Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 30, 1848, Image 2

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    TETE Jol'll\ll4.
One of the editors of the New York
Courier and Enquirer, writing from Enz•
abetbtown on Sunday evening, says :
Gen. Scott took us all by surprise
this morning at S o'clock. The vessel
in which he came, anchored, it seems
last evening., after a good run of nineteen
days from Vera Cruz—oll . the Quaran
tine. As soon as it was known, the in
habitants of Staten Island manifested
FOR CANAL COMM I SSIONE I; , the utmost desire that the General should
land at once, rind great efforts were made
NER MIDDLESWARTH to induce him to do so ; but he strenons
-4 ly declined all their pressing overtures
• —and desirous first to set his feet upon
the soil of New Jersey, he passed the
night on board—and this morning was
rowed up to the Point by Mr. Frazier of
the Revenue Service—an old soldier,
who volunteered for the occasion—in a
tine barge manned by eight oarsmen.
The General reached the Point un
heralded, and then taking the first ve
hicle he could obtain—an open one horse
wagon, driven by an honest, good tem
pered Irishman, in hs shirt sleeves-,he
reached home. What a triumphal car
for this Second Cortez!
As soon as the news of his arrival
spread, movements were made for at least
hoisting the flags and ringing the bells;
but Gen. Scott absolutely forbade any
such demonstrations—and Sunday was
observed in all its wonted stillness and
solemnity. The excellent and exempla
ry Rector of the Church, the Rev. Chan
ning More, on his way to church, called
to see the General, who soon after fol
lowed him to the church. As the Gen
eral's tall and commanding figure pass
ed through the streets, hands were i -
The Loeogoeo Nominee*.
stinctivly raised to the hat, and the hear- •
LEwts Cass, of Michigan,
hes " cc " ty cheer could be read upon the half
nominated by the Locofocos for the opened lips and the enthusiasm legibly
Presidency. His bid for Southern votes on every lips,
was with difficulty re
was the highest, and therefore he has pressed—but it was repressed by the ea- •
become the nominee of his party over ge r and adm iring throng that pressed
Buchanan, Dallas, Woodberry and all around him. A single hat swung in the
air, a single hurra, would have fired the
others. Since Mr. Cass entered the Uni• whole village, and greetings, honest,
ted States Senate he has been a dema- hearty, loud and long, would have greet
gogue of a low order, a political trick- ' ed the honored soldier to his home.
ster whose whole energy has been bent Better as it was—more in consonence
with his
keeping , c y lit t a h rax e e
iit at: i d tsa
towards securing the nomination for the wishes,
c e more
s oi in
high office for which he is now a candi- the orderly and religious people among
date. No. matter what exciting question whom he lives and whose confidence ,
was before the American Senate he al- and affection he shares
ways acted the part of the demagogue the But
scenel c e r n e :
i g n omention of
and was ready With eltip4rap speeches ; beautiful e
Sianksgiring of the church ' Episcopal
and what has detracted greatly from his ,ervice for a safe return from sea was
character with all honest and candid read. Every auditor applied it—every
people is ; thiit in all this he acted against heart joined it—and in the solemn and
his own conSictions of right and duty theaudible
heartfelt A tn e n , r a n t t
t its ed close,
h a e .a ,, s . declared hole eee
to the country. In the races of his grcgation ththeirfriend,their neighbor,
southern taskmasters lie has long been the eminent soldier and defender of his
bending every energy and prostituting ' country, had been conducted in safety'
every purpose ; and his conduct has been to the haven where lie would be.
as servile ns that of the slaves, the votes rhe Sunday was kept holy.
But to-morrow—to-morrow—the heart
of whose masters he looks far as a rec• of the people will find utterance. They
ompense and reward. Mr. Cass has the will not listen to the notion that the ,
title of General prefixed to his name, and I conqueror of Mexico—the most accom
has been a zealous advocate of the MT plished commander of the age—the sol
dier who combines in so eminent a de
gree humanity Mexico—but he has kept at a safe !
g to the conquere d , and
distance front the fi re of the enemy. care ree
for lives of hisoueeelliers,
Gen. Butler, of Kentucky, now in , with the utmost vigor in action and ce-
Mexico, has been nominated for Vice • lerity in operations—who never risked
the life of one of his soldiers on any
President. The object of the persecu
tion and recall of Gen. Scott is thus I
neverm erel personal
0 rehe To t h e calculation,he
e and w
f hie
made manifest. If another fight cawbe life when prompted by dirty—the pee =
got out of the Mexicans and a little blaze pie, his neighbors, countrymen and
of glory follow, the Locofocos expect ; friends, will not listen to the notion that
to have a candidate for the second office ' such a man, returning from the most
brilliant military campaign known to any
who can share the glory of Scott and ' annals—and hawked at -
by the mousing
Tay'or. owls of party, shall look upon himself
- - •
TUESDAY, MAY 311,1818.
" Cirdulate the Documents."
NAL" within the rench of all who de
sire a paper during the coining Presiden
tial campaign, it will be furnished from
the 13th of June next until the result of
the President Val election is known, at
the following rates—payment invariably
to be made in advance, viz:
Five copies for $3 00
Ten copies for 5 00
Fifteen copies for .7 00
Twenty copies for 9 00
Our Whig friends throughout the
county are respectfully asked to aid us
in our efforts to circulate the Journal
among the People. Locofoco poison will
be scattered broad east over the land
during the campaign. Let the IVhig an
tidote travel with it.
We have neither time nor space to
say more of these nominations at pre
sent; but more anon.
as under the cloud of Executive displea
sure, and therefore withdraw himself
from the just plaudits and affectionate
solicitude of his countrymen.
The people are the sovereigns, and
On Friday last GEN. SCOTT received they will absolve Gen. SCOTT from the
positive orders from Washington which o , displeasure" of Mr. President Polk,
made it necessary for him to start for who is nobody except as the servant of
the South that evening. This is in per•
tTi e eir p rer p t, l • C a .T ai h . e d m te a a s e t l rs hi„ ‘ T il t l ha r t m a ra li r t t !
feet keeping with the conduct of the ,
the brief authority accidentally confided
Administration towards the conqueror to him, furnishes no warrant for such
of Mexico. I wrong and outrages as WINFIELD SCOTT
has been the object of, at the hands of
James I►. Polk and his miserable, mali
cious, cunning subordinate Secretary
But there will be no other demonstra
tion than that of a popular gathering of
friends and neighbors at the Court House
at about 3 P. M.—when the corporate
authorities of the borough will welcome
Gen. Scott to his home—and after pre
senting him generally to the assembly,
the ceremony will end.
It will be a reception by friends and
neighbors of a man they love for hie
virtues as much as they admire for his
achievements—and to whom THEY will
do justice though all the world beside
be unjust.
The Chambersburg, Pa. Whig, in an
article relative to Gen. Scott and Mr.
Marcy, concludes with this pertinent re
mark, that whatever be the decision of
the people on the merits of this contro
versy, the general belief cannot be sha
ken that the administration of Mr. Polk
has shown a much stronger th'sposition to
degrade both SCOTT and TAYLOR, than to
do them honor. This verdict has alrea
dy been rendered, and the record of the
present Congress will show the judg
ment enter(' upon it.
The People's Court of Inquiry.
The Reading Journal remarks with
emphasis, that this Locofoco crusade
against ie fair fame of WINFIELD SCOTT,
will fail, and his character shine all the
brighter for having been subjected to the
insulting ordeal. Thanks to our Whig
forefathers, the people in this country
are the masters. There is a high Court
of Inquiry now sitting upon the acts of . the
President and his minions, and their ver
dict will soon he rendered. THAT COURT
PLE, from whose decision there is no
TO GEN. SCOTT," and mete out a
Arrival of Lien• Scott at Elizabeth•
Kr The Rev. D. Emory, the much
esteemed President of Dickinson Col
lege, Carlisle, Pa., died at Baltimore on
Thursday the 18th inst., of a disease of
the lungs. To the Institution over which
he presided and the church to which he
was attached, his loss will be almost ir
LAMARTINE.-A letter from Paris says:
"The best men in Paris love Lamartine,
and wird' to make him President. He is
a.grcat man, and is, I think, taking Wash
ington for his model. He recommends
Washington's principles to the people,
and is like him in firmness and calmness.
[Foi (Ito Journal.]
A meeting was called, a few minuleii
before dark, on Saturday last, by the
unterritied loco-fucracy, to meet at the
house of Christiau Coots, for the pur
pose of responding to the lamination of
Lewis Cass and William 0. Butler, by
the late Baltimore Convention, for the
offices of President and Vice President.
It was organized as usual, by the ap
pointment of officers, and a committee
to report. resolutions expressive of the
sense of the meeting. During the ab
sence of the committee Maj. Campbell
addressed the small multitude, in a
somewhat philosophical and didactic
manner, evidently not intending to be
come enthusiastic, but endeavoring to
lay down some general principles, upon
which he, and the party generally, could
act with safety. In the meantime the
committee returned with Gen. Wilson
at its head, bearing the resolutions
which it had agreed to present to the
electing. After a few prefatory remarks,
by the chairman, they were read. Im
mediately after this, a certain George
Raymond, as a member of that commit
and in the name of n certain per
', tem of the people of the United States
(I am not exactly informed what portion
he represents) offered another set of
resolutions, as a minority report.—
Messrs. Wilson and Campbell thought
the regular resolutions had better be
acted on previous to having any others.
Raymond persisted, and made a short
and excited speech, in which it was et•-
ident his heart was too hot for his head.
The meeting passed the regular resolu
tions, by a large majority, after which
• Raymond again offered his. In the mean
time, one John Scott was called upon to
make a speech. Raymond told Scott,
he bad the floor rind would not give it
until his resolutions were heard.--
He went on, however, with the speech
in a vociferous falsetto voice, approach
ing: a groan and not far from a song,
showing that his indignation had made
a prisoner of his intellect. Raymond
interrupted him, and said, "I give the
meeting notice that I will have these
resolutions published, and in a better
democratic paper than your's, Mr.
Lewis." Lewis broke from his seat,
caught a chair, raised it, and was about
to bring it down on the head of the au
dacious Raymond, when Adjutant Seeds,
a late appointment by Col Buoy, and a
topographical engineer, alias a mud boss,
on the Pennsylvania canal, rushed like
Ajax or Achirei at the seige of Troy,
and brought the mild but indignant Lew
is to his sent. Thus Lewis' democracy
was vindicated and Raymond still lives
and moves, with no great signs of ter
ror depicted on his countenance. It is
not known whether there teas subsequent
fraternization of the parties or not. It
may be well elough to add, that a large
portion of the meeting belonged to the
[From the Daily News.)
BALTIMORE, May 23, 1848.
The Convention met at nine o'clock
this morning. There was d full attend -
lance of delegates, and the,galleries of
the church were densely crowded with
Mr. Brice, Chairman, pro tem., called
the Convention to order and announced
the Hon: Andrew Stevenson as Presi
dent of the Convention. Mr. Stevenson,
before taking his seat, returned thanks
for the honor conferred upon hinn f and
in the course of his brief address ; dwelt
upon the necessity of harmony here,
and union in the coming election, as a
duty which they owed to themselves,
their country, and their God.
The Rev. Mr. Plumer of the Presby
terian denomination, ()tiered up a prayer.
The thanks of the Convention were
voted to Judge Brice, Chairman, pro
Mr. Cone, of fleorgia, offered a reso
lution to the effect that each member by
retaining a seat in the Convention
pledges himself to support the nominees
and to use all honorable means to se
cure their election.
Mr. Yancey, of Alabama, thought that •
the resolution would not reach the New
York delegates when admitted, and mo
ved to lay the resolution on the table.
After considerable debate, Mr. Cone
offered a substitute, requiring the decis
ions of questions of States, each State
to be allowed the full electoral vote,
without regard to the number of dele
gates sent by any one State. The sub
stitute of Mr. Cone was debated at length
and finally adopted.
On motion of the Massachusetts del
egation, a resolution was offered to
adopt the rules governing business of
the Convention of 1844.
Mr. Morse, of Louisiana, moved to
omit the two-third rule.
Mr. Solomon, of Alabama, was anx•
ions that New York should vote upon
this question.
Mr. Yancey was opposed to deviating
from old usages. To adherb to them
was more desirable than any reference
to New York—whether the Empire State
sustained or abandoned the democratic
cause. But of the latter contingency
he had no fears. New York would re•
main true to democracy. [Great cheer
Air. Morse thought that if the demo
cratic rule, as established in 1844,should
throw overboard the first men in th e
country, and take up some " outsider,"
then farewell to democracy. [Loud and
prolonged cheerin g .]
Mr. Bowden, of Alabama, spoke en
thusiastically of Mr. Polles administra
tion, and in opposition to Mt. Morse's
Mr. Hamlin, or Maine, favored the
two-third rule, and denounced the term
Mr, Yancey could not believe that Mr.
Morse had intended any disrespect to
Mr. Polk. _ _
Mr. Morse made what was deeMed a
satisfactory explanation.
Mr. Thompson of New Jersey, said
that he had no political preferences. He
knew no " outsiders." Whoever the.
Convention should nominate, would
command the respect and support of the
whole democratic party. The two•third
rule was a party principle. It had work•
ed well.
A Terrible Scene,
Pending further debate some sounds
indicated that the galleries werb giving
way !
A terrific scene here ensued. Hundreds
of, people were escaping in perilous
modes, and all below was terrible confu
Order could not be restored, and a re
cess for half an hour was taken. It was
found that no person was seriously in
The galleries were found to have giv
en wad• in several places—a similar oc
currence took place at the Whig Conven
tion of 1844.
Exclusion of the Barnburners!
The committee on Credentials met last
night upon the claims of the rival New
York delegates. The BaraburnerS re
fused to give pledges and retired.
The Committee thereupon concluded
to oxhide them, and having only the
credentials of the Old Hunker delegates,
to recommend their admission to the
It is uncertain when the Committee
will report.
Upon the re-assembling of the conven
tion, the ordinary rules were adopted to
govern the ' proceedings,
The quest ion recurred on the two
thirds rule.
Gcn. Howard, of Maryland, desired
to make a report from the Committee
on Credentials, to allow New York' to
vote thereon.
A discussion ensued, in which much
bitterness was indulged.
Mr. Meade, of Virginia, desired to
know whether New York might not
move for a reconsideration when admit
The chair decided affirmatively.
Gen. Howard moved to lay the whole
matter on the table.
The clerk, however, proceeded to call
the States to vote upon the question of
adopting the two-thirds rule.
Mr. McCandless cast the vote, of Penn
sylvania, twenty-six votes, against the
two-thirds rule.
Mr. Miller and Mr. McKinney denied
the vote being valid, and refused to be
bound by it. Mr. McCandless' vote was
Mr. Ila'let, of Massachusetts, offered
a resolution, giving the single delegate
from South Carolina one vote, and no
The whole matter was laid on 'the ta
The vote was taken on the two-third
rule, with the following result :
Maine 9 ayes—New Hampshire 6
ayes—Masssachusetts 10 ayes, 2 nays
—Vermont / aye, 5 nays—Rhode Island
a ayes, 1 nay—Conneticut 6 ayes—New
Jersey 7 ayes—Pennsylvania 26 nays
—lleleware 2 ayes, 1 nay—Maryland 7
. ayes, t nay—Virginia 17 ayes—North
Carolina 11 ayes—South Carolina 9 ayes
Georgia 10 ayes—Florida 5 ayes-Ala
bama 9 ayes—Mississippi 6 ayes—Lou
isina 6 ayes—Texas 4 ayes-Aakansrs 3
ayes—Tennessee 13 ayes-Kentucky 12
ayes—Ohio 23 nays-Indiana 2 ayes, 9
nays—lllinois 9 ayes-Michigan 5 ayes
lowa 4 ayes-Missouri 1 aye, 6 nays-
Wisconsin 4 nays. Adjourned from
half past two to 5 o'clock.
Before the adjournment of the morn
ing session, t t was resolved that Gen.
Commander should have power to cast
the whole nine clectorial votes of South
Carol in. a.
The Convention re•asseniblcd at 5
I o'clock.
The first question for consideration
that came up, was the report of the Coin
mitteeon Credentials, involving the right
of the rival New York delegations to
The report was substantially the same
as fore-shadowed by my postscript ot
this morning.
The test was demanded of each set of
delegates, that they should agree to sup
the nominee of the Convention. This
the Baruburners refused to do, and the
committee had nothing left but to report
that the Hunkers had presented creden
After much speaking, most of it irrel•
event, and the raising of many points of
order, a motion was made to lay the re
port upon the table.
• A Motion was also made that two of
each set of the New York rival delega
tions claiming seats, should be permit
ted to address the Convention to-mor
row in support of their. respective claims,
and then after full and free explanation
and deliberation, the vexed question
should be finally disposed of.
Pending the discussion upon this mo
tion and adjournment mail to-morrow I
morning at 9 o'clock was carried.
During the sitting of the Convention
a large crowd was collected outside of
the Church in the street, which was ad
dressed by various stump spe . nkers.
I hardly know how to describe the po
litical thermometer to-ni , 4lt. By the
adoption of the twot bird rule it is thought
Cuss stock is depressed and Buchanan
rising. The Louisiana 'delegation will
vote for Cass on the first and second bal
lots, and afterwards for Buchanan.'
r.lbrid g Cd .Iccount.j
WtaNtsnAv, May 24.
The Delegates met according to ad
journment at 9 o'clock this morning,
with an abatement of the crowds in at
tendance, nor of the existing excitement.
The minutes of yesterday were read
and approved.
Mr. Boggs, of North Caro Tin a; then
submitted a Preamble and Resolution to
the effect, That both sets of delegates be
admitted to seats itt this Convention,
and both be entitled to tote on all ques
tions at the wish of the mover.
The order of the day was called, and
Mr. Bogg's preamble and resolution
were laid on the table for the present.
The order of the day was on the res
olution to allow two from each of the
opposing New York Delegations to be
heard before the Convention in defence
of their respective claims—each speech
to be limited to one hour.
The resolution haring been adopted,
Senator Dixon and Mr. Foster *dressed
the Convention in behalf of the " Hun
kers," and Messrs. J. C. Smith, Preston
King, Doolittle and C. C. Camibrgleng on
the part of the Barnbuiners.
Mr. Yancey of Alabama then obtain
ed theiloor, mid submitted a resolution
declaring that the Democratic National
Convention, after hearing the arguments
of the contending delegations, decide
that the "Syracuse Delegates" were en
titled to scats on this floor.
The report of the Committee on cre
dentials was then taken up and Mr.
Yancey obtained the floor .
. He insisted
that but one delegation from the!) emoc
racy of New York was present. The
Barnburners by their organs have shown
themselves to be factious ‘N hies and
Abolitionists, who made the Wiltnot
l'roviso the corner stone of their polit
ical edifice. On that question they de
manded that their claims as delegates
here should be decided ! They would
in an anti-democratic manner confine
the South to the borders it nosy occupied,
and appropriate to themselves of the
North all the broad acres hereafter to
be acquired. He insisted that the Gen
eral Government had no right to estat,
Halt or abolish slavery anywhere t
was for the States alone to decide wfirj
ther slavery should exist within their
borders—it was purely a State question.
After Mr. Ynnecy had concluded, au
adjournment was carried until 5 o'clock
P. M. •
The Convention re-assembled at 5
o'clock. A call for the previous ques
tion was made, but subsequently with
drawn by Mr. Yancey, of Alabama.
Mr. Thompson, of New Jersey, oppo
sed the proposition that the Barnburners
should he excluded, not on account of
defective credentials, but because they
were opposed to the peculiar institutions
of the South. He was no abolitionist ;
but the effect of such action would be
to array the whole North against the
Smith. The gentleman from A labaitin,
Mr. Yancey, was unwise in asking such
an issue. The Syracuse delegation was
elected in violation of the uniform Dem
ocratic usage of the State for twenty
. one years. The quarrel arose between
men struggling for office. He protest.
ed against turning the Barnburncrs out
lon account of their sentiments on the
Wihnot Proviso, and hoped the matter
would be referred back to the State of
New York.
Mr. Strange, of North Carolina, de•
feuded the course pursued by the coin- ,
mittce in the application of the test to
the opposing delegations. They had
mutually charged each other with being
false to the Democratic party ; besides
this, one refused to answer the first
question in the Democrati c catechism;
another answered promptly, that the'
committee could do nothing but accept
those who. proved the true De►nocrats.—
The Barnburners virtually excluded
themselves by adopting the Wilmot Pro ,
vino. The South could not vote for their
admission. He hoped, however, the
question would be decided on the valid
ity of the credentials of the delegates,
and on no other grounds. A number of
the barnburner delegation protested
• against deciding on their admission or
rejection in reference to the Vt ihnot
proviso. They wanted the question de
cided on the validity of their credentials.
After much confusion, questions of or
der and attempts to obtain the floor in
every direction, Mr. Hannegan of Indi
ana, at length obtaitted a hearing, and
moved the previous question, but with
drew it for an explanation by Mr. Bord
ley, of Ohio, who denied that the Dem
ocratic Convention of Ohio bad taken
grtund in favor• of the Wilmot Proviso,
as asserted by Preston King.
Arr. Turney, of Tennessee, next ob
tained the floor. Ile as one of the mi
noaity of the committee on credentials,
protested against the action of that co►n
mittee in appointing a test to the oppo•
sing delegations. The some test if ap
plied to Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio,
and. other States, would drive those
States from the Democratic fold. Let
the same test be applied to all or none ;
were the Barnburners to be excluded
solely oft the Wilmot proviso and no oth
er ground, the right arm of the Democ
racy would be paralized. fie wanted no
invidious distinctions or tests. Accept
both delegations, or reject both and leave
neither party have ground for complaint.
lie closed by receiving the call for Ike
previous . question, which was sustained
by the following rote—ayes 172—nays
The' question wns then taken on au
amendment proposing that both delega
tions be admitted to seats in the conven
tion, and be entitled to the !toolbar of
Cotes to which that State is entitled In
the Electorial College. This proposi ,
tion was adopted as a substitute for the
resolution, by the following close vote :
ayes 110, nays )25.
Vote was i/of final. The goes ,
tion • now ponds on the resolution ns
amended. There were but 251 votes poll
ed while the whole vote of the Convention
is 290. So the whole matter will come
up again to.morrow, when there will be
such a scene as "Democracy," in its
wildest mood, has never witnessed:
BALTimortc ; Thoredrl7,. Mary 21?:
The Democratic National Convention
reassemi,Fed this morning at 9 o'clock.
The minutes of yesterday were read and
The President stated that the pending
question was on the adoption of the ori
ginal resolution as amended last night.
The Convention having, sustained the
veil for the Previous Question, no debate
was allowed.
The vote was then taken by States on
the resOlutioft of Mr. Yancey, of Aln, as
amended by Mr. Bartley, of Ohio, to the
effect that both• contesting delegations
from New York be admitted to seats,
with power to cast a joint vote, equal in
number to that which the State is enti
tledin the Electorial College. . .
The amended resolution was carried :
ayes 130, nays 120.
The queshon then recurred, still un
der operation of the previous questton,
on the adoption of the original proposi
tion as amended, which was carried, 133
ayes to 118 nays.
The President then announced that
both delegations front New York were
received intothe brotherhood of the
Mr. Hennepin rose and said that he
felt bound, under the instructions of the
Indiana State Convention, to submit the
following resolution :
Rs,volved, That the New York Delega
tion, known as the . Syracuse Hunker
Delegation, are rightfully entitled to
east the vote of said State in Conver
t ion.
Senator 'Laney moved to lay the res
olution on the table, but ivithdrew it for
Mr. Dickersonto read a protest front the
"Hunker" delegates of New York against
admitting the Manhunters. The paper
read, denounced the proceedings as un
just, and calculated to satisfy neither
party, while it would produce much mis
There, was now much rensation in the
Mr. Turney renewed his motion, and
Mr. Hatmegan's resolution was laid on
the table—ayes 157, nays 95.
Mr Sander Kin then moved that the
Convention proceed to nominate candi
dates for President of the United
States, and upon it called the Previous
Mr. Cambreli»g asked permission for
the Barnburner delegation to retire,
which was granted.
Mr. Ttirney, of Tenn., then obtained
leave to read a letter from President
Polk. Mr. Polk wished to state distinct
ly that any such use of his name
was without his agency or desire ; and
to relieve the Convention of any embar
rassment that might be felt, he reitera
ted his desire to withdraw to private life
after the c'ose of his official term.
Wilson McCandless,
of Pennsplvaaia,
nominated James Buchanan.
Judge Ellis, or Mississippi; nominated
Lewis Cass.
Hannibli Harofin, of Maine, nomina
ted Levi IVoOdbury.
The Convention then proceeced with
the following result.
. _ . .
- Ist. 2d. 3d. 4th.
Cass, 125 133 15'6. 179
Buchanan, 56 54 41 33
Woodbury 53 59 51 38
Calhoun, 9
*3 3.
Worth, 6 4 5
Whole number of votes cast 254
Necessary for a choice 170
Cass received 179
And was declared nominated for the can
didate of the Presidency to be support
ed by the Demoratic party.
At an evening session, Gen. Wm. 0..
Butler was unanimously nominated on
the second• ballot.
fl;- The Governor of Arkansas has
appornted Wm. K. Sebastian, as U. S.
Senator, to fill the vacancy occasioned
by the decease of Mr. Ashley.
R - A tremendous tornado passed
over Lexington, Ky., a few days since. •
'Frees and houses were blown dotvo i and
several persons much injured.