Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 18, 1848, Image 3

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    ence and hearing of•Bvt. Lt, Col. Dun- I Pillow—the man who dug that ditch at
can, which may save the time of this I Camargo on the wrong side of the forti
court, as well as that of the parties be-1 fication—has again dug a ditch which
fore it.
have laid two
with a speci- !is destined to engulf him. He had bet
fication under each, against the Lt. Col. ter have accepted General Scott's offer
The first alleges a breach on his part, of to withdraw the charges. However, he
an old general regulation of the army, can rely on his brother-in-law Posit to
re-published and re-established by the save him.
President of the United States, Jan.2B, ,
1847, against the publication in newspa- HE WAS ONLY A PRIVATE !—A soldier
pers, arc., of unauthorized letters or re• is announced to have died in Pittsburg,
Ports, from any army in the field, pend
and buried at the
expense of public
ing the campaign to which they relate,
charity. His name is not mentioned.—
and which regulation the President di
rects all in military authority strictly' He was only a private—no epaulettes
to enforce:
I graced his shoulders, or public proces-
As a principal conservator, at the ' sion his lonely obsequies.
time, of the peace, harmony and discip-1
line of the army, I thought it my duty [D.- Gen. Scott is expected home by
to arrest let Lt. Col. Duncan for a pub- the middle of next month. He will be
fication of that character, and laid the
triumphantly acquitted by the Court of
specific charge in question—which I
duly submitted to the President of the Inquiry, and, if present indications fore-
United States, in order that he might tell anything, it will be at the expense
appoint (as no other could) a general of his persecutors.
court martial for his trial. The Presi
dent having thought proper on an ad- I ALTERED RELIEF NOTES, of the Far
!flitted, certain, and specific fact, to or- mers' Bank of Bucks county, are in cir
der an inquiry into, and not a trial of culation ; they are ones altered to twos,
the matter ; it is clearly nut for me to
and is done by pasting the figure two
uphold his regulation against his evident n „
gure one on the genuine bill,
indifference on the subject. I therefore over t h e
withdraw that charge and its specifics- and by the erasure of the word one in
twin, and utterly decline, without fur- the body of the bill: They are execu
ther orders from the President, to pros- ted badly. •
ecute it before this or any other tribu
The second charge and specification,
Alexander Ramsey, of Dauphin.
which I thought it my duty, but most i
Morton APAlichael, of Philadelphia.
reluctantly, to prefer against the same
I Thomas E. Cochran, of York.
gallant o ffi cer, relates to matters of fact,
Robert Iredell, of Alontgotnery.
therein set forth, quoted from the same Washington Townsend, of Chester.
letter, re-published here under his own ;
John C. Kunkel, of Dauphin.
signature. James Fox,
Gen. S. then goes on to remark that Francis N. Buck, of Philadelphia city.
" hoping and believing that the state- Benjamin Matthias,
ments made in that re-published letter, George Lear, or Bucks.
however injurious to the truth of histo-
Thomas J. Watson, of Philadelphia co.
ry, and to the same extent to myse l f, George Erety , It
H. H Etter, of Perry.
ware made from the want of correct in-1 Paul S. Preston, of Wayne.
formation, and from no intention to mis- Edward C. Darlington, of Lancaster
represent facts,"—he " would give to David W. PAtilleerrsoonf,
Lieut. Col. Duncan another opportunity ' G eo rg eDai. F .
er of , Mifflin.
of saying whether he was not ignorant
Lot Benson, of Berks.
at the time of writing the letter of those IW illiam H. Seibert, of Berks.
facts." Which the General then recit- Joseph Paxton, of Columbia.
pitulated, being orders in relation to George V. Lawrence, of Washington
on , of o f Cambria.
certain movements of the army,
ding certain orders to General Worth. '
L. D. Fin ney, Wetnore of Warren.
Lieut. Col. Duncan, thereupon sub- ; John Morrison, Allegheny.
mitted a reply in writing, in substance i H. W. Patrick, of Bradford.
that when lie wrote his " Tampico let- Sainuel W. Pearson, of Somerset
ter" he believed the frets to be substan-
Alexander W. Taylor, of Indiana
tially true; and that he was ignorant
of what Gen. Scott had just stated, and
heard it for the first time ; that he "had
no desire to detract from the merits of
any officer ; and no one can regret more
than myself if I have done so "
Gen. Scott then withdrew the charges
and said he would not prosecute them
unless ordered by the Court. The case
was then set aside.
The case of Gen. Put.ow was then
taken up. General Scott offered to with
the charges against him, chiefly
fat the reason, that he had asked for a
Court Martial; instead of which the
Government bad ordered a Court of In.
quiry, into which ho said, the " judge
and his prisoners, the accuser and the'
accused, the innocent and the guilty,
are thrown all alike to scramble for ja,
lice, as we may." And because " this .
Court had no power beyond the mere !
collecting of facts and giving an inn',
erative opinion thereupon."
—Gen. PH.Low, however, with much
bravado—(thinking doubtless, that the
charges could not be sustained by Gen.
Scott,) insisted upon proceeding; and
Gen. Scott agreed to gratify him. On
the ;11st, the examination of witnesses
commenced, and Mr. FRestER, the
" Mustang" correspondent of the New
Orleans Delta, was put upon the stand.
His evidence is a most triumphant vin
dication of the propriety of the arrest
by Gen. Scott. In regard thereto, we
copy the following from the notice in
the New Orleans Bulletin, of the Court
of Inquiry:
"Major General Pillow's case then
came on the carpet, and certainly it
opens rich, particularly as regards the
Leonidas letter, the original draft of
which was at once clearly brought home,
not only to the knowledge of Gen. Pil
low, but that he actually handed the un
sealed manuscript, with interlineations
in his own handwriting, to Mr. Freaner,
(Mustang) addressed and to be forward
ed to the Delta, stating that he wished
it sent otr, so as to give the first impres•
sions. He afterwards wanted to with
draw the document from Mr. Freaner,
but the latter refused to part with it.
We all recollect Gen. Pillows recent
letter on the subject of " Leonidas," and
how he is now going to explain away
his assertions on the subject, we are at
a loss to imagine.
" The examination of Mr. Freaner,
which was clear and conclusive, was
closed on the fifth day, and Mr. Trist
was to be the next witness."
-We aro of theopinion,that General
DYSPEPSIA.—This distressing corn
phint is a weakness of the digestive organs, caus
ed by impurity of the blood. The gastric juice, a
fluid peculiar to the stomach, when secreted from
lad blood, is deficient in those solvent properties
which are of such importance to digestion. Con
sequently the food, instead of being dissolved, of
ten becomes spoiled or putrefied in the stomach;
hence bad breath, sour belching, cmdivenes, pains
in the stomach, colic, dysentery, and other dread
ful complaints.
- Wright's Indian Vegetable Pale arc a
cer tai n cure for Dyspepsia. because they cleanse
the stomach and bowels front all hi roue humors, '
and purify the blood. Four or five of said Pills,
taken at night on going to lied, will in all cases
give relief, and if continued fur a shun time, will
melee it perfect core of Dyspepsia.
cry Remetet of sugar coated counterfeitt.
Tire only ore .
;vmeland genuine Indian V. geta
ble Pith /race the signature of William Writ's:
written with a pen on the lap label of each b
None other is genuine aud to counter felt this is
Forgery. The genuine fur sale by
K.SI NTONTON, Sole Agent for Hunting
don; Charles Porter, Alexandria; Blair & Robin
son,Shade Gap; Blair & rrankstown; Orbison
& Co., Orbisonin; A. 0. Brown, Shirleysburg;
Hunter & Cu., West Rnrre and Petersburg; Grail'
& Co.. Manor Hill; D. S. Bell, M'Elavy's Fort;
JamcsMaguire, Saulsburg; John W. Myton, En
nesville; George T-T. Steiner, %Voter Street; A. &
W. Cresswell, Petersburg; Milliken & Kessler,
Mill-creek; and wholesale and retail at the prin
cipal attire, 169 Race street,Philadelphio.
Th .71arkrfs.
The market continues dull and inactive, with
small sales of Flour at '56 per bbl. for fair retail.
ing brands, and some 5 a 600 We. for export at
64 a 12ic kV, 11) 0 Flour is steady at $3 WO,
eales of 2,000 bids. ('urn Meal at . $2 371. lu
Wheat there is nothing of moment doing, the
supply as well no the receipts being very light—
we quote good reds at IL5c. per bus., and white
ut t 33 a 130 c. Further Wes of about 4,000 bus.
good yellow Corn at 51c. per bus., and smug lots
of white at 48 a 49r. Oats are dull at 43c.
Small sales of Whiskey at 22!e. per gall. in bble.
and 21 3c. in hbd.
Bridge Proposals.
THE undersigned Commissioners of Hunting
don county, will receive proposals at their
Mime in Huntingdon, on and until Thursday the
4th day May mat, for the erection of a Bridge
am oss the Little Juniata River, near Barree Forge,
in Porter township.
The plan and specifications can he seen at the
Commissioners' Office.
apr 7-X] Commirsioners.
Ilsecutors' Notice.
Estate of Adam Lightner, late of Harree
township, Huntingdon county, dec'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testa-
Mentary on the last Will and Tenement of
said decd have b on granted to the undersigned.—
Therefore all persons indel ted to said estate will
make immediate payment, and those having claims
or demands against the saute are requested to pre
sent them duly authynticated• for settlement to
the Seoptels Atom
THE subscriber respectfully informs
.1 his friends and the public that he has
received and opened a splended stock of
comprising the latest, finest and most
fashionable styles—Broadcloths, Cassi
mere, Satinetts, Vestings of all kinds,
Cashmeres, Tweeds, etc., etc. Among
his assortment may be found
Ladies' Dress Goods
too numerens to mention—call and see
for yourselves. His stock of Ready
is larger, and superior, to any other in
the place, and embraces Coats, Panta
loons and Vests, of almost every style
and quality, and will be sold cheaper
than the cheapest. He has, also, a good
assortment of Boots and Shoes, of all
.sizes and quality, and HATS, CAPS, and
BONNETS,which he will sell very low.--
His stoc k of
is large and of the best qualities, and
will be sold very cheap.
The public arc respectfully invited to
call at the "PEOPLE'S STORE," adjoining
the residence of I-lon. James Gwin,
where they can get better bargains than
at any other place in town.
Kreountry Produce taken in exchange
for goods,. for which higher prices will
be given than can be had at any other
Huntingdon, 40'7 '4B.
711,1, be received by the committee for that
Vl' purpose, between this lime and Saturday
29th April next,for building a I RESHYTERIAN
CHURCH, at shade Gap, Dublin township Hun
tingdon county. The committee have made a
contract fur the brick, to be delivered on the ground
by the Ist of August next, and proposals will be
received for furnishing the balance of tl e materials
and the erection and completion of tie building.
More particular information may be had by appli
cation to the undersigned, at any time before or
on said day, upon which the work will be let to
the lowest and best bidder or bidder,
Building Ccmmillee.
Apr 1 8.45)
Regimental Orders,
THE Volunteers and Militia composing the tat
Regiment, 2d Brigade, 10th Division, P. M.,
are hereby required to train by Company on the
Ist Monday and lot day of May next, and by
Battalion for parade and review, as follows: Ist
Battalion will meet at Orbisonia, Cromwell town
ship, on Friday the 12th day of May ; 2nd Bat
talion at Cassville, on tiaturday 13th day of May
Col., Ist H. 2d U. 10th D. P. M
Cnss twp., aprl S.
D.111.A15772.1T0 RS' NOTICE.
Estate of John Carillon, late of Bonnet
township, Huntingdon county - , deed.
lETTERS of administration (with the
/ will annexed) haying been granted
to the undersigned on said estate, all
persons having claims against the same
are requested to present them for settle
ment, and those indebted are requested
to make immediate payment to
apl 1-61.
THE partnership heretofore existing
under the firm of I. & H. Grafius,
Alexandria, Pm, has been dissolved by
mutual consent. All persons having
unsettled accounts with said firm will
please call and settle the same with I.
Urafius, at his residence, in Alexandria.
April I, 1848.]
On retiring from business, I. all AY., desires
to return his sincere thanks to the public for the
eery liberal patronage extended to hint for a long
series of yeast s, and to bespeak for his successors
the same getters us support.
em3acoubo o
No. NM Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa.
it. H. NEFF & BRO.,
LTA VE just received from the Eastern
yi Markets a very extensive and the
!nest magnificent and best assortment of
ARTICLES, ever brought to Hunting
don: Consisting, in part, of Gold Lever
Watches, full Jewelled, from $4O to
$120; Silver Levers, from $l6 to $3O,
and common watches ut any price—all
of which are warranted for one year.
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired
with the greatest care, on the most rea
. terms and warranted. [tip 4.
\ IRS. SUSAN HAMPSON rcapoctfuly in
illorms the public that she hoo again taken thin
well known house, kept for many years by Mr.
John McConnell, r6he 'snow prepared to accom
modate all who may favor her wtth their custom
in a way that " can't be beat!" No pains will
be spared by Mrs. H. to make the " Black Bear
Tavern," under her management, still merit its
well known popularity ; and the public may rest
assured that she will use her bent endea'vera toren
der to all her friends ample justice.
She is prepared to accommodate boarders by the
week, mouth or. y ear.
T. 11. CREMER,
Business hi the counties of Huntingdon, Blair and
Mifflin will be promptly and c3refully attended to,
themselves of this means of making
known to their old friends and custbmers Chef they'
have greatly enlarged their room,- and are now
opening at the old and well known corner, it very
large and splendid assintment of '
Spring and Summer Goods,
which will be sold
20 Per Cent. Cheaper
than was ever before known in this latitude,
Their stock is heavy uud has been selected with
great core, so that the wants of the WHOLE ,
PEOPLE may be suplied. • In addition to their The export duties having been taken off
former variety they have added a fine assortment every kind of Day GOODS, Groceries,
or HATS, CAPS, and &c.; &e.,. &c.,
Ready...Made' Clothing,
J. & . . SAX TON
which now renders their establishment a
Grand Bazar Are enabled tot present to their ens
whette everything useful and ornamental may be Somers an assortment of goods of unri
found, and at prices which DEFY all competition! yelled excellence, at prices so low as to
For example: They are selling siletalit:
.Dress Lawns for 124 cents. per yard, • be within the reach of alt.
Calicoes, from 3to 6 do. do., Call and See
Bleached Muslin at 4 do. du.,
Good Brown Sugar at 61 cents per lb.; Calicoshn' from 2to 18 cts per yard.
" 2to 18 do.
best Rio Coffee at 10 cents per lb. ; Mo- Ginghams " 12 to 40 do.
lasses, 25 cents per gallon. And to cap Lawns " 12 to 37 du.
the climax, they are able and willing to Mouslin de Lain 12 to 37 do.
sell a FULL SUIT of Ready-made Cloth- Shawls " $l.OO to - $8.50.
lag for the small sum of 2.50. Coffee " 6i. to 10 eta per lb.
For further particulars, please call at Sugar " 6to 10 do.
the 'OLD LOCUST COR_VER,' where Tea "23 to 100 do.
the important fart will be proven t hat Molasses "Bto 20 els per quart.
Fisher, McMurtrie& Co. have the lurowt, I S.IL7', PL. , ISTEII, FISH, 4.c., 4-c.
the BEST and the CHE.4PES7' stock of
Goods ever offered for sale in Hunting- CAI-iat.P., U11,..: . 1 Li
don ! [April 6, 1848. .What do you think of a full suit (made
' up) of excellent clothes, at
Grand Exhibition!
AT THE CC? $2.00?
CLOTHING.STORE,AII of the very best d uality ; and to be
sold on their uhual accommodating
I I Ili E public are informed that the subscriber has t erms. raplll-tf.
I lust received from the the east a very lai-ge
and splendid assortment of ME I'S' & YOUTHS' -%
- 11 F
clothing, which he offers for sale at the very lowest ll i ' ,
...4 .
'NT ' \AT S '1_ 1 ()
prices. Among the sleek will be found rape, fine, • . ,
b lso, alpaca, cas hlack,blew linerette, l and olivetweed, linen a , dress and frndock
cot a t coon ts; NEW BL, C , EAP SPRING GOODS'
(rock, dress and sack coats ; also, s first rate article
c ,„ ;
c, ,, a; ; also every variety or p ., 5, ri`HE subscribers would inform their friends and
the public that they have received and opened
veggie, drawers and woolen a , d cotton undershirts I
v and D.UTIFUL stock of
pleated linen breasted shirts; gingham, check and a 3 " ' •
and striped and plids cotton shirts; linen colors 1 D n 7-0- o o D 0 , r
and breasts ; gloves, hosiery and suspenders ; also, I selected with great care, nod suited to the spring
an elegant variety of cravats and stocks. Also, aand summer seasons. In their stock of Ladies'
general assortment lof . Dress Goods, May be found all the newest styles,
BOOTS et SHOES such as Paris Lustres, Hair Cord Gingliains. 8011,
, ' mines, Monterey Plaids. Mohair Lustres, Organ
of all sixes; new style of fancy HA T'S. & CA l' 8, . dice, with a large lot of Lawns and Calicoes at all
leghors, chip &c.; umbrellas of every variety ;in prices. Among their goods for the Gentlemen are
short, a full suit of shy quality, price, order or Cashinarets, Gashmaret Plaids, Diap D'Alberts,
color can be had at his stand, in the corner room of Dr.p d'Ete, Mohair Cords, Napoleon Velvet
°SNARES ROW," opposite Whittaker's hotel. Cords, Lines Coat cheeks, Drilling, Summer
N. B. The public will bear in mind v c ,,,,,, g ,,8„.., fk e .
that I have the largest and best assort- They would also invite attention to their stock of
( I i) I 1 ( 1 ri D T 1? 0
mcnt in Huntingdon, all of which is war- I
ranted to be well made and fashionably ;' VT IL k../ l.r li 1, 1...1 TA 0 )
[ cut. Call and judge for yourselves be- 'Su...Tars-5, 6 and 8 cents per pdtind—
fore purchasing elsewhere. Molasses, from 374 to 40 . cents pee
ap 11-3m] BENJAMIN SNARE. gallon; and every other article usually
.._. _
11. c. Alctio.i.. -------- i i s.u . n . s. kept in a Grocery Store, at equally
- low prices.
'rite A lexandria
- 1 Beaver, Silk, Leghorn &.- Palm
FOUN 1) R Y -
Leaf data, Caps, Bonnets, Um
,7---- brellus, Parasols and Shades,
been leased by the subscribers, who are
I 1 prepa ed to execute castings of all oescrip- Ribbon', i Artificial Flowers, &c.
ti na i n superior st yl e ( sue of th em b e i ng a plan. We have also a handsome assortment of
deal smoulder of long experience) and oil the low- READY-MADE
est and most accommodating terms.
Castings . for Forges, Rolling :Mills, CLOTHING,
Water pipes, Grist and Saw Mills, :
Threshing Machines, and all other kinds Boots and Shoes. Also—Fish, Salt,
of machinery which may be ordered will Plaster, Iron and Nails.
be furnished on the shortest notice. n• - • The above stock having been purchased en
, tirely for CASII, we are enabled to offer at Low.
totems than such goods CBll be obtained elsewhere.
Stoves of various sizes will be constantly
kept on hand for both wood and coal. Those, therefore, wishing to purchase, will please
We have lately procured a call and examine our stock, as we take great pleas
tire in showing our goods.
In the store room formerly occupied by Jacob
Miller, opposite the residence of Judge Gmvin,
V. All kinds of Country Produce ta-
ken in exchange for goods. Dipll.
Cooking .Stove
of two different sizes, which for conve
nience and excellence they will warrant
to surpass the celebrated "Queen of the
West" and "Hathaway" stoves, the for
mer of which we 'are also prepared to
supply. ..!//so, Coal Cooking , Stoves,
Parlor and Chamber stoves of most
elegant patterns.
Ilolloiv II are,
Such as Pots, Wash Kettles, &c. Pluughs of
such variety that all may he suited. Carriage and
Waggon boxes from the smallest to the largest,
skd and sleigh soles, and in line any and every
thing in our line of business cast be had immedi
ately,or at theshortesb notice.
Old metal and country produce taken
in exchange
Perot, Hoffman & Co,
Forwarding and General Commisviun merchants,
No. 41 North Wharves and S 3 North Water
Are prepared to receive and forward Goods to all
pointson the Juniata, with promptness and des- '
patch, at as low rates of freight as any other I
House. . . . . . . .
Plaster and salt constantly on hand, for nate at
the lowest market rates.
g - 7 Liberal advances made on Produce.
References-,Dutith & Humphreys, Vi anklin
Platt & Co , Lea, Bunker & Co., Barclay &
Kennedy, Philadelphia; Robert Thompson,
Thonipsontown ; R. C. Gallaher. Nlifflintown
J. & J. Milliken, P. McCoy and 0. P. Duncan,
Lewistown; Lloyd & Graff, Hol lidaysburg ;John
Porter, Alexandria; Irvin, Green & Co., Mill
Creek. t •
march 21.1848. " •
Administrators' Notice.
Estate of James Carothers, lute of Shir-
leysbuig, Huntingdon county, 'deed.
ivoTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad-
ministration have been grunted to the under
signed, on the Estate of said deed. All persons
knowing themselves indebted to raid estate are rc
guested to make immediate payment; and those I
having claims or demands- against the same topre-
I sent them duly authenticated, for settlement.
Aden; triztratot a. ,
Another Grand Triumph
G.:. *IE •
anitiozzAtirono! I TOTICE is hereby given that the books
By the last train from the cities for the subscription of stock to the
"Drake'a Ferry and Broad To Railroad
of New York & Philadelphia! company," will be opened at
Successful pa sage through the "Raging ' shirleysbur g . at the store of H. Erewsicr, ore
Kanawl !". Monday, 13th May.
Sale arrival of the most inagnifi- ca,"„vi Me
`" m " . the e of It. Speer, 1)" Monday,
cent assortment of the finest and Bedford, at the Hotel of Ca'. Ottinger, on Mon
cheapest Fabrics every brought
Ift d in a ting l oo li t i t, M a n t Y ;lte hotel of 'nos. Wallace, on
to the county of I luntingdon ! I Monday, 15th May.
Phi adclphia, at the office of Calvin Blythe, Es q .,
No. 1, north 6th street, on Mond.e.y..22d May.
At which places one or more of the un
dersigned Commissioners will attend,
and keep the books open for said pur
pose for six judicial , days, agreeably to
the act of incorporation for said company.
John Brewster, John Dougherty,
Robert Speer, E. S. Howard,
I'. T. Cromwell, Win. Lyon,
A. P. Wilson, Joseph Ottinger,
Jacob Cresswell, Calvin Blythe,
John McLain, Jr. John Savage,
John Sharer, %1 m. M. Meredith,
Theodore Franks.
Tin and Copper f THE subset Hier, residing two miles east el bhir
,.„'.QueliaLlaQail'alcco a 2 I I leysborg, in the shop fortnerly occur led by
ALEXANDRIA, PA. David Long, wishes to inform the public That he
D OBERT GRAM will carry on the
S having purchas- Coverlet 1111rvin .7
ed the Tin and Copper Manufactory , •
in all its various branches. Also — C a rpeting.
lately owned by I. & H. Grath's, ' , al Girthing & Ingrain. Also, Dye every variety of
continue to carry on the business at the ' shades of colour. Having served a term of six
same stand in all its various branches, I years with said Long, he assures the Public that
lie understands the above business, and by strict
Wholesale and Retail. He will always
be prepared to furnish on the shortest ! i' i l , " : t i i t c: o n ,, l n 'e n loPp o t r . o . ,, , elu! ri t i ni ie lr o e r o c i i i i . ,. . t, l , - .
notice, Cooking Stoves, Stove Pipe,
at Kesster's Store, Mill
Iner t :, tvorkWi will be taken in 7it Fisher and MeMnr-
House Spouting,Copper Pumps for wells, , r i,,,, ~,,,, H unt i„ g d on;
any depth, Copper Dye, Wash, Fuller, creo:; at Jacob liby's, l'atlt volley.
Preservinrr and Ten Kettles, and Tin , mi7•atn.3 Wm. KEEFER.
• ._
Ware of e . ;ery description. All of which . Administrators' Notice.
will be sold on the most reasonable terms.
Estate of Esther- Clarke late of the
Persons favoring this establishment with their
borough of Huntingdon, deceased,
may depend on having their orders execu
ted with fidelity and despatch. VOTICE is hereby given that Letters
Old metal, copper, braes and pewter taken in es-
. 01 of Administration on the estate of
said decid, have been granted to the tin.
I , , l , s a a r ri k g e e t . pri . , N e l . so, wheat, rye, corn and oats taken at
Alexandria, April I I, 18484.
deroiged. All persons knowing. them
______ _ ________ selves indebted to said estate are re
. k. „
...,.. ~ quiested to ;oak:: iininediate payment,
), • „ an dthoseinvino• . chows as or demands
i 1 untingdon, Pa. against the same, to present them, duly
authenticated, for settlement to
TOEIN MARKS Would avnil'himsClf of ANNIE C. CLARKE, Atlin'x.
j this means of informing his old ens- . Mail rit IL CLARKE Atlm'r.
Somers and the public generally, that he I Cheapest in the World !
has removed from the " Black Bear l'av- , Steam Refined Stlear Candies,
ern," and has leased and fitted up the 1,2 i cis per pound, Wholesale,
large and commodious .414.N.510.\- I J. RIGHARDSON, No, 44 MLlket Sua v e,
HOUSE lately kept by Mrs. E. Clarke, ,I , Poi Lsamats: A, taker pleasure ill iuforusiug
where he is prepared to accommodate, in the public. that he still ettutinucs to sell hiss very
the best manner possible, all who may Superior Steam Refined Cud) , at the low price
favor him with their custom. The loca-
of $12.50 per latt peunds, sad the quality is
tion of the house is one of the best in "Taal in any n ' n " l.4e .' nr " in the L:ni" States,
, . , . 110 bitio 1.401, 1111 kinds of goads in the Cofet
the borough—his rooms ace large , anu tionary and fruit lino at cor °spending low
pleasant, and his Table shall at all times pi ice., as quick sales sod small p r toilts ore the or
be supplied with the choicest viands the dot ails, day.
martct will afford. Terms, moderato. • I (1411 """ 4 your sedesa, sad you cannot (jilt'
is f satiefied. Don't f 2
Boarders w ' sS! ill be taken by the week ,
rt el, iltdaddp4l0 orget th e number, -1 MarS et
month or year on the most reasonable '
April, 11, 1848]
Cor , wio.rinner.
THE attention of gentlemen do intr Cr purr I, -
or STATUARY, is requested.
.Subscribers, having been engaged in the
Marble business for the loot thirty yews in Phila
delphia, and having manufactured A erk for almost
every part of the Union, can refer to all who have
favored them wirh their custom, and to their work,
(considerabU of which has been rut up in thin
place.) They have always 6n hand n full supply
of Marble newels, and new and original Designs
for Monuments r .11 other wolfi, copies of Iv hirh,
with pricer, will be furwnrtled.
(Cl' All work shipped is insured from break
They can refer to any Mercntitili haute in Phil
adelphia for ntnnding nod character ns workmen.
No. 360 High ;it reet,
Nforch i. 1648.3 m.
N. IF.—There is nothing in their line which
they do not forniolt, either domestic or imported.
.1 Pell lira ER II
N thu Wholesale & Retail Hardware Trade, the
I Stock of which is new and recently selected.
This is deemed an opportunity seldom to be met
with for an active person from the interior of the
State, wh..) has some knowledge of the German
Languagecnnd ids() a good country acquaintance.
The amount of Cosh Capital required would be
trom $2OOO to $3OOO.
A person with the above requisites and a par.
:tia hnoev!edge of the business, with satishictory
references, by early application to No. 12711 North
3d St., or at Eagle Hotel, Col. Webb, will meet
with attention.
Yohn Stone & lons,
throirmts AND DEALEI!S IN
Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods,
No. 45 South Second street,
Have received by the late arrivals from France.
(chiefly of their own importation,) a new anti
very rich assortinent of
Spring Millinery Goods,
To which they will constantly be making addi
tions. They have now in Store—
Silks for casing bonnets, of all prices.
Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, a beautiful
Plain Mantua and Satin Ribbons, ull widths.
French and Amei icon Artificial rowers,io great
Paris Chip Hats.
1 Crapes, Crape Lisses.
Fancy Bonnet and Cap Nebo.
Trimming Laces, Face Trimmings.
Duckrams, Willow, Crowns, Tips, &e
ild . e . ll articles needed for the illinciy Trade
The attention of Merchants and Milliners
visiting the city is particularly requested to our
stock, es it will be found far more extensive than
that of any other house in out line, and the prins
more molecule.