WOOD'S STEAM IRON RAILING MANUFACTOY, Ridge Road, above Buttonwood, : t., Philadelphia. AS now gift. abundant evidence of lie heal - in g powers, and proved itself the most extra i sow Ramses for public and pritratt building. I 1-1 . ordinary and wonderful medicine in the word and public equates, of every variety of form Itt the short space of two ye us. it has acquired a and pattern. OBISZTB RAI LI NG., of classic and unique &gig. reputation for curing (Neese and relieving pain for greater then any medicine eve: discovered. Ira —embracing upwards of one hundred dilretent wonderful cures have astonished the Medico'[ ee ulty, who row untveranlly concede its great value. hausGRAINS and SETTEES, for Gardens, Dads They speak of it ill 010 highest terms, and con.- and Ph...las—new toy'. I mend its use. VEII•NIIAS and Pit Ail' Kul, for Cottages, made to : it is condemn.' by none. On the cont. ay, its every style. pea ae it universal. The cases of cures are so nu- Superior Witoncat bunt Ga..re.s, fur Carriage en merous that it would take volumes to recount them; trances. I end it i 4 o fixed fact, and is not disputed, that at a Now *Lyle BALCONY 141tACKETS, of Pain Extractor it has no equal. For the man Saes TABLES of various 'style., embracing, Louis astonishing cures, see the pamphlet, to be had of X 1 Y,Elizabethean, Gothic, and modern patterns, , each agent. If you su ff er with either of the diseases with White and Gold Italian Marble tops.— for which it id recornmend.l, resort at once to its Thews tables have been introduced by the rub use and be cured. For the following dia...s it is scriber for Hotels, Restaurants, Ice Cream Sa loons, Atc. They are beautiful articles of fur- a ." infialibk remedy ' edam for Hat Stores .d other eatehlishments Spinal affections, Rl•eumatism, Paralysis where it is desirable to make a grand display. , and all Nervous affections,Salt Rheum, g He has recently constructed art elegant'. Croup or hives, Ague in the Breast autiatantlal CAST IRON 1 - 111,311./ Pose, in form I and Fare, Weakness of the Joints, admirably adapted to permanency of {..iii... , I Colds, Toothache, Sore Throat and highly ornamented, and re preemptin Hu t well men- j • fantasy, Ulcerated Sores, indolent M aid Haan of that noble animal, the . Such an article has long been a desideleitim, arid to cers, Burns, 'Frosted Feet, Corns, now offered to the good taste of the public. I Bilnyous, Fresh Wounds, Swellings Stranger' visiting Philadelphia, ere respectfully and Bruises, Scrofulous Affections, invited to call .it his Wararooios. end ...in. h. Musquito Bites, and Poisons, different epecirnens of new and beautiful work. rs'Y'l'llie Liniment is sold by all the respectable ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor. Merchant.' and Dru ggi sts throughout the country ' Rittsc Rood, above Batioatotood St., Phila. and b.. th e p • „ „ •• y l roprieture at Sing :mug. N.Y. U"lie hos recently published, at greet expense, GEORGE E. STANTON an original work exhibiting the new design.' and patterns which are executed at Ilia entahliehment, embracing all the above articles, and the various and splendid patterns oft emetry, Balcony. Step, and other Railings which have been manufactured for Laurel Hill and other celebrated Cemeteries, designed expreesly for his own establishment. and which may be sent to uny part of the world to those who desire to make a selection. Undoubted reference will be requtrcd to censure a prompt re turn nl the work, after an opportunity for making the selection. Philadelphia. April 2h. 1848-41. r IIH E attention of gentlemen desirous purelia • I Lim; MARBLE NIA NI'ELS, %lON 'NEN TS Piliiade il/illia Chilly NlOre. or B . I . ATUARv, i, requested. • THE Subscribers , proprietors of one of the old• l'lnt Subacribers. having been engaged in the oat and ioco , exten.ig. I. hi n ,, 5 k ,,,, is th e Maib'e business for the last thirty years in Phila. United State., have now on hand a very l•rge sup- delpitia, and having manufactured work for almost ply of every part of the Union, can refer to all who have Common Ware, Granite Ware, chi m , favored them with their custont,und to their work, Ware, and Glass Ware, (consideralil of which has been put up in this embracing all the veriellea ever imp o rted, whirl: LlaNcte . , 3 o,le T N h lcayti l lienlesn, and ui ' L li w o o n ti l tro n :i l L; l in f a u l li LZ p ig p i l l y s they will sell in large or email 'Pan . ..ilk a. Wi nd' for Monuments: mid other work copies of which, sale or Retail, to suit the want:: of the people, nt with pr ices, will be fon,. ded. prim to defy competition. ' rri. All work ahipped is insured front break- The advantagea to he derived from having a .., large stock to select front, ought certainly to be op. " 'Thiry can refer to any Mercantile house in Phil. parent to every one ;only two need be mentioned: adelphia for standing and character as workmen. lat. The variety to please the bait, JOHN STRUT HERS & SON, 2d. The advantage of purchasing at the lowest 1 No. 36!) High Zit reet, Phi la. prices; for it is certiiinlyividerit to every thinking mind, that .the larger the business dime, Ike' smaller the profit required. ft is no in every branch of trade. The manufacturer sells to the wholesale package dealet; the wholesale package dealer sells to the jobber, and the jobber to the retail country dealer: so that the farmer or consumer of the at tide pays at Most four profile! ! Why pay so many profits when you can come directly to heed quarters! TYNDALE & MITCHELL. 219 Chesnut street, above 7th street. april 25, 1848-2m.] SAS. PEROT. C. J. HOFFMAN. SANSOM PEROT. Perot, Hoffman & Co. Forwarding and General Comtniarion merchants, No. 41 North Where. and 99 North 1\ ater • street, PHILADELPHIA, Are prepared to receive and forward Goode to all points on the Juniata. with promptness and des patch, at as low rates of freight as any other House. . . _ Plaster and salt constantly on bend, far sale at the lowest market rate.. aCY: Liberal advances made on Proil nee. References--Dutith & Humphieya , Fi anklin Platt & Cu , Lea, Bunker dc Co., Barclay & Kennedy, Philadelphia; Robert Thompson, Thompsontown ; R. C. Gallaher. IM ifflintown ; J. & J. Milliken, F. McCoy and 0. P. Duncan, Lewistown ; Lloyd & Graff, Hollidaysburg ;John Porter, Alexandria; Irvin, Green & Cu., Mill Creek. march 21-1848. , .1411.L1E CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, NO 152 i MARKET STREET, Phila•lelphia. The subscriber respectfully solicitethe attention of Country Merchants and Dealers generally to an examination of a complete stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING %V Inch for extent, variety and workmanship, he Batters himself will give universal satisfactions, while his reduced scale of prices presents to pur chasers inducements which cannot be surpassed by any other establishment in the I `sited States. JACOB HEED. Philadelphia, march7-3tn. John Scott, jr ., ATTORNEY AT LAW, iluntingdon, Pa.— Hee removed his office to the middle room of Snare's Row," directly opposite Fisher & Wee More. where he will attend with promptness end fidelity to all business with which he may he entrusted.' Huntingdon or the adjoiningcounties Huntingdon 5ept.23,1946. WATCH AND JEWELRY mylcip 31.(351 No. 1001 Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa. U. U. NETT & BRO•, RAVE just received from the Eastern Markets a very extensive and the most magnificent and best assortment of WATCAES, JEWELRY and FANCY ARTICLES, ever brought to Hunting. don: Consisting, in part, of Gold Lever Watches, full Jewelled, from $4O to $l2O ; Silver Levers, from $l6 to $3O, and common watches at any price—all of which are warranted for one year. Clocks, iVarches and Jewelry repaired with the greatest care, on the most rea soncale terms and warranted. [ap 4. FISH, SALT 8c PLASTER. rod supply on hand and for sale by DORSEY & Alsur:ins. 64 Not for a Day but for All Time." STANTON'S EXTEI?NAL REMEDY. HUNT'S LINIMEN T A G E NTS. —T. Read & Son, Huntingdon; B. r. Patton, Warriortonark; Jamas Clark, Binning.' ham; J. R. Hunter & Co., Beteraburg; Milliken & Kessler, Mill Creek ; A. O. Brown, t- hirleva. burn, E. Orbiaen .} Co., Orbisonia ; Blair & Maddon, Cromwell township; A. C. Blair, Clays ville. A ug. 24,1847-3 m. MARBLE WORK. March 7. 1848.3 m. N. ll—There is nothing in their line whirl' they do not furnish, either domestic or imported. - - ' A iventax is a complaint in which this Balsam I'd T.l E TE D has been extensively used, and with perfect success N the Wholesale & Retail Hardwire Trade, the in proof of which read the following important I Stock of which is new and recently selected. letter from Georgia. This is deemed art op pottunity seldom to be met We are daily receiving testimony like the fol.• with for an active person from the interior of the bwtng frurn the North, South, East and West. State, who 1138 dome knowledge of the German Messrs. Reese & Ware: Gentlemen—l was Language, and also a good country acquaintance. afflicted milli Asthma far Aurtecn years,rind had lire amount of Cash Capital required would be tried every remedy in the country. I had .alao train $2OOO to $3OOO. been to reveral physicians and found no relief A person with the above requisites and a par . whatever. I was affected at tinea so severely, that 'tia know edge of the business, with satisfactory the blood would gush from my now, and my teferences, by early application to No. 127} North breathing was difficult. Indeed, the disease hod' St., or at Eagle Hotel, C o l. W e bb , w ill meet gained so much on my health that I despaired of with attention. ever getting tvell, when I chanced to get a bottle Philadelphiaffeb29.'4A. SPRING MILLINIIRIC GOO D. Sohn Stone di. Sons, IMPORTEU. AND DEALERS IN Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods, , No. 45 South Second street, r,-Read the following from Dr. Jacob PHILADELPHIA, ; Hoffman, a physician of extensive peat:- Have received by the late arrivals from F rance , i tire in Hvntin gdun county (chiefly of their own importation,) a new and Dear Sir procured one bottle of very rich assortment of I Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, Spring Murry Goods, I from Thomas Read, Esq., of this place, To which they will constantly be making addi. and tried it in a case of obstinate Asth lions. They have now in Store— Imaon a child of Paul Schweble, in which Silks for caring bonnets, of all prices. ' many other remedies had been tried Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, a beautiful ! without any relief. The balsam gave assortment. Pl ua and Satin Ribbon., all widths. , sudden relief, and in my opinion the ain Mant 1 French and American Artificial Fowera,in great child is effectually cured by its use. variety. Yours, &c., Paris Chip Hats. JACOB HOFFMAN, M. D. Crapes, Crape Lisses. Dec. 9.3, 1841. Fancy Bonnet and Cap Nets. Price $1 per bottle—six bottles for $5. Trimming Lacer, Face Trimmings.J. D. PA RK, Buckram.. Willow, Crown., Tip.. &C.. &C. For wile by J. to ;ianford & Pork,) And all articles needed for the Millinery Trade., Cincinnatti. c 0• The attention of Merchants and Milliners General Agent for the West. All orders ad visiting the city is particularly requested to our dressed to him wil' receive prompt attention. stock, .it will be found far 'sore extensive than REED & SON, Huntingdon ; Mrs. that of any other house in out line, and the price. Mary Orr, Hollidaysburg ; Morris & mere moderate. I , Nicodemus, Martinsburg. march2l4B4B. VITZIAITZNOt 4r. DYEING. THE subset ih,r, residing two miles east of Shir t leystiorg, in the shop formerly uccui ied by David Long, wishes to inform the public that he will carry on the Coverlet Weaving in all its various branches. Also—Carpeting, Girthing & Ingrain. Also, Dye every variety of shades of colour. Having served a term of six years with said Long, he assures the public that he understands the above business. and by strict attention be hopes to merit u liberal share of pub lic patronage. For the accommodation of canto mere, work will be taken in nt Fisher and Medur trie's :'.tore, Huntingdon ; at Kessler's Store, Mill Creek; at Jacob Eby's, Path Valley. mh7-3m.1 WM. KEEFER. Cheapest in the World ! Steam Refined Sugar Candies, 121 eta per pound, Wholesale. J. RICHARDSON, No. 42 Market Street, O. PHILADELPHIA, takes pleasure in informing the public, that he still continues to eel/ his very Superior Steam Refined Candy at the low price of $12.50 per 100 pounds, and the quality as equal to any manufactured in the United States He also offers all kinds of goods in the Confec tionary and fruit line at corresponding low p, ice., as quick sales and small profile are the or. dor of the day. Cell or eend your order., end you cannot Wu, he satisfied. Don't forget the number, 42 Market Street, Philadelphia. . . J. J. RICHARDMON, much?' 18.8 m 13 ware of Counterfeits. CURE FOR CONSUMPTION. 7,000 Cases of obstinate Pulmonary Coin• plaints Cured in One Year ! 44444 4 4 4 4 WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. The Great american Remedy for Lung Complaints and all affections of the Respiratory Organs. The Eighth Wonder of the HI oil& M ANE ces who effectedhav witnessed by the gen. t i l n i e e iv x i t s r i a ( o u. rd s i i n t 17 . tr,tnt of li'ild Cherry seem disposed to regard tt as the Eighth Wonder of the World ! .• Why, ' say they t the Wild C'herr• • y Bark and the Iceland Moss, (the two chief ingredients of this wonderful compound.) have been prescri bed from time immemorial by the beat physi. ions —but, never, before, have cures so extraordinary been perritied. The reason is obvious. The proprietors of NVis tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry do not eh ins for their highly celebrated article any far-fetched, my. terious. miraculous power. They have openly ac knowledged the shuttle nature of its ingredients, and only claim fur their great and invaluable dis-, covery the exclusive sect cl of JUDICIOUS COMBINA'I'ION .f of ingredients which go to make up fists richest of curative compounds. The limit skillful and scientific physicians now prescribe this medicine in their practice; while neglected Doctors, of little practice, and mean con tracted [Muds although they do all their owlish spirits can d 2 to insure this—the people's favorite medicine—they ore et the same time compelled to acknowledge its innocent qualities• We know the medicine is HARMLESS, and all the world is witness that the medicine cease. A very important disease over which this Hob sour exorts a powerful influence, is that of a Di. Eas sti !Arlin. In this complaint it has undoolit eilly proved more ellicacious than any other rem edy employed. The use of this Balsam restored the Liver to healthy action, and in many cases ef fected permanent cures, after Mercury and every other remedy had failed. of Mitt ar'S Balsam of Wild t hurry, which effect rd a perfect cure, and I now consider myself per• featly sonntl. This can be proved by numbers of men in Franklin county and vicinity, and I think it my duty to let it be known. THOMAS A. PATRICK. Franklin Co., Ga., Nov. 19, 1840. m.& J. M. ROWE, BROOM & WOODEN WARE STORE, .I'o. 63 wlorih Third Street, One doll. above Arch, oast aide, PHILADELPHIA, - - Manufacturers & Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Brooms, Brushes, Buckets, Cedar Ware.— Willow and French Haskets, Shoe and Wall Biushes.S. übs, Dusters, Mats, Blacking, East ern-made Wooden ware of every dercription, &c, &c., at the ;sweet market prices. MANLY ROWE, JOHN M. RONA E, March 7,'48. John W. Thompson, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILLIAMSBURG, PA., W ILL attend to all legal buaineas entrusted to turn in lilair and Huntingdon counties.— Communications froni a distance will receive the moat prompt attention. febt..6m. Lumber! Lumber! A LL kinds of Lumber may be had at A Thomas Maize's Saw Mill, situate on Moshanon's Creek, twenty miles from mouth of Spruce Creek, and five miles this side of Philipsburg. All descrip tions of stuff, used for railroads, build ings, &c., such as Spruce, Ash, Pine, Locust and White Oak, sawed to order and furnished at.the shortest notice jy 1 S,'lB.] THOS. MAIZE: TS MANSION HOUSE ; B urns, Scalds all P kln t g j o s f i "r. Inflamed lluntmgdon, Pa. sores cured. II OUSEY'S UNIVERSAL OINT. JOHN MARKS would avail himself of MENT, is the most complete this means of informing his old cus- ! Burn Antidote ever known. It instant- `Remove all t ?the Humors; open the tomers and the public generally, that he ly (and as if by Magic,) stops pains of ternaity and Internally ; promote the Ii has removed from the it Block sear Tay- the most desperate Burns and Scalds. Perspiration ' obviate Flatulency, Hradec ern," and has leased and fitted up the For old sores, bruises, cuts and sprains separate all foreign and u o lLsoit i r ahv u it sp: c rt t i i r o l i large and commodious 01 . ./INSION &c., on man or beast, it is the best ap. i t lial t i)le, secure free . l HOUSE lately kept by Mrs. E. Clarke, plication that can be made. Thousands , heolth'er i e'riti; h i t .r j e t Y i, where he is prepared to accommodate, in have tried, and thousands praise it. It I The entire truth of the abuse ran ho WWI the best manner possible, all who may is the most perfect master of pain ev- by the trial of a single box ; an d their vu favor him with their custom. The toes- er discovered. All who use, recorn- sopz i n t i o vrels.irtiiild:ehritmai:,tiii to e ntes r to t r or in te Health ~ tins of the house is one of the best in mend it. None can tell how soon Piop the mgr : the borough—his rooms are large and for them in all cases at they do not gi some of the family will need it. versa! stisfaction. pleasant, and his 'f able shall at all times 1.0 - Observe each box of the genuine Retail Price, 25 cts. per Be be supplied with the choicest viands the Ointment has the name of S. 'I. NIMES Principal otfice No. 80 Vesey St ~New New market will nfrord. Terms, moderate. written on the outside label. To imitate sold Harrist;urg,Jiy D. Robinaon, Ma Boarders will be taken by the week, this is forgery. i a-_ - / -• Remember Dr. C. V. Clickener is tb month or year on the most reasonable Boatmen, Livery men, Farmers, and total Sugar ( anted rills, and ono nothin i terms. rapll-tf all who use horses, will find this Oi s u r i t i was ever June, nt- oheard of until hr. introd d ment the very best thing they can use milt for 1 lickener'e Mt,gnr Coated Vegetal) .d take no others, or they will lee made for collar gulls, scratches, kicks, &C. &c. &c., on their animals. Surely, ev- time of a fraud. cry merciful man would keep his ani. AGENTS.—T. K. SIMONTON, malt as free front pain as possible.— tingdun, Jas. Clark, Birmingham, 'Nosey's Universal Ointment is all that Cox, O. 11. Steiner, Wnterstreet, is required. Try it. I & Swope, Alexandria, A. &N. Cre Bite of Insects.—For the sting or bite Petersburg. Orlady & Patterson, of poisonous insects, Tousey's Oint- liamsburg, Royer & Co., Sprit] ment is Unrivalled. Hundreds have Furnace, M. Thompson. Duncan tried and found it good. I J. M. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg, Ja. Piles Cured! —For the Piles, Tou- 1 dron, Frankstown. sey's Universal Ointment is one of the I -- best Remedies that can be applied. All who have tried it for the Piles recom mend it. Old Sores Cured.—For old, obstinate sores, there is nothing equnl to Too , rey's Ointment. A person in Alonlius bad for a number of years, a sure leg that baffled the skill of the doctors.— 'Tousey's Ointment was recommended . by one of the visiting physicians, (who knew its first virtues,) and two boxes produced more benefit than the patient had received front any and all previous ' remedies. Let all try it. Burns and Scalds Cured.—Thousands of cases of burns and scalds, in all parts of the country, have been cured by Tousey's Universal Ointment. Certi ficates enough can be had to fill the sshole of this sheet. , riolent Bruises Cured.--Testimonials on testimonials, in favor of Tousey's Ointment for curing bruises, have been offered the proprietors. Hundres in Svrneus wall certify to its great merits in relieving the pain of the twist severe bruise. All persons should try it. Scald head Cured.—Sores or cases of scald head have been cured by Tousey's Ointment. Try it—it seldoni fails. , Salt Rheum CUted.---Of all the rem edies ever discovered for this most dis agreeable complaint, Tousey's Univer sal Ointment is the most complete. It was never known to fail. Chapped Hands can be Cured.—Tou- . fiey's Universal Ointment will alway s cure the worst cases of chapped-hands. Scores of persons will state this. Sore Lips Cured.—For the cure of sore lips, there was never anything made equal to Tousey's Ointment. It is rptlfl dUlif crib° r takes thin method to return his i sur cure for them. Try it. tha dts to the people of the county of Hun- rt is a scientific compound, warran ted not to contain any preparation of tingdon for the very Bharat share of patrons g o m ercury. which they have extended towards him for the last few months, and would call their agendas to I ElD' . .Trice 25 cents per box. For fur• the fact that he has now introduced his Seartra ther particulars concerning this really FAOOION OF Gx,crtamtim's Hata, which for heat, valuable Ointment, the public are refer. ty, neatness and durability, cannot he exce any other cshltlishment in this city. lled by red to phamphlets to be bed gratis, of '""k . respectable Druggists and iilerchants comprises the lixx.vatt, N UTIII usu. littasta, throu gh out the United States. tiitac and Mom: SKIN HATS of all styles and q ualities. together with a very large assortment of AGENTS)—T. K. SIMONTON, Him- ULDTR, VELVET, PLUSH, Fun and G 1... C•ra tingdon ; Jas. Clark, Birmingham ; J. R. Country Merchants and others are respectfully Cox, Warriorsmark ; J. S. 'sett, Spruce invited to examine the stock, which they will find Creek ; G. H. Steiner, Waterstreet ; it their advantage to do before purchasing, as it ie Moore & Swoope, Alexandria ; A. &N. his determination.having adopted the casksystem to sell for Cash only. and at the Annex/ prirrr. JOHN FAREIRA, Jr. Crestvell. Petersburg ; Orlady & Patter son, Williamsburg; Royer ei• Co., 2SI Market otroot, south side, ahoy e Eighth Springfield Furnace; M. Thompson, ' Duncansville ;J. M Lindsey, Holli daysburg ; Jas. Condron, Frankstown Tin and Copper ` , ,1 --- en na c..n fr en a? a ca) zz-nr 8 ALEXANDRIA, PA OBER'r GRAFIUS having perches ed the Tin and Copper Manufactory lately owned by I. & H. Grafius, will continue to carry on the business at the same stand in all its various branches, Wholesale and Retail. He will always be prepared to furnish on the shortest notice, Cooking Stoves, Stove Pipe, House Spouting, Copper Pumps for wells, any depth, Copper Dye, Wash, Fuller, Preserving and Tea Kettles, and Tin Ware of every description. All of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. Persons favoring this establishment with their custom may depend on hnving their orders eueeu• tad with fidelity and despatch. Old metal, copper, brass and pewter taken in es. doing,. Alm, wheat, rye, corn and cote taken ut market price. Alexandria, April 11, 18484. ELLWOOD SHANNON, Dealer In Teas, Warehouses 63 Chesnut nbove Second and Lion enth and Chesnut Streets, Philadelphia, HTTAS constantly in Store, a choich us • sortment of Fresh Imported, — GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. Country Merchant. are invited to call at 63 Cheanut street, and examine hie sleek. which he offers at the lowest wholcaale prices, for Cash. and where he attends personally. (r17.6m, Witt.r.,4 T. WALT.S. CHARLES HAnctr, WALTERS& IL% R EY 3 (Late Ilailelthrst & %Valle.) PRODUCE AND OFINERAL COMMISSION MERCHAN Nos. 15 and 16, Spear's Wharf, IttLTI MOCK. Liberal Cash advances made on consignments of all kinds of Produce. Baltimore, febB-1848. Spring Fashion of Hats at THE GREAT CENTRAL r 2.12 Zliz, HAT AND CAP STORE, No. 294 Market St reet,Nin . th oor above Eightb Street, South tide, PHILADELPHIA !DILLE Roirs i CI4IICIiENER S ,4 vexelabie tinivermil SUGrAR-COATED PILLS, The only known .11edieine that at the same The Only Effectual Purgative, time purges, purifies and strengthens ! cured within the last year the system. OVER 200,009 PIiItSONS Lc.norr, July 7,1848. of the following Complaint, 1 - NR. 14 ROY'S Pills area new medicine which ! Headache, Giddiness, Rheumatism, Piles, Di. 1.1 has just appeared, and is fast taking the places Pepaia, Scurvy, Sinai pox, Jaundice, Pains in the of all others of the aama class. 'These pills are ' Pack, Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart, composed of ninny ingredients, but the two prinei. Rising in the 'Throat, Dropsy, Asthma, Fevers of pal ones are Sarsaparilla and Wild ( :harry, so uni. ell kinds, Female Complaints, Measloe, Salt Rheum ted that they act together; the one, through it Heartburn, Worms, Cholera Moth., Coughs, admix ure with other sub:Aimee., purifying and quinsy, Whooping Cough, Consumption, Fits purging, while the other is strengthening the aye. , Liver Complaint, ErYeiPelax, Deafness, itchinga of tem. Thus those pills are at the same time tonic , the Skin, Colds, Gout, Gravel, Nervous Cont act! opening; a desideratum long and eagerly plaints, and a variety of other diseases arising from sought fur by medical men, but never before dis impurities of the b out!, and übstructiona in the or. covered. In other words they do the work of twe , Can' of digestion, me di c i ne .. en d d o it much bet," than any two we Experience hes proved that nearly every diemee know of; for they remove nothing from theryetern originates from impurities of the blood ur Derange but the impurities; so that while they purge they , merit. of the Digestive Organs; and to secure strengthen; and hence they cause no debilitation. , Health, we meet remove those Intim hies and m end are follow.) by no reaction. Dr. Le Roy'a store the blood to its natural state. Therefore, pills have a wonderful influence r n the blood; they when the slightest derangement of the system in not only purify without weakening it but they re- indicated by ei , bliVelleS!, Or any other sign, it ad move all noxious Partici.s from the ett‘ le heroic i t monieltes tie that auporflunies are maiming in the in converted into fluid, and thus make impure System, which shou d he immediately removed by blood an utter impossibility. Au them to no debil• an effectual purging. This fact, as rioted, is uni versally known; but people have such an coercion itation, no thereto no nausea or iridium attending the operation. of this most excellent of medicines to medicine, that, unites the cam urgent, they' pre. I which never strains or torture. the digestive func- fermd the diemse to the cure, generally. Since the tions,butcausee them to work in a perfectly natur- invention, however, of al manner; and hence persons; taking them do not Chanel's Vegetable Purgative Pills, become pale and emaciated, but the contrary ; for ' this objection does not exist, as they are completely while it is the property of the Sumgait., united enveloped with a coating of pure white sugar ae it is with other ingredients, to remove ell that is (as distinct from the internal ingredients sea nut foreign and imPure , it ie equally the property of shell from the kernel) have no table of medicine, the Wild Cherry to retain all that is natural and and are as easily swallowed as bits of candy.— sound; and hence a robust state of health is the m ereeeer they n eith er ne ause d e er gripe in th e certain result of their united operations. lightest degree. They operate equally on all the g:rPrite 25 C 6114 per BOX. . dimmed parte of the system, instead of confining AGENTS.--T. Read & Son, Swoop. & At% themselves to, end racking any particular region. rice, Huntingdon; W. W. Buchanan, Milliker Thor+, for examp e, if the Liver be affected, one in and Kemler,Mill•Creek ; S. Hatfield & don,Juni- gradient will operate on abet particular organ, end, ata Iron Works; Porter & Bucher, Moore & by cleansing it of that Excess of Bile it is con- Swoope, H. C. Walker, .1 lezendria; O. li. Stein I- etantly discharging into the stomach, restore it to Waterstreet. (Avg. 31,'39, is natural mato. Anothei till operate on the Blood. and remove those impurities which I ready entered Ibis Its circulation ; while will effectually expel fr, m the system what. purities may have been discharged into tl ich ; and hence they Strike at the Root of ilisew LEk the sufferer ' , nom A !‘'l II NI A What has relieved him in sueli short tin his difficulty of breathing, Cough and et, lion ! lie trill tell you it Wile the l; saonian, of All Healing Balsam.' Atk the( onpuniptive tr hat has tlltyed his t ough. ;mo ved the Pain in his Side and Chest, checked hit night IM eine 11111 platettt the ro.e of hentdo po i , hi. o w , and he ttaill tellyou ..tiett.nm.t N'h OL.At, ALL-HEALING HAL S Ask your friends if they know of ony th will easipeedily core a nng and tedious Rnisingor Blood, Bronchitio,llyspeptiz I tion, lidarsenees, tied disci., Tim et, in the Oluseuniun and they sill —Nu. There 11Vver vet has hero a retard duced to tullie notice which had been fir of so much good in su short a space of the the fol owing - ASTONISHING CHM, Wm. Doaq, the celebrated Boston crack 98 Nassau street, Lirookly n. states that Iris been inflicted wink Asthma lur 30 y core, al not find permanent relict from the best ant vice which New York and Bru.kl)n could was induced to try tuns great remedy. ; h nearly well. His daughter, who w oe front the same disease tried it, cud was ul by it. NI re. fiend is now so well that viii to rise from her bed early in the morning tend to her usual duties through the Joy arty annoyance from her distressing nulled: H, r.; JACKIWN, lath street, near the Cemetry. came to the store for the purl,. Wining a bottle of the Olusoanitto, !teen Afflicted with the Asthma fo. mute than ti and was so exhausted on his art in al that I not apeak. He purchased a bottle and ti d Four days afterward he walked front bie r to the office without fatigue, a distance of I miles, to tell of the wonderful rrliel who h expo icnced front using about one halt of rte. Co.asminaption fifth(' Lit MI it. Cox tonT, 35 Whim street,. was so the month of December last, that he was g by bin physician. is friends entertawa d at his recovery. He ' persuaded to olusaonian ■nd to his surprise it bee st. red him to health that he is now able to WV the streets. Mrs, ATTNES. the wife of 1. m. H. James Holman, Esq. and Ueinge W. I it can all besr testiloony 1 their own ex pi tho healing poprnties of this Great. 14. Consumption of the Lungs. Mrs. Tuocilocutie, 352 Monroe sue bad been troubled for a great length ul ti seacre cough, and raised qUalllllin4 Irk relieved by one bottle urtheOlovannionmittl It the greatest leinedv in the multi. VENN. KkLI.Y. Water street, won liev.d rim the some complain', alum,, gh very much reduct d moot. he run --having been tinder the care of his ph, vi ring the pets! winter. A Ithenel. be couel otontly and woe tory touch tumult wt. sweats, Iwo truffles of the renualy cisul.l.l return In hie dolly work. Ise was entirely DAVID }I Vositaux, Cl) Imight street. Hurnett, formerly of 1' ow ailt, N. J. Lisbon, 199 ilivington street, and tinnier, persons have beef, one. d'ly and porn...tin of the same coniplatht by this renuily. AGENTS.—T. K. SIAIONTON, ingdon ; Jas. Clark, Birmingham Cox, Warriorstnark ; J. S. lsett, Creek ; G. H. Steiner, Vatere Moore & Swoope, Alexandria ; A Creswell, Petersburg; Orlady & I bon, Williamsburg ; Royer & Co. S field Furnace ; M. Thompson, Du ville ; J. H. Lindsey, Hollidayi Condron, Frankstown. BRICK! BRICE! THE subscriber respectfully a ces to his friends and the' generally, that he continues to rin Lure, in the borough of Pptersbu very best quality of BRICK, ii•h will dispose of on the most rca terms. All orders will lie filled shortest notice. Those %tantitig title for building, paving or and purpose, would•do well to give ri ABRAHAM STEW Petersburg, Aug. 31, 1847. A. L. BOGGS & SC Produce and General Cnnlisson . Me No. 22 SPEARS BALTIMORE : Devote their whole time to the buirineri prepared' to make liberal cult advance atirnmenta. Baltimore, May 9,1848. GIUMZER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, Lh, Is ,