Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 25, 1848, Image 1

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    HU - NTT IN GDON JOt 10 i.... L
TOT,. XTTT, NO. 17.
of Alalttis, she has reached the point of Causes and Antidote of Consump- sons, but all should be cotnfote;bl3. --- Rsisisn;;n7lVl;OT— . The Spirit of the kights gf raarried Women..
subSistence. It is true that the remote tion. ,
warm in bed.—Dr. S. S. Fitch on Con- Times relates the following capital af- Sscsiox 1. Bp it enacted, 4-c.' That
provinces of California and 'New Mexi- I The larger the lungs and the more • su'nPti"• fair: I every speetes end description of prop
co, and those bordering upon the Riol
Barnum "Done Strewn." What a potent charm has money !—I erty, whether consisting of real, personal
perfect their development, the less they
Grande, and subject to Indian invasion, ' are liable to pulmonary consumption.
a • a r y a s vo sin l c o e . , ki says a N l ew York
A feu d ' What a great number of ways there are 'or mixed, whieh may be owned by or
contain some uncultivated lands ; but That the more they are exercised the of raising it! Its magic influence will belong to any sink !e woman, shall con•
the proposition as above stated applies larger they will become ; that as we take spectac l es Pg called and innguigre7tifelmteasnoulnl rend the tenderest of humane ties, and tinue to be the property of such woman
eto the mass of Mexico. For in the great-scatter broadcast the fairest gems of af• as fully after her m trriagc as befort; and
active or laborious exercise our lungs see the proprietor of the q American . Mt:-
er portion of. the whole Republic, women will continually enlarge ; and that on eth On being in tro du c ed 1 tea k fection. Strange and singular are the all such property of whate4er name or
and children may bo seen picking e .
and ' the contrary indolence,'want of exercise, s i
u . •
dm confidentially aside, and with a lace
grains of corn in the highways, and , & e., will sacrifice conscience, dignity, self re- woman during coverture, by iiirl, des
will render the lungs smaller, until of solemn impart b egan .
the rinds of fruit thrown in the streets b y spect, and others will pander to the worst cent, deed of conveyance or otherwise,
absence of air the air cells will close " Mr, Barnum, I lave . heard that you
are immediately seized and consumed. , up
and colapso their walls, as a bird ••
are anxious to procure all great and rare of passions. But the latest and most mod shall be owned, used and enjoyed bv
ern way of "raising the wind," we noti- such married woman as her own se rf
soon as you cross the Rio Grande.' folds up its plumage. By this we learn
. will ted a few evenings since, Our attention rate property ; and the said property
you feel yourselves in a foreign land.— that pure air, and even cold air, because " A lways--secure them if
Mexico has no forests. It is true that ' inure dettse, is the best friend to the , was ettfatted, in passiteg 9.lrnrd Bank, whether owned by her before marriage
along the streams and on mountain-tops , lungs, and should be resorted to with , 1)} nis it crowd of persons, who were sun- or *ha shall accree to her afterwards,
. " Well, sir, I have lately returned '
do its"
rounding a man on the Bank steps who shall not be subject to levy and exec*,
there are trees, but you are struck with the greatest confidence, both to prevent from Egypt, and have in my -' posse m ss e io n n s
this great characteristic, that the land and cure their diseases. , appeared to be in great agony, without a tion for the debts dr liabilities of her
' one of die most curious living sp person willing to console him. We were husband ; nor shall tittch poverty be
is bare of trees. The numerous varie• of natural history in the whol: c a i ninial
It is found in the history of the Amer.
about to undertake the kind office, when sold, coneeyed, Mortgaged, transferred
tics of the Cactus of all sizes, intermix- . item Indians—at one time numbering kingdom; a most extraordinary ereature, ' a
ed with the Palmetto, stunted or long , ,nun Millions o f and inhabiting
I I 1 believeisbefound •
y people,
plain looking man stepped up, and see- or in any manner encumbered by her
grass, cover the whole land. You are '• , ogntsed the sufferer as a resident of Ken- husband, without her written consent,
'from the most extreme point north to museum in the world."
ston He turned to the trotted, and first had and obtained and duly acknowl
among a people of a novel color, and a "Describe it—what is it like 1" said '
Pataeonia south ; embracing all varieties
strange language. The very birds, and , , 17 made a pathetic appeal for sympathy for , edged before one of the judges of the
uf climate and location ; resting in the Barnum, in a tremor of anxiety.
beasts, and dogs, seen, different. The frigid, temperate and torrid zones ; oc- o I kilo ' w not whether to call • the Mon- the prostrate man—said he knew hint Icourts of common pleas of this common
partridge the lark, the crow, the black , ~,,f,ying. every variety of situation on seer a fish or a reptile. It is found in well—that he was an upright citizen and ; wealth that such consent was not the rc
bird, rifler in size and plumage, and the sca•board, and on the borders of the the warm regions of the Upper Nile honest man—that unfortunately he (the stilt of coercion on the part of her said
sing differently from onrs. The build- ,:)Ices,speaker) had expended his "last cent,' husband, but Rau the same
. ivas volttn•
On the tops of the highest lands, and is probably common in the tropical •
hugs are of Moorish and Spanish style. and in the most secluded valleys on the latitudes In the interior of Africa.- At or Ile would procure a curriage to re- titi•ily and of her own free Will.
The goat and the.sheep feed together. wide spread and open prairies, and in first it is wholly aquatic, has neither' mote him to his home,but
The bricks are of clay and straw, s"'' the most arid deserts; the countries of i l egs nor fins, but it tail like a fish, and present would "throw in only
the perso•ns Secs. 2. That any married womeh
' ' only a dime' s may dispose, by her last will and tests
dried., The women go with earthen the greatest humidiey, and where it. rare- may be seer; sporting at the bottom of apiece, it would be sufficient for that ment, of her Separate property, real,
the, same tic" verture ,
vessels to the well, just as Michael was' ly ever reins, as lit Peru, yet in all these the water. Alter a certain tithe it un- purpose; and although it would be a personal or mixed, ..t. , hether
gross neglect of his business, he would crues to her before oi• during Co
sent of old the time of the Patriarchs , summits, and every where, such n thing dergocs a remarkable change in its
of Julien. The roofs of the houses are its a case of pulmonary consumption has ' whole appearance. Like the rattlesnak . appropriate the money to that benevolent i Provided, 'rho said last will and testa-
object. This appeal was notmegt be executed in the presence of two
flee and places of recreation, and the never occurred, while these people rc- ' and assumes a shel t ie '
I it sheds itsshin,
pple wear sandals as in the East, in sisted, for all were pleased with the ha. et. more witnesses, neither of whom
niained in their savage state. Bring I like a monkey, with four limbs, two '
olden time. Wheat, Indian Corn, and them into our settlements, civilize them, ; short and two long like those of the inane remarks. A Yankee friend stand- shall be her husband.
herds of cattle, sheep and goats, the , let them ;,,,du them adopt our habits, and they ; K nif
geroo, or more resembling the Our' , ing near the speaker, (whose heart and SECT. 3. That in all cased where debts
banns and red-pepper, and garlic and , become its liable to consumption as our- ang-Outang, the semidiumanspecies of . purse are always open,) was the first to may be contracted for necessaries for
onions, are the principal sources of sub- selves. By what peculiarities is the In- which it is by some supposed to be the step forward with "lucre's tew shillen," the support and maintenance of the lam
sistence. 'rhe products of the mines : dian distinguished from the civilised , progenitor, as it entirely loses its tail • and next a venerable looking old quaker Ily of any married woman, it shall be
are the principal articles of foreign ex- American 1 First, the American Indian ! and from this time it is like the croc '. , handed in his mite. All present gave lawful for the creditor in such case to
change, added to woods, tallow and lis remarkable for the symmetry of his dile, amphibious and possesses other ' something, amounting probably to three institute suit against the husband and
cochineal. 'flue extreme dryness of Alex- figure. "Straight as an Indian" is an ! remarkable peculiarities. I succeeded "or four dollars, and a crrriage was pro wife for the price of such necessaries,
ice makes irrigation necessary in most o l d
proverb, whose truth is instantly re- . :
tit catching one previous to this trans- cured. The sick man was soon trans- and after obtaining a judgment, have an
parts of the country, and the scarcity of , cognized by all who ever saw the wild take p nce in a
formation, libido willl • fenced to it, with his humane friend, and execution against the husband alone ;
water and the habits of the people col- ,
Indian; his chest is perfect symmetry; few weeks,' away they went. The crowd quietly and if no property of the said husban d
• lect the- inhabitants into cities or villa- , his shoulder blades are laid flat against als it Possible? Well, that is a cu, dispersed, each thinking he had
gcs. The hand itself is owned by a few his chest, and the whole weight of his riosity really; us much so as the mer- a very charitable act.—But riles! (folic be found, the officer executing the sai
how writ shall so return, and thereupon an
large proprietors, not the least of whom arms, shoulders and shoulder blades is• maid,' said the proprietor of the Muse- soon do the bright pictures of life fade (dins execution may he issued, which
are the priests. The great mass of the thrown behind the chest, thus expanding i a fidgetlest it shouldslipt 'roue t
g um, it I l from our view, and present its rough re- ' may be levied upon and satisfied out of
people arc serfs, with but few more instead of contracting it. The naked his fingers. . :doles! About an hour after the occur- 111 e separate property of the wife, sect.,
rights than American slaves. It is true , chest and the whole person is often eN . " .More, my dear sir," said the tray- tense above related, we went into a res• ,red to her under the provisions of the
that the children of serfs are not of tic- , posed to the open, pure air, never stoop eller, "for Melin mermaid the transfer- tanrant at Chestnut and Eighth street first section of this act : Prot•ided, Th a t
cessity also serfs, but debt brings slit. in gait and walk, and pursue no avoca- motion is but half Acted but
comp, the and were astonished to see the sick man ' judgment shall not be rendered against
very, and the wages allowed by law al- ' !
, non that contracts time chest, or prevents tail remains." and his sympathetic friend cosily swat- , the wife in such joint action unless it
most always perpetuate it. Ilere then ' its free expansion ; often wash them- ' 'True, very true, what are -our et rats'," lowing "a dozen fried," and laughing shall have been proved that the debt
is the secret of the success of our arms.' sell .„ i„ pure cold water, exercise the ' " Well, sir—l care very your
for the' heartily over the adroit artifice by whicb , sued for in such action was incurred for
I conversed freely with the tenantry and freely by athletic exercise, run- ' but if you will properthey had "raised the wind," on the oc- ' articles necessary for the support of the
profit, prepare a
soldiers in all Mexico, and where they ring, racing, the chase, frequently dun. , tank, filled with Croton water, and kept easion referred to. ' family of said husband and wife.
are not filled with reltgious enthusiasm ring and shouting, &c., most vehement- sufficiently warm, you shall hat-e this I Setees ON elm o — mo -: - Fie bOat step. SECT. 4. That when any nuterled de.
against us, they care not who rules them, It nearly all day. The same holds true ' curious aiiiinal forfiftydollars I •- . take in wood. On Main possessed of te . pestittl prist(c.ify id
a week, , Pea to ta , e in woo • thi the s ere was aforesaid, shall die intestate herl '
American or Mexican masters. If all in regard to animals. j .
i mitil the transformation takes place, ' a remarkably stupid looking fellow,, me
ttle 'Mexican soldiers were freeholdersbandf • entitled
shallbe first to letters of
Animals in their wild state never have and one hundred dollars afterward." ' with his hands in his pockets and his '
end freemen, not one of all the Amer'.administration on her estate, which said
tic consumption, whilst animals domes- j "Done!" cried Barnum : " It's a bar- , under lip hanging down. A dandy, ripe
can army could escape from her shall be distributed as follows : If
ticated have it—as the monkey, the rah- gain, 11l get some bills directly," and for a scrape, tipped nods and winks all
The soldiers are caught up in the haci-such married woman shall leave no dill
, bit the horse, &c. Consumption is a clown he sat, and wrote—" tremendous' a l, o u t saying, Now I'll have some fun
nsas and the streets of the towns, by 0 d
hild of civilization results l• flattractionfrom ' ` I • a " • •
c tie y Upper I, • t—tae reat- I'll thegreen horn. He inn it •
dren, nor the descendants of such 'iv
force confined in some prison or convent, m:
A; and r• '.• • in Egypt—the g frighten ., , J I nig, the husband shall be entitled to such
, trout the loss of s ymmetry, from el est curiosity the world !—the wonder- . ashore with a drawn bowie knife, bran
there drilled, clothed, nrined, and thou ' persoeal estate nbsolutely. If inch
feininacy induced by too lunch clothing, ful—" dishing it in the face of the "greet' 'tin,"
sent on to the regular army. Such men married wonniti shall leaec a elilld or
too luxurious living, dissipntion, too lit. .• What is the name of this at imal I"exclaiming,''' "
i it .
now I'll punish you. Ihave • children lit lug s avow their resolution to desert, or run,., IN nig, her personal estate shall
tic ••• •• d debilitation, disease and . " Well,beforeit•
changes its shape, been looking for you a week. 'The fel
on the first occasion.' Of near one exiluse t au ..lie divided amongst the husprind and
occupatioe. is called the Pollowog or Tadpole; slier- ' low stared stupidly at the assailant. Ile
thousand soldiers sent from Toluca to , such child or children, share and share
sent from • If there is any appellation that o• 111 wards it is called a Frog " replied the evidently had not sense
enough to be
the aid of Santa Annum at Mexico, net • . .is , . alike. if any such child or children
apply to us us a nation, it round shoul• grave stranger, looking mildly over his ' scared ; but as the bowie-knife came
one hundred stood the battle. being dead, shall hava left issue, such
tiered. The habit of contructing the spectacles. ' near his face, one of his huge fists sad-'issue
The whole people do not exceed eight
chest by stooping is formed in multitudes • Barnum dropped his pen and stood • denly vacated his pocket and fell hard
toillion:4, and of these about tutu inillieus flueparei s d . .
itt school, or out of school, by not hold- upright, looking at the learned traveller ' and heavy between the dandy's eyes, '
are white anti mixed bloods, the remain-'Thattl
SECT.. the real estatesuck
are of such
ing themselves erect either sitting or in absolute astonishment—and an en- I and the poor fellow soon floundered in
der are native Indians. 1 never, in all married wountii elate her decease shall
standing • and it is a matter of !titbit in tirely new specimen of etrifaction, ' the Ohio. Greening jumped on board
Mexico, with the exception of foreigners . be clistributdd ds jsrotided tar by th'l in
a great ' degree ; tailors, shoemakers, . our boat, put his hands in his pockets, testate
o commonwealth now
in the Capital, sass' a single while uum merchants, clerics, students, seamtresses, A flesyv B ssw .___A Pennsylvania' and looked around. "Maybe," said he in force.
at work. Wherever there is slavery iu fact all whose occupations causes Colonel, a very particular friend of ours, ' tuthere'sh dherethat's
wine r, y else been
there is labor dishonorable—it is morel Seer. 6. That the eleventh section of
them to stoop at their work, or at rest, is very fond of telling stories, of which : looking for me a week."
creditable to rob than to work. Yet , or a;
pleasure or amusements, he is invariably the hero. 'file only, j the act of eigth April . one thousand
• eight hundred end thirirthree, entitled
. : ',Mexico surlinsses the Slave States of . • will.• • fault about some of them is that el • ' Win- DON'T WE GROW.—The Louis- ' -
I receive soon make sitting per-the} ; ,ti an ac t relating to last wills and testa
)1 I SC Els I „' \ \ I' Ot ‘)
' • ' I ' ' America) in nietinfectures ' Rome
• • -•• As is finely erect vastly more agreeable and
' . Was overrun by die Barbarians, so are highly colored :in short, lie ttlways gills Examiner contains the following- meats," shall not 'be construed to deprive
" draws a long bow." j answer to the question often asked in
less Intigning than a stooping posture.. the widowof Ishoreof
hat the
- z" --- .-- Mexico by the Americans ; the slates' "I was once in Harrisburg," says the the Slave States—" Why don't wP '
Mexico Described by Cassius M. will - fight, the . , too few
. To pe
not masters are ea rsons predisposed to consumption, i ,
Colonel, "on official business. During . gross .
~, - ettate of her husband, tinder the intes-
Clay.. these hints as regards writing or reading
to deiced the country. Bigotry in sse- in . sta • a horse race came off near the I " Slavery costs us millions. Who had ' tate laws of this commonwealth, but
Cassius Al. Clay, in his reception speech ligion has debased the mind, the corrup- desks are of the greatest importance. ) .
.), that the said widow may make her
capttol, tied as I am rather partial to now tilled our fertile lands if the State .
et Richmond, ky., gars the following lions of the Church have destroyed the lit walking
•• the chest should be carried choice either of the b • d
of i t horse racing, I went to see it. Just as had been free ? What now would have
ill dense
graphic description of the country : morals of the people ; the oppression,: . .
• proudly erect and straight, the top
the horses were about starting, some been our annual earnings, if slavery had
Mexico extends from about latitude of the masters have exhausted time pointing rather backwards thrin for- tament, or of her share of the the er
fellow insulted me by jostling me rather ' not blackened our soil. All around us, ,oval . intestate ,P
16 North to 42 deg. from the Gulf of lands. Mexico is decreasing in populto '
w'' 'l' ds. North' Indians,.l roughly. Now, you know I don't often 'in sight of our first settled homes, pro- estate limier the taws
Mexico to the Pacific ;and was in extent, tion and resources. Since her indepen- I he American mto
fight, ., ~ .•, aforesaid.
lICV had consum tion are remarkable batwhenlstrike, then I do ' • 1 - - dmakes• •
Why gins inat ,s an et•ers tning in . ._ _ • •
before the loss of Texas, about as large deuce, her revenues arc falling oil; her cle P ,
I .. I fist I • 1 • ' freeS • • • ' How to bo Happy.
us the United States. It embraces all villages are decaying, her public works fur their perfectly erect straight walk. strike--so up A%•ll I andlit him a the States—cont erting wilderness ,
blow that sent him against the fence, countries into thick settlements, swel- Do all the good you can. \Viten you
Next to this, it is of vast importance tci
the climates of the world, and rises in (idling to ruin. She has lived by the , into a field, carrying with him nine sec- ling villages into towns, towns into cat- I hear of a poor widow, an orphee child,
the consum " tive to breathe well. He
temperature, from the tropical plains of sword, she must perish by the sword. g lions of posts and rails. The fellow laid ice, and cities into 'nighty marts of n • et. nu aged man who isattllicted, tisy that.
I should make a ract of takinglong Vera Cruz and Acapulco to the regions 'flue dine for her to die has come. Yet, •iedividual a elslf, Do not hoard up ail
breaths suck in alltim e e air he can,and u short time, then raising himself in a ' thriving commerce, and we stand still I
of perpetual snow. The Rocky Moen- like South Carolina she talks large.—sitting posture, he looked wildly around —stand stock still, as i i • an incubus i You earn ; give a certain portion to the
iota in ' the chest as long asoss ' ible
tains which separate us from Oregon She whipped Spain, Spain whipped t ,.
a intothecold air, of . hint " Gentlemen," said he, "has this were upon us, and we had no power to I poor. Never get angry. If you are
extend through all Mexico and her France, France whipped the world—and '
.. , . r, instead bh
storm done much damage 1 Did the heave it off—as ' if We were the slaves of I slandered or imposed upon, better suffer
whole surface is composed of table- consequently, Mexico is the mistress of shrwl ' ln g ..Itsdra; lon ° m u tt . g reraetdsa little than retaliate and use • harsh
lands and mountains, which rise in steps the world ! Yet fifty thousand Ammo of the pure cold air. its a hund • lightning strike any body but tne I" ' a bondage, as galling ns any man can'
' suffer. words. Be not proud or selfish. Think
from the Gulf and the Rio Grande to cans conquer eight millions of souls!— times a du l y if you
aIARRYING FOR MONLV.—A prudent and , Let it be so no more! The World bids not more highly of yourself and your
the highest level, and then descend in The clergy plunder the people, the army Z f lio " n e l n d k you hate a a s sl i i t ght v c i old, übreeinYt°lll. well-disposed member of the "Society „s play the part of a man—let us do it. talents than you do of the capacities of
regular gradations once more to the Pa- now begin to plunder the clergy, while
habittl • infullchest of '
ofretying aair.c of Friends" once gave the following ch r i st i m i ty amm o, to ~„ w i th „ „, ust . others. Puy all you owe. Keep out of
cific. Sho has no navigable streams, indepon ' ilent robbers begin to plunderfriendly advice: inn, living spirit—let Us answer her debt. Get not emougled in the meshes
and the mountains and arid plains coin- the Government, the clergy, and the Luxurious feathers or down beds o John, said , said lie, "I hear thou art • r•i i 1
' rightly. Self-interest urges us to set of law--avoid it as the mire way to ruir.
pose, I should imagine, seven eighths of people. Such is the fearful retribution should be avoided, as they greatly tend going to
A be marrie." free the slave—let us do it." Shun vicious pursuits and unprinciplid
the whole territory. It is now three fIV
01 taature's violated laws. Seeing Tex- to effeminate the system and reduce the o yes t
,replied John, "I tun." ,
------.._ associates. Honor the Sabbath, serve
-hundred years since the Spanish Con- las, that it was a lovely land, we coveted strength. For this reason beds should , " Well," rejoined the man of drab, A LAW Qessrins.—. The estate that God and be dented to truth and reli,
quest, and her population has long since our neighbor's goods ; seeing the weak- be elastic, but rattler firm told hard ;' "I have one little piece of advice to give was left," said an Irishinan to his Law- gfon. Finally, take the " Iluntingdor
reached that barrier where Nature im- ness of Mexico, we took it bi. force. ' straw beds, hair mattresses, these on a . thee, and that is, never to marry a wo , yer, was a pig and d bushel of potatoes , Journal," pm , for it in advitnee, - ard
poses eternal obstacles to farther pre , feather bed are well ; a most excellent man worth more than thou art. When . which were to be divided between the ! rendl 't tt '
a entively, and our word for it,
ress, where the whole products of the (li- The editor of a western newspa. !mattress is made by combing out the 1 married my wife, 1 was worth just ; heirs, myself and brother. The Exec- ' you will be happy. Peace and content
earth are economically consumed by pe r says—" The printer wants grain, husk or shuck of Italian corn. I first fifty cents, and she was worth sixty-two' tutors shut the pig up with the potatoes,' unent will smile in • •
our path, joy dame
the people. No doubt, better modes of pork, tallow, candles, whiskey, linens, net these beds in holy-- -they are de- ' cents; and whenever any difference has and during the night he cat them up, on your countenance, and evert lime ef
agriculture would increase her popula: be e , wor, U.0 , ,,1, and any thing else, that lightful. Cold sleeping rooms are glii- ' occurred between 11, since, she has al- and now we, %Vane to knots how n'e are ' light before tou e ill he frnoeht n 0,1%
tion, but et present, to use the inngunge 1,,, can cc , e i eralls the bet, especialls for sumo's per- Wars thrown up the odd shilling." - to divide the property ." i bleesiugs rich and almedrint.
The following poetry should be treasured au an
unparalleled literary curiosity it wan written by
a little blind girl, (Minn Abby Waters, 47 Missouri
street, Boston.) only ten years of age. She woo
'AM without hands and wrote it with tier mouth,
haring acquired an extraordinary facility in that
Mode of recording thought. The mental, no less
than the mechanical origin of this poem, is remark
able enough, and an an exhibition of poetical pre
:ocity it surpasses, I think, the fins!, :out ofTerings
Jr Popo and Cowley.—Bonfon Poet.
Now the wintry signs are going,
Yost from stream and sod nod bee,
Wormer airs are mildly blowing,
Spring is here with fare and glee,
snows are low and suns are high
Where her rosy footsteps fly ;
Wide abroad her mantle flinging,
Ac the angel maid advances,
Flowers ore blooming, birds ore singieg,
In the sunshine of Ler glances.
Soul of verdure, youth and beauty,
. .
Genius of the road of rose.
Who delaye to pay thee duty,
'Who but in thy lap repowal
Earliest born ! thy blush supernal
t;tive their tints to EtlenCllower's,
Cl.wp the globe with glories vernal,
Pitted scenes for heavenly hours
Changeless, though that globe is changing,
Youthful, though our forma grow old,
As of yore thy fret come ranging,
litinaing hennty to the mould.
Wain of breeze, light towkies,
Lite and freedom to the fountains,
To the woodland', emetald dyes,
Mo.. and garlands to the mountain.,
flrdur to uncultured lands,
Music to returning
Labor to din farmer's bond,
Iloilo to licarta. and cheer to words
GloriouP, gentle, genial Spriog,
Could we aver to thee cling,
Sever mote a sigh for Summer
Should a human bottom heave,
lie should he a noteleag comer,
Nor a look of love receive.
I'm thy ways are Ways of grace,
freshness, peace and purit:•
PEndioe adorns thy face
And though Summer's rotes imposing
Ampler seem and holder dyed.
Thine are evermore disclosing
More of peace end tear of pride.
Only in thy mike rd wander,
littler seen°. encrifice.
And when du.t nod opirit Bonder,
Leave thee only for the skier,
Why thin'tyou take a paper, Brown
„ . .
Ins sure it is n shame,
That we can't get Mc news from town,
(Wore it's old and tutus.
fl aeon Jones. across the way,
WM, gets ono every week—
Anil who can heat you all, they say.
%Viten called upon to speak.
reason, air, is plain you know ;
For when he reads it through,
His words like milk and honey flow.
And all he pays is new,
Soho is taken by the hiind,
For what he can impart ;
While old and young around him ittand,
And may, !. The deacon's smart !"
Oh ! is it not a sbame,
To hag your purse tritight,
When a mere bit of yellow (ley
Would aet the matter right
What good is gold—now call you
To any of your kind,
Unless it keeps the body well,
,tnil benefits the mit d !
Why don't you take a paper, Primal
I'm sure it in n shame,
The we can't gel the news from tovka,
lintil it'd old and tonic !
Now let tin quit this simple way,
And take a worthy start,
And ere a coat our friends will coy
The Browns are getting smart !“
wiroLE No. 689,