Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 20, 1848, Image 3

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Important Commercial Treaty
WASHINGTON, June 16,_1848
The Senate yesterday ratified an im
portant commercial treaty with New
Grenada. Among other provisions, is
one securing the right of way from the
Atlantic to the Pacific across the Isthmus
of Panama.
The President yesterday sent in the
following nominations to the Senate:
Hon Isaac 'Policy, of Connecticut,
Attorney General, vice Nathan Clifford,
Hon. A. P. Bagby, of Ala., Minister to
Russia, vice .Hon. gaiph Ingersoll, re
Calvin Ingersoll, of Conn., Secretary
of the Russian Legation.
The Peace Commissioners.
Major Graham, who arrived here yes
terday, reports that Commissioner Se
4ier is now on his way to this country,
and may be expected here within ten
days, bringing with him the ratified
Gen. Taylor and Free Territory.
The Boston Atlas contains the follow
iug very important announcement
Col. Johnson, of Upper Pe qua, Ohio,
Who was selected by the Whrgs of Alia•
mi, as their delegate to the convention—
a staunch, undoubted Whig, who has, in
a long life devoted to the cause, done it
great service—a delegate to Harrisburg
in 1839, and to Baltimore in 181.1., and
Who has known Gen. Taylor long and
intimately, writes, in a letter before its,
that lie is all we could desire upon this
very point. [-Ic writes that he has heard
him declare, with much force, that he re
garded slavery as a great evil to the
country, and expressed a strong hope
that the time might arrive when we could
get rid of it altogether; and Col. John
son declares his firmest conviction that
Gen. Taylor ,‘ is the' last man to counte
nance its being extended to any new terri
tory that may be brought into the Union."
More li rape,
in his speech last week at New York,
told some truths to his brother democrats.
In the course of his remarks he said that,
froat the first roll of the drum at Palo
Alto to the conquest of the city of Mex
ico, the President and Secretary of War
had been laboring to make a President
for them, and that President would be
'Zachary Taylor, for he is the man after
the hearts of the people."
ed out of the window and thanked his
Murder in Moyaniensing Prison. friends for the honor conferred by the
PHILADELPHIA, June 15, 1848. call. But the venerable editor of the '
At an early hour this morning, an in- Union, with a lantern in his hand,
sane inmate, named Bete, killed Wm. and blithe as a lark, called out " come .
Johnston, who was placed in the cell to down; Senator, and let us hear how Mis
prevent the former from doing himself • sonri is going."
any harm ; the murdered man was lite- 4 Ah," said said the Senator, "is that
rally cut to pieces. J yoa, lather Ritchie; you remind me of
Langfeldt, the murderer of Mrs. Rnd-iDiogenes with his lantern in his hand,
emacher, will hear his death warrant ; looking about the streets of Syracuse,
read this afternoon, by Sheriff Lclar, to ! for an honest man."
be hung on the 20th of October.
117-The New Orleans Delta says, that
Gen. Taylor has had 2,000 copies of his
Allison letter printed on fine letter pa
per, and that whenever be receives a
etter from a politician asking his °pin
ts on any political subject, without
tting himself to the trouble of reading
through, he quietly sits down, folds up
e of the Allison copies, and transmits
to his inquiring friend and correspon.
The steamboat H. Kenny, Capt. Miller,
exploded on the Tombigbee river, Ala
bama, on Saturday last. Thirty persons
were killed or arc missing, twelve arc
badly maimed, and two shockingly seal
ded. The boat sunk a few minutes after
the explosion. The wounded were con
veyed to the Marine Hospital, where the
best medical assistance was rendered
to the unfortunate sufferers.
The steamer Clarksville was burnt
near Ozark's Island, on the 27th of
May. Thirty deck passengers,
the crew,
and Captain Holmes, were lost. The
cabin passengers were saved.
FemALE CLUBS.—AII the male popula.
Lion of Paris are formed into clubs, and
now it appears the women have been
seized with the same gregarious propen
sity. There was recently a meeting of
the females' club held in one of the thea
tres, to organize work for women, on
principles of Fraternity, and to secure
to each at least one franc per day. Le
Droit gives the following account of the
affair :
"It would be impossible to describe
the spectacle presented by the club de
femmes, on Thursday evening, under the
presidency of the Citoyenne N
We cannot give an idea of the tumult,
the disorder, the uproar, which took.
place. There was nothing but cries,
hisses, vociferations, pressing, crushing,
even fighting. The windows and the
glasses were smashed, but no speaker
of either sex could obtain a hearing,
not even the Abbe Cliatel, not even the
Citoyenne N-. The sitting at
length broke up in the midst of univer
sal laughter, and was postponed to an
other day ; but men arc not to be admit
ted another time."
MAINE SENATOR.—The Legislature of
Maine has elected the lion. HANNIBAL
HAIIILIN a Senator of the United States
to fill the vacancy caused by the decease
of the HOB. Juno FAIR FIELD, and occupy
the Seat now temporarily filled by Mr.
MOORE under an appointment front the
Governor. Mr. IlnntLin has served two
•or three terms in the House of Repre
sentatives, and while there was a friend
of the Wilmot Proviso. He is, of course,
a Locofoco.
AN ARMY OF THEM.-It is estimated
that 600,000 men will take a part in the
Presidential election of 1848, who, in
1844, were between the ages of 17 and
21. And it is further estimated that
eedlards of them are Whigs.
The Acadia arrived at Boston a few
days ago, with one week later news.—
The news possesses interest, but we
have no room for details.
The surface of political affairs in
France was somewhat more calm.—
There is a lull, for a moment, in Paris,
but the disposition is tending to violence
and mob government. The Provinces
are frightfully disaffected. A dreadful
insurrection had occurred at Naples,
and many lives had been lost.
A new demonstration had taken place
at Vienna, which had led to the flight of
the Emperor of Austria, but it was ho
ped that lie would be induced to return.
The English Minister at Madrid had
received his passports, and the affair
had created no little excitement in Eng-
A furious outbreak had taken place
at Seville, and Lyons was temporarily
in the hands of the Terrorists.
The British House of Lords had re
jected the bill for the Emancipation of
the Jews.
Great excitement prevailed at Berlin
on the opening of the National Assembly,
and Mitchell, the Irish repealer, has
been convicted.
The Fraternity Festival in Paris pas.
sed oft' without disturbance.
Barbes, confined in prison at Vincen
nes, had made an unsuccessful attempt
to escape, and there have been further
arrests in Ireland.
At his residence in Union township, Mom
pai:m county, Ohio, on the M inst., Mr. Gaon,.
LATER.—The Steamer "America" , formerly of Huntingdon county, Pa.,
arrived at Boston on Tuesday evening, full prospect of a blessed immortality, aged
with news one week later. , 6,, years.
Mitchell, the Irish Repealer, has been 1 A t ColunMus, Ohio, a few days since, APAM
:I , IP,TIMILLIN, Etgq., an old and respectable cit
sentenced to fourteen years transporta
..n of that place, and formerly of Huntingdon
tion, and great excitement prevails in ,:mnty, Pa.
Ireland. i ---..--,
There have been more chartist dis- 1 The Markets.
torbances in England. I PIIILADELPIII.t, June 11, Is Is.
• The continental news is warlike. One The market remains without enquiry for Flour,
or two battles arc recorded. One be-
tln• sates being confined to small parcels at lt%fi,
, .5 , ; a V>, 6:2 t per bbl. Rye Flour is dfill at $3,
tween the limes and Germans. 5c1,. .cries of 400 bbls. Corn Meal at $2,374.
Franco is tranquil. , There is a moderate demand for Wheat with a
ton correspondent of the N. Y. Express
tells the following anecdote, whose raci
ness persons of all political sentiments
will enjoy. After the ratification meet
ing in favor of Cass and Butler, the oth
er evening, a procession was .formed,
which visited, in succession, the houses
of Senators Dix, Benton and others.
When the crowd had arrived in front of
Benton'ii house ,that Senator merely look
paper tells a story of a gentleman in
l3erks county, a member of the Demo
cratic party', whose attachment to regu
lar nominations was happily illustrated.
"The Convention have nominated Folk,"
said a wag to him, who had obtained
possession of the rest) news. " Polk !
just the man we want !" " No, no, I
was mistaken," said the wag; " Wood
bury—Woodbury is the nominee."—
,I " Woodbury ! Good ! Nobody can run
so well as Woodbury. He is the best
man in the party." Well, after all, it is
neither Polk nor Woodbury, but Cass."
" Better still! Three cheers for Cass!
Who can run so well as Cass !
Oz'rAliss Rachael B. Wallace, late of
Burlington, by her last Will, bequeathed
to Burlington College the sum of two
thousand dollars; of which the interest
is to be applied, under the direction of
the Bishop, to aid such candidates for
holy orders as he may select, in pursu
ing their theological studies at Burling
ton College.
ID-Sarah Jane Pinkerton, who was
tried in Boston for the murder of her
mother, was Requited by the jury, on the
grounds that she did not know the effects
of administering the arsenic to her, sup
posing it would only make her sick. The
Jury were absent three hours.
CAse VS JEFFERSON.—The Louisville
Journal says that the first appearance
of Gen. Cass upon the public stage, was
signalized by a series of ferocious at
tacts upon Mr. Jefferson, in a series of
papers written in New Hampshire, which
wil shortly be re-published. Yet this is
the man who speaks of the Whigs as
Hamiltonian Federalists !
re- There was a tremendous gather
of the Whigs of Philadelphia at the
Chinese Museum on Monday evening of
last week, at which addresses were made
by Mayor Swift, Ex-Governor Jones, of
Tennessee, Hon. James Cooper, and Gen.
Leslie Combs, of Kentucky.
CoNsTieATiox or run Bowers or costiveness,
headache, giddiness, pain in the side and breast,
nausea and sickness, variable appetite, yellow
or swarthy complexion, &c., are the usual symp
toms of Liver Complaint. Wright's Indian Ye
gitable Pills are always certain to remove the
above complaints, because they purge from the
body those morbid humors which are the cause,
not only of all disorders of the liver, but of ev
ery malady incident to man. A single :25 cent
box will in all rases give relief, and perseverance
will most assuredly drive every particle of dis
ease from the body.
COMPLEXION. Wright's Indian Vegitable',
Pills are the best cosmetic an the World i because
they cleanse and purify the body of those mot bid
humors which, if lodged in the cuticle, are the
cause not only of yellow or swarthy complexion
and roughness of the skin, but all kinds of erup
tive diseases. Wright's Indian Vegitable Pills al
so aid and improve digestion, as well as cleanse
and purify the blood, and, tWorefore, give health
and vigor to the whole frame, which in turn, will
be sure to give a clear and healthy complexion.
o.l.l3eware of sugar coated counterfeits„o)
Tire only originaland gen Indian Vegeta
ble Pills have the signature rrf William Wrigts
written with a pen on the top label of each box..
None other k genuine and to counterfeit this is
Forgery. The genuine fur sale by
" ' .
7F. — K.SIMOIVTON, Sole Agent for Hunting-
don; Charles Porter, Alexandria; Blair & Robin-!
son,Shade Gap; tilairBc Co.,Frankstown; Orbison
& Co., Orbisonia; A. 0. Brown, Shirleysburg;
Hunter & Co., West Barre and Petersburg; Graff
&Co., Manor Hill; D. S. Bell, WElavy's Fort;
JarnesMaguire, Saulsburg; John W. Myton, En
nesyille; George H. Steiner, Water Street; A. &
W. Cresswell, Petersburg; Milliken & Kessler,
Mill-creek; and wholesale and retail at the prin.
eipal office, 189 Race street,Philadelphia.
li ht stock. Sales of good reds at 122 a I'2le,
;aid line white at 130 per bus. Sales of 3 a 1,-
(m 0 ha Corn at 3le per bu. for Penna. yellow,
and 1,000 bit. Western Oats at (Sc per ha.
Whiskey is dull at 22c in bbls., and 31 in hhds.
" A Little more Grape !"
In pursuance of the recommendation of the
Town meeting on Saturday last, the friends of
Cen. Taylor in the borough of Huntingdon are
requested to meet at the house Alex. Carmen,
en \Vim,:Ego., EVENING next, (:Ist inst.,) for
the purpose of organizing a "Roagh and Read y
Club." A general attendance is requested.
Newton Hamilton, Mifflin county, Pa.,
wILL visit Huntingdon stated
ly on the 15th of June, Sep- (i 5e „....1-
tember, December and March, and . 6 ass
remain two weeks at each visit. 13 — Rooms at
Mrs. Hampson's Hotel.
june 20,
Lecture on tho Teeth.
TAR. H. Nowrox, .Dentist, will deliver a Pub
l.) lie Lecture on the Human Teeth, the causeC
of their decay, and the means proper to be used
for their preservation, at the Court House in the
borough of Huntingdon, on Thursday night, the
23,1 inst., td commence at 8t o'clock.
Ladies and gentlemen are respectfully in
vited to attend. . .
Dr. Norton will remain at Mrs. Hampson's
Hotel until the 30th inst., for the porpose of at
tending' to such operations as he may be called
on to perform. His charges ate moderate, and
all din operations varranied.
0 - ." The following medical gentlenien of es
tablished reputation in Mifflin county, have per
mitted hint the use of their imams as references,
viz: A. Rothrock, M. D., C. Bower, M. D.,
A. K. Linn, M. D., and K. Wharton, M. D.
Huntingdon, June 20, 1010.
Nos. 32 and 33 Arcade, and 33 North Third St.,
CIOUNTRY Merchants con save from 10 to 15
per cant by purchasing at the above stores
By importing my own goods, paying but little
rent, and living economically, it is plain I can un
dersell those who purchase their goods here, pay
high rents, and live like princes.
Constantly on hand, a large assortment of Pen
and Pocket Knives, Scissors and Razors. Table
Knives and Forks, in Ivory, Stag. Buffalo, Bone
and Wood handles; Carvers and Forks, Steels,
&c. Butcher Knives, Dirks, Bowie Knives, Re
volving and Plain Pistols, &c. Just received, s
largo stock of Rodgers' an I Wostenholm's fine
Pen and Congress Knives.
Also, a large assortment of Accordeons, &c.,
&c. Also, Fine English 'Twist and German
Crornelian & Brother,
No. 11, Walnut Street, Philadelphia,
Wine, Liquor and General Commission
WINE'S, Brandies, Gin, and Champalpne of
different brands imported direct, and sod on
accommodating terms to Country Dealers. Qual
ities and proof of Liquors waranted.
Philadelphia, June 20, 1845.
The Campaign Approaching-+Gen's.
Cass and Taylor in the rield.
LL persona knowing themselves indebted to
tithe subscriber by note, book account or other
wise, are requested to make prompt payment on or
before the 20th day of July next. Those neglect
ing this notice, after that day, may expect to be
called on by a proper officer who will notify them
t i with what is called in Law a Legal Process.
Henderson township, June 20,1848.
N. B. Persons having left watches with me for
repairing or otherwise at any time while I was
carrying on the Clock & Watch making businerig
in Huntingdon, will find them iu the shop of H.
K. Nell & Brother, in Market Square, next door to
the Exchange Hotel. Any Watches not called
for within six months will be sold ar public auc
tion. D. B.
for sale at this office.
Doctor Yourself
FOP Twenty-Five' Cents !
k, ‘ 6 ;,13y means of the POCKET
7 ' 'AISCULAPIUS, Or,Every
•, t= ,
\t ill 1/,, '' , one his own Phyrician !. , / Seventeenth Edition, with
1',.1 . 4 - 4/ upwards of One Hundred
..7 dtv,, -
.." Engrnviogs, showing privetl
form, diseases
a n i d n m .
i every to, n
i a t shape ion and s of
the general system, 13y WM. YOUNG, M.D.
The time has arrived, that persons suffering from
secret disease, need no more become the victims of
Quackery, as by the prescriptions contained in
this book any one may cure himself, without hin
drance to business, or the knowledge of the moat
intimate friend, ard with one tenth Me usual ex
pense! In addition to the general routine-of pri
vate diseases, it fully explains the cause of Man
hood's early decline, with observations on Mart iage
—besides many other derangements which it wouW
not be proper to enumerate in the public prints.
ozr Persona residing at any distance from Phil
adelphia. ran have this book forwarded to them
through the Post Office, on the receipt of twenty
five cents, directed to Dr. William Young, 152
SPRUCE Street, Philadelphia.
June 20, 1849.
('TAME to the residence of the subscriber in
j the borough of Huntingdon, on the 17th
June inst., A WHITE BOAR PIG, supposed
to be about live months old. The owner is re
quested to appear, prove property, pay charges,
and take it away—otherwise it will be disposed
of according to law. JNO. ARMITAGE.
Huntingdon, June 20, 1818.
Late fashions and eheap Bargains.
efiths p e e r c w t fbul y ic informs
generally his t fr b i c en b d a s and
tha just
returned from the city with a large and
neat quantity of city made Boots and
Shoes, which he will dispose of on the
most reasonable terms. He also keeps
on hand a fine assortment of Boots and
Shoes of his own manufacture. Call at
his shop two doors west of the Post Of
fice where you cannot fail to be accom
odated with neat and durable work.
Cash or Country produce always_ taken
in payment fin. work.
June 13, ISlS—tf.
Letters of administration on the estate
of Allen 0. Brown, late of the borough
of Shirlcysburg decd. having been gran
ted to the undersigned, he hereby gives
notice to all persons indebted to said de
ceased to come forward and make pay
ment, and to all persons having demands
against the same, to present theaprop
erly authenticated without delay.
May 30,1818. JOHN SHAVER,
A great variety of tho latest—most interesting
and thrilling works of fiction have just been ro
ceived at the
which will be sold at Philadelphia prices. No ad.
vanes asked in mental breadstuff 's !
STR.II .7►l.iß E.
A dark bob-tailed mare, about tan
years old, and having no shoes on the
front feet, strayed from the premises of
the undersigned, living at Juniata forge,
West township, Huntingdon county.
Any information concerning said marO
will be thankfully received, and a rea
sonable reward will be paid for delivery
of said mare to the undersigned.
May 30, 1848.
Still moue Astminging News in the
The concessions made by the Jews and Gentiles
A further reduction of prices demanded by the
people—resistance by the various Firms and ad
vance of PRO WELL with the 4th Light Brigade
escorting an
Immense Stoll: of Goods,
Lobo disposed of at prices that will allay the tre
mendous excitement.
Still further glorious news for the community—
art iVal of the train under Prowell—his batteries
in position opposite Fort Wallace—joy of the
masses—Prowell's Brigade fraternizing with the
populace—enthusiasm of the rank and file for the
Hero of Cheap Goods—his splendid assortment
opened and crowds of customers surrounding his
counter. Amongst this assortment may be found
the most splendid lot of
ever exhibited in the United States. Such as
Ginghams, Lawns, Beregee, Balzarince, Tissues,
Organdies and Plaids ; Silks, striped, barred and
plain ; 700 pieces of Calicoes which I will sell at
such prices as will astonish the world. Shawls of
every quality and price. Parasols, Parasolcts and
Sun Shades. Laces, Edgings, Quillings,Bobinets,
striped and barred Muslins, Gloves of every des
cription, Hosiery in abundance ; Muslins, Tick
ings, Checks, Diapers and cotton goods for pants
loons. Ready made clothing, Hordawrc. Queens
ware G roams, Boots and Shoes, Leghorn, Chi
na, Pearl and Palm Leaf Hats.
The above goods have beer. purchased at 20 per
cent lower than those bought earlier in the season,
and will be sold at such prices as will satisfy the
people of this county that the CHEA P CORNER
is the only place to get bargains at last.
Cheap Cornet, Huntingdon,
May 0, 1848.
Dissolution of l'artnership.
runic Firm of J. M. & S. 11. Bell, under which
name tho business at Edward Furnace, in
Shirley township, Huntingdon county, Pa., was
carried on previous to the first day of April 1848,
was on that day dissolved and ceased to exist by
mutual consent.
From that date. (lot of April 1848,) the busi
ness at and of said Furnace has been conducted
by and will hereafter be transacted by Samuel H.
Bell, alone. JAMES M. BELL,
' May 30, 18.11-3 t. pd.
Great and Glorious News!
For the People of Huntingdon Town and
County generally !
Extraordinary Redaction in
Notwithstanding much wrangling and great di
versity of opinion now exists among politicians as
to who shall bo the candidates of the respective
parties for the Presidency, it is an admitted tact
among all classes and all parties, that
have just opened at their old stand in Main Street,
Huntingdon, an assortment of
Spring and Sltilkiller
not only the cheapest by at least ten per tent., but
decidedly the beat adapted to the wants of the
People generally, that has ever been opened in this
sectioa of the htate.
Their stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassi
mares, Satinetts, and a great variety of cheap
goods suitable for Men's and Boy's Summer wear.
Muslins of every quality and at astonishing low
prices; Linens, Bed Ticking, Slicetings, Umbrel
las and Parasols, Sun Shades, &c., &c.
Also, Calicoes and Gingtu)is of a quality and
at prices that must suit the views of all.
Also, Silks, Lawns, Mouslin de Loins and Bal.
sorines of the finest quality and at prices that
" can't be beat!" Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Gloves,
Mitts, Ribbons, Hosiery, &c., &c. Also, an ele
gant assortment of
Leghorn and Straw Bonnets,
11.17 PS and CJPS,
of every variety. A large assortment of
Hoots and !Nimes.
made in the most substantial manner. - A general
assortment of
Hardware, Queensware, Glassware,
Paints, Oils, Salt, 4.c,, &c.
The subscribers desire to return thanks to their
friends and the public generally, fur the liberal pat
ronage heretofore extended to them. And in ask
ing a continuance of public favor, desire to state
that their new stock of Cucds having born pur
chased for CASH, they are enabled to offer them
at prices as low, it not lower, than any other es
tahlishment in the county. Call, examine and
judge for yourselves.
may 2, 1848.
L.I,ST 1
At the Store of
At Me old Stand, in Market Square, Hunting.
• dun, Pu.
The public are informed that I have received
an entire new stock of
Spring dd. Summer Goods,
being by far the beet assortment ever brought to
this place, among which will be found C loths of
all kinds, Caseinets, Kentucky Jeans,Gambroons,
French, Belgium and Fancy Cassimeres, Croton,
Oregon and Tweed Cloth, Vestinge,Flannels anal
Drillings, and a variety of Cotton Goods for Sum
mer wear. French and Irish Linens and Checks,
Bed Ticking, Muslim and Shectings, Umbrellas
and Parasols. A large assortment of Calicoes of
the newest styles, at low pi ices.
Barlston, French, Scotch and Domestic Ging
hams and Balzorinea, Diapers, Table Cloths, Cal
ton Fringe, Mouslin de Laines, French Lawns
and Scarfs, Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Black and
Fancy Alpacas. Morinoes. Silk Closes, Mills,
Ladies Caps, Ribbons, Hosiery, &c., &c.
Also, a very excellent assortment of Hats,
Caps, and
Leetorn and Straw Bonnets, Pala Leaf
Hats Boots and Shoes.
WARE, FISH, SALT; &c., with •
fine variety of Goods of all kinds.
The aboviTsiOck of good's havhig been selected
with great care, and purchased at reduced prices
for Cash, in the city of Philadelphia, I am enabled
to otter
Great Bargains,
and heft that all will examine my stock before
purchasing elsewhere, us I am determined to sell
as low as any one in Pennsylvania, Please call
and see my goods, as it affords me pleasure at all
times to show them.
Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn, Flour, Cloveraced &
Flaxseed, Butter, Eggs, Lard, Bacon, Soap, Bees
wax, &c., token in exchange for Goode.
_u . p2s:tf.]
The partnerspilt heretofore existing between
John N. Swoops and Wm. Moore of the town of
Alexandria, in the Mercantile business, has been
dissolved by mutual consent. The books of the
firm will ho sttled at the Store, where persons in ,
debted are requested to make payment.
Alexandria, April let. 1848.
The business will bo continued by the under
signed, at the Old Stand. He returns thanks for
the patronage heretofore extended, and respectful
ly solicits a continuance of the same.
6 miles above Havre de Grace,
Will at all times purchase Wheat at a price
within TWO CENTS of Philadelphia Market.
-• Owners and Boatmen aro invited to call.
Plaster may be had at the Mill.
april 25,1648.
GEO. GWIN invites house-keepers to
call at his store and examine his
large assortment of Queensware and
Table Cutlery.
Hams, Shoulders di. Flitch,
TUST received from Pittsburg, several
hogsheads of Hams, Shoulders and
Flitch, and for sale by J. & W. Saxton.
Ladies' Dress Gaiters and Shoes.
beautiful assortment for sale at the
/ - 1, now store of DORSEY &AnuntE.
Also, a good assortment of Children's
line and Coarse shoes.
themselves of this means of making
known to their old friends dnd customers that they
have greatly enlarged their room, and ape now
opening at the old and well knirvin corner, a very
large and splendid assortment of
Spring and Summer Goods,
which will be sold'
20 Per Cent. Chea p er
than was ever before known in this latitude.
Their stock is heavy and has been selected with
great care, so that the wants of the WHOLE
PEOPLE may be euplied. In addition to their
former variety they have added a fine assortment
of HATS, CAPS, and
Ready-sVade Clothing;
which now renders their establishment a
Grand Bazar
where everything useful dhd etbartiental may bn
found,and at prices which DEFY all competition!
For example: They are selling splendid
Dress Lawns for 124 cents. per kurd;
Calicoes, from 3to 6 do. do.;
Bleached Muslin at 4 do. do.;
Good Brown Sugar at 61 cents per lb.;
best Rio Coffee at 10 cents per lb.; Mo
lasses, 25 cents per gallon. And to cap
the climax, they are able and willing to
sell a FULL SUIT of Ready-made Cloth
ing for the small sum of 2.511.
For further particulars, please call at
the 'OLD LOCUST CORNER' ; ' where
the important fact will be proven that
Fisher, McMurtrie& Co. have the largest,
the BEST and the CHE3PEST stock of
Goods ever offered for sale in Hunting.
don ! [April 6, 1848.
Pennsylvania Rail Road
stockholders are lieteby notified that the .
J interest on the stock of the Pennsylvania
Rail Road Compeny will be paid on demand at the
office of the undersigned. New suliscriptions for
stock will also be received, the interest MY which
will be paid regularly on the 15th of 1610 and
November. The stock may be paid up in full at
the option of the subscriber.
Huntingdon,. May 16, 1848.
THE undersigned Audit& appointed by the
Orphan's Court of Huntingdon County, to dis
tribute the balance in the hands of Robert Camp
bell, Esq., administrator of the estate of Hercules
Kemp, late of Springfield township. decd., to and
among his legatees, will attend for that pupal° at
the office of 'l'. H. Cromer, Esq., in the borOugh
of Huntingdon, on Friday, the l Gth day of June
next, when and where all persons interestedinay
be present if they think proper.
(1 001) thirty hour 'mass:CLOCKS can belled
Tat Scott's cheap Jewelry Store for $3 50, and
eight day brass clock. for $6 50. None cold that
cannot be warranted. ASO, Common Watch
Glasses fur 181 cts. Patents 25 cents, cod Bru
netts 37 1-2 cents. A Pike :teduction irr all other
Is it an optical delusion or a Brilliant reality that
dazzles Ladies and Gentlemen as they pace JAS.
T. (.;orr's Jewelry Store ?
SCOTT, on his late visit to the east, drew ma•
try of the splendid prizes in the Grand Jewelry
Lottery, and being extremely lucky, be is deter
mined to be extremely liberal. His store is filled
with the richest and rarest specimens of set from
the work shops of the east. He has the largest,
the cheapest, nd the best assortment of CLOCKS
most every description, ever brotight to Hunting
don. Also, Gold and Silver Fob Chains, Gold
and Silver Pins and Pencils ; brilliant Rings and
Breast Pins ; Bracelets, BOOM holders ; Silver
Spoon, Mustard do., silver and common Specks,
Rodger's Pen Knives. Roussell's unequalled Soaps,
Perfumes, Liquid Flair Dye. Lip Salve, Shaving
Cream, .fitc., besides a vast variety of other articles
both for ornament and use, fill his eases. He has
bought low and is settled in his determination tot
sell low. Give hint a call.
Huntingdon, May 16,
Hats, Hale, 118114.
ONE case more of Ashton's beautiful
mole-skin Hats, which no gentleman
should be without, just received, and
for sale at FISHER, MeMURTRIE &
CO'S. Also, a supply of Cerro Gordo
and Buena Vista Hats of the best qual
ity, and very cheap.
To Housekeepers.
INE Jersey Mired Hams, Fresh Shad,
Herrifig & Mackerel, just landed,
and for sale at
Pip 0101 asses.
A fete morbhogshtads of that unrival-
LI. led
. fip Molasses, Athich has created
so much excitement, now ready to be
sold in quantities to suit purchasers, at
the "GRaArD Bazaß" of Fisher,
McMurtrie & Co., where in fact every
thing may be found cheaper than any
place else; not to say anything about
their really fine
4 A• 6 Ct. Sugai°.
For the Ladies.
Alarge and beautiful assortment of
Ladies Dress Gaiters, and Kid and
Morocco Shoes, at the store of
J. 4. W. Saxton.
IN the Wholesale & Retail Hardware Trade, the
Stock of which is new and recently selected.
This is deemed an opportunity seldom to be met
with for on active person from the interior of the
State, who has some knowledge of the German
Language, and also a good country acquaintance.
The amount of Cash Capital required would be
from $2OOO to $3OOO.
A person with the above requisites and a par
:tia knowledge of the business, with satisikethry
references, by early application to No. 1271 North
9d St., or at Eagle Hotel, Col. Webb, will meet
with attention.