HOUDIN AND BEADY CLUB. Anbther Glorious Meeting. Pursuant to notice given, through the Hunting. don Journal, the friends of TAYLOR & FILL. MORE assembled in great numbers at the House of A. Carmon, in the borough of Huntingdon, on Wednesday evening last, for the purpose of organizing a Rough and Ready Club," in ac cordance with the recommendation of the Mass Meeting held on the Saturday night previous. On motion, JNO. WILLIAMSON, Esq. was Chosen temporary President, and JAS. CLARK, Secretary. On motion, A. K. CORNYN, Esq. read to the meeting the address of the Whig State Central Committee, the recommendations of which were heartily concurred in. The following Constitution, for the regulation tif the Club, was then submitted to the consid eration of the meeting, and, after being slightly emended, unanimously adopted. CONSTITUTION Ist. This association shall be styled and known as the Rough end Ready Club of Huntingdon. 2. The objects of this association are, the adoption and zealous prosecution of all measures tending to promote the fullest possible dissemi nation amongst our fellow citizens of those in valuable doctrines of Political faith, as estab lished by the Fathers of the Republic; and to introduce once more into the Government of the United States those measures of public policy, by the election to the Presidential chair of that great Hero, GEN. ZACHARY TAYLOR, the champion, advocate and defender of his country. 3. The officers of this Club, shall consist of a President, six Vice Presidents, two Recording Secretaries, one Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Executive Committee, to con sist of sixteen members, and a Glee C/eL. 4. The duties of the President, (or in his ab sence, one of the Vice Presidents) shall he, to preside at till meetings of the Club, and with the assistance of one or more of the Vice Pres idents appoint all special committees, decide all points or questions of order, and exercise a gen eral supervision over all the acts of the Club, its committees, and the accounts of the Treas urer. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all monies received by him, and shall pay all orders drawn by the President or chairman of the Executive committee. The Secretaries shall keep fair and correct minutes of all the proceedings of the Club. The Corresponding Secretary shall also act as Secretary to the Executive Committee. The Vice Presidents and Treasurer (ex officio) shall constitute a Committee of Finance with power to solicit and receive donations to aid the funds of the Club. It shall he the especial duty of the Executive Committee to aid in the estag lishment and promotion of similar chths in the several boroughs and townships of this county, to act as committee of correspondence and draft all addresses and other public documents. 5. Stated meetings shall be held on the sec ond and fourth Mondays of each month, at such time and place as may be designated by a vote of the Club. Special meetings may at any time be callld by the President, or upon a call of or more members. R. A committee of Vigilance shall be appoin ted by the board of officers, with the usual pow- ers and ditties of such committees, and to net in I concert with the Executive committee in all matters that may be ordered by the Club, or by the presiding olhcer. 7. No member shall be exempt from the per formance of any duties assigned him by the Club or presiding officers, unless by consent of a majority of the members present. 7. All persons entitled to vote at the coming Presidential Election on subscribing their names to this Constitution, shall be considered mem bers of the Club, rod a., haring reported Mein eelres rongh and ready at all times fir ditty. On motion, the meeting proceeded to the elec tion of officers for the "Rough and Ready Club," to serve until after the election of TAYLOR & • FILLMORE in November next. The vote was taken by submitting each nomination to the meeting, and resulted in the unanimous selection of the following officers : WM. H. PEIGHTAL, President. Wit.t.isai A. JACKSON AFRICA, I. liostaixon, .10., BENJAMIN Koren, Vire PreArdents. JACOB SNYDER, • SAMUKL BENNET. it. K. Neff' Edward An ' Secretari Sommer.., "• 'A. W. fiENtoter, Col. S. S. Wu. orresponding Serretary, tßros, neaxtirer. John Armitage, Wm. A. Saxton, E. Callahan, David Friedly, Daniel Whittaker, Thos. Fisher, John Easton, John Read, Samuel Smith, W. S. Africa, J. F. Miller, Nicholas Decker, John Flenner, Geo. A. Steel, Thos. S. McCahan, , After the election of officers was gone through with, the meeting was addressed by JNO. WIL LIAMSON, A. W. BENEDICT and D. BLam, F.sqr's, in their Wmal able and eloquent manner. These epeecheExere received with great applause, and several orsons who have heretofore supported the Locofoco ticket listened with attention, and declared in favor of Old Rough and Ready." On motion, the Secretary was directed to pro cure Blank books for the use of the Club. On motion, the meeting then adjourned, to meet on Wednesday evening next, when the officers of the Club will take their seats, and the books be opened for the signatures of mem bers. Exerritiri• rommittr, A THRILLING INCIDENT: lathe courseof the Hon. R. W. Thompson's remarks at the Balti more Ratification Meeting, he asked:— What had Old Zack done 1 Here a voice in the crowd replied—" I'll tell you what he has done. About two weeks ago I stopped at Gen. Taylor's house,and he received me in the most cordial man ner, gave me a comfortable meal and a good feather bed to sleep on, and in the morning ten dollars to pursue my jour ney with." Mr. T. then inquired of the persons speaking, who he was; to which he re plied that he was a wounded soldier on his retnrn from the army in Mexico. This incident created great enthusiasm among the crowd of listners, and was the prelude to the mention of various an ecdotes by Mr. T., illustrative of the goodness of heart and kind feelings of Gen. Taylor." CHARACTER OF GEN. TAYLOR. _ BILLIOUS FEVER generally begins with Locofoco Testimony. yawning, stretching, pain in the bones, The New York Courier and Enquirer says, languor, giddiness, a swelling about the the name of Gen. Persifer F. Smith, of Tempi- region of the stomach, billions vomit ing, and other unpleasant symptoms. co, is familiar to the whole country, as belong- Iv ....7, ight's Indian Vegetable Pills are ing to one of the most distinguished officers of one of the best of medicines for the cure our army in Mexico. He served and won tau- of Fevers, because they purge from the rels under Gen. TAYLOR in the Florida war ; and I body those morbid humors which are the i again at Monterey under the same gallant officer, cause of every malady incident to man. I he acquired new laurels. But the crowning act In cases of fever, from four to eight of I of his military career, was his splendid, and sue- Wrights Indian Vegetable Pills should 1 cessful assault upon the enemy at Contreras. He be taken every night, or, if the symp- I is an out and out Locofoco ; but he is a gentle- toms are violent, night and morningi man as well as a soldier; and he thus writes to This plan, if properly carried out will, his friend in New Orleans in regard toGen. Tay- in a short time, subdue the most violent tor: Testimony front such a source should attack of fever; at the same time, the di convince even the most ultra friend of other can- gestive organs will be restored to a heal didates that the National Convention did wisely thy tone, and health and vigor given to in selecting Gen. TAYLOR as the standard bear- „the whole frame. er of the Whig Party. 0 11 ,1 n' ll eware ill sugar coated counterfeits., CITY of MEXICO, April 18th, 184' 7l r e only originaland genuine Indian Vegeta * * Any one who has visited ,r .i= le Pills have the signature of William Wrigts country must have a horror of bad _ . written with a pen on the top label of each box. l ernment, for here is seen the sp. ,i, i None other is ril i z n e e arel s o me corterfeit this is earth most favored by nature, st i d f orger .I.SIMO g N7ON, Sole Age nt Y for Hunting !of all its advantages and converted into don; Charles Porter, Alexandria; Blair & Robin a hell by the vices and corruptions of its i son,Shade Gap; Blair& Co., Frankstown; Orbison , rulers. & Co., Orbisonia; A. 0. Brown, Shirleysburg; I have great faith in our own people, Hunter: Co., i Hill; D . ip iar s re and 1 , I rt e7 : tu y r , g ; Graff however ; they show their high sense of i!‘ Ja C me * "a a guire, Situ' lsburg; John VV. M v yt:n, En: honesty and nobleness. nesville; George H. Steiner, Water Street; A. & Gen. TAYLOR ' S military exploits are W. Cresswell, Petersburg; Milliken & Kessler, not the causes of his popularity ; they Mill-creek; and wholesale and retail at the prin are only the occasions for the display cipalo ffi ce, 169 Race street,Philadelphia I• of his sound judgment, energy of char acter, lofty and pure sense of justice, land incorruptible honesty.—He has as much reputation for what he has writ ten, as for what lie has done, because even where the composition is not his own, the sentiments, motives and feel- I ings are; and every thing he does, is marked by the purity and loftiness of his own character, . I have never heard of any one, how ever corrupt or base himself, that, after five minutes conversation with General Taylor, has dared to propose, or even hint at, any thing dishonest or mean. And no intercourse in the ordinary events of common life, can give the true' idea of the loftiness of his character.—l remember you asking me at the time he was put in command at Corpus Christi, whether he was equal to the circumstan ces. I told you of his sound judg ment and inexhaustible energy as I had learned them in Florida, but I did not then estimate properly the other and higher points of his character. In the campaign on the Rio Grande, I saw him tried under all circumstances, and he always came out pure gold. His profession that he will be the candidate of no party will, if he be elect ed be carried out in his practice—not I that his opinions 6n matters of policy may not be those of one or other party— on most of these.he is a 11 7 h.ig, and he is not the man to act adverse to his own opinions ; but no party management or I power can ever lead him to do a mean or what he thinks a wrong thing. As soon as Gen. Taylor was furnish. ed by events with the opportunity to display his character, you see that it was estimated properly at once, and 1 come back to the truth of the position 1 started with, that I believe the people will always measure great men. 1 do not say they will always reward them properly, for they cannot always give a direct expression to their feelings and the least worthy may have the vote without having the wish. There has a great error been commit ted in relation to Gen. Scott: no milita ry operations in history have displayed more military qualities or been more suc• cessful in their results. Nor have they been in any case the result of chance; every thing has been done in conformity with a plan, and the event in all cases has been almost predicted. That a suc cessful General should be degraded in the very scenes of success, for complaints made not of him, but by him, is exceed ing strange, and most unfortunate. Ev ery one in the army feels it as a dis grace. * * * * • * Your sincere friend, PERSIFER F. SMITH. FROM !MEXICO. The :latest news from Mexico was receivedby the steamer Cresent City of New York yester day. She brings full details of the ratifica tion of the treaty by the Mexican Govern ment, Gen. Herrera has been elected to the Presidency, having received the votes of eleven States, while Angel Tri as received the votes of five. A resident minister to the Govern ment of the Uuited States is to be ap pointed immediately. From Guatimala we learn that a gene ral revolt ofthe Indians had taken place. The Markets, PiiitAntr.eitin, June 23, 1818. The dernand for flour for shipment has almost entirely ceased; and there is but a limited de mand for hoine use. We notice, however, small sales of Peim'a and Western brands at $5,37i a 5,50 per.bbh. In Rye Flour there is nothing do ing, and,Corn Meal is merely nominal at $2,371. Wheat of fine quality is scarce ; small sales of fair red at 120 a 122 c. Sales of Penn'a Rye at 70c. Corn is in fair demand, some Bor 10,000 bit. having sold at 51 a 52c per bu. Sales of 4,000 bu. Penn'a Oats at 37c. Sa;es of Whiskey in bbls. at 22c per gal. Tun CATTLE MAnssr.—The offerings of Beef Cattle this week were 1360 head, principally from the West, 480 of which were driven on to New York, and 120 remaining on hand, the bal ance being sold at prices that show a slight de cline, being from $5,50 to $7,25 per 100 lbs.— There were 260 Cows and Calves at market, which sold at $8 a $l5 for dry, $l4 a $27 for springers, and $lB a $33 for fresh Cows. Hogs were dull of sale at $4 a $4,50 per 100 lbs.— There were 1400 Sheep and Lambs offered, that sold from $1,25 to $l, as in quality. FOURTH OF JULY. rt. ..' „f ~ ` • c~t 71;0 Anniversary of American Indepen. - device. The Committee of Arrangements appointed by the 6, Sons of Temperance," to make prep arations for the celebration of the approaching Anniversary of our National Independence, hereby extend an invitation to the citizens at large to participate with the ,4 Sons" and Sab bath Schools, in the procession and celebration. Mr. McCahan has kindly consented to give us the use of the grove near his residence, where, if the weather permit, the exercises will take place, and refreshments be prepared. It is wish ed that the celebration may not be confined to a class or to a society, but thatall will participate. It is probable the "Sons" will appear in rega lia, and they will be glad to receive as visiters the members of any other Divisions. John Scott, Jr., George Garretson, Thomas Burchinell, A. S. Harrison, Peter Swoope, S. Fridley, Jr., E. Hawkins, Wm. L. Snyder, J. Smyth Read, Alex. Port,' Committee of Arrangements 25 Webs assorted Prints just arrived and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. A fresh supply of Mackerel just arrived and J 1 for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. lhfire ANGLO-SAXONS have comeagain in the I way of READY-MADE CLOTHING, and can afford to sell 10 per cent. lower than ever. The stock consists of Coats, Pants, Vests and Monkey Jackets, of all sorts, colours and shades. June 27, 1848. ACME MEDICINE ! DR. OSGOOD'S INDIA CHOLAGOGUE, for the cure of Fever and .9gue, Chill Fever, Dumb .9gue,lntermittent & Remittent Fevers, Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Enlarge. ment of the Liver, Enlargement of the Spleen, and all the various forms of Bilious Diseases. This excellent compound is for sale by the propel. etor's Agent T. READ & SON. Price $1 50 per bottle. V" What is the matter with me, Doc ior 1 What the cause of this sallow complexion, jaundiced eye, depression of spirits, pain in the side and shoulder, weariness of body, bitter Nate in the mouth! Such is the enquiry, and such the symptoms of many a sufferer! It is the liver which is diseased, and the Cholagogue is the rem edy always successful in curing it. Try it, and judge for yourself. For sale by T. Read .!,c Son, agent for the proprietor. cO Better die than live, if I am to be tortured from day to day with this horrible Ague, exclaims the poor aufTerer whose life hue become a burden from the racking paroxysms of an inter mittent, and whose confidence in human aid is de stroyed b36the failure of remedies to produce the promised relief. Such has been the situation of thousands who are now rejoicing in all the bless ings of health from the use of Dr. Osgood's Indix Uholagogue. In no instance does it fail of effect ing a speedy and permanent cure. For sale by the proprietor's agent, 'l'. READ & SON. ~ How few who think aright among the thinking few, How many never think, but only think they j- The sentiment implied in the above exclamation is on no subject more fully ex emp'efied than on that of health. But few give it a single thought, and fewer still reflect upon it with the observation and good sense which mat ters of minor consequence receive. As observa tion teaches the fact that Dr. Osgood's India Choi agogue is a never failing remedy in Fever and Ague, good sense would surely indicate its prompt and immediate use. To be found at I'. READ & SON'S, agent for the proprietor. jnne 27, 1848. _ DR. Z. NORTON, UEIZOTqL2Ucirr:2StUip Newton Hamilton, Mifflin county, Pa., TILL visit Huntingdon stated ly on the 15th of June, Sep tember, December and March, and ohlisais remain two weeks at each visit. 137 - Rooms at Mrs. Hampson's Hotel. june 20, ly. For the Ladies. Alarge rind beautiful assortment of Ladies Dress Gaiters, and Kid and Morocco Shoes, at the store of J. W. Saxton. COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLERY STORES. No 32 and 33 Arcade, and 8i North Third St., PHILADELPHIA. COUNTRY Merchants can save from 10 to 15 per cent by purchasing at the above stores By importing my own good., paying but little rent, and living economically, it is plain I can ult• decent those who purchase their goods here, pay high rente, and live like princes. Constantly on hand, a large assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, Sciesors end Razors. Table Knives end Forks, in Ivory, Stag, Buffalo, Bone and Wood handles; Carver. and Forks, Steele, &c. Butcher Knives, Dirks, Bowie Knives, Re volving and Plain pi stn i a , &e. lust rece i ve d, a large stock of Rodgers' art! Wostenholm's fine Pen and Congress Knives. Also, a large assortment of Accordeons, &c., &c. Also, Fine English Twist and German Guns. JOHN M. COLEMAN. june2o-Iy. Crowell:um & firollarr, No. 11, Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Wine, Liquor and General Commission .Merchants. WINE';, Brandies, Gin, and Charnpaipne of different brands imported direct, and so d on accommodating terms to Country Dealers. Qual ities and proof of Liquors wrrranted. Philadelphia, June 20, 1840. The Campaign Approaching---Gen's. Cass and Taylor in the Field. tiLL persons knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber Icy note, book account or other wise, are requested to make prompt payment on or before the 20th day of July next. Those neglect ing dm notice, after that day, may expect to be called on by a proper officer who will notify them with what is cal (41 in Law a Legal Process... Henderson township, June 20, 1848. N. B. Persons hoeing left watches with me for repairing or otherwise at any time while I was carrying on the Clock & Watch making business in HAntingdon, will find them iu the shop of H. K. :SMff & Brother, in Market Square, next door to the Exchange Hotel. Any Watches not called for within six months will be sold ar public auc tion. D. B. RICH AND RACY ! UISHER, McMURTRIE & CO., avail themselves of this means of making known to their old friends and customers that they have greatly enlarged their room, and are now opening at the old and well known corner, a very large and splendid assortment of spring and Summer Goods, . which will be sold 20 Per Cent. Cheaper than was ever before known in this latitude. Their stock is heavy and has been selected with great care, so that the wants of the WHOLE PEOPLE may be euplied. In addition to their former variety they have added a fine assortment of HATS, CAPS, and Ready-Made Cloihing, which now renders their establishment a Grand Bazar where everything useful and ornamental may be found, and ar prices which DEFY all competition! For example: They are gelling silmidit! Dress Lawns for I2i cents. per yard, Calicoes, from 3to 6 do. do., Bleached Muslin at 4 do. do., Good Brown Sugar at 61 cents per lb. ; best Rio Coffee at 10 cents per lb. ; Mo lasses, 25 cents per gallon. And to cap the climax, they are able and willing to sell a FULL SUIT of Ready-made Cloth ing for the small sum of 2.50. For further particulars, please call at the 'OLD LOCUST CORNER,' where the important fact will be proven that Fisher, McMurtrie & Co. have the largest, the BEST and the CHESP ES7' stock of Goods ever offered for sale in Hunting don! [April 6, 1848. GREAT REDUCTION ! GOOD thirty hour brass :CLOCKS can be had at Scott's cheap Jewelry Store for $3 50, and eight day brass clocks for $6 50. None sold that cannot be warranted. Also, Common Watch Glasses fur 181 cte. l'atents 25 cents. and Bru nette 37 1-2 cents. A like reduction in all other articles. STRANGE PHENOMENA. Is it an optical delusion or a Brilliant reality that dazzles Ladies and Gentlemen as they pass JAS. I'. SCOTT'S Jewelry Store THE MYSTERY SOLVED ! SCOTT', on his late visit to the east, drew ma ny of the splendid prizes in the Grand Jewelry Lottery, and being extremely lucky, he in deter mined to be extremely liberal. His store is filled with the richest and rarest specimen. of art from the work .hops of the east. He has the largest, the cheapest, and the best assortment of CLOCKS and GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, of al most every description, ever brought to Hunting don. Also, Gold and Silver Fob Chain., Gold and Silver Pins and Pencils ; brilliant Rings and Bread Pins ; Bracelet., Boquet holders ; Silver Spoon, Mustard do., silver and common Specks, Rodger's Pen Knives, Roussell's unequalled Soap., Perfumes, Liquid Hair Dye, Lip Salve, Shaving Cream, &c., besides a vast variety of other articles both for ornament and use, fill his cases. He has bought low and is settled in his determination to sell low. Give him a call. Huntingdon, May 16,1848. Hats, Hats, Hats. ONE case more of Ashton's beautiful mole-skin Hats, which no gentleman should be without, just received, and for sale at FISHER, McMURTRIE & CO'S. Also, a supply of Cerro Gordo end Buena Vista Hats of the best qual ity, and very cheap. To Housekeepers. FINE Jersey cured Hams, Fresh Shad, Herring & Mackerel, just landed, and for sale at FISHER, McMITRTRIE & Co's. Flp alotassex. A few more hogsheads of that unrival 11_ led fip Molasses, which has created so much excitement, now ready to be sold in quantities to suit purchasers, at the 4 . GR.IND B.d Z./1 IC of Fisher, McMurtrie & Co., where in fact every thing may be found cheaper than any place else ; not to say anything about their really fine 1 A• 8 Cl. Sugar. Great and Glorious News! For the People of Huntingdon Town and County generally ! Extraordinary Redstrlton in Prices Notwlthetanding much wrangling and great di versity of opinion now exists among politician. ae to who shall ba the candidates of the respective parties for the Presidency, it is en admitted lact among all classes and ell psrtiee, that SWOOPE & AFRICA have just opened et their old eland in Mein Street, Huntingdon, an assortment of Xpriteg 311111 Suinimer GOODS, not only the cheapest by at Wet ten per cent,litit decidedly the beat adapted to the wonta of the People generally, that has ever been opened in (hid sectioo of the htate. Their stock consists it, part of Cloths, Cansi niereti, Satinetta, and a great variety orcheap goods suitable for Men's and Boy's Summer wear. Muslins of every quality and at astonishing low prices; Linens, Bed 'Picking, Shootings, Umbrel• las and Parasols, Sun Shades, &C., &r. Also, Calicoes and Ginghams of a quality and at prices that must suit the views of all. Also, Silks, Lawns, Mouslin de Lair. and Bal. zorines of the finest quality and at prices that "can't be beat!" Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Mitts, Ribbons, Hosiery, &c., &c. Also, an ele gant assortment of Leghorn and Straw Bonnets, //.ITS and ('.IPS O of every variety. A large assortment of 11i001,4 and hOCS. D. BUOY made in the most substantial manner. A general assortment of GROCERIES, Hardware, Queenswate,Ghissware, Paints, Oils, Salt, .&c., &c The strbscribers desire to return thanks to their friends and the public generally, for the liberal pat , ronngo heretofore extended to them. And in ask ing a continuance of public favor, desire to state that their new stock of tit.c.:td having boen pur chased for CASH, they are enabled to offer them at priced aS low, if not louder, than any other or tabliehmerit in the county. Call, examine and judge for yourselves. SWOOPE & AFRICA. may 2, ;848. .L.IST dIRRIV.II,! SPRING & SUMMER GOODS!! At the Store of FORCE G Al the old Stand, in Markel Square, Han 1714. den, Pa. The public are informed that I have received' an entire new stock of Spring at Summer Goods, being by far the best assortment ever brought to this place, among which will be found Cloths of all kinds, Carrainets, Kentucky Jeans,Gambroons, French, Belgium and Fancy Caseimeres,Croton, Oregon and Tweed Cloth, Vestings,Flannele and Drillings, and a variety of Cotton Goode for Sum mer wear. French and Irish Linens and Checks, Bed Ticking, Muslin. and Shootings, Umbrellas and Parasols. A large assortment of Calicoes of the newest styles, at low pliers. Earlston, French, Scotch and Domestic Ging hams and Balzorines, Diapers, Table Cloths, Cot ton Fringe, Mouslin de Laines, French Lawns and Scarfs, Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Black and Fancy Alpacas, Merinoca, Silk Gloves, Mitts, Ladies Caps, Ribbons, Hosiery, dec., Also, a very excellent assortment of Hats, Caps, and • 'READY-MADE CLOTHING, Leghorn and Straw Bonnets, Pala Leaf Hats, Boots and Shoes. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, aND QUEENSWIIRE, PaINTS,GLsISS- WaRE, FISH, SALT, &c., &c., with a fine variety of Goods of all kinds. The shove stock of goods having been selected with gi eat care, and purchased at reduced prices for Cash, in the city of Philadelphia, I am enabled to offer Great Bargains, and hope that all will examine my stock before purchasing electvhere, as I run determined to sell as low as any one in Pennsylvania. Please call and ace my goods, as it affords me pleasure at all timer; to chow thern. Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn, Flour, Clover/wed & Flaxseed. Butter, Eggs, Lard, Bacon, Soap, Bees wax, &c., taken in exchange for Goods. np2s•tf.] DISSOLUTION. The partnerspih heretofore existing between John N. Swoop. and Win. Moore of the town of Alexandria, in the Mercantile business, has been dissolved by mutual consent. The books of the firm will be attled at the , Store, where persons in. debted are requested to make payment. JOHN N. BWOOPE, WM. MOORE. Alexandria, April let. 1848. The business will be continued by the under• signed, at the Old Stand. Ho returns thanks for the patronage heretofore extended, end respectful ly solicits a continuance of the same. JOHN N. SWOOPE. 111IRMAN STUMP, AT STAFFORD MILLS, 6 miles above Havre de Grace, Will at all times purchase Wheat at a price within TWO C ENTII of Philadelphia Market. c• - • Owners and Boatmen are invited to call. Plaster may be had at the Mill. april2s, 1848. CLUEENSW ARE, &C. QEO. G WIN invites house-keepers to call at his store and examine his large assortment of Queensware and Table Cutlery. Hams, Shoulders dii. Flitch, TUST received from Pittsburg, several A itah .andfor , h ogsheads r o a f a t! a t ; s , J. kW. Shoulders Saxton.an Ladies' Dress Gaiters and Shoes. Abeautiful assortment for sale at the new store of DORSEY & MAstunz. Also, a good assortment of Children's fine and coarse shoes. Do etot Iroiliffelt ... -- - -- --T . :'. ~ . .‘ 77, ..,..,,7,: ‘ ,..,.,, , ,' ~, hy means of the POCKET' !t! i:';/ Ai; r.,,,, i JESCULAPII.IB, Or. Eve!? y \c. k i;firli, ' one his own Phyaician !--,, ' - 1,4.' t',/ t'etenteenth Edition, with \ ,. . , . , 6 ,1 . ' ', .',/ onwards of One Hundred ~ . I 'e..' • , ...I Erigravirls, 'bowing privet, ', .. ; Sr), - 7 . _.-; diseases In every shape end --- ."'"--- forth. and Malfrodivrtitths df the general eysletri: By V 1 M. I OUN 0, M.D.. The time has arrived, that lien..a suffering from eeriet disease, need no more berwthe the victims of Quackery, or by the prdeerlpiiorie contained in this book any one may cure hititaclf: Whitopt hit,. drance to business. or the knowledge of the [Wort intimate friend. ire el with one tenth the twin( ex , pence! In addition to the general routine of pri vate diseases, it ful y explains the canoe If Jinn hood's. early decline. with observations nn Marriage; —besides many other derangements which it could' riot he pr.nper to enumerate in the public printr. crf Pomona residing at any distance from Phil-. aileiphis. ran have this book forwarded to them through the Post Oilier, on the receipt of twenty five resins, directed to br. 'William Toting, 152 SPnlieE StMet. Philadelphia. June 20, 184 g. °AMP. to fhe residence of the subscriber in kj the hormigh Ilitntingdon, on the 17th . June inst., A WHITE BOAR PIG, summed' to he about live ruroiTho Md. The owner is re ..• , qu,ctrii to appear, prove properiy, pay ekaraes,•, and take it away—otherwise 1t will be disposed of according . to law. .INO. ARMITAGE. Huntingdon, June 20, Ism LOOK OUTf Late fashions and cheap Bargains. LEVI WESTBROOK, Ret e he p c i t i fbtly y ic g informs enera i y t h h i t f r h i c en h d a s s s d t returned from the city with a large and neat quantity of city made Boots and Shoes, which he will dispose of on the most reasonable terms. He also keeps on hand s fine assortment of Boots and Shoes of his own manufacture. Call. at his shop two doors west of the Post Of fice where you earmot fail to be accom odated with neat and durable work. Cash or Country produce always taken in payment for work; June 13, 181S—tf. .4 D.III.7VIS7'IZ37bk'S E Letters of administration on the estate of Allen 0. Brown, late of the borouglt of Shirleysburg deed. having been gran ted to the undersigned, he hereby gives aotice to all persons indebted to .said de teased to come forward and make pay trent, and to all persons having demands against the same, to present them prop erly authenticated without delay. May 30, 1848. JOHN SHAVER, Adtti'r. MiM . TIONAL ATTRACTION CHEAP PUBLIC,ITIONS ! A great variety Of the latest—most interesting and thrilling works of fiction have just been re ceived at the "HUNTINGDON JEWELRY STORE," which will be sold at Philaffelphid prices. No ad vance asked in mental breadsturs A dark bob-tailed mare, about ten years old, and having no shoes on the front feet, strayed from the premises of the undersigned, living at Juniata- forge, West township, Huntingdon county. Any information concerning said mare will be thankfully received, and a rea. sonable reward will be paid for delivery of said mare to the undersigned. EDWIN F. SHOENBERGER. May 30, 1848. Still more Astounglng N'ew•s in the MERCANTILE WORLD, The eoncessions made by the Jews and Gentiles NOT SATISFACTORY! A further reduetien of prices demanigd by the people—resistance by the various Fi rn and ad vance of PROW ELI, with the 4th Light brigade escorting an Immense Mock of Goods, to be disposed of at prices that will allay the tre mendous excitement. GEORGE GWIN Still further glorious news for the community— nri teal of the train under Prowell—his batteries in position opposite Fort M'allace—joy of the manses—Proweirs Brigade fraternizing with the populace—enthusiasm of the rank and file for the Hero of Cheap Goods—his eplerdid assortment opened and crowds of customers surrounding his counter. Amongst this assortment may be fatmd the most splendid lot of LADIES' DRESS GOODS Obr exhibited in the United States. Such as Ginghams, Lawns, Bereave, Balzarines, Tissues, Organdies and Plaids t Silks, striped, barred and plain ; 700 pieces of Calicoes which I will sell at stick prices as wil astonish the world. Shawls of every quality and price. Parasols, Parasolets ard Sun Shades. !Aces, Edgings, Quillings,Bobinew, striped and barred Muslins, Gloves of e ver y d er . cription, Hosiery in abundance ; Muslin,, Tick• Inge, Checks. Diapers and cotton goods for panta loons. Ready made clothing, Hardavvre, Qucenr ware Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Leghorn, Chi. , na. Pearl and Palm Leaf Hats. The above goods have beer. purchased at 20 per cent lower than those bought earlier in the seuon, and will be sold at such prices as will Ratiar he people of this county that the CHEA I' CORNER is the only place to get bargains at last. JOHN N. PROWELL. Cheap Corner, Huntingdon, May 9, 1848. Dissolution of ll'artnerxhip. THE Firm of J. M. & S. li. Bell, under which I name the business et Edwruti Furnace, in Shirley township, Huntingdon county, Ps., was carried on previous to the first day of April 1848. was on that day dissolved and ceased to exist by mutual consent. From that date. (tat of April 1848,' the Mati nees at and of said Furnace has been conducted by and will hereafter be transacted by Samuel Bell, alone. JAMES M. DELL. SAMUEL 11. BELL. May 30, 1848-31. pd. For Twenty-Five Cents.! STRAY PM, STII.II .11.4 IR E.