Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 04, 1848, Image 3

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From the PhilidelPhla Ledger.
ITlval of the Steamship Itritania.
With the exceptions of engagements
illicit have taken place between the
yians and Austrians during the week,
i the surrender of some Danish sol
liers to the Prussian Army, affairs gen
:rally look somewhat quiet.
France is, however still the theatre of
considerable confusion. A report was
spread in the course of the sitting of the
National Assembly on the Bth instant,
that the police were in search of a high
personage, arrived in the morning at 1%.
ris by the diligence from London. From
;pformation believed to be correct this
ersonage has been arrested. The per.
age here alluded to is the Prince de
Prince Louis Napoleon is understood
to be elected for Paris. He will proba
bly obtain three returns besides that at
the capital. The government of course
will not dare to molest him.
The European Times states that "the
resignation of Lamartine and Ledru Rol
lin was openly talked of in Paris, and
suspicions are expressed that Lamartine
was a party to the movement of the 15th
of May. Caussidiere, late Prefect of the
Police, charges Lamartine with having
supplied the arms to Soubriere, which
enabled him to get up the conspiracy.—
Lainartine's friends all allege that his
aim was by snaking a popular demon
stration to avoid a collision in the streets
of Paris. M. Thiess is reported as not
unlikely to supplant Lamartine in au-
thority. '
RUSSIA—The Cholera.—The cholera
is again snaking sad havoc in Russia.
According to "the Berlin rapers there
were 155 cases in Moscow, 57 of which
terminated fatally.
. . AUSTRlA—Continued abxence of the
Emperor.—We have accounts from Vi
enna to the 2d. inst. The conduct of
the Emperor is considered by the Vien
nese as most extraordinary. A deputa
tion of ladies to present a petition, re
questing his Majesty to return to his
capital, had been treated with marked
ROME—The Pope's popularity restored.
—lt is said that Pope Pius had recover
ed all his popularity, and on the feast of
St. Philip, the population made a bill-
Ii ant manifestation in his favor
ITAky—Peschiera surrendered to Charles
filbert.—Advices .trom Turin to the Ist
hive brought the important intelligence•
that the Perschiera had surrendered
tikd was in the hands of the troops of
Charles Albert, and that an engagement
had taken place at the same moment at
Vteito,, beta;een 30,000 Austrians, who
hasil .mareliedfritrt Vereina,, and 15,000
The resul t of Which was, that the
fortrCar were completely routed, and be.
ing Matted' by the eitV"al r y Were frying
in corittisiori„ A great
,portion Were but
to pieces. The King and Duke of Savoy
were personally
. engaged in this Combitt.
The former received a slight eontusion
of the ear from a cannon ball that' passed
neat him, and the latter was Slighily
wounded by a musket
ha LA Nn—Fraterniztetion of the Repeal
and Orange associations.-The Repeal
Association and Orange confederation
have at last fraternized. A new society
to be comnsed of the members of both
these bodies is to he formed. It is to
some the style and title of the frisli
Leagae._ •
It is to he managed by a committee
chosen from the members of both the
late societies, and to agitate the ques.
tion of repeal by constitutional means
alone. Doubts aro entertained by many
whether such muterials-as the proposed
league will contain, can work harmoni
ously together for any length of time.
[By telegraph for the Daily Mews.]
NEW OuLEANs,.Friday, Juno. 23,
The steamship Palmetto arrived yes
terday from Vera Cruz. Our advices
from that city are to the 18th, her day
of sailing,
A formidable conspiracy had broken
out in the City of Mexico, having for its
object the overthrow of the Government,
and the extermination of the Peace Par
ty—or the party in favor of the late trea
ty. The work of assassination had al
ready commenced, five of the prominent
Advocates of peace, friends of the United
States, having been murdered.
The conspiracy is headed by Gen. Par
ades, Ex-President, and Padre Jamul°,
the guerilla leader.
All the 'United States troops were ex
pected to leave the Capital on the 21st
The Palmetto brought four companies
of Michigan Volunteers.
Mr. Sevier left the Capital on the 12th
and was expected to arrive at Vera Cruz
on the 19th.
o.n his arrival at Vera Cruz, tho Cus
tom House at that place would be given
itp to the Mexican authorities.
MARKETS.—Cotton is quiet. The sales
yesterday reached 1500 bales, ranging
at 51 eta. for middling and good mid
dling. Sugar, Molasses and flour are
without change. Northern Exchange
has improved.
—Gen. Cass's phihinthrophy is its
comprehensive as the over arching sky.
—Staunton Dem.
And his prospects are as blue, says
the Louisville Journal.
Charge of Abduction.
case has just come up in Boston. Mrs.
Mary Mead and two of her lady board
ers, whose names are Mary K. Pierce,
alias Rosetta Kimball, and Mary Jane
Sunburn, alias Teresa Livingston, have
been indicted by the Grand Jury for se
ducing Madeira Maria Lincoln Webster
and Caroline McCormick to become in
mates of Mrs. M's house for the purpose
of prostituting their persons for unlaw
ful gain. The three females were ar
raigned at the bar to plead to the indict
ment. Mrs Mead is a magnificent wo
man, dressed in mourning, and wearing
an aspect of profound grief. The other
females were young, fresh looking
nymphs, handsomely dressed, and one
of them shed tears freely. They plead
not guilty, and were put under bonds of
$lOO each. Mrs. Mead having been sep
erately indicted for keeping a house of
ill fame, was required to give bail in the
sum of $6OO. The ladies went to jail
in default of the required surety.
Constable Ellis, an old and respecta
ble officer of Boston, is charged with , at
tempting to spirit away Miss Webster,
I to prevent her from testifying in the case.
The Boston Mail justly remarks upon
the case :
. This " abducing" girls over eigh
teen years old, and who have seen some
thing of the world, into houses of pros
titution, and there making them fraier
nize with the depraved inmates after a
few hours coaxing, is hard to reconcile
with the general purity and virtue of the
sex, which should not be libelled with
supposition until it is fairly proved.
The " Detroit Advertiser" gives a sorry
account of Gen. Cass' reception by his
neighbors. It says " the entire proces
sion was counted by a prominent Loco
foco, as it crossed Jefferson Avenue, and
he informed us it only numbered 148 !
exclusive of some ten or fifteen in car
riages. The whole thing more resem
bled a funeral procession, than anything
else. Not a cheer— not a hurrah—not
an audible demonstration was made."
WHO ARE THEY I—Cass men are get
ting very scarce in Louisiana. We
were informed yesterday by a gentle
man of the highest respectability that in
the parish of Iberville, in which there
are probably more than two hundred
Locofocos a supporter of Gen. Cass is
not to be found. This is probably a mis
take, but that the article is extremely
scarce there can be no doubt. The dis
tant reader may, from this, form an idea
of the strength of Gen. Taylor in Loui•
siana.—New Orleans Bee.
REPUDIATING CABs.-Wo noticed , on
Saturday, says tho Troy Budget, the
statement of the Bo.flitloe Republican,
that two hundred leading and influential
Democrats in the county of Wayne,
Michigan—the county in which Gener
al Cass resides—have sigtieJ n paper
repudiating the Baltimore ticket, and
promising their support to the Utica
nominees. We have assurance from
portions of the State that the Democrat
ic masses are ready to co-operate,with
their brethren of Wayne county.
The American Spirit.
The list of volunteers for Yucatan,
was filling up rapidly at Vera Cruz at
last accounts, and we suspect ere this
enough of men are on theit way to that
thstraeied country to check all further
Indian outrages. In New Orleans prompt
Measures are also making to send nid.
A meeting to collect funds was held on
the" l2th. The government may, there
fore, be relieved of legislation on this
subject. The people arc too quick for
the tardy steps of the politicians.
M.ti.E.—A bill
has been intr o duc e d into the Maine Le:
gisit h ture to change the law past East
session regulating (14 choice of electors.
By that law a phYrality elects.' The
proposed change is to reqffire majori
ty instead-of plurality:. This is show
ing the " white feather" rather early.
The Siamese T*his.
The Siamese twins, for the last eight
or ten years residing on a farm iii North
Carolina, purpose to make another tour
of the Southren and Western States the
coming Fall for exhibition. They sill
start from home in October. They have
wifes and three ohildren each—a fact
which has given tie husbands addition
al interest, and go where they may, es
pecially if their wires accompany them,
we predict more crowded houses than
MORE ROOM WANT ED.--The Whig party,
says , the Newton Gazette, will soon have either
to pull in the latch string, put up the bars, or
enlarge the Wigwam. Our old opponents are
daily deserting the sinking ship of locofocoism,
and arranging themselves under the glorious
banner of Old Zack. Come along, brethren,
we give you a free welcome, and will manage
to find room somewhere.
Buren said at Rochester, that when the Cass
procession at Albany approached the point where
he was standing, he thought he would take out
his watch and see how long it would be in pass
ing but it went by before lee could get his watch
"SETTING UP wiru THE Sics."—ln Ohio it
is said that when a Locofoco is heard of who is
disposed to bolt on Cass, an office holder is sent
to attend him, and they call it " setting up with
the sick !" The " sickness" is spreading to a
fearful extent, and the greatest alarm is felt
among the office holders lest there shall not be
" well ones enough left to take care of the in
Forracir OF Jura. —,lln thia day of festivity and
joy, when all are prone to indulge in the good
things of life, not unfrequently to excess, let us
not forget that overloading the stomach with
food or drink, especially at this season of the year,
is often attended with serious consequences. If
any, however, should inadvertently overstep the
bounds of prudence, they should bear in mind
that Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills prevents all
evil results from impropriety of diet. They thor
oughly cleanse the stomach and bowels from those
bilious and corrupt huthets which me the cause
of cltolic, pains, dysentery, cholera ruorbus end
other disorders of the bowe's.
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills also aid and im
prove digestion and therefore give health and vig
or to the whole frame.
.78eware uj *agar Coated counterfeit T,i):)
The only origina?and genuine Indian V, geta.
ble Pills have the signature of William Wright
written with a pen on the top label of each Loa.
None other is genuine and to'Counterfeit this is
Forgery. The genuine for sale by
T. K.SIMON'I'ON, Sole Agent for tf urning
don; Charles Porter, Alexandria; Blair & Robin.
aon,Shnde Gap; Blair 8c Co.,Frankstowb; Orbisoti
& Co., Orbisonia; A. 0. Brown, Shirleysbittg;
Hunter & Co., West Barre and Petersburg; Graff
&Co., Manor Hill; D. S. Bell, M'Elavy's Fort;
James Maguire, Sauleburg; John W. Myton, En
nesville; George H. Steiner, Water Street; A. &
W. Cresowell, Petersburg; Milliken & Kessler,
Mill-creek; and wholesale and retail at the prin
cipaluffice, 169 Race street,Philadelphia.
The Markets.
137" The produce markets have still a do wn
ward tendency, but no material change since our
last publication.
On the evening of the 29th ult., by the Rev.
toMiss MARY WHITTAKER, both of Hun
On Wednesday last, at 1 o'clock in the morn
ing, by Alex. Port, Esq. Mr. JOSEPH FOR
STAR, both of this Vicinity.
In Birmingham, June 15th, 1818, Bro. JOHN
NEVLING, of Birmingham Lodge, No. 152, of
the I. 0. of 0. F., aged about 10 years.
Birmingham Lodge, No. 152, called a special
meeting, and appointed JAMES BELT., S. K.
AGNEW and Tnomss SCHELL, a committee to
draft resolutions, who reported the following,
which were unanimously adopted
Resolved, That the death of our beloved
brother, Jolts NEVLING, of BirminghaM Lodge,
No. 152, fills us with the profoundest sorrow;
that while we deeply lament his death, his re
membrance will be kindly cherished by his
brethern, for thekindness of heart and generous
sincerity of disposition, which has ever charac
terised his intercourse with us.
Resolved, That in this sad afflictive bereave
ment, we respectfully offer our sympathy and
condolence to his widow, children and friends,
who have been called to mourn his departure to
a world of lhfirits ; that though it has pleased
an all-wise Providence to deprive his widow of
a kind husband, his children of an affectionate
parent, and all his friends of his wise counsels
and the enjoyment of his social virtues—and
whilst we, his brethern,mourn with them, may
we take consolation in te assurance, that our
loss is his eternal gain," and that he is now
joined to the Celestial Lodge in Heaven.
Resolved, That we wear the Usual badge of
mourning for thirty days, in memory Of our
much esteemed brother.
Resolved, That these resaluilans be signed by
the officers of our Lodge, a copy sent to his
widow, and published in the Huntingdon
Journal" and .4 Clearfield Banner."
(Signed,) 'A. P. OWENS, N. O.
A. L. CiiessuTr-WoorcSerretary.
CEORGE G WIN, in addition to his large
stock on hand, has just received a general
variety of now goods, which ,he is selling at his
former low rates. [July 4.
A sinall red COW, a little inclined to the
brit,dle, with a star on the forehead, and a
bell on, belonging to the subscriber residing in
Huntingdon, went estray about the 22d of June
last, since which time he has not been able to
find her. Any person leaving information of
the whereabouts of said estray either at this
office or with the undersigned, will be suitably
rewarded. JOHN MARKS.
Washington Gallery or Daguerrotypes,
No. 234 NorIA Second Street . , N. Tr. corner of
Ca!fowled/ Street,
lIIHE Likenesses taken and beautifully colored
1 at this well known establishment, for °sr not.-
wt, are universally conceded to be CO.VAL in ev•
try respect to ANY in the city. Pictures taken
equally well in cloudy and clear weather. A
large assortment of MEDALLIONS and LOCKETS
on hand, from $2 to $5, including the picture.
The subscribers respectfully invite the citizens
of Huntingdon County, to call and examine spe
cimens of the latest improvements in the art of
Daguerreotyping, which will be exhibited cheer.
fully and Without charge
Jut/; 4 1848
Ilt pursuence Of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Huntingdon counfy, there will lc
sold on the preinihics, on
SATURDA', 22d of July next,
at 11 o'clock on said day, the following descrilicd
roar estifte;' late the property of Josiah Ball, de
ceased, viz:
A Sartain tract, piece o? parcel Of land, situate
in Jacksort township, Huntingdon county, adjoin
ing landS of John Barr, Hugh Alexander, Come
hue Davis, deceased, and Hall & Rawle, contain
ing upwards of
- -
200 Acres,
large quantity of which is cleared and under a
state of cultivation. There is a fine orchard of
excellent fruit, a two story
0I dwelling house, and small
• '• bank barn on the saute. ua It
61t i!
There is also a tenant house
on the premises suitable fora small family.
TERMS.—One third of the purchase money
to be paid on confirmation of the sale.--one third
in on year thereafter with interest, and the balance
at the death of Nancy Ball, wide* of the deceased,
to be secured by the bond and mortgage of the
purchaser, the interest to be paid tinnually and
regularly to the said widow during her natural'
life. By the Court,
The subscriber having been appointed by the
said Court, Trustee, to make sale of the above
valuable property, will attend on the premises at
the time of sale above fixed, when and where all
purchasers are invited to attend.
June 27,1849,
Nes. 32 and 33 Arcade, and 83 North Third St., I Is it an optical delusion or a Brilliant reality that
dazzles Ladies and Gentlemen as they pass JAS.
PHILADELPHIA. j T. SCOTT'S Jewelry Store 2
,(10UNTRY Merchants can save from 10 to 15
THE .111YS7'?1,1Y SOLVED
ki per cent by purchasing at the above stores
By importing my own goods, paying but little' , SCOTT, on his late visit to the east, drew ma
rent, and living economically, it is plain I can un- try of the splendid prizes in the Grand Jewelry
dersell those who purchase their goods hem, pay Lone? y, and being extremely lucky, he is doter
high rents, and live like princes. mined to be extremely liberal. His store is lilted
Constantly on hand, a largo assortment of Pen with the richest and rarest specimens of art from
and Pocket Knives, Scissors and Razors. T a bl e : tho work shops of the east. He has the largest,
k n i ves an d F or k s , i n I vory , s in , B u ff a l o, B ane I the chempost,and the best assortment of CLOCKS
knd Wood handles; Carvers and Folks, Steels, i and GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, of M
arc. Butcher Knive ,, , Dirks, Howie Knives, Re. most every description, ever brought to Hunting
, ng an d pl a i n Pi sto l s, ,k ( .. J im rece i ve d, a don. Also, Gold and Silver Fob hains, Gold
largo stock of Rodgers' ana Wostenholin's lino and Silver Pins and Pencils ; brillian C t Rings awl
Pen and Congress Knives. Breast Pins; Bracelets, Boquet holders • Silver
Also, a large assortment of Accordeons, & c. Spoon, frfustard do., silver and common holders;
&c. Also, Fine English Twist and German Rodger's Pen Knives, Roussell's unequalled Soaps,
Guns. JOHN M, COLEMAN. Perfumes, Liquid Hair Dye, Lip Salve, Shaving
june2o-Iy. Cream, &c., besides a vast variety of other articles
both for ornament and use, fill his cases. He has
bought low and is settled in his determination to
sell low. Give him a call.
Huntingdon, May 16,1848.
Webs assorted Prints just arrived and for
4,e j sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
Afresh supply of Mackerel just arrived and
for sale by J. & WY. SAXTON.
phd ANGLO-SAXONS have come again in the
can afford to sell 10 per cent. lower than ever.
The stock consists of Coots, Pants, Vests and
Monkey Jackcts, of all sorts, colours and shades.
june 27, PIGS.
fur Lila curo of
Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Dumb
flgue,lntermittent & Remittent Fevers,
Liver Complaint, Jam. dice, Enlarge
ment of the Liver, Enlargement of
the Spleen, and all the various
forms of Bilious Diseases.
This excellent compound is for sale by the propri•
etor's Agent _ READ & SON.
Price $1 50 per bottle
v- What is the matter with me, Doc
ior ? What the cause of this sallow complexion,
jaundiced eye, depression of spirits, pain in the
side and shoulder, weariness of body, bitter taste
in the mouth? Such is the enquiry, and such the
symptoms of many a sufferer! It is the liver
which is diseased, and the Cholagogue is the rem
edy always successful in curing it. Try it, and
judge for yourself. For sale by 'l'. Read 8c
agent for the proprietor.
a 3 Better die titan live, if I am to be
tortured from day to day With this horrible Ague, I
exclaims the poor sufferer whose life has become sr
burden from the racking paroxysms of an inter
mittent, and whom confidence in human aid is de
stroyed by the fai;ure of remedies to produce the
promised relief. Such has been the situation of
thou.ande who are now rejoicing in all the bless- .
inga of health from the use of Dr. Oegood's lndiq 1
Cholagogue. In no instance does it fail of effect-
ing a speedy and permanent cure. For sale by the
prot,rietor's agent, 'l'. READ & SON.
o How few who think aright among the thinking
How many never think, but only think they
a7* The sentiment implied in the
above exclamation is on nu subject snore fully ex
emp'efird than on that of health. But few give
it a single thought, and fewer still reflect upon is
with the obeervation and good (tense which mnt
tere of minor consequence receive. As oboe on.
Lion teaches the feet thrilßr. Osgood's fa& Chid
agogue is a neiei fat ing remedy In Fever and
Ague, good senae would surely Indicate ite prompt
and uninediate LIFO. To be found at
'l'. READ & SON'S,
agent for the proprietor.
jnne 27, 1848.
Newton Hamilton, Wan county, Pa.,
"VITILL visit Huntingdon stated
ly on the trith of JUDO, Sep-
temper, December and March, mid Clair
remain two weeks at each visit. n="Rooms at
MrS. Hampson's Hotel.
june 'A,
Tor the ZadieS.
Alarge and beautiful assortment of
Ladies Dress Gaiters, and. kW and
Morocco Shoes l at the store of
J. 4 , W. Saxton.
Croinelian & Brother,
No. 11, Walnut Street, Philadelphia .
Wine, Liquor and General Commission
TXPNE'S, Brandies, Gin, and Champoiptie of
VV different brands imported direct, and so'd on
accommodating terms to Country Dealers. Qual
ities and proof of Liquors wrrranted.
Philadelphia, June 20, 1849.
The Campaign Approaching—llen's.
Cass and Taylor in the Field.
LiLL persons knowing themselves indebted to
the subscriber by note, book account or other
wise, are requested to make prompt payment on or
before the 20th day of July next. Time neglect
ing this notice, after that day, may expect to be
called on by a proper officer who will notify them
with what is cal.ed in Law a Legal Process.
Henderson township, June 20,18:18.
N. B. Persons having left watches with inn for
repairing or otherwise at any time while I was
crirrying.on the Clock & Watch making businesi
in Huntingdon, will find them iu the shop of H.
K. Neff & Brother, in Market Square, next door to
the Exchange Hotel. Any Watches not called
for within six months will be sold ar public auc
tion: D. B.
r t COD thirty hour Massif:LOCKS can be lied
kTat Scott's cheap ..fewelry Store for $3 50, and
eight day brass crocks for $5 50. None cold that
cannot be warranted. Also, Common Watch
Gimes fur 181 cis. Patents 25' cents, and Bru
nette 37 1-2 cent.. A like retlactiOn in all other
Trust Account or J. Shoenefelt.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons inter
ested, that Jacob Shoenefelt, committee of
the person and estate of John Shoenefelt, a Lu
natic, has made up and filed in the Prothonota
ry's office of Huntingdon county his account of
said Latiatie's estate, and that the same will be
presented to the Court of Common Pleas of
Huntingdon county aforesaid, for allowance and
confirmation, on the second Monday of AuTast
next, when and where all persons interested
may attend if they think proper.
JAMES STEEL, r,..ty.
Proty's Office, Huntingdon, t
June 30, ISIS. 13t-pd.
At the Store of
dl the old Sland, in Markel Square, Hunting
don, Pu.
The public are informed that I have received
an entire new Mock of
Spring & Summer (foods,
being by far the best assortment ever brought to
this place, among which will be found C loths of
all kinds, Cassineta, Kentucky Jeans,Gambroons,
French, Belgium and Fancy Cassimeres,Croton,
Oregon and lrwaeil Cloth, Vestings,Flannels arid
Drillings, and a variety of Cotton Goods for Sum
mer wear. French and Irish Linens and Checks,
Bed 'Picking, Muslim; and Sheetings, Umbrellas
and Parasols. A large assortment of Calicoes of
the newest styles, at low prices.
Earlston, French, Scotch and Domestic Ging
ham and Balzorines, Diapers, Table Clothe, Cot
ton Fringe, Mouslin de Laines, French Lawns
and Scarfs, Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Black arid
Fancy Alpacas, Morinoes, Silk Gloves, Mitts,
Ladies Caps, Ribbons, Hosiery, &c., &c.
Also, a very excellent assortment of Hats,
Caps, and
Leghorn and Straw Bonnets, Paint Leaf
Hats, Boots and Shoes.
QUERYSIV.4ItE, P./11.11175, GLa SS-
F 1811, &c., with a
fine variety of Goods Of
The above'sto'ck of goods having becn, selected
with g eat care, and purchased at reduced prices,
for Cash, in the city of Philadelphia, I am enabled
to offer
Great Bargains,
and hope that all will examine my stuck before
purchasing elsewhere, as I am determined to sell
as low as any one in Pennsylvania, Please call
and see my goods, as it atierds me pleasure at all
times to show thou'.
Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn, Flour, Cluverseed &
Flaisced, flutter, Eggs, Lard, Bacon, Soap, Rees
way, &c., taken in exchange for Gooch.
ap2s•tf.] GEORGE GSIrIN.
The : partnerspih heretofore existing between
John N. Swoops and Wm. Moore of the town of
Alexaudrin, in the Mercantile business, has been
dissolved by mutual consent. The books of the
firm will be wiled at the Store, whore persons in
debted ate requested to make payment.
Alexnntlrio, April lat. 1848.
The business will ho continued by the under
signed, at the Old Stand. He returns thanks for
the patronage heretofore extended, and respectful
ly solicits a continuance of the same. Lancaster
Ploughs and Lancaster Shaking Forkb will be
kept constantly fur sale.
Doctor Yourself
e• ..e...-.. , ,N,, t - E
' '.
lt , ~,,, 0 , 1...• / •
ft, a:lt
t iy
: ~ t •
or,. By means of the POCKET
tai 4.;tCULAPIUS,Or,Every
one his own Physician !
,',.eventeentli Edition, with
upwards of One Hundred
EfigniVings, showing private
diseases in every shape and
form, and malfoimations of
t h e general oysters, By WM. YOUNG, M.D.
The time has arrived, that persons suffering from
secret disease, need no more become the victims of
Quackery, on by the prescriptions contained in
this book any ono May Ore Himself, without hin
drance to business, or the knowledge of the most
intimate friend, told with one tenth the netted ex
pense! In addition to the general routine of pri
diseases, it ful'y explains the cause of Man
hood's early decline, with observations on Martine
—besides many other derangement. which it would
not be proper to enumerate in the public prints..
cO. Persons residing at any distance from Phlt
edeiphitt, can have this book forwarded to them
through the Post Office, on the receipt, of twenty
five cents, directed to Dr. William Young, 152
SPRUCE Street, Philadelphia.
June 20, 1848.
Late fashions and eheap Sargains
ResPectfulty informs his friends and Dis 4o ,,, t i on of r a w /o , m o* .
the public generally that he has just r, ,HE a At. & un d, I w ti t th
returned from the city with a large awl! mime the business at Filwruil Furnace, in
neat quantity of city made Boots and I Shirley township, l'Untitiplon county, Fa., w.
Shoes, which he will dispose on the j carria-I ou previous to the first day of Aril ! 810 .
most reasonable terms. Ne
on hand a fine assortnlcnt.of BOOts and
Shoes of his own ts.'ianufacture. Call. nt consent.
aisd k e eps mu t
ual tbatilay dissolved sod ceased to exist by.
riess at and of said Furnace has been conducted
his shop two dfders west of the Post Of- by and
rirni that date: (la dr April I 548,) the bhr
herealtet her transacted by Sarnuelli.
See where you cannot fail to be accotn- Bell, alone. JAMES )1. BELI.,
odated with peat and durable work. MUEL 11, BELL.
Cae.t or CPuntry produce always taken Ma y 30 , 1848-it. pd.
to payment for work. I i Sohn Scott, jr.,
June 13, IB—tf. A T.TORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.—
18 .
• Ili Has removed his olfice to the middle:room a
. T-11. CRENCIIR,. ; • 6raere'd Row," directly opposite Fisher tit M'Murf
ATTORNEY AT LAW, trie'sstore, where he will attend with pro:tiptoes:,
and fidelity to all business with which he may be
itUNTINtii)ON, I.A. , entrustedin Huntingdo n art ha adjoining coutitio
Still more Astottnging News in the
The eoneessions made by the Jews and Gentiles
A further reduction rif price. demanded Ity Ole
people—restatunee by the various Firma and att,
nonce of Pl? 0 WELL with the 4th Light Brigade
escorting an
. Immense Slot*: of Good g,
tab., iliaposed of at, pricea that will alley the tut
ruentleua oxciternent.
Still tars her glorious news for the community—,
art ival of the train under Prowell— his batteries
in positicn opposite Fort . Wallace—joy of the
masses—riowell's Brigade fraternizing with the
populace—enthusiasm of the rank and file for the
Hero of Cheap Goods--his splendid assortment,
opened and erowthi of customers surrounding his,
counter. Amongst this assortment Mil he found
the most splendid lot of
ever exhibited in the United States. Euch as
Lawns, Bereges, llnliarines, Tissues,
Organdies and Plaids ; Silks, striped, barred and
plain ; 700 pieces of Calicoes which I will Sell St.
such prices us wil astonish the world. Shawls of
every quality and price. Parasols, Parasolcts red .
Sun Shades. Laces, Edgings, Quillings,Bobinets,.
striped and huh] Muslins, Gloves of every des
cription, Hosiery in abundance ; Muslins, Tick
ings, Checks. Diapers and .'niton goody for panta
loons. Ready made clothing, EardoWre. qu,
ware Groceries, !Toots and Shoes, Leghorn, Ch:-
Pearl and Palm Leaf Brits.
. The above goods have Item purchased at 20 per
cent lower than those bought earlier in the season,
and, will be sold at such prices as will satisfy the.
people of this county that the CH EA I' CORNER
is the ritir, piece to get bargains at lest.
. .
Clump Corner; Huntingdon,
'May 9, 1848.
Letters of administration on the estate
of Allen 0. Brown, late of the borough,
of Shirleysburg decd. having been gran
ted to the undersigned, he hereby gives
notice to all persons indebted to said de
ceased to come forwart arid make pay
ment, and to all persons haviiig demands .
against the same, to present them prop
erly authenticated without delay: .
A g: eat variety of the latest—most interesting .
and thrilling works of fiction have just been re.
ceived at the
which will be sold at Philadelphia prices. No a;l:
wince asked in mental breadstuirs'•l
6 miles above Flevrc de Grace,
Will at all Omen purchase Wheat at a price
within TWO CENTS of Philadelphia Market.
c - . Owners and Boatmen are incited to call.
Philter may he had at the Mill.
april 25,1848.
Icur 1 4 1 EiN SAV A it El, Siu.
G E c ° all G a ‘ t V a i s n t v o i r t e es at is e e xttt e l e i Pe ne rs h t i 4 s )
• ,
large assortment of Queensware and
Table Cutlery.
.Hates, Shoulderi & Flitch,
TusT received from Pittsburg, several
.j hogsheads of Hams, Shoulders and
Flitch, and for sale by J. & W. Saxton.
TO Housekeepers. •
FINESii.y cured Hams, Fresh Shad,
Herring & Mackerel, just landed,
and for sale at
rip Molasses.
A few more hogsheads of that unrival
led fip Molasses, which hits created
so much excitement, now treacly to be
sold in quantities to suit ,purchasers, at
the "GMAT, B Z 3R" of Fisher,
MeAturtrie & Co., where in fact every
thing may be found cheaper than any
place else; not to say anything about
their really fine
4 • 6 Ct. Sugar.
For Twcnty•Fivc scuts!
tINE case more of Ashton's beautiful
k J inole-skin Hats, whielino gentleman
should be without, just received, and
for sale at FISHER, McMURTRIE
CO'S. Also, a supply of Cerro Gordo
end Buena Vista. Hats of the best qua&
ity, and very cheap.
.Ladies' Dress Gaiters and 81i , ies:
i v beautiful,, assortment for side the new store of DORSEY 4 MAGUIRE ?
Also, a good issortmn't eol
tine and coarse sliOess..
/lAMB to the residen c e 61' the subscriber in
kj the borough of Huntingdon, on the 17th
June inst., A WHITF. BOAR PIG, lupposed
to be abtnit five months old.. The owner is re
quested to appear, prove property, pay charges,
and take it away—otherwise it will be disposed
of according to Ip,v. JNO. ADMITAGB.
Hunt ingdoN jtou,
A d m'r,
Hats, Hats, Hats