MARBLE WORK. HE. attention of gentlemen desirous of pun:ha l_ sing MARBLE MAN7'ELS,NIONUNIENTS 0. STATUARY, is requrated. The S'obacribera. having been engaged in the Meade business for the lain thirty years in Phila• delphis, and haring manufactured work for almost every part of the Union. can refer to all r. ho have favored them with their custom, and to theirwork, fconsiderabl • of which has been put Il in this place.', They hone always on hand it f ull aupply of Marble, Mantels, and new and original Denigne lin Monumental nd other work. copier of which, with prices, will be forwarded. work shipped in insured flout break age._ They can refer to on Mercantile hotter in Phil •delpbis hr standing and character as win kmen. JOHN STRUTH ERS & SON, No. 380 High St reel, Philo. 71sreh 7. 1848-3 m. Beware of Counterfeits. N. B.—There is nothing in their line which . they do not furnish, either domestic or implied. l / CU U E FOR CON SU M PI'ION. .4 1 2 .411 TA ER if .I.IrTED • 7,000 Cases of obstinate Pulmonary Com -1 N the Wholesale & Retail Hardware Trade, the . .. plaints Cured in One Year ! ,_._, cc , c ,„ . a . oe ,. c , ,-, .1 Stock of which is new and recently selected. ' q. .c 4 444 c 4 c. 4 (4 (...4 L....} This is deemed an opportunity seld o m to be met with for an active person from the interior of the WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. State, wh r has some knowledge of the Gernian ' The Great Jmerican Remedy for Lung Language, end also a good country acquainiancr. Complaints and all affections of the The amount of Cash Capital required would lie • tram $2OOO to $3OOO. Respiratory Organs. A person with the above requisites and a par- ; Th e E i ght h pr ou d er o r t h e :iiislinow'etige of the bit/incr., with satisfactory ; It ()rid I reference., by early application to No. 1271 North , 3d St., or at Eagle Hotel, Col. Webb, will meet , 1 lAN V who hsve witnessed the extraordinary with attention. 1 1 111 cores effected by the genuine Wistar's Bal. PhilaJelphinfel)29.'4ll. I ram of Wild Cherry seem disported to regard it I es the Eighth Wonder of the Work(! i •• Why,' say they r r•ihe Wild Cherry Bark -- and the Iceland Moss, (the two thief ingredients John Stone dt Sons, of this wonderful compound,) hate been prescri ineonvE. AND DEALUDS IN bed front time immemorial by the best physii inns —but, never, before have cures so extraordinary Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goode, ' hero ptrformed." ' No. 45 South Second street, ! The reuse. is obvious. The proprietor' of \Vie ' PHILADELPHIA,tar'. Balsam of Wild Cherry do not ch im for 1 their highly celebrated article any far-fetched, toys- Have received by the late arrival. from France, merlons,.l iraeul s power. T he - have openly (chiefly of their own importation,) a new end ... K wledged the simple nature of its in g redients , very rich assortment of and only claim for their great and invaluable ells-, Spring . 1 11illinery Goods, ' covery the exclusire secret of To which they will constantly he making addi- ' l -'sTH AT JUDI:IOUS CONIBINATION,p) 'vegeinbie Ciajvcrsall rills, nom. They have now in Store— efilke for caring bonnets, of all prim. !of ingredients which go to make up this richest The only known Medicine that at the same Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, a beautifill of curative compounds. time purges, purifies and strengthens assortment. ; The most skillful end scientific physicians now/ the syst. Plain Menton and Satin Ribbons, all width,. : presciibe thin medicine in their practice; while L em s, July 7, 1840. French and American Artificial Fowere,in great I neglected Doctor., of little pi actice, and mean con variety. ' traded initial. although they do all their CUII6II ' Til. LE ROY'S Pills are a new medicine which Paris Chip Hats. spirits can do to instate this—the people's favorite -if has just appeared, and is feet inking the places r'rapes, Crape Liuee. medicine—they are at the sainetime compelled to of all others of the some close. These P ills ore Fancy Rennet and Cap Nets. acknowledge its innocent qualitiee• comprised of many ingredients, but the two prineb. Trimming Leen., Face Trimmings. NVe know the medicine is us emcees, and all , pal ones are Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry, eo uni- Bitekrams, Willow, Crown., Tope, &c.. &r. die world is witness that the medicine tulles. ted that they act together; the one, through it And all articles needed for the Millinery 'Frail, A very important disease over which thin Bed- admix are with other substances, purifying and • The attention of Merehnnte and Milliner. tam exerts a powerful influence, is that of a Dis- Purging, while the other is etrengthening the sys visiting the city in particularly requested to our .A.ll Liven. In this complaint it has undoubt- I arse opening a Desideratum long and eagerly tem. Thus those pillsrore at the same time tonic / .; stock, as it will be found far more extensive than oily proved more ellicaciouv than any oi l ier rem that of any other house in out line, and the prices city employed. The use of this Balsam restored! sought for by medical men, but never before die more moderate. the !Aver to healthy action, and in many cam,s ef- covered. In other words they do the work of twe inerch2l-1848. leered permanent cures, after Mdicury and every i medicine., and do it much better then any two we other remedy had failed. I know of; for they remove nothing from the system 17(7211AVING & blelllNGll.. I A n o mms in a complain, in w hi c h thi s Mi nim , I Ina the impurities; so that while they purge they has been extensively seed, and with perfect success i ." 0 3 ,1 1eD; and hence they cause no debilitation, rPH E subscriber, residing two mites east of Shit , in proof of which read the following important and are follow, dby no re.action. Dr. Le Roy 'e 1, leysburg, in the shop formerly (recut led by letter from Georgia. : pills hove a wonderful influence r n the blood ; they David Long, wishes to inform the public that Ile We are daily receiving testimony like the fol. , not only purify without weekening it, but they re seal carry on the lowing from the North, South, East end West. ' move all noxious particles from the chyle befoicit Coverlet 11'V/eying Mews. Reese & Wore: Gentlemen—l w o o ' is• converted into fluid, and thus make impure a ffli cte d soh Asthma f i ,,,f,,,,.,,,,, Nearcan d h a d blood an utter it - 40..4141'1y. As there is no debilb I n all itsvarious branches. Aleo—Carpeting, fried every remedy in th e eounlry. I had also itation, so there iv ,no nausea or sicknees attending birthing & Ingrain. Alan, D evary va r ietyr : - 'been to several physicians and found no relief' the operations of this inost excellent of medicines ehadee of colour. Having " 3 " e d a term of "iv " 1 , w h a t ever , 0 woo o tr ec i e d an fin oo go severely, that which never strains or tortures the digestive funcs years with paid Long, he assures the public that the blood would gush from my nose, on d my i tions,but causes throb to work in a perfectly nntur ha understands the above business. and by strict breathing was difficult. Indeed, the disease hid ial Plattner, ; and hence persons taking them do not Attention he hopes to merit a liberal share of pub- . gained so much on my health that I despaited of ; I."'" pale and emaciated, but the contrary ; for tic patronage. For the accommodation of ensto ever getting well, when I chanced to et a bottle I while it is the property of the Sarsaparilla, united inv., work will be taken in at Fisher end MeMtir of Wistar's [litigant of Wild Cherry iv e liich e ffe c t-, a 8 it in with other ingredients, to remove all that is rrie's Store, Huntingdon; at Kessler'ir Store, 01111 ~ ~ .• ' to per feet ens , e , an d I now consider ti , foreign and impure, it is equally the property of Creek; at Jacob Eby's, Path Vallee. snood. This can be proved by numbers of the Wild Cherry to retain all that is natural and mh7-3m.) V 1 M: KEEFER. i reetlY .. • men in Franklin county and vicinity, and I think mottioll and hence a robust state of health is the , it my duty to let it be known. I certain result of their united operations. Administrators' Notice. THOMAS A. PATRICK. I '(CI tiles 25 Cer,lN per BOX. Estate of Esther Clarke, late of the, Franklin co., Ga., Vol, 19, 1846. AGENTS.—T. Read tic Son, Swoops & 4 41% - -..iwg4 of II r,..:- - , - 3sraNci MILLINERY GOODS. borough of Huntingdon, dercositi , • NT, MICE is hereby given that Letters . (13 , -Read the following from Dr. Jacob of Administration on the estate of , Hoffman, a physician of extensive prac- Said dec'd, have been granted to the un- title in Huntingdon county : • dersiged. All persons knowing them- Denr Sir :—I procured one bottle of ' selves indebted to said estate are re- I Dr. Wistur's Balsam of Wild Cherry, quested to make immediate payment,ifroni Thomas Read, Esq., of this place, and those having claims or demands and tried it in a case of obstinate Asth against the same, to present them; duly ma on a child of Panl Schweble, in which authenticated, for settlement to • many other remedies had been tried ANNIE C. CLARKE, Adm'x. ; without any relief. The balsam gave ARTHUR H. CLARKE Adm . r.. sudden relief, and in my opinion the child it effectually cured by its use. ]ours, &.c., JACOB HOFFMAN, M. D. Dec. 23, MIL Prier $1 per bottle—six bottles for $5. For sale by .1, D. PARK, • (successor to t'unford & Park,) eineirinstti. General Agent for the . West. All orders ad dressed to kiln wit' receive prompt o!riltion. REED & SON, Huntingdon; Mrs. Mary Orr, Hollidaysbure• ; Morris & NicodemuS, Martinsburg. Cheapest in the World ! Steam Refined Sugar Candies, 12i CU per pound, irholesale. T J. RICHARDSON. No. 42 Merkel, Street, I PHILATILPILIA, take, pleasure in itiforinitig the publie, that he still confirm, to sell his very Superior Steam Refined Candy et the low price of $12.50 per 100 pounds. and the quality is equal to any tuanufactured in the United States Ile also offers all kinds of goods in the Coulee- , Canary and fruit hue at corresponding low p ice.. as quick sales end entail profits are the or. , der of the day. Dell or eenrl your orders, end you cannot fail to he satieGetl. Don't forget the number, 42 Market Street, Philadelphia. J. J. RICHARDSON marel37'4B.3m. J. PEROT. C. J. HOFFMAN. SANSOM PEROT. ' Perot, Roffman dc Co. Forwardinig awl General Committriort merchants, No. 41 Noah Wharves and 83 North Wrocr Sired, TITTLADELPIIIA, Are prcpared to receive and forward Gorda to all points on the Juniata. with romptiteeg Roil des. patch. at as low rate:, of freight as any other Hew. . . . Plaster and anti anna'antly on hand, fur rale et the lowest market rates. . _ l.oerel erlvener.r ingdr on l'redn , e. Reftrences- , Dutith & Humphrey r. F. anklin PIM' a, co • Lea. l'unker & Co.. Barclay & Kennedy. Philadelphia ; Robed. Thompion, Tboorprontown ; R. C. Gallaher. Mifflintown ; J.l.t 3. Milliken, F. MeCov end 0. P. Duncan, Lewistown ; Lloyd & GralL Hollidaysburg ;John Porter. Alexandria; Irvin, Green & Co., Mill Greek. mirth 21-1148. Sohn W. Thompson, Sohn Scott, jr., i AT'fORNEY AT LAW, A.. TTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.— WILLIAMSBURG, PA., _a H removed his o ffi ce to the middle room of 8.. e. w „ dirwly oppos i te Fi s h er &LY.T. attend to all legal business entrusted to store, where he milt attend with promptness A T him in Blair and Huntingdon counties.— and fidelity to all business:, with which he may b e Communications from a dieting, will receive the entrustedin Huntingdon orthe adjoiningoounties moat prompt attention. ItAtingdon Sept.tl3,lB.lii. feld .11)..111.VIST12.1TORS' NOTICE. Estate of William .llcKee, late of Jackson township, deceased. IETTERS of administration having 1 been granted to the undersigned on said estate, 41 persons having elaimt against the same are requested to present them for settlement, and those indebted are requested to make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. to 14.-6t.] JOHN OAKS, .Ithar. m. & J. M. ROWE, mum & WOODEN WART : SPORE, .."Vo. 03 orlh Third Street, Oire door above Arch. oast aide, PHILADELPHIA, Manufacturers & Wholesale Dealere in ell kinds of Brooms, Brushes, Buckets, Cedar Ware.— ' Willow and French Baskets, Shoe and Wall Brushes, Scrubs, Dusters, Mats, Blacking, L•'ast ern-made Woodcn•ware of every description, &e. &c., at the lowest market prices. MANLY ROWE. JOHN M. Rt)WE. MArch 7,'48 Not for n Day but fur All Time STANTON'S EXTERNAL REIVED HUNT'S LINIMEN T, IT AS now given abundant evidence of its heal -1.1 ing powers, and proved itself the most extra urilinary and wonderfCll medicine in the world. In the short space of two ye-us. it has acquired n reputation for curing disease and relieving pain far greater than any medicine ever discovered. Its wonderful cures have astoniahed the Medical Fac ulty, who now universally concede ire gloat value. They speak of it itt the highest terms, and corn mend its use. It i• condemned by none. On the contt ary, ifs iita . Be is universal. The cases of cures are sonu morons that it would take voiunies to recount them; and it in a fixed fact, and is not disputed, that as a Pan R.utraetor it has no equal. For the many astonishing cures, see the pamphlet, to he had of each agent. Ifyou puffer with either of the diseases for which it is recommended, resort at once to its use and be cured. For the following diseases it is an infallible : Spinal affections, Rheumatism, Paralysis and all Nervous affections,Salt Rheum, Croup or Hives, Ague in the Breast and Face, Weakness of the Joints, Colds; Toothache, Sore Throat and Quinsy, Ulcerated Sores, Indolent Ul cers, Burns, Frosted Feet, Corns, Bunyons.4resh Wounds, Swellings and Bruises, Scrofulous Affections, Musquito Bites, and Poisons. (o.This Liniment is sold by all the respectable Merchants and Druggists throughout the country, and by the Proprietors st_Sing GEORGE E.STANTON', AGENTS. -T. Read & Son, Huntingdon; B. F. Patton. Warrhirsmark ; James Clark, Birming ham; J. R. Hunter & Co., Petersburg; Milliken & Kessler, Mill Creek; A. O. Brown, Shirley.- burg , 'l'. E. Orhison ef Co., Orbisonia ; Blair & %Nation, Cromwell township; A. C. Blair, Clays ville. Aug. 24,1847-3 m. DR.LE Roy's riea, Huntingdon ; W. W. Buchanan. Milner and Kessler, Mill-Creek; Vii. Hatfield &INtn,Juni ata Iron Works; Porter & Bucher, Moore & Swoope, H. C. Walker, Alexandria; 11.14.8teird: Waterstreet. [Aug. 31,'47. Lumber! Lumber! LL kinds af Lumber may be had at A Thomas Maize's Saw Mill, situate nn Meshanon's Creek, twenty miles from mouth of Spruce Creek, and five miles this side of Philipsburg. All descrip tions of stuff, used for .railroads, build ings, &c., such us Spruce, Ash, Pine, Locust and White' Oak, sawed to order and furnished at the shortest notice jylS,'4B.] THOS. MAIZE. PRIVATE . SALE. subscriber oilers fo: sale a tract 1 of laud situated in Tyrone township, Blair county, three miles from Tyrone Forges, containing One hundred and ten 4cres, the principal part Limestono Land, in a high state of cultivation, with wa ter in all the fields except one; a Foun tain Pump at the barn, and running water at the house. The improvements are—Two Dwelling Houses, a .. good Bank Barn and Stable; a i $ Cabinet Makers' Shop, Wagon House, Carriage House, Cider Mill, and other out-buildings, all sub stantial and in good repair. Also, a new Draw Kiln for burning Lime. ! There is also on this form an Orchard of Two Hundeed ./lpp 4740 Trees nearly all of the very best grafted fruit. [a— The Central Railroad will puss within three miles of the above proerty. JAMES E. STEWART. Nov. 30, 1847-6 m. nnucpsswaalal CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, 140 152.4 MARKET STREET, • Philadelphia. The aubicriher respectfully solicitethe attention of Country Merchant. and Dealers generally to an examination of a complete block of READY-MADE CLOTHING Inch for extent. veriely and workmanship, lie flatters himself will give universal satisfaction, while hi• reduced scale of prices presents to pur chasers inducements which cannot be surpassed by any other establishment in the United States. JACOB REED. Philadelphia, merch7.3m. ITS WORKS PRAISE IT. , Blood, a e t i t i d tu r r e e n d in those impurities which .,ie bn i e n t i Birrns, Scalds and all kinds of inflamed , toady ' will effectually, in the system whatever in, sores cured. purities may pace been discharged into the stem- TOUSEY'S UNIVERSAL OINT- ac i, ; an d h ence they MENT, is the most complete I Strike at the Root of Diaease, Burn Antidote ever known. It instant- Remove all tin pure humors; open the pore. es ly (and as if by Magic,) stops pains .of ternally and inta mslly ; promote the Ineensible the most desperate Burnsand Scalds. Perspiration, obviate Flatulency. Heada'clie, die., For old sores, bruises, cute and sprains aspirate all foreign and obnoxious particle. frOm . t . l!e ea c r l t iyle tu lcure a n f d ree Li e t n e d r, h a e n e d lth t v h e r c t i .b ion , to th, th re e &c., on man or beast, it is. the best op plication that can be made. Thousands health ti ever ' when a all other means havefaTted. have tried, and thousands praise it. It The entire truth ache above can he ascertained is the most perfect master of pain ev- ! by the trial of a single hox ; told thLir virtues are er discovered. All who use, ree s o o n o; arLppoiaieittiovie b t h i:e h r i t in ai: el i f n t r:a r t t. o t r u i r n i , , H l, e c a in itt s i i l e n y tt ii i i i4 mend it. None can tell how some of the family will need it. for them in all cases.vvhere they do not give uni• . versa' satisfaction. (r 7" Observe each box of the rnui n e ; Retail Price, 25 cts. per Pot, 1'6.44 office No. no Veacy St., New to& Ointment has the name of S. '1 'user S cr old it h e i in H l rr b i c a r b u p r r g . , e by v. D . . c R i ;r o l l( ) i e ri n s e o , n is M ti J o:h i : i t: ti t .. written on the outside label. To imitate i this is forgery. of ant i !: lie li nt t r h o : l i,l ed them is Boatmen, Livery men, FarMers, and tor or Sugar Coated Title, and that nothin g of the all who use horses, will find this Oint- rri"7- ' Bl:,r I p .card, ment the very best thing they can use June, nek for elickene u r r ' e s ' 47;,, Coated v ' t.,;(l7;l: l ;i7i: for collar galls, scratches , kicks, &c , and take no others, or they will be made the vi, &c. &c., on their animals. Surely, ev- n ut , of a f rau d, . cry merciful man would keep his ani- ' .AARNTB.—T. K. SIMONTON, Hun. coals as free front pain as possible.—' tingdon, .has. Clark, Birmingham, .1. R. Tousey's Universal Ointment is all that Cox, 0. 1-1. Steiner, Waterstreet, Moore is required. Try it. . • & ; Swope, Alexandria, A. & N. Creswell, Bites of Insects.—For tine sting or bite Petersburg, Orlady & Patterson, Wil - of poisonous insects, Tousey's Onit. Banishing, Royer &• Co., Springfield ment is Unrivalled. Hundreds have Furnace, M. Thompson, Doncansville, tried and found it good. I J. M. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg, Jas. Con. Piles Cured ! —For the Piles, Tout (iron, Frankstown. sey's Universal Ointment is one of that -*-- Ask the Sneerer best Remedies that can be applied. All : FROM who have tried it for the Piles recent- , A iii T II RI A mend it. ' what ha. relieved lilts in such abort time femur Old Sores Cured.—For old, obstinate his difficulty of breathin g , Cough and suflirea sores, there is nothing equal to Ton- tiara 1 tie win tell you it was ~ the pl. - sey's Ointment. A person in Manlius • surmise, oi All Healing Balsam." had for a number of years, a sore leg : Ask the Constrinptive what hie that baffled the skill of the doctors.— : ailayed his Cou g h, remo- Tousey's Ointment was recommended , c veil the Pain in his Side and heat, checked his night sweets and by one of the visiting physicians, (who placed the rose of health upon his cheek knew its first virtues,) and two boxes • and he will tellyou ..BsEitm.,s'a th.ea.,o,,lAN, produced more benefit than the patient Os had received from any and all previous A L L-H EAL I N G BAL S A 111. remedies. Let all try it. : /telt your friends if they know of any thing that Burns anal Scalds Cured.—Thotisands i 1 i i i i i ,71.7 1 , 1 i i ,0 1) :0 3 " . 1" , ::2 7 ,1 7 . t 5 _ , te : I ,i n'' ,. : . : i rk. of cases of burns and scalds, in all parts lion, 1 - 1 (o.r,orie„., Influenza, and ) li t : , ;: e . " o , T i l i : of the country, have been cured by Throat, as the 01o...onion' and they will tell' int Tousey's Universal Ointment. Certi- —No. There never yet has been a remedy n . 1.1 - o• ficates enough can be had to fill the , dace , ' 10 public notice whit:lllms been produrth whole of this sheet. ; of so much good in so short a specs of time. Reed Violent Bruises Cured.—Testimonials 'l'l°l owing • li.! at:ELL-15, on testimonials, in favor of Tottsey's . , ASPONISIIING . CFRES. • id, o. Bon ii, the celebrolMl Bolsi. cracker baker, ritIYSSOIS, PUraSOlei/CS, Ointment for curing bruises, have been. 98 Nassau street,nrooklyn. states that his wife line AND ' offered theproprietors. Hundres in been afflicted with Asthma for :30 year., end could WALKING CANE UMBRELLAS, , SVrileUS will certify to its great merits not find permanent relief from the best medical ed. in relieving the pain of the most severe vice which New York and Brooklyn could produce. , was induced to try this great remedy. She i. new Wll//. H. RICHARDSON . bruise. All persons should try it. 5TE.4.11 F./1C TO kY, ' I Scald Head Cured.—Sores or cases of nearly %"11* His "uglikr. who w. suili , iol/ from the mime disease, tried it, end was al: o cute d The only one in the united stale,, I scald head have been cured by Tousey's by it. Mrs. Bond le now so well dint she in rib e 1 Ointment. Try it—it seldom fails. No. 101 Market Street, Philadelphia. to ciao from her bed earl in the mornin g a , d at- Ito. Rheum . Cured.—Of all the rem- tend to her mind duties throu g h the day without A TERC H ANTS are respectfully infinined that edies ever discovered for this most dis- ' any annoyance from her diem...sing melody. Al I continue to are the above goods Hexer J ACKSON, 13th street, near the Cobol's agreeable complaint, by the aid of Meant, notwithstanding the great op- i u utrv, came to the store for thr purpose .4 el .- position of punt.e opposed to the introduction of int, 'fousey's Univer- _ cm sal Ointment is the most complete. ...a taining'a bottle of the Olosoanian. having been expulsive improvements. My assortment is cam- was never known to fail. Afflicted with the Asthma foe more theft au wt.., plot., and prices so low, as to give en ti re aatialac- 1 C hoped Mends can be C ure ou d.—'r p i am was HO exhausted on his arrival that he ,mild tion. _! sey's Universal Ointment will always not speak. He purchase) a bottle end cud,. I, .. . CHEAP WATCHES & JEWELRY T the" Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry . .. Stoic," No. 96 North Sec- ‘ l '. 7- .: .‘' j , + end Street.corner of Quer- r) L\ ~ itC, ry. Gold Lever Watches, ,0 ,„ ' full jewelled 18 carat caves e: ..._. .. . and gold Dial, 40 00 Silver Lever Watches full jeweled, 20 00 Silver Patent Lever Watches, seven jewels, 18 00 Silver Lepine Watches, jeweled , 12 00 Quartier Watches 8 00 Imitation Quartier Watch., 6 00 -- Gold .Spectacles, 7 00 Fine Silver Spectacles, 1 50 Gold Bracelets with Topes Stoneq, 3 50 Gold Pens with silver Pencil and Holder, 125 Ladies Gold Pencils, 1 75 Silver Tea-spoons, from 50 per set to 000 Gold Finger-Rings, from 373 , cents to 00 00 Watch-Glasses:—Plain, 12i eta; patent ItU Lunet 25 ;other Articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for. On hand some Gold and silver Levers, Lepines and Quartiers lower than the above prices. Constantly on hand, an assortment of Silver Ta ble, Desert, Tea Salt and Mustard. Spoons, Soup- Ladles, Sugar-Tongs, Napkin-Rings, Fruit and Butter Knives, Thitnbles, Shields, Knitting Nee dle Cases and Sheaths, Purse and Reticle Clasps, —Thosilyer warranted to be equal to American Coin. Also a great variety of Fine Gold Jewelry, con sisting in part of Finger-Rings of all styles, set with Diamond, Rubys, Etneral Torquise, Topaz Garnet, Cornell., Jasper, Cope May, Amethyst and other stones. liresstspins and Bracelets of all styles set with Stones. and' Cameos and Ena melled; Ear-Rings of all styles; Gold Chains of all styles and ofthe finest quntity, together with all other articles in the line, which will be sold unusu ally low, wholesale and retail.—Also Matins Light ning-Rod Points, by the dozen or single one. 0. CONRAD. Walehmalerr 4 Jeweller N. IL—On hand M.J. Tobias & Co's. beet quality fulljewelled, l'atent Lever Movements, in 18 Carat Gold Cases. Also n quantity of Move ments which will be cas. il any style required, and sold at 6 per cent above the price of Importations. July 20, '47-Iy. ELLWOOD SHANNON, Dealer in Teas, Warehouses 63 Chesnut above Second and Elev. enStreets, th and Chesnut Philadelphia, ... ..... HAS constantly in Store, a choich as. sortment of Fresh Imported, GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. Country Merchants are invited to call at 63 Chesnut street, and examine his stock, which he offers at the lowest wholesale . prices, for Cash. and where he attends peptonally. (i17.6m, ,ey's ...r opt .e purchased a Iron:_ home. As there is an Umbrella Store next door, of ' °- ;cure the worst cases of chapped-hands. ' Four days afterward he walked from his residence will state of Scores persons this . neatly the same name, it is important you should to the Oleo without fatigue. a distaPee ,if over two remembermiles, to tell of the wonderful rcli4 u Well he lout ,lAT M . it . it ICIIARDSON Sore Llps• C sir ed . —For the cute of expo f enced front us i ng about e. , t , half of one loot ' • Factory, and PATENTEE of the WALKING sor CANE UM HUELLA, I made equal to Tousey's .ointment. It Ctinstattlitpt iota ofthe Liiims. sign of the Lady and Eagle. iis sure cure for them. - it. Try the month of Decernhert.t. that he aus ittrett up • m„. c„,, nut ., 35 %vi t ae street, 0110 so II:W in No. 104 Market Street, Philadelphia. I It is a scientific compound, warran -4484848. ! ted not to contain any preparation of by his physicirn. Ha friends entertained no hope Mercury. . , o f hi t recovor y, lie was persuaded to try the D - Triee 25 cents per box. For fur- Olosarmian and ty his surprise it hoo FO far rests ther particulars concerning this really red him to brain' that he is now able to walk about valuable Ointment, the public are refer- : Mrs. . A . .. 5.„,,,,. t h e wife of I\'m. 11 , Attire, red to pliamplilets to be had gratis, of J an ,. Harman, Esq, and George W. Heys, EN,, respectable Druggists and Merchants eon all beer testimony from their owl, r,,,,,i, ne c ~ throughout the United States. i the ;icons properties of this Great Remedy in AGENTS.—T. K. SIMONTON, Hun- , c e n s ovtion of the Lungs. S , tingdon ; Jas. Clark, Birmingham ;J.R. I • pitting. Blood. Cox, Warriorsmark ; J. S. 'sett, Spruce . a - 1 . i ," . " c ""',","'n N .. , 352 Monroe street, wl a Creek i. G. H. Steiner, Waterstreet ; ' l ' e :,'„" e "," o l „ r i u ,'":, ll , d t,„ ° ,,F q 7 i ,' l :„",,g t. ' , !' n 7 f li t t i n T r l. ll a i i Moore & Swoope, Alexandria ; A. & N• . severe by one bottle of the Ohosnonier ,atid deels7:: 1 Creswell. Petersburg ; Orlady & Patter- it the greatest remedy in the world. son, W illianisburg ; foyer 4. Co., , Doss. KELLY', 26 Water street, was 'also re- Springfield Furnace; M. Thompion, iie,d Fein the same complaint, although lie woo Dttnerinsvilie ; J. M. Lindsey, Boni. veer. much retitle.' when be comnicocr il takirg it 1 daystitirg ; Jas. Condron, Pnkw raston. —having been under the care of his phypiciati du _ ring the past winusr. Although be roughed con- II . slimily and woo very much troubled with night CLICIWIENEWS — sweats, Iwo bottles of the remedy enabled him to SUGAR-COATED PILLS, . return to his daily work. Ito was 'surely relieved. The Only Effectual Purgative, DArin lIENBEIIRON, GO Leigh! street, George , W. Burnett, formerly of Netted:, N. J., Henry cured within the lasi year ' Lisbon, 199 Rivington street, and Hunter°. other OVER 2.00',000 PEI{SONS : persons have been speedily and permanently cured of the following c omp l a i nts; of the same complaint by thieremerly. AGENTs.— T. K. SIMONTON, Hunt rpHE sulocriber takes this method to return his Jas. Clark, Birmingham •; J. R. I ilia:ars to the people of the county of Hun- Headache, Giddiness, Rheumatism, Piles, Dia. tingdon for the very literal chore of patronage pepsin, Scurvy, Smut pox, Jaundice, Pains in the , ItigdG ll ; which they have extended towards hint for the Back, Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart, Cox, WneriOrstnnek ; J. S. lsett, Spruce lust few month., and would call their aftection to Rising in the Throat, Dropsy, /when, Fevers of Creek ; G. H.- Steiner, Waterstreer ; . . the factthat ho has now introduced Iris Sent NG all kinds, Female Complainto,Measles, Salt Rheuin Moore & Swoope, Alexandria; A& N • FASHION or G r NTLEm xx's Hats, which for beau- Heartburn, Worms, Cholera Motbus, Coughs,' .Creswell, Petersburg; Windy & Patter neatness and durability, cannot be excelled by Quinsy, Whooping (tough, Consumption, Fria, any other establishment in this city. This stock Liver coinpiaitit,Erysipel.tai Deafness, Itching.: of son, Williamsburg: ;Royer & Co. Spring comprises the HEAVE'', N uve)s,Bnorct, Russ's, the Skin, Golds, Gout, Gravel, Nervous CO.. field Furnace; M. Thompson, Duncans lit bx soil Mock Skim HATS of all styles ar-d plaints, and a variety of ;Alter diseases arising front . rine ; J. H. Lindsay, Hollidaysburg ; qualities, together with a very large assortment of impurities of the b cod, and obstructions inn these. Jas. Condron, Frankstown. t.:Le-rut, VELVET, PLUM!, Fun end GLAZED CAPS. flans of digestion. -- --- . c Attention is requested to the cc ebrated WALKING CANe Um NIKLLA, a neat and beautiful article, combining all the advantages of a C►Ai : and UMan ELLA. ‘VI LLIAN T. WA LTRIIII. ellA nu. Haul'. W ALTER'S az. II A ItV EY, (Late lia.lehtirst & Walters) PRODUCE AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERC I-lAN I'S, Nos. 15 and 16, Spear's Wharf, lit vrimon.. Liberal Cash advances made on consignment. of all kinds of Produce. Baltimore, febS-19,18. Spring Pashion of Hats at THE GREAT CENTRAL HAT AND CAP STORE, No. 284 Market Street, Ninth door above Eighth Street, South side, PHILADELPHIA Country Merchants and others aloo , respectfully S - Experience has proved that nearly every disease IiNICK ! BRICK! I THE p y• invited to examine the stock, which they will find . originates from Impurities of the Blood or Derange- m subscriber Tesectfull itinimiti it their advantage to do before purchasing, as it is ! meets of the Digestive Organs; and to secure ces to his friends and the public . generally, that he continues to illa Hurtle hie determination,having adopted the cash system, ,we mu s t remo v e tho s e Imps •i t t 7h:: , c a rz . , ture, in the borough of Petersburg, t i nt to sell for Cash only,and at the.bavest prices. store the blood to its natural mate. bestdisp d i spose a o l f it o y n o t r hi l e ll n i , l o C s l t i, re u a l s ti o e u li ab h : e r JOHN FAREIRA, Jr. i when the slightest derangement of the system is 284 Market street, south side, above Eighth. i n indicated j.nimies b u y s e ti o . s i ti s v t e ,p n e e r s fi s, iii o t r ie a s nz e ol g h a e t r he s t i i g n n o , i i n t t a n d . - - 11D.IIINISTILITORS' NOTICR: Syst,em, which alien dhe immediatalY removed by terms. All orders will be N A . % e i r ll y tilled at the n effectual purging. This fact. as stated, is ant- Estate of john Cannon, late of Barree: orsany known; but people have such on aversion shortest notice. Those wanting the at:- township, Huntingdon county,dec'd. I •to medicine, that, unless the case urgent, they pre- tide for building, paving or any othee LETTERS of administration (with the leered the disease to the cure, generally. Since the purpose, would do well to give me cull. Lwill annexed) having been granted ' 1 invention, however, of ABRAHAM STEVENS. to the undersigned on said estate, all 1 Clickcner's Vegetable Purgative Pills. Petersburg, Aug. 31, 1847, _ persons having claims against the same I this objection dose not exist , as they are completely ; Administrators' Notice. I d with a c oaling of p ure while sugar are requested to present them for settle- envelope d . P , Estate of James Carothers, late of Shir -1 (as distinct from the internal Ingredients as a nut 1 ment, and those indebted are requested I shell front the kernel) hare no taste of medicine,' leysburg, Huntingdon county, dec'd. to make immediate payment to, I and are as easily swallowed as bits of candy.— V O'I'ICE is hereby given that Letters of' Ad- ALEX. CARMON, .?dm r. I Moreover they neither neauseate or wripe in the _j, \ ministration have been granted to the under ' 1 apt 1.6 t. slightest degree. They operate equally on all the signed, on the Estate of said decd. All persons ------- diseased parts of the system, instead of confining knowing themselves indebted to said estate are cc- A. W. Benedict, them.ives to, and racking any particular region. quested to make immediate payment; and those k TTORNEY AT LAW, liuntingdon.Pa.— Thu, for ex...we, if the Liver be affected,ono in- tinning claims or demand, against the same to pre ,' 1_ Office at his old residence in Main street,.' grediert will operate on that particular organ, and, sent them duly authenticated, roe settlement. few doors west of the old Court House. He will by cleansing it of that Excess of Bile it is con. WILLIAM B. LEAS, sttend to any business entrusted to him in the .... staidly discharging into the stomach, restore it to JAMES RAMSEY. eral Coutts of Huntingdon and adjoining countiee ' ite natural state. Another will operate on the arril4-13-6t.1 Admi , tisto ,ito: r.