Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 16, 1848, Image 3

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From the Philadelphia papers of the 9th
Arrival of the Steamship Britania.
The steamship Britania arrived at
Boston on Sunday the 7th.
She brings seven days later intelli
gence from Europe.
Intelligence has reached England of
the regular organization of Chartist for
ces in Scotland.
There has been less excitement in po
litieal circles during the last week, and
trade, although not active, has been a
little more steady. The money market
remains quiet, and the corn trade. has
assumed a firmer tone, prices having
advanced beyond our last quotations.
The stock of money continues to ac•
emulate, and is greater than for some
years. At this period the rate of dis
count is still low, being three and a half
per cent. for the best bills. On the
whole the prospects in commercial af
fairs have assumed a decidedly better
appearance, and we consider that there
are just grounds to expect that they
will continue to improve.
In France, commerce is at a complete
stand. The wars and general commo
tion on the continent have not assumed
tv less alarming aspect.
The whole of that part of Europe
which skirts the Rhine and borders on
France seems quite disorganized.
In Saxony, a frightful incendiary in
surrection seems to be going on, which
the government cannot succeed in put•
ting down.
In Alsace, a complete insurrection of
the peasantry exists.
The Schleswig and Holstein (Wellies
are at this moment the seat of open
war. The whole of the Prussian troops
have now advanced into the Danish
territory. The artillery was to cross
the Eider on the 13th inst. A skirmish
was reported to have taken place since,
near Eickenforde, in which the Danes
were defeated, but, if true, it must have
been an inconsiderable affair.
In Prussia there seems n growing
feeling that the Polish Prussian provin
ces should be relinquished, but the un
certainty which yet prevails respecting
the movements of Russia, leaveall these
questions, which virtually affect the po
litical existence of eastern Europe, in a
state of abeyance.
inELAND.—The deplorable state of ire.
land, apparently on the verge of a civil
war, continues to occupy the attention of
all classes. The dilferences between the
Repeaters, headed by Mr. O'Connell,
and the party led • on by Mr. Mitchell,
becomes greater every day.
. .
The rent has fallen to :£25, and it is
evident, that a numerical majority of the
Irish people are in favor of outrageous
measures. In the meantime the people
of every part of the country continue
to supply themselves with arms.—Great
and influential bodies continue to pour
in addresses to the Lord Lieutenant, ex
pressive of their determination to sup.
port the government—but the train of
discontent seems now to be laid f 0 ex
tensively, and with such mischevious
effect, that we doubt whether the whole
weight of the government, with even the
support of the O'Conuells, will be able
to prevent some great explosion.
Pablic demonstrations in support of
the Government continue to be held in
several parts of the country.
PARlS.—Larnartino has proposed an alli
ance offensive and defensive, between
the French and Swiss Republics.
On Sunday the 10th, Paris was the
scene of an extraordinary commotion.
A. M. Bangui, enraged at the publica
tion, by the authority of the Provisional
Government, of some papers found at
Guizot's impeaching his political char
acter, declared them to be forgeries, de
nounced Lainartine, Marrast, and the
moderate members of the Provisional
Government, and swore to overthrow it
and establish a new one, from which all
but the extreme radical members of the
existing government were to be exelu.
It seems that a plot was actually for
med to intimidate the ProVisional Gov
ernment, reject M. Lamartine, M. Mar.
rest, and other moderate members there=
from, and form a new Government, con•
sisting of Ledru.Rollin, Cabet, Blanqui,
Albert, Louis Blanc, Flown, Arago,
Raspail and Pierre le Roux. A meeting
was accordingly got up at the Champs
de Mars, on Sunday, with this ulterior
object. Blanqui herrangued the mob.
However, Lamartine and Marrast having
got previous intelligence of the plot,
circumvented their designs.. 'the Na
tional guards, as well as the mobiles,
were called out, and the critical state of
things which prevented a complete reign
of terror, furnished the government with
a pretence to call in the military, all
classes now deeming the lately proscri
bed troops of the line as the defenders
of order, life and property. Of the na
tional guards of Paris no fewer than
120,000 assembled on the quays and
boulevards, joined by 40,000 of the lien
lieu or suberbs ; to these were added
20,000 of the gardes mobiles, and this
body, between which and the national
guards some jealousy had previously ex•
istek fraternised as they passed each
other, and their common differences
were buried in oblivion. The peace of
Paris was thus secured
The usual exhibitions and speeches '
took place before the Hotel de Ville, and
the cruise of 'the communists sank ap
parently into insignificance. A coanter
demonstration is of course threatened.
In the'course of the tumult at the Hotei
de Ville, Cabet stigmatized Latnartine
as a traitor to the Republic. Lamar
tine withdrew and having consulted wtih
his colleagues, orders to arrest Cabet
Were issued in the course of the eve
ning. There can be nu doubt that the
whole . affair tended to strengthen ma
terially the moderate party in the Pro.
visional Government. Another "unlim
ited" circular, published in Paris, on
Saturday last, in the name of M. Ledru-
Rollin, contributed greatly to indispose
the Parisians to countenance the com
munists. Its violent tendency rendered
the name of M. Ledru-Rollin so unpop
ular that he was compelled to disavow
its authenticity, and that it had been
issued from his department without his
knowledge and sanction. It is evident
that the sensible and moderate men at
the head of the Provisional government
have been secretly if not openly at var
iance with the extreme party. It is
openly asserted that the plot of Blanqui
and Cabet, on the Sunday, which so
signally failed, was favored, if not con
certed, by the extreme party in the
Provisional Government, which, if it be
true, mur.t lead to its speedy re-construc
Thus stood matters on Monday. On
that evening Blanqui harrangued his
club, inciting them in the most violent
language, to arm and overthrow the ,
Government. He invited the people to
pay no more taxes, to raise the wages
of the workmen to five franks per day,
and compel the rich to minister to the
wants of the sick and aged poletariens
—the new classical name for the "shirt
less." It is HOW evident that the con.
test between the moderate clubs and
their more violent antagonists has fairly
commenced. The rappel was again bee.
ten on the morning of Tuesday the 18th.
Vast numbers of national guards were
kept under arms during several hours,
perhaps with a view to weary them out,
and the whole capital was kept in a con
tinual state of terror and confusion.
But whilst sccret arrests of the commu
nists arc taking place in different parts
of Paris, it is idle to count upon the
permanency of tranquility for a single
It is evident that the government is
paving the way for the introduction of
more regular troops to remain perma
nently in the capital.—General Chan
gernier, it is expected, will assume the
command of the garrison of Paris if
this movement ran be accomplished.
And indeed, troops are beginning to ar
rive in Paris, and it will depend, of
r course, a good deal upon their fidelity
and attachment to the new Republic
whether tranquility. can be maintained.
Such is the present state of Paris ;
and it will be easy to conceive how
, slight an event may again subvert the
present system, and throw society into
as great a state of confusion as on the
24th of February.
I GERNANY.—Tho state of Germany
continues to exhibit a lamentable and' ,
perplexing scene of anarchy and confu
sion, for whilst in France the revolution
concentrates all its energy in Paris, in
Germany it pervades in various forms
the numerous political divisions of the
country and as long as the present state
of popular excitement lasts, we have no
, hope that order or authority will be res
DOMINGO—FIGHTING Bzonn.—The reports
of another Revolution having broken
out in St. Domingo are confirmed by the
arrival at New York of the brig Eliza
beth, in 2t days from Marigoone. It
brings intelligence that
The people, throughout the whole
extent of the Island, were armingagainst
the government. The night previous
to her sailing, an army was assembling
at Mari g oone, to which was to be joined
another force of insurgents 2,000 strong,
raised at Jacmel, and both together were
to give battle to the Government troops.
The people appeared to be much exas
perated against the President.
While lying about forty miles from
Marigoone, during a calm which occur
red the day after her departure, Capt. !
Williams heard during the entire day'
the sound of heavy guns landward, and
he inferred that the insurgents and gov
ernment forces had met, and were fight
ing near Port au Prince."
The insurgents are the mulattoes, the
government having sided with the blacks
and allowed their demands of the aboli-1
tion of the Constitution of 1816 and the
restoration of that of 1846.
Mercury says "All the developments of
this court are a rich commentary upon
the means taken to rob Gen. Scott and
Smith of the honors so nobly won by
their foresight and skill, and which a
base conspiracy attempted to steal from
them. gut the people of this country
will yet put a correct estimate upon the
whole matter, and we hope reward the
actors therein, according to their deserts.
One thing appears evident, and that Is,
that Gen. Scott will lose nothing by the
investigation, and Gen, Pillow will gain
lees. While certain gentlemen that have
testified in the matter will acquire no
fresh laurels thereby.---Truth is mighty
and must prevail."
An Irishman stito had commenced
building a wall around his lot, of rather
uncommon dittiensions, viz : four feet
high and six feet thick, was asked the
object by a friend. "To save repairs
my honey. Don't you see that if it ever
falls down it will be higher than it is
now 1"
SOLDIERS GLORY.--It is stated that a
regiment a month dies in the city of
Mexico, among our troops.
Indian Vegetable Pills are a most extra
ordinary medicine for the cure of Rheu
matism and Gout;because they not only
cleanse the stomach and bowels of those
morbid humors, which if taken in to the
circulation and thrown upon the mem
brane and muscle, are the cause of the
above painful maladies ; but they excite
the absorbent vessels to take up that
which is already deposited, and there
fore are absolutely certain to make a
perfect cure for Rheumatism and Gout.
A single 25 cent box of said Indian Veg
etable Pills will often give the most as
tonishing relief; and perseverance ac
cording to directions will be certain to
drive pain of every description from the
cr,Beware of sugar coated counterfeitt..o)
The only originaland genuine Indian V; gala.
ble Pills have the signature of William Wrigns
written with a pen on the top label of each b x.
None other is genuine and to counterfeit this is
Forgery. The genuine fur sale by
T. K.SIMONTON, Sole Agent for Hunting
don; Oharlea Porter, Alexandria; Blair & Robin
son,Shade Gap; glair & 0., Frankstown; Orhison
& Co., Orbisonie; A. 0. Brown, Shirleysburg;
Hunter & Co., West Herre and Petersburg, Graff
& Co., Manor Hill; D. S. Bell, M'Elnoy's Fort;
JurneaMnquire,l3aulsburg; John W. Myton, En
newsille; George H. Steiner, Water Street; A. &
W. Oreaswell, Petersburg; Milliken & Kessler,
Mill•creek; and wholesale and retail at the prin
cipal office, 189 Race street,Philadelphia.
The Ma I-kr! s .
Flour Continues quiet, with sales for
export at $6 00 a $6 06 for .-uperfine ;
extra $6 50 a $l. Corn Meal has slight.
ly Improved ; sales at $2 31 a $2 37.
Rye Flour is steady at $3 81 a $3 87i
per bbl. Wheat, red is worth 140 a 141 c.;
white 144 a 145 c. Rye, Southern 75c.,
Penna. 77 a 78c. per bushel. Oats, Pa.
are worth 42 a 43c ; Southern 39 a 40.
Corn, Pa. yellow 51 a 52c., weight ;
white 48c. Whiskey, stiles in bbla. at
23c ; hhds 22c. Clatterseed, sales at
$3 621 asl 87; market dull. Pork Is
worth $lOl for mess and $Bl for prime.
Pennsylvania Raid Road
THE stockholders are hereby notified dint the
interest on the clock of the Pennsylvania
Roil Road Company will he paid on demand et the
office of the undersigned. New subscriptions for
stock will also be received, the interest on which
will he paid regularly on the 16th of May and
November. The stock may be paid up in full at
the option of the subscriber.
RILEi & Doßius.
Huntingdon. May 16, 1848.
ALL persons knowing thenaselvts indebted to
the subscribe!, by note or hook account, for cast
ings at his foundry or otherwise. are requested to
intake immediate payment. For the accommoda
tion of debtors he will meet them at the public
house of Jacob Megahen, in McConne!lstown, on
Saturday. the 27th day of May inst., and in Claes
ville, on Monday, 29th day of May. inst. All ac
counts left unsettled after the lest mentioned date,
will be loft in the hands of the proper officer for
MAy Is. ;p4s,
fiE undersigned Auditor appointed by the
Orphan's Court of Huntingdon County, to die•
tribute the balance in the trends of Robert Camp ,
hell, Eaq., administrator of the estate of Hercales
Kemp, late of Springfield totenship, decd., to and
among his legatee., will attend for that parpotie at
the office of T. H. Cremer. Esq., in tire borough
of Huntingdon. on Friday, the 16th day of June
cent, when and where all pereons interested May
be present if they think proper.
JOHN REED, Auditor:
Estate of Robert Ramsey, late.of Spring
field township, Huntingdon tounty, dec'd.
T ETTERS of administration having
jjhaving been granted to undersigned
on the said estate, all persons having
claims against the same are requested to
present them for settlement, and those
indebted are requested to make immedi
ate payment to
May 16, 1848.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of admin
istration have been granted to the undersigned on
the estate of Benjamin kltrong, late of Union tp.
All persons indebted will please come forwsrd and
make payment immediately, and those having
claims will present them duly authenticated for
ELIZA STRONG, Admini.tretrix.
OOD thirty hour brass !CLOCKS ran he had
Vrat acctlt's cheap Jewelry Store for $3 50, and
sight day brats clocks for $6 50. None sold that
cannot be warranted. Also. Common Watch
Glasses for 181 etc Patents 25 cehls. and Bru
nette 37 1-2 cents. A like redaction In all other
A 0. eat variety of the latest—moat intereating
and thrilling works of fiction Lave just been re•
ceived at the
which will he sold at Philadelphia prices. I'4, stl
vanes asked in rnentsl breadstuff's !
I. it en optical delusion or a Brilliant reality that
dazzles Ladies and Gentlemen as they peon JAS.
'P. SCOVT'S Jewelry Store
8002 w, on his late visit to the east, drew ma
ny of the eplendid prima in the Grand Jewery
Lotte.y, and beitig extremely lucky, he is deter
mined to be extremely liberal. 1 - lb store is filled
with the richest and rarest speciinens of art from
the work shops of the east. He has the largest,
the cheapestond the beat assortment of E 1.0( KS
and GOLD and SILVER IN ATurrEt, of al
moot every description, ever brought to Hunting
dui. Mao, Gold and Silver lob Chains, Gold
and Silver Pins end Pencils ; brilliant Rings slid
Breast Pine ; Bracel;ts. Boquet holders ; Sllier
Spoon, Mustard dn., silver and common Specks.
Rotlger's Pen Knives, Roussel''. unequalled Soaps,
Perfumes. Liquid I - lair Dye, Lip Salve, ,having
Cream, &c., besides a vast variety of other articles
both fur ornament and use, fill his cases. Ile lies
bought low and is settled in his determination' to
cell low. Give him a call.
• guntingdoir, Mag 16,1848.
Still more Astounging News in the
The sonceesions made by the Jews and Geniilea
A further reduetion of prices demanded by the
people—resistance by the various Firms and ad
vance of PRO WELL with the 4th Light Brigade
escorting an
Immense Stock of Goods,
to be disposed of at prices that will allay the tro
mendoua excitement.
Still fur; her glorious news for the community—
err ival of the train under Proust!—hls batteries
in position opposite Fort Wallace--joy of the
messes—Peowelrs Brigade fraternizing with the
populace—enthusiasm of the rank and file for the
Hero of Cheap Goods--his spier did amorthient
opened and crowds of customers surrounding his
cabinet. Amongst this assortment may be found
the most splendid lot of
ever exhibited in the United States. Such as
Ginghams, Lawns, Beteg., Balzarines, Tissues,
Organdies and Plaids ; Silks, striped, barred and
plain ; 700 pieces of Calicoes which I will sell at
such prices as wit astonish the world. Shawls of
every quality and price. Parasols, Parmolcts and
Sun Shades. Laces, Edgings, Quillings, Bobinets,
striped and barred Muslins, Gloves of every des
cription, Hosiery in abundance; Muslinsy.Tick
ings, Cheeks. Diapers and cotton goods for panta
loons. Ready made clothing, Hardavere. Queens . -
ware Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Leghorn, Chi
na. Pearl and Palm Leaf Note.
The above goods have beer. purchased at 20 per
cent lower than those bought earlier in the seas.,
and will he sold et such prices ea will satisfy the
people of this county that the CHEA l' CORNER
in the only place to get bargains at last.
- -
Cheep Cornet, lluntingdon,
Msy 9, 1848.
" Encourage your Own"
Cabinet Waive illaurnfnetor,,
Main encet, Huntingdon, Pa
:j-ktot")).!! 1101111,11111111101111041011101111 V
AXTOULD rail themselves of this method of
Vl' informing their friends and the public at
line that they continue to carry on the
business, at their old stand, one door east of the
dwelling boase of J. G. Miles, Esq., and directly
opposite the ('rioting Office of the " Hunting lon
Journal," *here they will be pleased to furnish
those oho may fsvor them with their custom, with
all articles in their line on the most reasonable
fermis. Having supplied thernse' yes with a very
forge and superior stock of sluff, they have no
hesitation to assuring the Public that they can
famish work, Olach. for cheapness, beatify and
durability, cannot be surpassed by any other shop
in the county.
They wil. keep constantly on hand, and make
to order,
Card Tables, Bedsteads, Centre 'tables,
Cupboards, Stands, Dough Troughs,
Wash Stands, Wardrobes, Secretaries,
Breakfast Tables, Pedestals, &c.
Old furniture repaired at the very shortest no
tice. (jounce made and funerals attended, either
in town or country, at the shortest notice. They
keep a Hoarse for the accommodotion of their cus
Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange
fur furniture and wish.
Thankful for the very liberal patronage heretofore
extended to them, they assure the public that no
efforts will he spared on their part , 0 deserve a can
tinuanco and increase of public patroaage.
may 2, 1848-tf.
Flats, Mils,
ONE case more of Ashton's beautiful
mole-skin Hats, which no gentleman
should be without, just received, and
for sale at FISHER, 141cMURTRIE &
CO'S. Also, a supply of Cerro Gocdo
and Buena Vista Hats of the bes; qual
ity, and very cheap.
To Housekeepers,
SINE Jersey cured Hams, Fresh Shad,
.r Herring & Mackerel, just landed,
and for sale at
rip Molasses,
Ifew more hogsheads of that unrival
, led fip Molasses, which has created
so much excitement, now ready to be
sold in quantities to suit purchasers, at
the "GR./IND B.17:.1R" of Fisher,
McMurtrle & Co., where in fact every
thing may be found cheaper than any
place else ; not to say anything about
their really fine
4 A' 6 Ct. Sugar.
For the Ladies.
Alarge and beautiful assortment of
Ladies Dress Gaiters, and Kid and
Morocco Shoes, at the store of
J. 4 , N. Saxton.
Great and Glorious News!
For the People of Huntingdon Town and
County generally!
Extraordinary Reduction in
Notwithatanding much wrangling and great di•
'reran), of opinion now exists among politicians as
tQ who shall ho the candidate. of the respecuse
parties for the Presidency, ft 1. are !Winkled fact
among all claw, nod oil parties, that
have ilia opened at their old stand in Main htreet,
Huntingdon, an assortment of
spring' and Summer
not only the c6cape3l by at ken ten percent. but
decidedly the beat adopted to the want. of the
People generally, that has ever been opened in this
scent,' of the Mate.
Their stock consists in part of Cloths, Csssi
mere., Satinetta, and a great variety of cheap
goods suitable for Men's and Hoy's Summer wear.
Muslim; of every quality and at astonishing low
ptices ; Linens; Bed Ticking, Shemings, Umbrel
las and Parasols, Sun Shaded, &c.,
Also, Calicoes and Gingham,' of a quality am.]
et prices that must suit the views of all.
Also, Silks, Lawns, Monslin de Lains and Bal.
aorines of the finest quality and at prices that
"cant he beat!" Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Gloves,
Mitts, Ribbons, Hosiery, &c., &c. Also, In ele
gant assortment of
Leghorn and Straw Bonnets,
. 11.1 TS ni►ot e.IPS,
Of every variety. A large ageortment of
Uootd and ohoes.
. .
made in the most substantial manner. A genera!
assortment of
Hardware, Queertstouros, Glassware;
Palms, Oils, Salt, '4.c., &c
The subscribers desire to return thanks to their
friends and the public generallY, for the liberal pat
ronage heretnEare extended to them. And in ask
ing a continuum, of public favor, desire to state
that their new stork of Goods having Nam pur
chased for C .ABll, they are enabled to - offer fhtin
at prices as low, if not lower than any other es
tablishment in the county. Call, cxaa•ioe and
judge for yourselves.
may 2.:848.
1,1 Sr
At the More of
(4 IEO E Will
Al lie old Stand, in Marled Square, Hanti,g.
don, Pa.
The public are informed that I have received
an entire new Mock of
Spring & Summer Goods,
being by or the hest assortment ever brought tet
this place, among which will he found Cloths of
all kinds, Cassinets, Kentucky Jeans,Gambt don's,
French. Belgium and Fancy Cassimeres,Croton.
Oregon and Tweed Cloth. VestirmFbmnelt.tind
Drillings, and a variety of Cotton Goods tor Sum
mer wear. French and Lich Linen, end Cheeks,
Bed 'ricking, Muslim; and Sheeting., Umbrella.
end Parasols. A large assortment of Calicoes of
the newest styles, at low pikes.
Bergsma, French, Scotch and Domestic Ging
barns and lialsorittes, Diapers, 'tattle Cloths, Cot
ton Fringe, Mouslin de !lines, French Lawns
and Scarfs, Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Black and
Fancy Alpacas. Nlerinoes. Silk Gloves, Mitts.
Ladies caps,l2iblms. Hosiery, &c., &c.
Also, a very excellent assortment of Bats, 1
Caps, and
. .
Leghorn and Strain Bonnets, Palm Leaf
Hats, Boots and Shoes:
r i lf/D subscrihara wouhl inforM their friends and
I_ the public that they base rceeised and opened.
rum• and nr:xun Fur. stock of
lift: 0.0 ,
Great Bargains,- selected with great care, and suited to the spring
and hope that all will
n examine, my stocf , before find summer seasons, In their stock of Ladies'
purchasing elsewhere, ns am a elermined to sell Dress t. nods, may t e found all the newest styles,
es low no any one i„ is e „ nee Lennie, pl ea , ca n such as Paris Lustre, Hair Cord Ginghams, Eoli•
end see my goods, as it raurris me pleasure at all entree, Monterey Plaids. Mohair Luau., Dim
timer to show them, dies, with a large lot of Lawns and Dalieoes at all
QUEENS.W.IRE, P.:11,175, GL.BSS•
WORE, FISH, 84 LT, Sr., &c., With a
fine variety of Goods of all kinds.
The above . stOck of goods haying been selected
with g: cat care, and purchased at reduced prices
for Cash, in the city of Philadelphia, Lato enabled
to °tier
prices. Among their goods for the Gentlemen are
Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn . , Flour, Cloverseed &
Cashmarets ashinaret Plaids Drap D'Alberts,
Flaxseed, Butter, Eggs, Lard, Bacon, Foap, Bees- ' . , • '
' Drap d Etc, Mohair Cords, Napoleon Velvet
wax, &0., taken in exchange for Goods.
ap2s-tf.] GEORGE G WIN. Cords, Linen Cost cheeks, Drilling, Bummer
Vesting., &e., &c.
Dissolution of Partnership. They would also invite attention to their stock of
THE partnership heretofore existing between GROCE
1 De. W. Whittaker and Geo. Raymond, in .1 I .
the publication of the Huntingdon Messenger, Sugars— .5, 6 end S cents per pound•
has been mutually dissolved. The books of the Molasses, from 37i. to 40 cents per
fi in will be left at the office of the Messenger' gallon ; and ever other article usually
for settlement. y
GEO. W. WHITTAKER. kept in a Grocery Store, at equally
GEO. RAYMOND. low prices.
May 2, 1848.
ig Beaver, Silk, Leghottn & PRIM ,
N. B. Having purchased the Messenger Press,
Materials, &c., I will, in a few weeks, resume its - 7 11
Leaf Hats
publication, when it will be sent to its old sub. brellas, l Caps,Ronnets, thy/
Parasols and Shades ;
scribers, and the new teens made known. Ribbons, Artificial Flower's, &e.
GEt). W. WI-111"TAKER. We have also a handsome assortment o
Regimental Orders. READY-MADE
The enrolled militia composing the Ist Bakal.
talion, 3d Regiment, lOth Division, P. M. are CLOHINGI
, Salt,
hereby commanded to meet at the house of Sam- .
P te Flemming, In the borough of Alexandria on 13oota and Shoes. Also--Fish
Wednesday the 17th of May next. The 2tl Piaster, Iron and Nails.
Battalion at the house of A. P. Owens in the bor. I Tile above stock - having been purchased en
ough of Birmingham, on Thursday the 18th oP tirely for case. we are enabled to eller at Lows a
May, for review and inspection. niticEs him such gooili cob he obtgihed elgewheee.
It. P. HA'AETT. Those, therefore, wishing to ph retrain., will please
Col. 3d Reg. 10th Div. call and examine our stock, as we take great pleas
ure in showing our goods.
In the store room lbfinerly occupied by Jacob
opposite the residence of Judge °win,
[P. All kinder 6f Country Produce ta
ken in exchange for goods. [ap 11.
Administrators' Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of admit...
istration have been minted to the untie .'vi t a ed. en
the e.tat6 of James Linn, late of Springfield town
ship, deceased. Persons knowing themselves in
debted will come forward sad molt* Apnea', awl
all those having chines will present' them duly au
thenticated for settlement.
DAilt• ER ETIVN. and
may 2, 1848.
(01 E SW cit Sai.
GEO. G \ l invites house-keepers to
call at his store and examMe his
large assortment of Queonsware and
Table Cutlery.
Hams, Shoulders dr. Snitch,
TUST received front Pittsburg, seirernl
J hogsheads of Hants ; Shoulders and
Flitch ; and for sale by J. & W. Saxton.
Ladies' Dress Gaiters and Shoes.
A beautiful assortment for sale at the
a new store of DORSEY St.l.U.totrutE.
Also, a good assortment of Children's
fine and coarse shoos.
themselves of this means of making
known to their old ftiendo sind cuotomera that they
hove greatly enlarged thcir, room, end are now
opening at the old and will known corner, a very
large and splendid osootiment of
Spring and !.:ininner Goads,
90 Per Cent. Cheaper
than via. ever &irate known in thin !ohm),
Their stock in heavy and line hero ..elected nith
great core. 80 that the wants 1 , 1 the VI HOLE
PEOPLE may he soplieti. Ir, addition to tin r
former variety they have adder) a fine even:ton nt
of HA7'B, CAPS, and
Ready-Made ( lothing,
which now rendere their esiablioinnrilt.
Grand Bazar
whets everything useful end Ornamental mny
found, end at priees a hich Y mil compulsion I
For example: They are selling of lei tlit!
Dress Lawns for I cents. Or yard,
Calicoes, from 3to 6 do. d.;.,
Bleached Muslin at 4 do. do.,
Good Brown Sugar at 61 cents per lb..e
best Ria Coffee as 10 cents per lb. ; Mo
lasses, 25 aunts par gartin. tt hd to 68 Ts
the climax, they are able and willing to
sell a FULL SUIT of Ready-made Cloth
ing for the small sum of '2 4 ..50.
For further particulars, please call at
t he 'OLD LOCUST' COR.VER,' whets .
the important fact will be proven that
Fisher, Malurtrie & Co. have the largest,
the BEST and the CHE.TPLST stork of
Goods ever offered for sale in Hunting
den! [April 6, 1848:
1110111 et* firaCtd Tkietinplor
anle=2:apono !
By the last train from the citien
of New York & Philadelphia!
Successful passage thro-gh the "Raging
Kanawl !"
Safe arritill t 1 the most magnifi-
cent assortment of the finest and
cheapest Fabrics every brought
to the count• of I lumingdon !
The export duties hmving been taken off
every kind of bar GOODS, Groceries,
&c., &c., &c.,
Are enabled to present to their curs•
miners an assortment of goods of unri
valled ticeellenee, at prices so low as to
be within the reach of all.
Calf and See
from 2 to 18 cts per yard
" 2to 18 do.
Ginghams ' 1 12 to 4.6
Caw& " 12 to 37 do
Monslin do Lain 1Z to 37 do,
$l.OO it 4 $8.50.
" 61 to 10 eta per lb
" 6 to 10 do.
" 2a to 100 do.
Molasses "Bto 20 ets per quart.
MGT, PL.ISTER ; FISH, 4^c., 4.c.
C.M' - ;,-raZ)7ll 4 r... 4.3131332• 2
What do you think of a full suit (made
up) of excellent clothes, at
All of the very best quality, and to be
sold on their usual accommodating
terms. [111)111-tr.