HL\TINGDO) JOUR)AL. BY JAMES CLARK VOL. MIT, NO. 21. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of several writs of Vendilioni Ex ponaa, now in my hands, I will aell on the premi ses, in Barren township, on Saturday, the 3d Jay pf Juno next, at two o'clock, P. M., at , public von due or outcry, the following deocribed real estate, viz : , A certain tract of lend situate in the township of Liarree, lying in Kyler'u Gap, near the waters of Stone Creek, containing about 200 acres: ad joining lands of Abraham Zook, Philip Silknitter, „loll,' Md.:Allan and others—having thereon erec %ea a saw mill, and a small log dwelling house and log tarn. St . C.'etl, taken in execution and to be sold as the troperty of Charles . . - ALSO: , On Tuesday, 6:11 day of Juno, on the premises, ,in Warriordmark Town, in the county of 1 hinting :ion, a certain lot of ground, adjoining Lindley Hoods on the North, Azariah Sackets on the East, fronting on Main Street 44 feet and run ning back 165 feet to an alley on the West,—hav ing thereon erected a two story fi ante house and frame stable. ALSO, a certain lot of ground, ad joining lands of William Thompson on the North west and Richard Wells on the South-west, front ing on the great road leading to Huntingdon Fur. race. seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Samuel Muthersbaugh. ALSO On Friday, the 2nd day of June next, on the premises, in Jacksten towtship, Huntingdon co.; all that certain hewed log house and a stone foun dation, and cellar under it, 28 feet long, 20 fort wide, and 16 feet high to the square, situated and erected on a certain plantation or farm in the town- ship of Jackson, in the county of Huntingdon, adjoining lands of Coinelius Davis, Josiah Ball, Rawls and Hall and JOllll Zook. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Mash. .... . . hi A'I"PHEW CROWNOVER, Stiff. Sheriff's 011i..Huntingtion, May 8, 1848. Orphan% Court Aalic. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, there will be sold on the premises, on FRIDAY, 2nd OF JUNE, at I 1 o'clock on said day, the following described real estate, late the property of Josiah Ball, de ceased, viz : A certain tract, piece, or parcel of land, eituato in Jackson township, Huntingdon county, adjoin ing lands of John Darr, Hugh Alexander, Corne lius Davis, deceased, and Hall & Rawle, contain ing upwards of 20(0) AGIIII2D. a large quantity of which is cleared and under a state of cultivation. There is a fine Orchard of excellent fruit, a two story dwelling house, and small bank barn on the same. There is also a tenant house on the promises suitable (or a small TERMS.—One third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale—ono third in a year thereafter with interest, and the balance at the death of Nancy Ball, widow of the deceased, to be secured by the judgment note of the purchas er. By the Court, JACOB MILLER, Clerk. The subscriber having been appointee. by the said Court, l'rustee. to make sale of the above val uable property, will attend on the premisies at the time of sale above fixed, when and where all par. chasers are invited to attend. M ‘1"111E CROV% NOVEI2, Trustee. May 9, 1848. AGUE MEDICINE! DR. O S GOOD'S INDIA CHOLAGOGUE, for the cure of Fever and ague, Chill Fever, Dumb -flgue, Intermittent & Remittent Fevers, Liver Complaint, Jau.dice, Enlarge ment of the Liver, Enlargement of Me Spleen, and all the various for ms of Bilious Diseases.. This invaluable medicine was prepared from an extensive practice of several years in a bilious cli mete, and is aLVLII KNOWN TI) ■AIL of curing Fever and Ague, or uny of (ho diseases above named. Those who are sulkring from affectione of this kind, as also those who have become invalids front their effects upon the constitution, will find the (•noxseviecs 0 most invaluable remedy for purifying the blood, and thoroughly cleansing from the system the morbid etkcts of ir bilious cli mate. ..... The wonderful operation of the Cholagogue in eradicating at LE Rout the human system, can only explain its extraordinary agency in the speedy, 'thorough and permanent cure of fever and ague, And the various grades of intermittent and remit tent fevers. It is equally effectual for the cure of Liver com- I Jaundice, Enlargement of the Liver : also iiliiige:Meqt of the Spleen. called Ague coke, and 'the earieVsTerlht of bilious Indigestion. These, ivAli the other varies Motions of such climates 'arising from a*Caiffloh miasmal cause, am only inoditications of the moo disease, and equally controlled by the acme remedy. Certificates without number could be given dr the efficacy of this medicine in curing the above mentioned diseases, but are not deemed necessary, as a simple trial of it by the afflicted will fully at test its virtues. Price $1 50 per bottle. Ao Ex•re.—THOS. READ & SON, Hunting don; G. H. Steine., Watcrstreet; Moore & Swoope, Alexandria; J. Milliken & co., Mill Creek. May gi 1848-tf. Administrator's Notice. ErrE RS of administration on the estate of 14 Alex. Owls, t ay., late of the borough of Huntingdon, dec'd., having been granted to the undersigned, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said deed tb coine forward and make payment, and to all persons, having demands against the same to present their proirerly anthen• ticated, without delay. WM. P. ORDISON, Administiiitor upril2s;6o POETICAL. LINES TO A MOTHER. I saw a tear-drop on a flower, At dawn of earliest day , The sunbeams came on field and bower, And melted it away. And thus thy smiling one was here, Till angels saw its charms , When straight descending to our sphere, They took it to their aims. I saw a rose-bud opening fair, In beauty's loveliest dyes; A zephyr came its sweets to bear In fragrance to the skies. And thus thy blossoming cherub smird, To each a moment given: Till virtue claimed her favorite child, And took it up to !leaven. I saw a rainbow sweetly bent O'er mountain kill and plain , It fled—l knew not where it went— But soon it came again. And thus shall friendship's sundered ti es, With joy again unite, And love advance, in kindlier skies, To more refined delight. [For the Journal.] Internal Improvements—Broad Top Rail Road During the past session of our Legis lature, an act was passed for the incor poration of a company to construct a' railroad from near Drake's Ferry to Broad Top, with power to continue the same in the direction of Bedford. Books for the subscription of stock to said com puny are now being opened, affording an opportunity for profitable investment, and placing it in the power of our citi zens generally to aid in advancing the prosperity of the county. The importance of this enterprise can not be overrated, when we take into consideration the great quantity as well us the superior quality of the coal thus to be reached—its proximity to the Eas tern markets—and the great increase of wealth within our limits, which must necessarily result from the full devel opement of our resources. That the work, when completed, will be profit able, there cannot possibly remain a doubt, when we look at its numerous advantages, and the great increase in the coal trade of Pennsylvania within the last few years. If an inferior article of coal, mined under many disadvantages, and trans ported from ten to sixteen miles over railroad to the canal at Hollidaysburg, can reach the Eastern markets and re alize a profit, most certainly a superior quality of coal, delivered on the canal some sixty miles nearer market, will not only find ready sale at fair prices, but from the great demand, will cause such an amount of transportation on this road as will render the stock much more pro fitable than any other work of the kind. That such would be the fact, it is only necessary to observe, that the Broad Top coal can also reach market in a much shorter distance than that of Queen's Run, or any other bituminous coal in the state. The road therefore, will not only pay larger dividends, but in a very few years will pay the entire cost. That this is not an extravagant esti mate, an examination of the rates of toll allowed, and the quantity of coal likely to be transported over the road, will fully demonstrate. From the Reports of the Canal Com missioners it will be seen, that there was shipped from Hollidaysburg, in the year 1844, 19 000 Tons Coal. 1845, 9.5 300 " " 1846, 35 000 " 1847, 46 000 " To which add about 10 000 tons, the amount of bitumi►wus coal sent from the West Branch, and we have for the past unfavorable season, 56 000 tons from these two places alone. From the great increase in the trade thus exhib ited, and the quantity now actually ship ped, we may safely conclude that from the same places, there will be forward ed the present year, more than one hun dred thousand tons ; which quantity would be doubled could it be mined and delivered as has been observed. The Broad Top coal is not only much nearer market, but is also of such a superior quality, that not only this entire quan tity would be furnished here, but this coal would also successfully compete with the Picton coal note imported in such quantities. Say then that there is transported over this road in one sea son one hundred thousand tons, which at the rates of toll allowed by the char ter, (three cents per ton per mile, on a road say 20 miles in length) would amount to $6OOO. From which deduct annual repairs, say $lO 000, leaving for the use of the road alone, fifty thou sand dollars on the investment of $200,- 000, or twenty-five per cent. interest.- The only question then is, whether there is sufficient quantity of coal in Broad Top to justify such an expendi ture to reach it. To those acquainted [CORRECT PRINCIPLES--SUPPORTED BY TRUTH,' HUNTINGDON, PA., TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1848, with the Conl Basin of Broad Top—the numerous veins underlaying each other —their extent and quality—this is read ily answered. A coal field some fifteen miles long, and from six to ten miles wide, embracing about one hundred square miles; and from the best data, containing throughout, three or four veins of different degrees of hardness, from three to eleven feet in thickness, peculiarly adapted to mining, cannot possibly be consumed for many years, but will continue an increasing source of wealth to the entire country. Why then should the rich treasures of this region be permitted to lie dor mant, when the amount thus concealed, if fully developed, would add more to the wealth of our county than its entire present assessed value'! Certainly ev ery one desirous of the prosperity of our county—every one desirous of ma king proper use of the resources nature has lavished upon us, will subscribe lib erally to the work, and thus assist in raising our county to that proud emi nence nature has so well qualified her to fill. That those of small means as •aell as 06 capitalist, might be enabled to take share in the stock, without being depri ved for a time of the benefit of his mo ney, the charter makes provision for the payment.of six per cent. interest on the amount paid in until the road is completed—making the investment a good one from the start, as it will assu redly continue. S. A NARROW MSCAPE. In a private letter from a distinguish ed lady correspondent, we find the rela tion of one of themost thrilling incidents we have ever met with in romence or in history; and acting upon the discre tionary power our fair friend has given us, we lay the little drama before our readers, suppressing the name of its in voluntary hero:— Captain H., of the English navy, had been spending a few days in London, on his return from the station. The crew of his vessel had been paid off at Dep ford : and having spent with a friend the evening preceding the day fixed for his departure for Plymouth, where his family resided, he had started to return to his lodgings at an advanced hour of the night The moon was beautifully clear, the air sharp and bracing; and thinking over his plans for the morrow, H. was wal king briskly, when his attention was at tracted by the sight of a female, elegant ly dressed, standing at the door of a handsome house. He was passing on, however, when she came hastily up to him and addressing him as 'captain,' de. sired he would step in for a moment, as she had something to. communicate to him. The woman was singularly beau tiful, her language refined, and her dress, as I said before, extremely elegant. Sai lors arc not apt to be over scrupulous, and H. was not proof against temptation. He entered the house, ascended the stairs, and followed his conductress in to what appeared to be, by the light of the moon that streamed in at the win dows, a large and well furnished apart ment. 'Pray be seated,' said she, will return immediately with a light.' As she closed the door, 1 - 1. thought he heard her turn the key. He took little notice of this seemingly trifling incident, but ascribed it to her fear of his leaving the room before she returned, and amused himself in the mean while by examining the contents of the apartment. Facing the wiiidows stood a French bedstead; H approached it, and mechanically threw open the curtains that nearly concealed it. The opera air he was humming died on his lips, and the warm blood curdled in his veins, at the sight which met his horror-struck gaze. The bright beams of the moon shone full on the body of an officer attired in his regimental, and whose throat was cut from car to ear! The blood was fresh, and still streaming from the hideous gash, and the_ eyes wide open and glaring upwards. H. stood petrified for a few seconds; at length, summoning resolution, he streched out his hand, and touched the face of the corpse: the body was still warm!—The truth flashed upon his mind—the girl had locked him in, and was gone for of ficers of the police to arrest him, for the deed she had doubtless herself commit ted, He rushed to the door, anti set all the strength of a desperate man to force it open; but it resisted his efforts. What should lie do! Time was flying fast, and the next moment might see him thrown into prison, and awaiting the ignominious sentence which would doom him to the death of a felon. Appearan ces would inevitably condemn him; and as these thoughts rose up before him, though a man of noted intrepidity, his presence of mind seemed totally to fail him in this great emergency. In a state of mind bordering on distraction, he threw open the window, and measured the distance tothe — grotitid. -- The room 1 was situated in the second story, and death seemed inevitable if he adopted that mode of escape; still death and what was far worse, disgrace, awaited him if lie remained, and goaded by this dread ful idea, he sprang into the street below. Strange to say, h alighted on his feet totally unharmed. Scarce pausing to congratulate himself on his good fortune, ho dashed forward with the speed of a deer, and never stopped to take breath until lie reached his lodgings. On the following day he started for Plymouth, vowing to observe more prudence in fu ture, ere he accepted the invitations of unknown women.--Some days after, he read in the London papers an account of the murder, and the testimony of the girl, accusing a man of doing the deed, who probably had made his escape during her absence. The sequel of the affair never came to his ears, as he again left England a short time after; but he kept his own counsel, and never men tioned his narrow escape for sonic years when lie related it to a relation of mine from whom I in turn had the story— Home Journal. ALCOHOL A PRISONER AT THE BAR• On Friday evening, Mr. Jabez In wards, agent of the National Temperance Society, delivered the first part of his celebrated lecture, entitled, 'Alcohol a prisoner at the Bar,' at the Southampton Polytechnic Institution, which was crow ded on the occasion by a highly respec table audience, who paid the most mar ked attention to the evidence adduced against the prisoner. The indictment preferred against him contained the fol lowing charges, viz.: that he was a thief. a deceiver, a traitor and a murderer. It was proved that as a thief he has robbed England of its moral glory, in as much as at the present tinie we are considered to be the most drunken country in the world. He has stolen, and is stealing, money from the pocket, health from the body, and peace from the mind. In ma ny instances lie hass tolen hope front the soul, and hastened it down to eternal woe. As a deceiver, ho is mighty in his influ mice ; in all ages he has led the peo ple astray : lie has deceived Kings, war riors, bishops, and clergymen, of all de nominations; lie has deceived merchants and tradesmen ; lie deceives also, the moderate drinkers, who foolishly believe that Alcohol imparts strength. As a traitor, he marches through this country with six hundred thousand drunkards at his heels, and is continually carrying on a warfare against the good order and peace of society. He arms his victims with the implements of rebellion; they fill the air with vile imprecations, and impart an influence which is destructive to thousands. As a murderer, the evi dence was very clear. A great many of the murders committed in this country are committed under his influence. He fills the soul with desperate designs, and madly leads his victims on, until they are guilty of the foul deed of murdering their fellow-men. He was also proved to be a murderer, in as much as many are slain by his own direct fiery influence upon the physical system. This is but a brief outline of the indictment, after which the following witnesses were call ed to speak against the prisoner at the bar:-Ist. The Bible, the evidence of which went to prove that Alcohol was an enemy of man. Noah's intemperance was cited against him, and the influence he possessed in causing the ptophets and the priests to err. The names by which he is known in the Bible, are 'a mocker, a serpent, an adder,' &c., and the command of the Bible is, 'Look not upon the wine when it is red.' Minis ters were then called upon to give evi dence. Their declaration against the , prisoner were of an appalling nature. They spoke of the mighty doings at home ' and abroad—how he curses the people by land and by sea—how he retards the progress of the Gospel, and how even many ministers have fallen by his pow er. The Christian Professor was then called upon, who stated that Alcohol caused thirty thousand Christian Pro fessors to backslide from the Church ev ery year—that some of those with wem once his Christian friends were now the'' inmates of the public house, and were singing the songs of Baehus. History was then called upon, and gave evidence to the following effect :—That Alcohol in all countries end all climes, had been an enemy to man. He told us of Alex ander the Great, who killed Clitns, his best friend, under its influence, and hew that great man died at the age of 33 in consequence of Alcoohol. It told us of the intemperance in ancient Greece and Rome, and came down to the later peri , od, faithfully assuring the jury thatthe prisoner is a continued foe to men: His tory told of Shakespeare's being injured by it; of Byron's intemperance; of poor 1 Burns, who was reduced to poverty; and of Sheridan, whose once glorious sun shone brightly, but who fell a victim to the prisoner, Alcohol. The Physician then proved that Alcohol was a poison which sprang out of veg►table death ; that it was an enemy :o the physical system. And at last the Poor Drunk ard gave evidence against the destroyer; this was a very solemn part of the meet ing, and the attention was profound. He spoke of his fathers embrace and his mothers care, and referred to the time when his character was unsullied, and his hopes bright ; but Alcohol met him in the days of his youth, and for a time he was strictly moderate, but at length he fell, and in that fall he seperated him self from all that was good; he had ruin ed his children, and broke the heart of his wife. He stood before them as a rep resentative of 60,000 of his miserable fellow sufferers—and he solemnly char ged all Isis disease and wretchedness to Alcohol—the prisoner at the bar. This closed the evidence for the prosecution, with which the first lecture terminated.. —London Examiner. Death's Visit to the Village. They say that people live longer in the country than in the town, and perhaps they ►nay a few short years ; but be not deceived, by the sayings of Inv country friends, for the word of the Eternal is gone forth : " The days of our years are threescore years and ten ; and if by reason of strength they be four score years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away." Ps. xc. 10. Neither town nor country can prevent the visits of Death. Death came up the village. It was in the spring; the fresh leaves were bud ding forth, and the snow drops were peeping out of the ground. He went into the thatched cottage, by the ash tree, where sat old lodger Gough, in his arm chair, with his brow wrinkled and his hair white as flax. Roger was taken with the cramp in the stomach, and soon ceased to breathe. " W hat nun is he that liveth, and shall not see death ? shall he deliver his soul front the hand of the grave?" Ps, lxxxiv.,LS. The wheelright's wife sat with her baby, her first born in her lap. It smi led as it lay asleep, and breathed softly. The mother went on mending stockings, every now and then casting a fond look at her little treasure. That day a week its gentle spirit departed, leaving its fond parents half heart-broken. How uncertain is human life ! It is even a vapor that appeared' fur a little time, and then van ished' away." James iv. 11. Death went down the village in the summer. The heavens were bright with sunbeams, and the earth scented to smile —the gardens: were in their glory, and merry haymakers were busy in the fields. The sexton's son had long been ailing, and all agreed that he could ne ver struggle through the winter. The red tinge on his cheek was not of a healthy hue ; consumption had Lucille' d him for the grave. He had taken to his bed for a fortnight, when his head tell back gently on his pillow, and he went of like an infant goipg to sleep. "As for man his days are as grass ; as a flow• er of the field, so he flourished). For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone: and the place thereof shall know it no more 1" Ps. cii. 15, 16. Butcher Hancocks was the strongest man in the parish ; but he was no match for death. His chest was broad, and his arms were sinewy and strong, and his frame bulky arid well knit together.— "As hearty as Hancocks," was a com mon adage. No matter ; sickness soon robs the stoutest of his strength, and pulls down the tallest man to the ground. The fever fastened upon him so that one hour he raged with heat and thirst, and the next his teeth chattered with the cold. His neighbors carried him to the grave. " Lord make the know my end, and the measure of my days, what is it; that 1 may know how frail I ant. Be hold thou hest made my days as a hand breadth ; and mine age is as nothing be fore thee ; verily, man at his best state is altogether vanity." Ps. xxxix.l, 5. Deatl► crossed the village n► autumn. The orchard trees were bending beneath their load, the sickle was at work among the wheat, and the scythe was sweepine• down the barley. Never was known a more abundant year. The loaded teams were seen in all directions, and the glean ers were picking up the shattered cars from the stubble. Fanner Blount was a wealthy man. Ile was in the field with the reapers when he suddenly fell to the ground. Softie said he was suddenly struck by the sun, and others that it was a fit of appoplexy,, but whatever it was; Farmer Blount never spoke after. YdU may perhtips have seen his tomb by the stone wall of the church-yard with the iron palisades round it. Truly may each of us say, " There is but a step be , tweeu me and death." 1. Sam. xxl. 3. EDITOR AND PROi,RIETOP WHOLE NO. 643, Widow Ed wL.rda lived in the shed at ! the back of the pond. .It was a wretch ' ed habitation; but the poor cannot choose their dwelling places.,The ,aged widow had wrestled - hard with. iit,‘, - erty; her bits and crops were few and fat between. !ler son, who ought to have i,ccn a staff for her old age to rest on, was at sea.— He was roving and thoughtless, but there is a heartache in store for himcon ac count of his aged mother. Death found the widow alone, lying on straw. No. one was at hand to comfort her, or to close her eyes. " Watch, therefore ; for ye know not what hour your Lord cloth come." Matt. xxiv. 452. 0•'• Death went round the village in t:ie winter. The icicles acre a foot long, hanging from the pent house in the car penter';; yard ; and the snow lay here :toil there in heaps, for it had been shov eled away from in front of the cottages, Not a stone's throw from the linger post at the end of the village, dwelt Abe! Froome, the clerk's father. For years he, had been afflicted, but his mind was . staygd upon Christ the Rock of ages, and he fi i red to think,pf „eternal things.. Ile had lived tp a.goadObl rt and as a shoek pLcorn fully ripe for ' harvest, he was ,ready to he gathered into the garner of God. While his days, were numbering his heart applied two ; wis-• dom ; and he knew Min whom ,to linqw is eternal life. Death found him sitting up in his bed with li;s Bible in his aged hands, and the last words that faltered from his lips were, " Lord now lettest thy servant depart in pence, according to thy word, fur mine eves haveiceP thy salvation." Luke ii. 26, 30. ~T,lms died Abel Froome. " Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace." I's. xxxvii. 37. The habitation of Harry Tonks was in a wretched plight when Death cross,. ed the threshold. Harry was an iitfidcl and sculled at holy things. His days were mostly spent in idleness, and his Alights in poaching,, and tipplilig at the Fighting Cocks. Often had Harry.de lied death at a distance, as a bugbear ; but when be came un reality, lie trem bled like a child. Pain racked him, n o d pile only iliKtreuuod him , „IV4 DO( an, for his conscience was at work within him, and his mind was disturbed, " The spirit of a man will sustain his in- lirtrnity ; but a wounded spirit who can bear d' Prov. xviii. 11. It was a hor rid sight to see 1-larry clenching his hands, tearing his clothes and ghVbing: his teeth in arignioi, find finite as bad to hear the curses he uttered in despair, He died as the wicked ,die—without joy, without hope.—",Priven, from the light unto darkness, and chased out el the world." Job xvii. 18. Rend your heart and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God fur he is mer ciful and ttkOW to anger, and ef great kindness', arid refienteth hiin of evil." Joel ii. 13. , • , If death thus . goesup and down, and across, aii:d awl at all siqrsolis of the year; and if he,talies the old and the young, the feeble tirrd the strong, the rich and the poor,,,thc,,right 7 eons and the wicked, how long will he pass by THEE Is it thy prayer—" Let me die the death ck. the rlghtemis, and let my last end be like his." Num. xvii. 10. Is Christ 311 , 116'pe, thy trust, thy salvation If so, thou mayst ,indeed re. juice, and, qay ,with exultation, " Yea, though I arulk through the valley of the shadow of death,l,will,fear no evil ; for thou Oct with me; thyQd and thy staff; I they comfort me." 's. xxii. 4.—01 d Humphrey's thongPs for the Thoughtful. ,• IN THE TATER PATCH.--011 a certain occasion, at a certain,.oaMatic temple, where the writer formed one of the 'en lightened audience,'a farce was in course of representation, and had just reached a scene where a lover enters seeking, al most distracted, his lady ,love, who had just concealed herself a moment before. .• --in full view of the audience= in the 'garden,' behind some canvass represen tations of bushes. 'Where, oh, Heavens! *here has my lovely Julia flcd'l' exclaiMed the actor m dcsparing accents, looking around er• cry where but to the right place. A Yankee in the pit who had hitherto been all attention, now exhibited symp toms of impatience, and, as the actor re peated his impassioned inquiry, he was answered by our excited Yankee with-- 'Hight behind yer, you darned fool, in the tater patch!' The ell'eet of this can be better ima gined than described—the applause was tremendous. A great man will not trample upon a worm, nor sneak to an Emperor. 11=i -A factory proprietor posted up tho following notice •1 Will admit no segars nar good look ing men within these walls. One sets a flume among the cotton; and the other atnong the gals.'