both for shipment and home use continues very small, and receipts moderate. Sales at $5,25 for fair Penn'a and western brands, fresh ground, closing to-day at $5 per brl ; good Penn'a brands and baker's flour is scarce, with small sales at $5,50 a 5,624, and extra and fancy brands at $5,75 a 6 ; good western isdull at $5,25 a 5,37' x . Rye Flour nearly steady with a moderate enqui ry, and several small lots sold at $3,871. Corn Meal has an improved tendency and with a very small stock, holders realized an advance ; sales are to the extent of 2000 brig at $2,551. a 2,621, including sound old stock at $2,14 a 2,50, clo sing at our highest figure. . . . • GRAlN—Transactions of the week are about 22,000 bushels, at 91 a 98c for good, arid 100 a 103 e for prime Southern reds, including good white at 103 a 105 c. and prime at 107 a 108 c— . light, with sales of 2500 bus., in lots, at 69 a 70c for Penn'a, and 71c for Western. Corn—Under a good demand and light receipts, has advanced considerably, and 20 a 25,000 bushels Southern and yellow sold for shipment, at 57 a 58c—closing at our high est rate delivered. Oats,-.11 a 12,000 bushels sold, mostly Southern, at 25 a 27c, including Penn'a at 341 e, and prime old Western at 3Rc. SEEDS—New Timothy in demand at 02,75 a $3 per be. ; 100 hu. of old brought 02,50. Clo ver is scarce and sales range at $3,75a0 , 1; Flax seed, but little selling, we quote at 130 cts per bri4 HEnnacas.—Wrighea Indian Vegitable Pills are a positive cure for this distressing complaint because they purge from the body those billion. humor. which are the cause not only of headaeh, giddiness, nausea and sickness, Sc., but of all the ills to which flesh is heir. One 25 cent box of the above named Indian Vegitable Pitts, hay a singledose, will lequently carry off a violent at tack of headed); and, in cares of long standing, perseverance alone in wanted in order to make a cure of every description of headed, Wright's Indian Vcgitable Pills also aid and improve digestion and purify the blood, and there fore give new life and vigor to the whole frame. 0:7. Beware It sugar coated counterfeili...oo The only of sginal and genuine Indian Vege table Pills have the signature of William Wright written with a pen on the top label of each box. None Wier is genuine and to coun terfeit this is Fotgcry. the genuine fur sale by T. K.SIMONTON, Sole Agent for Hunting don; Charles Porter, Alexandria; Blair & Robin son,Shade Gap; Blair& Co.,Frankstown; Orbi eon & Co., Orbisonia; 4. 0. Brown, Shirley.- burg; Hunter & Co., West Barre and Petersburg; Graff & Co., Manor Hill; D.S. Bell, M'Elavy'e Fort; James Maguire, Saulsburg; John W. My ton Ennesville; George H. Steiner,Water Street; A. & Vt'. Cresswell, Petersburg; Milliken & Kessler, Mill-creek; and wholesale and retail at the principal oflice,l69 Race street,Philadelphia. OLD ZACK AND VWTORIN Taylor and Fillmore Meeting! The friends of TAYLOR, FILLMORE, and MIDDLF.SWARTH, in Union and the adjoin ing townships, will hold a meeting on Saturday the 26th inst., at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Pub lic House of Z. PHEASANT, for the purpose of making arrangements to secure success at the coming election. The friends of Pure Govern ment generally are invited to attend. Speakers from a distance are expected to ad dress the People. MANY TAYLOR MEN Aug. 1.5, 1818 CHAIR FACTORY : No. 113, SOUTH SECOND ST. THR Doom! BELOW DOCK STREET, PHILADELPHIA. A.. NicDONOUGH:continuee to manufacture in the best manner, every variety of Chaim, !Settees, Invalid Chain, &c, and isprepared to ■, supply families, hotels, and public im atitutions at the shortest notice and at the lowest possible prices for the very best and must durable kinds of work• and. materiah Article. ordered from a distance will be packed' carefully and sent without charge for porterage to any Depot in the city or districla. Every article warranted. 1277 - The 'quickest drying and finobt Copal Var. nish for sale. August 15, 1841.-24 GREEIVN OXYGENATED 1111"11ERS, FOR TUE CI la: OF DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, &c., &c., etc The best and strongest certified medicine in the world, for the cure of Dyspepsia in all its forms—such as Head-ache, Habitual Costiveness, Acidity of the Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Asth ma, Piles, Incipient Consumption, Debility aris ing from protracted fevers, Fever and Ague, Ex posures to extreme Heat or Cold, Old Age—and, in fact, from every Disease arising from imperfect digestion, or a deranged condition of the stomach. It is an excellent remedy, and not surpassed by any medicine in use, for females suffering from uterine or nervous derangements. The following Certificates have re cently been received: WasaixoTox, D. C., June 10, 1846. Haying made use of the 'Oxygenated Bitters" prepared by Dr. Geo. B. Green, of Windsor, VI , nd from knowledge Obt'ained of their efficacy in other easel, we cheerfully recommepd them to the public, believing that they will fully sustain the recommendati in of the Propirretor. We , hope . that thin valuable remedy may be so generally dif fused throughout the country that it may be ac. ressible to all the aided. SAMUEL PHELPS, U. S. Senators from WM. UPHAM, 5 Vermont. JAMES F. Simms, U. S. Senator from Rhode Island. J. T. MOREHEAD, U. S. Senator and for merly Governor of Kentucky. L. H. ARNOLD, Member of Congress and _formerly Governor of 1?. I. WM. WOODBRIDGE, U. S. Senator and formrrly Governor of .lfichigan. M. L. MARTIN, Delegate in C ongress from Wisconsin Territory. From the Hon. SOLOMON FOOT, Member of Con grees from Vermont. WAentsro•rox, D. C., June 1, 1846. Die. GEO. B. Gnaw( : —Dear your note of thin morning, you auk ''for an expression of my opinion in regard to your medicine, called 'Oxygenated Bitters.' " It alTorde me pleasure to elate, that from the experience I have had, in its curing a eovere attack of Dyepepoia in my own family, aid from the wonderful effects which it has produced in other end more severe cases, aris ing in the families of Members of Congress with which I ■m acquainted, I think it an invaluable medicine, and hope that each circulation will be given to it ae will bring it within the reach of ♦Lt. whit ore afflicted with that distressing Respectfully yours, S. FOOT. From lion. H. D. Foe•rrn, Member of Congreas from Pennsylvania. WBSIIINOTON, D. C., June 10, 1846. Dear Sir :—I have been a dyspeptic sufferer for about ten years. and have resorted to various 'medicines for relief without success, until I made i luse of your Oxygenated Bitters." I have used about two bottles, and find myself restored to per fect health. The forms in which the disease l ehowed itself, in my case, were, great acidity of the etomach, loss of appetite, extreme flatulence, severe constipation of the bowels, and violent headache. ' Feeling desirous that a knowledge of your valuable remedy may reach others similarly afflioted, I•take great pleasure in recording my tes timony to he curative power ; and I would also r remark, that while on a visit at home a Abort limo since, I administered a part of a bottle to a num- I ber of my afflicted friends with great success. They are desirous that you should establish an agency et Pittsburg, or inform them where the medicine can be obtained. With an earnest de sire for your prosperity and happiness, I subscribe myself, truly your friend, H. D. FOSTER. Duct. Geo. B. Gm EEN, Windsor, Vt. Gases & FLSTCHEH, General Agents, No. 26, South Sixth St, Philadelphia. Sold wholesale and retail by THOMAS loon & Sax, Huntingdon, Pa. August 15, 1848. A.dministratorg' Notice. NOTICE in hereby given that lettersof admin istration have been granted to the undersigned,on the estate of Thomis Carberry, late of Tod town. ship,leceirsed: Persons knowing themselves in rlebted wiff come forward and make payment, and all those having claims will present them dilly au (' ihticated for settletnent.. tRitnERRy, Joint cAlutkity, Administrators. .11DAIINISTR4TOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of George W. Haugh, late of Franklin township, deed, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims or de mands against the some Ito present them duly au thenticated for settlement to SOLOMON HAMER, Administrator. Aug. 15, 1848 STRAY COW. name to the residence of the subscriber residing Uin Union township, Huntingdon county, a bout the Ist, of June last, a small black COW with a white spot on her forehead. The owner or owners are requested to come forward prove property, pay charges, and take her away or oth erwise she will be disposed of according to law. WA Cl'Ell P. HAMPSON Aug. 15, 1848. T.IKE .roTICE. TAMES SAXTON having closed his old books, last March a year, is desirous of having his accounts previous to that date settled. All ac counts end Notes not satisfactorily arranged be fore the Ist day of September next, will be left in the hands of a proper officer for collection. Huntingdon, August 8, 1848. Fisher A• Having closed their old books on the Ist day of April last, are desirous of having their accounts previous to that date settled. All accounts and notes not satisfactorily 'mange() before the lot day of October next, will be left in the hands of a proper officer for collection. Huntingdon, July 18, 1848. SZICE)',II'fICMIUEI. MOTICR; hereby given to the Public that my Di wife, PRUDENCE SHAFFER, has left my bed and heard without my knowledge or consent, or any just cause, and taken up with another man. I then fore caution all' persons against trusting her on my account. as T am determined to pay no data of her contracting. JOHN G. SHAFFER. Dublin tormhip, Hunt. co., July 15, 1848. qurioNsw A RE, &C. GGWIN invites house-keepers to call at his store and examine his large assortment of Queensware and Table Cutlery. WASHINGTON HOUSE, HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA. TFIIB Popular House ha s recently undergone a thorough repair, end been furniehed with entire neuilurnilure, of the beet quality. Mem• bore of the Legislature and others, visiting the Seat of Government, will find it a very desirable stopping place, . „ Charge. moderate, • ; ; WM, P. SA NPtil9, Agent. lierrishurg, July 14, 1948-9 m. DR. U. NORTON, ZMUILi`RIZOLCEICI:I°. Newton Hamilton, Mifflin county, Pa., 'WILL visit Huntingdon stated- V VV ly on the 10th of June , . Sep- is . tember, December and March, and . 4 1111011 remain two weeks at each visit e . flg — Rooms at Mrs. Hampsen's Hotel. june 20, ly. the ANGLO-SAXONS have comeagain in the way of READY-MADE CLOTHING, and can afford to sell 10 per cent. lower than ever. The stock consists of Coats, Pants, Vests and Monkey Jackets, of all sorts, colours and shades. june 27, 1818. Tor the Ladies. At large and beautiful assortment of 11 titdr66.Drets Gaiters, and Kid and Morocco Shiies,'nt the store 61 J. W. Saxtoti. Ladies' Dress Gaiters and Shoes. A beautiful assortment for sale at the new store of DORSEY & AIAGIJIRF.. Also, a good assortment of Children's fine and coarse shoes. • rip Molasses. A few more hogsheads of that unrival -11 led fip Molasses, which has created so much excitement, now ready to be sold in quantities to suit purchasers, nt the "GR.4.IYD 11.1Z.4R" of Fisher, McMurtrie & Co., where in fact every thing may be found cheaper than any place else ; not to say anything about their really fine 4 41' 6 Cf. Sagar. Hals, Hats, Halm. ONE case more of Ashton's beautiful mole-skin Hats, which no gentleman should be without, just received, and for sale at FISHER, McMURTRIE & CO'S. Also, a supply of Cerro Gordo and Buena Vista Flats of the best qual ity, and very cheap. A fresh supply of Mackerel just arrived and /I for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. NEW GOODS ! rtEORGF. GWIN, in addition to his large Ur stock on hand, has ,just received a general variety of new goods, which he is selling at his ormer low rates. [July 1. BEASTS= STUMP, AT STAFFORD MILLS, 6 miles above Havre de Grace, Will at all times purchase Wheat at a price within TWO VENT. of Philadelphia Market. *G - " Owners end Boatmen are invited to call. Plaster may be had at the Mill. april 25,11348. Sams, Shoulders eh Flitch, UST received from Pittsburg, several T hogsheads of Hams, Shoulders and Flitch, and for sale by J. & W. Saxton. 'GREAT REDUCTION ! COOl7l thirty hour 'mass CLOCKS can be had at Scott's cheap Jewelry Store for $3 50, and eight day brass clocks fur $6 50. None sold that cannot be wagnted. Also, Common Watch Glasses for 1871 s. Patents 25 cents, and Bru nens 37 1-2 cents. A like reduction in all other articles. TO Housekeepers. FINE Jersey cured Hams, Fresh Shad, Herring & Mackerel, just landed, and for sale at FISHER, McMURTRIE & Co's. ADDITIONAL ATTRACTION ! CHE./IP PUBLIC4TIONS ! A groat variety of the latest—most interesting and thrilling works of fiction have just been re ceived at the "HUNTINGDON JEWELRY STORE," which will be sold at Philadelphia prices. No ad• vance asked in mental breadstuff's ! STRANGE PHENOMENA. Is it an optical dehlsion or a' thillisnt reality that el'aules Latrffs enil Gentlemen as they pass JAS. 'F. MVOTT'S fewetry Store Tilt .41k:STIt12Y SOLVED ! adott au hi's ft & Visit to the east, drew ma ny of the splendid prizes in the Grand Jewelry Lottery, and being extremely lucky, he is deter mined to be extremely liberal. His store is tilled with the richest and rarest specimens of art from the work shops of the east. He has the largest, the cheapest,and the beet assortment of CLOCKS and GOLD and SILVER WA'T'CHES, of al most every description, ever brought to Hunting don. Also, Gold and Silver Fob Chains, Gold and Silver Pins and Pencils ; brilliant Rings and Breast Pins ; Bracelets, Dogtrot holders; Silver Spoon, Mustard do., silver and common Specks, Rodger's Pen Knives, Roussell's unequalled Soaps, Perfumes, Liquid Hair Dye, Lip Salve, Shaving Cream, &c., besides a vast variety of other articles both for ornament and use, fill his cases. He has bought low and is settled in his determination to sell low. Give him a call. Huntingdon, May 18,1848. 100103 T NOOK LOST. TAoBl',by the subscriber, on Monday 31st of August last, in Huntingdon borough, or on the road between that place and Manor Hill, a large POCKET Boon, well worn, containing thir ty dollars in Bank Notes, some silver change, and Promissary Note for over two hundred dollars, with a credit on the back for one hundred dollars. A reward of FIVE DOLLARS, will be paid any person leaving Raid Pocket Bork with the contents above described. either with the subscriber, resi• ding near Manor Hill, Huntingdon county, or the editor of this paper. SAMUEL MYTON. Aug. 8,1849. " A LITTLE 11/10all GRAPE." Gen. Taylor Gold and Silver Leers. TT K. NEFF de [MOTHER have just re fl., ceived by despatch from the east, a large and splendid merriment of Gold and Silver Le vers, Lepine, and common watches, which they will sell lower than ever heretefore. P. S. 1R o'clock A. M. Old Zack Levers" all gone but two. Call soon. July 18, 1848. W °C .'4,0 7 )7 4 , 4! Civil. fever__, D urith Au ,e 'lnter Inittent &Remittent. revers & all the various forms of Fahous Disease& SPEEDILY & THOROUGH LY rn'C R Ysgoods India Chol°.`"'- This excellent compound i. for sale by the propri etor's Agent VEAL & 80N. Price $1 50 per liottre. V What is the.fitil 11441i ' vFith ow, Doc tor? What the cause rtf . (his Riptlow complexion, jaundiced eye, &preemie', of spirits, pain in the side end ahoulder, weariness of body, bitter tame in the mouth? Much is the.eitquiry, and ouch the symptoms of many ri is the Aver which in diseased, and the I:..hojogoguel9 the rem-, oily always successful in coring it, 'fry it, end judge for yourself. For sale by T. Read & t.on, agent for the proprietor. , „, 1 a ßeller die than live, if Ipm to tortured from day to day with this horrible Ague, exclaims the poor sufferer whose life has become a ttntkii from the racking parox3sme of or, inter ', rriMnt, in humn p .nid in de stroyed by the f r iii:uremf,,rentrtlic/ , to prtylure e tbe, promised relief. Such line liven the eittiVioji,o( thousands who are now rejoicing iu ill the biesa inge of health from the tier of Dr. Cenoodhi India Chologonne. In no instance does it fail of effert ing a speedy and permanent ewe. For rate by the prot rictor's agent, 'l'. READ & SON. .• How few who think ['right among the thinking many never lfiink, but only think 17i.y al' The sentiment implied in die shove exclamation is on no subject more fully ex cmp'efied than on that of health. Lint few give it a single thought, nod fewer still reflect upon it with the observation and good arose which mat fett; of minor consequence receive. As, tdifei ye s lion teaches the fort diet o,,gutoa Irydip Chaf. 'maple is a trier fai•iisg tetpetly. in Fever end Ague, good sense would utterly indicate its prompt andimmetliale osq. To he found at, . T. CLAD ;,& ? . 3QN . E4, agent for the proprietor jiine 27, 1849. Certificate. JULIA PARKINSON of Huntingdon desire, to say that she has used the "India Cholagogue" for Ague and Liver complaint with entire suc cess. She therefore recommends it to all sim ilarly afflicted. TENNENT'S Washington Gallery of Dagnerrotypes, No. 231 North Sefood fine, I, N. 11'. earner of elln” IA I II r PHIL IIE L PRIA lIIHE Lit:enema taken rind lwautihilly j_ at thin well known, establishmem, for one ARIL LAR, are iiiiivcraally conceded to be to.t;ax. in Iv • cry reaped to ANT in the city,, 1 4 ,icturea taken, equally well in cloudy and clear weather.. A large atmortment of MI.TIALLIONN and Lucunro on hand, from $2 to $5, including the picttte. The aullaeriliera respectfully invite the citizen. of Huntingdon County, to call and examine ape eimena of the lomat improvements in the art of Daguerrootyping, which will ho exhibited cheer fully and without elle , ge. T. tk. J. C. TENNENT July; 4 184 8 L.IST difeßlP.4l,! SPRING & SUMMER GOODS!! At the Store of GEORGE G IPA Al the old Bland, in Markel Square, Hunting. don, Pa. The public ere informed thetl have received en entire new Mork of • Spring dc Suminiq Geode, being by far the beet assortmerit tit;ei tirOught to this place, among Week sill Rq, forrad l loths of all kinds, Cassi ne es, Kent dekY,reaeut Pa'frkroonr!. French, Belgium and Fancy Cassimercs,Crofort.. Oregon and 'Fweed Cloth, Vecinge,Flannelirand Drillings, and a variety of Cotton Good. for Sum mer wear. French and Irish Linens and Check., Bed Ticking, Musliiis and Sheeting., Umbrellas and Parasols. A large assortment of Calicoes of the newest styles, at low Earlston,French, Scotch and Dermeatic. Ging hams and linlzorines, DinFers, Table Clothe, Cot toil Fringe, Mouran Ile Lninept, Yiench L nine and Scarfs, Shawls and tlelattlOrelit'efe, Black arid Fancy Alpaca., Itferinnee, Ladies Caps, Ilibbnni,,lip,iery, Alto, n very excell'ent' aAPrivirietit of Cape, and. :READY-MADE CLOTHING', Legltorn and Straw Bonnets, Palm Leaf Hats, Boots and Shops, GROC.ERIES, HS.RDIV./IRE,.IND UEENSW.4RE, VMS, G LJISS -IV.fiRE, FISH, arc., with a fine variety of Goods of all kindp. I The above stock of goods having been selected with great care, and putcharied dt reduttd Irises for Cnsh, in the city of Philadelphia, 1 em enabled I to offer Great Bargains, and hope that all will examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere, ns I am determined to sell as low as any one in Pennsylvania, Please call and ace my goods, as it affords me pleasure at all times to show them. Wheat, Rye, Oat., Corn, Flour, Cloverseed & Flaxseed, Butter, Eggs, L' Baton, Soap, Brea m., &c., taken in exdhangd for Good.. np2s-tf.] OEORGE GAVIN% Another Candidate hi the t JfNO. N. PROWELL. *641 refpfethilly in form those persona ittdelned' to htm that their accounts moat be settled before the twentieth day of August next. All kind. of grain taken in payment of accounts Et its cash value.. Huntingdon, July 25, 1848. A TRACT or LAND FOIL SALE. The subscriber offers for sale a tract of land situate on Stone Creek, West township, Hunting don county, near Couch's Mill and adjoining land of Robert Wilson, Francis Jackson, Chas, Green and others, containing 103 acres mostly bottom land, well timbered and of find rate quality. The improvements consist of about 12 acres cleared; with a cabin house and log stable. There is a' first rate spring rear the house. Terms will be made known at the residence of the suberiber re aiding on the Warm Spri•.tga Road 3 miles from , Huntingdon ELISHA SHOEMAKER. Augt. 1. Is4s.