H. - UNTINGION JO-LPNAL BY JAMES CLARK VOL XIII, O. 19, Wm. GnArms. R. C. McGILL The Alexandria FOUNDRY AS been leased by the subscribers, who are H pre . pa. od to execute castings of all deacrip lions in superior style (one of them being a prac tical moulder of long experience) and on the low est and most accommodating terms. Castings for Forges, Rolling Mills, Water pipes, Griit and Saw Mills, Threshing Machines, and all other kinds or machinery which may be ordered will be furnished on the shortest notice. Stoves of varidus sizes will be constantly kept OH hand for both wood and coal. We have lately procured a Cooking stove of two different sizes, which for conve nience and excellence they will warrant to surpass the celebrated "Queen of the West" and "Hathaway" stoves, the for mer of which we are also prepared to supply. also, Coal Cooking Stoves, Parlor and Chamber stoves of the most elegant patterns. Hollow IT'are, Such as Pota, Wash Kettles, &c. Ploughs of such variety that all may be suited. Carriage and Waggon boxes from the smallest to the largest, sled and sleigh soles, and in fine any and every thing in our line of business can be had immedi roily. or at the shortest notice. - did metal and country produce taken in exchange McGILL & GRAFIVS, apl 7tf.f Grand Exhibition ! AT THE CHEAP CLOTHING STORE.I ' I RE public areitt fo rrd that the eu Ici b e hasr i..treceivedfront iL teaata : e 4 large and splendid assortment of MENS' & YOUTHS' , clothing, which he offers for sale at the very lowest • prices. Among the stock will be found superfine, black, bli e, brown and olive, dress and frock coats; also, alpaca, cashmerette, tweed, linen and cotton frock, dress and sack coats ; also, a first rate ankle of oil cloth coats; also every variety of pant., vests, drawers and woolen a• dcotton underibitts ; pleated linen breasted shirts; gingham, check and and striped and plcin cotton shine; linen collars and breasts; gloves, hosiery and susrenders ; also, via elegant variety of cravats and stocks. Also, a general assorttnent of BOOTS & SHOES, of all sizes ; new style of fancy 'FATS & CAPS, !Eichorn, chip &c. ; umbrellas of every variety ; in 1110`1, a filll snit of any quality, price, order or color can he had at his stand. in the corner room of ..fINARES ROW." opposite Whittaker'■ hotel. N. B. The public will bear in mind that I have the largest and best assort ment in Huntingdon, all of which is war ranted to be well made and fashionably cut. Call and judge for yourselves be fore purchasing elsewhere. apll.3m] BENJAMIN SNARE. DRAKE'S FURY AND BROAD TOP mattroatr. NOTICE is hereby given that the books for the subscription of stock to the " Drake's Ferry and Broad Top Railroad company," will be opened nt Shirleysburg, at the store of H. Brewster, on Monday, Bth May. Cassvile, at the store of R. Speer, on Monday, Bth May. Bedford, at the Hotel of Co'. Ottinger, en Mon • day, 15th May. Huntingdon, at the hotel of Than. Wallace, on Monday, 16th Moy. Phi adclphia, at the office of Calvin Blythe, Esq., No 1. north 6th street, on Monday, 22d Muy. At which places one or more of the ttn• dersigned Commissioners will attend, and keep the books open for said pur pose for six judicial days, agreeably to the act of incorporation for said company. John Brewster, John Dougherty, Robert Speer, E. S. Howard, T. T. Cromwell, \Vm. Lyon, A. P. Wilson, Joseph Ottinger, iipeob Cresswell, Calvin Blythe, John McLain, Jr. John Savage, John Sharer, VI m. M. Meredith, Theodore Franks. April, 11, 1848.] Com Missioners. Regimental Orders. /FHB Volunteer. and Militia composing the let 1 Regiment, Sd Brigade, 10th Division, P. M., are hereby required to train by Company on the let Monday and lit day of May next, and by Battalion for parade and review, as follow.: let Battalion will meat at Orbisonia, Cromwell town ship. on Friday the 12th day of Moy ; 2hd Bat talion at Casaville, on Saturday 13th day of Msy nest. JOIN STEVER, Col., Int R. 2'd 13. 10th D. P. M Cali twp., aprlB. ..q.DMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Estate of John Carmen, late of Barrce township, Huntingdon county, der'd. lETTERS of administration (with the j will annexed) having been granted to the undersigned on said estate, all persons having claims against the same are requested to present them for settle ment, and those indebted are requested to make immediate payment to ALEX. CARMON, apll-6t. . A. W. Benedict, A TTOAN F.Y AT LAW, Huntingdon,Pe.— A . ° Mee at his old residence in Main street.❑ few doors west of the old Court House. He n attend to any business entrusted to bun in the sec. tel Courts of Huntingdon tend adjoining counties. LETTER radm ciath. SCOTT General," marked "War Department, ) the necessary means for a road-train, To Secretary Sttorbss. Dec, 15, '46," and signed by the Secre- I (no fault of mine) the retreat, in pursuit Mexico Feb, 24th, 1848. tary, which I received, January 8, it is jof the enemy, was vigorously commen , said: I ced April Bth. The battle of Cerro Gor- Sia :—On the 18th instant, I received ' , lndependently of this number of', do soon followed; and we occupied Jala your two letters of the 13th ultimo, and transports for troops and ordnance stores' pa and Perote, where we were obliged to immediately issued the general order [from the North ] there will be required wait for supplies from Vera Cruz. In No. 60—a copy enclosed, devolving the say, 5 ships for the transportation of the these positions I was made to write un command of the army in Mexico upon [surf] boats now being prepared, besides der another cruel disappointment. Major General Butler. I which ten vessels must be taken up and In my four memorials to the depart- As the officers detailed for the Court sent out in ballast, [for troops] unless meat, on the further prosecution of the of Inquiry, before which I am ordered stores can be put on board, to make up I war against Mexico, written at Wash to appear as a crimnal, ate not known to the number (40) required by the Cam- ton, and dated, respectively, Oct. 27 have arrived in the country, I avail my- mending General." Nov. 12, 16 and 21, (it was only intima self of a moment's.leisure to recall some The date of this memorandom is Dec. ted to me in the night of Nov. 18, that of the neglects, disappointments, inju- 15, more than three weeks after my re- I might prepare myself for the field,) ries and rebukes, which have been inflic- quisition and departure from Washing- papers in which I demonstrated that Ve ted upon me by the War Department ton. Of not one of the "ten vessels" in ra Cruz was the true base of operations since my departure from Washington, ballast, or with stores, (leaving room for and that the enemys capital could not Nov. 23, 1846. troops) have I heard, up to• this day. probably, be reached from the Rio qrand To me the business of recrimination, Relying upon them confidently, the em- I estimated that, after taking the great however provoked, has ever been pain- ' barkation was delayed, in whole or part sea-port '..4bout 20,000 men' or 'an army ful. In this summary 1 shall, therefore lat the Brazos and Tampico,from the 15th of more than 26,000 men may be need indulge in no wantonness of language, 'of January to the 9th of March, leaving ed. I. To beat in the field, and in pa: but confine myself to naked historical' it was feared, not half the time need- pers any accumulated force in the way. facts, leaving conclusions to men of sense ed for the reduction of Vera Cruz and 2. To garrison many important points in and candor. 1 its castle before the return of the yellow the rear, to secure a free communica y In the hurr of preparation for Mexi- fever. But half the surf-boats came at tion with Vera Cruz. And 3. To make co (only four days were allowed me at I all, and of the seige train and ordnance distant attachment, in order to gather \ ashington, when twenty might have stores only about one half had arrived in, without long halts, necessary sub been most advantageously employed in when the Mexican flags were replaced sistance." And that force, I supposed the great bureaus( there, of the chief en-'• by those of the United States on those including volunteers, and aided by land gineers chief of ordinance, chief quarter- formidable places. We succeeded at and money bounties, might be raised master and chief commissary of subsis- last in reaching the point of attack, in in time by adding ten or twelve new re tence) I handed to you a written request the midst of frightful northers, by means giments of regulars, and filling up the that one of three of our accomplished in great part of trading craft, small and ranks of the old. Captains, therein named, might be ap- hazardous, picked up accidentally at the A bill was introduced for raising ten pointed Assistant Adjutant General, with Brazos and Tampico; and when the ar- additioal regiments: and 1 certainly do the rank of Major, for duty with me in my got ashore, its science and valor had not mean to charge the department with the field, and there Was a vacancy nt the to supply all deficiency in heavy guns, the whole delay, in passing the bill time for one My request has never been mortars and ordinance stores. • through Congress. But it• was passed attended to; and thus I have had no ofil- I j The first letter that I received from' Feb. 11, 1847, and under it, by early in cer of the Adjutant General's Depart,l the Department, after entering the cap- April, some few thousand men had been ment with trie in the catnpaign, Can tared city ; contained an elaborate rebuke already raised and organized. M dis another instance be cited of denying t° ' (dated Feb. 22) for having ordered Col. tress may be conceivd4y any soldier, a General-in-Chief, in the field, at the Harney, 2d Dragoons, to remain in the on learning at Jalapa, April 27, that the head of a large army—or even a small I command of the cavalry with Major Gen- I whole of that force had been sent, under one—the selection of the chief of his i Taylor, so as to leave Major Sumner, of Brigadier General Cadwalader, to the staff—that is, the chief in the depart- i tae shine regiment, in the senior of that Rio Grande frontier. ment of orders and correspondence, I arm in My expedition, There leas no I In my letter to the Departments writ- Early in the following January; I u` , great diffeenee in the number of cave. ten the day after, 1 said I lied expected ked that a General Court Martial might ry companies with two armies, This that— be appointed, on the part of the Presi- rebuke was written With a compla- "Detachments of the new regiments dent, for the trial of two officers, (name cency that argued the highest profession , Would, as you had promised me, begin ed by me), for conduct that each had 1 01 experience in such matters ; and could l to arrive in this month, and continue to committed, that endangered, in a high not have been more confident in its tone I follow perhaps into June. How many degree, the success of the impending if dictated to the greenest general of the [volunteers] will re-engage, under the campaign, and I specially referred to recent appointments. Yet without the act approved March 3 (only received the anomalous and fatal act of Congress power of selecting commanders of par- two days ago) I know not ; probably but ' (May 29th. 1830,) which prohibited me ocular corps, no General-in-Chief would few. Hence the greater my disappoint- , as the 'accuser or prosecutor,' from or- venture to take upon himself the cam- inent, caused by sending the new troops dering the Court for the trial of the paign. Such selections were always to the Rio Grande ; for ; besides then cases. My application has never been made by the Father of his country, and keeping the rend in our present rear open noticed. This neglect, alone, ought ear- i the principle generals under him. So for many weeks by marches in success ly to have admonished me that I had lin the campaign of 1814 , , I myself sent ive detachments, I had intended, as I ad no hope of support at Washington, in jaway, against their wishes, three senior veined, to leave stronggarrisons in this any attempt 1 might make (against cer- ' field officers of as many regiments, who place, (Jalapa,) in Perote and Puebla, tain officers,) to mantnin necessary dis- were infirm, uninstructed and inefficient to keep at the head of the Movement a cipline in the army I was about to lead iin favor of three juniors, and with the , force equal to any probable opposition. into the field. I left Washington high. ' subsequent approbation of Major Gene- llt may now depend on the number of the ly flattered with the confidence and kind- Iral Brown, on his joining me, and the j old volunteers who may re-engage, and ness the President had just shown me 1 head of the War Department. Both the number of new troops that may ar ia many long personal interviews on ! well acquainted with the customs of war rive from the Brazos in time, as also in military matters. For more than tiro' in like cases, at home and abroad; and some degree, upon the advance of Major months my expressions of gratitude were 1 without that energy on my part, it is high ' General Taylor, whether I shall find this , daily and fervent; nor were they much ty probable that no American citizen' army in strength to leave the garrisons , less emphatic towards the head of the' would ever have cited the battles of Ni- and to occupy the capital." War Department. Proceeding with zealjagra without a sigh for his country. lam I may add that only about fifty indi and confidence in my most hazardous happy, however, that before a word had victuals of the old volunteers re-engaged duties, I learned, January 27, at the Bra- been received from the Department, and under the Provisions of the act of March zos San Jago, that an attempt was , on indeed, before it could have any knowl- 3 ; that the remainder were discharged, foot to create a Lieutenant General, to edge of the question, I had decided to' May 4 ; that Major Gen. Taylor made take command in the field over me. take with me the frank and gallant Col- Ino movement in advance of Sultillo ; I Shocked and distressed, I allowed of no onel, and hope soon to learn that he, and and that the new regulars, including relaxation in my efforts to serve my, very many other officers, have been re- Cadwalader's Brigade, only began to country, resolved for the short time I warded with brevets for their highly dis- come up with me at Puebla, in July, but should be likely to remain in commis- tinguiehed services in the campaign thnt not in sufficient numbers till August 6. sion to be followed. The next day the army commenced its "True as the dial to the sun,lt was in reference to the same rebuke advance upon the capital, with a little Although it be not shined upon," that, in acknowledging your communi- more than ten thousand effective men, A yet greater outrage soon followed. cation, I said, from Vera Cruz April sth It is not extravagant to . say that, if' Failing to obtain un act for the citizen "I might very well convert the minus. Brigadier Gen. Cadwaltteler's forces had' Lieutenant General, a bill was passed Jry principles so confidently laid down not been diverted from the to the Rio upon Congress to authorize the placing lby the department [in the letter of the Grande, where he was made to lose, a junior Major General, just appointed l 22d of February] but believing that the without any benefit to Major Gen. Tay= (the same individual) in command over • practice of the United States army, in lor, much precious time, I might easily all the old Major Generals then in front of ' the two wars with Great Britain, would have taken this city in the month of the enemy. ' have no weight in the particular case, June, and at one-fifth of the loss,sustain- I will not ; here ; trust trust myself to I I waive further replying, having, at the ed in August and September. The en add a'soldier's comment upon those at' ! moment, no leisure and Co inclination cute availed himself of my forced delay, tempts; but I may thank God that he did for controversy." at Puebla, to collect, to treble, to organ not allow them, or subsequent injuries,_ Alluding to the heavy disappointment ize and discipline his. forces; as ; also, to to break down entirely the spirit and in respect to transports, siege trains, and erect numerous and powerful defences abilities (such as they are,) with which ordnance stores„ then already experien- with batteries. Nearly all those extra fie lite endowed Mc. I ced, I wrote to te department ; from Lo-I ordinary preparations for our reception Foreseeing, at Washington, that from boa, Feb. 28—were made after the middle of Juno. I the great demands of commerce ; at the I "Perhaps no expedition was ever so And it is known that the news of the moment, it would be difficult, if not im- . unaccountably delayed, by no want of victory of Buena Vista reached Wash possible, to take up, perhaps at any 1 foresight, arrangement or energy on my ington in time to countermand Cadwala price, a sufficient number of vessels at I part, as 1 dare affirm, and under cireum- der's orders for the Rio Grande, before , New Orleans and Mobile, to transport I stances the most critical to this entire' his departure from New Orleans. Two the Regiments of my expedition front the j army; for every body relied upon, knew, ' rifle companies, with him, received the Rio Grande frontier to Vera Cruz, I en , from the first, as well as I knew ; it would countermand there, and joined me early. deavored to press neon the War Depart , be fatal to us to attempt military opera , , I know that I had the misfortune to talent; the necessity of sending out ; from , tions, on this toast, after, probably, the ' give offence to the department, by ex the Northern and Eastern ports, a c.v. ! first week in April, and lucre we are at I pressing myself to the same effect from lain number of large ships in ballast, in the end of February. Nevertheless this • Jalapa, May 6. In a report of that date order that the expedition might not be army is in heart; and crippled as I ant I said delayed; and in view of "the fixed fact" in the means required and promzsed,, 1 , "The subject of that order (No. 135- -the return of the comito to Vera Cruz shall go forward and expect to take Vera old volunteers) has given me long and in the spring of the year— that a delay jeruz and its castle in time to escape, by deep solicitude. To part with so large of a few weeks was likely to prove a to- ' pursuing the enemy ; the pestilence of the and so respectable a portion of this ar ta! defeat. I coast." ' my, in the' middle of a country which, In a paper transmitted to ear—headed The City and castle were captured through broken in its power is not yet "Memorandum for the Quartermaster , March 29; and with about one fourth of disposed to sue for peace ; to provide for tCORRECY PRINCIPLES-SUPPORTED BY TRUTH.] HUNTINGDON, PA„ TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1848, the return home of seven regiments, from this interior position, at a time when 1 find it quite difficult to provide transportation and supplies for the oper ating forces which remain—and all this without any prospect of succor or rein- ; forcements, in, perhaps, the next seven months—beyond some 300 hundred ar my recruits—present novelties utterly ! unknown to any invading army before. With the addition of ten or twelve thou sand new levies, in April or May—asked for and until very recently expected—or even with the addition of two or three thousand new troops, destined for this army, but suddenly, by the orders of the War Department, diverted to the Rio Grande frontier, 1 might, notwithstand ing the unavoidable discharge of the old volunteers—seven regiments and two independent companies—advance with confidence upon the enemy's capital: 1 shall nevertheless, advance; but wheth. l er beyond Puebla, will depend on inter vening information and reflection: The general panic given to the enetny at Cer ro Gordo still remaining, 1 think it prat , able that we shall go to Mexico ; or if the enemy recover from that, we must renew' the consternation by another blow." Thus, like Cortez, finding myself iso= lated and abandoned, and, again, like him, always afraid that the next ship or messenger might recall or further crip ple me, I resolved no longer to depend on Vera Cruz or home, but to render my little army a "self-sustaining machine" —as I informed every body, including the head of the War Department—and advanced to Puebla. It was in reference to the foregoing serious causes of complaint, and others, to be found in my reports at large—par ticularly in respect to money for the dis bursing staff officers, clothing, and Mr. Trist, commissioner, that I concluded my report from Puebla, June 4, in these words : "Considering the many crud disap pointnn nts and mortifications I have been made to feel since I left Washing ton, and thc total want of support or sympathy on the part of the War De partment, which I have so long expe rienced, I beg to be recalled from this army the moment it may be safe for any person to embatk at Vera Cruz—Which, I suppose, will lk early in NoVember. Probably all field operations will be over' long before that time." But my next report (July 26) from Pue bla, has, no doubt,in the end,been deemed more unpardonable by the department. In that paper, after speaking of the "happy charge in my relations, both official and private, with Mr. Trist," I continued : . _ " Since about the 25th ultimo [June] our intercourse has been frequent and cordial, and I have found him [Mr. T.] , able, discreet, courteous and amiable. At home it so chanced that we had not the slightest possible acquaintance with each other. Hence inure or less of re ciprocal prejudice ; and of the existence of his feelings towards me, I knew (by private letters) before we met, that at least a part of the cabinet had a full in timation. Still the pronounced mistm ; derstrinding between Mr. Trist and my ' self could not have occurred but for other circumstances : I. His being obli j ged to send forward your letter of April 14, instead of delitering tt in person, with the explanatory papers which lie desired to communicate. 2. His bad health in May and .lane ; which I am happy to say, has no become good ; and 3d. The extreme 'mystification into which your letter, and particularly an interlineatien, unateidably threw me:— So far as I am concerned, I am perfect ly Willing that all I have hitherto writ ten to the Department; about Mr. Trist, should be suppressed. I make this dee laration as due to my present esteent fy that gentietnan hitt ask no favor or desire none, at the hands of the Depatt ment. Justice to myself, however tardy, I shall take care to hrtve done. * * * I I do not acknowledge the justice of et- ! ther of your rebukes contained in the letter of May 31, [in relation to Mr. Trist and the prisoners at Cerro Gordo,] and that I do not here, triumphantly vindicate myself ; is not from the want of will, means, or but time. The first letter (dated Feb. 9.2) received from you, at Vera Cruz, contained a tonsure ; and I am now rebuked for the onavoid• able—nay, wise, if it had not been una voidable—release, on parole, of the pris oners taken at Cerro Gordo ; even before one Word of commendation, frotn Gov= ernment; has reached this army On se= count of its gallant conduct in the cap ture of those prisoners. [No such corn , mendation has yet been received, Feb. 1848.] So, in regular progression, I may, should the same attuy gallantly bear me into the city of Mexico, in the next six or seven weeks—which is prob. , able, if we are not arrested by a Peace or a Truce—look to ba dismissed from EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR WHOLE NO. €4l, the service of my cbuntry. You wilf perceive that I am aware, (na I have long been) of the dangers which hang over me at home; but I, too, am a citi zen of the United States, and well know the obligations imposed, under all cir cumstances, by an enlightened patriot ism. In respect to money, f beg again to report that the Chief Commissary, (Capt. Grayson) of this army, has not received a dollar from the United States since we landed at Vera Cruz, March 9. He now owes more than $200,-900 and is obliged to purchase on credit, at great disadvantages. The Chief Quar termaster, (Capt. Irwin) has received perhaps $60,000 and labors under like incumbrances. Both hive sold drafts to small amounts, and borrowed largehir of the Pay Department Which has recei ved about half of the money estimated for. Consequently the troops have some four months' pay due them. O'or pov erty, or the neglect of the disbursing Departments at home, has been Made known, to our shame, in the papers of the capital here, through a letter from Lieu]: Col: Hunt; that was found on the Wrstin of the special messenger from ashington. The army is also suffer; ing greatly frovhe want of necessary Clothingoincluding blankets and great coats. 'the new troops, (those who have last arrived,) as destitute as the others; were first told that they would find abundant supplies at New Orleans ; next at Vera Cruz, and finally here ; where as, we now have perhaps a thoutand, hands engaged in making shoes and (out of bad materials, and at high rates) pantaloons. These articles, about 1000 pairs of each, are absolutely necessary to cover the nakedness of the troops.— February'2B, off Lobos, I wrote to Brig: General Brooke to direct the Quarter; master at New Orleans to send me large supplies of clothing. March 16, Gen: Brooke replied that the Quartermaster at New Orleans had neither clothing I nor shoes, and that he ilea fearful that, unless they have been sent mit to you direct, you will he much disappointed. Some small quantity of clothing, per haps one fifth of our wants, came to Vera Cruz from some quarter, and fol lowed us to Jalapa and this place." I must here specially remark that this report, No. 30, ttiogt forwarded the night of its date; (July 25) seems to have miscarried. Perceiving, about No vet-fiber V, that it was not acknowledged by the Department, 1 caused a duplicate to be Made, signed it, and sent it off by the same conveyance with my despatch No. 36,'and the charges against Brevet Major General Worth, Major General , Pillow, and Brevet Lieut. Col. DOncan. together with the appeal, against me, of the former. All these are acknowledged by the Department in the same letter ; Jan. 13, that recalls me. It was that budget of papers that caused the blow 6f power, so long sus: pended, to fall on a devoted head. The three arrested officers, and he who had elideavoreil to enforee a necessary die , cipline against then], are all to be pla ced together before the same Court.-- The innocent and the guilty, the accu ser and the accused, the judge and his prisoners, are dealt with alike. Most impartial justice! But there is a dis crimination with a vengeance! While the patties are on trial—if the mime/der is to be tried at all, tehieh seems doubt ful—tWo are restored to their corps— one of them with his brevet rank—and lam deprived of my eoinaland ! There can be but one step more in the same direction :—throw the rules and article's of war into the fire, and leave aft ranks in the army free to engage in denuncia lions and a general scramble for prece dence, authority and executive favors. 'the pronfincitimEhios on the part of my factious juniors, is most triumphant. My recall—under the circumstances, a severe punishment before trial—hut to be followed by a trial here, that may run into the autumn—and on matters 1 am hut partially permitted to know by the Department and My accusers—is very ingeniously placed oti two grounds:-1. My own request, meaning that of June 4, (quoted aboirei and there was no oth er before the Depafttnent) itthich had been previously (July 12) acknowledged and rebttkingly declined. 2. the arrest of Il M retet Major General Worth, for writing to the Department " under the pretext, and form of nn appeal," an open ' letter, to be sent through me, in which I was grossly and falsely accused of "malice" and "conduct unbecoming an offieer and gentleman," in the matter of the general order No. 349, on the sub ject of puffing letters ; for the newspa pers at home: On that secc‘d point, the letter from the Department, of January 13, is more than ingenious: . it is elaborate, subtle and profound—a professional disserta tion, with the rare merit of teaching principles until now wholly unknown to military codes and treatises, and of