The people era in possession of the railway eta' Anna rind barriers—the tails removed to pi event the et oopil arriving from the country. The passen gers from Poulogne to Paris were obliged to return from Neufchatel to Boulogne, as the rai:way is stopped. mail are cut oil with, m Plaid. The ail and passengers are returned to A ruieni. PARIS, Feb. 25, A 14CPui3lic has been proclaimed,— The King and his family are gone to , The Provisional Government has just been installed; it is composed, by the will of the people, of the citizens Frede riek Arago, Louis Blanc, Marie, Lam artine, Flocon, Ledru Rollin, Recur, Marasti Albert—to watch over the ex cel:l'6cm of the measures which will be taken by government, the will of the people has chosen for delegates in the department of the police the citizens of Coussidiere and Sobrier. The same moVeriegn will of the people has desig nated the citizen Et. Arago to the Di rection-General of the Post Office. As first execution of the orders given by the Provisional Government, it is advised that the bakers, or furnishers of provisions of Paris, keep their shops open to all those who may have occa sion for them. It is expressly recommended to the people not to quit their arms, their po sitions or their revolutionary attitude. 'they have often been decieved by treas on : it is important that they should not give opportunities to attacks as criminal as they are terrible. Paris this morning is perfectly quiet but the shops are closed, and the streets are barricaded as before. The people crowd the streets, and are preparing to go to attack the castle of Vincennes. Prince Louis Napoleon Bonaparte set out for Paris from London on Satur d4 morning. Arrival of Louis Philippe in Eng- land ! . . `c he Liverpool Mail of the 26th ult. h►ig d telegraphic despatcl► announcing 4 . 114 E ARRIVAL OF LOUIS PHILIPPE IN ENGLAND ! ! He landed at Folk- stone, FROM WASZEIN tIFT ON. TEN REGIMENT BILL PASSED IN THE SESATE !—The Phila. Bulletin of Satur day last says :—Wc have just received a telegraphic despatch announcing the passage of the Ten Regiment Bill in the ,Senate by a vote of 29 to 19. 'the Markets. PitILADELPHia, March 16 The market is inactive and dull, in consequence' of the not•a rival of the Cambria; but Flour is firm, with kale. of about COO bbla, at $6 per bid: for standard brunt's, and some lots of New Or leans at $6,25 a $6.50. Corn Meal is scarce at "Ph,..0 per bbl. The last sale of Rye Flour was at $3.81. In Wheat there is nothing doing, good red being held at $l3O a 132 c per bus. Sales of Penn's' round yellow Corn al 52 a 5.7 c. In other .tlepartments of trade there is but little doing, and Triers arc unchanged. h ales of Vt hickey in hhhe at 21c. per gallon. DIARRIED, On Wednesday the 15th instant, by the ReT. .1. G. McKeehan, Mr. A. P, Dmrxr, of Dixon, Illinois, to Miss CATH• A ltiNE GRAZIER, of Warriorsmark town• ?;hip, Huntingdon county, Pa. il&ministrators' Notice, Estate o f Esther Clarke, late of the hOronik of Huntingdon, deceased. VOTWE is hereby given that Letters .1 of Administration on the estate of 'aitid deed., have boen granted to the un iieesiked. All persons knowing them- Selves indebted to said estate are re finested to make immediate payment, rind those having claims or demands Against did snirie, to present them, duly Authenticated,. for settlement to ANNIE. C. CLARKE, Adm'x. ARTHUR H. CLARKE Adm'r AudTxott \V --i h e'id'iteat t iencrEhe : (laitetecetsedintettrdugUcfHun liogdon. on ii ) IEDNES b3Y,2911t Maid' mist.; A huge gimtity of euperior norem moim vz7.Nr.ounz Ci ninsihig in port, of a large number of betliii bedsteads, bedding, one ago, selves, chair.. able.; bureaus, washstands, Looking Olaeses,Carpoing, &a., &e. One largo Hathaway Cooking-Stove, two Parlor and several small Chamber Stoves, to gather with a large variety of Kitcheo Furniture and smaller erticles, too numerous to (Wierihe. Sole to commence at 10 o'clock of said day, when attendance will ho given, and terms made In two by ANNIE C. cr,Anxt,_itlin's. ARTHUR H.CLARKE, in t ch2l-1818. PRIVATE SALE. IiHE subscriber desirous of removing to the _ west, will soli at private sale, on reasonable terms, a tract of Lime-Stona Land, situate on Warrior ridge, West township, Hunt ingdon county, on the road leading from the Do nation school house to Manor Hill, containing be tween fifteen and sixteen acres, end all cleared igg§ hut one mere, having thereon erected a good two-story LOG HOUSE and a Frame Hero. 'Thera is also a young orchard with about 40 fruit trees of superior fruit, end in line condition, on the premiere. • For further information, application can be toted° to the subscriber, residin DAV g on the premises. ID WEIGHT. march:2l,l44A Retailers of Merchandise. Classification of Retailers of Merchan dize in Huntingdon comity, by the "Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes" for the year commencing the Ist day of May A. 11. 1848, viz Amount Class. Of License. Alexandria borough. Bucher & Potter Charles Porter, Moore & Swoop, Henry C. N% alker, Michael Sissler, Birmingham. James Clarke, Spencer & Hammond, 12 $l2 50 . 13 10 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 001 1 Barree township A. W. Graft, & Co.,* John Cresswell, James Gillam, J. & J. Irvine & Co., Cromwell township, Blair & Madden, 13 Thos. E. Orbison, & co., 13 Isett & Wigton, 13 David Etnire, 14 Cass lownsh '/1 • Robert Speer, 14 James Henderson, 14 (lay township. 13 13 14 , 13 E. B. Orbison & Co., Dublin toloyship A. C. Blair & co., Franklin township. John S. !sett, G. & J. H. Shoenberger, Shorb, Stewart & co., Ingram & co., (sett & Burnish, Hopetoell township. James Entrelcin,* Brady lownshp. Milliken & Kessler, Irvin, Green & co., W. & W. Buchanan, Huntingdon borough Fisher & McMurtrie, 12 J. & W. Saxton, 12 John N. Prowell, 113 Swoope & Africa, 11 B. E. &. W. MeMurtrie, 14. Thomas Read & Son, 12 William Dorris, 13 Dr. William Swoope, 13 William Stewart,* 11. T. K. Simonton, 14 George A. Steel, 14 Johnston & Long, George Hartley, 11 Moses Strouse, 13 Mayer Lesberger, 14 Benjamin Snare, 14. Jacleson lownsh:p. Couch & Cummins, Robert Mcßurney, Mitchell & Vance, Morrie ttwnship. S. P. Wallace, & co., Geo. H. Steiner, Irvine & Kessler, Porter township. S. Hatfield & Jos. Green & co., Petersburg borough. A. & N. Cresswell, John Porter & Son, Shirley:burg borough Allen 0. Brown, 13 John Long & co., 13 Henry Brewster, 13 John Lutz,* 14 David Fraker, 11 10 00 13 10 00 13 Jo oo 13 10 00 Shirley loteneldp. Samuel H. Bell, 13 10 00 Penn township. A. & E. Plummer, 13 10 00 Springfield lotviiship. Madden & Blair, 13 10 00 'u lownahip, A. C. Blair & Co., Tud lcmnah p. Reuben Trexler's heirs, 13 10 00 Thomas Likely, 14 7 00 Walker luwr ship. James Campbell,* 13 15 00 Given & Orlady, 13 10 00 West lownship. Cunningham & Myton, 13 10 00 Edwin P. Shoenberger, 13 10 00 Warrior:mat k township. Benjamin F. Patton, 13 10 00 A, Stevens, Those marked thus (*) sell liquor. Netica it hereby given to the above Wanted Dealers in Merchandize, that 1 Will attend at the Commissioners Office in the borough of Huntingdon, on Thurs day the 13th day of April next, for the purpose of hearing persons who may desire to appeal from the above classifi cation, as to the amount of their sales for the previous year. Those of the I qtlt class are estimated to sell to the amouht of $ i 0,000 and less than $15,000 ; those of the 13th to the amount of $5,000 and less than 1310;000 ; those of the 14th to an amount less than $5,000, When liquors are sold; fifty per bent. in addition is char ged, J. SMYtH RJAD, App . r of illErdanlik Taxes. march2l,lB4B: John W. Whonijisoil, ATTORNEY AT LAW, wlLLlAntsfittm, WILL attend to all legal Waffles. entrusted to hip in tilair and Huntingdon counties.— Communication. from a distance will receive thb molt prompt attention. feli BLANK DEEDS and MORTGAGES, of a very superior quality, for sale at this offiee. SPIELING riXIDLINERY GOODS, John Stone & Sons, r.ponTees AS6 IDEALS. IN Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods, No. 45 South Second street, PIIILAIALPHIA, Have received by the late arrivals from France. (chiefly of their own importation.) a new and very rich assortment of Spring .Rlllll►►rry Goods, To which they will constantly be making addi tions. They have now in !Store— Silks for cooing bonnets, of all prices. Fancy Boning and Cap Ribbcns, a beautiful assortment. 12 501 7 00 i Plain Mantua and Satin Ribbons, all widths, French and Ameiican Artificial Foni.radn great variety. Paris Chip nate. Crapes, Urape Lisses. Fancy Bonnet and gap Nels. Trimining Laces, Face Trimmings. Buckrarns, Willow, Crowns, Trpa. &c., &c. And all articles needed for the I%li/finery Trade, 15 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 cry The attention of Merchants and Milliners visiting the city is particularly requested to our stock, as it will he found far more extensive than that of any other house in out line, and the prices more moderate. march2l-1848. JAS. PEROT. C. J. HOFFMAN. SANSOM PERCiT. Perot, Heenan & Co. Forwarding and general Uommiro , ion merchants, No. 41 North Wharves and 83 North Water Street, 7 00 10 00 PHILADELPHIA, Are prepared to receive and forward Goods to all point. on the .Itinhan, with promptness and des patch, at as low rates of freight as any other 1 - 1 ()use, 7 00 12 50 12 50. 10 00 7 00 Plaster and salt conslantly on hand, for sale at the hr west market rates. Liberal advances made on Produce. References--Dulith & Bumplorys, F. anklin Plait & Co , Lea, Bunker & Co., Barclay & Kennedy, Philadelphia; Robert Thompson, Thempsontown ; R. C. Gallaher. M ifflintown ; J. & J. Milliken, F'. McCoy and 0. P. Duncan, Lewistown; Lloyd & Graff, Hollidaysburg ;John Potter, Alexandria; Irvin, Green & Co., Mill Creek. march 21-1848. IS 75 I‘2 50 10 00 7 00 Spring Fashion of Rats at THE GREAT CENTRAL C2 l •• LP' _ HAT AND CAP STORE, Ni. 234 Market Street. Ninth door above Eighth.' Street, South side, PFIILADELPHIA THE subteriber takes this method to return his thu Ike to the people of the county of Hun tingdon fur the very liLeral share of patronage • which they have extended towards him for the lost few months, and would call their attention to the fact that he has now introduced his Sent eon FASHION or GENTLEMEN ' S hats, which for beau- ty, neatness and durability, cannot be excelled by any other establishment in this city. This stock comprises the HEAVER, NuTats,lincsn. Russ's, Stu: and MOLE. SKIN lines of all styles ard qualities, together with n very large assortment of CLOTH, VELVET, PLusn, Fun and Gc.torin Cues. Country Merchants and othrra are respectfully invited to examine the stock, which they wt!l find it their advantage to do before purchming, as it is his determination, having adopted the cash system, to sell fur Cosh only, and at the 1 , west pricer. JOHN FAREIRA, Jr. 284 Market street, south side, above Eighth. ..11D.11IMS7'R .ITO RS' NOTICE. Estate of William OICKee, late of Jackson township, deceased. L'IERL S of 'adininistration having been granted to the undersigned on said estate, all persons having claims against the same are requested to present them for settlement, and tlibse indebted are requested to make iininediate pay tnent to the undersignedL ml4-6t.] JOHN OAKS, ildmr. 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 50 7 00 M. & J. MI. ttiitii BROOM & WOODEN WARE STORE, Ao. 63 .lorth Third Street, One door above Arch, east side, NDELPIIIA, Manufacturers & Wholesale Dealers in till kinds of Brooms, Brushes, ii:ritots, Cedar Ware.— Willow and Fronds Baskets, B.::oe and Wall Brushes, Scrubs, Dusters, Mats, Blacking, East ern-made kVooden•ware of every deseriptiOn,&e. &c., at the :owest market prices. MANLY ROWE, JOIIN M. ROWE. 7 00 March 7,'48, MARBLE WORK.. THE attention of gentlemen desirous of pureha- I sing MARBLE MANTELS, MONUMENTS or STATUARY, is requested. The Subscribers, having been engaged in the Mntble business for the last thirty years in Phila delphia, arid having manufactured work for almost every part of the Union, can refer to all who have favored them with their custom, and to theirwork, (considernbl.• of whirl, ham been put up In this place.) They hove always on bond a full supply of Marble Mantels, and new and original Designs for Monuments r nd other work, copies of which, with prices, will be forworded. CO' All work shipped is insured from break age. 10 00 They eon refer to any Mercantile house in Phil. adeiphia for standing and character as workmen JOHN STRUT HERS & SON, No. 360 High Street, Phila. March 7. 1848.3 m. N. o.—There is nothing in their line which they do not furnish, either domestic or imported. WEAVING dL DIMING. THE subactiber, residing two miles east of Shir leyslinrg, in the shop formerly Deco% led by David Long, wishes to inform the public that Ile will carry on the Coverlet llleaving in ell its various branches. Also—Carpeting, Girthing & Ingrain. Also, Dye every Variety of shades sf colour. Having served a term of six years with tisitil.nog, he assures the public that he understands the above business. end by strict titteniion he hopes to merit a liberal share of pub lic patronage. For the accommodation of custo mers, work will be taken in at Fisher and McMur trio's ;,tore. Huntingdon ; at Kessler's Store, Mill Creek ; at Jacob Eby's, Path Valley. March 7,18184. WM. KEEFER. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry writs of Lev. Fa. and Vend. Ex. now in my hands, I! will sell at the Coat House, in the bor ough of Huntingdon Monday the.loth day, of April next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., at Public Verttlue or outcry, the follow ing described Real Estate, viz : A Lot of groUnd situate in the town of Saulsburg, in Barree township, Hun tingdon county, adjoining lots of John ' McCrum, William Hirst, Esq., and oth ers ; having thereon erected a log dwell ing house. Also--a tract of Land sit.. ate in Barree Township, aforesaid, hon training 13 artes, more or less, adjoining lands of Peter Livingston, James Stew art, and others. Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Charles Cow den. .ILSO, All that piece, parcel or tract of land, lying vu the waters of the east branch of Stone Creek, in Jackson township, Huntingdon county, containing about 27 acres, be the same more Or less— about 7 acres of which are cleared, ad joining lands of William Stewart, Wil liam McDowell, Rawl° & Hall, and oth ers. Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Joseph Ky ler. tsO, All that certain tract of land, situate in Jackson township, Huntingdon coun ty, containing 160 acres; more or less ; about 140 acres of which are cleared ; adjoining lands of William Mears, John Rudy, lands belonging to the Monroe Furnace Company, and others, having a log dwelling house, log barn and spring house thereon erected. Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of James Leon ard, deed. 'LSO, A tract of land situate in Clay town ship, Huntingdon county, containini , 209 acres, be the same more or less, ad joining lands of William Corbin, Benja min Leas, Robert McNeal and others, (being the real estate purchased from Robert Stunkard) about 120 acres of which are cleared ; having thereon erect ed a frame dwelling house, two stories high, and a cabin barn. Seized mid talla in execution, and to be sold as the property of Charles Car son. -?LSO, All those two Lots of ground situate in the borough of Alexandria, in the county of Huntingdon, being lots No. 13 and 14 in the town plot; adjoining at Lot of Samuel Spyker, fronting on the turnpike road and extending to an alley —having thereon erected a small frame house, a shop and stable. Seized anti takon in exccut;on, and to be sold as the property of Michael Becker. ILSO, All that certain tract of llnd situate in Barree township. Huntingdon coun ty, lying in Kyler's Gap, near the waters of Stone-creek—containing about 200 acres of land ; adjoining lands of Abra ham Zook, Philip Silknitter, John Mc- Cahan and others, having thereon erect ed a saw mill, a small log dwelling house and a log barn. Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Charles C. Ash. iILSO, A certain lot of ground situate in Jack son township, in the county of Hunting don, containing about 3 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of John Steffey and Henry . Walbotirn. Seized and taken in execution { and to be sold as the proper ty of John Thompson. diLBO ; On Thursday, 6th day of April IBIS, at 1 o'clock P. 111., on the premises, All the right, title, interest, proper' claim and demand, of David Al illil,en , in a certain tract or plantation of land com posed pf several surveys, situate, lying and being ilj the township of Brady, in Huntingdon cottny, containing 575 acres of Land, be the same more or less —adjoining lands of James Irvin & John Wolfkill, James Lane and John Goodman's heirs, [the said land being formerly owned by William Wolverton, and now claimed by Henry Steely's heirs,] having about 200 acres of clear• ed land, two apple orchards, a grist mill, saw mill and clover mill, and a two-story log dwelling house, several tenant houses and other out buildings thereon. Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of David Milli ken. . _ MATTHEW CROWNOVER, proclamation throughout my whole bail- SHERIFF'S OFFICE? Sheriff. wick. that a Court of Common Pleas, Huntingdon, M c March 14, 1848. Will be held at the Court House itt die borough of Huntingdon, in the county .1 I'd NITA CR lit •2• l t . I'ED of Huntingdon on the Ist :11oittlay (and 7 N the Wholesale & Retail Hardwire Trade, the 17th day) of ' April, A. D. 1848, for 1 Stock of which is new and recently selected. i the trial of till Issues in said court, which 'Phis iedeenied so o pp ortunit y "Ideln to be met re main undetermined before the said with for an active person from the interior of the state, wild has some knowledge of the German J"(lges, tvlieh and where all jurors, wit- Imutuago,oral also a good country acquaintance. 'tenses and suitors, in the trial of all The amount of Cash Capital required would he said issues are required. from $2OOO to $3OOO. I Dated at Huntingdon, the 22nd day of •• . _ A person with the above requisites and a par. ' , January, A. D. 1848, and the 71st year lid know'edge of the business, with satisfactory . 'Harem., by early application to No. 1273 North of American Independence. ad St., or at Eagle Hotel, Col. Webb, will meet ' MATTHE k% CROW NO VER, Sit ff with attention, I SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Philsdelphla,reb29-'4R. s. 11. CREDIER, i FOR 5.4 I.E. ATTORNEY AT LAW, A number of TOWN LOTS, auitablo eithet HtiNTINGDO:V, 11 for gardens or building on. Business in the counties of Huntingdon, Blair and For particulars inquire at this office, Mifflin will be promptly end carefully attended 40. rebt9.4B.3t, REGISTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to all per. sons concerned, that the following named persons have settled their ac counts in the Register's Office, at Hun tingdon, and that the said accounts will Le presented for Confirmation and Allow ance at an Orphans' Court to be held nt Huntingdon, in and for the county of Huntingdon, on Wednesday the 12th day of April next, to wit 1. George BUrst, surviving partner of Jacob Borst, late of West township, de- ceased George Borst, AdminitrrtiO'r or .1a; cob Borst, late of West township, dee'cl: 3. 'Samuel P. Wallace, surviving- Ad hiiiiistrator of Miehiel ‘Vallnee, Into of morris tov,rishjp;.d.fa'cl, •► 1. George B. Voting end. Hobert Car niOn, Administrators of John Kennedy, lute of the borough of Alexandria . ; deed, 5. John Morrison and Georg 6 Eb . y, Executors of Martin Entire, late of Shir ley township, dec'd. 1. John Morrison and George Eby, Executors of Eimbeth Etuire, lute of Shirley township, dec'd. 7. Jacob Eyer and John Eyer, Exec utors of Christian Eyer, late of War riorsmark township, dec'd. 8. John Foil.ler, Administrator of James Leonard; late of Cromwell town ship, dec'd: li: James Clayton; AdMinistrator of John Clayton, Ike of West township, deed. 10. James Marshall, Executor of Ro bert Marshall, late of Dublin township, dec'd. 11. James Stewart, Samuel Myton and William Alyton, Administrators of John W. Myton, dec'd, who was one of the Administrators of Josiah Ball, late of Jackson township, dec'd. 12. John Robb, acting Executor of William 1). Robb, late of Porter town ship, dec'd, who was one of the Exec utors of William Robb, late of Walker township, dec'd. _ . _ 13. Livingston Robb, surviving Exec utor of Wi:liam Robb, lute of %Vilifier township, dec'd. _ . 11. Charles Duff and Reuben Duff, Administrntors of John Duff; late of Jackson township, dec'd. 15. Charles Duff and Reuben Duff, Trustees appointed by the Orphans' Court, to sell the Real Estate of John Duff, late of Jackson township, dec'd. JACOB MILLER, Register. REI,ISTEICS OFFICE, Huntingdon, March 11, 1848. s P ROC L.1.11,1T10.N WHEREAS, by precept to me direct ed, dated at Huntingdon, the 22d day of January, 1848, under the hands and seals of the Hon; Abraham S. Wil: son, Pre'sidnit of the Court of CoMmon Pleas, Oyer and Terminer and general jun delivery of the 20th of Pennsylvania, composed of the coun ties of Huntingdon, Mifflin and Union, and the Hons. James Gwin and John Stewart, his associates, judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices assign ed, appointed to hear, try, and determine all and every indictments and present , ments, made or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of the Coin' monweaJth are made capital or felonies of death and other offences, crimes and misdemeanors, which have been, or shall be committed or perpetrated within said county, or all persons who are or shall hereafter be committed or be perpetra ted, for crimes aforesaid, 1 am comman ded to make proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that a Court of Oycr and Terminer, Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas, will be held at the Court ! House, in the borm:gh of Hunting don, on the Ist Monday (and 10th day) of April, 184.8, and those who will prosecute the said prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them as it shall be just, and that all justices of the peace, coroner, and constables within the said county, be then and there in their prop er persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, with their records; inquisitions, ex aminations and remembrances, to do those things which to their offices res pectively appertain. I)ated at Huntingdon, the 22d (lily of January in the year of our Lord, one thonsand eight hundred and forty-seven, and the 71st year of American Indepen dence. TTHEIV CROWNOVER, Sleff P ROC L.1.11.1770X. Ivl l e E d R h E y A the , b j u ia re c c s e o p f t t t o h e m t e 3e direct Fleas of the county of Huntingdon, hear ing test the 22nd day of January, A.l), 1848, 1 nm commanded to make public Hub tingdon, March 13: 184 E, 'OIIMIL/B 6111413 CLOTHING WA ItEHOU XE No 1524 MARKET STREET, .Philaielphirt. The aubseribearemprctfully Po licitethe attention of Country Merchants and Dealers generally to an examtnation of a complete stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Inch for extent, variety and wbrkmanslrlp, he flatters himself will giro universal etatialaction. while hiy reduced scale of prices preseleff; fo par , Chaser" inducements which enwew be "wrote,' try any other est,thlidiment in the United S'tatert. J \ COB REED. Philadelphia, mart-117.3m Cheapest in the 'World ! F:raln IN , rnNl . r J. 1:1(;11.1ND , i)N. .) LAIIEI.I.III 1. Silk.' pleasure lb ?fir. 0 ,111,: the public. that lie still continues to .4! his It toy 15uperhir Stearn Refined Candy at the Into price per 100 pounds, and the quality to equal to any inatorfacto red in the United States. tic atioi inters nll kinik of goads in the Confet, I unary and fruit line at correpponding p ices, AP quick &ilea and entail inertia are the or• der of the day. Call or send your ruders, and you cannot fail to lie aatiefied. Don't forget the nu mber,4 dintkol Sired, Mid.delphia. . . J. J. RWtt.SitbSON Inardi7 4f1.21n 7, J.Q To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the county of Hnntingdon, at April 'Cerro, A. D. 1548, The Petition of Alexander Carmon of the Borough of Huntingdon, in the said county of Huntingdon, respectfully elieweth: That your petitioner is desi rous of Continuing to keep a Public House of entertainment in that old and established stand where he now resides —that he has kept a house of entertain ment in said stand for the last eight or nine years, and that he has provided himself with all necessary conveniences for the accommodation of the public and the entertainment of strangers and tray. ellers. He therefore prays your Honors to grant him a license, and he will ever prey, &c. ALEX. CARRION. We, the undersigned, citizens of the borough of Huntingdon, in said county, do hereby certify that a Tavern or House of entertainment at the shove mention. ed stand is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain strangers and travellers—that the petitioner, above na med, is a man of good repute for hon esty and temperattre, and is well provi ded with necessary house room and oth er conveniences for . the accommodation of the public nod the entertainment of strangers and travellers. Geo. A. Steel, 1.. ‘Villianuan, T. k, Si• mouton, Sain'l Steel, C. S. Black, Frederick JCiell, William Johnston, Henry Alexander, Juo. Armitage, C. Costs, T. B. Miller, David Coleetock, TO the Honorable the Judges of the Court tit Common Pleas of Hunting ddti county, now composing and hol ding a Court of General Quarter Ses sions of the Peace, in and for the said County, of April term, 1848. The petition of Samuel Steffey, of Jackson township, in the county of Hun tingdon, respectfully showeth, that your petitioner is desirious of keeping a pub lic house or tavern, in the house he now occupies, being in said Jackson town ship, on the road leading from Pine grove to Lewistown ; that he has provi ded himself with necessaries fur the convenience and accommodation of strangers and travellers ; he therefore prays your Honors to grant him a li cense to keep a house of public enter tainment in said house, and he will &c. SAMUEL STEFFEY. We, the undersigned citizens of Jack son township, hereby certify that the house now kept by Samuel Steffey, as sty inn or tavern in Jackson township, is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain strangers and travellers, and that the said Samuel Stab) , is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the necommodation or strangers and travellers. George Wilson, John Felten, Lewis Evans, Robert Cummins, Nickola s Ru dy, George Stcfivy, Samuel Barr, John Stunt, W. M'Clelland, William Mears, Henry I:Ay...lames Flemming, Sr., Samuel Rudy, George Rudy, clpaAcca.. To the Himmel.le the Judges of :he Court of Common Pleng, end Qeneral 'quarter e b of the Pearl,, in end for the •,ounty of Hunting dun, et April Term, 184 S t The Petition of Pet:, Livingston of the Per odd, of Huntingdon :n the said county of Hutt liugdon, respectfull:, sheweth: That your whim, er is desirous of continuing to keep n Public House entertainte.ent in that o'd and established stand. where Ito row resides. And that he has provided himself with all necessary rouveuienrri far se cotnrandating the Nadi,: anal entvrtaining stran gers and Crave lens, He therefore prays your ;Atmore to grant him a tieense, and he will aria pray: PE:I'ER LIVINGSTON. We, the untlorsigned, citizens of tie borough of Huntingdon, in said county, ho certify that it tavern or house of entertainment at the above rneAtioned stand is necessary In accommodate the Public and entertain atrahgere and tra,llers.-- oAnet tilt Petitioner above un•ned is a man of zoo! repute for honesty and temperance, and will pr. vlded.with necessary house-room and ct nvertiett cers for the accninnlntistion of strangers and traN T. K Siniontnn. S. S. Wharton ; Th... rs!:,,, 0* n Boat, Geo. G hin. HAM Davil•Haaa.rJ, W. kteMurtrio, J Williamson , John Forkki, 'O. buoy. Jae. Clark, (leo. A. Steel, Ww. 'alio!), Jame. Seaton.