Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 30, 1848, Image 4

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    *rand Exhibition I
rpH El public are informed that the subscriber haa T_T AS been leased by the subscribers ,
i wh . o are
J_ just received from the the cost a very large il prepared to execute castings ofal d iscrip
and splendid assortment of ME NS' & YOUTHS' lions in superior style (one of then: being a proc.
clothing, which be offers for sale at the rely lowest tical moulder of long experience) and on the low
prices. Among the stock will be found super line, cat and most accommodating terms.
black, bli e, brown and olive, dress and frock coats; Castings for Forges, Rolling Mills,
also, alpaca, cashmerette, tweed, linen i.nd cotton , Water pipes, Grist and Saw Mills,
frock, dress and sack coats ; also, a first rote article i Threshing Machines, and all other kinds
of oil cloth costa; also every variety of pants,
of machinery which may be ordered will
weds, drawers and woolen ai,d cotton undershirts;
be furnished on the shortest notice.
Pleated linen breasted shirts; gingham, check and
and striped and plain cotton shirts; linen collars Stoves of various sizes will be constantly
and breasts; gloves, hosiery and suspenders; also,
kept on hand for both wood and coal.
an elegant variety of cravats and stocks. Also, a
We have lately procured a
general assortment of
BOOTS & SHOES, cookbig Stove
of two di ff erent sizes, which for conve- Beware of Counterfeits.
of all sizes; new style of fancy /IA T.S' & CAPS,
leghorn. chip &c.; umbrellas of every variety ; le t n t ence and excellence they will warrant CURE FOR CONSU3IPTION.
e hort, a full suit of any quality, price, order or to surpass the celebrated "Queen of the i,OOO Cases of obstinate Pulmonary Com
color can be had at his stand. in the corner room of West" and "Hathaway" stoves, the for
., SNARES ROW," opposite Whittaber's hotel. plaints Cured in One Year!
mer of which we are also prepared to ,--. ct • R , , ,
N. B. The public Will bear in mind supply. .9/80, Coal Cooking Stoves, L,} '4 '4 '-,1 Ll} (--/ Li} LtF '4
that I have the largest and best assort- Parlor and Chamber stoves of the most WNTAIt'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY.
men: in Huntingdon, all of which is war- elegant patterns.
ranted to be well made and fashionably hollow Irae, The Great ,Imerican Remedy for Lung
cut. Call and judge for yourselves be- Complaints and all affections of the
Such as Pots, Wash Kettles, &c. Ploughs of
fore purchasing elsewhere. • such variety that all may be suited. Carriage and Re.qpiratory Organs.
apll-3m] BENJAMIN SNARE•• .
• Waggon boxes from the smallest to the largest, The Eighth Wonder of the
--- sled anti sleigh soles, and in fine any and every- II orl(l !
thing in our line of business can be bad immedi
ately, or at the shortest notice.
Old metal and country produce taken
in exchange
apl f 1-tf.)
Philadelphia China More.
MIRE Subscriber., proprietors of one of the old
est and most extensive China Stores in the
United States,have now on hand a very large sup
ply of
Common Ware, Granite Ware, China
Ware, and Glass Ware,
embracing all the varieties ever imported, which
they will sell in large or small quantities, Whole
sale or Retail, to suit the wants of the people, at
prices to defy competition.
The advantages to be derived from having a
large stock to select from, ought certainly to be ap
parent to every one ;only two need be mentioned:
Ist. The variety to please the taste.
2d. The advantage of purchasing at the lowest
prices ; for it is certainlyevident to every thinking
mind, that the larger the business done, the
smallerlhe profit required. It is so in every branch
of trade. The manufacturer sells to the wholesale
package dealer; the wholesale package dealer
sells lo the jobber, and the jobber to the retail
country dealer : so that the farmer or consumer
of the article pays at least four profits! !
Why pay so many profits when you con come
directly to head quarters?
219 Clieenut street, above 7th street.
epril 25, 1848.2m.]
, .4 P.IIRTA ER 0 iii TED
N the Wholesale & gefail'iterdWare Trade, the
PEROT. Stock of which is new and' recent?) , xeldefed.
Perot, Iltofi'snan dr. Co. This is deemed an opportuniftreldorn to be met
Forwarding and General Commission merchants, with for an active person from the interior of the
No. 41 North Wharves and 83 North Water state, whu has some knowledge of the Cdtritan
Are prepared to receive and forward Goode to nil
points on the Juniata, withpiontruness and des
patch, at as low rates of Might as any Ace
Plaster and salt constantly on hand, for sale at
the lowest market rates.
,:;* Liberal advances made on Produce.
References--Dutith & Humphreys, F anklin
Platt & Co , Lea, Bunker & Co., Barclay &
Kennedy, Philadelphia; Robert Thompson,
Thompsontown ; R. C. Gallaher, MiMintown
J. & J. Milliken, F. McCoy and 0. Z. Duncan,
Lewistown ; Lloyd & Groff, Hollidaysburg ;John
Porter, Alexandria; Irrio, Green & Co., Mill
march 21.1848.
The subscriber respectfully solicitsthe attention
of Country Merchants and Dealers generally to
an examination of a complete stock of
Which for extent, variety and vrcokmanship, he
flatters himself will give universal satisfaction,
while his reduced scale of prices presents to pur
chasers Inducements which cannot he surpasses]
by any other establishment in the United States.
Philadelphia, march7.3m.
SZSac:Duz<s) E ,
No. 1001 Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa.
H. K. HEFT at PRO.,
HAVE just receives' from the Eastern
Markets a very extensive and the
most magnificent and best assortment of
ARTICLES, ever brought to Hunting
don: Consisting, in part, of Gold Lever
Watches, full Jewelled, from $4O to
$120; Silver Levers, from $l6 to $3O,
and common watches at any price—all
of which are warranted for one year.
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired
with the greatest care, on the most rea
sonable terms and warranted. Eap 4.
Executors' Notice.
Estate of Adam Lightner, late of West
township, Huntingdon county, deed.
NOTICE ie hereby given that Letters Teat.
mentary on the last Will and Testament of
said deed have b en granted to the undersigned.—
Therefore all persons indel ted to said estate will
make immediate popneot, and those having claims
or demands against the same are requested to pre
sent them duly autlrmticated for settlement to
:El AID al:140r r
constantly on hand and for sale by
J. PAL : MER & CO.,
Market Street Wharf, Philadelphia..
good suppl s y on hand and for sale by
R. C. McCar.. WM. GRAFI US.
The Alexandria
II crttehtitid of gentlemen desirous ofpu
or STATUARY, is requested.
The Subscribers, having , been engaged in the
Marble business for the last thirty years in Phila
delphia, and having rnanufactared work for almost
every part of the Urriotr; caw refer t'a all who have
favored them with their etrstorts, mut tolheir work,
(considerabl, of which has been put rep in this
place.) They have always on hand a full supply
of Marble Mantels, and new and original Designs
for Monuments r nd other work, copies of Which.;
with prices, will be forwarded.
0:). All work shipped is insured from breali ,
They can Wet to any Mercantile house in Phil.
adelphia for standing and character as workmen,
N 0.360 High Street, Phila.
Mach 7. 1'848 , 3m.
N. B.—There' irneothing in their line which
they do not furnish, either domestic or imported. ,
Language, and also a good country acquairitaliet!:•
The amount of Cash Capital required would bit
trom $2OOO to $3OOO.
A person with the above requisites and a par.
:tia knowledge of the business, with satisfactory
ieforences, by early application to No. 1272. North
3d St., or at Eagle Hotel, Col. Webb, will meet
with attention.
ohn St n e & Sus,
Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods,
No. 45 South Second street,
Have received by the late arrivals from France,
(chiefly of their own importation,) a new nod
very rich assortment of
Sprin,g• alillinery Goods,
To which they will constantly be making addi•
Lions. They have now in Store—
Silks for casing bonnets, of all prices.
Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, a beautiful
Plain Mantua and Satin Ribbons, all widths.
French and American Artificial Fowers,in great
Paris Chip Hats.
Crapes, Crape !Asses.
Fancy Bonnet and Cap Nets.
Trimming Laces, Face Trimtnings.
Buckrams, Willow, Crowns, Tips, &c., &c.
And all articles needeu for the Millinery Trade.
Q The attention of Merchants and Milliners
visiting the city is particularly requested to our
stock, as it will be found far more extensive thun
that of any other house in out line, and the prices
more moderate.
THE subscriber, residing two miles cast cf Sbir
leysburg, in the shop formerly occur fled by
Davis! Lung, wishes to inform the public that lie
will carry on the
Coverlet Illeavlie
in all its various branches. Also—Carpeting
Girthing & Ingrain. Also, Dye every variety of
shades of colour. Having served a term of six
years with said Long. he assures the public that
he understands the above business, and by strict
attention he hopes to merit a liberal share of pub
lic patronage. For the accommodation of custo
mers, work will be taken in at Fisher and McMur
tries Store, Huntingdon ; at ICessler's Store, Mill
Greek; at Jacob Eby's, Path Valley.
mh7-3m.] WM. KEEFER.
Cheapest in the World I
Steam Refined Sugar Candles,
123 crs per pound, Wholesale.
T J. RICHARDSON, No. 42 Market Street,
el . PISILAPELPHIA, takes pieasuroin informing
the public, that he still confirms to sell his very
Superior Strom Refined Candy at the low price
of $12.50 per 100 pounds, and the quality to
equal to any manufactured in the United States
He also offers all kinds of goods in the Confec
tionary and fruit line at corresponding low
pr ices, as quick sales and small profits arc the or.
der of the day.
Call or send your orders, and you cannot fail to
he satisfied. Don't forget the number, 42 Market Lumber Lumber
Street, Philadelphia. _ kinds of Lumber may be had at
• "
, h Thomas .:aize's Saw Mill, situate
mareh7'4B43m. 1 on Meshanon's Creek, twenty miles from
• Sohn Scott, Jr., month of Spruce Creek, end five miles
A TI'O.ItNEY AT LA w, H un ii„ g d on , p c ,._ , this side of Philipsburg. MI descrip
ii Has removed his office to the middle room of tions of stuff, used for railroads, build
. Kiruc's new," directly opposite Fisher & M'Mur- ings, &c.,such as Spruce, Ash, Pine,
trie's store, where ho will attend with promptness Locust ad White Oak, sawed to order
and fidelity to all business with which he may be
esiSrmircil in Huntingdon or the adjuiningtuuntic., and furnished at the shortest notice
I liurstiu6den Sept. 33, le•iti. 1 jylB,'4B.] IHOS. MAIZE.
At.,,cNurle's ettected by the genuine e i
v tr f a a o r r , d s i n ll 7 l -
sans of Mid Cherry seem disposed to regard it
as the Eighth Wonder of the World !
Why?' soy they : the Wild Cherry Burk
and the Iceland Moss, the two chief ingredients
of this wonderful compound,) have been prescri
bed from time immemorial by the best physic fans
—but, never, before, have cures so extraordinary
been performed."
The reason is obvious. The proprietors of W
tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry do not claim for
their highly celebrated article any for-fetched, mys
terious, miraculous power. They have openly ac
knowledged the simple nature of its ingredients,
and only claim for their great and invaluable dis-,
covory the exclusive secret of
of intrediente which go to make up this richest
of curative compounds.
The most skillful and scientific physicians now
prescribe this medicine in their practice; while
neglected Doctors, of little practice, and mean con
tracted minds although they do all their mulish
spirits Call do to insure this—the people's favorite
medicine—they are at the same time compelled to
acknowledge its innocent qualities•
. .
We know the medicine is I.II3fLESS, and all
the world is witness that the medicine cuing.
A very important disease over which this Bal
sam exerts a powerful influence, is that of a Dia-
I:MUM Liven. In this complaint it has undoubt
edly proved more effeacious than any other rem
edy employed. The use of this - Balsam restored
' the Liver to healthy action, and in many cases ef
fected permanent cures, after Mercury and every
ether remedy had failed.
I AIITIIMA is a complaint in which thre Balsam
lititrbbentittensively used, and with perfeetsuccess
is proof of which read the following important
letter front' deorgie.
Wo are' daily reetilirrg testirtiony like the fol
. .
lowing fruirethe North, 4Stith, Basiand West:
Messrs. Reese' it Ware:' Gentlemen-1 was
afflicted with Asthma for fou'rteen years, and had
tried every remedy in Ike country. I had also'
been to several physieihrik - and 4 retina' rib' rdl~cf
whatever. I was affected at thrieriso sederety, that
the blood would gush front mJ ante; atitt my
breathing wan difficult. Indeed, the disease Bad'
gained so much on my health t h at I despaired of t '
over getting well, when I chanced to get a bdtile .
of Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, which effect
; ed a perfert cure, and I now consider myself per.:
fectly sound. This can be proved by numbers of
men in Franklin county and vicinity, and I think
I it my duty to let it be known.
Franklin co., Ga., Nov. 19, 1896.
Ire'Read the following from Dr. Jacob
Hoffman, a physician of extensive prac
tice in Huntingdon county :
Dear Sir :—I procured one bottle of
Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry,
from Thomas Read, Esq., of this place,
arid tried it in a case of obstinate Asth
ma on a child of Paul Schweble, in which
many other remedies had been tried
without any relief. The balsam gave
sudden relief, and in my opinion the
child is effectually cured by its use.
Yours, &c.,
Dec. 23, 1841.
Price $1 per bottle—six bottles for $5.
For rule by .1. 1). PARK,
(Successor to Sanford & Park.)
General Agent for the West. All orders ad
dressed to him will receive prompt attention.
REED & SON, Huntingdon; Mrs.
Al:try Orr, Hollidaysburg; Morris &
Nicodeinus, Martinsburg.
M. & J. M. ROWE,
Ao. 63 Aorth Third Street,
One door above Arch, east side,
Manufacturers & Wholesale Dealers in It kinds
of Brooms, Brushes, Buckets, Cedar Ware.—
Willow and French Baskets, Shoe and Wall
Brushes, Set übs, Dnsters,.Mats, Blacking, East
ern-made lVooden• ware of every description, ace.
&c., at the lowest market prices.
March 7,'48.
John W. hompsn,
I attend to all lege? business entrusted to
him iu [Hair and Huntingdon counries.—
Communicaiinns from a distance will receive the
most prompt attention.
feb 14m.
Burns, Scalds and all kinds of Inflamed
I I untingdon, Pa. sores cured.
TOHN MARKS would avail himself of ME NT, is the most complete
j this means of informing his old sus- Burn Antidote ever known. It instant
timers and the public generally, that he ly (and as if by 'Magic,) stops pains of
has removed from the " Black Bear Tav- the most desperate Burns and Scalds.
ern," and has leased and fitted up the For old sores, bruises, cuts and sprains
large and commodious AL/LA'S/0N i &c., on man or beast, it is the best ap-
HOUSE lately kept by Mrs. E. Clarke, plication that cap be made. Thousands
where he is prepared to accommodate, in , have tried, and thousands praise it. It
the best manner possible, all who may is the most perfect master of pain et
favor him with their custom. The loss- er discovered. All who use, recom
tion of the house is one of the best in mend it. None can tell how son
the borough—his rooms are large and some of the family will need it.
pleasant, aid his Table shall at all times. KT Observe each box of the genuintt
be supplied with the choicest viands the Ointment has the name of S. 1 , usgt
market will afford. Terms, moderate. written on the outside label. To imitate
Boarders will be taken by the week, this is forgery.
month or year on the most reasonable Boatmen, Livery men, Farmers, and
terms. 11-tf all who use horses, will find this Oint
ment the very best thing they can use
Tin and Coipper for collar galls, scratches, kicks, &c.
1. - >aaar-PaUlCrdacto , lcOLlNTar a Ism &c., on their animals. Surely, ev-
ALEXANDRIA, PA. cry merciful man would keep hisani-
RD OBERT GRAMS havino•purchas- mals as free from pain as possib l e.--
, ed the Tin and Copper Ma'nufactory Tousey's Universal Ointment is all that
lately owned by I. & H. Griffins, will is required. Try it.
continue to carry on the business at the Bites of Insects.—For the sting or bite
same stand in all its various branches, of poisonous insects, Tousey's Oint-
Wholesale and Retail. He will always uncut is Unrivalled. Hundreds have
be prepared to furnish on the shortest tried and found it good.
notice, Cooking Stoves, Stove Pipe, I Piles Cured!'-For the Piles, Ton-
House Spouting, Copper Pumps for wells, ! soy's Universal Ointment is one of the
any depth, Copper Dye, Wash, Fullv, best Remedies that can be applied. All
Preserving and Tea Kettles, and Tin who have tried it for the Piles meow-
Ware of every description. All of which mend it.
will be sold on the most reasonable terms. Old Sores Cared.—For old, obstinate
Persons favoring this establishment with their sores, there is nothing equal to Tou
custom may depend on having their orders cxceu- soy's Ointment. A person in Manlius
nod with fidelity and despatch. had for a number of years, a sore leg
Old metal, copper, brass and pewter taken in ex. that baffled the skill of the doctors.--
change. Also, wheat, rye, corn and oats taken at T ousey ' s Ointment was recommended
market price.
Aletandem, April 11, 18484. by one of the visiting physicians, (who
knew its first virtues,) and two boxes
ELLWOOD SHANNON, produced more benefit than the patient
Dealer in W'eas, had received from any and all previous
Warehouses 63 Chesnut shove Second and remedies. Let all try it.
enth and Chesnut Streets, Philadelphia, Bums and Scalds Cured.—Thousands
TTAS constantly in Store, a choich as- of cases of burns and scalds, in all parts
_ll sortment of Fresh Imported, of the country, have been cured by
GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. Touscy's Universal Ointment. Certi-
Country Merchants are invited to cull at 63 ficates enough can be had to fill the
Chesnut street, and examine his stock, which he whole of this sheet.
offers at the lowest wholesale prices, for Cash. and i Violent Bruises Cured.—Testimonials
where he attends personally. Id74m,
on tee rim in favor of Tousey's
~VI —
Lti.of T. WALTERS. CHARLES HARVEY. Ointment for curing bruises; have been
offered the proprietors. Hundres in
witurcits k HARVEY, j Svracus will certify to its great merits
(halo If azlehurst & Walters) in relieving the pain of the most severe
PRODUCE AND GENERA I. COMMISSION bruise. All persons should try it.
MERCHAN PS, Scald Bead Cured.—Sores or cases of
Nob. 15 and 16, Spear's Wharf, scald head have been cured by Tousey's
BALTIMORE. Ointment. Try it—it seldom fails.
Liberal Cash advances made on consignments
of all kinds of Produce. I Salt Rheum Cured.—Of all the rem-
Baltimore, febB-1848. I edies ever discovered for this most dis
agreeable complaint, Tousey's Univer
sal Ointment is the most complete. It
was never known to fail.
Chopped Hands can he C ured.—Too
sey's Universal Ointment will always
cure the worst cases of chapped-hands.
Scores of persons will state this.
Sore Lips Cured.—For the cure of
sore lips, there was never anything
made equal to Tousey's Ointment. It
is sure cure for them. Try it.
It is a scientific compound, warran
ted not to contain any preparation of
2r, cents per box. For fur
ther particulars cJucerning this really
valuable Ointment, the public are refer
red to phamphlets to be had gratis, of
respectable Druggists and Merchants
throughout the United States.
tingdon ; Jas. Clark, Birmingham ; J. R.
arriorstrut ;J. S. 'sett, Spruce
Creek ;' G. H. Steiner, Waterstreet ;
Moore & tiwoope, Alexandria ; A. & N.
Creswell. Petersburg ; Orlady - & Patter
son, Williamsburg; Royer Lc- Co.,
Springfield Furnace; M. Thompson,
Duncansville ; J. M. Lindsey, s
dybure, ; Jas. Condron, Frankstown.
• -
Spring Fashion of Hats at
C ,kz)
284 Mullet Street, Ninth door above Eighth
Street, South side,
rll HE subiaibeti tErk4mithi§ method to return his
L thalks - to . the ' pe s apib or the county of Hun
tingdon for the ' verY Iltcrol share of patronage
which they We' ciitt6ntred towards him for the
last few monthii, and would call their agention to
the fact that he has rleiv iitti"oillceil his SeniNli
FASHION OF G, meitim um's' H alb", , khieli for beau
ty, neatness and durability, canna be excelled by
any other establishment in this city:
'l'ltiy, stock
comprises the BEAcr.n, Nu rntA,Ba ' sesit. Remo .7',
SILK and Mote SKtN HtTs of all styles - ai , d
qualities, together with a very large assortment of
Ut.own, Yr:l;4,T, PLuti, Fun and GLAZED CAFE
Country Merchants and others are respectfully
invited to °asinine the stock, which they will find
it their advantage to do before purchasing, as it is
liisdeterinination,having adopted the cash lystent,
to sell for Cask only, and at the lowest prier,
284 Market street, south side, above Eighth.
Vegelable Universal l'ills, The July Eireetual Purgative,
7'heonl y known .1110 l /rine that at the same cured within the loot year
timc purges, purifies and strengthens
the system.'
Los 110 S, July 7, 1946, of the following Complaints:
-r \ r , LE Rors Pills a new medicine which Headache, Giddiness, Rheumatism, Piles, Dis
of all others
t , has just
of app the Samseared, and
class. is fast ta T k heseing th
pills are e places pepsin, Scurvy, Sinai pox, Jaundice, Pains in the
Back, Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart,
Rising in the Throat, Dropsy, Asthma, Fevers of
composed of many ingredients, but the two princi
pal ones are Sarsaparilla and Wild (:Iterry, so uni- I all kinds, Female Complaints, Measles, Salt Rheum
tad that they act together; the one, through it Heartburn, Worms, Cholera Moth., Coughs,
admixture with other substances, purifying and Quinsy, Whooping Cough, Consumption, Fits,
purging, while the other is strengthening the sops_
Liver Complaint, Erysipelas, Deafness, ltchings of
tem. Thus those pills arc at the sacra time tonic the Skin, Colds, Gout, Gravel, Nervous Com
ar•ti opening; a desideratum long and eagerly plaints, and a variety of other dioceses arising from
nought for by medical men, but n e v e r b e f orc , dis impurities of the blood, and obstructions in the or
covered. In other words they do the work of awe gin" of digestion'
medicines, and do it much better than any two we ' Experience has proved that nearly every disease
know of; for they remove nothing from the system ! originates from Impuntien of the Blood or Derange
but the impurities; no that while they purge they ments of the Digestive Organs; and to secure
strengthen; and hence they canoe no debilitation, ' Health, we must remove those Impuities and re
and are followed by no re-aetion. Dr. Le Roy's i store the blood to its natural state. Therefore,
pills have a wonderful influence en the mew ; they whet' the nlightent derangement of the system is
not only purify without weakening it. but they re- indicated by Costiveness-, or any other sign, it ad
move all noxious particles from the chyle befowit monishes us that superfluities are within ing in the
is converted into fluid, and thus make impure ! System, wititd"b°" be immediately removed by
blood an utter impossibility. As there to no (Irbil- an effectual purging. This fact. as stated, is urn
itation,so there is no nausea or sickness attending vernally known; but people Maim such an aversion
the operations of thin moat excellent of medicines to medicine, that, unless the case urgent, they pre
which never strains Or tortures the di g e s ti ve fun, ferred the dismiss to the cure, reuerally• Since the
tions,buteausen them to work in a perfectly flat'', ill ventiou, however, of
al manner; and hence persons taking them do or:; , (;liekener's Vegetable Purgative Pills,
Income pale and emaciated, but the contrary ; for
whilethis ohjection goes not exist, as they are completely
it is the property
of the ttratiPariliti.tott" ' enveloped with a coatis, of pure white sugar
otitis with other ingredients, to remove all that is , ! (es distinct from the internal ingredients as a nut
foleign and impure, it is equally the property " 1 shell fr.wsn the kernel) hare no taste of medicine,
the wilt) Cherry to retain all that i. natural ." , and are as easily swallowed' as bits of candy.—
sound; and hence a robust state of health is the , Moreover they neither neatiseate or gripe in the
certain result of their united operations,. 1 slightent degree. They operate equally on all the
(n - • Price 25 Centre per BOX. diseased parts of the system, instead of confining
AGENTS.—T. Read & Son, Swoops & Af• , themselves to, and racking any particular region.
'ie., Huntingdon ; \V. W • 13 ". 1 .... , Milliken Thus, for exempt°, if the Liver be affected, one in
and Rooster, Mill-Creek; S. Hatfield & Son, Ju ti t- gredient will operate on that particular orga n, and,
ala Iron Works; Porter & Bucher, Moore & , by cleansing it of that Excess of Bile ils eon-
Swoop , . II• C. Walker, Alexandria; G. H.:Stet:lf- I s w i ftly discharging into the ettimach, restore it to
Waterstreet. Aug. al t li• ! tin natural state. Another will opiate on the
Blood, and remove those impurities which have al
ready entered into its circulation ; while a third
will effectually expel le, in the system whatever im
purities may have been discharged into the mani
lla ; and hence they
Strike at the B. ti f Disease,
Remove all Irx ?ure Humors ; open the pores ex
ternally and intnnally ; promote the Insensible
Perspiration, obviate Flatulency, Headache, &c.,
separate all foreign and ohnoxirus particles from
the chyle, secure n free and healthy action to the
Heart, bungs, and Liner, and thereby restore
health even when all other MUMS hare furled.
The entire truth of the above can be ascertained
by the trial of a single box ; and their virtues are
sn positivennd certain in restoring Health that, the
proprietor binds himself to return the money paid
for them in all cases where they do not give uni
versal satisfaction.
Retail price, 25 eta. per R s.
Principal office No. 66 Veary 81., New yoik
Sold in Harrisburg, by D. Unbinson, Market St.
cry riernernber Dr. C. V. Clickener ix the inven
tor ul Sugar Coated Pills, and that nothing of thif
sort was ever heard of until he introduced them itt
June, 1843. Krchasers should, therefore, alwayJ
ask for Clickener's Sugar Coated Vegetable PHIS,
and take no others, or they odll be made the vie;
tints of a fraud...
AGENTs.-1 4 . R, SIMONTON, Hun : :
tingdon, Jas. Clark ; IlirMingham, J. R: .
Cox, G. H. Steiner, Waferstreet;loore .
& Swope, Alexandria, A. & N. Creswell,.
Petersburg, Orlady & Patterson,
liainsburg, Royer & Co., Springtieldt
Furnace, M. Thompson, Duneansrille,'
J. 111. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg, Jas. Con:
drtm, Frankatown.
Ask the Sufferer
A 111
what has relieved him in such a short time front
his difficulty of breathing, Cough and sutibea
lion 1 He will tell you it was ^ the OI
of All Healing Balsam." •
Ask the Consumptive what has
allayed his Cough, remo
ved the Pain in his Side and
Chest, checked his night sweats and
placed the rose of heultl;upon his cheek
and he willtellyou "Snsamnres OLOSAONIAN,
Ask your friends if they know of any thing that
will so speedily cow u long and . tedious tough.
Raising of Blood, Bronchitis, Dyspeptic I. onsump
lion, Hoarseness, Influenza, tied diseases of tho
Threat, as the Olosnonian I and they will tell Ott
—No. There never yet has been a remedy intro•
duced to public notice whiLli has been productim
of so much good in so shoilra space of time. lit od
the tot owing
Ws. BOND, the celebrated Boston cracker baker,
98 Nassau street, Brooklyn, states that his wife has
been afflicted with Asthma for 30 years, and could
not find permanent relief from the best medical ad
vice whirls New York and Brooklyn could produce,
was induced to try this great remedy. She is now
nearly well. His daughter, who was suffltfag ,
front the same disease, tried it, and was also cured'
by it. Mrs. Bond is now so well that she is ab.e'
to rise from her bed curly in the morning 8, d at
tend to her usual duties through the day without
any annoyance from her distressing malady.
hENRY JACKSON, 13th street, near the Catholic
eemetry, came to the store for the purpose of ob
taining a bottle of toe Olosoanian, having been
Afflicted with the Asthma for more than 30 years,
and was so exhausted on his arrival that he could'
not speak. He purchased a bottle and rode home.
Four days afterward ho walked from his maidenee.
to the office without fatigue, a distance of over Iwo
miles, to tell of the wonderful relief which iif hod
expo, icnced from using about one half of one hot
, tle.
Consumption orthe Lung's.
Mu. Comromr, 35 White street, was so low in
the month of December last, that he was given up.
try his physician. His friends entertained no hove
of his recovery. lie was persuaded to tio. the
Olusauniun, and to his surprise it has so far resto
red him to health that he is now able to walk about'
the streets.
Mrs, A 11,111., the wife of Wm. H. A Mee,
.Limes Harman, Esq, and George W. Have. Esc,
ran all bear testimony from their own experience
the healing properties of this Great Remedy iri
Consumption of the Lungs.
Spilling Blood.
Mrs. 352 Monroe street, who•
had been troubled for u great length of time by a
severe cough, and raised quantities of blood, was•
relieved by one bottle of theOlosooniur.,and deelures•
it the greatest remedy in the world.
DCSNIS KELLY, 26 Water street, was oleo re
lievad f•onr the same complaint, although he was
very much reduced when he commenced taking it
--having been ender the care of his physician du
ring the past winter. Although he roughed con
stantly and was very much troubled with night
sweats, Iwo bottles of the remedy enabled him
return to his daily work. He was entirely relievrr
Dscrn r.:lntuseN, 60 Laight street, George•
W. Burnett, formerly of N ewark. N. J., Henry
Lisbon, 199 Rivington street, and numerous other
persons have been speedily and permanently cured
of the same complaint by this remedy. _
ingdon ; Jas. Clark, Birmingham ; J. R.
Cox, 'Warriorsmark ; J. S. lsett, Spruce
Creek ; G. H. Steiner, Waterstreet ;
Moore & Swoope, Alexandria ; A & N.
CresweTl, Petersburg; O,rindy & Patter
son, Williamsburg ; Royer & Co. Spring.
field Furnace ; M. Thompson, Duncans.
rifle ; J. H. Lindsey,. Hollidaysburg;,
Jas. Condron, Frankstown.
rpHE, subscriber respectfully annourt.-
1 ces to •his friends and the public'
generally, that he continues to riniiltifac ,
ture, in the boNugh of Petersbueg, the
very best quality of MUCK, which he
will dispose of on the most reasonable
terms. All orders will be filled at the
shortest notice. Those wanting the ar
ticle for building, paving or any other
purpose, would do well to give me. all.
Petersburg, Plug. 31, 1847.
Produce and General Crunisson Merchants
Devote their whole time to the bulginess and are
prepared to make liberal cash advances on con ,
Baltimore, May 9., 1848