Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 30, 1848, Image 3

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Almontc, Bustomente, and Paredes, pro.
nounced against the Government.
War without Truce or Quarter Declared.
The Express package containing New
Orleans papers of the 18th inst., has
just come to hand.
The schooner May arrived at New
Orleans on the morning of the 18th
from Vera Cruz.
A quorum has at last been assembled
at Queretaro, and were awaiting.the ar
rival of the Commissioners from the U.
States to commence their deliberations.
The opinions in relation to the peace
question are various and conflicting.
The following is extracted from a let
ter dated Queretaro, April 27th, at 11
o'clock at night.
" The people are becoming weary
with suffering the oppression and sport
of petty tyranny. This, at least, is the
case with the Alexicans, and by the om
nipotent exercise of its will, discarding
what is called the General Government
of the Nation, established at Queretaro,
it has prostrated to the earth its treach
erous oppressors .
. . . .
"At J o'clock on the night or this
day, without any resistance, it proclaim
ed thel only plan which, in the present
Circumstances, can save the country,
viz; war, and war without truce or
quarter,• until an honorable peace is
"Such is the programme of this Imp.
py revolution, at the head of which are
the distinguished Generals Almonte,
Busnamente and Paredes, to whose voice
all who are Mexicans rather than parti
sans, will respond. The tocsin of lib
city has sounded at last. Sons of Hi- ="---- - - -- --
fflgo and Iturbide awake ! The invin
cible hand of Providence points out to' In Lewistown, on Thursday morning
last, A. 0. BROWN, of Shirleyshurg, in
you the road by which every portion of
the globe will occupy its true place.-- this county, aged about 28 years.
;Mexicans fulfil your destiny!'' [Communicated.] 3 D.111.A7 S TIMTO R' NOTICE
American deserters are continually ; There have been but few instances of NOTICE is hereby given that letters of admin
arriving at Queretaro. During the last this nature which it became our duty to, istration have been granted to th e undersigned on
' the estate of Benjamin Mtrong, tale of Union ip.
three days twenty presented themselves
record, more a ffl ictive titan the case ofl An persons indebted Will please come forward nod
to the Mexican government, and were ,
Mr. Brown. But while we sorely feel,
claims n'ime present i ,
e d i i ii n Y.
u t t e l l u duly and
authenticated lh" m i f il u 4 r
incorporated in the Sait Patricio comp-
ny. The garrison of Queretaro is cont. 'we h middy submit to the righteous, and
pOsed of 820 men of all arms. ' most holy will of God. Mr. B. though
A wager of ten thousand dollars has 'but in theeighth year of his age,
twenty '
been made for and against peace, in •
was judged by the Presbyterian Congr..t
.which several of the deputies are con,
earned. : gation of this place competent to sus-
The same correspondent says that tain the responsible office of ruling el
Ilerrera has been nominated as I'resi- der ;an office which he filled with credit
dent, and that a majority of the depu- to himself, and satisfaction, and benefit
ties will vote l'or him.
of those who elected hint. In him every
The Yucatan schooner Aparecido had
also arrived at New Orleans with dates charitable and benevolent institution,
from Campeachy to the 2d, and from recognised as such amongst us, found a
Sisal to the I Ith inst. The dates front cordial support. Amiable and agreeable
Merida are only to the 291.11, not as late in hi s •
intercourse with others, he was
as already published.
• beloved by all ; and may be etnpliatical-
Indian War in Oregon. ly called the poor man's friend,
Setting out for Phila. in order to lay
.1.1/ ERIC ,1 X,S' VIC TOR I 0 US IX
p o u R
.8.1 TT hEs ___ 3l - 38sAcRE in a fresh stock of goods, accompanied
OF 31ISS 10N.4 RI ES. by his lady and some other dear friends
ST. Louis, May 21. Ihe reached no further than LewiStown,
By the arrival of Major Meek, front where in about eight days sickness, from
the %Vest, we have late and most impor- fever, and Bronchial aflbetton, . he a`11,3
tent news from Oregon, where all is dismissed front all the cares and toils of
confusion and bloodshed between the .
mortal life, leaving a widow and two
W hue's and Indians. Four powerful
tribes have united, and commenced a small children, and many relatives, and
deadly war. Four battles took place in . a congregation, to mourn his unexpected
January, in three of which the Whites °and early death. C.
wereuccessful in beating their enemy.
Fire edred Whites fought ' "••••••""'"'
body of
two' asand Indians a whole day, 'er of gout, rheumatism, headache, tooth
when the Indians retreated, after Waall- ache, or any other kind of ache, is in all
ding a great number of the Whites. 1 cases caused by impure humors of the
Ou the' 9th of November, a most hor- ' blood, which have lodged upon the parts
rid and brutal massacre was committed and which nothing save vegitable par
by the Cayuse Indians at the Presbyte- ging (purifying) can remove, because
rine Misson, nt t h e w a n a h,w a nh „ v a l., by no other means can impurity be &iv
ley. Dr. NThite, his man and wife, ,en from the body.
with eighteen others, were killed, and Wright's Indian Vegitabla Pills have
sixty or seventy taken prisoners. The !no superior, if indeed they have an erpiiii '
houses of the Missionaries and their' in removing every description of pain :
neighbors were burned to the ground.— because they carry oft, by the stomach
The unfortunate prisoners were subse- and bowels, all morbid and corrupt lin-
quently ransomed, through the agency moss (the cause of the disease) in nn ca-'
of Peter Sken Ogden, chief factor of sv and natural milliner. Four or five of
the Hudson's Bay Company. , Wright's Indian Vegitable Pills, taken
Major Meek pushed up the river yes- ' ea going to bed, will in a short time'
terday, on his way to Washington, with drive pain or distress of every kind from
despatches for the Government, asking the system, and restore the body to a
for immediate aid on the part of the Or- , state of sound health- 1
egon settlers. 1 0.1-lieware ef 3itga r de
ciud o,lEoo:reit v.,.00
The only originaland genuine Indian VATeI a -
The Eric Gazette sa s the notes
, bk NIA hare the signature of William Mire
Irr y
, written with a pen on the by; label of each lr,a,
of the Erie Bank are taken at par by the. None other is genuine and to counterfeit this is
merchants and business men g enerally, Forget The genuine for role by
' - T. K.SI MONT° N , Sole Agent for if wiling-
The Gazette further says: don; Charles Porter, Alexandria; Blair & Robin
‘,We learn that H. J. Huidekoper, Esq. sou,Shado (lap; Blair S: , •a..Prankstown; Orbison
of Meadville, the well known Agent of & Co., Orbisonia; .1. 0. Brown, Shirleystiurg,
the Holland and other extensive Land il Hunter & Co., West Barre and Petersburg; Graff
Conapanies, has signified a willingness l ar e i l",r,;"n7L' l , l 4 ) l ,:', t i c; r ; 1 ;, 1 . . :1 , 11 4 7;: n i t t;
to take Erie money at par on the sale of i na ,,, i if ei '4, o l re H. Steiner, w„,,,,. s ir „,. ; X:& . -
land. It is also taken for toll by the w. Crosawell, Petersburg; Milliken & Kesater,
diflbrent Collectors on the Erie Exton- Mill•creek; and wholesale and retail at the prin.
sion Canal. . cipal office, taa Race street,Philadeliatia
--- .
To the People of Huntingdon, To Housekeepers.
Centre and Mifflin Counties. lNE Jersey cured Hams, Fresh Shad,
mho subsibcriber having been commissioned by 1 1 l Herring & Mackerel, just landed,
1 the "American Sunday School Union" to act
and for sale at
as agent in the district, •.Huntingdon, Centre and
Mifflin", takes this method of hamming all De- .
nominations of Christians, withont respect to sect,
that he will visit the different parts of the district rip Ololasses.
during the summer, and give al who may desire it,, k f e w more hogsheads of that unrival
a favorable opportunity for procuring the publi- , I led fip .4lolasses, which has created
cations of the 'Union ' on reosonehio terms, replen- I so much excitement, now ready to be
i.hing Libraries, and extending their effortsin the
good cause. 'The main objects are the fo lowing, i sold in quantities to suit purchasers, at
The Chester County Bank Robbery. sru.ll .711.1 RE. viz. to establish S. Schools where there are none, I the "GR.IXD 13.9'/.110 of Fisher,
A telegraphic despatch from Bedford, A dark bob-tailed mare, about ten to encourage and supply those eyelidy in opera- , , AleMuytyia & Co., where in fact every
ration, t r ',terve and snake donations td: Colleting, thing may be found cheaper than any
years old, and having no shoes on the i
l'a., dated Alay 19—says : • “I.ii'e Menthers," to make known
. the virus trt the
front feet, strayed from the premises of , place else ; not to say anything about
~ Our town was thrown into it great the undersigned, living at Juniata forge, ' I awn, to dii i it a pure
f an t d be ße c h h gr i i . La c er ti a i t i u rc r i i.;,
their really fine
excitement this morning, by the arrest west township, Huntingdon county. i ' , 1 ; 1 :1 ) ,: e
o t i);, e , true foundation for th e future ~,,,,:i 4 4' 6 Ct. Sugar.
of two men for passing a large amount Any information concerning said mare lire of the United States, and shove all, to keep en
will be thankfully received, and a rea- y l e n t to
and to the kingdom and glory of I Tor the Ladies.
of money of the old issue of the Ches
sonable reward will be paid for delivery ! I inn. to whom every member ot the human fans- ,
I large and beautiful assortment of
ter County Bank. Fourteen hundred , ily is bound by tenfold obligati Its, to render obe. \ Ladies Dress Gaiters, and Kid and
, of said mare to the undersigned. i I* 1 ,
dollars of the same money with also i EDWIN F. SHOENBFItGIiti. I (
the ien i c o c e . .e l n " :l l :o e a d n i d lrets k elo m A e P a Pi t i l7t t r i n ' t7tlg m ia, P.°l 1 Alorocco Shoes, at the store of
found upon their person," I May 30, 1848. I army 23 18.163 J. 11. ORBk,OLV. 1 J. 4. w. 6aix,ton.
On Friday afternoon last, the vicinity I!h N e . l: , : w rte p rVi a li nd he ‘ i,";:n 4 ; oo 7 e it' o t r in te ttze i c o n f
of the Gap and western port of Chester
Alexandria, in the Mercantile business, has been
County, were visited by a sudden storm dissolved by mutual consent. The hooks of the
of'wind, rain and hail. 'rhe water came firm will he riffled at the Store, where persons.m.
down in such torrents, as completely to &hied ate requested to make payment. syt
ent. morE,
flood the ground. Fences were swept o
ofl; and great damage dime to the crops. \\'M. MOORE.
Alexandria, April Ist. 1848.
The rail road was so washed as to ren-
der the passer of cars fur two or three I The business will be continued by the under
miles, impassible, and the passengers on I signed, et the Old ':tend. He returns thanks for
the following day were obliged to be
the p!tronago heretofore extended, and respectful
transported around the breach in stages. ly solicits a continuance of the some.
—The hail covered the ground, and was I JOHN N. SWOOPE
so large as to break windows. The rail.
road it is hoped will be reparid in a few
days-- West Chester Record.
O e-The following in relation to the
late John Quincy Adams we extract
from the Washington correspondence of
the New York Express :
Mr. Harmegan related an interesting,
anecdote in regard to Mr. Adams and ,
Mr. Monroe. That part of M r. Monroe's
message, so much referred to, (ii) regard
to intervention,) was from the pen of
John Quinry ,Idams !rims If. He had
told hint in a private interview, some
time before he died, that this part of Mr.
Monroe's message was his own words, '
(adopted by Mr. Monroe) and incorpo
rated in the annual Message. As Mr.
Adams Was dead, he presumed he viola
ted no confidence in recounting these
Hon. %V ni. Brent, Jr., late Charge
d' Affaires to Buenos Ayres, died at his
residence near Alexandria, on Saturday'
I last.
On Thursday 25tli inst., by Rev. Jesse
B. Williams, Mr. ROBERT NCI - WIDE to
Mrs. CATHARINE GLASGOW, all of .Miiilin
county, Pa.
Pennsylvania nail Road
T HE stockholders are hereby notified that the
interest on the stock of the Pennsylvania
Rail Road Company will be paid on demand at the
office of the undersigned. New subscriptions for
stock will ate be received, the interest on which
will be paid regularly on the 15th of May and
November. The stack may be paid up in full al
the option of the subscriber.
Huntingdon, May 18, 1948.
ALT, persons knowing themelyrs indebted to
the subscribe!, by note or book account, for cast
lugs nt his foundry or otherwise. are requested to
!mike immediate payment. For the accommoda
tion of debtors he will meet them nt the public
house of Jacob Megahan, in McConnefistown, on
Siturday, the 27th day of May inst., and in Cass
vine, on Monday, 29th day of May, inst. All ac
counts left unsettled after the last mentioned (late,
will be left in the hands of the;proper officer for
A further reduction of prices demanded by the
people—resistance by the various Firms and ad
vance of PRO Wni,r., with the 4th Light Brigade
escorting all
Stock of Good fill
to lie disposed of at prices that will allay the tre
mendous excitement.
;Still fur; her glorious news for the community—
art ival of the train under Prowell— his batteries
in position opposite Fort Wallace--joy of the
masses—ProwelFs Brigade fraternizing with the
populace--enthusiasm of the faith and file for the
Hero of Cheap Goods--his splerdid assortment
11l ,
NOLICE. opened and crowds of customers surrounding his
counter. Amongst this assortment may be found
THE undersigned Auditor appointed by the i the In"' splendid tut of
Orphan's Court of Huntingdon County, to die- I LADIES' DRESS GOODS
May 16, ;948.
tribute the balance in the hands of Robert Cantu: eve exhibited in the United States. Such as
bell. Esq., administrator of the estate of Hercules Ginghams, Lawns, Barges,titarines, Tissues,
Kemp, late of Springfield township. decd., to and firg,andles and Plaids ; Silks, striped, barred and
I among his !miters, will attend for that purpose at plain ; 700 pieces of Calicoes which I will sell at
the office 01 'l'. it. Cromer, Esq., in the borough such prices no wit astonish the world: Shatyls of
of Huntingdon. on Friday, the 10th day of June every quality and price. Parasols, Partwolcts and
next, when and where all persons interested may Sun Shades. Laces, Edgings, Quinines, Bobinets,
be present if they think proper. striped and barred Muslins, Cloves of every des.
JOHN REED, Auditor. ' cription, Hosiery in abundance ; ?goalies, Tick
! ings, Cheeks. Diapers and cotton goods fur panta
loons. Ready made clothing. 11tinlawre. Queens
ware Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Leghorn, Chi
nn, Pearl and Palm Leaf Hats.
The above goods have been purchased at 20 per
cent lower than these bought earlier in the season,
and will he sold nt such prices as will satisfy the
people of this county that the ell EA I' COINER
is the only place to get bargains at last.
Chenp Corner, Huntingdon,
May 9, 1848.
ELIZA STRONG, Atlininistratrix.
.11).111A7STR,ITORS' :MTH! E,
Estate of Robert Ramsey, late of Spring
field township, Huntingdon county, deed.
T ETTERS of administration having
/haring been granted to undersigned
on the said estate, all persons having
claims against the same arc requested to
present them for settlement, and those
indebted are requested to make immedi
ate payment to
May 16, 1848.
CI OOD thirty bout :nags 'CLOCKS can he hail
V.Tat Scott's cheap Jewelry Store for $3 50, and
eight slay brass clocks for $6 50. None sold that
cannot be tvarranted. Also, Common Watch
Glasses for 191 cts. Patents 25 cents, and Dm
netts 37 1 , 2 cents. A like reduction in all other
Journal," where they will ho pleased to furnish
ADDITIONAL ATTRACTION I those who may favor them with their custom, with
011E.41' PCBLIC,I77O.,VS 1 1 all articles in their line on the most reasonable
terms. Having supplied themse' ves with a very
A g• eat variety of the latest—most interesting , terse and superior stock of stuff, they have no
and t h r i l li n g fttl's of ilcqi°ft hate just h er o re ' hesitation m assuring the Public that they can
ceived at the furnish work, which, for cheapness, beauty and
"H I:NV:SHWA' JE wain- .STonE," dombility„ cannot be surpassed by any other shop
which will be sold et Philadelphia prices. Na ad- In the county/
vance asked in mental breadaturs I They wilt keep constantly on hand, and make
td otJery
Infschrlion cf i arlatershim , SIDE BURE.nUS,
' I TOE Firm of J. NI &8, 11, 8011, nu d e ,. wind, (_-' ard Tables, Bedsteads, Centre Tables,
name tie business at Edwaid Furnace, in c a pboards, Stands, Dough Troughs,
6 hirleY 1 00 ..hip ,1,1 . 1 . 1 .4 1 " , . c' only, I'"., was I rash Stands, Wardrobes, Sec fetaries,
carried on vre.i .to fie f. r. day of April 1848, rea .j . 1
,i ast Tables, Pedestals ; Ste,
I tdie .0 •,l and • sed to exist by
was . t . day t i .0 ,t. ce a sed
Old furniture repaired at the very shortest no.
mutual e•msciit.
ticc. Cor'riss madonna funerals attended, either
From that date, (I st of April 1:348,) the bu,i.
In ;own or country, at the shortcut notice. They
nese ut and 01 said Furnace has been conducted
by and u ill hereafter be transacted by Samuel 11. keep a Hoarse fur the accdrnmodotion of their ctis.
Ilell, shine. JAMES M. DELI., turners.
SAMUEL 11. BELL Cram of all kinds will be taken in exchange
AT ay :30, 18 , 18.2 t. pd. for furniture and work.
___ Thankful for the tory liberal patronage heretofore
.1 D.11 . 1..V1 8 TR.ITO R'S -I'o TIC E. extended to them, they mitre the public that no
efforts will be spared on their part to deserve a con.
Letters of ndininistration on the estate tinuancc and increase of public patronage.
of Allen 0. Brown, late of the borough i may 2, 18484.
of Shirleysburg decd. having been gran
ted to the undersigned, he hereby gives I Hats, Hats, Hats.
notice to all persons indebted to said de- : I \ NE case more of Ashton's beautiful
ceased to come forward and make pay- k mole-shin Hats, which no gentleman
ment, and to all persons having demands should be without, just received, and
against the same, to present them prop- fur sale at FISHER, McMURTR!E &
erly authenticated without delay. CO'S. Also, a supply of Cerro Gordo
May 30, IS4B. JOHN SHAVER, and Buena Vista Hats of the best qual-
Adm'r. , ity, and very cheap.
Is it nn optical delusion or a Brilliant reality that
dazzles Ladies and Gentlemen as they pass JAS.
T. SCOTT'S Jewelry Slnre ?
SCOTT, on his late visit to the oast, drew ma
ny of the splendid prizes in the Grand Jewelry ,
Lottery, arid being extremely lucky, he is deter
mined to be extremely liberal. His store is filled
with the richest and rarest specimens of art from
the work shops of the east. He has the largest,
the cheapest, and the best assortment of CLIH. KS
and GOLD and SILVER NVATURES, of al-
most every description, ever brought to Hunting-'
don. Also, Gold and Silver Fob Chains, Gold
and Silver Pins and Pencil. t brilliant Rings and
Breast Pins ; Bracelets, Boquet holders; Silver
Spoon, Mustard dn., silver and common Specks,
lodger's Pen knives, Houssell's unequalled Soaps,
Perfumes, Liquid Hair Dye. Lip Salve, Shaving
Cream, &c., besides a vast variety of other articles
both for ornament end Use, fill his cases. He has
bought low and is settled in hie determination to
sell law. Give him a cell.
Huntingdon, May to,
Mill wee Amounging News in the
The concessions made by the Jews and Gentiles
" Encourage your Own"
Cabinet Hare lialkulaelotl,
Main Street, Huntingdon, Pa
WOULD avail themselves of this method of
A informing their friends and the public at
large that they continue to carry on the
business, at their old stand, one door east of he
dwelling hoase of J. G. Miles, Esq., and directly
opposite the Printing Office of the k‘ Hunting lon
. . .• • •
Great and Glorious News!
For the People of Huntingdon Town and
County generally !
Extraordinary lifflitel fen i►►
Prices i
Notwithstanding much wrangling and iri , at
varsity of opinion now exists among pollticiaris as,
to who shall ho the candidates of the respCctiSi
parties for the Presidency, it is an admitted lad:
among all classes and all parties, that
have just opened at their old stand in Mein Street,
Huntingdon, an assortment of
Springy and Summer
not only the clitapat by at least lea jib. cod.. but
decidedly the hest adapted to the wants of the
People generally, that hde etc, been opened in this
Hectic.' of the Mole.
Their stock consists it! part of moo., Cfissi
mores, Satinetts, and a groat variety 'of cheap
goods suitable for Men's and Boy's Summer wear.
Muslim of every quality and at astonishing low
prices; Übe., Bed Shootings, Umbrel
las and Parasols, Sun Shades, &h., &e.
Also, Calicoes did Ginghanis of n quality and
at prices that must suit the 'rims of all;
Alan, Silks, Lawns, Mouslin de I,nius and
zorinesof the finest quality and nt prices that
"can't ho heal!" Shawls, Ifinlkerekiirfs, Gloves,
Nlitts, Ribbons, Hosiery, &e., &c. Also, en elo.
gent assortment of . _
Leghorn and Straw Bonnets,
ILITS and ( - y e ws,
of every variety: /t tinge ay.:nil/lent of
Hoots and et.r4hOcti,
made in the moat rubetanlal trianner: A general
assortment of
Bard Imre, QueenStrate, Glagszturc i
Paints, Oils, Salt, Sc.,. &c.
The subscribers desire to return thanks to their
friends and the public generally, for the liberal pat
ronage heretofore extended to them. And in ask
ing a continuance of public favor, desire to state
that their new stock of Goods having boon pur
chased for CABII, they are enabled to o ffer the m
at prices as low, it not lower. than any other Co.
tabllshment in the county. Call, examine and
judge for yourselves.
rosy 2, /8,18.
ATEAST 411211114111.!
At the Store of
Al the old Sland, in Market Square, Hunting.
dun, I'a.
The public are Informed that I have received
an entire new stock of
Spring & Summer Goods,
hoing by far the best assortment ever brought to
this place, among which will be found Cloths of
ell kinds, Cassinets, Kentucky deens,Gambroons,
French, Belgium and Fancy Cassimeres, Croton,
Oregon and Tweed Cloth. Vestings,Flannele and
Drillihgs, and a variety of Cettort Goods for Stun
ner Wear. French and Irish Linens and Checks,
Bed Ticking, Muslins and Sheetings, Umbrellas
and Parasols. A large assortment of Calicoes of
the newest styles, at lo* pukes:
Earlston, Fretteli, Scotch Ord Domestic Ging
ham...l lialzorines, Diapers, Table Cloths, Cot
ton Fringe, Mouslin do bairns, French Lawns
and Scarfs, Shawls and HandkerchiWs, Black and
Fancy Alpacas, Merinoes. Silk GloVes,
Ladies Caps, Ribbons, Hockey, &c.,
Also, a very excellent assortment of Ha%
Cups, and
Leghorn and Straw Bonnets, Pala' Leaf
Hats, Boots and Shoes,
'JURE, FISH, S.ILT,&e., with a
fine variety of Goods of all kinds.
The alums stuck of goods lacing beets selected
with great care, and purchased at reduced prices
for Cash, in the city of Philadelphia, Inns enabled
to offer
Great Bargains,
and hope that all will examine my stock before
purchasing elsewhere, us I am determined to sell
as low us any one in Pennsylvania, Please caU
and see my goods, ss it affords me pleasure at all
time: to show them.
Wheat, Rye, Cots, Corn, Flour, ('loveroced &
Flaxseed, Butter, Eggs, Lard, Bacon, Soap, Bees
wax, &r,, token in exchange for Goods._
p25-tf.j GEORGE G WIN
Dissolution of Partnership.
hang partnership hcretefote existing between
Leo. W. Whittaker and Cleo. Raymond, in
the publication of ho Huntingdon Messenger,
has been mutually dissolved. The books of the
li . nt will I,e left at the office' of the " Messenger . '
for settlenient.
tIE(Y. HA I'l%lolSb.
May 2, 1849.
N. B. Having purchased the Messenger Press,
Materials, tkr , " I will, in a few weeks, resume its
publication, when it will be sent to its old sub
scribers, and the new terms made known.
6 miles above Havre de ( race,
Will at all times purchase Wheat at a price
within TWO coals of Philadelphia Market.
Cr Owners and Boatmen ore invited to call.
Plaster may he had ut the Mill.
april 25, 1848.
GEO. GWIN invites house-keepers to
call at his store and examine his
large assortment of Queensware and
Table Cutlery.
Hams, Shoulders de, Flitch,
,J UST received from Pittsburg, several
hogsheads of Hums, Shoulders and
Flitch, and for sale by J. & W. Saxton.
Ladies' Dress Gaiters and Shoes.
beautiful assortment for sale at the
tt new store of DORSEY & MAGUIRE•
Also, a good assortment of Children's
fine and coarse shoes.
ithA6RTME CO., avail
_u 11.6.scioes of ihisineatis of rOnlcing
to their old friends a id itintomern that they
!tave greatly enlatged there tooter, arid are now
ripening at the phi and well ki4irriri e6 , tier, a very
large end oplendid assortmerit
Spring and SinninOr 006trs,.
which WI II be sold
910 rer ('col. Clicapce
that' . slab' ever before known in this latitude.
Their stoa is henry and has been selected with
great core, so that thu wants of the WAOLE
PEOPLP, may he MON!. In addition to their
former randy they herd Lidded a fine arsortment
of HI TS, CA PS, end
Ready-. Made Cloihing
which now renders their establishment a
Grand Bazar
where everything useful and ornamental may lot
found, end at fake. which DEFY all competition !
For examplei They die pulling srlendie
Dress Latins for I'2', cots. per yard,
CalicOes, from 3to 6 do'. do.,
lileilehed Muslin at 4 do. do.,
Good 13rown Sugar at 63 cents per lb.;
best Rio Coffee at 10 cents per lb.; Mo
lasses,. 25 cents per gallon. And to cap
the critnax, they are able and willing to
sell a FULL Strr of Turfy-made Cloth
ing. for tilt small .coin Of 0.50.
For further partieufars,; please tail at
the 'OLD LOCUST CORN": i('!tere
the important fact will be , proven that'
Fisher, McMartrie& Co. have the largest,
the res•r and the CIIE.IPEST stock of
floods ever offered for sale in Hunting
dem ! [Npril 6, 1148.
sioilktr Grand Triumph
OF run
~ .....
By the last train. froth the cities
of New York & Philadelphia!
Successful passage through the "Raging
Renew' !"
Safe arrival of the most magnifi
cent assortment of the finest and
cheapest Fabrics entry brought
to the county of Iluntingdod !
The export duties hang been taken off`
every kind of Dar GOODS, Groceries,
‘ke &c &c .,
Are enabled to present to their cue
ttittfers an assortment of goods of unri•
valled excellence, at prices so low as to
be within the reach of all.
CIO aiitt SO6
Alaslins from 2 tti 18 cis per yard.
Cal icoe " 2to I& do.
Gingham " 12 to 4.0 do.
Lawns " 12 to 37 do.
. Mouslin de Lain 12 to 37 do.
Shawls " $l.OO to $8.50.
' Cabe " 61 to 10 cts per lb.
Sugar " 6 to 10 do:
Tea "25 to 100 do:
Molasses ".Bto 20 cts fier quart.
Sd7Ll' f PL..ISTER, FISH, d c. , 4-c.
CML.TC. - g c LE'i:2:lLahs,-7 a
What do you think of a full suit (made
up) of excellent clothes, at
11—f $2.00 ?
All of the very best (lglty, and to be
sold on their usual iiaommodating
sUbsciibeis Would inform their filen& and'
I the public that they have received and opened
a w and o'r-t'UTtet, stock of
selected with great care, and' sailed' to the +Mgt
and summer seasons. fit their stook of Ladies
Dress (roods, tnay be found all the newest styled,
such a. Patio Lustros, Hair Cord Ginghadis,Doh•
manes, Monterey Plaids, Mohair Lustros, Organ
dies, with a large lot of Lawns and Celicits at all
prices. Among their goods for the Gentlemen are
Cashmere's, G. eslirnaret Plaids, hrap D'it 'beat , .
limp dire, Mohair Cords, Napoleon Velvet
Colds, linen Coat checks, Drillirg, SWIM.
Vestings, &r., Bcm
They would also invite attention toll t 'rated of
Sugars— 5, 6 and 8 cents per pound—
Molasses, front 37i to 40 cents per
gallon ; and every othkr article usually
kept in a Grocery Store, tit equally
low prices.
&wirer, Silk , Leghorn & Palm
Leaf hats, Caps, Bonnets, Utn-,
brellas, Parasols and Shades
ibbons, Artificial Flowers, &c.
We have tilso a handsome assortment of
Roots and Shoes. A Iso.--Fish, Salt,
Plaster, Iron and Nails.
ary• 'no above stock having been purchased en
tirely fur roan, WO are enabled to otter at Lows..
raises than such goods can he obtained elsewhere.
Those, therefore, wishing to purchase, will please
call and examine our stock, as we take great pleas
ure in showing our goods.
In the store room-formerly occupied by Jacob'
Miller, opposite the residence of Judge G win,
It All kinds of Country Produce ta
ken in exchange for goods, Litpll.
NOTICE is hereby given that lettets 6f adinin:
istration have been granted to the undersigned, on
the estate of James Linn, late of Springfield town
ship, deceased. Persons knowing theinselves in
debted will come forward and make payMent, and
ell those having claims will present them duly an ,
thenticated for settlement.