Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 04, 1848, Image 2

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Official Rascality and Oppression. A Legislative Scene: . I
Is not the laborer worthy of his hire 1 In the House of Representatives at i,
If so, why is it that the poor laborers Harrisburg on the 24th ult., during the'
who toil for the Commonwealth—the discussion on the bill to extend the char
great, the magnanimous and the demo- ter of the Columbia Bank and Bridge
cratic Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Company, the following rich scene oc- I i
and earn their daily bread by the sweat leurred, as reported in the Daily Record: 1
of their brows, should be denied their Mr. FOX characterized the course of 1
wages 1 No matter how needy—no the Democracy on the banking system,
i g i n ii
( r i t
li s e h s a a irafu if l and t sinefazeorussolfitiumbtug—
matter how destitute, and no matter how
hard pushed by their creditors—still the ty here would go with him during the
of these hard laboring men are coming Presidential campaign and urge '
withheld from them. Why is -it so 1 Is , the sentiments that had been urged here,
the Commonwealth in default 1 Is she they should be kept well, paid salaries
bankrupt 1 Has she repudiated 1 No—
servicesptehreforizerdo,onfnLwn•odtvi would
a er i ss u i a s l t l i o n
carryingthe fault lies not there. The disgrace Lane into the Presidential chair, 'by
of repudiation lies not yet at the door 125,000 majority. He said that the dc
of Pennsylvania. Thanks to the good i mocracy had falsified every principle
citizens, the onerous taxes are promptly they had advocated before the people,
againl ndll a 'O n tll i d h Lo b h ug om fi e ,e t rn o
o d n e c c e ,ei m ve ore them l
and honestly paid, and the revenues of :
the State are constantly replenished. I Mr. MYERS, (Locofoco from Berks)
Why, then, are the laborers not paid 1 said that he endorsed as true what the
Would you believe it, honest reader, that gentleman from Dauphin, (Mr. Fox,)
d said. It was too true—and he ' i
had fault lies at the door of the knavish ho
ped that the Anti-Bank men here would
demagogues who manifest so much feel- ! acknowledge the corn, by their recorded '
ing for the " dear people"—the " toiling votes and wipe away the disgrace.
milions 1" Where else can the blame Mr. ZIEGLER said that the position
he lodged 1 Is it not known that an ad-
of the gentlemandhim of the epitaph of
from Berks, (Mr. My
equate appropriation to defray the ex- ' j e o rs h ' n )
pauses of the repairs was made in Feb.l "Here lies John Hugg,
ruary—nearly two months ago 1 Have : As sn e vg as a bag in a rug."
the laborers been paid for a day's work' And the position of the gentleman
beyond December 1 Unless, indeed, they from Dauphin, (Mr. Fox,) of that of
sell their time and submit to be shared John Hu gg er '
! Here lies John Hugger,
to the raw by the cormorant companions A little snugger,
and partners of the agents of the Com- Than tether bugger."
Monwealth, who always manage to get I Besides the course of the gentleman
, l t a h s im t-n b tl e m r e i c , Ll r ia i t ri l r do e i T a in i te n d ke him of the
funds from some quarter for this purpose.
Such conduct is low, mean and contempt
" Now you see it ; and noly : ou don't
Irp There has been no change in the ibly sinful, and should not be tolerated see it; and I'll bet five dollars you can't
markets since our last. ' for a day by the Commonwealth. tell where lie is."
Is it one of the glorious principles of Mr. BLAIR regretted that the father
ic , On our first page trill be found a 1
carried democracy that is ' out thus byof the free banking system was not here
full account of the horrible murder re-;to defend
cently committed in Philadelphia. The joiced that it; ts mother was here, ' (Mr.
supposed murderer, Langfeldt, has been the democratic faith to believe that one i Pearce,) who, when it first saw light in
i portion of mankind are to be the hewers this body, cried out in all the fervency
fully committed for trial.
of wood and drawers of water for the of . n-2_ater , nal fondness, "it is a Democrat-
FOREIGN News.— The news by the
remainder—that the ninny are to be the , B
Caledonia which we give in another col- i Mr. y PEARCE replied to the gentle
slaves of ilia law 1 It would seem so.
umn, is such as must gratify every Re- man from Huntingdon, (Mr. Blair.)—
publican heart. The Revolution in Here the most stupendous labors have He admitted that he had said the free
been performed—labors that have made bank bill was a Democratic Boy, and
France has been entirely successful.—
the whole head sick and the whole heart intended to have added, as compared
A Republic, modeled after our own, has
faint—ever since October, during all with m
the other banks of this' Comon
been established. Long may it stand to wealth. He declared himself hostile to
kinds of weather,. have the hands
dispense peace, prosperity and happi- all banks. The gentleman from Hun
grubbed,d wheeled, and carted for
nese to its citizens .tingdon, had destroyedlhe free banking
The Eddy Family. the Commonwealth. Her canal has been system, and lie expressed commiseration
re-constructed—boats have long been for it; but the death had been occasion-
The lovers of Music in this community
will be gratified to learn that this inter- Passi"g—the are paidher co
f- tolls into l- eelby the same instrument with which
Sampson slew the Philistines!
but the laborers are not paid. The .
eating musical Family, by whom they
lets but
agents of the Commonwealth are with- 1 Mr. BLAIR said lie hail no doubt but
were so delightfully entertained in the i gentlemen had all read " Ten Thousand
holding their pay, so that speculation
of thewinter, will again visit
early part
this place in a few days, 'on their way I
may enrich those whose hearts are hard itable work is portrayed the best speci-
home to the "Old Bay State." The Press, ' enough, and whose consciences are men of p i t a i i, ppyism , t , o rit bl in
blunted enough, to grind the faces of the _
of every place which they have visited,
poor. Such conduct is an intolerable in Parlianie g nt e . 9ge He had thought that
speak of their musical abilities in the : Dr. Warren had drawn on his imagina
-1 outrage. By means of nominally high tion for the character, but he had done
highest terms.
I these laborers have been inducedthatd l' humanpassions
great e ineator of passions
1 wages,
ea- H. K. NEFR & BRO., have just re
i to work, and they have worked on till injustice, for in the Legislature of Penn
ceived at their new stand, next door to sylvania, in the Session of 1898, in the
cruelty and distress and oppression have
Livingston's Hotel, another splendid as- ' person and character of the member
borne them down to the dust! is there
sortment of Watches and Jewelry of all no Moses among the democracy to de- from Columbia, (Mr. Pearce,) he beheld
the living likeness of Tatlebat Tit
kinds. Ladies and Gentlemen, give the clare to these miscreants that they
Neff's a call—you cannot fail to be i l. shall not oppress a hired servant that . mouse
pleased.___ I is poor and heady,"
-- •
litintingdon, Tuesday, April .1, 1018
Alexander Ramsey, of Dauphin.
Morton M'Michael, of Philadelphia.
Thomas E. Cochran, of York.
Robert Iredell, of Montgomery.
Washington Townsend, of Chester.
John C. Kunkel, of Dauphin.
James Fox,
Francis N. Buck, of Philadelphia city.
Benjamin Matthias, "
George Lear, of Bucks.
Thomas J. Watson, of Philadelphia co.
George Erety,
H. H Etter, of Perry.
Paul S. Preston, of Wayne.
Edward C. Darlington, of Lancaster,
David W. Patterson,
George F. Miller, of Union.
David Cooper, of Mifflin.
Lot Benson, of D'erks.
William H. Seibert, of Berks.
Joseph Paxton, of Columbia.
George V. Lawrence, of Washington
John Fenlon, of Cambria.
D. A. Finney, of Crawford.
L. D. Wetmore, of Warren.
John Morrison, of Allegheny.
H. W. Patrick, of Bradford.
Samuel W. Pearson, of Somerset.
Alexander W. Taylor, of Indiana.
CHLOROFORM TRIUDIPHANT. - -This agent ; 1 BALTIMORE METHODIST CONFERENCE.— I The Iron and Coal Convention which
so deliterious when improperly admin. The followingare the appointments made assembled at Harrisburg lust week, was
istered, is none the less valuable When by this conference for the Huntingdon attended by delegates from most of the
coal and iron regions of the State, as
in skillful hands. Dr. H. Grimly per- ' district : well as from New York, Delaware,
Mar ,
formed a most important surgical °per_ John Miller, P. E. - Lewistown Sta. land, and Virginia. A series of resollti
tion—M. Goheen. Lewistown Circuit
ation in McConnelstown, a few days tions was adopted, setting forth "that
- -- - y. T A anydi e i r ll e , J. Gruber. Huntingdon
since, which was etninently successful, the magnitude of the coal and iron , Waters. Warrior's terests in Ponnsylvania requires the ut
mainly owing to his patient having been Mark--W. F. Mills,.). Pierce. Birming-
o n tll e t
save them
the ti, e
m i i r , i iii
frome r
t h at q 6i. Guyer. Williamsburg—J. McKeon, F. s
previously put under the influence of ham—R. ost
Nixon.ixon. HollidaysburAGeo. and.
Chloroform, thereby procuring the result of commercial revulsions nd
A G i e e r c h i a a rt. Concord--G. Stephenson, isei A.
etude essential to the performance o fenormous fluctuations in prices which
.—Jas. are constantly occurring in Great Brit
nice and delicate operations. The Doc- Samuel Y Baird. Trough?•urgC—ree‘ki ain 1 ‘ and with which our legislation can
tor has used the Chloroform in several C. Graham. Bedford--\V. Howe, Rob : and that while they wholly
instances, and always with the happiest ert Smith. East Bedford—H. Hoffman. notdisclaimep pace,-
asking any exclusive advantage
results. Frostburg 7 D,Trout, J. C. H. Dosh.— i or
. particular favor, they deem it advi•
The Ten Regiment Dill.
The New York Courier, alluding to
the passage of •the Ten Regiment Bill
'tithe Senate, says it is apparent that it
is to give full scope to the Presidential
patronage, by the appointment of some
five hundred officers, who may never be
wanted in service, but who will forth
with draw pay, and will form a battalion
of electioneerers for the Presidential
We trust the House of Representa
tives will take order that such a bill as
this, admitting such a wide scope for
the abuse of patronage—and inefficient
comparatively, in any event, for good—
shall not obtain their sanction.
If the war is to continue with Mexico
—which Heaven forbid—let the Volun
teers fight the battle's, who choose their
own officers—and for the most part have
chosen so well—or strengthen the exis
ting regiments, but burden not the coun
try with such a battalion, as John ‘‘ ent
worth describes, of old broken down
politicians, in the guise of Colonels,
Lieutenant Colonels, Majors, Captains,
I D - A steam boiler iu the Hope Mills,
Rhode Island, exploded on Tuesday labt,
eauting the death of 15 or 20 persoaf.
Cumberland—Thos. Myers. Allegheny sabce to adopt measures for collecting
—J. H. Switzer, David Sheffer. all the information attainable and need-
LATER FROM EUROPE. i ful for wise legislation when the proper
time shall arrive, to present the whole
In addition to the foreign news pub- subject anew to the consideration of our
lished in another column, the North National Legislature." A variety of
American of Saturday lust contains the committees were appointed to report
following : 1 upon the present condition of the vuri-
CHANGES IN THE ENGLISH CABINET.— ' ous departments of the iron and coal
Lord John Russell's resignation was ,
business.t ics.and were specially enjoined to
positively decide,' upon. avoid politics.
Dispatches announcing his contempla- 1 ,
a' IRE AT HARRIS BURG—March 22, 1848.
ted resignation were forwarded to Dub- i _
This morning about half-past 3 o'clock,
lin, the intelligence appearing in the '
i , the large furnace of Ex-Governor POR.
Dublin papers on Saturday, March 11.
rEn was discovered to be on fire, and in
Cabinet Councils were held in Down
about 2 hours all the wooden buildings
ing street, on Saturday evening, and du
attached to it were burnt to the ground.
ring the day Lord Palmerston held rt It is stated that there was no insurance
conference with Mr. Bancroft, the U. S.
on the property. The fire originated in
Minister. the casting house, caused by the hot
The Cabinet, it was understood, had
iron breaking through the casting bed,
under considesation important conces
and setting lire to the frame work, before
tension of the elective franchise in the
sions to Ireland, and a considerable ex
, the hands were able to check it. The
loss i s est i mate d
United Kingdoms was talked of.
Two of the sons of the ex-King of V-- A meeting of the members of our
given in th Jo eir' invi adhesion t lle and Do
the 'Auma republ le, have !
Legislature was held at the Capital last
I week, at which resolutions were passed
[.-- The Washington correspondent sympathysing with the Republican move
of the Baltimore Sun thinks that Mr. .I
meet in France. Resolutions of a simi-
Polk win be the Locofoco candidate for
President, and Gen. Scott the candidate
lar character have also been introduced
of the Wl»ge. , into both houses of Congress.
FROM MEXICO. erect a proud monument to consecrate,
throughout all ages, the glories and lib ,
The Armistice ,
March 1848.
erties of a mighty and gallant people.—
Arrival of the 1 But if the elements of war insinuate
The Overland Express brings New STEAMER CALEDONIA. I their fatal agency into the fabric, the
Orleans papers of the 20th inst., and an Fifteen Days Later From whole will assuredly crumble into the France. 4
dust and perish.
Extra Picayune, containing later news
The Provisional Government became
from Mexico, brought by the arrival of I The Revolutien edinplete.
constituted nn usurpation, or by the
the steamship Massachusetts, and the STATE OF AFFAIRS IN Eittzarg.
Danvers from Vera Cruz. The dates
The steamship Caledonia, Capt. Leitch, that may be, eleven members establish
are to the 12th inst. . f'ree choice by of th?, mob ; but ' however
The armistice which has been signed, arrived at her wharf at Boston on the
Ville; Royalty and the
brief Peerage were_ tit ,
provides that the American troops are 28th ult., bringing two weeks later ad- eil a Supreme authority at the Hotel do
swept away in a few lines; b
not to occupy any part of the country vices from all parts of Europe. She I hunger, gaunt hunger ; with one hundred
that is not now in their possession.— sailed from Liverpool on the 12th, and thousand mouth's yawned around the
The collection of taxes is also to be sus
pended, except upon gambling houses, made the passage in 15 days and 9 seat of government. •
Something was to be done immediate ,
hours. Her advices are from London
liquor shops, and places of amusement.
It also stipulates that when an election to the 11th and from Paris to the even- l y
, fully, the gigantic system of out-door
to appease the multitudes. Accord
is to be held in any place occupied by the ing of the 10th.
Americans, that the troops arc to with- , relief was conceived and executed.
The intelligence by the Caledonia is Formidable legions of National Guards
dares out of the limits of the town until highly important.
the election is over. There are a rum- The Revolution has spread throunh- ' • • packed off to the frontier ; the
her of other articles giving the Mexicans out F .•i ue , o
France. were formed at a stipend per day; these
compact between the employers and ern
the entire right of Government. All the Departments have joined the ployed was broken, and in a short time
Gen. Lane left the Capital on the 17th
paused limiting the hours
ult., and about' lm fourth day he arrived ois Philippeandtheßoyal
U . Family, of l a b o r.
at TehualCaplan. Before that place was , r •
•ith Guizot, have arrivid in England. The journals were also to be propiti
reached he recieved information that a decree was p .
Riots have takenplacein London, aced ; accordingly the stamp duty is re
a thousand Mexican lancers were sta- Glasgow, Ed
inburg and Manchester. moved ; but these and numerou noecrees
the 24th the taxationlargeclass,
tioned there. They were received with The markets are improving ; will not satisfy the hungry ; r does si
a volley front escopettes, on arriving Floor has improved e •
of one
opposite the first house at the edge of February, Is. per . bbl„bein m eenow quoted . earn their bread by industry in the
the town. This was repeated from at 28s. 3 a *, 28s. 6d. for IVe'stern
every house throughout the town, but and 27a 28s. • •
for Philadelphia and Bal- . its legitimate end the old received .lace
enemy were soon driven from their Canal, of a national guard, tend to carry out to
positions with considerable loss. They Cotton has declined fu •
11 le. per lb. fraternity again. Already a decree has
then collected in a body outside of the , , . ' bin doctrine of liberty, equality, and
town, when they were pursued by Gen. l
I rom Willmer c,- Smith's European gone forth, that a new National Assent
eral Lane and Colonel Hays and terri. Times.] ° bly is to be called on the 20th of April,
bly cut up. LIVERPOOL, Sunday, March 12. when the Provisional Government will
The number of killed is estimated at The Revolution in France is now au
definitive governmenh• Universal suf.
Mexicans, while the loss ;fait accompli. The abdication of Louis resign its authority into the hands of the
one hundred
of the Americans was only one killed , Philippe—the appointment and rejection
and four wounded. About fifty prison- 'of a regency ; the complete triumph of . liberty, equality, and fraternity to
fra,ge and vote by ballot, are to secure
era were taken, among them was Captain ; the Parisians over the Army; the estab-
It• is quite clear that the good-work )
Montanee and two Lieutenants. Lieut. ' lishment of a Provisional Government;
Colonel Montanee, the father of the ' the erection of a Republic ; the over
people of Paris will have the vast =-
Captain, arid, bosom friend of father Ja- ' throw of the House of Peers, and titles • jority in the new assembly, and leaving
,nuts, escaped. 'of distinction ; the precipitate, abject
wili try their Minds nt statesmanship.—
It teirmo or loss profitable occuution,
is rumored that Generals Pillow flight of all the members of the Orleans
In the meantime, Commerce is at a stand
and Worth had been restored to their finally, with their misguided ministry
--the funds have fallen enormously.—
i to our own shores, or to other places of i
Considerable failures are announced, and
The anniversary of the dcbarcation ' exile ; the immediate recognition of the I
of the American troops was celebrated new Republic of France by Great Brit
: ain, Belgium, Switzerland, and the UM- ' clubs are in the course of forming to
at Vera Cruz on the 9th inst. vise or overawe the government.—
Some difficulty had occurred with ' ted States, have all fallen in such rapid Strikes of workmen arc becoming more ,
the Aytinto of the Capital in relation to successsion that the events "of an hour's numerous daily; operatives demand an 1
suspending the assesment of taxes for ago (loth hiss the speaker ;" each teem-
increase of wages, and have expelled ,
four days, till the armistice was signed. ing with some mighty occurrences, of large bodies of the English workmen, 41
The members had all sent in their res- : feeling the doctrines of whole nations : for the rivalry on the construction ot
ignation to the Governor. and dynasties. railways.
The Archbishop at the Capital had I
The speculations respecting the cart- I The moderate politicians, the repro
submitted a written protest against the' ses incidents and probable results of this sentatives of the middle classes, distil).
heavy nssesment that had been levied' suddenand mighty social convulsion, ; geared from the scene. Amidst the elm
uponlare various and infinite. The facts stanc
the Church property. os of passions, interest comes with oc-
Santa Anna was again at Tehuan on ; out in historical boldness of outline, de- casional instances of sublime virtue,
the 12th. The government had grarfted ! picted in such indelible characters, that 1 which the state of things has engender
him a passport, but it was suppossed ! they must endure " till the last syllable el
F,ngland waits with her arms folded,
that his asking it was a mere ruse to of recorded time."
decieve, and enable him to put himself A Provisional Government has been ,in deep and anxious alarm, for the next
at the head of a large body of troops. organized, by our neighbors, the mem _ , scene of this strange eventful history.
The Court Illartial demanded by Gen- bens of which are celebrated throughout PARIS, Feb. 290.—Mr..Rush, A mints
ertal Worth had not been convened. the world, for genius, eloquence mid sci- seder of the U. S., accompanied by Mr. ,1
The last advices from Queratero state once. Some of them are of almost ro- Hartin and Maj. Pissen also, waited on 'A
that the Congress was coming together romantic integrity. Carried away by the the members of the Provisional Govern
very slowly. At the last meeting twen- eloquence of Larnartine, the excited, un• meat, to whom he delivered a flattering
ty one members were present. governable mob of Paris, threw down address. The following details of this
their muskets, which, in the first fury I interview are taken from the National
of their new born zeal for liberty, they lof to-day :
had levelled against the popular leader, I The Representative minister of the
and by their unanirnous shouts invested j United States went to the Hotel de Ville
the Provisional Government with the in formal recognition of the Provisional
full authority of the State. Government. It was an appropriate rep-
As the revolution of the year 1830 i resentative of the Union to be the first'''',,
was the work of the bourgoise, so is the to welcome one infant Republic, for there ,
revolution 0f.11848 the act and deed of is no bond more
powerful between nc-
the workingailasses, who have sealed Liens than comm unity of sentiment.--
the inauguration of power with their The step taken by the Minister of the
own blood. United States has made existing circum
'rite question which every one asks stances of serious importance. Although
is " Will it last 1" Every man in Eng- ' fully awaited, it has touched acutelythe
land, and we believe elsewhere, hopes members of the Provisional Goverinient,
SO. ' and after an interview, in which were
Lamartme himself says in his address exchanged the noblest sentiments, they
"we desire for hu
gn p , 'in a body accompanied this representii
to foreiowers
inanity, that peace may be preserved ; live of a great nation to the threshold
we ever hope it sincerely !" Sincerely of the Hotel de Ville, as a proof of the
do the re-echo these words, applying cordial affection which imist ever s
exi t
them emphatically, even in a more en- between the American and French Re- '
longed sense than latinartine. We hope publics. 1 ii
that pence may be preserved both with-
PARTS, March 9.—Our latest advices
out the republic, and within the sphere '
quil ; but the financial crisis continues
' from Paris, represent the city as tran
of its domestic dominion. ---
Our sympathies, nay our interests are
unabated, and some =Meta houses are
all intimately interwoven with the main- i
tonsure of peace, but the great social
I spoken of as being in difficulties, but no
problem, which these men who are aim further failures have been nnnounced.—
- i
ing to govern millions by a stroke of the
Flue funds have fallen considera
pen, is of too intricate and complex a On the Bth the 3 per cent. fundsen .--
character, at once to be solved.
The .at 50f, and after having been down to
difficult question of human labor; the , 46f, closed at 47.; while the 5 per cent.
opened at 85f„ were down to 74f., and
real and only source of wealth, and its
closed at 75f. There was no tumult or
more equal distribution, is the great ar
gument to the height to which they pro- agitation ; all was sad and gloomy. Men
pose to direct all their efforts.
came and offered their securities for
AID AND COMFORT.—At a Locofoco con-
They may cut this Gorginn knot, but money at whatever price they could get,
to unravel it b the slower and surer
but scarcely a buyer could be found.
e have just received a despatch
vention in Arkansas a few weeks since,
process of developed industry
Col. Ben. Taylor, a leading member of on peace and security, far exceeds founded
the from Full:stone, stating that the French
that party, and a few years ago the Lo-lephemeral power of any Provisional Government had stopped the payment
cofoco candidate in Kentucky for the Government, however absolute or well of the Treasury bond's, which they have
office of Lieutenant Governor, made use disposed. "To =ken Government," said ' hitherto been in the habit of discounting.
i Mr. Burke, more than half a century It is understood that the Provisional '
of the following language : ago, upon a similar occasion "requires Government has abandoned the idea of
Sometimes I have felt a little jealousy, nu great prudence. Settle the seat of, removing Gen. Covignac from the gov
in looking over the army-roll, to see so power—teach obedience and the w or k I ernorship of Algeria, in order to place
many Whigs upholding tire stars and !is done. But the forming a free govern- the War Department under his care.—
stripes, because I am compelled to ad- i ment—that is to temper together the op. It is now fixed that Gen. Lamoriciere is
nit that they outnumber the Democrats.lposite elements of liberty and restraint to be the Minister of War.
in one consistent work, requires much Our latest foreign news is not mulch
DEATII OF JOHN JACOB ASTOR.—New thought, deep reflection, a sagacious, in amount but is important. Thence .
oun o -4
York papers announce the dentin of the ' powerful, and combinin g mind." -
of the revolution in Paris reached Vi
celebrated millionaire, John Jacob Astor, 'rite French as yot are but in the first enna on the Ist inst., and produced a
of that city. He departed this life on stage of transition. They must not profound impression. The consterna-
Wednesday morning last, after a short only teach, but they must secure obeli- tion which prevailed there, says an anti
ence from the masses before the regular cle in the Nationale, cannot bo descri
illness. He had reached more than the edifice which is to crown their hopes . bed. The Spirts inetallics fell from 91
can be raised. If the foundations are ,to 82.
laid ott peace, the French people may i The intelligence from Italy received
Pennsylvania Rail Road Company
We are indebted to the Pittsburg Com
mercial Journal for the following synop
sis of the Supplement to the Pennsylva
nia Rail Road Charter, which has pass
ed both Houses and received the signa
ture of the Govennor:--
Sec. 1. Provider authority for the county of Al
legheny, the cities of Pittsburg and Allegheny,
and the municipal authorities of Philadelphia
county, to subscribe to the stock of said company
—to borrow money to pay therefor, and to make
provision for the payment of principal and inter
est of money so borrowed upon certificates of loan
of not lees than too dollars—provides for repre
sentation at elections and other meetings of the
Company, by agents appointed by the Cominis
stoners of said Counties and Municipal bodies
subscribing. Any corporation or county holding
ion thousand shot es, shall have a Director in lieu
of voting, to be elected by the constituted author
ities. Twenty shares to qualify a Director. Tax
on tonnage commuted to a toll of 3 loins per ton
per mile.
Sec. 2. Provides for the payment of six per
cent. in May and November, to all shareholders,
chargeable to the rest of construction, until the
road is completed, and that until so completed, all
profits shall Ire charged to cost of constructing.
Sec. 3. Allows the road to pass it,, ugh all
property not occupied as dwelling houses—com
pensation for damages.
Sec. 4. Provides the mode of asseysing dama
Sec. 5. Authorizes a change of any turnpike
or public road—the expense of reconstruction to
be incurred by the company.
Sec. 6 .Sc 7. Taxation on tonnage—termina
tion at or near Pittsburg, and connection with the
Portage Rail Road.
allotted time to man, three score and
ten, and died immensely wealthy.