111YNTI)GDO1 .H 1 t "NAL:-: BY JAMES CLARK : VOL, XIII, NO. 16. POETICAL [From Godey's Lady's look.] A SON O: What though the sky is sometimes black And melancholy looks the weather? Fill up the sparkling cup, nod think 'Tie that which brings us altogether. Paso round the jest, nor of the sky Give to yourselves a single cure: Hearts were no lighter, could you see The moon and stars all shining there. A foolish fellow 'lts who whines Because his bread's not always buttered; Or trembling, falls before a threat Ere get the words are scarcely uttered. Glvs-unto us the mnn who meets Misfortune's frowns without sad fears, Knowing no lighter they would ceme NVere he to sled ten thousand tears, Soule rnurm'ring, discontented wights, Are like the spoiled and petted, boy, Who, wasting pleasure's that he has, ticeks only those he can't enjoy. They think not of God's kindly gifts, But let each trifling grief annoy, And thee, in vain, ungrateful sighs. The precious hours of life employ. The I let us. friends, enjoy to-day, Nor fret ourselves about the mom*, For just as like it is to come As full of joy as 'tin of ao:rott A thousand ills, a thousand cared, Heart the paths of every one; Take earn( those, nor think of what May in the future have to COMP, MISCETJANEOUS, A TRAGIC smozat THE SKY-LEAPERS. Much of the interest felt in beholding a chain of lofty mountains, arises from the feeling that on lands such as these the foot of the invader has seldom rest ed, and bus seldom long tarried. .So often, from the pass of Thermopylcc to the heights of Mogarten, have the brave proved their own hills to be impregnable, that no tale of overwhelming numbers will counteract the feeling that a moun tain land so won has been betrayed by the cowardice of the inhabitants, Of this cowardice, history unfortunately,, gives us some proofs, But these few instances of weakness and treachery only serve to give the force of strong contrast, to the bright example of higher and nobler spirits. These reflections apply more especially to Norway, the tradition which often rouses the warm Norse blood, when told by some of the older peasants to the listeners round a cottage hearth on a long winter's even ing. In 1612, there was . a war between Norway and Sweden, distinguished from a mass of the forgotten conflicts, at one time so frequent between these rival and neighboring countries, by the tragic fate of Sinclair 's body of Scottish allies, the remembrance of which is celebrated in a fine Norweigan ballad. It is a mat ter of history, that the Scots landed on the west coast of Norway, to join their allies, the Swedes, and wept along the only valley pass leading to Sweden, and were annihilated in the deep defile of 'Galbransdale, by the peasantry. At the time when they should have arrived In Sweden, a small body of Sweeds, en camped in .lempteland, resolved to join their allies, of whose movements they had received intelligence, and escort them over the frontiers, crossing by the hill passes, and uniting with the Scots on the other side. This band, to whose fortunes we attach ourselves, numbered but three hundred warriors ; but they Were the flower of Sweden. They re solved to penetrate the barrier at the most inaccessible point, believing that the Norsemen would collect in the South ern country, where they were opposed by a Swedish army, tind rest secure in the deep snows ; which rendered the hills impassible, for the defence and cer tain protection of their mountain fron tier. . . So they came,. says the legendary story, to the foot of the wild pass of Roden, n spot fitted to be dangerous to the Swedes, and since strewed with the frozen corpses of the hosts of Laharre and Zoega,•who perished there. Their company filled the few cottages of the small hamlet on the Swedish side of the barrier, where they arrived.in the early part of the day. They were eager in their inquiries for a guide,. being resol ved to pass the hills ere night,, lest ti dings should reach the Norsemen of their approaching foes but all their search proved fruitless.. Many of ,the Swedes of the village had been over these mountains, but none were on the spot possessing that ,firm confidence de rived from certainty of knowledge, and conscious intrepidity, which could alone make them sure and willing guides in an expedition of such peril and• impor tance. -- At last old Sweyne Koping, the keep er of the little ina nt which. was the Swedes' head quarters, shouted with the joy of one who has at once hit upon the happy solution of a difficulty. " kly the bear !" he exclaimed, "could none of you think of the only man in Jetup teland fit for the enterprise, and he here on the spot all the While! Whore ft Jaris Lindens I" A hundred mites echoed the eager question, cad the leaders were told. to their regret that they must wait perforce till the morrow, for the only matt able or willing to guide theriv(Lindens) had gone forth on a journey, and could not possibly return that day. " Well," said Eric Von Dalin, the chief of the Swedish detachment, "there is no hope for it. To-day we must de pend upon the kind entertainment of our hose: beware, my brave Mon all, beware of deep horns of ale or mead.— Remember," pointing to the rugged peaks glittering in the snow, " remem ber that nil Who would sleep, beyond those to morrow will ! need firm hands and true eyes. And, good Sweyne, (ad ' dressing the inn keeper who was the chief person in the hamlet) loolc, well that no sound of our coming reach those Norse sluggards. There may be some here, who for their eouhtry's sake,', would cross the hills this night With warning." " Thou art right, by IVlnnheim's free dom !" cried the host : " here sits Alf Stavenger ; he knows those hills better than his own hunting pouch, and would think little 6f carrying the news to his' countrymen. lam sorry," he continued:, turning to Alf, " verily I•grieve to make an old friend a prisoner; but you must bide here in safe keeping till our men are well forwarded." "I care not if I stay here to night and forever," replied the Norseniun. Eric now looked for the first time on the speaker; and confessed that he had 'ne ver beheld a finer looking man. In the prime of the beauty of the Northern youth, Alf Stavenger was remarkable for a caste of features bearing the tra cesof a higher mind than can often be discerned in the cheerful, lusty faces of his countrymen. "Does the valley marksman speak thusl" said the host. "Ay," answered the youth, " when you are thrust forth from the fireside, you can but seek another roof. , If your own hand cast you out, you are fain to cling to the stranger—the enemy !" " Has Einlan's father been rough V' inquired Swene. • "Name hiin.not I" replied the young peasant angrily. " They have heaped refusal and insult upon me—let them look for their return." ti Ay, Skihnan Harder mny one day wish I had wed his daughter—my name shall yet be fearfully known throughout Norway. . Swede, I will myself guide your troop this night over the Tydel.— Trust the fully , tend you shall be placed to-morrow beyond those white peaks." "You will have a fearful passage first!" said an old peasant ; there is no moon now, and it will be pitch dark long be. fore you cross the Nrorm." 44 The nights Is to us as the noonday," cried a young soldier; for your crags we fear them not, were they as high as the blue heavens. Our life has been among rocks, and in . our land we are called - the Sky-leapers." " I will trust the' young Norseman," continued the chief; wounded • pride and slighted love may weil.make bitrl hate the land that has spurned him, were it his own a hundred tithes." As dig day Was fast wearing away, but little dine was lost in preparation. Each man carried with him shifts, to be used when, alter climbing the rough as cent, they wound along those narrow and difficult paths which skirt the face of the cliffs crossing the mountains.— Their guide told them, when it grew dark . , they would be guided by lighted torches, to ,be procured and used as he should afterwards direct them. During their slippery and rugged journey, Alf could not help admiring the spirit, coolness and activity shown by the party in sealing the dangerous rocks ; and they felt insensibly drawn one to another by that natural, though, unuttered friendship Which binds togeth er the brave and high-souled. Still few words passed between them though many of the Swedes spoke Norse well, and Alf knew Swedish as thoroughly as his own tongue. On both sides wore feelings which led them to commune with their thoughts in silence. After some hard and successful climb ing, they halted at the close of the day, on the snowy sdmmit of a ridge they had just ascended to fasten on. their skates. They, had now to traverse the long slippery, defiles so peculiar, to Nor- . way, where the path, rips up, narrow ledges •of, rock, at an awful height, wind ing abruptly in and out along the rug ged loco of the hills. Jim they form- . ed in single file, and their guide taking the lead of the column; kindled by rap id friction, one of the pine branches, of [CORRECT PRIi , 7CIP4ES=tSt4PORTED'RY TkUTH.I HUNTINGDON, PA, TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1848. which each had, by his orders; gathered an abundance on their way. Ile.said in a few brief and energetic words; " that here must they tempt the fate of all Who would Conquer Norway, unless they' cheese to return 3 now Were they to win their proud name of SirpLenpers. h Ile bade them move along rapidly ; and steadily follow the light of 'his torch, Every man was to bear a Waking pine, kindled from his, and thus, can pres sing on the line before him, the track Would not be lost in the turns and wind lie placed:the Coolest Mid Most fictive in the. rear, that they might pass lightly and skillfOly over the snow, roughened by the track of their leaders, and keep the line or lightB, which was their only. safety, compact and unreserved. What a change from the toilsome climbing which had.. wearied the most enduring spirit ! They flew over the narrow slippery path, now lost and then emerging in the sharp turning of the The dangers of the Nterce, which make even the natives shudder at the giddy narrow path and awful depths, were half unseen in the darkness, and all unfeared by these brave men, who I darted exultingly through the keen bra, eingnight breeze of the hills. At every step the Windings became more abrupt, and it seemed to his near est follower, that even the guide looked anxious and afraid, when almost close toliim at a turning, he saw, by the join ing light of their torches, the counten ance of. Alf turned back towards the linaof flying stars, with a troubled and sorrowful look. To encourage him he cried in a bold and cheerful tone, "No fear! no danger!" On, brave Stavenger I The Sky. Leapers follow thee !" On !" shouted back the guide with .a cry that echoed through, the whole band, and quickened their lightning speed. Their torches flew along in one unbroken straight stream of fire, till n wild death scream arose, marking the spot where light afA ter light dropped in the dark silence.— The depth was so terrible that all sound of fall was unheard. But that cry reach ' ed.: the sinking line, and their hearts died within them; there Was no stopping their arrow flight—no turning, aside without leaping into the slicer air. Alf Staveuger shuddered at the death leap of these brave men over the edge of the rock. His soul had been bound to them in their brief journeying togeth er, and had they not come as his coun try's invaders, he would have loved them as brothers for their frank cour age. But Alf was nt heart a true son of Norway. It is true he bad resolved,in the desperation of his Karen-, to leave his father land forever; still, when he sew this band coming to lay waste the valleys which he knew were undefended, his anger was jolt moment forgotten, and all his hot Norse blood was stirred within him, He was deterred, as we have seen, from crossing the hills to warn his countrymen; and he knew that' when Jeris returned, he would be able and willipg to guide the Swedes over the pass. He soon planned his daring scheme, " Ay," thought he, while this waving train followed his leading torch, I told them that here they should earn the proud name of Sky Leapers! that here those who warred with Norway should have their fate ! I said that Skialm Hardner would wish he had given me his fair daughter—that my name should be known over my land for a deed of feat and wonder! I promised they should sleep on our side of the hills! Now will I keep all that I have sworn. Ms a pity for them, too, so young, so unsuspecting; but two words have made my heart iron—Emlen and Norway," Alf well remembered one point where h long straight path ended suddenly in ' a peak of rocks, jutting far into the open air. The road was continued round so sharp a re , entering, angle, that much caution and nerve was needed, even by one well aware of the danger, to wheel rapidly and steadily around the face of the abrupt precipice and avoid shooting straight over the edge of the rock. He had fixed upon this spot for the death leap; in fact 'the . Swedes never could have passed it in safety without having ' before been apprised of the peril, and afterwards cautioned of its vicinity as they approached its brink. When he looked back, as he led the line rapidly to the unseen and •dreadful fate, he shuddered • to think on what a death the brave and ligbt-hearted men who followed him w,ere rushing. A word from the nearest followers roused him: he shouted to hasten their rapid flight, and darted boldly on,•throwing ! hisieading torch far over the point Wfiere they should have taken the sud den turn ; but he had neatly fallen into' the ruin of hit followers. With the I sounding speed of the flyers pressing! M MFM hard upon his footsteps, all his nerve was barely sufficient, after flinging his blazed pine straight forward as a lure, to check his own course, and bear him round the point which severed life from death. Tom Tunwell is a genius—a enpital,' genius T-for genius is his only capital.— Hts is of that class called by. financiers "floating," in contradistinction to ftind- , ed, and hence he is enabled to get switti-, mingly along. In aliment he is an epi cure, preferring fluids to solids, and though not of the tion , resistant or qua ker creed; is frerjtiefitly moved by the spirit. He despises a toddy, but los'es' a toady, and as a kind of satisfaction for the slings which outrageous fortune is ever making at him, he is in the frequent habit of tossing cuff gin stings. Debts, he says, are the peculiar privile g es of 1 War of Christian Principles. igentimeri. The only one which he ,One of the conditions of the treaty I ever means to pay is the debt of nature, with Mexico, it is said, is, that any fur- and before doing that, he will claim as' ther war which may break out between many days' grace as 'tis possible fat the two countries shall be conducted on him to'obtaitt. He thinks there must be , Christian principles. -Now we all know something shamefully wrong in the' that this is an age of progress, and that structure of 'society, when the letter ofl all sorts of improvements are constant- a member of Congress can go free from ly, taking place in all sorts of matters, one end of the country to the other. but war on Christian principles is cer- , cmtertaining these peculiar ideas, it tainly the latest, and if it be carried out, is not a mat'er of wonder if Toro we think it will prove the greatest of times find, hi s „.ay to the calaboose, or them all. if some obtriNtive cicerone; in the shapel Just imagine it; we think we can see o f a watchtribii.would ievolUntarily con , '! the two armies drawn out in battle array, duet him there: Tom was noticed last I A fair field is before them ; the ranks' night, sitting on the soft side of n are formed, the positions arc taken; the opposite the new Municipal Hall, indef. greet guns are unlimbered. Gen. Scott ' ging in one of his peculiar ruminations is just about to give the order to fire, on the event of the day. "They call when an aid comes up and respectfully, this the, age of intention, said Tom, reminds him that "the war is to be con- but why does not some feller tithe out a ducted on christian principles," and that " patent, for prowiding drinks on tielt ; it will not do to fire. " Very true, very , would not lie be a benefactor of his spec true," says the commander-in-chief, "but des Of course he would, because it what are they 1 I have read Vauban, 'nd be a substitute for specie. Or if a and Scheiter, and 'rurenne, and Coehorn. bill was introduced for perpetual elec- 1 I I have read the lives of the old conquer- Itions, it would go far to obviate the difil ' ors, and have studied the campaigns of culty. They talk of the good that nos , the greatest soldiers, but I never hap- sionary societies'rloes, but they ain't no pened to come across these principles in circumstance *in 'humbling the exulted any work upon the military art. Do and exalting the humble, to an election lyon know anything about it Colonel I" by the 'people. You don't see no folks "No." , putting on airs in 'lection time : every "Nor you Major 1" feller is as good as another, and some a "I really don't know how to begin. I dam'd sight better. Candidates are ne . - suppose it would not do to shoot. Sup- ver near-sighted : they sees every body: pose we send for the Chaplain." , I they aint no teetotalers among them The Chaplain arrives—"Do you know neither, for they treeta every body ; the anything about this fighting on christian very arkwardest of 'cm could make a principles ?" fortin, one would think, jest by teaching "Oh yes ; it is the easiest thing in the the principles of politeness at which world 'l' they are a fay, as the French say.— " Where are the books 1" Could anything on itirtit equal_ the hos " Here," and the Chaplain takes out pitality o f ----- to me last night, who the Bible. is a candidate for Alderman in my ward. "Really," says the General, "we ought He brought me home with him : he was to have thought of this before. lis a' a little !relit—corned some folks call it bad time to commence the study of me- —it is true, but that was because lie tics when the enemy is right before us; wanted to show his'ecnistittients he tra7. but I suppOse we are bound by the treaty. one of the people, Well, he tapped at What is the first thing Mr.'Chaplain 1"; the door : he held me by the ann ; I "Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt love I don't well see how he could stand I thy neighbor as thyself." I straight if lie hadn't. When his wife " But these arc not neighbors. They ' opened it, he said, " Mr. Tunwell," said are Mexicans."' ! he, introducing the to that amiable lady "The same book tells us, a little furth- Tunwell, one of my best sup er on that the opportunity to do good to I porters," which at thelitne wnsliterally a man makes him our neighbor." I true. " Why, Charles my dear," sail " Will you go on, Mr. Chaplain 1" site, " you seem tipsy:' , " No l l ain't--- "Love your enemies. Do good to I ain't tipsy," said he, "but I'm fresh them that hate you. Pray for them that front the people," and, my eyes! didn't despitefully use you, If a man smite' he treat me' to a cold supper and to you on one cheek, turn to him the other." Scotch ale; and didn't I give for a toast "But while we are praying for the the unbooght suffrages of a free pebtjlei Mexicans they will be firmg into us." I and didn't he say it was glorious! capi , Not they are bound by the treaty ! tat ! and so it was the only capital which also. It works both Ways.'' I was operating on at the time. But I " Then what is the use of our arms 1" said something about my ward, didn't " This is all provided for in the salt - mill I'd like to know what ward is riot book. Beat your swords into plough- I mine 1 I'd like to see any one that shares 'and your spears into pruning would attempt to keep me frem wotie hooks." j wherever I d—d please ; I'd bring any Then I don't see as there is anything one that would before the court on - It for us to do here." haby corpus, on the charge of restrictin' "Nothing, unless you send over and . the right of franchise—on the charge ask Santa Anna if he needs anything in of—" the way of medicinns or provisions, orl “Having no visible means of support," clothing. I rather think the treaty re- said the watchman, who just happened requires this of , us. And I don't know to come •up, arid heard Tom's dismissive , but we ought to send them a few school- , comments. masters, for I understand that they are " Hello. Charley," says• Tom, for he shockingly ignorant people." , well knew his man, " these are 'lection "But how do you ever know . which times; and it ain't constitutional to sop- Press free opinion.A feller can give party conquerS'in this fighting on Christ ian principles?" ' • • his reasons for votin , , can 't he?" "That is the great beauty of it. Both "Come, move on to the calaboose," watchman. sides conquer and there are never any said the " Oh, I see," says Tom, "that's mo killed and wounded," . vitt' the previons question on me, and Now this is all the way that we know 'that ain't no better titan gag law, no of conducting war on Christian princi ples. In any demand which may be how. you can fix it." ! The watchman poked Tom off, and made upon this State for men to carry tom kept arguing the constitiitienal on a future war with Mexico, we think question with him till lie entered the the Governor will , best commit the con- watch house, ditions of .the treaty by directing that (r - ?• A young lady, scolding her beau the recruits shall all come from the eace for . not sending her' a pair of new shoes Anthony society. Colonel of the rHe shoeld app egiment, and oint Th peace tie promised her, writes in a postscript John Meader Major, and he should go as follows : "P. S. Them' shuz ort to be down to Newport on the first seventh on hand (!) and the reeklelection stix day after the .steind sixth day in. time Olt about a let t," sixth months and walk right into the Yearly Meeting and ask the clerk to draw up a plan of the campaign. That is the way to fight on " Christian prim. ciples."— Providence Journal.' His speed Was slackened by turning, and for a second, he fell giddy and senseless every nerire had been strung for the decisive moment, and his brain reeled with the struggle. He nivakened to consciolisness to see the last of the line of torches dart into the empty space —then sink forever; and he listened with a told thrill of awe and terror to the echoes of the death scream of the last of the Sky-Leapers. _----~~r.= _~- • T 0.111 TUNWELL; OR, tHE , HARMONIZING iNFLTANcifs OF , ELECTIONS ID- It is said that extensive orders for American stocks came over in the Cale donia. lt.is.believed that vast sums of money will seek the United states for in vestment.. j I 111 i EDITOR ND PI oPRIETOI: 4i - IIOI,P, NO. 688„ We do not relish the trol,b the less for being occasionally spiced ,with a little . humor. The following extract from the report of a committee on hogs, send be fore on Agricultural Society' down east,' contains some excellent hits : " Agniit'Sorne folks accuse pigs of being filthy in - their habit's., and negli gent in their personal appearance. But whether finid is best eaten off the ground, or from Chino plates, is, it seems to nit; merely a matter of taste and convenience, about which pigs - nod men may honestly. differ. They ought then, to be-judged charitably. .At .any rate, pigs are not filthy enough to chew tobacco, nor to poison their breath by drinking whi4ey. And as to your'persoaal appearanee, yod don't catch a pig playing the dandy, nor the female •ntraia them picking their way up this muddy village, trer a rain, in hid slippel's.• Not Withstanding their heterodox tic tionS, hogs have some excellent traits of character. If one happens to wallow a little deeper in some mire than his fel lows, and •,,Arries off. and comes in pos session' of more of this earth than- his brethern, ho Sever assumes an extra' pOrftince on that account ; neither are his brethern stupid enough to worship him -for it. Their only. question seems to be, is he, still a hog r If lie is they t eat him as endh. And when . a hog htts no merits of his own, he never puts on aristocratic airs, nor claims any particuln? rapec; on ac count of his family euntiectiOns rind yet some Hogs have th , seeticledfroM very ancient families. They understand full well, the common sense maxim, "every tub must *and upon its own bottom.", 'Dodging! a linnet•. John Quincy. Adana ontd tfteiti•ed the folloting challOgc : St —Your remarks in the' House on Tuesday last, relative to my deceased friend and relative, I consider us a per sonal insult. Being at leisure to-day, bade prevailed on my frMndi the non. Mr. Jameson, (whom you will find to be a man of the strictest honor,) to call upon' you and arrange for a proper set tlement of the matter,-Irs- is customary among gentlemen.. Very respectfully your ob't servant, 3. R. SATTER LEE. To which Mr. Adams made the fol lowing reply: "My Draft titanic you for haw = ing aflotcled the the opportunity of half an licrur's conversation With.the .agreea- Lie and excellent Mr. JMnieeon: As to the . proposal which you were 'good enough - to Make—and which I pregame is intended as an invitation for me to. set myself up as a mark to be fired at —excuse we it I decline it. 1 can do so consistently, as I assure you I have not the honor to beta gentleman but yet I remain, • , , • Your humble and ob't servant, JOIIN (IrINCY ADAMS 4 The paper, in which AVC . fjnd this cor respondence, says that Mr. Sattetleis vifterwards met Mr, Adams With the in , ' tendon of caning him ; but the mild and beneVolent countenance of Mr. A, deterred him from the assault. A short. &planation, which succeeded, made Mr. Satterleeoe of Mt: Adamsi.warin est friend and admirers. • EFIECTS or SEj'Elt ITY.—A father in Troy recently chastised his daughter., 12 or 14 years of age, with a raw hide, for being suspected of dishonesty. One week after, she died from the effects of the punishment. The father, who is an industrious and trustworthy man, is al most crazy at the and result of his ill judged treatment of his only daughter, REVERENCE FOR AGE.—How beautiful it is to see the young yercrence old age!. We never sec a little boy bowing res pectfully to on aged Man in the street, but•we feel sure that he is a good boy. "Reverence is always due to aged peo ple. Good nature and a proper educe•. tion say to the young: ReVerdnee old' age, Gray hairs are crowns of glory, when found in the way of righteousness. The promptings of our kindly nature: tenth us to respect the aged, to rise up before the hoary head. The dim eye, the fiirrotved!brow, and temples thinly clad,—who would not respect,reverence i and love them 1" SrooKEe.—Much excitement is prei'u• lent nmong the people of Doylestown, by a Ghost which, in the form of a yoga I:3dy, is said to preambnlate the *trots at night. Doinu WELL,—A Kentucky lady bin just presented her delighted lord, with. three babies—two girls and one boy!— The editor who announces the tidings, innocently adds, that "she is doing well." Unquestionably she is