~~, 110TtNGDO - A• JOtRNAL 13Y JAMES CLARK VOL XIII, NO. 18. who dared to offer the last office of sell- , • Instances of Presentiment. lin the bar rooms, anywhere. I can talk eminent, under the influence of the party would be acceptable to us iii a time Sion to his King. At midnight the King 1 basic heard of several cases of peci. all day, only stopping for meals, and to ' Russian ambassador, refused to eel:- of peace. In the interest or passions of retired to bed, and slept peacefully until ' pie hurrying home from a presentiment ' wet my whistle. But parties is all alike. nowledge the French republic. , foreigners, France is desirous of resor five. At that hour he rose, gave his or fire; and Mr. M. Calderwoud was I've been on all sides—tried 'ens and I Additional precautions hare been tn- ' ving herself free froth the maintainance last instructions to his faithful V once when absent iron home seized with alet, know—none of 'chi gaVe Me anything, ken in ?settee to keep s ecure th e p e r so n :of the rights of all. as e are at peace , Clary, entrusted him with his last words such an anxiety about his family, that and I've n great mind to knock off and of Atl-el-Kadet, . and we are desirous of remaining on , ' to his wife and children, and the few . call it half a day." good terms of equality, not with this e without being in any way able to ac relics he had to distribute amongst them.ion the violent emeute tool( place at Madrid The people ; or that part of Greet Britain ; but entire. 'count for it, he felt himself impelled to ' the evening of the 26th. He wished to cut off his hdlg With his'l FOREIGN NEWS torttotl r d • them f the er tem an remote lem corn i and the soldiers fought in the etreets We believe this [idea to be tisef ul and own hands, and thus escape the degre-i ; honorable not only to Great Britain and house the were inhabiting one wing . from 7 o'clock in the evening until 4. in datioti of that operation on the scaffold ;, of which fell down immedia s tel after- •e - - --- • ' ---"-- • • the mornine, and a considerable number the French Republic, but tb the hermit but the guards refused his request, They • 19.11. RIVAL OF THE ACADIA. The ca „,„ race. Wu will not continit an act, we wards,—No notice of such a y tnisfor- were slain on both sides. feared he would use the scissors for his stord m e will not breathe tune had ever occurred to him, nor was % rive ...OS Later. ill not utter ulv ; • was said to be a republican inevement, I .. . own destruction, for they could not be- and it was wholly there any reason whateeer to expect it, unexpected. c ourt an insinuation at Vartence welt the prin • lieve that the mild and meek minded' the accident originating front sonic de- Commotions in Eutolie Increasing• martials have been held on 'natty of the ' ciples of the reciprocal invielnbility of King could dae received die on the scaflUld. nations which we have proclaimed; and feet in the foundation. A circumstaitce persons, but no executions took place. Louis thee the sacrpment, tit , Lamartine's Speech to the Repcalers exact' . similar to this, is related by Queen Christiana was said to have of which tlie continent of Europe is al , a small altar prepared in his chamber, Stilling of Professor Boem, teacher of BOSTON, April 23, 11 o'clock. fled during the conflict, and Cassivra, re" (1 )' gathering lb" fruit' and heard the lust service for the dead, The fallen mettarche had treaties and itiathematics at Marburg; who, being one The following is an abstract of the oe miostet i was :shot in the leg, and a while the noise of the people thronging- , diplomatists, out . .. diplomatists are aft ev evening in company, was sudden! sci-Mr.. Whitewell, an. English engineer, . the streets, and the rolling of the drums Iforeign Intelligence receivedby. . the twits, our . treatits are sympathies. NN e zed witha convictio n that he ought Y to Was killed, The City ott the 27th wits aunounced the preperations for the exe-Isteamship Acadia. should be insane were we thereby to ox- ffo 110 MC As, however, he was yes • declared to be in a state of siege: Trate ' ecution. At nine Sauturre came to:the -The general conunotion on the conti- , .. , change such diplomacy for unmeaning comfortably . takingten, ' and had polity has since prevailed, hitt the " temple, "You come to seek me," said ' • „ t du' home,hees'eted thenuatd-- neat of Europe has gone on increasing. Provinces are excited to an alarming • and partial alliances with even the most the King, As he said this lie entered w e . o . . .': • The intelligence respecting the insur- I legitimate parties in the countries which monition; but it returned with such force . . degree. Motasago and Messassara hnve , his little chamber, and brought out his 'Tenon in. Lombardy has been confirm- i surround tir, tee are hot competent eith th lengthhi' d • at at he was oesee to yield. both beend ' arreste by Narvaez. ____________ —______ last wtll, which he asked Santarre to 0 ee-- - . tt reaching his louse, tie mune every-n rortuga matters continue tranquil EXECUTION OF LOUIS XVI. take; the creature refused, and the King thine as he had left it ;but he now felt flintKatbend of the tug ofSardinia the ten at present. ' ems. By ehnouncing our partizanship deposited it in the hands °fencer the mu= e •an enemy of 30,000 troops crossed the ,of the cute side, we would declare emr himself urged to removehisbedrent f Sicily the Parliament constitte 1 In I is• All our readers are more or less remit- niciples who had accompanied him. For the corner in which it stood to another : ' Piedtnontese territory into Lombardy, fed, and fileseparationoftheisland , selves the enemies of the other. .We two hours the long precession was drag- , but, as as he passed the frontiers againstdo not wish to be the enemies of any of tar with the bloody scenes of the French but, as it had dlways stood there, he re- from Naples is complete. Sing its way through the streets of Pa- . Austria, and marched direct to Milan.— fellow countrymen. We wish on your„ Revolution, and doubtless will be inter- • • ststed this impulse also. However, the the Austrians , . 1 d d hedged • cis, every where minute an in . • lite Austrians defeated at every point, the contrary by a faithful observance of. cited in the following sketch from that with an imposing military farce, that resistance was tam ; absurdas itscene . • fled as he a renched and having sec- of Na f'abdicated tl ap es has altogether the the Republican p'edge, to remove all ' cd, he felt he must do it, so lie summon- PP e. * right over Sicily. ateftil drama : rendered every attempt at a rescue fruit- ' ee • • dress- the been driven front rarmtt, Por- prejudice which may naturally ex ' edema ]nail, and, with her aid, the . The advices * from Athens state that , the "On the 15th of January, the Conven. less. At last the carriage stopped at a - list between our makers and ourselves. bed to tun other side of the room ; after the Greek minister had resigned. Con tion proceeded to vote what the punish- spot between the gardens of the Tellies ' which lie felt quite at ease, and return- tablish themselves in the Nunces. dunitti had accepted the task of forming I . • ' This course; however, painful it may be rnent should be, death or banishment._ ins and the Chatnps Elysees. I the Italian duchies have burst out Ito spend the rest of the evening. with 1 . ' , a neW cabinet, 1 unposed upon us by tie law of nations; Every member advanced singly to the 'rho palace was lined with cannon, : ills' it friends. At ten o'clock the party into open insurrection, Modena and I ate Ins well as by our historical remembran- FRANCE. tribune, and openly gave his vote. For and the crowd reached as far as the eye mina are revolutionized, and Venice, i broke up, and he retired borne and went 11 des' forty hours the voting continued, during could see on every side. "This is the It o bed and to sleep. In the ' middle of' which has been dying daily since the The Weittided in the late revelation e- Do you know what it was most served Which time the galleries were crowded, place, is it not. whispered Lewis to his' the night he was awakened by a loud fatal 18th of January, 1798, now just eeived in the public hospitals of Paris ,to irritate France and estrange her front the bar of the Assembly beseiged with confessor, and then, with an air of the half a century, when the Austrians took was 638, namely 624. men, le women. , England during the first repub'iel It crash mid on looping out, he saw' that a! deputations, and the Jacobin club main- most perfect self possesion, descended I lac e ' beam had falle g n, In ' ingine art of possession of that city by virtue of the Of these up to the 19th there had been I ' was the cavil in a portion of our Cerrito- tanning the excitement by continued in- front the carriage and undressed himself ' the g ceiling with it, and was lyin D e p ezact- ' treaty of Campo Formoso, again shows discharged, cured and convalescent s 287, ! e _, e supported and assisted by Mr. Pitt. flamitory harrangues. As each of the without the aid of his executioners. The Ily on the spot his bed had occupied. One signs of life. and 98 died. 'lme now rctnains 53 It was the encouragement and the arms e I • more celebrated deputies proceeded to , men approached to pinion his arms. A ' , In Austria proper, everything seems 2.16 men and 7 women. 1 given to Frenchman as heroically as ' of the most remarkable cases of presen give his vote, the interest Was absorbing . momentary anger seized him as Ile ex- ! disosganized, and amidst the dietetic The 2d inst., being the day fixed by yourselves, but Frenchman fighting , titnent I know, is that which occurred but when Orleans (Louis Philippe's fade , claimed, "No, I will not submit to that,' not very lone since an board one of lier confusion which prevails, it is quite ims the Provincial Government for the re- against their fellow citieehs. This was i er) tottered to the apoitited place, w i t h 1 The executioners called for aid, and were . ina'esti's ships, when lying off Ports. possible to fix the hourly ehanging scene. caption of the Irish Republican, Mr. not honorable warffire. It was royal a face pale its dedth, ri silence perfectly ! about to use force. ' , Submit to this out ineitith, The officers being one day at It is anticipated that the Austrian Gen- Smith O'Bryan, and the other members propogancistit :edged e•itli French blood awful pervaded the hall, "Exclusively I rage,” said Edgeworth, "as the last young Lieutenant P. re- the mess table, a ! eral, Radilslcy, who is afraid to cutter of the confederation, went to the hotel ! against the Republic.' This policy is not governed by duty," said t h e u n h appy , semblance to that Savior who is about , suddenly laid dow hi:knife and fork, 1 Menthe for want of provisions, will be at half past 3 o'clock, to present their ; yet effimed from the memory of our me ts Unhappy ma, "and convinced reward pushed away Ile plate, tied turned eio' that all to rewd your sufferings." Louis yield- compelled to capitulate upon time appear- addresses. They were received by M : time This cause of dissehtion between those who have resisted the sovereignty i rd arid walked composedly to the rout tremely pale, hits thee, aroec from the : ance of the Sardinian troops. It is said De Lamartine. Besides the address of , Great Britain we Will never renew by of the people deserve death, my vote is of the scaffold.—As time King mounted table, covering his face with his hand. ' a disposable force will shortly be at the the Irish confederation addresses Were taking any sinister coarse. death." Another breathless silence sue• the steps he received the benediction of • and retired fr'oni the room. The pres • C_ command Of Charles Albert of not less presented by R. O'Gorman, Jr., from We accept with gfetilude the Offer of Ceecled the conclusion of the voting, , his confessor: "Son of Saint Louis, as dent of the mess, supposing"- him to be I than 250,000. With sucluan army, not the citizens of Dublin) tied Mr. MeDer- friendship frofff the tuttiefts iducluded in "Citizens," at length said Verginancl ("cut! to heaven." only will all Lotnbardy be liberated, but mot, frotn the Members of the Irish con- ' the British .empires drdently wishing ill, sent one of the young men to inquire the President, "I announce the result of ' Advancing to the edge of the scaffold, P. Austria may be threatened, even at the federation, resident in Liverpool. The 1 that justice t»ay found and strengthen the vote—there are 721, votes ; a major' . I . • the King si timed the drummers that what was the matter. At first Mr. I wet unwillne to speak; but, on being gates of Vienna. following is M. Lamarsine's reply: , the friendship of the races; the eglifili: ity,pf 26 have voted for death. In the I were placed there to prevent his words , pressed he confessed that lie had been ' Savoy has declared itself a Republic, Citizens of Ireland; if we require aty may become more and more its basis, name of the Convention, I declare that ' front being heard, and spoke these last , seized by a sudden and irresistable im- In Switzerland a strict neutrality fresh proofof the inteiligefiee of the pros- but while proclaimitig with you, with the punishment of Louis Caput is death." ! sentences to the people: "I die innocent pression that a brother he had in India . seems to be aimed at, and the levying lamation of the great Democratic prin- England, and With elf the liofy &Vibe Of Paralized at the very unexpected di- :of all that is laid to my charge; I par- , was dead. "He died," said he, "on the troops is discountenanced by the author. , ciple, this new Christianity bursting fraternity, we will Orform only acts of Vision, which had been occasioned by don the authors of my death, and pray 12th of August, at six o'clock; I ant per- , ities. fest!' at the epportune moment and dive brotherhood in confnemity with our feel- - the secession of their own party, the Gi- , Clod that my blood may never rest upon fectly certain of it." No arguments ' All the countries on the right bank of ding the world as fortncrly, a Christian ings towards the Irish Station. ronciists made but one more struggle, , France," He would have said more, but could overthrow this conviction, which the Rhine have been violently convulsed. and a Pagan community, we should as- I Paris wits quiet; died the last accounts and that was for a delay in the execution as his next Werds and you unhappy in due course of nest, was verified to the' At Baden, Wurtemberg and Saxony, suredly discern this proof of the orrinip- from Lyons announce the restoration of 'of the sentence. The vote had made ' PeoPle," were uttered, Santarre forced . letter. 'flue • liberal governments have been conceded otent action of en idea in the visits spon- tranquility in that City. bud died young manat , their opponents too strong for them, and : the drums to beat and drown his voice. • Cownpore, ut the precise period men , ;to the people, taneously paid in the city to Republican The election for officers of the Nation their last proposition was negatived by ln a moment the executioners seized . t ioned.—.3/rs, Ci•otee's .A'ieht Side of , tr i ump h In Hanover, the of the pope- France, and the principles which anis al Guards have, generally speaking, two-thirds of the. deputies. Fully pre- on their victim, he was forced under the ' .A''aeure. j far feeling has been complete. mate hcr, by the nations or by fractions to ist fafor of time Republican pared for his fate, the King received the axe, then came the clank of the fallen I _,..... 1 In Prussia, after the bloody scenes of the nations of Europe. We are not candidates. . result of the vote with unshaken firm- iron, and the deed was done,"' • Which took place in Berlin, the King has astonished to see to day a deputation The Viceroy of the Emperor of Aus. i The used up Politician—Something Appropti , ........ ness. "For two hours," said he, "Males- I put himself at the head of the German froth Ireland. Ireland knows deeply tria, who fled from Milan, was at 80l- A Ctenevmee ACCUSED OF MbiIDERING , , pH:tie , herbe, 1 have been revolving in my mem- . Confederation and remises eitensite her destinies, her sufferings, and her ogne on the 29th ult., waiting the issue HIS WIFE.—The Boston Mail, of Mon- The following sketch of a or whether, during my whole reignel "• I •lsed al ) ' constitutional reforms. At the same I, successes tttltance in the pitch of soli- of events. day, brings us the record of a number Politician" is not inappropriate, at this , . td I voluntarily given any cause of corn- time he has plunged headlong into n die , ! glints liberty, of unity, an a l of constitte ! The 'Milanese have sent an iithiress ta plaint to my subjects; with perfect cin- of cases of horrible and demoniac de- , time. It is from the pen of the late 30- mite with the Danes, respecting the . tional equality with which the other acts Pepe Pres IX ; they ascribe to the Pon- Ipravity, the details of which 'Would fill soh C. Neale cerity I can declare, when about to tip. , long contested affairs of the Dimities of of the 'United Kingdom have et ell tiii:es I ;ff aft the honor of the emancipation of Il a volume of horrors unparalleled in enor- pear before the throne of God, that'l de- Peter Brush was in a dilapidated eon , Holland and Schelro, which by force he , moved the heart of Europe. We said Italy. unity. A correspondent of the Mail , serve no reproach at their hands, and dition—oat at elbows, out at knees, out , seems determined to detach from Den- as much a few days ago to another dep- , In England and Ireland the greatest writhig from Canaan, N. H., April 8, that I never formed a wish but for their at pockets, and out of spirits, and out in mark, On the other hand is exaspera- ; utation of your fellow citizens. We excitement exists. Lord John Russell states )thel there on the preceding happiness.'the street—an 'out and outer" in every ting the Autocrat of Russia to the high- ! snid as much to all the children of that ,re d•h 14 fC I peate in t e ouse o °melons on day of Rev. Mr. Dudle • a Baptist . • . On the 20th of January, Santarre, with , . 3 , respect, He sat upon the curb-stone, est bounds of passion by eneottraging ; glorious Isle of Erin, which the ►natural Monday tun, his previous declaratiot e , clergyman of some note in those parts, a deputation of the municipals, read theleahitig his head upon his hand, his el- the Pules to erect an itidepcndent gov' ' genius of its inhabitants, and the stri- [lira the ivhole weight of the govern in charge of nu officer, to undergo an sentence to Louis. 110 received it with bow being placed on a stepping stone. eminent in the Duchy of Posen. king events of its history render eget& went should be applied to the minket examination for the murder of his wife the same firmness as before, and asked Mr. Brush and for sometime been silent, : All Silesia, Breslaw and Lithuania ;ly symbolical of the poetry and heroism ance of order, and to put down di s .nt. in the neighboring town of Grnfton, a respite of three days to prepare for absorbed in deep thought, which he re- appear to be in an alarming state of con- 'of the nations of the North. Rest amt. isfuction .and rebellion. At the ti me deaths, the solace of an interview with about five weeks since. The letter lieved at intervals by spitting through avulsion. It is rumored that 50,000 Cos- red, therefore; that you will find in, time his lordship expressed the sincere' his family, the consolations of a priest, say's t his' teeth, forlornly into the gutter. At sacks suddenly appeared at Tilsit, and France under the Republic a response desire of both his colleagues and Lord ~ The facts connected with this horri "The convention would not accede to the length, heaving a deep sigh, he spoke : in the state of excitement in which the ,to the sentiments which you expect to. Clarendon especially, to listen to can• ble charge, as I have been able to collect request for a respite; the hour of the" They used to tell the—pat not your Emperor is at the moment, should the ' ward it. T e ll y ou r fellow citizens that plaints and to apply a remedy or allevd• f About h hem, are these : out the middle o the following morning was irrevocably t trust in princes—and I hav'nt. None King of Prussia waver, the consequen- the name of Ireland is synonymous with I Mimi to any distresses or evils which Rev. Mr. Dudley took his wife 'fixed for the execution ; the other de• .larch,of 'em ever wanted to borrow nothing of ces army be serious. The Emperor him- the mune of liberty, courageously defers- ex i s t. out to ride, . and after an absence of a s , . mends they granted. From that timeme, and I never see any df them to bor- self is vi go r o u s an d decided. He is tied against privilege; that it is one cons- The accounts from leeltied are More couple of hours he returned to his house, the King seemed resigned and tranquil. row nothing of them. Pritte.es! pooh! sa id t o h ave or d ere d e v e ry man in Rus- mon name to every French citizen. Tell • merracierg then ceer. The studeOts in bringing back the lady a corpse. lo ex "bid they suppose 1 could be base . put it not in politicioners! 'fliem's my sian Poland, between the ages of 18 and them that this necessity which they ire Trinity College are eoMineneing in des planation of the tragedy, ho told the' enough to kill myself i said Louis, whensentiments. There's no. two Mediums 35 to be removed into the interior of ' yoke; that this reciprocity which they fence of the government; and the mem; family . that the sleigh upset, throwing.. they removed the knives at dinner, "labout that. Hav'tit I been screitig my I Russia. are not oblivious to, the Republic will be i bets of the Royal Dublin Society are his wife 'violently against a stump, and am innocent, and can die without appre- country this five years, like a patriot; ' Russia is concentrating a vast army proud to remember and to practice ova- following their example. Additional causing her death upon the spot. Heat , 'tension." At half past eight in the going to meetings and Inizzaing my day in Southern Russia, which we should rinbly towards the Irish. Tell them troops from England are arriving. The once proceeded to t make a efin witl evening the Queen and her children en-, lights out, and getting as blue as bl it zes; deem s ufficient t o cr u s h any attempt to ' above all that the French republic is not I Repeaters in the city art equally ever= his own hands, tint with as little assist tered the King's department. 'The scenes i hav'nt I . blocked windows, got licked erect a Republic in that division of the ' and never will be an aristocratic goeette; ' gamic, and are being firmly eupported in that ensued during those two hours, the ance as possible placed the body in it. I rat , times, carried I dont know how Empire. The Emperor has issued a man- ment, in which liberty is merely abused I the Provinces. two last hours of their united lives, can- I The funeral was conducted with haste, I , iaa -' ity blank eyes, and broken noses for hese", !as the mask of privilege, hut a republic • At a meeting 614 in Kilkenny four and marked by a total absence of all de- . net be described. At ten the King rose , the good of the Commonwealth and pu. lit Denmark n o a c tu a l hostilities had cid - tracing the entire community and se- delegates have been appointed to the' cent preparation and display. the parents, bleseed their poor son, nod rity of legal rights and all for what I , taken place in regard to the Duchies curing the saline r i g ht s and the same council of three hundred, admitably in sought to seperate for the night. et „ell I The version he gave of the mahner of Why, for nix. If any good has come . which declared digit Independence.— benefits. As regards other encourage- I defence of the law. The Mayor and Ili, wife's death appears at first to passe sea you to-morrow in the morning at ' out of it, the country has put the whole , But the Danes are preparing their fleet moms it would neither be expedient for three magistrates are the delegate el l e: eight o'clock," said the King, as his I been credited ; but the manner of lien l of It in her pocket, and swindled me out , fur offensive and defensive operation , . its to hold them eta nor for you to re- sere it was recommended at this owe. children clung around him, with tears burial, and something peculiar in the , of my earnings. I can get no office. Re- I and as it is in excellent conditioe and ccive thefts. I have already expressed ling that this council should assemble and shrieks. "Why not seven 1" ex- conduct of the hustuind after the Tuner-1 'publics is ungrateful! I didn't want no I would inflict incalculable injury on Rus- the s ame o pinion with reference to Ger- ,at Liverpool in order to keep within the claimed they all. "Well, then, seven— I 1 n A , aroused the . suspicions of foul play. I reward for my services. lonly want to ' sian commerce, if actual war takes many, Belgium and Italy, and I repeat i limits proscribed by the Convention At the suggestion of several of the de at seven—adieu !"be took good mire of, and have nothing place, both Countries hesitate as to 'it with reference to every nation which act. It was expected that Dublin would ceased's friends, the lady teas disinter .So mournful was the accent with which It d 13eing took care of was the main which shall strike the first blow. lis involved in in'tdrifal disputes, which be placed under the operation of' the Louis uttered these words, that the chil- red in the early part of this week, ani . 1 o e. 'thing. Republicans is ungrateful, I'm 1 Hanover is preparing an army to .is either d?vided against itself or at va- recent arms act, and that the vast span; a council of physicians held a post mor t • dreg redoubled their lamentations: anti 1 s waggered if they ainti I love my come march in fairer of the German side of rience with its government. W here there' tities of pikes which have been so axe tam examination upon it. Princess Royal fell fainting at her fade The resift try, and I wanted au office—l did'nt care the quarrel in Belgium. Attempts to is a difference of race, where nations arc tensively purchased will be required to was a unanimous opinion ainong er's feet.• With one tender embrace to the what, so it was fat and easy, I wanted overthroee the government er to create alien in blood, intervention is not allow- be given up. The provinces especially medical men , that the deceased te ar each beloved one, the King tore himself to take care of itty country; and I wan- disturbance's have failed. , able. We belong to no party in Ireland in the south of Ireland appear Vs emu from his agonize ' d family. 'Flue rest of str"fig,/ , ' ll 1 tel my country to take career me. Head •. •• Belgium end Holland are comparative- ,or elsewhere, except to that which con- late Dublin in the violence of the throats the evening was devoted to his confessor re-Error husk: an empty heed epos' ; ' work is the trade Pm for—tenting, that's ly tranquil. tends for Justice, for Liberty and for the and intimidations used by the Repeat the Abbe Edgeworth, that heroic priest ,as poison does un empty etuniach, imy line: Talking in the oyster cellars, It is reported that the Turkish got- happiness o f the Irish people., No other , party and the rest-. and indeed it le POETICAL. RELIGION. The mariner when tempest driven, Upon a dark and mutiny sea, Lifts up his troubled eye to Heaven, In hope that titers some guide may be. And if perchance soma trembling star Shine softly through the gloom of night, He hails its radiance from afar Blessineits mild celestial light. Thus when o'cr life's tumuli°. surgo We struggle on, through gloom and care, While storms of grief and angukh tugo Our troubled spirits to despuir. bh, than, in that benighted hour, Ono guide bath God in mercy given, Shining with mild. benignant power, To light our weary souls to Heaven. RELI011.1? , thy holy bean, That diesipatea each cloud of gloom B tightens and amens lifv's troubled dream t And shade a halo round the tomb. MISCELLANEOUS. `CORRECT PRINCIPLES.-SUPPORTED BY TR UTILI HUNTINGDON, PA., TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1848, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR WHOLE NO. e4O,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers