Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 04, 1848, Image 3

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    in Vienna, was anything but satisfac- It could hardly be expected that the
tory. great movement in France should not
The Archbishop of Paris, accompa- have produced some effect in the British
nied by two Vicar Generals, presented , Islands. In London a slight dispositon
himself to the Provisional Government ! to riot was experience in the early part
on Tuesday, and gave in his adhesion lof the week, but the disorderlies were
to the new order of things, in the name I confined to 'lnischievions boys and men
of the entire clergy of his diocese. out of employment. Order was soon
Mons. Du Clere has been appointed restored.
under Secretary of State of the Minis- ln Manchester some tendency to dis
try of France. turbance has been exhibited, but every
Numerous diplomatic appointments thing is now quiet. •
ate announced, M. (Cidevent) Due Hir-1 In our own town tranquillity has been
Court goes to London,. M. Dalcon goes undisturbed. A number of unemployed
to Turin, M. Due de Boissy to Rome, porters and others have assembled in
Gen. Gabior to Constantinople, M. de the Exchange, but no political feeling is
Flaces to United States, M. de Beau- observable.
mont Bassy to Denmark, M. (Cidcvant) In Ireland no breach of the peace has
Moskenna to Spain. ! occured, but the exciting language of a
The coming elections in France excite certain portion of the press, which sur
great attention. Government, aware of passes anything within recollection, has
the fearful importance of this matter, not escaped the attention of the author
were preparing for the crisis. Eight ities. We have no apprehension of any
hundred merchantile firms connected ; serious disturbance of the public peace
with the Paris Bourse, waited on the ' throughout England generally, by a ris-
Provisional Government to ask the fur- ing from political opinions, although the
ther delay 'of a month on bills due on depressed state of trade and the exis
the 29th ult. This not being aceeeded ting uncertainty incident to the affairs
to, they were said to have threatened of the continent, might, we fear, produce
to dismiss their clerks and workmen, a state of disquietude and suffering
and announced their determination not , among the classes for some time to
to satisfy their engagements. I come
Three per Cents closed on the Paris
Bourse on the 9th, at 52f., and Five per
Cents at 73f 10.
Toulon papers state that the Due de
Amide and Prince deJoinville arrived at
that port, and made communication to
Admiral Baudoin, who through tele
graph, applied to Government for in
structions to admit them. It is said
he had been authorized to place a steam
er at the disposal of the Princes, to
cary them wherever they pleased,
PattsstA.—A correspondent at Cologne
writes that the middle classes of Prussia
as in the Rhenish States,
are determined
to achieve political independence, and
have a voice in Government. They arc
peaceful, but resolutely devoted to the
country, and firm in' asserting their
A csraLt.—The resignation of Meter
nich is announced for a certainty in Pa
ris. On the Bth the news of events in
Paris caused consternation at Rheims.—
There was a grand council of the min
isters; couriers were depatched
directions. Count Reliant, French am
basador at Vienna, is said to have fain
ted on hearing the news of the abdica
tion of the king. He started the next
day for England.
:30,000 different troops arc to advance
to Italy without delay.
BAVARIA.-At Munich, a rising has
taken place, nod a constitution has been
extorted from the king, at the point of
the bayonet.
ITALY.— The guests, alarmed by the
hostile • demonstrations made against
them by the people, have already quitted
the city of Turin. The Journals of Tu
rin fully appree'ate the tendency of the
French Revolution, end now are encour
aging the king - to put himself at the bead
of the national forces, to effect the sul•
vation of Italy
Advices from Genoa announced the
arrival of an American squadron in that
port on the 3d.
Latest advices from Naples state that
the king has once more violated his sol
emn promise, and has carried fire and
sword into the city of Messina, which
has been bombarded during 4.2 hours by
the royal troops.
The Pinto Franco is almost entirely
ST. LOUIS, March 31.
burned down, causing a loss of 10,000,
We have advices from Santa Fe to the
000 francs. It is said that the Alessi
18th February, which is a week later
nose have attacked the citadel of that
than brought by Lieut. Thorp on Toes
city, and taken it by assault.
day last.
It is rumored at Marseilles that the
On the 13th a rumor had reached San-
King of Naples has complied with the
to Fe, that Col. Bowles had been attack
demands of the people of Sicily.
ed at Cecira by 4000 Mexicans and had
MiscELLANEous.—Arago, the reptilili- !
lost 90 men. Gen. Pierce, with sbo
can minister of the Marine, sent for the
marched promptly to his relief.
French admirals in Paris, all of whom men ,
attended. He then addressed them and The late arrival does not particularly
asked them if they were any of them- confirm this, but says Gen. Pierce was
They re- , at El Passe, advancing upon Chihuahua
willing to serve the republic.
with 1500 men.
plied, "all." He then said he required
It was rumored that Gen. Urrea was
men of courage and steadiness, that he
marching against Chihuahua by the way
knew them all to be so, and lie was ,
of Sonora with a large force, but this nit
ready to name to the command of the c
fleet of the Republic any one that they doubtful.
might select. They declared their wit-
The route from Santa Fe is much im
peded by snow, and both the recent re
liness to abide by his own decision.
Arago, then said that he had entire turning parties have lost many mules.
confidence in them all, but there was one i - Thorp met Fischer's express on the
one among them who en eyed an ail- 15th of March, in great distress, having
, j
suffered severely from cold.
vantage which determined his choice
Edward Thorp was shot dead at Fort
--that of popularity. He,therefore, nppoin
pauldin, recently, by James Waters.
ted Adm. Bandon to the command of the
This is the second of the Thorps killed
Toulon fleet. The nomination was at
lately. , ,
once approved by all the admirals Ares- . _ _ _ .
ent. Admiral Bandon has left. Paris A SWI3I,IING IN TIIE HEAD , like every
for Toulon ;he is immediately to take coeior disordered motion of the . blood, is n
' g
command, and to sail for Algeria. His : corrupt and stagnant humors which, whonll l oatin °
I g.
instructions are to takellpossesion of any , m the general mass of the circulation, are the
ships he may find in the port of Algiers' cause of headache, giddiness, palpitvtion of the
, heart, and many other unpleasant symptoms, and
integral to the Erench Republic. ; when thrown upon the various parts of the body,
The Chateau of Neuilly has been . are the cause of every malady incident to mam—
racked and burned to the ground. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are always cer-
There are thousands of caricature s t:iia to remove headache, giddiness, and every
against Louis Phillippe in all the prh k t , complaint, because they completely rid the body
of all morbid humors, and every thing that is op
shops of pa
11 by ma ris. They have appeared as posed to health.
gic. Wright's India Vegetable Pills also aid and
The Colonels of th 78th and 108th, improve digest o la n n , rr a . nd e the a r:ef:r e e n g a i ,i ve dr l i t y c e alad
were nearly massacred by their own vigor to the who '
of every kind from the hotly. disease
men for refusing to march against the I
Tuilleries. T. K.BIMONTON, Sole Agent for Hunting
111.7sCharlea Porter, Alexandria; Blair & Robin-
The Palace of the Tuilleries has been _ , ha do ti?p; ti . lair 8c Co., Prankatown; Orbison
formed into a Hospital for workmen, un- ac Co.,
Orboonta; A. 0. Brown Shirk, eb g;
der the name of hotel of Invalids. Hunter & Co., West Barre and P; ur dersbur y g; Groff'
The Rouen Railway is stopped. &ea., Manor Hill; D. N. Dell, M'Elavy's Fort;
• James Maguire, Saulahurg; John W. Myton. En-
The populace have burned down the
Zri ( l . :ll;: c o i rpe p H. Steiner, \,Vsier Street; A. &
bridge of Amiens, and the statue of '
end retail
& Kessler,
the late Duke of Orleans, which stood ma cre .* ; ~,„:1 ~,j;1 0 1 7.1 . 1r g, !
in the Louvre, has been taken down. 1 cipul office, 169 Race atreet,Phill it l i p i h a il. the
A meeting of the members of the Hun
tingdon Bar, held in the office of John
Scott, 'Jr., Esq., on Wednesday morning
29th March, was organized by calling
to the
chair, and appointing JOHN SCOTT, jr.,
On motion of A. K. Cornyn, Esq., the
chair appointed a committee consisting
of Messrs. Corny!), Campbell, Dorris,
Cremer, Wharton, Stewart and Benedict,
to report a preamble and resolutions ex
pressive of the feelings of the Bar upon
the deaths of one of its members, ALEx-
ANDER GWIN, Esq. The committee re
ported the following preamble and res
olutions which were unanimously adop
ted :
WHEREAS, The inscrutable decree of
an all-wise Providence has called hence
one who• has mingled with us in the
scenes of life ; and whereas, it is befit
ting that we as a professional brother
hood should express our sorrow at the
decease of one of our number, therefore
be it by the members of the Huntingdon
Bar, esolved, That we have heard with
sincere sorrow, and deep regret, of the
death of ALEXANDER GWIN, Esq., and
that we sincerely sympathize wit the
bereaved wife and children who have so
suddenly been deprived of a kind and
generous hearted husband and father.
Resolved, That the intercourse of
I years of professional life with our late
and lamented brother, has left upon the
hearts of all with whom he associated,
iippressions of generous friendship, and
professional courtesy.
I Resolved, That as a testimonial of our
regard for his memory we will wear the
usual badge of mourning for thirty days.
Resolved, That we will in a body ac
company his remains to the grav e.
Resolved, That a copy of these pro
ceedings, signed by the officers, be pre
', seated to the . famifyof the deceased.
Jolty Scon, Secretary.
From New Mexico.
In this borough, on Tuesday morning
28th ult., ALEXANDER GwIN, Esq., aged
about 41 years.
No. 1001 Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa.
It IL NEry & BRO.,
HAVE just received from the Enstern
Markets a very extensive and the
most magnificent and best assortment of
ARTICLES, ever brought to Hunting
don: consisting, in part, of Gold Lever
Watches, full Jewelled, from $4O to
$l2O ; Silver Levers, from $l6 to $3O,
and common watches at any price—all
of which are warranted for one year.
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired
with the greatest care, on the most rea
sonable terms and warranted. [up 4.
1,1 RS. SUSAN HAMPSON respectful:y in-
Llorms the public that she has again taken this
well known house, kept for many years by Mr.
John McConnell. Ohs is now prepared to aceom•
modate all who may favor her with their custom
in a way that " can't be beat!" No pains will
be spared by Mrs. H. to make the " Black Bear
Tavern," under her management, still merit its
well known popularity; and the public may rest
assured that she will use her best endeavors to ren
der to all her friends ample justice.
She is prepared to accommodate boarders by the
vc colt, month ory ear.
Notice to Erickmakers.
THE urdersigned hereby give notice to Brick
makers that sealed proposals will Iv reedit, d
by theta on or before the Bth of April, for the
making and delivery upon the ground of the Mick
necessary for the erection of a Presbyterian church
at Shade Gap, Huntingdon county, Po. All ne
cessary information in regard to cloy, &c. will to
given by application to the committee at tire vil
lage of Shade Gap, either on or before the day
shade Gap, npril 4, '4B.] Building Committee,
Administrators' Notice.
Estate of James Carothers, late of Shit.-
leysburg, Huntingdon county, dec'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration have been granted to the under
signed, on the Estate of said clec'd. All persons
knowing themselves indebted to said estate are re
quested to make immediate payment; and those
having claims or demands against the same to pre
sent them duly authenticated, for settlement.
april4-'4B-61.) Adin iSi ralorB.
F.l Rai FOR if:a
rrHE subscriber will lease that large farm
ated in Woodcock Valley, now in tenni , of
Daniel Shultz. to a good tenant who will make
immediate application to him at his resith taco at,
Savage Forge, in Tod township.
This farm is well adapted to wheat growing—
having on it o sufficient quantitysof good mead
ow land.
A Lease will be given for a term of years.
Agent of the Estate John Savage, dee'd.
Savage Forgo, March 28-3 t.
Administrators' Notice.
Estate of Esther Clarke, late of the
borough of Huntingdon, deceased.
moncE is hereby given that Letters
j of Administration on the estate of
said dec'd, have been granted to the un
dersiged. All persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate are re
quested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims or demands
against the same, to present them, duly
authenticated, for settlement to
111 HE subscriber desirous of removing to the
west, will sell at private sale, on reasonable
terms, a tract of
Lime-Stone Land,'
situate on Warrior ridge, West township, Hunt
ingdon county, on the road leading from the Do
nation school house to Manor Hill, containing be
tween fifteen and sixteen acres, and all cleared
kliA, but one acre, haring th,reon erected a good
lia.two-stnty LOG HOUSE and a Frame Barn.
There is also a young orchard with about 40 fruit
trees of superior fruit, and in line condition, on
the promises.
For further information, application can be
made to the subscriber, residing on the premises.
P.I le TA En ft .IXTED
IN the Wholesale & Retail Hardware Trade, the
I Stock of which is new and recently selected.
This is deemed an opportunity seldom to be met
with for on active person from the interior of the
State, who has some knowledge of the German
Language,and also a good country acquaintance.
The amount of Cash Capital required would be
ram $2OOO to $3OOO.
A person with the above requisites and a par.
:tia know'edge of the Wiriness, with satisfactory
references, by early application to No. 1274 North
3d St., or at Eagle Hotel, Col. Webb, will meet
with attention.
W ALT s .1k; u A It V EY,
(Late Bazlehurst & Waliere)
Nos. 15 and 10, Spear's Wharf,
Liberal Cash advances made on consignments
of all kinds of Produce.
Baltimore, febS-1048.
A. number of TOWN LOTS, suitable either
for gardens or building on.
For particulars inquire at this office.
fel;29 -48-31. -
of a very superior quality, for sale
at this office.
Retailers At .711ereliandize. ! SPRING MILLINDIVIC GOODS.
Classification of Retailers of Merchan
dize in Huntingdon county, by the)
"Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes" for !
the year commencing the Ist day of
May A. D. 1848, viz
Clam. Of Licence,
Alexandria borough
Bucher & Poi ter
Charles Porter,
Moore & Swoope,
Henry C. ‘‘ oilier,
Michael Sissler,
12 $l2 50
13 10 00
13 10 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
James Clarice, 12
Spencer & Hammond, 14
Barree township.
A. W. Graft, & Co.,* 13
John Cresswell, 13
James Gillam, 14
J. &J. Irvine &.Co., 13
Cromwell township.
Blair & Madden, 13
Thos. E. Orbison, &co 13
'sett & Wigton, 13
David Etnire, 14
Cass township.
7 QO • J.
7 001 PEROT.
Perot, Iloffman & Co.
Forwarding and General Commission rnerehnnts,
No. 41 North Wharves and 93 North Water
Robert Speer,
James Henderson,
Clay township. •
E. B. Orbison Sz co., 11
Dublin township.
A. C. Blair & co., 13
Franklin township.
John S. Isett, 14
G. &J. H. Shoenberger, 12
Shorb, Stewart & co., 12
Ingram & co., 13
Isett & Hanish, 14
Hopewell township. •
- -
James Entrekin,*
Brady township.
& Kessler, 12
Irvin, Green & co., 13
'N. &W. Buchanan, 14
Huntingdon borough.
Fisher & MCAlurtrie, — 12'
J. & W. Saxton, 12
John N. Prowell, 12
Swoope & Africa, • 14.
B. E. &. W. MeMurtrie, 14
Thomas Read & Son,. 12
William Dorris, 13
Dr. William Swoope, • 13
William Stewart,• . 14
T. - K.. Simonton, 14
George A. Steel, 14
Johnston & Long, 14
George Hartley, 14•
Moses Strouse, 13
Mayer Lesberger, 14
Benjamin Snare, 14
Jacksol township.
Couch & Cummins,
Robert Mcßurney,
& Vance,
Morria tewnship.
S. P. \Vnllace, & co.,
Geo. H. Steiner,
Irvine & Kessler,
Porter township.
S. Hatfield &
Jos. Green & co.,
Petersburg borough
A. & N. Cresswell,
John Porter & Son,
Shir.eNsbmg borough.
Allen 0. Brown, 13
John Long & co., 13
Henry Brewster, 13
John Lutz,* 14
David Fralier,
Shirley township.
Samuel H. Bell, 13
Penn township.
A. & E. Plummer, 13
Springfield township.
Madden & Blair,. 13
Tell township,
A. C. Blair & Co.,
Tod township.
Reuben Trexler's heirs, 13
Thomas Likely, 14.
Walker township
James Campbell,* 13
Given & Orlady, 13
West township.
Cunningham & Myton, 13
Edwin P. Shoenberger, 13
Warriorsmark township.
Benjamin F. Patton, 13 10 00
A. Stevens, 13 id 00
Those marked thus (*) sell liquor.
NOTICE is hereby given to the above
named Dealers in Merchandize, thnt 1
will attend at the Commissioners Office
in the borough of Huntingdon, on Thurs
day the 13th day of April next, for the
purpose of hearing persons who may
desire to appeal from the above classifi
cation, as to the amount of their sales
for the previous year.
Those of the 12th class arc estimated
to sell to the amount of $lO,OOO and
loss than $15,000 ; those of the 13th to
the amount of $5,000 and less than
$lO,OOO ; those of the 14th to an amount
less than $5,000. When liquors are
sold, fifty per cent. in addition is char
App'r of Mercantile Tuxes.
Sohn W. Thompson,
WILL attend to all legal business entrusted to
him in Blair and Huntingdon counties.—
Communical ions from a distance will receive the
most prompt attention.
Business in tho counties of Huntingdon, Blair and
Mifflin will be promptly and carefully attended to.
John Stone & Sons,
Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods,
No. 45 South Second street,
Have received by the late arrivals from France,
(chiefly of their own importation,) a new and
very rich assortment of
Spring Millinery Goods,
To which they will constantly be making addi
tions. They have now in Store—
Silks for caring bonnets, of all prices.
Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, a beautiful
Plain Mantua and Satin Ribbons, all widths.
French and American Artificial Fowers,in great
12 50
7 00
Paris Chip Hats.
Crapes, Crape !Asses.
Fancy Bonnet and Cap Nets.
Trimming Laces, Faso Trimmings.
Buekrams, Willow, Crowns, Tips, &c., &c.
And all articles needed for the Millinery Trade.
15 00
10 0.0
7 00
10 00
ri The attention of Merchants and Milliners
visiting the city is particularly requested to our
stock, oil it will be found far more extensive than
that of any other house in out line, and the prices
more moderate.
march 21-1848
I --
10 00
10 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
Are prepared to receive and forward Goods to all
pointson the Juniata, with promptness and th,-
patch, at as low rates of freight as any oil.,
li sus,
7 00
12 50
12 50
10 00
7 00
Plaster and salt constantly on hand, fur sae at
the lowest market rates.
raj• Liberal ad vu.es2naile on Proiluee
References--Dutith & Humphreys, F anklin
l'iatt & Co , Lea, Bunker & Co., Barclay &
Kennedy, Philadelphia ; Robert Thompson,
Thompsontown ; R. C. Gallaher.. N 1 iflfintown ;
1. & J. Milliken, F. McCoy and 0. P. D^neon,
Lewistown; Lloyd & Gra IT, Hollidaysburg ;John
Porter, Alexandria; Irvin, Green Sr Co., Mill
Creek. •
march 21-1848.
18 75
12 50
10 00
7 00
12 50
Spring Fashion of Hats at
12 50
7 00
7 00 C
1 1 2 0 5 0 ° 0
No. 284 Market Street, Ninth door above Eight
10 50 Street, South side,
7 00
7 00
T H tt E ut ' t u k s i" t e o r ibtehre takesp ep ' e h mof t h e e tholl courtlytoe ur n s
H H un- hi
7 00 tingdon for the very liberal share of patronage
10 00 which they have extended towards him for the
7 00 last fern months, and would cull their a. tendon to
7 00 the fact that he has now introduced his SPRING
FASHION or GENTLEMENS Hats, which for beau-
ty, neatness and durability, cannot he excelled by
7 00 any other establishment in this city. This stock
7 00 comprises the lisavnit, Nurnts, Hausa, RUSSIA,
7 0 0 SILK and MOLE SKIN HATS of all styles Dud
qualities, together with a very large assortment of
Country Merchants and others are respectfully
invited to examine the stock, which they will find
it their ntivontage to do before purchasing, ns it is
his determination,having adopted the cash system,
to sell for Cash only. and at the I'.weot prices , .
284 Market street, south side, above Eighth.
10 00
10 00
7 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
Estate of William McKee, late of Jackson
10 00 :
township, deceased.
LETTERS of administration having
been granted to the undersigned on
said estate, all persons having claims
against the same are requested to present
them for settlement, and those indebted
are requested to make immediate pay
ment to the undersigned.
mll-6t.] JOFIN OAKS, Altar.
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 50
7 00
10 00
10 00
& J. ill. ROW !-'2,
.No. 63 'North Third Streel,
One door above Arch, east side,
Manufacturers & Wholesale Dealers in nil kinds
of Brooms, Brushes, Buckets, Cedar Ware.—
Willow and French Packets, Shoe and %Vali
10 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
Brushes, Scrubs, Dusters, Mato, Blacking. East.
15 00 ..11-ITUILII3 Wooden• ware of every description, &c
10 00 &c., at the lowest market prices.
March 7,'48.
10 00
10 00
11HE attention of gentlemen desirous of purcha
or STATUARY, is requested.
The Subscribers. having been engaged in the
Marble business for the lust thirty years in Phila.
delphia, and hunting manufactured work for almost
every part of the Union, can refer to all who have
favored them with their custom, and to theirwork,
(considerable of which has been put up in this
place.) Thry have always on hand a full supply
of Marble Mantels, and new and original Designs
for Monuments r nd other work, copies of which,
with prices, will be forwarded.
cO• All work shipped is insured from break
age,. , .
They con refer to any Mercantile house in Phil•
adelphia for standing and character lid workmen
N 0.360 High Street, Phila.
March 7,1848-3 m.
N. B.—There is nothing in their line which
they do not furnish, either domestic or imported.
WEA . VINC4 -- &. DYEING..
THE subset iber, residing two miles east of Mir
' leysburg, in the shop formerly (recut ied by
David Long, wishes to inform the public that he
will carry on the
Coverlet !reliving
in all its various branches. Also—Carpeting,
Girdling & Ingrain. Mao, Dye every variety of
shades of colour. Having served a term of six
years with said Long, he assures the public that
he understands the above business, and by strict
attention ha hopes to merit a liberal share of pub
lic patronage. For the accommodation of custo
mers, work will be taken in at Fisher and MeMur
. IrM's Store, Huntingdon ; at Kessler's Store, Mill
Creek; at Jacob Eby's, Path Valley.
rnh7•:lm.] WM. KEY FER.
Beware of Counterfeits.
7,000 Cases of obstinate Pulmonary-Com
plaints Cured in One Year!
44 4 4 El 1 1
The Great ✓lmcrican Remedy for Lung
Complaints and all affections of the
Respiratory Organs.
The Eighth Wonder of the
li or•l'l
TAN Y . who have witnessed the ex tricord'ina ry
ill cures effected by the genuine Wislar's
sum of Wild Cherry seem disposed to regard at
as the Eighth Wonder of the World /
Why, ' say they : the Wild Cherry Burk
and the Iceland Moss, (the two chief ingredients
of this wonderful compound,) have been prescri
bed from time immemorial by the best physi. ices
—but, never, before, have cares so extraordinary
been performed."
The reason is °Twines. The proprietors of Wis
h:Cs Balsam of Wild Cherry do not chin for
their highly celebrated article any far-fetched, mys
terious, miraculous power. They hae openly ac
knowledged the simple nature of its ingredients,
and only claim for their great and invaluable dis-,
covery the exclusive ores Ci of
of ingredients which go to make up this richest
of curative compounds.
The most skillful and scientific physicians note
prescribe this medicine in their practice; while
neglected Doctors, of little practice, arid mean con
tracted minds although they Jo all their curlish
spirits can do to insure this—the people's favorite
medicine—they are at the same time compelled to
acknowledge its innocent qualities•
We know the medicine is usiontss, and all
the world is witness that the medicine cirri.,
A very important disease over which this Bal
sam exorts a powerful influence, is that of a Bin-
ASED Li ven. In this complaint it has undoubt
edly proved more efficacious than any other rem
edy employed. The use of this Balsam restored
the Liver to healthy action, .d in many eases ef
fected permanent cures, after Mercury and every
other remedy had failed.
A writ:itt is a complaint in which this Balsam
hes been extensively used, and with perfect success
in proof of which read the following important
letter from Georgia.
We am daily receivingtestimony like the fol
lowing from the North, South, East and West.
Messrs., Reese & Wore: Gentlemen-1 was
afflicted with Asthma for fourteen years, and had
tried every remedy in the country. I had also
been to several physicians and found no relief
whatever. I was affected at tin• es so severely, that
the blood would gush from my nose, and my
breathing was difficult. Indeed, the disease had
gained so much on my health that I despaired of
ever getting well, when I chanced to get a bottle
of Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, which effect
ed a perfect cure, and I now consider myself per
fectly sonnd. This car he proved by numbers of
men in Franklin county and 'vicinity, and I think
it my duty to let it be known.
Franklin co., Cu., Nov. 19, 1840.
ID—Read the following from Dr. Jacob
Hoffman, n physician of extensive prac
tice in Huntingdon county :
Dear Sir :—I procured one bottle of
Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wi'd Cherry,
froln Thomas Read, Esq., of this place,
and tried it in a case of obstinate Asth
ma on a child of Paul Schweble, in which
many other remedies had been tried
without any relief. The balsam gave
sudden relief, and in my opinion the
child is effectually cured by its use.
Yours, &c.,
Dec. '23, 1841.
Price $ t per bottle—six bottles for $5.
For sale by J. D. PARK,
(Successor to Sanford & Perk,).
General Agent for the West. All orders ad
dressed to him will receive prompt attention.
REED & SON, Huntingdon ; Mrs.
Mary Orr, Hollidaysburg ; Morris &
Nicodemus, Martinsburg.
1111 BR ELLA
Parasols, l'arasolelles, ~
S TE.1.11 F CTO RI",
The only one in the United States,
No. 104 Market Street, Philadelphia.
A I l
BIRCH ANTS aro respectfully informed that
il I continue to Manufacture ell the above goods
by the aid of strum, notwithstanding the great op
position of parties opposed to the introduction of
zap( nsive improvements. My assortment is com
plete, and Pikes so low, as to give entire satisfac
G:j As there is au Umbrella Store next door, of
neatly the same name, tt is important you should
Steam Factory, nod PATENTEE of the W•LKI
CASK tr...ELi.A,
sign of the Lady and Eagle,
No. 104 Market Street, Philadelphia
a 7 Attention is requested to the ee'ebrated
lA/Au:lsm CANE UM UItELLA a neat and beautiful
article, combining all the advantages of a CANR
A. W. Benedict,
TTORNEY Al' LAW, Huntingdon.Pa.-
11 Office at his old residence in Alain street,
few doors west of the old Court House. He will
attend to arty business entrusted to luta in the se,
eralCourts of Huntingdon and adjoining countir e.