Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 11, 1848, Image 3

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    'Fbe Fourth of July in Old Hunting-
Another yearly National Sabbath has cdme
and gone. A beautiful index of double import
it points both to Past and Future. To the Past,
memorial of that new creation finished on
the memorable Fourth of July, 1770, just evol
ved from the conflicting elements of Opinions,
principles and feelings which so long were
without form and void" during the Colonial
formation period of our Country's Ilistory,—a
memorial too of the dawn df rest ditd frbedom
from British bondage. Td the Filtdre,—a type
of petted, tranquility and prosperity, pointing
not only to Civil Freedom but also to sweeter
liberty, when a Nation may sing the songs of a
new Independence, having entirely broken the
yokes of another King—old Alcohol, and esca
ped a blacker bondage than Egyptian. It 'Mist
indeed be a "chosen people" that is permitted
to enjoy such Sabbaths.
The day of Jubilee Was one of happy feeling
in Huntingdone-•of joyous satisfaction express
ed and visible, though not of that violent and
exciting nature which mostly ends unpleasantly.
The Inhabitants all rested from their usual la
bdrs and allocations anti enjoyed the hours in
Social and Intellectual delights, together with a
spice of creature comforts.'
The very appropriate Union-Celebration of
Citizens, 'Sons' and Sunday Schools" did hon
hr to the Town and Nation. Who could sup
press or express the strongand pleasing emotions
whirls must rise in the bosom of every one be
holding the scenes of the day! There was the
long procession, " a bamser'd host" decked with
garlands and regalia, winding in graceful curves
through the village. Mark that procession,-
The Sons of Temperance were there, in beauty
and in strength with sober tread and manly
bearing, speaking home to the heart of the
spectator the language of Epochs from which
all must judge that a brighter era has dawned
upon our ' 4 loved land"—that society has been
Making rapid progress, throwing off and tram
pling the old, tattered garments and modes of
thought, fading and action with base habits fit
only Or mire and drunkenness and imtnorality,
yet moving nobly forward assuming new robes
of beauty and utility in texture and in mould
adapted to beings having claim to mind and mor
als. HOw pleasing the change since the 'Fourth,'
Fifty, Twenty, Ten years ago ! Then the lan
guage of the times was portrayed in such un
sightly, disgusting characters that the mere re
lation 71011' would corrupt the morals Of the
children. The veil which hides the Past is not
without its uses.
The Sunday Schools were there, in smiles and
sweetness With purity and brightness. Teachers
nod groups of little ones together linked like
rich flowers and buds on the cluster Rose bush.
How appropriate for them to Celebrate our Na
tional Sabbath ! For the Sunday School is the
best nursury of Church and State, where are
cradled and nurtured the very best members of
the Ministry and of Congtess. It is an institu
tion which can be made to effect more, in chan
ging the whole aspect of the vi•Orld for the bet-
ter, than any other established since the first
promulgation of Christianity. Its influence like
odours unseen spreads through all the circles of
SOciety. The Sunday School of to-day embra
ces arid moulds several generations of the Fu
ture. Let every Sunday School throughout the
Union learn to observe and celebrate these Na
tional Sabbaths through revolving years to
The "Hvntingdon Bra s s Band" was there,l
discoursing melodies, thrilling and uniting all
hearts with sympathetic inthience induced by
the as linked sweetness long drawn Out," err
tent in magic of the heart !
Change now the scene from Processiiin to the
Assembly—from the moving multitude, to the
gathered throng, seated in silence in the ample
Hall of Justice. There are the gilded banners
with their impressive mottoes, arranged around
that multitude of old and young now in calm—
the silvered locks and sunny curls giving a min
gled beauty to the scene. Then in solemn si•
lence all wait in prayer, then the waves of mu
sic swell, then the good old " Declaration" and
the Eloquence of Orators ; ;-then the participa
tion in feasts of fat things' and the mingling
Currents of the tloiv of soul,' and then the va
ried trfrongs break up with tranquil satisfaction,
the laughing groups and squads separate and re
tire, and soon all is rest, whilst the stillness of
a Sabbath eve pervades the village and fills ev
ery bosom with sacred sweetness. Type of
Eternal Sabbath—Monument of Present Prog
ress—memorial of Past Conceptions !
•• At the mention of the " Huntingdon Journal"
by one of the Cass orators the other night, the
audience gave three cheers ! And they were
about the only hearty cheers we beard during
the evening. For this kind consideration, our
Cass friends will please accept our sincere
thanks. We felt sure that mere party differen
ces would not prevent them from appreciating
our new and beautiful head, and the other im
provements we have recently made in the Jour
Springfield (0.) Republican learns from the
best of private authority, that four hundred re
turning Volunteers reported themselves at New
port Barracks, a few days since. Being anxious
to express their opinions as to the Presidency,
they took a vote among themselves, which re
sulted as follows :
CO' John Van Buren is always ready at a
repartee. At the great Barnburner meeting in
New York, on Tuesday, a voice in the crowd
cried out, "Three cheers for Cass!" "Don't
my friend," said John Van Buren, " they will
think you are whistling at a funeral, if you do
The Cass orators exhausted all their amrnuni
!rtan the other night to prove that Gen. Taylor
is not a Whig. The Globe of last week occu
pies more than a half column to prove that the
old Hero is a rank Whig! Which of the stories
arc we to believe 1
Taylor Meeting.
Pursuant to previous notice, a large and res
pectable meeting of the Whigs of Brady town
ship was held in the School House at Mill Creek,
on Saturday evening of July Ist, 1848. The
meeting was called to order by Capt. John Wat
son, and organized by appointing SAMUEL R.
HILL, AMOS LituattLio and Grouse HAWN, Vice
Presidents. Conrad Yorker and Michael Maley,
On motion, the meeting agreed to farm theta ,
selves into a Rough and Ready Club to be call
ed the Rough and Rect), Club of Brady Town
Capt. Watson then presented and read to the
Club a Constitution and rules and regulations
which were adopted for the government of the
On motion, the Chair appointed the following
persons a Committee to nominate officers for the
permanent organization of the Club, viz: Capt.
Watson, Jas. McDonald and Richard Plowman.
After which the meeting was addressed by Jno.
Williamson, Esq., Jas. Clark, and CM. A. K.
Cornyn, of Huntingdon, in their usual eloquent
style. The Speakers were listened to with
much attention and occasionally interrupted by
bursts of applause from the audience. After
the Speakers had closed, the committee appoin
ted for the purpose, reported the Ibllowing per
sons for officers of the Club.
President, JAS. McDONALD.
IRAN, JAS. MCCRACKEN, Virg President.,
S. R. Stevens, J. R. McCarthy, Recording Sec.
John Watsdn, Corresponding Secretary.
L. 0. Kessler, Treasurer.
Richard Plowman, Isaac Woolverton, James
Lane, Jr., Conrod Yother, J. Shofner, Esq., Jos.
McCracken,David Foster, Samuel Cornelius,
Michael M aley, Executive Committee.
On motion, the nominations were unanimously
confirmed by the Club.
On motion Capt. Watson, the thanks of the
meeting were tendered to the gentlemen who
favored us with ther eloquent speeches.
On motion of Jas. McDonald, it was agreed
that the proceedings of this meeting be publish
ed in the Huntingdon Journal.
On motion, the meeting adjourned with three
cheers for Taylor and Fillmore, three cheers
for Ncr MiddlesWerth, three cheers for the
Speakers and three cheers for the Whigs of
Brady township. •
[Signed by the Officers.]
By the arrival of the steamship Cambria we
have important intelligence from Europe. In
England the prospects for crops was good, and
prices of grain falling. Ireland is tranquil. The
Chartist demonstration in England has proved a
failure. In France the Bonaparte family has
caused. trouble, young Louis Napoleon having
been elected a member of the National Assem
bly. The rest of Europe remained pretty much
as at previous advices.
The chief subject df disenasiori in poli
tical circles; and the source of serious
alarm to the Republican parties, is the
diffusion of the spirit of imperialism
throughout the country, but more espe
cially in the army. Several Regiments
have shouted " Vive I'Emperour I" many
mote hake cried "Vive Louis Napoleon !"
When the name of Louis Napoleon
.was annduneed froth the steps of the
Hotel db Ville, the Military ittho cadre
on the phice raised their tapS dh the
tops of their bayonets in token of eXulta•
tation. On the 12th insti an immense
crowd bad been attracted outside of the
hall of the Assembly, under the idea of
seeing Prince Louis Napoleon pass top
take his seat. The crowd having raised
1 the cry of " Vive Louis &a/Afton 1 Vibe
l'Empereur !" the general to command
ordered the National Guhi ds tincl trodpS
to cledr the pldee. The croVid resisted
and some pistol Shots were fired, by
which motile of the oftaersof the cavalry
were wounded. The shots were heard in
the Assemblk, and shortly afterwards, at
jhalf past five, M. de Lamartine mounted
thd tribune bery pale and in a state of
agitation, and announced that a serious
circuhistanCe had jtist occurred in the
Place de la eoficordd, blood had been
spilt—a shot had been fired to the cry
of "Vive l'Empereur Napoleon l" The
gravity of the circumstance required
energetic measures. He then announced
a bill excluding Prince Louis Napoleon
from France, but allowing the rest of the
family to remain. The announcement
was received with acclamations. But the
next day the Assembly thought better
of it, and Louis Napoleon Bonaparte was
admitted a member.
Later intelligence says that two days
after he resigned hisJaettt, and Paris was
again tranquil.
"Old Whitey”--" Clear the Track I
The Nashville Whig, Uptin hearing the tionii
nation of Cass and Butler by the Balfinidre Con
vention, thus speaks :
- - ,
Fetch out old 6 , Whitey !"—Peteit him Out
We heard from him recently, and he was in tip
top condition— ,, standing straight upon his pas
terns, and bearing on the bit."
46 lie paweth in the valley, and rejoiceth in
his strength : he goeth out to meet the armed
men. - . . . . .
4, He mocketh at fear, and is not affrighted :
neither turneth he back from the sword.
The quiver rattleth against him, the glitter
ing spear and the shield.
He sayeth among the trumpets, Ha ! ha! and
he amelleth the battte afar off', the thunder of
the captains and the shouting."
Talk about beating this dear, gallant old war
horse! Nonsense! Why he has been trained
by HONESTY, has PATRIOTISM for his rider, and
is entered by the PEOPLE! Clear the Track.'—
Don't you see, he's coming!
2 ! !
Six DEMOCUATIC PAVERS, published in New
York, which had raised the Cass and Butler flag,
have since hauled it down and declared for Van
Buren and free soil. A similar movement is
going on in Massachusetts.
Arrival of Mr. Mitchell at Bermuda.
Nsw YORK, July 7 1848.
By an arrival at this port from Bermuda, we
learn that Mitchell the Irish partiot, arrived
there on the 20th ult., on board the British man
of-war Scourge. He was immediately trans
ferred to the convict ship Dromedary.
[From the Detroit Daily Advertiser.]
A singular phenomenon was brought
to light a week ago yesterday, in the
township of greenfield, about eight miles
from this city. The facts are very near
ly as folloWs
The Messrs (Wingers in boring to find
water td supply their steam saw mill,
sunk a four inch hole to the depth of 70
feet, when they struck a vein or cavity.
As they Withdrew the auger from the
hole, to their great surprise, it was fol
lowed by a violent current of air that
threw up stones as large as hen eggs,
ten or fifteen feet high. For a few mo
ments when the hole was first opened,
the air wail accompanied by a stream of
water which was thrown ten or twelve
feet high. The water, however, soon
ceased coming, and the air gushed out
' with such force that the roar could be
distinctly heard fifty or sixty rods dis
tant. On touching fire to the air it
I caught, and the flames flashed twenty
feet high, and came near burning the
building, covering the machinery in
which it is located. They finally sue
ceeded, with considerable difficulty, in
stopping it, by forcing down blankets,
and driving a spile into the hole, which
was their only means of stopping the
the air or gas, end extinguishing the
flames. For several moments after the
hole was stopped, the earth trembled
and shook for some distance around,
as though an eruption was about to take
place. The people, who, by this time
had gathered to the number of about
one hundred, were greatly alarmed at
these symptoms, and scattered with all
possible rapidity, supposing that " Mil
lerism" was about coming to a focus, or
that they were about to be blown up sky
high by an earthquake. From the time
it was opened Wilt was thus closed, was
about six hours, and the air gushed out
all of the time with unabated force.
It has been opened several times since
with the same eflcet. The power and
force of the air does not seem to dimin
ish in the least. The Messrs. Grangers
are proposing to secure it with apparat
us so as to shut it off and let it out at
leisure, and test its real qualities. The
people in that vicinity are all confident
now, that it can be conveyed here in
pipes, and successfully used in light
ning the city with gas, fOin this great
underground Gasometer. We learn that
several scientific gentleman of this city
intend visiting it soon.
SPIRITS, &c.—Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills
are a natural, and therefore a certain cure for all
kinds of nervous diseases; because they complete.
ly cleanse the stomach and bowels of those bil•
lious and corrupt humors which not only para
lize and weaken the digestive organs, but are tho
rause of weak nerve% law spirits &c. Wright'.
Indian vegetable Pills are also a direct purifier of
the blood, and theiefore not only impart health
and cheerfulness to the mind but also give new
life and vigor to the body.
hn the 26th ult., in Minersvilie, Schuylkill
adlinty, ELIZABETH, daughtet of for. A. A.
add Stissnna K. Anderson, aged 11 yearns
ANAWAY from the subscriber, on the 20th l~
June last, residing in West township, Hunt
ing,ldn cottaty, a well made light grey HORSE,
with a light yellbw ndse, supposed to he about
nine or ten years old. Any person returning or
giving information of the whereabouts Of said
horse, will be libeltally rewarded for their. troll
ble. Letters addressed to the undersigned,
Mayor Hill, Huntingdon county, or to this officei
Will receive attentidri.
July 11, 18.03.] DAVID WHITF.SAL.
Esiray Horse.
. ,
IA)AE to, the residence of the subscriber, he
l sing in Walker township, Huntingdon coun
ty, on the 26th June last, a light grey HORSE,
about 111 hands high, crippled in the shoulders,
supposed to be about 12 years old. The owner
or owners are requested to come forward, prove
property, pay charges, and take said horse away,
otherwise he will be disposed. of acCtiitling to
July 11, ISIS.
Auditor's Protiee.
'THE undersigned, Auditor appointed by the
I Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon
county, to appropriate the moneys in the bands
of the Sheriff arising from the sale of the real es
tate of Charles Carson, hereby gives notice to all
persons interested that he will attend, for that pur
pose, at his office, in Huntingdon, on Thursday
the 3d day of August next, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
July 11, Itl4g.
Auditor's Notice.
THE undersigned, Auditor appointed by the
I Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon
county, to appropriate the moneys in the hands of
the Sheriff arising from the sale of the real es
tate of Michael Baker, hereby gives notice to all
persons interested, that he will attend, for that
purpose, at 61a office, in Huntingdon; on Thurs
day the 3d day of August next, at 10 e'cleck,
A.M. GHO. TAYLOR, Auditor.
July 11, 1848.
Auditor's Notice.
THE undersigned, Auditor appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon
county, toappropriate the moneys in the hands of
the Sheriff arising from the sale of the real estate
of Joseph Kyler, hereby gives notice to all per
sons interested, that he will attend, for that pur
pose, it his office, in Huntingdon, on Friday the
4t day of August next, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
UEO. TAYLOR, Atditor.
July 11,1848.
GEORGE GWIN, in addition to his large
stock on hand, hasjust received a general
variety of new goods, which he is selling at his
former low rates. [July 4.
Ladies' Dress Gaiters and Shoes.
A beautiful assortment for sale at the
new store of DORSEY & MAGUIRE.
Also, a good assortment of Children's
fine and coarse shoes.
Washington. Gallery of Dagnerrotypes,
No. 23 , 1 North Second Street, N. W. corner of
Callowhill Striet,
THE Likeneesea token and beautifully colored
at this well known establishment, forums bore
LAO, are universally conceded to be Enver. in ev
ery respect to APT in the city. Picture. takeh
equally well in cloudy and clear weather. A
large assortment of MEIALLIONO and Lockrrs
on hand, from $2 to $5, including the picture.
The eubscribers respectfully invite the citizens
of Huntingdoh County, to call and examine spe
cimens of the latest improvements in the art of
Daguerreotyping, which will be exhibited cheer
fully and without chit, ge.
July; 4 1848.
N pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Huntingdon county, there will to
sold on the premiises, on
SATURDAY, 22d of July next,
at I I o'clock on said day, the following described
real estate; late the property of Josiah Ball, de
ceased, viz:
A certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate
in Jacks. township, Huntingdon county, adjoin
ing lands of John Darr, Hugh Alexander, Corne
lius Davis, deceased, and Hall & Hawle, contain
ing upwards of
200 A cres,
large quantity of which is cleared and under a
state of cultivation. There is a fine orchard of
excellent fruit, a two story
dwe:ling house, and small
• ••• bank barn on the same. It U
There is also a tenant house 7 11
on the premises suitable for a small family.
TERMS.—One third of the purchase money
to be paid on confirmation of the sale—one third
in on ycar thereafter with interest, and the balance
at the death of Nancy Ball, widow of the deceased,
to be secured by the bond and mortgage of the
purchaser, the interest to .be paid annually and
' regularly to the said widow during het natural
life. By the Court,
The subscriber having been appointed by the
said Court, Trustee, to make sale of the above
valuable property, will attend on the premises at
the time of sale above fixed, when and where all
purchasers are invited to attend.
June 27, ItiblB.
.. -
Trust Account of .1. Shoenefelt.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons inter
ested, that Jacob Shoenefelt, committee of
the person and estate of John Shoenefelt, a Lu
natic, has made up and filed in. the Prothonota
ry's office of Huntingdon county his account of
said Lunatic's estate, and that the same will be
presented to the Court of Common Pleas of
Huntingdon county aforesaid; for allowance and
confirmation, on the second :Monday of August,
next, wllen and where all persons interested
may attend if they think proper.
Proty's Office, Huntingdon, (f
June 30, 1818. V It -pd.
Nos. 32 and 33 Arcade, and 8 : 3 North Third St.,
COUNTR' Merchanis Cairgave front 10 to lb
per cent by ptticllsaing al the above stores
By importing my awn goods, paying but little
rent, and living ecolunnically, It is plain I can un
dersell those who purchase their goods here, pay
high rents, and live like princes.
Constantly on hand, a large assortment of Pen
and Pocket Knives, Scissors and Razors. Table
Knives and Forks, in Ivory, Stag, Buffalo, Bono
and Wood handles; Carvers and Forks, Steels,
&c. Butcher Knives, Dirks, Bowie Knives, Re
volving and Plain Pistols, &c. Just received, a
large stock of Rodgers' and Wostenholm's fine
Pen and Congress Knives.
Also, a large assortment of Accordeons,
&c, Also, Fine English Twist and Gerrilah
june2o-Iy. .
25 Webs assorted Prints just arrived and for
sale by J: & W. SAXTON.
TANGLO-SAXONS have comeagnin in the
j_ way of READY-MADE CLOTHING, and
can afford to sell 10 per cent. lower than ever.
The stock consists of Coats, Pants, Vests and
Monkey Jackets, of all sorts,.colours and shades.
june 97, 1819.
for the cure of
Fever and .llgue, Chill Fever, Dumb
Ague,lntomittent & Remittent Fevers,
Liver Complaint, Jaw dice, Enlarge
ment of the Liver, Enlargement of
the Spleen, and all the various
forms of Bilious Diseases.
This excellent compound is for sale by the propri•
etet's Agent T. MEAD & SON.
Price $1 50 per bottle.
ar What is the matter with me, tioc
ior 1 What the cause of this sallow cOmplexioh,
jaundiced eye, depreeslon of spirits, Pain in the
aide and shoulder, weariness of body, bitter taste
in the mouth 1 Such is the enquiry, and such the
symptoms of many a sufferer! It is the liver
which is diseased, and the Cholagogue is the rem
edy always successful in curing it. Try it, and
judge for yourself. For sale by T. Read & Son,
agent for the proprietor,
j Better die fhtilit five, if t tub to be
tortured from day to day with this horrible Ague,
exclaims tho poor sufferer whose life has become a
burden from the racking paroxysms of an inter
mittent, and whose confidence in human aid is de
stroyed by the failure of remedies to produce the
promised relief. Such has beeh the situation of
thousands who are now rejoicing in all the bless
ings of health from the use Of Dr. Osgood's India
Cholagogue. In no insfitnee does it fail of effect
ing a speedy and permanent cure. rdi sale by the
prot.rietor's agent, T. READ & SON.
How few who think aright among the thinking
How many never think, but only think they
0:} The sentinient implied in the
above exclamation in on no subject more fully ex
emp'efled than on that of health. But few give
it a single thought, and fewer still reflect upon it
with the observation and good acme which mat
ters of minor consequence receive. An obaei va•
Lion teaches the fact that Dr. Osgood's India Chol
agogue is a never failing remedy in Fever and
Ague, good sense would surely indicate Its prompt
and Immediate use. 'Fo be fotind at
'l'. READ & SON'S,
agent for the proprietor.
jnne 27, 1848.
Doctor Yourself
For Twenty-Five Cents !
:,1 4 A 1',.., ..41 . ,._ Itly means of the POCKET
:r , tri l one
Ci t r "f 1, ,) • ' • no . ne his own Phystcran !
•c' I* . t- r eventeenth Edition, with
4 v .", upwards of One Hundred
I ~
~..,. -4: Engravings, showing private
. '..- diseases in every shape and
..z.. form, anti malformations of
the general systeni, . Hy WM. YOUNG; M.D.
The time has arrives, that persons suffering from I
secret disease, need no more become the victims of
Quackery, as by the prescriptions Contained in i
this book any one may cure himself, without hin
drance to business, or the knowledge of the Most
intimate friend, ord with one tenth the usual ex-'
pease! In addition to the general routine of pri-
vete diseases, it fitly explains the cause of Man-
hood's early decline, with observations on Montage
—besides many other derangements which it would
not be proper to enumerate in the public prints.
00.• Persons residing et any distance from Phil
adelphia, can have this book forwarded to them
through the Post Office, on the receipt of twenty-
five cents, directed to Dr. William 7oung, 152
SPRUCE street, Philadelphia.
June 20, 1848. i
Is it an optical delusion or a Brilliant reality that
dazzles Ladies and Gentlemen as they pass JAS.
T. SCOTT'S Jewelry Store ?
SCOTT, on hia late visit to the east, drew ma
ny of the splendid prizes in the Grand Jewery
Lottery, and being extremely lucky, he Is deter-
mined to be extremely liberal. His store is Idled
with the richest and rarest specimens of art from
the work shops of the east. He has the largest,
the cheapest, and the lest assortment of CLOG KS
and GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, of al
most every description, ever brought to Hunting
don. Also, Gold and Silver Fob Chains, Gold
and Silver Pins and Pencils ; brilliant Rings and
Breast Pins 1 Bracelets, limpet holders • Silver
Spoon, Mustard dn., silver and corninott Specks,
Rodger's Pen Knives, Roussell's unequalled Soaps,
Perfumes, Liquid Hair Dye, Lip Solve, Shoving
Cream, &c., besides a vast variety of other articles
both for ornament and use, fill his cases. He has
bought low and is settled in his determination to
sell low. Give hifn a tall.
Huntingdon, May le, 1848.
Newton Hamilton, Mifflin county, Pa.,
ly LL on v t iV
tember, December and March, lsth of .Taue, Sep- ill
and aSsiiiism
remain two weeks at each visit. Ir''Rooins at
Mrs. Hampson's Hotel.
june 20, Iy.
FOr the .adios.
A large and beautiful assortment of
Ladies Dress Griiters, and Kid and
Morocco Shoes, at the store of
J. 4 W. Saxton.
Crottsehast & Brother,
No. 11, Walnut Street, Philadelphia,
Wine, Liquor and General Commission
W iil diEren i t 3 b ra ra n a di d e s s im G ria in „ , :d i d d ir ( 'eTt a YS i ggi o o r. f
accomniodating terrine to Uountry• Dealers. Qual
ities and proof of Liquors wrrranted.
Philadelphia, Juno 20, 1844,
The Campaign Approathing , --Gen's.
Cass and Taylor in the rield.
"persona knowing themselves indebted to
.the subscriber by note, book account or other
wise, are requested to make prompt payment on or
before the 20th day of July next. Those neglect
ing this notice, after that day, may expect to he
called on by a proper officer who will notify them
ttith wild Is gated in Law a Legal Process.
Hblidenion township. June 20, 1848.
N. 13. Portions having left watches with me fur
repairing or otherwise at any time while I was
carrying on the Clock & Watch malting businer;
in Huntingdon, will find them iu the shop of H.
K. Neff & Brother, in Market Square, next door to
the Exchange Hotel. Any Watches not called
for within six months will be sold sr public auc
tion. D. B.
OUTS thirty hour 'dross ;CLO Ica can he had
k.. Tat Scott's cheap Jewelry Store for $3 50, and
eight day brass clocks for $6 50. bone sold that
cannot he warranted. Also, Common Watch
Glasses for 184 eta. Patents 25 cents, and Bru
nette 37 1.2 cents. A like reduction in all other
The partneraplh hetetufore exiStihg between
John ICI. Svvootie and Win. Moore of the town of
AlditaudriS, in the Mercantile business, has been
dissolved by mutual consent. The books of the
firm willba sttled at the Store, where persons in
debted ore requested to make payment,
Alexandria, April Ist. 1848.
The business will be continued by the under
signed, at the Old Stand. He returns thanks for
the patronage heretofore extended, and respectful
ly solicits a continuance of the same. Lancaster
Ploughs and Lancaster Shaking Forks will be
kept constantly for sale.
101114 SWOOI'E.
Late ilishions and (Asap Bargains
R espectfully
informs his friends and
;the public generally that he has just
returned from the city with a large and
neat quantity of city made Boots and
Shoes, which he will dispose of on the
most reasonable terms. He also keeps
on hand a fine assortment of Boots and
Shoes of his own manufacture. Call at
his shop two doors west of the host Of:
fico where you cannot fail to be accom
odated with neat and durable work.
Cash or Country produce always taken
in payment for work.
June 13, 1818—tf.
GBO. G WIN invites house-keepers to
call at his store and examine his
large assortment of Queensivare and
Table Cutlery.
At the SW° of
Al the old Stand, in Market Square, Hunting
dun, Pa.
The public are informed thaq have received
an entire new clock of
Spring ek Summer Goodi;
being by far the best assortment ever brought to
this place, among which will be found Cloths of
till kinds, Cassinets, Kentucky Jeans ,Gambroon s ,
French, Belgium and Fancy Cassimeres,Croton,
Oregon end Tweed Cloth, Vestings,Flannels and
Drillings, uhd a Vatieiy of Cotton Goods for Bum.
mar wear. Frenehand Irish Linens and Checks,
Bed Ticking, Muslins and Sheetibgs, Umbrellas
and Parasols. A large assortment of Calicoes of
the newest styles, dt low prices.
Embalm, French, Scotch and Domestic Ging
hams and Balzorines, Diapers, Table C laths, Cot
ton Fringe, Mouslin de Laihes, French Lawns
arid Scarfs, Shawls and Handkerchiefs„B lack and
Fancy Alpacai, Merinoss, silk Cleves, Mitts,
Ladies Caps, Ribbon., Hosiery, &c., eitc.
Also, a very excellent assortment. of Hits;
Ceps, and . , . . .. .
Leghorn and Straw Bonnets, Palm Leaf
Hats, Boots and Shoes.
W./IRE, FISH, SVIL7',&e., &c., t,ilA
fine variety of Goods of all kinds.
. _ . .
The above - st;ek of goods having been selected
with gr eat care, and purchased at reduced prices
for Cash, in the city of Philadelphia, I am enabled
to offer
Great Bargains,
and hope that all will examine my stock before
purchasing elsewhere, as I am determined to sea
as low as any one in Pennsylvania, Please call
end see my goods, as it affords me pleasure at all'
tither to show theM. . ,
Wheat, Bye, Oats, Otiro, Now, Cieverseed &
Flaxseed, liutter, Eggs, Lard, Bacon, Soap, Bees
wax, &à., taken in exchange for Goods.
Still more Astonnging News in the
The eoncessions made by the Jewa antl.Getitilc4
A further reduetion of prices demanded by the
people—resistance by the various Fin* and na
vanceol PRO WELL with the 4th Deit brigade
escorting an
busitense Stock of Goods,
to be disposed of at prices that will allay the tro
'tendons excitement.
Still further gloiiousnews fur the community
art ival of the train under Prowell—his batteries
in position opposite Fort Wallace--joy of the
masses—Pioweirs Brigade fraternizing with the
populace—enthusiasm of the rank and tile for the
Hero of Cheap Goods--his splerdid assortment
opened and crowds of customers surrounding his
counter. Amongst this assortment may be fourd
the most splendid lot of
e'vtt exhibited in the United States. Such art
Gitighants, Lawns, Bereges, Da:salines, Tissues.
Organdies and Plaids ; Silks, striped, barred and
plain ; 700 pieces of Calicoes whisk I will eell at
such prices as wil astonish the world. Shawls of
every quality and price. Parasols, Parasolcts and
Sun Shades. Laces, Edging., Quillings, Subinets,
striped and barred Mu.lins, Gloves of every de,
cription, Hosiery ih abandance ; Muslims, Pick
ings, Checks, Diapett arid cotton goods for panta
loons. Ready made clothing, Hankawre, Queen...-
ware Groomes, Root(' and Shoes, Leghorn, Ch!
na, Pearl and Palm Leaf Hats.
The above goods have beer. purchased at 2b per
cent lower than those bought earlier in the season,
and will be sold at such price,s as will satisfy the
people of this county that the CHEA CORNER
is the drily phice to get bargains at last.
Cheap Cornet, Huntingdon,
May 9, 1848.
Letters df administration On the bstate
of Allen 0. Brown, late of the borough
of Shirleysburg dbcd.lialiing been gran
ted to the undersigned, he hereby gives
notice to all persons indebted to said de
ceased to tome forward and make pay
ment, and to all persons having demands
against the same, to present them.prop
erly authenticated without delny.
May 30, 1848. JOHN SHAVEV,I
A g' eat variety of the hetese—most interesting
and thrilling works of fiction have pat been re
ceived at tho
which will be sold at Philadelphia prices. No ad-
Wince asked in mental breadstuff's !
6 miles above Havre de Graoa,
Will at all times purchase Wheat at a price
within TWU e.Nrs of Philadelphia Market. ,
o_7 Owners and Boatmen are invited to cell.
Plaster may be had at the Mill.
april 25, 1848.
Hams, Shoulders & Snitch,
TUST received from Pittsburg, several
hogsheads of Hams, Shoulders anti
Flitch, OW for sale by J. & W. Saxton.
To Housekeepers.
FINE Jersey cured Hams, Fresh Shad,
Herring & Mackerel; just landed,
and for sale at
Ffp aloiietst*.
few more hogsheads of that unrival
led fip ✓tilolttsses, which has created
so much excitement, now ready to be
sold in quantities to suit purchasers, at
the "G 124 X 1) BrIZ./IR" of Fisher,
illcMurtrie & Co., where in fact every
thing fluty be found cheaper than any
place else ; not to say anything about
their really fine
4 IP 6 Cl. sugar.
A J ru'r,