HUNTI - \GDOIN JOURNAL. BY JAMES CLAtik VOL, Via NO, 22, SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of aoveral writs of Venditioni Ex pout's, now in my hands, I will sell on the prem. tics. in Barren township, on Saturday, the 3d day of June next, at two o'clock, P. M., at public yen tine or outcry, the following descr ibed real estate, : A certain tract of land situate in the township bf Barrer, lying in Kyler's Gap. near the waters of Stone Creek, containing about 200 acres: ad joining lands of Abraham Zook, Philip Silknitter, John ItteCalinn and others—having thereon once led a saw null, and a small log dwelling house and fog barn. • Seized, taken in execution uud to be sold as the property of Charles r. Ash. A LSO On Tuesday, nth day of June, on the premises, In Warriorsmark Town, in the county of Hunting don, a certain lot of ground, adjoining Lindley Hoods on the North, Azariah Sockets on the Lost, fronting on Main Street 44 feet and run ning back 165 foot to an alley on the West,—hay log thereon erected a two story ft acne house and frame stable. ALSO, a certain lot or ground, ad joining lands of William Thompson on the North west and Richard Wells on the South-west, front ing ee the great road leading to H untingdon Fur nace. Seined, taken in execution anti to be sold es the , property of Satnue: Muthernbaugh. A t,!-.0 : ......„ . Hil Ftiday, the 2nd day of June Next, on the prenlises. in Jackstoh township, Huntingdon co.; all that certain heWed log house and a stone foun dation, !Intl collar under it, 28 feet lohg, 20 feet wide, and 18 feet high to the square. situated and erected on a certain plahtatioh or lean ih the town ship of Jackson, in the county of Huntingdon, ed.Puning lauds of Coinelitim Davis, Josiah bull, Hassle and Hall and John Zook. Seized, taken in execution and lobo sold ne the property of John Mash. M .4.l"rHli NV CROW NOVER, SW, Sheriff 'a Office,Huntingdon, May 8,1848. Orphan% Court Aar. IN pursuance of on order of the 0 plums' 113ourt of Huntingdon county, there will be sold on the premises, on FRIDAY, 2nd OF JUNE, at II o'clock on said day, the following described ve.ll estate, late the property of•Josiuh Hall, de , teased, viz A certain tract, piece, or parcel of land, situate Sri Jackson township, Huntingdon county, adjoin= ing hinds of John Darr, Hugh Alexander, Corne lius Davis, deceased, and Hall & Rawle, contain ing iipwairds of ROO A.0111.D. a large quantity of which is cleared and under n state of cultivation. There is a fine Orchard of excellent fruit, a two story .dwel'ing house, nud small bank barn on the same. There is also a tenant house on the promises suitable for a small rn TERMS.—One third of the purchase money to he paid on confirmation of the sale—one third in a year thereafter with interest, and the balance at the death of Nancy Ball, widow of the deceased, to be secured by the judgment note of the purchas er. By the Court. JACOB MILLER, Clerk. The subscriber having been appointed by the said Court, Trustee. to make vale of the above val uable property,'‘Vill attend on the premisies at the time of sale above fixed, when and where all pur chase.' are invited to attend. M %TTIIEW CROll'NOVEll,Trustce. May 9, 1848. ACME MEDICINE ! Dn. OSGOOD'S INDIA cHOLApOGUE. for the cure of .Fevtr and .Igue, Chill Fever, Dumb -Vv.°, Intermittent & Remittent Fevers, Liner Complaint, Jan dice, Enlarge ment of the Liver, Enlargement of the Spleen, and all the various forms of Bilious Diseases. Thia Invaluable medicine was prepared from an extensive practice of several years in a 1i01.16 cli mate, and in NI, Llll KNOWN TO TAI I. of curing Fever and Agree, or any of the diseases above named. " •• Those who are suffering from affections of this kind, as also those who have become invalids from their effects upon the constitution, will find the Trains CHOLAGOGI, a most invaluable remedy for purifying the blood, end thoroughly cleansing from the system the morbid effects of a bilious cli mate. The wonderful operation of the Cholagogue in eradicating en,. fists the human system, can only explain its extraordinary agency in the speedy, thorough and permanent cure of fever and ague, and the various grades of intermittent and remit tont fevers. It is equally effectual for the cure of Liver com plaint, Jaundice, Enlargement of the Liver also Enlargement of the Spleen, Ailed Ague Cake, and the various forms of bilious Indigestion. These, With the other virile(' affections of such climates, arising from a common miasmal muse, aro only modifications of the same disease, and equally controlled by the same remedy. Certificates without number could be given of the efficacy of this medicine in curing the above mentioned diseases, but ate not der riled necessary, as a simple trial of it by the afflicted will fully at teat its virtues. Price $1 50 per bottle. AGLNTS.-THOS. READ & SON, Hunting don; G. H.Steiner, Watershed; Moore & Swoope, Alexandria; .1. Milliken & co., Mill Creek. May 2, 1848-tf. Administrator's Notice. lETTEI2Sof administration on the estate of j (twin, Esq., Into of the borough of Iluntinidon, deed., having been granted to the undersigned, he hereby gives notice to all persona indebted to said deed to come forward and make payment, and to all persons having •demands against the same to present them properly authen ticated, without delay. WNI. I'. ORBISON, Aaministrator. ip6105.6t4 POETICAL, IMLIGION. BY WILLIAM LEGGETT, Like snow that falls where waters g'ide, Earth's pleasure's ludo away ; They melt in Timu's destroying tide, And cold aro while they stay ! But joys that f, om religion flow, Like stars that gild the night, Amidst the darkest gloom of wo, Smile forth with sweetest light. Religion's ray no cloud's obscure, But o'er the Christian's soul It sends its radiance calm and pure, Though tempests round it roll; His heart may break with sorrow's stroke, But to its latest thrill, hike diamonds shining, when they're broke, Religion lights It still I MISCELLANEOUS Affecting Story of au Outlaw. By JOHN TEAL There was a man by the name of Hays, who, in consequence of I know not what violation of the law, had betaken him self to the region along our frontier, which the King of the Netherlands thought proper to recommend the abon donment of not long ago. Hays had been well educated and was a fiery, in trepid fellow, " Sir," said he to me one day, " I am a sad fellow—very childish, very wick: * ed, and of cotirse very wretched. lam a fool I know—bnt I can't help it. I ne ver sec a fur cap of that color, pointing to his own, which lay steaming on a settle, before a huge roaring fire—on the head of a boy, without • feeling an if I could cry my eyes out. I have been, what you told me you once were—a hus band and a father, a proud father, and a happy husband. You remember the fires we had in 1824 Well, I had camped out that full, and was making a fortune, how and with what view, is no- , body's business. You neednlt stare—l saw the question rising to yciur throat. Well, I had left my wife ; no matter why ; incompatibly if you like. All I have to say, is, that she was altogether too good for me. Had she been. more of a woman, and less of an angel, I should I not have been what 1 am now—an out cast—a wanderer—a hunted outlaw. Oh, you needn't stare. I've told you about all that I mean to tell you on that head Well, we separated. In plain English, I ran away and left my wife ; taking with me only one child, my poor dear Jerry—the only child, I was sure of; for between ourselves, my good sir, the de vil had put it into my head to be jealous of toy poor wife—and so 1 left her all the children with gray and blue. eyes, and took with the the only one that re sembled me. Al,, you could have seen that boy's eyes ! They were like sun shine, though black as death. Well, Jerry and I got along pretty well for nearly three years, when one day I re ceived a letter from my wife, saying that blither, my eldest boy, and the two babies were in their graves—two ,were drowned in each other's arms—the other died of a broken heart a mere baby, but it pined itself to death after I disappear ed—she told me NO and I believed her--- asking fur ,fal r, poor ,tiler, a hundred times a day, and whenever it awoke in the night— and dying, literally dying with that upon his lips. My wife add ed, that she was coming home. What could I say 1 I kticw that l had wrong ed her ; that I was a fool and a madman ; but what could I say'? Well, our agreements were made, and I set of to meet her—leaving my poor little boy at home, with a hired girl to take care of him, until I got back. To be sure that lie would not go astray, I had tied a young Newfoundland puppy, of which he was very fond, to the post of his trundle bed—telling him to stay there until I returned with his mother, which might be in the course of that af ternoon or towards nightfall." Here he stopped, and his breathing changed, but alter a few minutes, began anew, in a low and steadier, though much altered tone. " Well, sir, we met once more, and she forgave me; and we were happy.— And so I took her into my arms, lifted her into the saddle, and we started to- gethcr—ttvo as happy creatures as there were on the face of the earth—notWith %standing the self-reproach and heaviness I felt, on hearing the particulars of what I cannot bear to speak of yet, or even to think of--the death of Luther and his two elder sisters. Poor Luther- 5 -poor baby ! Well we were already more than half way back to the place where she was prepared to see her little nestling asleep, and dreaming of its mother— his dear, new mother, as lie called, and persisted in calling her front the moment I told him that she was coining to live [CORRECt rItINCIPLES-Stli'POil.TED BY HUNTINGDON . , PA., TUESDAY, MAY 80, .1848, with us. Poor little fellow l Ile had almost forgotten her. Suddenly, as we welt deseending the hill, our horses be gan to snort- , --tny wife caught my arm and tls I turned toward her, I saw the Whole Westtrn sky in a portential glow. The woods Wert on flit! btfbro I could speak, a strange darkness swept by and I felt as if the hand of death was upon tne. I tried to speak but could not. I could only urge my wife to follow, and clapping spars to-my horse, I rode strait way to the fire. Once only did I turn— and then only to look back and forbid her to follow me further. Well, I arrived at the place, and there I found--bear with me patiently--first the hired girl, frightened half out of her senses, and hiding under a fence. I ask ed her for my boy. She stood aghast , at the inquiry. Her only reply was a wandering of the eyes as if in search of something. At last, with great difficul ty, she recollected herself enough to sap, that she had seen the fire in time to escape with my boy—that being dread- fully fatigued, though she bud not rim far, she sat down to rest herself, and looked toward the path by which we were expected—that some how or other she fell asleep—and that the lust she remembered was something little Jerry had said about flying back to untie poor Carlo. My heart had died away within me. I knew that I was childless--I knew it—don't talk to me—l knew it.— And it was so. When 1 arrived at my house, I found it nearly destroyed by fire—and a little way off lay my poor boy, with Carlo watching over hint— The child was dead—that is Carlo you see there. My wife is in the mad-house, at Philadelphia--and here urn I, God forgive me." The German Robbers. The members were bound . to the soci ety by the most tremendous oath which they were rarely tempted to break, well knowing that an invisible dagger hung over their heads which was sure to descend even on suspicion of our falsehood. A miserable wretch who had been taken by the police, and seen redly lodged in a•dungeon, once reveal. ed, in the agonies of his terror ; die ren devous of his chief, .the famous Picard. The next night, while reflecting in hor ror that, even by his treachery, he had probably been unable to save his life, he heard his name pronounced in a whis per, and looking up, saw an arm pass I between the iron bars of the window. " ho art thou 1" inquired the robber, trembling. "Thy master—Picard ; I have ventur ed my life, as in duty bound, to set thee at liberty !"—ln a few minutes his irons were sawed off; and one of the bars wrenched from the window frame ; and following his conductor, he scaled the walls, and scented the free air of the neighboring forest. The band was rea dy to receive them, drawn up in a semi circle and standing under arms in. a dead silence. Their delivered was pla , ced in the middle. "Scbletchner !" said the chief, address , ing him with a slang epithet for traitor; "didst thou imagine that the word of treason would be unheard by Picard, because it was whispered in the depths of it dungeon I—Die, coward, in thy guilt ! "Mercy, mercy I" cried the wretch as the pistol touched his ear. "Give Me death, but let me die in battle! Lead me on this very night, were it to attack an army, and let toe die upon the bayo- nets of the foe!" "lt must be," said Picard calmly ; "thou art unworthy of the death of the brave. Comrades ! shall the laws of the band be set aside in favor of a hound like this V' "No!" growled the deep stern voice of the lieutenant; and the ward was ech oed by some in cruelty ; but by some in dismay, till it died away like a prolon ged groan in the forest. The white lips of the coward closed at the sound ; and a bullet passed through his bruin at the same moment quieted his fears forever. Another story is told at Aix-la Chap elle which does not satisfy quite so well one's ideas of retributive justice. A fine young man of that city was enrolled as an apprentice by the ferocious Jikjak of Merson, and awaited impatiently the commands of his chief, being not only of distinguishing himself in the careers to which his follies had dri ven him ; but of obtaining money enough to enable him to marry his sweetheart. It is not known whether his weakness was owing to love or wine, or both together ; but unhappily he di vulged, one evening the secret of his destiny to the terrified girl; and the next morning he was called by Jijak, in I person to accompany him in an expedi tion. The youth followed more in shame than in tear, inwardly resolving to make up for his harmless treason by gaining that day a character for courage which should command the respect of the band. And yet as he followed his mute and gloomy conductor, a misgiving at times came o'er him. There were numerous other apprentices, he knew in Aix-la Chapelle, and in the villages through which they passed. What kind of en terprize, then, could the renowned chief tain contemplate, in which he desired only the assistance of only a single uti known individual 1 The young man shivered as they entered the black shades of the forest, but, when his con ductor stopped suddenly at a new made pit resembling a grave, his knees knock ed together, and the hair rose upon his head. "Perjured traitor!" said the chief, "say thy paternoster, for you must die!" "I deserve death," said the appren tice, " yet try inc once again. To-mor row the girl will be my wife, and we shall remove—whenever you command. Only try me I am as brave as thou!" Thon bast broken the laws of the band and therefore thou must die!-- Down on thy knees !—down !" and with one herculean arm he bent him, by main forte to the earth, while with the other he raised the hatchet above his head. " Only hear me I" " Reprobate, wilt thou die without a prayer 1" The youth submitted ; and by the time the word "Amen,/' had fair , ly passed his lips, the iron was deep in hisb rain, The Lower Class, Who are they 1 The toiling millions, the laboring man and woman, the farm er, the theelitinie, the artisan, the inven tor, the producer 1 liar from it. These are nature's nobility—God's favorites— the salt of the earth, No matter whe ther they are high or low in station, rich or poor in pelf, conspicuous or litnn ble in .position, they are surely the "up per circles" in the order of nature, what ever the fictitious distinctions of society, fashionable or unfashionable, degree, It is not low—it is the highest duty— privilege and pleasure, for the great man and the whole-souled woman to earn what they possess, to work their own way through life, to be the archi tects of their own fortunes. Some may rank the classes we have alluded to as only relatively low, and in fact the mid dling classes. We insist they are ab• solutely the very highest. If there is a class of human beings on earth, who may properly be denominated low, it is composed of those who spend without earning, who consume without produ icing, who dissipate on the earnings of their fathers or relatives without being or doing any thing in aid of themselves. We are all mariners on this sea of life, And they who climb above us up the shrouds, Have only, in their overtopping place, (;wined a more dangerous elation and footho:d more insecure. Power of Eloquence. The eloquence of the celebrated Whit field, it is said, was aetimes irresistable.l The accomplished skeptic Chesterfield was present when the popular preacher presented the Votary of sin under the . figure of a blind beggar, led by A little dog. The dog hitd broken his string. The blind cripple, with his staff between &At hands groped his way unconcious to the side of a precipice. As he felt along with his staff; it dropped down the decent too deep to send back an echo. He thought it on the ground, and ben ding forward took one careful step to recover it, but he trod on vacancy, paus ed a moment end fell headlong.. Ches terfield sprang from his seat exclaiming, "By heavens, he is gone." Original Anecdote When Dick Aimz first crossed into York State from the Canada side, he took lodgings at an Inn in Canandaigua. A waiting-maid sat at t 11.3 table with them, and Dick spoke of her as the ser vant, to the no small scandal of mine host who told him that in his house ser vants were called help. Very well ; the next morning, the whole house was alarmed by a loud shouting from Dick of " Help! help ! water ! water I help !" In nn instant every person in the inn equal to the task, rushed into Dick's room with a pail of water. "1 am much obliged to ye, to be sure," said Dick, " but here is more than 1 want to shave with !" " Shave with !" quoth mine host, " you called help !' and water !' and we thought the house was on fire." " Ye told me to call the servant 'help,' and do you think 1 would cry water when I meant firer " Give it up," said the landlord, as he led elf the line of buckets. 117.- "Tommy my dear, what are you crying for 1" said a lady to her little boy who had just returned from church. "Because the clergyman says we must all be born again, and I'nl afraid 1 shall be be born a girl the next time." Clapping An eccentric clergyman in the Wrest concluded an impressive charity sermon in the following language : "My dear brethren, it has been the usual fashion for an audience to testify their approbation of what has been said by the clapping of hands, but I recom mend for your adoption a new method of clapping, less tumultous and much more pleasing :—When you leave this building, clap your hands into your breeches pockets, and drawing them out again, clap your money into the box which is at the door to receive it ; and may the Lord give it his blessing!" It is stated that the address had the desired etrect—and the audience hay ing done the needful, as requested, chipped their Nits upon their heads, and started for their !tattles much edified with the discourses SLOW—BUT DREADFUL Sun h:—Spedk mg of the powder which burnt half up before the owner could put the fire du f , said an old town gunner, the other &iv puts me in mind of some I once had i .Itwas slow, but dreadful sure." My fowling piece had been loaded with some of it for a day or two, in anticipation of a lick at some wild fowl, when one mor ning, in the fall, about day break, I dis covered a large flock of ducks, twenty five at. least, [gunners are proverbial for telling large stories] in a pond dis tant from my house one fourth of a mile. I took my gun and started for them, and keeping under coter of a atone wall, soon got as near as I *tinted to be, when I pulled the trigger, but no report follow ed. She flashed in the pan. I lidd ft , r, gotten to take my priming with me, so was forced to go buck to the house for my powder horn, which I did in no pleas ant mood, I can tell you : but just as 1 got most home, I heard a slight commo tion in the barrel of my piece, and look ing into the muzzle, I found the charge was making its way slowly out. 1 star ted back to my old position, and resting the gun upon the wall, took a good aim at the ducks, and in about five minutes after, she went off and killed every moth er's son of them.—Yankee AN OHICIiNAL A:it:CP(ITH HY PAT.-A jolly set of Irishmen, both boon compan ions and sworn brothers, had made up their minds to leave the "old sod," and wend their way to America. They were five in number : two Paddies, one Mur phy, one Dennis and one Teague. It so happened that the vessel that they were • to go in could only take four of them. At length the honest Teague exclaimed-- "Arrah ! I have cast lots to see who shall remain." But one of the Pad dies swore it was not jenteel to do that thing. "You know, Teague" said he; "that I am an arithmatician, and can work it out by the rule of subtraction, which is a great deal better. But you must all agree to the figures."—All having. pledged to do so, Pat proceeded, "Well then—take Paddy from Paddy you can't: but take Dennis from Murphy and Teague remains. By my sowl, Teague, my jew el, and it's you that can't go." i s oon IMhtvnitr.—A waggish fellott, somcwhytt ttabled with en inipedittient in his speech; Whose quibs and quftles have been heard and relished by Many of us, while one day sitting at a public table, had occasion to use the pepper bolt. After shaking, it with till due teheiiiente and turning it in various trays; he found that the Crushed pepper corns were in no wise inclined to come forth, ."F-t-th this wpc , pepper box, l ' he ekcittitned, "is some-solitething myself.' i "Why so 1" interrogated a neighbor. "P-poo poor d-de-delivery," was the reply. A BEAUTIFUL 11/EA.—That was a beau tiful idea of the wife of an Irish school master, who, whilst poor himself; had given gratuitous instructions to poor scholars, but when increased iu worldly goods, began to think that he could not give his services for nothing. " James, don't say the like o' that," said the gen tle-hearted woman, " don't a poor schol ar never come into the house that I don't feel as if he brought fresh air from heaven with him. I never miss the bite I give them, my heart warms to hear the soft homely sound of their bare feet on the floor, and the door al most opens of itself to let them in." lry‘The women in Poland have a watuiliful eye titer their daughtdrs, and make thent ttear little bells before and behind to give notice where they are and what they arc about. po-It has been said that any lawyer who writes so clearly as to be legible, is an enemy to his profession.. A Yankee has invented a machine by which culprits can be hung by steam, and the sheriff may be saved the trouble of meddling with the business. He half hung himself to see how it would oper ate, and declares works beautiful." EbITOR AND PROPRIETOR A .. WHOLE I\ 0. reniale Dress The foilowin remarks are from one who (Might td be good authority on such subjeetsHthri Cdimtess of 13 . 1essington : ~ , wh.tri.miiit4,lcr !s , 0 pretty things. we women require to render . us what we consider presentable ! and hti i tT few of us, however good loolcinit,d, ..rna . l - chance to be, would agree with the del, that "loveliness needs not the foreign aid of ornamcnt, but is, when unadorned, adorn-, ed the most." Even the fairest of the sex like to enhance the charms of nature by the aid of dress, and the plainest; hope to become less so by its assistance. Men are never sufficiently sensible of our humility, in considering dress so necessary to increase our attractions in order to please them, nor grateful enough for the pains we bestow in the attempts. Husbands and fathers are particularly insensilik id this amiable desire on the part. df their wi v es OH daughters ; and, if tasked to pay the heat , y bills ihturred in consequence of this p`rai'sdiffdrOjr humil ity and desire to please, evince iM'y feel ing rather than that of satisfaction. ft is only admirer, not called upon to pay these said hills, who duly appreciate the (11.5 , 6 and effect, and who can hear of women missing whole hours in tempting shops, without that elongation of coon. tenance peculiar to husbands and fath i ers• , • - I could not hell thinking philosopher, how tiffany itirigs I sew to day that could be d'one without. If wo men could be made to understand that costliness of attire seldom adds to beau ty, and often deteriorates it, a great ame- IHration in expense could be accomplish- the cheapest of all materials, is one of the prettiest, too, for summer's wear,' raid, With the addi tion of some bows of delicate colored ri baud, or a briquet of frsrafowers, forms a most becoming dress:. The lowness . 'of the price of sueli tt robe enables the purchaser to have so frequent a Chan'ge of it, that even those who are far from rich may lIVe a dozen while one single robe of a more expensive material will cost more ; and having done so, the ow -1 ner will think it right to wear it more frequent than is consistent with the fresh ness and purity that should ester be the distinguishing characteristic in female dress, in order to indemnify herself for the expense. I was never more struck with this fact than a short tithe ago, when I saw two ladies seated fieict tygclx other, both young and titifidsome; bite one, owing to' the freshness of her robe, which et simple organdie, looked intihitely better than the other, who Wri!i quite as pretty, but who, wearing a relit: of expensive lace, whose whiteness hind fallen into the "sear and yellow leaf, appearCd laded and passse. Be Wise; then, ye young and fair ; aild if; as I i'uSP6et; . yo'ifr dhjects be to i plesse the lords of Creation; let your dAss in summer be snow white muslin; never worn after its pristine purity becomes problematical ; and in winter let some half dozen plain had simple silk gowns be purchased; histead &fthe tiro or three txpensife tines that generally form the wardrobe; and *lnn, ebnsequently, soon nit only lose their lustre, butt give the tteatet the lipperance of having suffered I the softie ftite: And you; 0 husbands and Fathers, prt,sent and future, be ye duly impress ed wiih a sense of your manifold obliga tions to me, for thus opening the eyes of your wives and daughters how to please without drainirig your purses ; and; when the meledictions of lace, vel vet, and satin sellers fall on my hapless head, for council so injurious to theil• isterests, remember they are incu'rre'd for yours! 0J The telegraph line a beiWeen Bal timore and York, Fa., has been eoinple. ted, and messages are transrh'itted ' great facility. At a late sale of books iii England, the Auctioneer put up "Drew's Essay cou Souls" which was knocked down to a shoemaker, who very innocently, but to the great amusement of the crowded room, asked the auctioneer if "he hail any more works on shoett/riking to sell." 11:7--Yer drunk again, hey 1" "No, my love, (hiccup) not drunk but slippery. (hiccup.) Tilt; net is, My dear, (hiccup) sr•mebody 44 been rubbing the bottom of my btiote(hiccup) till they are as smooth as a pane of glass." Three kinds of Poctors.--The title of Doctor is thus defined by nTexan editor: "A doctor of divinity 1;a friend of God, a doctor of law is a friend of tho Devil, and a doctor of physic is Um:: friend of Death." r y."l. Jonathan Dump here ?" aqiced' a raw country fellow, bolting into a printing office. "1 don't knoW such u man," replied the foreman.—" You don't know him 1" exclaimed the green 'une "why he courted my sister r