THE JOURNAL. [CORRECT PRINCIPLEF---RUPPORTED 111 , TRl,ll.] HUNTINGDON, TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1818, Democratic Whig Nominations. FOR PRESIDENT: CIEN. ZACHARY TAYLOR. FOR VICE PRESIDENT : MILLARD FILLMORE. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER: NER MIDDLESWARTH 13:7" V. B. PALMER, Esq. is our author ised agent for receiving adcertisements sod subscriptions in the cities of Philadelphia, Bal timore and New York, and for collecting and receipting for the same. lir After an absence of nearly four weeks, on a tour of duty, pleasure and business com bined, we are again at our post ready to see our friends and attend to all demands that they may have to make upon us. Public Lecture. Dr. H. Norton will deliver a public lecture in the Court House on Thursday even next. Sec card in another column. ADVERTISEMENTS.—We invite the attention of country dealers to the cards of John M. Coleman and Cromelian & Brother. We have the pleasure of a personal acquaintance with these gentlemen, and have no hesitation in recommending them to public favor. 05' On our first page will be found a brief history of ZACHARY TAYLOR and 'MILLARD FM-- 31one. We desire, as far as in us lies, to make our readers familiar with the character and hi,- tory of our candidates, before asking them to deposit their votes for those candidates. In do ing this at the outstart, we have devoted more of our paper to politics than it is our purpose to do hereafter. But we believe that nothing would be more acceptable at this time than brief sketch es of the lives and public services of those illus trious patriots—TAYLOß & FILLMORE. OUR PAPER. Daring our late visit to Philadelphia we pro cured a new head for our paper, which it will be seen graces the present number. We also supplied ourself with a new and beautiful fount of type, of a smaller size than heretofore used by us for reading matter. This additional ex: pense has been incurred for the purpose of giv ing our subscribers a larger quantity of reading matter, an& enabling us to meet all the demands of our advertising customers. We hope that these improvements may be appreciated by our friends, and that while we strive to deaeeee pat ronage, it may not only not diminish, but be largely increased. Come on, then, friends, this is the age of improvement and progress, and just THE TIME to subscribe for the " HUN TINGDON JOURNAL." Highly Interesting. Those indebted to us for subscription, adver tising or job work, are requested Co make im mediate payment. Our recent heavy expendi tures makes the request imperative. And we hope all who are in arrears, will consider this call as especially directed to them. We have been sending the Journal to a number of persons out of this State for the lust three years, with out receiving any payment. We hope it will not be necessary for us to again renew this com plaint. THE MEETING. The meeting held on Saturday evening last to ratify the nominations of the Whig National Convention, was a cheering demonstration. Al though the effort was made by some of the fright ened leaders of the forlorn hope of Gen. Cass to get the hard-fisted democrats who were iii the meeting to leave it, it was no go. Santa Anna's minions were unable to get the American sol diers to desert the standard of " Old Rough and Ready" in Mexico, and the efforts of Polk's minions to keep the People away from his stan dard here will be equally unavailing. The People, without distinction of Perty, go for the old Hero who " never surrenders." See pro ceedings. Cass a Federalist. "It is not because Lewis Cass was a federalist, or wore a black cockade when a boy, that he is opposed by the Whigs ; but because he has been a consistent democrat through a long life!"—Demo cratic Standard. Then he did wear the black cockade, Mr. Standard I—Well honesty is a virtue, and you deserve some credit for acknowledging the corn. A " consistent democrat !" Admit it—and it only makes against him, with all honest friends of their country. Democracy, as held by your party, has often been accused of monarchial ten dencies and predilections; and now we are open ly assured that the apologist and defender of the most notorious tyrant of our age (Louis Philippe) has always been a " consistent dem ocrat !" It was democracy, no doubt, that led that corrupt monarch to shackle the Press in France,—doubtless it was democracy, too, that dictated the curtailment of the elective franchise by the same hand ; and certainly he who has been a " consistent democrat" through a long life, would never become the flatterer of one whose principles he could not adopt! Oh, so ! D9 - The nomination of Gen. Taylor was made between 10 and 11 o'clock on Friday. It was immediately telegraphed in all directions, and at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, news was receiv ed by telegraph, from Columbas, Ohio, that a large meeting of probably 1000 persons had met in that city and had responded to the nomination. 03 , C01. Toon of Ky., late U. S. Minister to Russia, passed through this place on Friday last. TILE NOMOTATIONS, AND THE RE- SPONSE. All know, who have been readers of the Hun tingdon Journal, that the late Whig National Convention did not select our first choice as a candidate for the Presidency. Before the cir cumstances which brought to the admiring view of the People of this country the name of ZACH ARY TAYLOR had transpired, our affections and sympathies were entwined around the name of another glorious old chieftain and Patriot— WINFIELD SCOTT. True, we were not indiffer ent to the many noble traits of character posses sed by Gen. Taylor, and daily brought to light, nor to the great and growing enthusiasm of the People in various parts of the country in his be half. But still we did not feel like surrendering our first love without a fair and impartial hear-, ing before the proper tribunal. That hearing has been had, and, claiming to be a democrat, in the true sense of the the term, we bow with cheerfulness to the will of the majority ; and therefore, although not present when the last number of our paper was issued, we caused the name of ZACHARY TAYLOR to be nailed to our mast head. And we feel truly gratified on returning to our post, to find that every friend of Winfield Scott approves our course. Being present at Philadelphia at the time the Convention was in session, we had an opportu nity of witnessing all its proceedings. They were conducted in the true Whig spirit. Al- though the excitement manifested by the " out siders" was very great, the delegates were calm, dignified and respectful. Every one ap peared to be properly impressed with the im portance of the deliberations of the body of which he was a member. The preliminary questions (some of which were of a very impor tant character) were disposed of without diffi culty. And on the evening of the second day, the ballotting commenced. At this point the interest manifested by the delegates and the im mense crowd of spectators was most intense.— As our readers are already informed, after two ballots the Convention adjourned. On assem bling the following morning, the " outsiders" were largely increased, the spacious galleries set apart for spectators, not being able to con tain one-third of those who presented themselves for admission. The streets in front and on one side of the Museum therefore continued to be densely crowded. The ballotting was renewed, I and ere the second was gone through with it was made manifest that ZACHARY TAYLOR would be the nominee, which fact caused im mense cheering in the streets.. And when the chairman announced the result, the applause which broke from the people in the galleries and even the delegates, and re-echoed by the immense concourse outside, exceeded anything of the kind we ever witnessed. The scene was intensely interesting. The popular heart appear ed to have been touched. The People seemed to consider that t . e Convention had deference to their expressed wishes in making the nomina tion. And they gave full vent to their joy by repeated and most enthusiastic manifestations of pleasure. " Three cheers for Old Zack !" " Gen: Taylor never surrenders !" " A little more Grupe Capt. Bragg !" " When we all pall to gether we can't be beat !" and various other popular expressions used in connection with Gen. Taylor, were to be heard echoed and re echoed through the streets during the remainder of the day. Of course, all this enthusiasm had its effect upon us, and by evening we were pre pared to ratify the nomination of " Ohl Rough and Ready" With as hearty a good will as any present. Before adjourning on Friday, the Convention nominated MILLARD FILLMORE, the ac complished statesman of New York, as Vice President. Notices were immediately posted calling upon the People to assemble in Indepen dence Square in the evening to respond to and ratify the nominations. This meeting was the largest ever assembled in Philadelphia. The Baltimore Whigs were there with a delegation of over one thousand. Four stands were erect ed in different parts of the Square, from which the able and popular orators of the Whig party, from all parts of the country, continued to ad dress the assembled thousands until after twelve o'clock: They were frequently interrupted by most tremendous cheering. It was the largest and most enthusiastic meeting we ever witness ed, and gave abundant evidence that the great Whig Army, with TAYLOR and FILLMORE as its leaders, intend to go into the present cam paign with a spirit and energy that must result in hurling from place and power those who have so grossly betrayed their trusts, and in bringing back the government to what it was wont to be under the administration of Washington and the 44 earlier Presidents." In the language of a cotemporary, in accom plishing this benignant result, we propose to take a decided part. We expect to be in the thick of the fight, and while we do not hope en tirely to escape blows, we shall, so long as our strength remains, return all that we receive with a hearty good will. We go into the conflict with the * consciousness of right—with the assu rance that our cause is the cause of truth and justice; with the noble aim of rescuing our be loved Constitution from those who have assail ed it : and we go into it with a banner flouting before us which has never been flung to the breeze but in token of victory, and borne by a leader who "never surrenders,"—glorious, in vincible, all conquering ZACHARY TAY4ort PEACE. Now that peace has been concluded, the army will be at once withdrawn from Mexico. An offi cial order from the War Department respecting the return of troops from Mexico, directs one of the two Pennsylvania regiments' o be sent to Philadelphia, and the other to Pittsburg. The Volunteers will be the first to leave Mexi co for home. The new regiments of the regular army will follow next—the 11th regiment to concentrate at Fort Hamilton, New York har bor. The old regiments will leave last. Every American heart will leap for joy at the news of peace, and the return of the brave spirits who have been bearing aloft the stars and stripes of our Country. Ratification Meetings, Meetings to ratify and respond to the nomi nations of TAYLOR and FILLMORE are being held in every borough and village throughout the country. The greatest enthusiasm prevails throughout, and crowds of the rank and file who voted for Polk in 1811 participate in these de monstrations. We were preient at one of these meetings held in Harrisburg on Monday evening of last week. Although the notice was very short it was an immense affair. 'The spirit which animated the masses during the memora ble Harrison campaign of 1810 appeared to be more than revived. Several gentlemen who voted for Polk in 1811 and for Van Buren in 1810, took seats on the stand as Vie: Presidents, and many more of the "same sort" participated in the proceedings. We resided in Harrisburg during three Presidential campaigns, but never witnessed, during the progress of either, so large and enthusiastic a town meeting, got up on so short notice. There is no mistaking the signs of the times. The hearts of the People are with "OLD Zacs"—they admire him for his bravery—they love and honor him for his honesty and plain Republican manners, and they will elect him President in November next by a ma jority unparallelled since the days of Gen. Jack son. VICTORY CERTAIN, Nearly every independent paper, and even some of the Locofoco prints, admit the election of the Peoples' favorites ,4 OLD ZACK" and AIILLARD FILLMORE. The signs of the times cannot be mistaken by those who are not blinded by prejudice. The New York Evening Post, a Locofoco paper, and the leading organ of the Barnburner wing of the party, says " We now look upon the Presidential question as virtually settled; General Taylor will be in the Presidential chair on the 4th of March if he is alive. He will sweep the south from Cape May to Key West, and from the Ohio to the Rio Grande. Virginia will give her voice for Taylor as surely as South Carolina. Not one of the states, to purchase whose support the letter of Mr. Cass on slavery was written, will, in all probability, give the author of that letter a vote for the Presidency." The N. Y. Journal of Commerce, thus speaks of the nomination of Taylor and his prospects: "We congratulate our readers and the country on the auspicious result.— General Taylor is the Whig candidate for the Presidency, having been nomina ted on the fourth trial, by a vote of 171 out of a total of 275. This nomination, added to the many independent nomina tions of the same gentleman in differ ent parts of the country, and the gener al favor of the people in his behalf, al most without distinction of party, se cures his election, beyond any reasona ble doubt. With General Taylor for President, and Peace with all the world, the country will be safe and prosper ous." THE BIGGEST LIE.-The editor of the Cleve land (Loco) paper, on hearing of the nomination of General Cass, offered to "negotiate" fifty dollars for the biggest Whig lie in relation to the candidate. The Whig paper at Cleveland says it heard several Whigs practising for the purse. lie is the most consistent politician in the country," said the first. He is a northern mnn with northern principles," said another. He wrote a repectable letter to the Chicago Convention, added a third. All agreed that the latter speaker was entitled to the hat, at least until the next meeting for exercise. Resignation The self denial evinced by President Polk, in public, and in black and white, declining to run again after it had been settled that he could get no support, was very properly cheered in the Baltimore Convention—we doubt whether any thing else from him, except his immediate abdi cation, could have been so cordially received— but Vice President Dallas is whistled down with a Spartan lack of ceremony. lie did not decline; yet nobody proposed to re-elect hint. " Polk and Dallas," " Oregon and Texas, "—brave watchwords these in their day, but that day is over. Did ever two men go in by such a con test, and go out with such unanimity I—Ar. Y. Tribune. The Effect. The nomination of 46 Old Zack," has had a most melancholy effect upon the spirits of the Cass men in this community. They had hoped that the Whigs would again nominate Mr. Clay anti that by means of their old weapons, false hood and detraction they would again succeed, and thus hold on to their fat offices four years longer. But the nomination of Gen. Taylor has scattered all their hopes, and they cannot con ceal their mortification and chagrin at the dis mal prospect before them. The doom of the of fice holders is sealed, and bitterly do they feel it, Campaign Papers. The Ili:NTiNonc7N Jocn\AL will be furnished until the first of December next, to clubs of live or ten, at 50 cents per copy, in advance. THEO. FEN. & Co. propose to publish a cam paign paper at Harrisburg from the fourth of Ju ly next, to be called , c The Bomb Shell," at $1 for 3 copies ; $2 for 7 copies ; 15 copies Mr $1; 20 copies for $5. Hon. Jas. Cooper. This gentleman has returned home from his tour in Europe. He arrived at Philadelphia on the.loth ins t., where we hail the plearu re of meet ing and taking him by the hand. His numerou s friends here and elsewhere will be gratiliad to learn that his health has been much improved by his trip. He has already taken the stump for Taylor and Fillmore. AN Oucx.—The Albany Journal says that not the least expressive incident connected with the National Convention, was the fact that one of the Post-Office agents voted for Old Zach He sees that his party is to be routed in Novem ber, and, as he is a little lame, he deems it pru dents to start now [From the Daily News.] HITZZA FOR OHIO The Buckeyes in Line! We have received the following letter from one of the most prominent and influential Whigs in Ohio. For some time connected with the ed itorial department of a leading Whig journal in that State, and intimately acquainted with the local politics of the State, he may be presumed to.write understandingly on the subject of Gen. Taylor's nomination and prospects. His account of the reception of the news of the nomination of Gen. Taylor in "the heart of Ohio," is en couraging, and must satisfy every doubtful mind that the young giant of the West means to oc cupy the same noble position she has always successfully maintained—the van of the gallant Whig army ! First Gun from Ohio—General Taylor and the Buckeyes. ZANESVILLE, Ohio, June 9, 1848 DEAR NEWS :—Thanks to the tele graph, we know here (what was fifty years ago the verge of civilization,) the transactions of the Philadelphia Conven tion of this day! What a triumph over SPACE ! How TIME is annihilated And this evening, in the heart of this great State of Ohio, a meeting of peo ple assembled to respond to the nomina tions made in your city this morning ! The gathering itself was got up on the " lightning principle." With scarce an hour's notice the people assembled in the spacious Court-house Square, and were addressed most eloquently by Judge Harper, Gen. Goddard and Hen ry • Stanbery, Esq. Prepared, as the Whigs of this region were, for a new candidate—satisfied, as they would be, to march to victory under the flag of the Hero of Buena Vista, or that of the Conqueror of the City of Mexico, still a kind of 1840 enthusifism warmed the breast of every listener, who had the good fortune to hear the encouraging speeches of the gentlemen above named. There is a something—not to be gath ered in speeches, actions or newspaper articies—which tell us from the conduct of opponents whether we have the ad vantage or not. This is strikingly man ifest here to-day. Our Locofoco friends are in anything but a heavenly frame of mind. They are as snappish as a man who has a note to meet in bank, and who is stopped on his "shining" way by a notorious bore. In truth, they look as though the votes were already deposited in the ballot box, and the con tinual reading runs thus: TAYLOR— FILLMORE ! In this State, another HAnaisox hurricane will sweep the length and breadth of the land—total destruction awaits the spoilsmen. For even in this one short day I know a score of Polk men who have already declared their intention of supporting the man who never lost a battle and who never surrendered. Leaders, however, who expected fat offices under Lewis Cass, will make a spasmodic effort to poll a respectable vote in Ohio—but they fight as those who fight against hope. This State is certain for Taylor, and nobody else; which I could move by Senator Allen himself if I had him under oath. Flags are flying from all public places, and the Whigs are parading the streets with bands, of music—an unerring in dication of the joy with which the nom inations are hailed. And the hearty huzza—" Old Rough and Ready !" " Taylor forever !" meets the ear at ev ery corner. The Sentiments of New York. The Whigs of New York are going into the can vass with spirit. The feeling of dissatisfaction, which was feared would cause trouble, has giv way to a sense of patriotic duty. The Roches ter Democrat says the nomination of Taylor and Fillmore caused a considerable degree of enthu siasm in that city. Bonfires and illuminations prevailed during the night, and a band of music regaled a spontaneously gathered multitude from the balcony of the Eagle Hotel. The Albany (N. Y.) Journal concludes an able article upon the subject as fol lows:—Whatever disappointment may be felt, we cannot doubt the response of New York. She will be found foremost in the great struggle. The Whigs of the Empire State, like our gallant stand ard bearer," NEVER SURRENDER." Their motto will now he ns it has been—" Ev ery-thing for the Cause." Unavailing regrets will pass away. As the day of battle approaches, the Whigs of New York will present an unbroken front to the enemy. Their charge will be as steady and irresistable as that of " Old Zach's" troops at Buena Vista ; and the victory will be as complete. To our brethren elsewhere we say with confi dence—" Murk down New York's thir ty-six Electoral Votes for TityLon and FILLMORE—the Whig nominees of the National Convention." The ALBANY KNICKERBOCKER says: "This nomination, we think, terminates the Presidential campaign,—the election of " Old Buena Vista" being as certain as Algebra. The sooner, therefore, the keeper of the White House puts " Old Zechariah" on the door-plate the bettor. LA:SD AIIEAD AT LAST !—At the great Barnbur ner meeting in New York, Mr. Cambreleng, in his speech to the immence gathering of the a Old Guard of New York Democracy," as he called them, declared that for two years past Mr. Polk and Mr. Marcy had been very busy at work to make a Prelident for these United States; and in that worn they had been very successful; they had actually made a President for the next four years. Anti the man (continued Mr. Cambre leng) whom they have placed in that important °ACC is ZACHARY TAYLOR. TAYLOR & FILLMORE. Grand Ratification Meeting in Old Huntingdon t • • s„;,%;„': A GLORIOUS RESPONSE. On Saturday evening last a grand Ratification Meeting of the People of this borough e was held at the house of Alex. Carmon, to respond to the nominations of the Whig National Convention. It came together at very short notice, given through handbills posted during the forenoon of the same day. It was a glorious assemblage, and gave abundant ev'dence that in old Hunting. don, as elsewhere, the popular heart is with the glorious old Hero who “nerce surrenders." The meeting was called to order by A. W, Benedict, Esq., and organized by the appoint ment of the following officers: President—DAVlD SNARE, Esq. Vice Presidents : John Armitage, John Flenner, William Rothrock, John J. Bumbaugh, Geo. A. Steel, Geo. W. Whittaker, Elias Bartol, William Harman. Serrelarsev W. S. Africa, Edward Callahan: Edward Summers, Wm. H. Peightal. The room being entirely too small to contain the large concourse of people assembled, the meeting adjourned to the open air, and, after being opened by three cheers for ZACHARY TAYLOR and three more for MILLARD FILLMORF., was ably and eloquently addressed by A. W. BENEDICT, JOHN WILLIAMSON, A. K. CORM, and J. SEWELL. STEwAnT, Esq'rs,who,e remarks were frequently interrupted by enthu siastic bursts of appladse. A. W. Benedict, Esq. read the following re• solutions: Resolved, That the nomination of Gen. ZACHARY TAYLOR, by the \Vhig National Convention, meets a hearty re sponse from the henrts of the People of old Huntingdon, and as "lee never sur renders," so we pledge ourselves not to surrender, until old Zacit shnll receive a a vole of thanks," for his services, that shall not be qualified or disgraced by any proviso. Resolved, That as his enemies have found him "Ready" with his pen and sword, and "Rough" in the encountre, so will they still find the old Warrior and Civilian a "Rough and Ready" can didate for the people—those who care neither for parties, or partisans—for he has " no enemies to punish, DO friends to reward"—his highest aim, his coun try's prosperity, he will only be the President of the People and not•of the party ; with Washington for his guide, he will " seek no favor or shrink from no responsibility ;" and we here award him our gratitude for Isis gallant bear ing in the field of carnage ; and the more sacred attribute, which adorns his life and conduct—humanity. Resolved, That in Isis plain Republican manners—stern and unyielding sense of right and wrong—lsis calm and sterling judgment—and Isis goodness and great ness of heart, we find all and everything which is now needed to bring back our Government to its original beauty and purity. Resolved, (in the language of the Phil adelphia Ratification Convention,) That Gen. Taylor, in saying that had he vo ted in 1844., he would have voted the Whig Ticket, gives us the assurance,— and no better is needed from a consistent and truth-speaking man,—that his heart was with us at the crisis of our political destiny, when HENRY CLAY was our candidate, and when not only Whig principles were well defined and closely asserted, but Whig measures depended on success. The heart that was with us THEN, is With US NOW, and we have a soldier's word of honor, and a life of public and private virtue as the security. Resolved, (in the language of the Har risburg Convention of February 22d, 1848,) That as Gen. Taylor controlled the field of Buena Vista by the influence of his moral power, the American peo ple will "reinforce" him at the ballot box, in the conviction that while " they all pull together they can't be whipped." Resolved, That we hail with unaffected delight the nomination fur the Vice Pres idency, of MILLARD FILLMORE of Now York, whose devoted patriotism, stern integrity, enlarged capacity, and rare abilities us a statesman, were so recently endorsed by the freemen of his own State to the tune of 38,000 major ity! _ Resolved, That this meeting recom mend the immediate formation of a "Rough and Ready Club" in this bor ough; and respectfully recommend the friends of Gen. Taylor throughout the county to call meetings in their respec tive townships for the purpose of form ing clubs and effecting a thorough or ganization. On motion, the resolutions were unanimously adopted, and the meeting adjourned with three cheers for Tim... & FILLSORE. Axcmyr APPLE TR.E.—The Newark Adver vertiser states that R. L Colt, Esq., of Patter son New Jersey, has recectly, in the exercise of a reverent horticultural taste, procured some grafts from the old English Pearname apple tree, still standing on the Charter Oak Pallace at Hart ford, and which was brought over by George Willis, in 1637—being now more than two cen turies old ! The Venerable tree is gradually decaying, but it bore a few apples last year. Mr. C. intends to perpetuate the fruit. The Nomination of Gen. Taylor— The Ballotings. Below we give the four ballots for President, as given by the different States in the National Convention at Philadelphia. It will be observ ed that on the fourth and last ballot Gen. TAY- Lon received votes from every State in the Union. FIRST BALLOT. Whole number of votes 279 ; necessary to a choice 1.10. 1:3 11 r) CA n :5. C ,* '.4 .. i 5.. 17 ~ .9 g• w :* El Maine„ New Hampshire, Massachusetts, 5 3 1 O 6 0 O 12 0 1 0 5 O 0 4 O 0 6 O 1 /9 3 4 8 12 O 0 O 8 15 3 6 10 0 6 1 0 o 1 0 4 o o 13 0 0 7 5 o 1 1 20 1 2 9 4 3 1 6 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 O 0 3 2 3 0 0 0 Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, - New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginian, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Miss's ii pi, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, lowa, A rkansas, Michigan, Florida, Total 111 22 97 43 SECOND BALLOT. Maine, 5 0 1 3 New Hampshire, 0 0 0 6 Massachusetts, 0 0 0 12 Vermont, 1 5 0 0 Rhode Island, 1 3 0 0 Connecticut, 0 6 0 0 New York, 1 28 5 1 New Jersey, 3 4 0 0 Pennsylvania, 0 7 10 0 Delaware, 0 0 0 0 Maryland, 0 8 0 0 Virginia, 15 . 2 0 0 North Carolina, 6 5 0 0 South Carolina, 1 1 0 0 Georgia, 10 0 0 0 Alabama, 6 1 0 0 - Mississippi, 6 0 0 0 Louisiana, 6 0 0 0 'Texas, 4 0 0 0 'Tennessee, 13' 0 0 0 Kentucky, 7 5 0 0 Ohio, 1 1 21 0 Indiana, :1 1. 8 0 Illinois, 4 3 1 0 mi,souri, Gonovacancybyatk 11'i.untsin, 1 3 1) 0 lowa, 3 1 0 0 A chasms, 3 0 0 0 Michigan, 0 2 3 0 Florida, a 0 0 0 Total, 118 86 .19 THIRD BALLOT. n Maine, . 5 0 New Hampshire, 0 0 Massachusetts, 1 0 lre rn tont, 1 5 Rhode Island, 1 3 Connecticut, 2 3 New York, 2 38 New Jersey, 4 3 Pensy Iva n ia, 12 4 Delaware, 1 0 Maryland, 3 5 'Virginia, 15 2 North Carolina, 7 3 South Carolina, 1 1 Georgia, - 10 0 Alabama, 6 1 Mississippi, 0 0 Louisiana, 0 0 Tennessee, 13 0 Kentucky' . 7 5 Ohio, 1 1 . Indiana, 5 1 Illinois, 4 3 Missouri, 6 0 Wisconsin, 0 1 lowa, 3 1 .t rkansas, 3 0 Michigan, 0 1 I.' lo Fit la, 3 0 Texas, 4 0 Total, 133 7.1 51 17 FOURTH BALLOT. On this ballot !Me votes were polled; nary to a choice 111. The vote was : A g 2 r 0 ::: 1 g Maine, \ew Hampshire, 31 , issachusetts, Vermont, Rhode Island, t.'(mnecticut, Ness , York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia; Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, • Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, lowa, Arkansas, Michigan, Florida, - - Total, 171 32 63 14 Ere the votes was announced, the crowd out of doors, being informed of the result, burst out into a series of tremendous cheers. The galler ies broke out into a roar of huzzas. Many members of the Convention joined in the shout and for full five minutes there was an irrepress able sound of enthusiasm. 1217' Hon. John Blanchard has our thanks for numerous public documents.