Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 25, 1848, Image 3

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'alka from his post in the Cabinet, Had I BY LAST EI P EXING'S .41.111,
ttot his majesty taken this step, it would
assuredly hale been demanded.
The king of Hanover has - coneceded
The steamship Sarah Sands, Capt.
all the demands of his - people .and been
obliged to subunit to the bitter necessity Thompson, arrived at New Ydrk on Fri-
PI calling to the . , ministry, M. Sturbt, ! day morning from Liverpool, whence
the liberal deputy of Osmibrick, wliti for s i te sailed on the 3d inst., bringing nine
defusing to abet its Majesty in the or- days' later intelligence front England,
Piteary measures which he adopted in and six later from the continent of En-
SiS - accession, was prosecuted and im- rope. The news is - very important. The
.vrisoned"for several tears.
, revolulion is still impulsiVely - progress
.lFtom the London Time., Mgrsh, '. , 5.] ing. Pruisia and Austria appear to be
• RUSSIA. j setting down quietly under the new or
_ ..
.. .
The contents of the pritate letters, der of things, but Italy is in n blaze, and
l'eceixe4 this afternoon. from St. Peters., there is said to be a prospect of imitiedi•
burp, pesSesses consieerablt interest. I ate war between Russia and Germany.
l lt is said the anger of the Enver& at Alrehdy hostilities hate been commen
't he recent events in France is excessive ced bettteen Holstein and Denmark, the
'snd declares he will hold no cominuni.i Kir% of Sardinia has marched troops
.ion with that country: i tothe aid'ofLomhardy, which is seeking
. . Milan has rebelled, and is in a state to make itself independent of Austria,
;of siege. The gates tiro closed, and the ' and threats of war between the Poles
battle rages within. The people have and Russians are rife. Thera seems to
made themselves masters of five p i„, be more prospect of a prodigious war
of cannon, and the report of the artilory all over Europe. than at hny previous
was heard at 11 o'clock.time since the revolution in Paris.—
Five thousand Lomeliens are on their ' France is getting on as well as. could be
way to Milan, to assist their brethren. expected. The elections had been post ,
The same journal adds, ina postcript : posed until Sunday the 2d of April, and
dated. 6 o'clock F, AL, "We learn that ' the National Assembly was to .meet on
the Government is in the hands of the : the 4th of May.
people of Milan."t The struggle of the Poles, which there
is every reason to believe has actually
commenced, although the account of the
bornbardinent and demolition of Warisaw
• .
WAsaiNciro, April 15. ' may be premature, will be the signal of
The express package received here , revolt among the Slavonians, 'Tartars,
%contains New. Orleans papers of the 9th and Oertnatta of Russia, Who will err
inst., which furnish some late and inter- • tautly he followed by the .SerViatis. Al.•
Westin;. intelligence from Mexico. though the report, announced ill the
The Steamship Ohio had arrived wi'th -
.\loriling Advertiser, of Wednesday, of
Vera Cruz dates'of the 31st ult. and Taut .. tti viteuie in St. Petertdatra., in which
pica to the 2d instant. ' the Emperor " was shot in the hat" with
The most interesting portion of tie a pistol, as he teas passing through the
news is that which relates to the move- streets . , has been confiruied by telegraph
„ems cr sant, Anna. Dur i ng the )Biter ,id communication to Paris. This par
parttial movement may, . indeed, be sup
of March, cue Of the agents of S.:l,- .
pressed, hut it is not the less n 3ymFa
,ta Atinaobtaine.d a passport for him trout ,
the American commandant at Orizaba, thy of the feelings of the people.
, The accounts of the abdication of the
and from thence proceeded to Vera Cruz'
for the purpose of chartering a vessel to , King of Prussia, and' the declaration of
convey him away from the country.
it republic in that country, are not con.
firthed. by the !MA's received by this ar-
This agent chartered n brig, which at the
last accounts was lying off Antigua, ' ri vi d• •
m:elvo miles north of Vera Gruz, where ' The Silesian Gazette,- under the head
Santa Anna purposes to embark, and pro- ~ of Breslau, March 23, says : We
coed from thence to Jamaica. learn from a certain source that there is
A train from the city of Mexico, ar- every reason to hope that Prussia and
rived at Ver c a Cruz on the 30th, under !A u st ” ria trill restore the Polish proviti
the command ()leapt. 1V hire. The troops nes.
consisted of the•Lottistana foot, and - it : The news of the arrival of masses of
company under Capt. Kerr. T he tra i n , Russian troops•on the frontiers of Pu
Major Graham at' Plan del Rio. l a nd is confirmed. The - C° 88 " 1 " I ' v e
The Guerrillas were still very trouble- i already emnmenced their excursions
seine on the roads. All thecivil author- , Bold and Horrible Outrage•
ity have been turned over to the Mexi , • Last evening, about half past beVell
tans• o'clock ) a daring attempt at murder was
It was the conviction at the capital, • ,„„„ie upon the person of a respectable
on . d in Vera Cruz and in Tampico, that
„do*, on the side walk, withn a few
Con,ttesa wonld assemble before the cud steps of her own residence, on the north
ofma,Vh, and that the treaty would be stile of Spruce Street below 'Third,—to
immed;:stely ratified. • On the '2.lst and which she was returning from a visit. A '
22. d oat., smell Senators left the capital ruffian tvho 'appears to hate concealed '
for Quvreta•r4,M order to take their seats. himself in asti: m. llalley, approached her
- The arrit%;i of Gen. Scutt who is re- , front behind,
d puttng his hand our '
ported to be on'. his way home, Was hour. ' b e , eyes. nttetiipied to cuther throat
ly expected at 7ertt Cruz. • •. with a knife, .
Comodore R. h'eed and Pursur Chris-., At the instant the weapon mime in .
Linn had joined die L 'Nuadron. They were contact with her neck, she threw u ) .ber
wrecked on theirpas sage from San Frau- hand and thus saved her life The I
cisco to Mazatlan. in .'fie Brig Comoro-
• inflicted only a slight wound on her neck.
(lore Stockton, when otar Mag,dalena. , but completely divided the hack of her
The Brig was 'a total WM. 1, but the pas- hand across which it was drawn. It
sengers and crew were t, , rtunately sa- . like /vise cut through four thichneeses of •
ved by the providential a t `yearence of her shawl.
four whale boat,..
__ , T
The screams of the lady alarming the
AyousrA, Aivil 15.
The orerland express that ;•cnehed
here today brings New Orleans capers
of the 10th 'inst., which are tilled with
the vollumintms details of the Cowl of
Inquiry, including the examination of
witnesses. •
There had been no deciseion in rela
tion to General Pillow. _
The papers contain no further corn
tnercial or ship news.
rival at New Orleans on the morning of
the 11th, from Vera Cruz, the papers
learn that Santa Anna had arrived at An
tigua, a small place on the coast, about
12 miles from Vera Cruz, on the Ist inst.,
under escort of Capt. Tilghtnan's Corn
patty of Light Artillery, from Jalapa.
He was offered a steamer by Gov.
IVilson to carry him out of the country,
bat he declined its acceptance.
Nothing new from the city of Mexico.
Gen. Scott was hourly expected at Vera
Cruz. It is said that the court of Inqui
ry has adjourned to the united States.
The ship Christina, from Vera Cruz
with dates to the 3d, and the U. S. steatn
er Washingion, from the same port,
with dates to the 4th arrived at New
Orleans on tilos 12th inst.
The opinion was general among Mex
ican citizens of the first class that the
Mexican CongrA'ss dare not ratify the
treaty, even in that form in which it was
sent to the United States.
Lieut. John Sm ith, of the American
Army, deserted from Vera Cruz on the
30th, taking with him seven men belong
ing to his company ; h e offered his ser
vices to &whin the G uerilla chief, who
kept them prisoners, aud sent word to
Col. Wilson. The lattiw sent out an
armed escort for them, .tud they were
tarried back to Vera Cruz to await their
trial as deserters.
(7 The Baltimore Enter . priso snys
that the case of Gen. Pillow is not ex
actly—" a pillow case," but it is a case
relf•belstering, such as is YO lely met
Later from Europe.
murderous assailant, he preeipitatel)''' lied
• and was out of sight belOre persohs pass
: ing, who cairn: to the lady's assistance
' could pursue him. The lady on being
taken into the house of her sister with
whom she lives, was promptly attended
by Dr. Kuchen, who did not consider her
injuries dangerous though the wound on
low hued is quite severe.
!Jie lady has not the remotest idea
who the ruffian was, nor what was his
motive -- It is
.possible that he mistook
her for some one else.—North arneri
FAIR WAGi.S.- ke ew York Assem
bly has pas, , ed an set to abnlislt impris
onment for debt and limit imprisontrtnt
on lines ; allowing each day's imprison-.
ment to liquidate *8 of the fine,
• _
dian Vegetable Pills Aro a most extrnoV
theory medicine for the cure of Rheumntim and
Gout, because they not only Cleanse the stomach
and bowels of these morbid buthors which, if ta
ken into the circulation and thrown upon the
membrane and muscle, are the coug of the above
painful maladies; bill they excite the absorbent
vessels to take dti that which is already deposited,
and therefore a , e absolutely certain to make a po: r .
feet cute of Rheumatism and Gout. A single
{evenly-five cent box of %Vright's indian Vegetable
Pills will often F,lve the most astonishing relief;
heti perseverance according to directions will be
certain to drive pain of every description from
the body.
El .A 111) n A 74, 17
constantly on hand and for sale by
- J. PALMER & CO., _
Market Street Wharf, Philadelphia.
.Administrator's Notice.
LErVERB of administration on the estate of
Alex. Owin, Esq., late of the borough of
Huntingdon, dec'd., bating been granted to the
undersigned, he hereby gives notice to all inmate
indebted to said dec'd to coma forward and male
payment. and to all persons having demands
against the same to present them properly authen
ticated, without delay.
W I'. 01411 SON
, . •• .
1.848. •, 1 Elie N eese' Sztare, RICH AND RACY 1.. A !te 0 I her (gravid Irrisiiiiria
. c,i• Ifft -
Jr..lBT diTICIP.IL: , ..
,--- ... ' - 4 11::;, iIIcAIII,RTRIE & CO.; at - a,i . ralliftio=*Arollo!
. .
I' themselves of this meansof li . • to 1 i
mll nig ' oy 1 ai inst. letinrfroni the cities
HE sttbscriber respectfully infornA IA
. :;73 }i n e tl t : i k.s t tnek of i k ,:, ) ,'.:V e d „ t t i l y " l :,,,":„ d c f g i t i . e ,j7. ( o l ',,, l i,"`!„, (. :, l :,: l '","„7„ ti ,.":' ', l ,'„ e ,•`,. of New 'York &Plti 1 adelpb ia !
H 1
GOO S., !
D . , i) - .RY G()ODs opening at the old and well Itt.t.ti•rt corner, a very S ec t,o, s f 0 1 1 ,,,...,;„,t,
large and splendid tiesortment . f 'r„,',,,ac.-1 !" • • .
At the Store of I comprising the latest, finest mild most Spring and Stitinticr Grinds, s a f e an .1,,,, i i (4 t h y „,,,,, marn iii_
I . . • ,
fashionable styleS-BrondbllitriS,: Cassi- , . which w ill be sold
ofi . IE OR ( - ,F..ii; 111°11V- mers, Satinetts Vestingit of elf lii.nds, I cent assin•twent or tilt! fins 5t ?nil
Al the dd 'ill"' , ii , Afarket 'Square, ilunit'T,' C•ishmero. Tweeds otc. etc, Amon L'° " el. Celli ' CllcaPyr i ClionpestFahr its every brought
"-- ------ ---- 1 •-'- - - 1- - - 1 " -- - ... than was ever before known In this latitude.
dun, Pa. ~ ,
... „ . -. , ,
his assortment may be found , • 1 Their stock is,..heavy .d has been selected • with 1 to lil t' cots rid}' 9f . 1 turn:Viol!
The public are informed that I have received Ladies', Dress Goods -t I "rent Pflrp, ao that the wants of the WHOLE 1
Ad entire new stock of too numerens to mention-call and see "Ptoi , r,f . ,; may he studied. In addition to their The export deli, havii, t r 1,,,it taken off
Spring 61. Summer Goods, for yourselves; Ilis stock of Ready- farther vtirtety, !Axe) , have added e fine assortment i. • ',tiers kind of DRY Gout's, I.4roceries,
, el IcA:TVi, CAPS; and
being by for the beat assortment ever brought to made . .. , ,
.... ~
1 &c.- &c. &e. • • •
this place, among which will be found Cloths of I c:2l - 4„u ... - ...u ..... - ' in - adg = avgde 4. . 10, king . , , -/-
j & NV `• 1 XTON
iit, kinds, C.d.'s, litlitucky Jeans,Gambionns, ' . , . • r which
' , mod , , iteigium and rAncy eas , 4 i mi ,„„ c ,,,„ . ,is larger, and superior, to any other in. .. ; e I o A. _... .1 . - .1.
. G l'a lid thr. - ,Kir .
Oregon and Tweed Cloth, Vestings,Flannehr and the place, and embraces Coats, Pasta- ' • Are enabled to pre,..ent to their •ur.-
Dritti nga , an d o v fi rjay o f Cotton Goods for toil- , loons cod Vests, of almost every •style where everything useful and mnsi., , i' , l tn , ly he turners an assert ,Omi of roods•of unii
iner wear. French and Lich Linens and 'Check., • and' quality, and will be sold cheaper Icund.and at prices which DEFY till cmopelltiou l va tt e d e ,,,,n a ,,,,,,...... ~,.;„...,,,;„- 1 b.,..,.,,, w
-- , ,-,,,,,,,, - 'I ..,
. be within the reach. of h , i•
Bed Ticking, Muslin. and' Sheeting., dimbrellllß than the cheapest. He has, also, a good For example: 'They ar..(illint - .1 1 . 1 .1W•
D!ess LawnS for 1,2. cents. per sort,,
and Parasols. A large assortment of Calkoes of ,
i assortment of Boots and Shoes, of all
the newest styles, al lo* pi ices. CIII and l•:ct... '
sizes and quality, and, CAPS, and (.:alicoes, f rom to 6 do. do., • .
Barlston, French, Scotch and Domestic Gine- I p
from Muslin at 4• do. do., AI it shi. tr; 5 2. to 18 d.-.., ~t. yard.
BoNNETs, which lie will sell very low.--
horns and Balgorines, Diapers, Table Cloths, Cot- I
Good Brown Sugar at 6l cents per lb. ; catit.„ " 210 18. • de.
ton Fringe, Mouslin de Dailies, French Lawns! His stock of .
best Rio .Coffee at 10 emits per lb.;
and Scarfs, Shawls and liandkerehiefe,l3laelc 'find I I: Ito (; r; all 4 .- •:s ; . q
A- 1 0- ' Gin , liari" , - " 1 1 / to 40 do.
In,ses, - cents per gallon.. And to cap . r.,,,,,, " 12 to 37 do.
• Fancy Alp.., Merino., Silk Gloves, Mitts, is large and of the best qualities, and
Ladies Caps,Ribbons, Hosiery, etc.. &c. the climax, the arc a'ole and oiling rn
_Aft,„„ detain 12 to 37 do.
will be sold very cheap. . • .
Also, a very excellent asSurtntent of Ilatn, , .
Caps, and The public arc respectfully invited to . sell a. FULL 8 - uIT o f 1? " (11 /"'" d "'' Cleqh. i Shawls •. ". $l.OO to „f': 8.50.
„ .
!Coffee . "• 61 to 10 cot per lb.
, READY-MADE CLOTI-lING, call at the ~ PEOPLE'S 'STORE" adjoining Tgi" the .email "M of ‘ 2 • 44 L
. ,
• For further particulars„plense call at sop, " 6 In 10 ' - do.
Leg - horn. and Straw Bonnets, Palm Leaf the residence of Hon. James Gwin
the , OLD LOCUST COR.A . E.I?,' where T„,-, '• '25 to 1(10 Alo.
Hats, ,loots add Shoes. where they can get . better bargains that: .
the important fact will be . proven •• ,hat m„ 1„„s„, ".8 to' 20 ere per quart.
at :nil s''' other plade• in town.
GROC E.BI E.S, 11.1 RD 1f" . .112E, ..I.:VD- K 7 Fisher, MeArtlrtrie& Co. hove tlic larvc.,t,.,. 5.11.7', PI,.ISTERFPi.9I.I, Cs-c., 4-c. - oountry Produce taken in exchange
QUEENS If ../1 1? E, 1.1.1.,1'7'5, G L.ISS- the' BEST and the' (..' L I E.IP ES 7' stoc•lr of , _
fOr rreods, for which higher prices will
TV. , IRE, I'l S 11, S.l L:l', &c., &c., with a be given than can be lied at any other Goods ever offered for sale in Hunting- -' •-,-.. J - .. 4. •-L...•)=-1? , --.4-4•1-fett:J" , ..,1 , -e" 8
fine variety of Goods of all kinds. Store. • MosEs sTRQus . don ! [April 64 ISI.B. , \\ lint do you - thin!: of a fall suit (made
The above .milt of - Omis Itavitig been selected -.- ,- . __ . _-_.. lip) of excellettt clothes at
flunt ingdon, apl7 '4B'.
with g rat rare, and 'purchased at reduced prices Grand Exhibition ! IL P- -$1100'? e- r il"
for Cash, in the city of Plihttlelphin,•l sin enabled PrOpOSIII3
AT' 7::1 , .. CHEAP • All o f the Very hest quality, awl to lid
to olive
'I 71 - ,', received by the eonttnittre for that '- • -•- ,
0 0 purpose, hetwecn this tin. mid Saturday 1 1 101 - 111116. STORE terms. [aplll-tf. sold on their tistml ereommodating
II '
' 'ail' Aprilliext,for buildings I USIA - FY:JUAN
l'illl'lte 11, at Shade Got., Deblin loWlltThil , Hun' / . 1 11 6 Fuldic arc informed that tln: sub3critter Ilai: _ . ... . !_________
'l , itigtlon coun T
ty. he committee:la,, tuatle rt• just received from the tl e east a very large ' -Ir. '' I . I AA - (....t rll/ - I 1) i, 1
~coutrnci for Iltedtrit'h. l't he tit'hyet'ed ttit iltegr"tth,d ' find splendid assortment of :1/ENS . & YOUTHS' t\i
_el \ \
: 7) 1_ \ I 11, .} l _ l l ;
by the I. tat Aug". "t , t• . 1 . 1 l"')l''''''h'; viii ire clothing, which he ',!leers for sale et the very lowest __- • ~.
received for furnishing the !talent, ni t! P materials '•,,i,,,..,.. Amen; lin. star;: e.iii le round en re. fine, and the erection' and cnntutelien of tl , e Ittlittling• black, 1.1. c, brown and oliVe, (Iwo: Hut! fleck i•eats; NEW & C• EAP SPRING GOODS !
More Particular int . ...tit.. lit")• be hod he ol'ltlt'.' also, tilpaea, caslimetette', tweed, !Men and coltot l ----
rat ion to die undersigned, at any time before or repel:, m
d r y,: “ n d sac k cum!..; t :,lira
also, rate f'.l.tich, /1 , 111: suliscriker.; would info.. their friend: and
• on said day, upon u hied) the work will be let to i o r 0 1 1 ( . I „, ) „.„,,,,, ml,;, ,;,„,., v ,„.,• (:ty „ r .„,,„....,, , 1.... In , pohne Him th , 'Y hate ri'eek ' , I and ' , Pen."'
' the lowest and-best bidder or li"'"'sle: , VpAS, (11:1We. and WOOINI a "'cotton undershirts; " ' l "' "itti It"' 'l' h ''"""k " I.
El 0010.111; WI.I,SON. Heated Ihten breasted shirts; gingham, check rind B 7. 7- a 3 3 . 23 c ,
'l'llo.\'l.l. it..v;iw, ,„,i „i,...1.0 plrin cotton shirts; linen CONN , ~.,,1,,,,d with „ ri .,,,, ~,,-..-,- if i ••„, 4 t „ II spring
ATC ll n r.:l i • iin i g i 1 c.. ;, 1 , - . ) /. '! , :•;.• - •\; /,‘, .. anl
, iireasts ; glii „ ves i. liosierY . (it'd , snspe , iiilers . ; , also, - a - nd - ,,.,', - ,.;; i - t ; ,7,,4', - ,,,, - . "17, '
th ',l l ,.'' m ,,,,.,, 0 .',! 1. ,; de ,7.
rip! 5'•15 . 1
"" l''ii'mr ''''", " "drus "H" . I "''' "..), " , Press (:and;, !nay I e fc'etid all the newest styles,
. ..
Mzecutors' Pr °tido. , gem t'tl.l tt,orttnent or
. . such ;,,,, Paris Litstre.-, 1 4 .ii:i• 1 !;ir i l bingbains, 801 -
Estate of Adam lyight Der, hue of lltirree , • Be e TS d t sHoEs , . ' ernes, Nlontercy Phids, \t, air Luotres, Organ-
township, Huntinglbu county, deed. , „ die's, with a kr., lot of ~.teems and Calicoes at all
‘701.11111 i s he r d, givilo ii;m, p vi r vr , T est , :"' nil ' , us; new style of fancy /1..11'S &CA iHN, p.-ives. Amon g their g oish, for the Gentlemen are
IN moni t o ry o n th e last Will a r id T oaton , ont o r leghoni , chip &c. t umbrellas tit every , :tltict,' ;in tel 17 ashmutel Plsids, prep lrAlberts,
said dee'd have b en. granted to the millersjgned.- j l"'" rull uni t "I.
etasu"4 -Prier' "r d er "r th'"P LIT•It" , M"lttlir (7 'H''l'r• " Vely"
I Color ean Jut had at his din the . earncr room of r 7 wilt, Linen Coat checks, Ili Mhz, Sumnier
Therefore. all persons indel ted to said estate will
SNIRES 11010 , " opnatate Sclitttalres's hotel. l' e ,ti ii s- v• c e.,
make immediate payment, and those having elaiins 1 ' -.,,,„.-` ,-, •„. . . , ,
mind , , --'''' '-`• .... •
N. 13. The picnic will near in 'l'll (7 Woulsieleo invite atti•ntion to their siock of
or demands against the some are requested to pre
sent them duly autkiitiestett fir settlement to that I have the largekt anti best assort- I ) 5 - I - I 1
• HENRY LIGHTNER. ' ment in Hutitinrrdon, all of which ifftwar
. ADA:II LIGHTNER, Jr. 1 rantrd. to be Welltnade and fashion.ably `agars-5 6 and S cents per ound-,
. (T 1.1 0 (.) .I'..i lt. T L S,.
tlxreuld". cut: Call rind
.judge for yourselves be- Misuses, from 37d to 40 cents per
I fore Purchasing. elsewhere.. , gallon ; and every other art ieleindially
ap 1 1-3m] BENJA.M IN S''.i. 3 ißE. kept in a Ciroecry Store, rf.t r'qually
.... _ .. .. .
-.-.: • f..,n. prier,
11. C. IlleGti.i.. '',',i. (la io us. ---i 1
..., Beaver, Silk,. Leo - horn & Palm
The .tic : , I.:(iiilria . . Leaf liars, Caps, Bonnets, I;ni-
I 1
0 U iNT ,i) ii, -1 .17 • 1.iii)b,,,,5, 1 :‘ ,. , ,, :i i.. izia r i tt , r i
o n
, s , o c l
r s s a , 1 1,, i'd .e. Slihdes,
TjAS been leoaed by the subscribers., who ore • We iiiivealso a handsome assortmenLor
jj preps ed to execute castings of all &scrip, - READY-lADE
tious ln.soperior li ty I e (one of them being a prac
tical Moulder of long.egidirlence)•and on the low:- , . O . IOTHING
,„tzthd mirk aceoinniodating terms.
Castings for Forges, Rolling
I.,,ist, and Saw -Mills, ' Boots and Shoes. Also-Fish, Salt,
Water pipes,
Ilireshing Air - whines, and all otlierk lnl
iadss' 'l)l6lster, Iron and Nails.
Me above stock liming been purchased en
of machinery which may be ordered will 'ire]e for etsti,,wo arq enabled to titres at LOWER
be furnished on the shortest notice. , ssics k ilion such gouti3 be cititaine . 4l elsewhere
StOVeS of vttriolis sixth itill'e dolfstlintiV l " H.Ri
' ir "' ll"' wishing tit 1 " 1 " "
"'' "1" please
. call and examine our stock, as use take steal pleas•
kept on hand fZir troth wood and coal. . um in showin g our anode.' - • • -
We have lately procured a DURSEY 4. MAGUIRE,
COOk iJO 4 , 'Stove - In: the store - room formerly ',termite"' by Jacol
i Nl u, il i l7 l,, ,i g r d p o p n. osito the residence of dildge Cwiti
e i
of two different sizes, 'which for-conv
- '
niettee and eXcell.nee they will warrant , RD.- All I; hide of Country Produce to
to surpass tile celebrated "Queen of the . hen in exchange for ~ r ootis. Eitpll.
WC-se' and ~ Hathaway" stoves, the for-
..., A
flier of which we are also prepared to'
,Tftt (nut Colpper
supply. .also, Coal "Cookincr Stoves, ~-,..i . , :. .. ~,,,- ...
La ~ .la rza • . m.,_.- .r.QD E.r -- 7. 4
Parlor and Chambee Stoves orthe most • "''''''"" -
elegant patterns.
13 OBERT GRAFI US having purcliat
It eel the Tin and Copper Manufactor
Such as Puts, Wash Keith's, &c. Ploughs of -.
such variety that all my tic suited. Cat rilige and lately owned by 1. & 11. Gralins, wi
w aggon tacos f rom t h e „,„„m,,„ t in t h,. h ,,,,.„ t , . continue to carry on the business at th
sled and sleigh soles, and in tin,, any and every-' sante stand in all its various brlinclle
thing in our line of business can be bad munedi• lrho/coctic ond Retttil. (1d will alwn3
otely, or at the shortest notice. , be prepared to furnish On the Forte.
Old metal and country produce taken notice, Cooking- . Stdtes,' tituf.ePin
in exchange. . !louse Spouting, Copper Primps for well
aplll-tf.] , .McGILL & GRAFI US. . ;toy depth, Copper Dye; NV -1, 11 11
-- Preserving and Tea N ettles, rit,tid I
WATCH AND JEWELRY i Ware of every desertption. ..‘ll of will.
523 . 1: ap L 7.
will be sold on the most reasonable tern .
, . Persons favoring this e s tablishment with th
No. 1001 Market Square, Ilinitingdon, Ca. ; custom may depend on having (lab otitis text:
'' I tad with fidelity anal despatch.
(; rc:11. 13a voins, .
mid ii,y9 0.,t. till *ill examino tuy . 1 , ;1,;ck Sorfore
IlUrChilifredeCWhi're, AN I otit determined to sell
as ono in Pend, hiania, Pica:, call
and ace toy Oatla, as it aitortia me pleapore ut all
times to show them.
11lieut, Nye, Ulu, Coln, l iyur, Cloverseed
Flaxseed, Putur, Eggs, Lard, 11%,:ii
tke., taken in excitin
a p‘.25.t I.]
60pcE \YIN
WOOD'S 5Tr111.741.1
PiJsc Road, obox o I! 'llion, ood,
Nos Ilsir.imis for public mid rival°
and public sipitues, of ever• variety of fau n
and pattern.
Cl•.'tsrrtr R LINCS . , Old:look 111111 I.lllllltll`lll,lplS
—embracing upwards of atm hundred dam eat
DOS OW us and Bi.mns, fur Gardens, Halls
aud Pitizzes—new lylc. '
V sins:lute and Pr Las Tees. for Cottages, made in
every style.
Superior NV ttiivtityr !Mix GATES, for Carriage ep
New style Itti.cre.vt Eltaeo ETS, &c.
lams Vont.' of carious MOs, einbruting Louis
CI V.Elizabethean, Gothic, and modern patterns,
with White and Gold Italian Marble !Anti.—
These tables have been introduced by the rub
scriber for Hotels, Restaurants, lee Cream
looua, Si.c. 'they are beautiful articles of fur
niture fur Hat Stores and other establishtnents
iliere it is desirable to make a grand display.
rry Ile has redently rtnistructed an elegant
substantial Carr fnny Ilnrutsn Pon., IU forth)
mitairaLly adapt.' to perinahoni of position,
highly ornamented, and rt presenting, well ea.,.
trd II at: of that noble anima!, the Hotsr. Such
an article has long been a desideratum, and is
now offered to the good taste of the public.
Strangers visiting Philadelphia, are respectfully
invited to call at his Warerooms, and .txmaine his
different specimens of ncw ' , moil.' want.
ROBERT WOOD, Prvridor,
RRideedwrc Buttonw , ood l'h:
re lie has recently published, :at great eNpep,,
an original work. exhibiting the new designs and
patterns which are executed at his establishment,
embracing all the axone articles, and the various
and splendid plums of k'enietry, , Ildenny, Step,
and other IZailings Which have been manufactured
for Laurel Hill and otlier.celehralcd Cemeteries,
designed expressly far his own establishment, and
which may be sent to 'any pelt of the world to
those who desire to make a selection. Undoubted
reference will he repined to ensure a prompt re
tunt of the walk; after an opportunity for making
the selection.
PhilialrliAl a . April 25, 194a4t.
rhiladelphia China Store.
f SHE Stkecribers, proprietors of one of the old
'. est and most extensive Chino Stores in the
United States,lrave now on band a very Isrue sup.
ply of
',.7inmon Ware, (" Nati re •Ware, China
Ware, and Glass Ware,
embracing oil the varieties ever Imported, which.
they will sell in large or small gnawkin, Wok
sale or Retail, to suit the wants of the people, at
prices to defy cnmpetiiion.
The advantages to ho derived-from having a
large stock to select from, ought certainly to be ap
parent to every one ; only two need be mentioned:
tat. The variety to please the taste. •
id. The advantage of purchasing at the lowest
price.; fl.r it is certainly evident to every thinking
mind, that the larger the business done, the
smaller the profit required. It is so in every branch
of trade. The manufacturer sells to the wholesale
package denier; the wholesale package dealer
cells to the jobber, and the jobber to the retail
country dealer: so that the farmer or consumer
of the article pays .4 least four pryits !
Why pay so many profits when you can come
directly to head quarters?
219 Clie,nut street, above 7th street.
april2s, 1848,:in.]
6 miles above Havre de Grace,-
Will at al: bales purchase %Vhcat at a pike
within TWO cairn of Philadelphia Market.
c, Owners and Boatmen pre invited to call.
Plaster may had at the . Mill.
sprit 25, 1848.
OTICE is hereby given, that my wife, Ann
Dilworth, has Wit my bed and hoard, without
my knowledge or consent. All persons are there
fore cautioned against harboring or trusting her
on my account, as I will pay no debi t , of her c on .
Regimental Orders,
THE Volunteers and Militia et:imposing the Ist
1 Regiment, 2d Brigade, tOth Division, P. M.,
are hereby required to tinin by Company on the
Ist Monday and Ist day of May 'rent, and by
Battalion for parade and review, as follows; let
Battalion trill snout at Orbisonia, Cromwell town
ship, on Friday the 12th day of May ; 2nd Bat.
taliim at Cassville, on Saturday 131 h day of May
OA, Ist n. °a U. 10th b. P. M
days twp., aprlS. •
IB : l73ANi!iU\rPectf l l l Y l!rt tlepullit that elas i7aintutn thiswell known house, kept for many years by Mr.
John McConnell. bite is now preparcd to arrom•
[nodule all who may fitter her with their custom
in a way lion " can't Ire beat !" No pains will
bd spared by Mrs. If. to make the " Black Boor
Tavern," under her management, still merit ite
well known popularity; and the ptitilic may rest
assured that site will use her best tiniest ors to retv
der to all her friends ainple justice.
She is prepared to act:anima:lle li,arders by the
week, month or 3 car.
PTICF, is Lereby given flint the books
IN for the subscription of stock to the
44 •Dralm's Ferry and Broa.l. Top Railroad
company," will be opened at '
s!li7leysbiirg,.at the Store of 11. Urewster, on
Monday, gilt May.
Cassvi lc, at the store of H. SpCer, on Monday,
Nth Moy:
Bedford, at the Hotel of Co!. Ottinger, en Mon
day, 15th May.
Huntingdon, at the hotel of Thos. Wallace, on
Monday, 15th May.
Phradelphia, at the office of Calvin Blythe, Esq.,
No. 1, north 6th street, on Mond.ty, 22d May.
At which places one or more of the un
dersigned Commissioners will attend,
and keep the books- open f . or said, pur
pose for six judicial days, agreeably to
the act of incorporation for said company.
John Brewster, John
Robert Speer, E. S. Howard,
T. T. Cromwell, Wm. Lyon,
A. P. Wilson, Joseph ()Wager ;
Jacob Cresswell, Calvin Blythe,
John McLain, Jr. John Savage,
John Sharer, ‘i m. M. Meredith,
Theodore Fritoks.
April, 11, 1848.]
- -
IHE partnership heretofore existing
under the 'firm of , L• ,H. Qrafins,
Alexandria, Pa., has been dissolved by
mutual consent.' All persons having
unsettled accounts with said firm will
please call and settle the saute with I.
Cretins, at his residence, in Alexandria.
April I, 181S.]
.• On retiring from business, I. GRAVIVb desires
to rhfurn his sincere thanks to the public fin the
very liberal patYonage extended to him fur o lona
,ries of yeas, and to bespeal'
Ole ,aloe geo.en us ,irpoit.
. •
H. Et. Nzrr dr. ERO., old metal, copper, keels and powto token in
Hnge.Also, w huat, r;'t, corn alai pan taker
AVE just received from the Eastern
u ice *•
Markets a very extensive and '
thes,n April
most magnificent and best assortment of
ARTICLES, ever brought to Hunting.. .
don: Consisting, in part, of Gold Lever ilthitingdon, Pa.
Watches, full Jewelled; front $4O to • . _
Xll2O, Silver Levers, from $l6 to $3O • -t(juN MARKS t . t . ei dd „y e ti hi m ,'
• 1 •
and common watches at any prive—al j this means of informing his old c
of which are warranted for one
year. touters and the public gene rally, that
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired
has 'removed from the Bluekßear I
with the greatest core, Oil the mist ree
ern," mill has leased and' fitted up
amiable terms raid warrauted.
pip .1.• lar g e and enininndion. • .1f s J
. ,
Bridge Proposals.
tiOUS E lately kept Mr's: E. Cla
rpt E undersigned Cominis,ioners • where he is prepared,to accoamiodati
the , best• manner possible. all ,tvho
I don County, will reeeiie • paiiiosals :it their
s . s , !,;r„ with Cheri .„ t he I
otttce in Huntingdon, on and unit Thursday the
'tilt day May, for 'the' erection of a Bridge tion of the house is one of the bes
licmistlie !Attie itniiittii Riser, neat Barre,. Forge, the borough---•hi:! i rpoins are large
in Porter township. pleasant, and. Iris Table.shall at all tt
The pladnunt grieeMeatteas eau Ire coca et the he sn ap p e d wit h t h e c h„,, est
Com ninisibiters' Othee:• . , • iisii6Vet affortt. Terms-, modern
. „
DAME]. t...‘t,t. P., •
WHOM' ( MINS, goarde . r:; Oil"! !Cr the
301 - 411'A ND, month or \Y '. t tint the
_ _